Assassin's Love~||RusAme||CountryHumans|| - Invalllid - CountryHumans [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Before you read Chapter Text Chapter 2: The job Chapter Text Chapter 3: Getting ready for the meeting Chapter Text Chapter 4: To the meeting Chapter Text Chapter 5: The meeting Chapter Text Chapter 6: Visiting Chapter Text Chapter 7: Early morning Chapter Text Chapter 8: Early morning pt.2 Chapter Text Chapter 9: Number Chapter Text Chapter 10: 3am encounter Chapter Text Chapter 11: Group session Chapter Text Chapter 12: Poland and Germnay Chapter Text Chapter 13: The next day Chapter Text Chapter 14: Normal work day Chapter Text Chapter 15: The Venezuela hit Chapter Text Chapter 16: Realization Chapter Text Chapter 17: Hopeless love Chapter Text Chapter 18: Across the bar Chapter Text Chapter 19: Sunday Chapter Text Chapter 20: Mixed Feeling's Chapter Text Chapter 21: Asking Chapter Text Chapter 22: A day with you Chapter Text Chapter 23: Thought's Chapter Text Chapter 24: Aftermath Chapter Text Chapter 25: The conversation Chapter Text Chapter 26: Again. Chapter Text Chapter 27: Watcher Chapter Text Chapter 28: Plans Chapter Text Chapter 29: The star duo (Flashback) Chapter Text Chapter 30: The second meet-up (FB) Chapter Text Chapter 31: Meeting with Iran Chapter Text Chapter 32: Death of the Japanese Empire Chapter Text Chapter 33: The death of Soviet Union Chapter Text Chapter 34: Welcome back~ Chapter Text Chapter 35: Morning after Chapter Text Chapter 36: To the market! Chapter Text Chapter 37: Results Chapter Text Chapter 38: The art of deceiving Chapter Text Chapter 39: Preparing for phase two Chapter Text Chapter 40: Not a chapter Chapter Text Chapter 41: Phase two Chapter Text Chapter 42: Conversation Chapter Text Chapter 43: Packing Chapter Text Chapter 44: Telling him the news Chapter Text Chapter 45: Suspicion Chapter Text Chapter 46: Dilemma Chapter Text Chapter 47: Hot night Chapter Text Chapter 48: Advice Chapter Text Chapter 49: Ultra sound Chapter Text Chapter 50: Calm before Chapter Text Chapter 51: Abandon your plan and follow mine Chapter Text Chapter 52: Soon Chapter Text Chapter 53: Back in the field Chapter Text Chapter 54: Could I trust you? Chapter Text Chapter 55: Could I trust you? Chapter Text Chapter 56: What Canada know? Chapter Text Chapter 57: Visiting Cuba Chapter Text Chapter 58: Kidnapped Chapter Text Chapter 59: Escape Chapter Text Chapter 60: Apologies (not a chapter) Chapter Text Chapter 61: Called help Chapter Text Chapter 62: Explain, Now. Chapter Text Chapter 63: At Japan's house Chapter Text Chapter 64: Home Chapter Text Chapter 65: Hospital Chapter Text Chapter 66: Where can we go? Chapter Text Chapter 67: You saved me, so I helped you Chapter Text Chapter 68: Uh oh... Chapter Text Chapter 69: Gun point Chapter Text Chapter 70: Sister's Chapter Text Chapter 71: Truce Chapter Text Chapter 72: It's not over yet Chapter Text Chapter 73 Chapter Text Chapter 74: Update (NOT A CHAPTER) Chapter Text Chapter 75: Prison Chapter Text Chapter 76: Commiting crimes against America Chapter Text Chapter 77: Therapy Chapter Text Chapter 78: Epilogue Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Before you read

Chapter Text

This is ment to help you understand the story better so skip at your own risk.

If there is a (※) that means it will be the backstory of a person, for example: What happend that night (Russia's※). If it has the initials of two characters then it will be a story of the couple, for example: How we met (GP). GP means GerPol.

America isn't a freelancer, he works for a assassin company, Albion. There is one competitor company which is Persia. Albion is ruled by Britain while Persia is ruled by Iran. America was raised to become an assassin due to his Father being the boss of an assassin company, America also has motive for becoming an assassin but that will be shown later on.

The mafia gang that Russia leads was lead by his Father and is called 'Slav' or 'Slavs'. And the members are the Slavic countries.

America will not be weak, he can fight with his fists but more perferably guns. He will also have his sunglasses, and his own unique eyes that should be revealed in future chapters (I plan to draw them). America's hair will also be long, but it will be in a low ponytail unless it is described otherwise.

This is also one of my first books so my grammar and wording might not be perfect.

I might ask for your opinion's/ ideas along the way but currently I have everything planned.

I might do art during this book with some different art styles, because the one I used for the cover isn't my normal art style so I might alternate between the two.

Anyways I hope you enjoy!!

This book was first published, by me, on Wattpad. So no, I did not steal my own work.

There will be cussing/bad language, smut, violence, LGBTQ+ ships.

Chapter 2: The job

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》




As America just finished another hit his phone got a notification from his boss

Boss: I have another mission for you, report back to office.

America replied with a simple "yes sir". The he began to rant to himself on how he could never get a day off. Then the American dialed a number and the phone rang a little before the person picked up.

"Hello, this is Albion how may we help you today" A young woman said, clearly full of energy

"It's Stars, I need a clean-up at ******ave and ******* adress" The American said with a monotone voice.

"Very well. On a scale of one through ten how messy?" the girl responded while she was typing

America then looked at the room, you could see brain membrane splattered on the walls as well as blood, he then looked at the three corpses that surrounded him, one was shot in the head, one was shot in the leg and their throat was slit and the last one had a bullet straight through his heart. America was only supposed to kill one person but that was going to be difficult seeing as his target was one of the most richest people alive.

"Stars?" the girl said with a confused and slightly annoyed tone

"Oh um... I would say six, maybe seven" This wasn't America's messiest job's but certainly not his cleanest,

"Ok, thank you for choosing Albion!" the girl said then hang up, she then sent an email saying she needs workers out at ******* to clean up a mess. The girl then looked at the clock, 9:27p.m, her shift was almost over, then she could go home. Her job has always been boring sense she was put to a desk, she used to be out in the field holding a gun; but now she's behind a desk answering calls. She looked down at her leg that had a cast, she sighed, the doctor said it would take around eight weeks to heal completely. Luckily that visit was six weeks ago, in two weeks she can take off her cast and feel alive again.


After the call ended America walked outside the building to his car, a navy blue Lamborghini aventador, he started the car then drove off to the Albion company. He got there in less than twenty minuet's due to his habit of speeding and running red light's but nonetheless he made it to his boss's office without a ticket.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" America said with a monotone voice, scared that if he showed his true emotions his boss would punish him, you see he isn't just Americas boss, he's his Dad. And his Dad raised him to not have strong emotions because that could get in the way of work.

"Yes, have a seat." Britain said matching Americas monotone voice

America gulped a little before he sat down, luckily Britain didn't notice.

"I have called you here to give you another mission" Britain said bluntly, America was going to protest but it would be useless.

"There is a new gang that is quickly rising to power, the Slav's. You may have heard of them, if not I will explain to you. You remember Soviet, right?" Britain continued, America just nodded in response.

B"Well his children have carried on his legacy in the mafia buisness, and Iran might be making a move to gain them as allies. I think you know we cannot let that happen."

A"Why are you giving me this job, Japan is way better at negotiating than me" America wasn't complaining, he was just stating a fact.

B"America you are my most trusted employee, and I am confident that you will not mess up. As for Japan you know she sustained an injury to her leg, but she can be your partner from communications if you'd like" Britain internally sighed, he knew America wouldn't agree without Japan as his partner, they are childhood friends afterall.

A"I agree to the mission, when do I start?"

B"Tommorow afternoon, you will be sent the details via Japan."

America then got up and started to walk out of his Dad's office. America never had time to look at the beauty of the building, light gray wood flooring, white marbel walls and a beautiful chandelier that seemed to look like diamonds. America then noticed a painting, it was his family. Britain on the right with a hand on America's shoulder, America right beside his Father with France on the left putting her hand on Canada's back, Australia infront of Canada and New Zealand infront of America. He stared at the painting for a while until he heard his name.

"Ame, you up to play smash-bros?" the girl said to America, she had a cast on her leg and she was holding crutches.

A"Yeah, but Japan, you cant choose peach, you whopped my ass too much last time, and i also have a mission tomorrow so we can't play for too long"

"It's not my fault im so much better than you at smash bros, and I know about the mission, im your partner dummy" she said poking his head with her finger

"Welp, let's-a-go!" she said mimicking Mario's voice, she was in her twenty's but still acted as a child, but she is a nice person to hang around with

《America POV》

Me and Japan went to my car sense she took an uber here, and she also can't drive due to her leg. When I start to drive she takes out her phone and is going through tiktok, I don't know why she even uses the app, China is probaly spying on her through it.

Once we make it to her house I park in the driveway and grab her crutches so she can walk without falling over. Once we make it inside she goes to the bathroom so I go to the living room and power on the TV and the Nintendo.

●•{Time skip}•●

After we play for two hours we decide we should go to bed,

"Can I crash here?" I said, I really didn't want to drive, mostly because my Father is staying at my house due to his burning down by the Persian's.

J"Sure, you know where the spare bedroom is" Japan said as she was walking to her room.

I walked down the hallway, the only sound you could hear was my feet hitting the bamboo flooring and the crickets outside. It was peaceful, like everything in the world was at peace. No fighting, no killing, just peace. If only that were true. If only that could ever be true.

I make my way to the spare room and open it, there is a big white bed with two nightstands on either side, one having a flower pot and the other with a book. I don't have anything to change into. sh*t. Looks like im wearing the same thing for a day and a half. I put my keys and wallet on the nightstand closest to me then I get into bed and pull on the covers. Then I close my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.


First chapter!!

I tried my best and I hope you will continue reading this book, and Russia should be in the next chapter.


Chapter 3: Getting ready for the meeting

Chapter Text

"Mom do we have to do our chores today?!" The little boy complained, he looked no older than seven. he was a red 'country' with a blue cross and stars on his face, he seemed to be wearing light leather pants made out of animal hide.

"Yes dear, otherwise we'll have no food." The woman replied sweetly, she was a purple 'country' with a beautiful headdress that contained feathers of an eagle, and red beads. She was also wearing animal hide, she was a top and a dress underneath.

"But I wanna go play!" The boy said whining

"Finish your chores first and then you can play." The woman responded nonchalantly and continued to harvest the corn.

"Hey Mom I lost Confe-" another little boy came from the corn feild, he looked about eight, maybe nine years old, he also had red stripes with a union jack on the upper left hand corner, "nevermind, I think you found him" the boy said with a slight chuckle while putting his hand on the back of his neck.

"Hello Thirteen, have you picked any corn?" The woman said as she waved to the boy with a smile on her face.

"I have mother, about Fifty. Without the help of him of course, I had to do it all on my own!" Thirteen said pointing a finger at the red boy.

The red boy gasped in return, "How dare you accuse me of such thing!" he said in protest.

"Now now children please don't fight, it wouldn't benefit anyone." The woman said as reassuringly as she could, a fight between the two boys were common but they are brother's, it's bound to happen. The red boy then stuck his tongue out to Thirteen in return Thirteen fliiped him the bird then walked back into the corn feild before he heard his name,

"Thirteen, you can't flip your brother off then walk away so casually." The woman said with a frim but gentle voice. Thirteen groaned in response and came back out of the corn feild to face his mother. As Thirteen opend his mouth his Mother put her hand up as to tell him to be quiet.

"I know he started it, I saw." The woman said then the red boy had a look of regret on his face, he knew he wasn't going to be able to play with his friends today.

"But that doesn't give you the right to flip him off, but on the contrary you did your chores so you are being let off with a warning, understand?" The woman said while looking at Thirteen, you could notice how his mood went from annoyed to happy. Thirteen just nodded his head in return and said "Thank you Mom!" then he ran off to his friends while his brother stayed behind having to finish his chores.

Little did Thirteen know that would be the last time he ever saw his mother


America then woke up from his sleep from that last thought, 'Little did Thirteen know that would be the last time he ever saw his mother'. He started to hyperventilate, his heart was pounding as if it were a drum, his head felt like it was spinning, he started to sweat, although it wasn't hot. But then he remembered what France told him, 'Take a deep breath and think about good things'. So he thought about his sibling's and all the memories they had together, he thought about Japan and how she would always beat him in smash bros, He thought about all his friends and all the fun times they had. Before the accident.

He then got up from the bed and check the time, 5:54 a.m. America then decided to not go back to sleep, he couldn't risk those dreams, not again. He then went into the kitchen and made some coffee making sure to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake Japan, but could the machine be any louder, it's like an airplane about to take off! But America then drank his coffee while scrolling through photos on his phone until he got a notification from Canada.

Maple tree 'Hey, you up yet'

Star's 'Yeah, couldn't sleep'

Maple tree 'Same, How's work going? You still working for Dad?'

Star's 'Yep, old geezer been keeping me here.'

Maple tree 'Ah, Im sorry.'

Star's 'Stop apologising so much' He didn't mean to sound rude, it just came out as rude.

Star's 'Didn't mean to sound rude,'

Maple tree 'Nah, don't worry about it, also apology accepted'

Star's 'Thank's 'Nada. But how's your work been, any new ✨Lady friends✨ I should know about??? 👀'

Maple tree 'You've been haning out with Japan too much.'

Star's 'I know, Japan got me a habit of using emoji's now'

Maple tree 'Yeah, but work has been more busy lately.'

Star's 'Wdym?'

Maple tree 'People with broken bones and bloodied faces have been increasing drastically, I texted to ask if you knew anything, given you line of work.'

Star's 'Actually, no. My line of work is shoot first ask later. Not beat up and release.'

Maple tree 'Well it was worth a shot, but I gtg, we got another case of assult over here.'

Star's 'oh, Okay! Nice talking with you.'

Maple tree 'Nice talking with ya to! Bye!'

Star's 'Bye!'

America then turned off his phone and left a note for Japan saying that he left to go home, he then got his keys and wallet and drove off to his house.

●•{Time skip}•●

America arrived at his house, It was surrounded by oak trees and had a beautiful exterior. It was made out of oak wood and had thriving roses on the outside. Some say it's 'girlish' to plant flowers but America couldn't care less, he found them beautiful and a nice aspect of his house. His house wasn't what you would consider small, but it's not extremely huge either.

He enterd his house and the aroma of the oak hit's you almost immediately, thought it's not unpleasant. He turned the switch then the warm yellow light engulfed the hallway making the living room dimly lit. He then checked his watch, 6:29 a.m. He then decided it best to shower sense the clothes he currently had on had a blood smell on them.

Once America finished his shower he dried off and got changed into another suit and put his hair into a low ponytail. He marveled at himself in the mirror for a bit until he heard a noise, Screaming.


So I lied, Russia will not be appearing for a few more chapters but definitely in the next five chapters!

I also have a habit of doing something for days at a time then forgetting about it then starting again, so if I update everyday for five days then randomly stop I am probably having a writer's block so I apologise in advance.

Canada's job is a doctor if anyone was wondering.

I also hope you continue to read this book!!

1137 words

Chapter 4: To the meeting

Chapter Text

America then looked around him to see if he could locate the sound, in the end he just shrugged it off to him being paranoid. He then grabbed his two glocks and put them in the holsters, one around his waist and the other around his leg, more specifically his thigh. He then looked in the mirror and marveled at himself once more then a memory flashed across his mind. One that he had been trying to forget for years. The accident.

He then knew he did hear screaming earlier, he also knew who it was from. Another image came into America's mind. A woman, one that he cared about, was screaming in pain on the floor, begging for help. And he just stood there. Did nothing except stand and watch. That would never happen again.

He then looked away from the mirror and looked at a photo. It was old, you could tell because it had lot's of damage to it. The photo had a young, beautiful woman with purple skin and a headdress with two boys right beside her, her children most presumably. The taller one having thirteen stripes and a union jack in the upper left-hand corner, and the smaller one having red skin and a blue cross with stars, they were all smiling, they were a happy family. All they needed was eachother. But things can get taken.

He then checked the clock, it was 7:00a.m. America decided to go for a trip in the woods to clear his mind from the negative memories. He walked upon a path that was made many years ago by two little boys who wanted a place to stay when they had no where else to go, no one else to turn to but each other. America had been walking for about Fifteen-minutes and you could see a clearing ahead, America picked up his pace once he saw the clearing. Once he finally passed the trees he looked at the earth surrounding him and how beautiful it was. There was a big oak tree that was perfect for climbing, flowers as far as the eye could see and a babbling brook. The place brought back so many memories. How he would always come here after a lecture from his Dad, or how he would go here when he wanted to cry, or just a safe place to be himself. This was the only place America felt safe. He went over to the tree to climb it but decided against it sense he was dressed in a suit, with guns so he settled himself on the floor and he closed his eyes. All you could hear was the babbling brook, it was peacful. It was nice to have something peaceful, especially when you have America's job.

America sat there for maybe Thirty-minutes before he dozed off to sleep, this time dreaming only about the memories he had there. After two hours America heard a noise and jolted awake, putting his hand on his gun.

A"Who's there?!" America said hastily looking toward the noise, he calmed down when he realized it was just a squirrel, he then sighed and got up. He then began his journey back home, once he reached his house he smiled slightly, he felt proud of himself when he saw the house, he did build it himself afterall.

America then grabbed some food and sat down on the couch and watched TV until he got a notification from Japan.

'The meeting time is at 1:00p.m. Today, don't be late. Make sure to be early, they don't take un-Professionalism lightly. So that means no jokes, no puns, no emotions. During this interaction you are to speak with the leader about establishing an alliance, not a friendship. Also be careful, it's rumores these guys are the ones putting all those people in the hospitals. I bid you adew and I wish you luck, for the company. And for you to be unscathed. -Japan'

●•{Time skip}•●

It's Thirty-minutes until the meeting and America is getting ready to leave, he grabs his wallet, keys and sunglasses. Then he gets into his car and starts to drive to the destination.

He arrives at the destination at 12:49 p.m. So he is eleven-minuets early, thankfully they don't arrive until three minuets after America did. America stood up with his back straight and his hands behind his back, he had on a emotionless face. Then a girl, with blue and yellow skin walked up to the front and said

"You must be America, right?" she said cheerfully extending out her hand for America to shake,

"That's right, and you may be?" America said with a monotone voice obscuring any emotion, he then took the girls hand and shook it.

"Im Ukraine! It's nice to meet you!" She said smiling

"The pleasure is all mine" America made sure to keep his composure and voice, this could be a test for all he knows.

"Well I would like to introduce you to the leader of our gang!...



Shortest chapter yet! Idk if I should be proud or disappointed.

Next chapter will be America's and Russia's first meet!

I know this might not make a ton of sense but again, first book.

Chapter 5: The meeting

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

Ukraine stepped aside and a tall tri-colored male came to the front of the crowd, he was wearing a light brown ushanka with a black suit and tie, he also had on black boots. America eyed the man, he didn't see any fire-arms. Which is weird sense he is a mafia gang leader. The Russian didn't say anything he just stared at the American.

"Nice to meet you" America said as he extended his hand for the Russian to shake. Russia just stared at the American's hand for a while until he shook his hand. America shiverd slightly as the Russian touched him, it was cold, freezing almost. Russia noticed the reaction but decided not to comment.

"Why did you want to meet?" Russia said, his accent strong.

"I want you to consider being an ally to Albion." America said bluntly,

R"Нет. The Persian's already proposed an offer."

A"What they offered we will offer it ten fold."

R"You don't know what they offered"

A"It doesn't matter what they offered, because we will multiply that amount until you accept." America said, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. He immediately realized what he said, but he didn't apologise. Britain said all he needed to do was gain an alliance, not a friend. Russia squinted his eyes at America, it looked like he was debating wether to beat him up or not; in the end he decided against it.

R"What makes you so confident in your company?" Russia said hastily, obviously wanting the conversation to end.

A"I cannot disclose that information." America said looking at the people behind Russia. Russia couldn't see America's eyes due to the sunglasses but he knew that America was looking at his crew, he then raised a hand and signaled them to leave.

R"Now will you answer the question?"

A"My company has done many thing's to get to where it is currently. I know you do not fear me or my company but there are some thing's I cannot say. Also because the Persian's are traitorous bastards" He mumbled the last part.

R"Do I have reason to fear you?" Russia said walking toward America and stopping right infront of him. Showing he wasn't scared of America.

A"Yes. You just don't realize it, and I hope you never do." America said leaning closer to Russia's face.

R"Why don't you want me to know?" Russia said in a teasing manner, rasing an eyebrow. But other than that Russia's face still lay emotionless.

A"Because, it's been a while sense someone hasn't been scared of me" America put an emphasis on the word 'hasn't' to get his point through to Russia. Russia's face still had an emotionless expression but his eyes were full of amusem*nt. You could tell he wasn't used to people not being afraid of him, it was kinda nice. It reminded America why he wore sunglasses in the first place, because no matter how good you are at masking your emotions, your eyes would always tell the truth.

A"Do you think I should fear you?" America said somewhat teasingly, he forgot what his mission was and dropped the whole 'professional' act.

R"да. All those people at the hospital got beaten up by someone." Russia said nonchalantly, internally smiling as he remembered each victim.

A"My brother really hates you then. You're making him do extra work," America said with a slight chuckle.

R"I will consider your offer," Russia said as he was turning around to leave

A"Thanks. But I have another question for you," America said as a smirk was forming on his lips.

R"Hurry up." He said with a slight eye-roll of annoyance

A"I was wondering if you would want to become my ally?"

R"What do you mean?" Russia said as he turned around to face the American once more.

A"I have allies outside of the company, we would all benefit if you agreed."

R"What kind of allies, and what would I gain?"

A"They are also gang leader's, but they are very loyal if you become allies with them. And what you would gain would be connection's in different parts of the world. One would be in Western Europe, one in North America. I would be your connection in Albion." America said smiling mischievously.

R"What are their names"

A"You only need to know that if you accept~" America said teasingly

Russia quietly groaned in annoyance. He found America to be quite annoying when he wasn't acting professionally, but he liked that America wasn't scared of him, which made Russia think if America was just stupid, or extremely confident that Russia wouldn't hurt him. Either way he found that quite amusing. Russia then walked toward the exit when America spoke again,

A"Meet here tomorrow, same time?" America said with a monotone voice. It startled Russia sense less than a minuet ago America was teasing him and now he was emotionless. But Russia nodded and walked out of the building to the rest of his gang.

R"We will most likely be taking Albion as our ally,"

U"Can we ask why?" Ukraine said curiously

R"You heard, whatever the Persian's tried to buy us with they would pay it ten-fold. Also America has allies outside of the company that would benefit all of us, seeing as how they are international."

U"So this America guy as allies of his own?"

R"It appears so"

?"Do you know their names?" Another man said, he had white and red skin. His hair was half white while the tips of his hair were red, he was wearing a white collared shirt and on top of the shirt he wore a light brown sweater. He also had wings as white as the winter snow.

R"If we agree he will tell us the names"

?"We should at least know their names first!" The man continued to argue

U"Calm down Poland! If I were him I wouldn't tell us either!" Ukarine said in an effort to calm Poland down.

?"This guy sounds shady to me," A girl said appearing from the shadows, she had red and green skin with a design across the left side of her face, she was wearing a dark red shirt and a black dress over that.

U"She is no more shady than we are! Lighten up Bel," Ukraine said with a huge smile across her face. Belarus just smiled in return. They continued to talk until they came to a decision, they were going to be allies with Albion and America.

America smiled, he was sitting on the roof listening to the gang below him talk about his proposal to the group. Once they decided he left, knowing that he gained another ally for himself and the company.

When he arrived back at the company Japan greeted him at the door,

J"So, how'd it go?" she asked looking a little nervous

A"It went well. They chose us as allies, but they haven't told me that directly yet," America said as he slowed down his pace so Japan could keep up,

J"Haven't even been our allies for a day and your already spying on them" Japan said sarcastically, but it was true. America had a habit of spying on his allies, at some point he even spied on Japan! That didn't last long though, all she really talked about was Fanfiction and smut.

A"Heh... But there were about nine members in total. There was this one girl, she was blue and yellow, who was very happy considering her line of work."

"Did you find her cute~" Japan said teasingly

"No. No feelings. If you were wondering, so dont even think about it." America said with a dangerous tone

J"Awww that's too bad," Japan said disappointingly

A"But the leader was kinda hot-" America said before he could stop himself,

Japan gasped and started to bombard America with question's until America sighed and said,

A"Japan I barely know the guy. And I don't think I could ever fall inlove,"

J"You just haven't met the right person yet Ame! But im confident you will one day!"

A"Thanks Japs"

Japan just giggled in response. They both continued to talk as they walked down the hallway until they had to part ways. America waved goodbye to Japan as he entered Britain's office, Britain was in his chair sipping tea as America entered.

A"You wanted to see me"

B"Yes. Take a seat"

America walked ro the seat across from Britain and sat down, he was offered tea but declined.

B"How did it go?"

A"They agreed to be our allies."

B"What did you offer them?"

A"Ten-fold of what Persia offered them," America said slightly nervous. He knew the Persian's most likely offered a lot to the Slav's, so he knew he spent a lot of supplies and money.

B"Excuse me?!" Britain said slightly aggravated at America

A"You said get them as allies no matter what. I did my job." America said with a hint of sass in his voice.

B"YOU, ARROGANT CHILD!" Britain yelled but he soon regained his composure.

B"I said get them as allies, not spend all of our money." Britain said, a hint of resentment in his voice.

B"Just go, at least you got them as allies" Britain sighed, America had always been the rebellious, arrogant and sassy child. He still is now, something's never change.

As America left the office and decided to go visit his allies, and tell them that he invited the Slav's to their group. America knocked on the door and waited until a woman answered the door.

A"Hey Mexico!"


1534 words



Chapter 6: Visiting

Chapter Text

M"America, what are you doing here? Oh, come in!" The girl said, she was wearing a mexican blouse and a skirt. Her hair was up in a loose bun.

America entered the house and saw Italy on the couch watching 50 shades of gray until he noticed America,

I"Hey Ame, how are you?" He said turning his head towards America,

A"Good. How are you?" He said as he was walking towards the couch

I"Been better, cops most caught me the other day,"

M"Oh im good thank you for asking" Mexico said sarcastically, America chuckled slightly and Italy just rolled his eyes,

M"Buy why are you here Ame?" Mexico said as she sat down on the couch,

A"I have asked a new gang to become our allies," he said nonchalantly

I and M"Who?" the both then glared at the other. Mexico and Italy's relationship was similar to a brother and a sister, they hate eachother bit will kill anyone who hurts the other.

A"The Slav's, you've heard of them right?

M"Wait. You got them to become our allies?!" Mexico said, not believing what she heard,

A"Yeah. I told them that it would benifit them sense we're from different continent's,"

I"That's amazing! Now we'll have even more power!" Italy said grinning. Italy is a very power-hungry person and will stop at nothing to get more.

Mexico just shook her head at Italy when there was another knock at the door,

M"I'll get it" she said as she got up and started to walk towards the door. She opened the door and saw Spain,

S"Hello! I hope I wasn't interrupting anything, but is Italy here?" He said grinning. Mexico turned her head around and yelled "ITALY YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE!" then turned her head around as she heard Italy "HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" he yelled in an angered tone. Mexico then looked at Spain that now had a frown on his face but quickly smiled when he realized Mexico was looking at him, Italy then arrived at the door and shooed Mexico away. After a while Italy yelled "bye" and left with Spain,

M"I don't understand why they don't go ahead and date" she said slightly annoyed

A"Maybe because of their work, being a gang leader isn't safe. You of all people know that" America said nodding his head towards Mexico's hand, it had many scars and burn marks scatterd all the way up to her shoulder. It was oddly quiet between the two, the movie had ended by now and Mexico was just staring at her hand, the memories flashed in her head. She remembered that day, it was all America's fault. She looked at America who was now scrolling through the movie options. She grabbed a knife from the kitchen and walked towards the couch, she held the knife right behind her back. America then said

A"Do you want to watch a specific movie?" he said turning his head around to look at Mexico, she immediately looked at the screen and said "Yeah, Fight club" she said walking back to the kitchen, the knife was infront of her to hide it from America,

A"If you're going to kill someone don't approach them slowly, you'll seem suspicious. Also a kitchen knife isn't the best choice of weapon, although I think you know that." He said as he got up from the couch,

A"I'll take my leave now. And remember Mexico, it wouldn't be wise to kill me. At least not yet." He said as he patted the gun around his waist as he opened the door and left.

Mexico sighed, she knew she pissed off America which isn't a good thing. She put the knife back in it's place and turned off the TV and went back into the kitchen to make her lunch, she was mad at herself for even thinking about killing America. She knew there would be a consequence to that action but she didn't know what.

America sighed when he shut the door, he knew Mexico didn't like him that much but to go as far as killing him, that seemed absurd. He did cause the damage to her hand but it wasn't the worst thing he had done, no. Nothing is as bad as the accident. Not even close.

America arrived at his house and started to do paperwork, assassin's don't normally have paperwork but when you kill two extra people, it isn't exactly a slap on the wrist.


For clarification Mexico's hand and the 'accident' are two seperate things.

733 words

Chapter 7: Early morning

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The time was 2:39 a.m and America was still up doing paperwork, at some point he had to take a break due to carpal tunnel. He looked out the window and saw the stars glowing in the ink black sky, it made America remember someone,

A little boy was laying down staring at the night sky sense he was unable to sleep then a woman approached him,

?"What are you doing up this late Thirteen?" the woman said sitting down next to the boy

T"couldn't sleep" the boy said bluntly.

The woman smiled in response and laid down next to the boy, it was quiet. The only thing you could hear was the babbling brook and the cricket's. It was Thirteen's favorite place to go,

?"Y'know the stars form out pattern's that we can see if we look hard enough," the woman said while looking at the stars

T"What do you mean?"

?"Look over there, if you look closely you an see a hunter" the woman said pointing to the sky

T"Oh, I see it! He has a shield and a sword! it also looks like he has a belt" Thirteen said in awe

T"I can't belive how many times I missed it!" He said sort of disappointed in himself but there still was a hint of joy in his tone.

?"If you look there you can see our neighbor, the moon" she said pointing to the large white cresent in the sky,

T"Do you think I could go there one day?" he asked looking at the woman,

?"Like, sail to the moon?" she asked

T"Yeah! I'll take you, brother and maybe even Dad!" he said grinning, just the thought of going to a new place exited Thirteen but being the first to go somewhere, that would be awesome!

?"If you put your heart to it, maybe one day you could. You are a smart boy afterall" she said ruffling the boy's hair,

T"Mom! You're gonna mess up my hair!" he said laughing and trying to sort out his hair,

?"It doesn't matter, you're going to bed soon anyway" she said smiling.

T"awwww" he said sadly, he didn't want to go to bed. He wasn't even tired, and it's not as easy as 'shut your eyes'. That never works no matter how many times he tries it.

The woman chuckled and laid back down on the flower's, soon the boy did too. His mind was racing,

Sailing to the moon? How would I even get back? Could I even survive there? Could anyone survive there? How would I even get out of the earth's atmosphere? Does the moon contain life? Those were the question's in Thirteen's head, there was no way he could sleep thinking about traveling to the moon.

The woman then picked up Thirteen and carried him to bed,

T"But Mom im not tired!" he whined

?"I know, but at least try" she said gently putting him in bed, she kissed him on the forehead goodnight then went to her own bed and soon fell asleep. Thirteen just looked out the window wondering what would happen if he did go to the moon. And after a while he fell asleep dreaming of the moon.

America then woke up on his desk, paper's were scattered around him as he remembered what happend last night. He checked the clock, 7:36 a.m. He then changed into a dark navy blue suit with a dark navy tie, he went for black shoes and he brushed his hair. His hair went past his shoulder's by maybe an inch, today he decided to put his hair up in a loose bun with a glaxy elastic, he also put the guns back in their holsters.

Work didn't start until 9 so he had enough time to spare. He ended up doing his laundry, vacuuming and he made breakfast which was eggs benedict with bacon on the side.

He spent the rest of his time planning for his meeting with Russia, for some reason that's all he could think about this morning, Russia. It's probaly because he is a new ally, right? America then cleaned his plate and headed to work, but before that he looked at himself in the mirror, he looked different. America doesn't normally look this nice, even to meeting's, he normally looks professional, not hot. He just shrugs it off, maybe he's imagining things. Maybe he doesn't even look that good and he's just over exaggerating, but America couldn't help but think,

Would Russia find my outfit attractive?

Chapter 8: Early morning pt.2

Chapter Text

America internally scolded himself for even thinking that, he only met the guy once! And it wasn't even a friendly interaction, it was business!

On his way to work America drove like a normal person, he stopped at red lights and he didn't speed. Once America stepped out of his car he saw his company building, it was a tall white building with statue's and flower's surrounding the outside, there was a water fountain outside of the building. It had lotus flowers and lily pad's inside, surprisingly there were no coins in the fountain. But that may be because no one wanted to ruin it's beauty. America walked past the fountain and up the stairs to the door's he opened the door and saw Japan at the front desk,

A"Hey Jap!" America said as he waved to her

J"Hey Ame! You going somewhere fancy?" she asked curiously,

A"No, why?"

J"You look better than usual," "No offence!" she quickly added after she thought through her words,

A"None taken!" he said as he walked down the hallway. Now he knew he dressed nicer, and he had a growing suspicion of why.

He walked past his office and went to Britain's instead,

A"Hey boss, I have another meeting with the Slav's at One today," He said barely entering the office. He turned around to leave when his name was called

B"You're dressed nicely, going on a date later?" Britain said as a smirk formed across his face,

A"Uhm, no, No date. You know I don't do 'love'" he said, he subconsciously put a hand on the back of his neck. He quickly left the office and ran to his own. Once he entered his office he scolded himself for that reaction.

Great America, now he definitely thinks you're not going on a date later! Ugh! Why do I have to act so embarrassed!

Whenever it was suggested that America was inlove or going on a date he would freeze up or stutter, but if someone asked America if he found someone attractive he could answer that normally. Or if he was talking about someone else's feeling's/crushes he would be fine.

America sighed and sat down in his chair. Maybe he was just freaking out, it's not everyday you get new allies, especially attractive ones. No. He couldn't be thinking these things, especially if it's for a boy, his Father would kill him! And plus America has had a girlfriend before, that means he's straight. Right?

The whole things was confusing for America, he's not good at detecting his emotion's that well, normally he has Japan do that. America sighed again and decided to focus on work until the meeting, but every now and then he would look at the clock hoping it would be 12:30 so he could go see Russia.

'Finally, 12:26, now I can leave my office and go to the meeting and see Russ- I mean and see my new allies. Yeah,'

America thought as he was walking to his car.


Idk what inspired me to make these last two chapter's like I did but I don't think it's absolutely horrible.

If you're still reading I wanna thank you, this is my first book and I am trying really hard, (I didn't really do well on my English exam so I know im not the best) and I appriciate you reading for this long!

I think one of the up coming chapter's will be an art chapter but im not sure yet.

567 words

Chapter 9: Number

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America arrived at 12:52, which isn't late but Russia was already there waiting.

A"Didn't mean to make you wait," he said as he walk toward the Russian. He noticed Russia's eye's look at him, most likely looking at his outfit.

A"Uhm, should we start?" He said a little embarrassed

R"Huh, oh em да. да"

America stood across from Russia, he remembered how short he was compared to the Russian.

R"We have accepted your offer as allies. To the company and you." He said trying to restrain his eye's from looking at America's outfit again, he ended up only taking a glance but America noticed but decided not to say anything.

A"Thank you, and im assuming you want the names of my allies?" He said slightly tilting his head to the right


A"Italy, Spain, Mexico, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea. Not all of them are gang leader's but they all have a use."

R"What are they useful for?" He said letting his Russian accent slip, America noticed this and felt something weird in his stomach. Probably ate bad egg's.

A"Italy and Mexico are gang leader's. Spain is a spy in Persia. Canada is a doctor, New Zealand is a veterinary. Australia knows nature. France is rich and Germany is a good detective and spy, he works in the police and is helping us not get caught. South Korea's brother is in the Persian so he can get intel and he is a good theif." America replied trying not to sound tired, the truth is he only slept for about three hours. And while that's normal for America he just felt more tired than usual,

R"How is New Zealand any help? She's a veterinarian." he said sitting down in a chair and motioning for America to do the same,

A"Well animal's can be used for hunting, tracking and even distraction's, if they fall ill we need someone to help them. She also is from Oceania" he said as he sat down in the other chair.


A"It may not seem like he would be useful but there are woods not too far from here. One time the Persian's ran into the woods and we got lost and Australia saved me because I almost ate a poisonous mushroom. He also has many dangerous pet's that could kill someone if ordered to do so."

R"Very well then," he said as he nodded his head,

A"Where's the rest of your group?"

R"Told them to go steal our document's from the police" He responded nonchalantly, America then got up from his seat and said,

A"I should go now, we have settled our deal." He said sadly, he didn't want to go but he needed to be professional.

R"Нет! Uhm, I mean, how would I set up another meeting without your number" Russia said with a hint of urgency in his tone, America found this a little cute.

A"If you want my number you could have just asked," he said shaking his head. He did exchange number's with Russia even though he could have called through the company line and ask for America, Russia insisted it would be easier to have America's number instead.

America and Russia then parted ways, America went back to his office and Russia went to see if his gang had returned yet.

●•{Time skip}•●

After work America just stared at his phone, His text with Russia was open but he wasn't typing anything. What would he say? Should they meet up so soon? Dear god why is this so complicated? America's mind raced as he tried to text Russia multiple times but not knowing what to type. America then got a notification from Russia,

Russia' Could we set up another meeting?'

America' Yeah, but why so soon?'

Russia' We want to meet the other allies in person'

America' Understandable, what time and where?'

Russia' 4:30 a.m today? At the place we've been meeting up at,'

America' Sounds good. See ya then,'

Russia'Yeah, see you soon'

America then texted the group chat saying

America 'We have a meeting with the Slav's at 4:30 a.m so set your alarms'

Japan'Why so early!'

New Zealand '^'

America 'Probaly don't want to be spotted'

Canada 'I need sleep for my job!'

Italy 'Y'all go without me, ima sleep"

Spain '^'

Mexico '^'

Australia '^'

South Korea ' Stop blowing up the chat, Im trying to sleep!'

Germany ' Did you even read the conversation?'

South Korea 'Yeah, im trying to sleep as much as I can now before the meeting!'

America 'Can y'all stop complaining. It's annoying af'

South Korea 'Stfu'

America 'Try me mother f*cker'

Germany 'LANGUAGE!'

America 'English'

Germany 'I hate you sm. Im just going to mute chat, see you guys at 4.'

Germany has muted the chat.

Australia 'LMAO'

New Zealand 'Bruh'

Japan 'He really is the smartest of us all'

America 'Ouch'

Italy 'Lol'

Mexico '^'

France 'Go. Too. Sleep.'

After that the group chat went quiet, no one messed with France, not even America. Although that's mostly because America respects France, but he is also a little scared of France too.

America then changed out of his clothes and set an alarm for 3:00 a.m. He wasn't taking any chances. Once he changed out of his clothes he went to bed but didn't fall asleep, he checked the time 9:57 p.m. He then decided to look out the window and at the stars, for some reason looking at stars would calm him down. He looked at the stars for a while and saw the hunter, holding a sword and sheild. He smiled as he thought of the memory again, he soon fell asleep thinking about the stars.


899 words

Chapter 10: 3am encounter

Chapter Text

《America POV》

Beep Beep Beep

That was the first sound I hear as I wake up, I groaned and slammed my hand on the alarm clock breaking it. Well, f*ck.

I then get up from bed, careful to not step on the clock's remains. I go to the bathroom and splash water on my face, Why did I wake up this early again? Oh, meeting with Russia. Why did he choose so early, why did I agree? Whatever. I wipe the water from my eyes and look into the mirror, I look my hair which is a complete mess and I am reminded that my hairbrush is my true best friend.

I then look at my eyes in the mirror, they may look beautiful but don't let looks fool you, they mean nothing good. Just then I feel a sharp pain radiating through my body, the pain started at my eyes. I stumble backwards due to pain, normally I could power through but this hurt like hell.

Why is this happening to me?

?¿"Because you deserve it~" someone said behind me,

A"Where are you!" I yelled. I looked around me but saw no-one. Am I going insane? I looked up at the mirror, I look at it but I don't see me. I see a red country with a blue cross and stars, he has pitch black eyes, he was grinning. You could see all his sharp teeth, perfect for ripping someone's throat out. My eyes widen as I recognize who they are. Who he is.

A"What do you want?" I said, I tried to sound confedent but you could obviously hear the fear in my voice

?¿"You dead~"

I gasped as I saw him holding a knife to my throat. I looked at the mirror and all he was doing was grinning, he was enjoying this. Sick bastard. I ran out of the bathroom, covering my eyes. I couldn't care less if I fell, if it knocked me out at least I couldn't see him.

?"Is little America going to cry?" Another voice said teasingly, I looked up to see a red country with a yellow hammer and sickle in the upper left hand corner. He also has a ushanka on his head.

?"Recognize me?" he asked, although it didn't feel like a question, more like a tease.

My eyes widen as I recognize him, he smiles like he knows that I recognize him, it sends chills down my spine. I turn around and I see another red country with a white circle and a black symbol inside, he was also wearing an iron cross. He laughed when he saw me, you could see his razor sharp teeth, it creeped me out. I ran out of my room and into the living room where there was a girl sitting on my couch. She had a red dot and lines, she looked at me and drew her Katana. She then said,

?☢¿" Remember me? You should, seeing as how you killed me!" she yelled as she charged at me, I drew my gun and fired but it went straight through her.

?☢¿"I cant hit you dumbass. Im dead, a ghost. Becuase of you." she said venom dripping from every word. She then turned her back turned to me, she then walked out of my house. I look in my bedroom again, and I saw no one there. So I declared it safe and I went back inside, it was a mess. The smashed bits of a clock on the floor, in the bathroom there was a knife and my toothbrush on the floor, I must have hit it as I ran out of the bathroom, the flag in my room (it's an American flag) it had the words 'You will suffer' written on it with blood, That's kinda creepy. I sighed. I had a lot of work to do when I get home.

《Third person POV》

America walked over to his closet and picked out a dark blue suit, white undershirt and black tie. He grabbed his claw hair clip and puts his hair up in a ponytail with it, he decided to wear boots sense he was tired of being that much shorter than Russia. He then went into the kitchen and made breakfast, which was scrambled eggs. He checked his watch, 3:59 a.m. He had enough time to relax a bit and think through what just happened. Normally it would just be the red country with a blue cross and stars, but this time there were other's.

America always knew that his eyes had an ability but he just hadn't known what, at first he thought it was the person you fear the most but with what just happened he started to doubt that theory. Thing is he wasn't scared of the other's, only of him. America brainstormed the other possibilities but none made sense, if he could see dead people he could see people like Prussia. But he can't, his eyes were also a different color than other's. Then it clicked,

America can see who he has killed.


America really has a problem with red countries,

Also sorry for not updating, my parent's took away my electronics sense I had an 'attitude' when I talked to them, and yes, they blamed it on the electronics.

Red country with a blue cross and stars = him. (his real name begins with a C, but I think you guys know that)

Also black eyes go to dead countries so Soviet would have black eyes, even though he had amber eyes when he was alive.

I also did a little research in color's and what they symbolize and that's why I chose the color's that I chose (no, I won't tell you guys yet but I might write a lot of chapter's as an apology for my absence. So you might figure it out soon!)

Thank you to those who continue to read! ♡

974 words

Chapter 11: Group session

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《Third person POV》

America ways knew that his eyes were different, that's why he hides them. But he never thought he could see who he killed, he thought he could only see him, but he was wrong. He saw Soviet, Third Reich and Japanese Empire. Three countries that he killed over ten years ago, he was just a kid then. (America is 27)

He then decided to watch TV to distract himself from the situation, as he was watching TV an ad came up, it was about diapers. America thought about getting a kid but he thought it was too dangerous due to his job, he also is single so the kid would only have one parent, and the fear that America wouldn't be a good Father also stopped him from getting a child, his Father wasn't the best and he doesn't want another kid to go through that. But he did raise his sibling's and they don't hate him, they're working with him and giving him intel on their own will, so the last arguement doesn't make much sense.

He also doesn't have time for the kid due to his job being so needy, he also doesn't know what to name the kid, he named Australia sense Britain and France wouldn't give him a name, he also came up with Zealand. But he came up with Nada but his parent's said that was a 'girly' name and didn't belong to a boy, although America sounded a bit girly. But his parent's came up with Canada instead, to America this still sounded a bit girly but he was happy that his idea was included. Of course he got no credit so his sibling's think that Britain and France named them, America didn't tell his siblings because they all loved the family, even if it was built on lies. Australia was the only one who wasn't a big fan of Britain and France, besides America of course.He hated Britain ever sense he named America, Thirteen which in America's opinion not a name. He started to dislike France when she didn't give Australia a name, Britain didn't name his kids past America. But that's probably a good thing.

The name would depend on the gender, or would he give it a intersex name like his. America then broke his train of thought. Why was he even thinking about this, he already decided that he wasn't going to have a kid. Unless if he quit his job, no one going after him, it would be peaceful. But that seemed like a dream to America, he was born into this. His fate was decided the minute he was born, he didn't get a chance to do anything else. He doesn't know how to do anything else, only kill. That's what he was good at, that's how he's so rich, so successful and so numb to emotions. The only emotion that he couldn't hide was fear, normally he wouldn't have to worry about hiding fear sense he rarely felt that emotion but he brings fear.

No. Dont think about him, not now, not ever. America thought to himself, he then looked at the clock 4:26 a.m. sh*t. He's going to be late if he doesn't go now, he hope's the other's got up and are ready for the meeting, he forgot to text them when he woke up.

He decided to use his motorcycle sense he could swerve in and out of cars easier, the motorcycle was a dark blue with white stars all over, the seats were a dark crimson red. He didn't wear a helmet, because one, it would mess up his hair and two, he doesn't need one. He hops on his motorcycle and speeds away from his house, the speed only climbed higher and higher. Soon he was going over 100 mph, America made it to his destination at exactly 4:30. He hoped off his bike and ran into the building where the other's were waiting,

A"I apologise for being late, something came up." he said urgently hoping that someone would respond, he looked around the room. Germany isn't here, weird.

R"At least you came. But we can start now, да?" Russia said his accent shining through, you could tell he was a bit annoyed. America internally scolded himself for making them wait for god knows how long.

A"Yes, we can start now"

R"My group will introduce themselves one at a time, once all of them are introduced your group does the same." America nodded his head in response, he also noticed that the white and red country, Poland. Isn't here either, maybe on a mission? But America didn't comment sense one of his allies are also MIA.

The red and green girl walked up, she was wearing a black jumpsuit with some dark red accents to it,

?"Hello, My name is Belarus" she said bluntly and walked behind Russia again, another girl walked up, she too was wearing a black jumpsuit but her's had some yellow and blue accent's to it.

?"Hello! Im Ukraine, pleasure to meet you all!" she said energetically, U"Especially you cutie~" she looked at Canada and winked, Canada looked a little shocked and turned to America, America was already looking at him with the same expression. Canada's face turned a little red and Ukraine giggled a bit in response, She probably doesn't know Canada is America's brother.

A blue and gold country walked to the front, he was wearing a a black suit and tie, he also had wings come from his back, they were the color of gold.

?"Hey, Im Kazakhstan. Hope we all get along" he said walking back to his original spot which is against the wall, arms crossed. You could tell he didn't want to be here, who would? Its not even five in the morning yet. Another guy walked to the front,

?"Mongolia. That's all you need to know about me." he was a red amd blue country, he had a yellow design on the side of his face, he was wearing a black suit and tie. It looked like the Slav's coordinated what they were going to wear, America noticed this and looked at his allies. They weren't underdressed but they weren't coordinated like the Slav's were, they all had their own color's, shoes and hairstyles. America felt a wave of nervousness wash over him but he kept his composure. Japan, who was right next to America whispers in his ear,

J"*You look better than all of us, even them*" she said looking at the Slav's J"*And I know you dont look like it but, calm down. We don't want you to have an anxiety attack,*" she said looking at America and leaned back into her original position. Japan always confused America, whether on purpose or accident. Now was no different, America hadn't shown any signs of nervousness but somehow Japan knew he was nervous, it was like she was his mom.

R"There is one more member but he is currently on a mission, his name is Poland if any of you were wondering." he said before he introduced himself

R" Im Russia, the leader of this gang. There isn't much else you need to know about me." He said coldly,

I looked at France, she nodded and stepped forward. She was wearing a dark red dress with a dark red beret, she had on matching gloves as well as boots.

F"France. Looking forward to be working with you," she said and went back to her spot, Australia walked up,

A"Australia or Aussie for short, I look forward to working with you all!" he said energetically, he then walked back to his place next to France. New Zealand walked up, her hair was in two braids that led into one and she was wearing a flower crown.

N"Hello. It's nice to meet all of you! Also I like your suit!" she said looking at Belarus, she smiled and nodded in response which led New Zealand to smile and she went back to her place. Mexico walked up next,

M"Names Mexico, I mostly do drug deals so don't get me too involved with the Assassin sh*t." she said annoyed. She was wearing a black dress and boots with a black blazer to go along with it. She turned around and as she was walking back she felt someone staring at her, she looked in the direction and saw a pissed America looking at her, you couldn't see his eyes but you could feel them. She shivered a bit and she didn't look at him again. Italy then walked up,

I"Italy. If you ever need weapons call me," he said and walked back, he was wearing a black hat with a black suit and tie. Spain walked up next,

S"Spain, I am a spy in the Persian's so please don't kill me if you see me talking to one of their employees," he said, he chuckled a bit. Some of the other's also chuckled. He walked back and then Canada walked up,

C"Canada, Im a doctor so if you ever need help just let me know," he said smiling, he was wearing a black suit with a red tie, he also had a maple lead pin on his suit. He was also wearing a coonskin hat. He walked back next to Spain and South Korea was next.

S"South Korea. I have a brother, his name is North Korea. You all probably know him," she said and walked back to her spot, she was wearing a black suit with a white tie. She nudged Japan to tell her she was next,

J"こんにちは!(Hello) Im Japan I look forward to getting to know you all!" she said energetically, she always seemed hyper or like she drank ten cups of coffee. She smiled and walked back to her place. America is next,

A" Germany, one of my member's is currently at work so they are unable to join us this meeting but they should be available next time we call a meeting. My name is America and I am the one who constructed this group," he motioned his hand behind him where all of his allies are, "I hope we all work together nicely and no problem's arise." He said and walked back to place,

R"You can go talk now" He said as he walked toward a chair in the back of the room.

Mexico was asking Canada if he could get her anymore drugs when Ukraine arrived,

U"What'cha talking about?" she said curiously

M"Buisness." she replied hastily

U"Drugs, right?"

C"Yup! She was asking if I could get her more. And I can by the way" he said smiling and looking at Mexico,

U"Well i'll leave then!" she said as she was walking away when Canada told her she could stay and the three of them could talk for a while, she looked at Mexico who smiled and nodded her head. The three then talked about random things, work, fashion, relationships and across the room America and Japan are talking but she noticed that America's focus was somewhere else,

J"What are yo-" she said turning around, she saw Russia sitting alone on a chair. A smirk grew across Japan's face and she turned to America,

J"Oh, uhm I got to go!" she said running off to South Korea. America was confused on why she ran off like that but now he has no one to talk to, he looked at Russia again and began walking over to him. He sat in the chair opposite of Russia,

R"Don't you have friend's to talk to?" he said annoyed, he just wanted to be alone. People give him headaches,

A"Not right now, they're all making friendships with your group." America said.

R"Join in a conversation."

A"Im in one right now"

R"Нет, you are not."

A"Then what are we doing right now?"


A"With another person, which makes it a conversation." he said, matter a factly. Russia rolled his eyes in response to this,

A"What made you choose 4:30 as the meeting time?"

R"Hopes that you would cancel" Russia said, he was lying. He just wanted to see America again but he would never admit that, he was enjoying the conversation but he had to keep up the act so his siblings wouldn't get suspicious.

A"Heh... It's business, I dont care what time it is as long as it gets finished." America said chuckling a bit,

R"So if I said to show up in a dress you would sense it would be a business meeting?" Russia said somewhat jokingly,

A"If it gets the job done! And why would you want to know? Do you want to see me in a dress~" America teased, he thought about showing up to work in a dress for April fool's, and he did. So many of his coworkers thought that he was a new employee sense he had his hair down and was wearing a dress and high heels. He chuckles a bit remembering some coworkers asking him out on a date,

R"I mean I wouldn't mind~" Russia teased back, he ment to say it jokingly but it accidentally came out as a daring tone,

A"Wh-Huh?!" America said confused, as I said earlier America gets easily embarrased when he gets flirted with. Russia laughed a bit at America's response, America snapped out of it when he heard Russia laugh. There was a weird feeling in his stomach as he heard Russia laugh, he wanted to hear it again. America felt his face heat up a bit but it wasn't noticeable, at least to most people. Japan smiled as she saw America's face have a bit of blush across it, she was the only one that noticed but she pulled out her book and wrote:

Russia x America. Ship name- RusAme. Satus-In progress.

She then started doodling two figures, America and Russia.

The two continued to talk for about an hour, before they had to say goodbye,

A"Next Sunday, there's a park off of ******* meet me there and i'll inform you of anything i've learned, okay?" he said sort of sad, he didn't want to leave but he still had work to do today.

R"Why the park? You asking me on a date?~" he said teasingly,

A"Wha- No. It's a business meeting, they won't expect a mafia leader and a Assassin to meet up at a park so it's a safe option!" America said defensively,

R"да, I dont belive it. But да next Sunday at one?" America nodded then said goodbye. Soon the other's did the same and left, some went back to sleep and some stayed up. America went home and marked his calendar for next Sunday at one, then he fell asleep on the couch watching TV.


This is my apology chapter for not updating,

Im trying to not make Japan the stereotypical version but I think im failing in that part, oh well.

I am still deciding between CanMex or CanKraine but if I can't decide i'll ask in a few chapter's!

2457 words

Chapter 12: Poland and Germnay

Chapter Text

{This is what Poland and Germany were doing at the time of the meeting last chapter. No smut this chapter, sorry.}

《Third person POV》

Germany was sitting at his office table going through paperwork, he didn't go to the meeting simply because he was active in a case. He texted America that he wasn't going to be at the meeting but America didn't see it until the next day, oh well. Germany closed a file when he heard a loud crash and some talking after, he grabbed his gun from it's holster and and slowly walked down the hallway to the room. He opened the door and saw a white and red country, they had winter white wings and had beautiful ruby red eyes.

?"sh*t" the man then spread his wings and opened the window when Germany tackled the man to the floor, stopping him from leaving.

?"What the f*ck?! Get off me!" the man yelled and pushed Germany off of him, he was strong although he was smaller than Germany. Germany then grabbed the man's hands and put them in handcuffs, Germany then put his hand on the other mans wing. The man flinched and stopped fighting,

G"Wing's are your soft spot, huh?" He said, it was a rectorial question so he wasn't expecting a response anyway. He picked up the man and brought him to his office,

G"Who are you?"

?"Im not telling you sh*t "

G"I have time to wait." after Germany said that he went quiet, the man didn't say anything. The tension was rising between the two until the man spoke,

?"My name is Poland." he said hastily, he obviously didn't want to be there.

G"Well Poland, what were you doing in the file room?" he said smirking a bit before he returned to his strict composure.

P"I was trying to get a file"

G"No sh*t. Which one?" Germany said, he didn't like cussing much but it seemed that Poland felt more comfortable with someone who did cuss.

P"Why would I tell you?" he said glaring at Germany

G"Depending on your answer i'll let you go," he said truthfully. He was investigating the Slav's and sense America has an alliance with them he couldn't harm Poland.

P"So you're corrupt?" he said a little shocked,

G"No. I would say im loyal to my allies." he said grinning, you could see his teeth. They were sharp, they looked dangerous. It reminded Poland of someone.

P"Fine. I work for the Slav's and im trying to get rid of any evidence against them,"

G"That won't be necessary. Any compelling evidence has already been destroyed."

P"What do you mean?"

G"I am an ally of America, which means I am now an ally of you." he said pointing a finger at Poland,

P"Why are you missing the meeting?" Poland asked truthfully, he made up an excuse to not go to the meeting but he wondered if the other man did too.

G"Working on some old cases... If im being completely honest I just didn't want to go." he said a little disappointed at himself for skipping an important meeting just because he didn't want to go, he was acting like a child.

P"Pfft- Same. But what's your name?"


P"Glad we talked but in truth I am tired so im gonna go home," he said getting up,

P"But if you want we can exchange numbers and you could just send me the files I need in the morning," Poland said, all he wanted was Germany's number. He found the boy interesting and attractive, two reasons to get to know him!

G"Oh uhm... Sure! Give me your phone and i'll put it in," Germany said smiling and typing his number in. Poland couldn't tell if Germany wanted to exchange numbers or he was just clueless, either way he gets his number so he shouldn't complain.

Poland waved goodbye, then he spread his wings and flew out into the night sky. Germany watched the country fly away into the ink black sky, he found Poland's wings beautiful and interesting. Maybe he could ask Poland about them and learn more, afterall he now had his number.


This chapter is just a random idea I had and I think it's good, I also find that no-one writes GerPol as a switch relationship. They normally put Germany as top, and very rarely Poland as top. But I think they would be more switch, Germany is demanding and Poland is seductive and into S&M. So if/when I write GerPol smut it's going to be switch.

733 words

Chapter 13: The next day

Chapter Text

Mentions of rape.

(this is after the meeting)

It was around midnight as a boy was running through the woods, crying. He had a union jack and thirteen stripes of red and white, behind him there was a glare of orange and red. The embers flew up into the sky, the ashes of what used to be there. The boy kept running until his leg's gave out, he then heard a crunch of leaves behind him.

?"Aw, did little Thirteen think he could out run a soldier?" they teased as they walked up to the boy, they grabbed him and dragged him back towards the fire. The boy screamed, kicked, punched but it was of no use. He was brought back to the village, there he saw the horror of what happend to the village. It was burning down around him, he saw the burned corpses of his friend's he saw the building's crumble under the heat of the fire. He saw a figure, a tall man approach him. He was wearing a top hat and a monocole, he was a blue country with a red cross and a white outline.

T"W-Why did you do this?" the boy said, he was scared and he felt betrayed.

?"Why not? There's no point in keeping them alive, they're useless to me." the man said, he was smiling. But not a genuine smile, more like a psychotic smile.

?"You're no use to me either. Do what you want with him." He said as he turned around and waved his hand to dismiss them,

?"With pleasure~" the person holding Thirteen down said. They put their hand on Thirteen's jaw and turned his head to face his, they then started to kiss Thirteen. Thirteen tried to get away but it was no use, the guard had tied his hands and feet together, he was helpless, at the other's mercy, weak. The other person slid their other hand down Thirteen's back, they then started to take off Thirteen's pants.

America gasped as he sat up on the couch, he could feel tears form and drop out of his eyes. He just sat there looking at his hands, shaking and crying. He felt like his lower body refused to work, he put his hands on his face and just cried. What else could he do? It was the past, he can't change it. After Thirty-minutes America gained control of his body again and went to the fridge, he grabbed a beer and opened it and downed half the bottle. It was bitter and sour, it tasted disgusting. It was perfect. America grabbed as many as he could hold and downed all of them, he couldn't care less about work, he just wanted to forget the whole thing. He started to cry, not because he was sad but because of the alcohol influence on him, after a while he managed to get up. He wobbled his way over to his bathroom and stared in the mirror, he tilted his head to the right and said,

A"Wow, this is so cool! But who are you?" he said in a childish tone, then he caught a glimpse of a red country,

A"Who are you?" he said giggling a bit. Then Soviet appeared next to him,

S"I see you got drunk again." he said rolling his eyes, he always found 'drinking away your memories' was stupid. Mostly because America was doing it.

A"Huh? Oh wait you're Russia's -hic- Dad right?" he said a little bit sloshy

S"да" Wait, why am I talking to this bastard? I came here to torture him. Soviet thought,

A"Your kid's hot" he said giggling, he was thinking of Russia and how hot he looked in the suit's he wears,

A"Wonder what he looks like with his clothes off~" he giggled when he saw Soviet's expression, it was disgust. Whether that be sense that was his kid or because they were both boys, America couldn't decide which. But America was amused with this answer, he missed taunting Soviet everyday. America opened his mouth and turned his head to Soviet's direction but he was no longer there.

Must have disgusted him so much, oh well there's always next time! America said to himself and left the bathroom grinning, he then saw the time. 7:30 a.m. America then realized that he had work, he couldn't care less. He plopped onto his bed and started dozing off, he didn't want to sleep. Just incase of a nightmare but there was nothing else to do exept watch TV.


The reason I didn't say the gender of the person who r@ped Thirteen is I don't want there to be any stereotypes. Most people think only girls and get r@ped but that's not true, boys can get r@ped too. And it could be by any gender, Male, Female, Cisgender, Bigender, Agender, Nonbinary, Trans, in the end we are all humans and we are all capable of doing bad things. I don't know if pointing this out is good but it's the truth.

Thank you all for over 100 views!!Hope you are having a wonderful morning/afternoon/night!!♡♡

913 words

Chapter 14: Normal work day

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

America woke up and checked the time, 9:16 a.m. He sighed and got up, he was wearing his work clothes. It seemed like he was sleeping in his work clothes more than his pajamas, he walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. His breath stank of alcohol, he didn't even remember what happened after he got zooted. He brushed his hair and put it in a low ponytail, he changed his clothes and wore a plain black suit with a navy tie. He put the guns in their holsters and he decided to not make breakfast sense he wasn't hungry, he checked the time 9:27 a.m. He knew he wasn't going to make it to work in time so he sighed knowing he was going to get a lecture by Britain for being late.

He went to his car and drove to work, he walked across the bricked flooring and met Japan at the front.

J"Heya America!" She said smiling cheerfully

A"Hey Japan! How's your morning gone?"

J"Good! How about your's?"

A"I've had better" Japan chuckled in response.

America made his way to his office, he hoped Britain didn't spot him when he arrived. The rest of the day he was writing files on the Slav's and reviewing past work when he got a text from Poland,

Poland'I met this cute guy the other day'

America'Of course you did'

Poland'Hey! I got his number. You could never do that in a million years, you'd freeze up'

America'Not true! I could never get their number because I dont fall inlove!'

Poland'Im calling bs'

America'I dont like anyone.'

Poland'Japan told me that you dressed nice when you had meeting's with Russia. She also told me that you have another meeting on Sunday, a non work day.'

America'Why are you even texting me?!'

Poland'To annoy you, and I know it's working'

America'Who did you meet,'

Poland'Said his name was Germany, he's a police officer. He also says he's one of your allies,'

America'Yeah, what about it?'

Poland'You never told me that you had a hot guy as an ally!'

America'If you became my ally sooner you would have met him sooner.'

Poland'Whatever. Me, Japan and Germany are gonna go for drinks later. Could be a double-date'

America'I'll go but it's not a double-date. I dont like Japan like that'

Poland'But you find her attractive~'

America'Yes but I also find you attractive if you're wearing a suit! I find China attractive for f*cks sake! Even Iran, and she's my worst enemy!'

Poland'Calm down, you're going to have a bisexual panic'

America'I am calm.'

Poland'Suree. Anyways it's at ******* at 9:30p.m.'

America'Why so late?'

Poland'I have a job I need to complete and it could take a while'

America'Alright, see you then S.T'

Poland'I told you to stop calling me that.'

America'Dont care. Didn't ask.'

America chuckled and turned off his phone, him and Poland met while they were at school. They even had a friend group, The red and whites. It may seem like a stupid name but the members were Japan, South Korea, Poland, Canada and America, all of them have red and white color's on their flag. As he was reminiscing those memories his office phone started to ring.

A'Hello this is Stars how can I help you?'

?'******Street. Target is Venezuela. Get it done immediately,'

A' It'll be done by midnight.'

America then hung up the phone and opened a drawer, there was a pair of black gloves. He took the gloves and put them on, he checked the cartridge on his guns to make sure they had enough. He could use a sniper and get it done quickly, but he hasn't felt the adrenaline rush in so long. You could say America is a little bit of a adrenaline junkie, but he wouldn't care if you told him that. He grabbed some extra mags and he was walking to the door of his office.

?"What would Mother think?" A red country with a blue cross and stars appeared behind America,

A"Leave me alone." America said in an affirmative voice, he didn't want to think about his Mother or past right now. Just the future and what he has to do now.

?"Why? Im having so much fun talking to you~" he responded

A"f*ck off" he said as he continued to walk to the door, he put his hand on the door knob and was about to turn it when he heard the country speak again.

?"Do you even remember my name?" the country said tilting his head a bit

A"Of course I do. How could I forget..." he mumbled the last part.

?"You only refer to me as him. You never use my actual name," he said amused with America's reaction.

A"Because I don't want to" America said hastily turning his head around to face the other.

?"Say my name and i'll leave you alone for a week." the country said, he had spread his wings and is just sitting in mid-air. Like he was taunting America to try.



800 words

Chapter 15: The Venezuela hit

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

Confederate had a smirk on his face and then he disappeared. America turned around and left his office, he went to his car and drove to the destination. He arrived at the destination that turned out to be Venezuela's house, America climbed to the roof of the neighboring building and pulled out his binoculars. He looked across the whole building counting the guards and trying to locate Venezuela when he spotted him in his bedroom, there was another person with him, Syria. They were making-out and it appeared like they planned to go further, America decided to look away and count the guards again. He then checked to see if they were done, Definitely not. America zoomed his binoculars away and decided to play on his phone for a few minuet's.

After a while they were finally finished and America went to the floor of the building and walked across the street, he knocked on the door, it was made out of UHH steel. He waited for an answer,

?"Hello, what's your business with Venezuela?"

A"Old friends, wanted to check in"



?"Oh, nice to see you again America! Come in!" he said opening the door. America then fired the pistol at his stomach, it had a silencer but it was still relatively loud. There was a loud thud and two more people ran into the hallway, pistol's raised. America reacted quickly and shot both in the forehead, their brain matter was spread across the wall with some skull fragments. More people came running in, some started to shoot automatically causing America to hide behind a pillar.

?"Give up now and we won't kill you!" One yelled,

A"You don't even know who you're f*cking with!" America yelled back, he grabbed his automatic pistol then he jumped out from the pillar and shot all of them. They all fell to the floor with a thud, America's sunglasses fell off when he jumped from the pillar, and then there was shouting from up-stair's. Venezuela came running down stairs with a shotgun, Syria was right next to him holding a AK-47.

V"You're outnumbered!"

A"Did that stop me earlier?!"


America didn't respond, he reloaded his pistol and started to blindly shoot at the two

S"We have better weapons than you, surrender now!" Syria yelled, he was about to say more when a knife was in his throat. Blood shot out of his throat, he fell back with a thud, there was a pool of blood forming around his throat.

V"SYRIA!" Venezuela yelled as he knelt down next to his lover, dropping his gun in the process

V"Why... WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! WE'RE FRIENDS!" Venezuela yelled, tears rolling down his face. His voice was coverd in sadness and anger,

A"It's nothing personal. It's just buisness" America said as he raised his gun to Venezuela's head. He looked America straight in the eye, then there was a loud bang and Venezuela fell down right next to Syria. America put the gun back in the holster and sighed, it was true. He and Venezuela used to he friend's but buisness comes first.

America dialed a number,

?"Hello this is Albion! How may I help you?" a familiar voice said

A"It's stars, need a clean up at *******"

?"On a scale of one through ten how messy would you rate it?" she sounded a bit exhausted, long work day perhaps.

A"Seven point five"

?"Alright, thank you for choosing Albion!" she said then started to type

America then hung up the phone, and walked toward his sunglasses and put them on, luckily they didn't have any blood on them. He then walked out of the building and drove back to the company.

Once America arrived he didn't have anythig to do, he already did files and reviewed his past work. But he was getting paid by the hour so he wasn't going to leave. He decided to play on his phone until the door to his office opened,

?"For your last request." the person said as he left the room. America sighed and turned off his phone, he grabbed a pen and started to write on the document's. By the time he finished it was 2:30 pm, He decided to take a lunch break. America left his office and told his receptionist that he had document's that needed to be brought to Britain, he then walked down to the cafeteria. There were many choices but he chose a hamburger and a co*ke, he spent about an hour eating his food sense he was on his phone half of the time.

He then went back to his office and he worked on his computer for four hours before Japan knocked on his door and entered,

J"Hey, im going for dinner, wanna join?" She said, she sounded a little tired

A"Sure, are you okay though? You seem a bit tired,"

J"Yeah, long work day" America got up from his seat and left his office with Japan, they walked down the hallway talking about random things. They both went to America's car and drove to a sushi restaurant around the corner,

J"This place always tastes good after a long day of work" Japan said picking up a peice of sushi,

A"I don't understand why you like sushi so much, I mean it's good but it's not amazing"

J"We all have our opinions"


When they both finished eating they paid and left, they went to America's car and he got a notification from Poland,

Poland' I brought Russia and South Korea along so I hope you don't mind'

America forgot that they were going for drinks later, he turned to Japan and said

A"Do you still wanna go for drinks?"

J"Crap! I completely forgot"

A"Same here, but is that a no?"

J"No, I still wanna go"

A" Alright then, he brought Russia and South Korea too" Japan snickered a bit and responded

J"Now we have to go" she said chuckling a bit,

A"Why are you laughing?" America asked as he turned on the car

J"You don't see what he's doing?"

A"No... Should I?"

J"No, no. It's fine, i'll tell you once we get there" she sighed, America was so clueless when it comes to love. Poland was setting up a triple date, Japan and South Korea, Poland and Germany, America and Russia.

They arrived at the bar when America saw himself in the side mirror, his hair was a mess and he smelled a bit like blood. He couldn't go in like this, it would set a bad picture.

A"Hey Japan, I forgot something back at the office, I have to go back but i'll return within Thirty-minutes." America said hastily

J"Alright then, but you have to come back. Okay?"

A"Okay" Japan then exited the car and waved goodbye, America waved back and quickly drove away. He started speeding back to his house, he ran multiple red lights and he went 30 miles above the speed limit. Once he reached his house he ran inside and striped himself of his clothing and ran into the shower. He quickly finished the shower and blow-dried his har, he then put on a dark navy suit with gold accent's and put his hair up in a loose bun and put two strands infront of his face, he also put on black boots and a black tie. He then ran to his car and speeded his way back to the bar. He checked the time, 10:00 pm. He spent just over thirty minute's getting ready, he arrived and parked his car and ran inside. He soon spotted Poland, he had his wings out. That was odd, Poland doesn't like to show his wings.

A"Hey Poland!" he said putting a hand up

P"Hey Ame!" he said, he put his hand up aswell

J"Wow, you didn't go back to the office did you?" she said looking at Americas new outfit,

A"Yeah, but they dont need to know that." he said a little nervous

J"Is it because Russia is here~" she said teasingly

A"Wha- No, no. It's not becauseRussia's here, speaking of which where is he?" he said looking around for Russia

J"He's over there with South Korea" she said pointing to a corner

A"Thanks!" he said walking toward the two

S"Oh hey Ame!" She said smiling,

Russia"Hello America," he said, his expression was monotone but his tone of voice sounded a little happy

S"Well im going to talk to Japan so, bye!" she said as she walked away, she had a smirk on her face,

J"Whats that smirk about?" Japan said accusingly,

S"Oh Nothing, I just got the two alone" she said happily

Russia and America were now sitting down in their seats, Russia had a Vodka and America had Whiskey.

R"So you were hired for a hit today?" Russia asked, America was a little shocked that Russia knew this, he is careful that no-one sees him. That's what he's known for, anyone who sees his face doesn't live long enough to describe it.

R"Don't worry, I was walking by as I saw you exit a building. I was curious so I knocked on the door and when I got no answer I assumed you killed them all," Russia said chuckling when he saw America's face,

A"Heh, yeah I did get hired for a hit today" America said nervously, he didn't want Russia to ask who but it looked like he was anyway.

R"Who did you kill?" he said looking at America, his expression changed from relived to monotone,

A"Someone not important. That's all you need to know." America said coldly, he realized he dropped his guard around Russia a lot.

R"Why the change in tone?" Russia said calmly, he knew something happened he just couldn't put his finger on it.

A"Not important!" America said smiling to the Russian, he took another swig of the alcohol. The warm liquid traveled down his throat leaving a burning sensation behind it. Russia was very suspicious but blamed it on the alcohol.

The two then talked for about an hour before Russia had to go home so his sibling's wouldn't worry,

A"You still live with your sibling's" America said chuckling

R"Нет, they live with me." Russia said firmly to get his point across

A"Sure, sure" he said laughing a bit, Russia rolled his eyes in annoyance when he realized that was the first time he heard America laugh. It wasn't a chuckle but a full on laugh. Russia felt his face get a little hot when he realized he was the one who made America laugh, he also enjoyed the sound of his laugh. It was sweet and innocent, to think the same person murdered someone that same day seemed absurd, but that's probably how he gets away with it.

A"Can I walk you to your car?" America said, he had calmed down and wasn't laughing anymore. Russia nodded his head and the two walked to Russia's car, Russia was making jokes the whole time to hear America laugh again but all he got was a chuckle in return. When they arrived at Russia's car they waved goodbye and when Russia was about to pull out America said,

A"I had a great time tonight Russia, thanks for making me laugh. I really needed it," He said, for some reason he couldn't make eye contact with Russia and his face felt hot and his stomach was fluttering. Russia smiled and said,

R"Me too, maybe we could do it again after the meeting on Sunday?" America saw Russia smile, and his face grew hotter and his stomach hurt. It was a genuine smile, not a smirk, not half a smile but a full smile,

A"Yeah, yeah... I would like that. Bye Russia!" he smiled and waved,

R"Bye America!" he said back pulling out of the parking space. He felt his face grow hot when he remembered Americas laugh, he also smiled remembering that today was Friday. In two days he could see America again, and possibly make him laugh.


In this AU country's and humans live in the same world

1935 words

Chapter 16: Realization

Chapter Text

《America's POV》

I arrived at the park at 12:59 pm, I wasn't late but not exactly early. I searched around for Russia, I thought he would be easy to spot because of his height but apparently not, after a few minute's of searching I found him.

A"Hey Russia! I was looking all over for you," I said in a joking manner. No. Remember that this is a business meeting, not a friendly get-together.

A"Oh, I apologise for my unprofessional behavior." I said, I straightened my posture and changed my expression.

R"It's fine, as long as we get buisness done." I nodded in return.

A"What would you like to know?" I said, I started to walk down the concrete path.

R"Are you gay?" he said bluntly, I turned around. My mouth was open from shock, I didn't know how to respond to that.

A"I- uh... I don't know, I never thought about it before" I said, I could feel my face warming up. A strange feeling in my stomach emerged

R"Do you like men?" He said, he took a step closer to me.

A"Uh- I mean, Yes?" I stuttered out, I am genuinely confused right now. He took another step closer to me and put his hand on my chin and lifted it up so he could look at me, my face was burning hot right now and the feeling in my stomach got stronger.

R"May I kiss you?" He said, his accent was strong. It sent shivers down my spine, I managed to nod my head. What am I thinking? This is a boy! Not just any boy but Russia! Oh god, this is such a mess!

I then felt his lips against mine, they were soft and gentle. I widened my eyes in shock but it felt, nice? All I know is that the feeling in my stomach tripled, my face was probably as red as a tomato. He bit my bottom lip, in return I opened my mouth. His tounge entered my mouth exploring every part of it, I moaned into the kiss. He put his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck, we soon parted for air.

R"It seemed you enjoyed that~" he said smirking,

A"Yeah, yeah. Whatever" I said, I smashed his lips into mine, I pulled his body closer. I heard a faint sound in the distance. Oh sh*t, we're still at the park. I break the kiss and say

A"Maybe we shouldn't do this here..." I said nervously, he let go of my waist but he still held my hand. As we were walking I tripped over a rock and as I was falling I jolted, up?

I looked around me, I saw my alarm clock going off and I was in my bed. In my house. Oh no. Nononononono, take me back. I wanna stay there, even if it's for a bit longer. Please. I laid down, trying to go back to sleep. I didn't want for it to be a dream, I wanted it to be reality so badly. I felt something on my cheek, I put my hand there and I feel water, Was I crying? Why is life so cruel to me? I can't even have the boy I love, let alone a life I love. Oh god why me? I started to cry when it hit me, 'The boy I love'? did I really say that? Do I love him? Ugh this is so frustrating! Wait I just had a dream about making out with Russia... Does that mean I had a wet dream? Oh god no! What the f*ck is wrong with me?! That is so wrong on so many levels!

I mentally scolded myself for a couple of minuet's until I decided to get up and get dressed, it was the weekend so I put on a sweat shirt and sweat pants. I didn't grab my glasses sense I wasn't going anywhere, but I still decided to brush my teeth. I looked at my face, it was red. Not from embarrassment but from crying, I don't belive that I cried over a f*cking dream. A dream! A wave of happiness washed over me as I remember the dream, but I was soon met with sadness as I remembered it was just a dream. I then felt like crying again. I then heard a voice speak from behind me,

?"Not so fun knowing you can't be with who you love." they said, not teasingly or tauntingly. It sounded more like they were stating a fact, I turned my head around and I saw Venezuela.

V"I know you did it because of business but did you really have to kill Syria?" he said, he was hurt. That was obvious,

A"I kill anyone in my way, you know that." I said sharply, it sounded rude.

A" Apologies, didn't mean for it to sound rude." I said spitting out the toothpaste,

V"Whatever." he said annoyed. If I were him I would be at my throat right now, I don't know how he's so calm.

A"Look, I let you have your 'fun' before I killed you, I know it doesn't mean much but it shows that I care a bit." I said turning my whole body towards him,

V"Y- YOU SAW THAT!" he screamed, his face was so red you couldn't tell that he had yellow and blue on his flag aswell. I chuckled a bit but then I left the bathroom and went downstairs, In truth I didn't enjoy killing Venezuela, or Syria for that matter but not much I can do to change that now.

V"Look America, im not going to haunt you or terrorize you. But Syria might, just know I have no control over that. But more on-topic, you need to do what you want to do. Not what your Father wants, I know you enjoy the adrenaline but I also know you don't enjoy killing. Try bungee jumping or sky diving, it'll be enough adrenaline." he said, I couldn't help but ask,

A"Why? Why aren't you going to haunt me, terrorize me, after all I deserve it." I said, I was looking straight at him. He did not break eye contact

V"Because you had no choice. If you said no you would be killed along with your friends. Say yes and you kill one friend. I would have made the same choice you did" he said calmly, for some reason I felt angry. Not at Venezuela, but Britain. He is the one who put me in this role, he is the one who didn't give me a choice. But I know I couldn't do anything, no matter how good of a killer I am, I can't kill Britain. Yet.


I know it wasn't a wet dream but this is Ame's POV and he doesnt know sh*t about love.

1122 words

Chapter 17: Hopeless love

Chapter Text

《America's POV》

As I was eating a bowl of cereal I turned on the TV, it was on a movie. 'Romeo and Juliet', is the world against me today? I flipped to the next channel, it was playing 'The fault in our stars', seriously? I flipped to another channel, it was playing 'Titanic'. I shut off the TV angrily, it's like the world is telling me that it couldn't happen, or it wouldn't end well.

I sigh and turn on the TV one more time, i'll just watch Netflix instead. I trun on the TV and it's playing the scene where she's saying she won't let go to Jack. I shake my head as I go to Netflix, I start scrolling and I reach the 'We think you'll like' and the first option is 'Blue valentine'. In case you didn't know it's a movie that end's with one leaving the other, so Netflix isn't safe either. I turn off the TV for good this time and just eat my cereal, I try to distract myself from my dream and all the movies but it isn't working. I then hear a snicker behind me, I turn around and see Soviet sitting in a chair,

S"Looks like you two aren't meant to be" he said snickering, of course it had to be him. Whatever, it might take my mind off things.

A"Yeah, No sh*t."

S"And who are you inlove with?~" he teased. This man is either about to be shocked or amused,

A"Your son. Russia" I said, I had to turn my head away from him so he couldn't see my smirk.

S"What." he said, I couldn't tell if he didn't belive me or he thought he heard wrong.

A"I like your son, Russia" I said, it was stupid, me liking him. I mean we barely know eachother! I mean I don't even know his favorite color for f*ck' sake!

S"The f*ck is wrong with you" he sounded half disgusted and half shocked,

A"I don't know, I don't even know his favorite color! And I mean, I killed you aka Russia's Dad!" I said in a distressed tone. I mean how could I say I like him when I barely know him! He barely knows me! He doesn't know I killed his Father!

S"I can tell you have daddy issues," he said bluntly. I turned to look at him, his face was unamused,

A"Excuse me?!" I said offended, I mean he probably isn't wrong but im not going to admit that.

S"Nevermind," he then disappeared, it was annoying. They could come and visit me whenever but I can't go to them whenever. I mean not that I would want to but you get my point.

I pull out my phone and call Japan,



J"Hey Ame! What's up?" she said popping the p

A"Wanna play smash bros? Or super mario party?"

J"Sure! Can SK and Poland join?"

A"The more the merrier!"

Then they spent the next five hours playing games. At one point Poland rage quit in mario-kart because he was in first then America blue-shelled him. America had to write an essay's worth of apologies to Poland so he would come back and play again, Japan and South Korea had a fight because South Korea didn't let Japan win. The arguement went like this,

J"How dare you" Japan said angrily to her girlfriend

S"What?! I wanted to win a round!" she said defensively,

J"No! If I can't top in bed for one night you can't win one mario-kart game!"

P"Uh... Guys me and America are still here," he said sheepishly,

A"Poland! I was enjoying the arguement! Lady's you may continue" he said as nicely as he could, he then texted Poland and said

America' Listen here you Candy-cane peice of sh*t, if there's an argument. Let. It. Happen.'

I assume Poland was scared because after that he was quiet and he was always a place behine me, oh well. Free win. After a while I did feel a little bad for calling Poland a Candy-cane, normally America only says the truth in his threat's but Poland isn't a Candy-cane. He is a peice of sh*t though, a kinky one at that.


You could tell I was lazy with this chapter but I have another one coming out in about an hour (it's 12:50 am) . Or maybe im just tired but sleep is for the weak.

713 words

Chapter 18: Across the bar

Chapter Text

(this takes place at the bar, with Russia, America, Poland, Germany, South Korea and Japan)

《Poland POV》

I met Germany at the front and opened the door for him, god was he hot. I brought him to the bar area amd we ordered our drinks,

P"I'll have a Vodka"

G"A Pilsner, please"

I looked at Germany, he had on black rimmed glasses and he was wearing a black suit and belt. Our drinks arrived and Germany pulled out his wallet before I stopped him,

P"I'll pay, it was my idea for you to come in the first place" I said smiling, he smiled and said,

G"Thank you" I could feel my face heating up, but I quickly downed the alcohol to cover the blush. Germany chuckled when he saw my face after I drank the whole thing, I would too. I probaly looked stoned, that Vodka must have been spiked because I don't remember it being this strong.

We talked for a bit until America finally arrived, I was getting worried that Russia would leave.

A"Hey Poland!" he said putting a hand up

P"Hey Ame!" I put my hand up aswell, then I felt someone touching my wing's so I look at them and I see Germany touching them, his touch felt soft and gentle. Like he was scared he would hurt me if he applied too much pressure, he noticed me staring at him and removed his hands from my wings,

G"Ah, sorry... I was just curious" he said nervously chuckling, I chuckled and said,

P"Go ahead, if you have any question's just ask. But don't apply too much pressure on them, okay?" he nodded his head. Cute.

His hand traveled up my wing's, it left a weird feeling and a shiver down my spine. Not a bad shiver but a good one, he must've noticed my wing shudder a bit because he looked at me worriedly and said,

G"Are you okay?! Did I hurt you?! Im so sorry-" I cut him off before he said more,

P"No, it's alright it's just some spot's are more senseitive. If you were hurting me I would tell you" I said reassuringly. I found it cute that he cares about me this much with him barely even knowing me,

P"So what's your favorite color?" I asked, if I ever plan to make a move I have to know him well first,

G"Hmn... I would say red, more specifically Ruby red," for some reason he looked me in the eyes when he said that,

G"What's yours?"

P"I would say yellow, like a honey yellow" I said, I looked at his eyes when I said that. His eyes were a beautiful color of yellow, Oh my god. I have Ruby eyes, that means my eyes are his favorite color! Wait- it could just be his favorite color seeing red is apart of his flag. We continued to talk until 12, he decided he should go home amd rest, he is a police officer after all. Weekends aren't really a thing,

G"Hey Poland..." he said nervously

P"Yes?" I responded

G"Would you like dinner together? I mean just the two of us...?" I looked at him, he wasn't looking at me but that's probably becuase he was embarrassed,

P"Sure! I would love that!" I said as I looked at him. He looked straight at me, his eyes were wide, like he didn't expect me to accept his offer. He smiled then said goodbye and went to his car.

《Third person POV》

A girl was hiding in a tree holding a notebook,


Germany x Poland

Status- Date

Is what she wrote down, she giggled to herself as she hoped down from the tree meeting a happy looking young woman


J"It's a date!" the two girls squealed with joy, now they had to wait for RusAme. In the meantime they made another ship,

J"Ooh! I have one! Canada x Ukraine!" she said exitedly, she quickly scriblied down the two countries names.

Sk"No, Canada x Mexico is better" she said stopping her girlfriend from writing

J"What do you mean? CanKraine is better than CanMex!"

Sk"No, CanMex is better than CanKraine! But cool ship name tho," she said,

J"Thank you! Your's is good too!" she said smiling

J"But CanKraine is still better." she said confidently


And the argument continued on until they agreed that they would place a bet on who they thought would get with Canada.

J"Wait- couldn't we get France to tell us who he thinks?" Japan said, you see France has predicted all the current relationships. Japan and South Korea, Poland and Germany, China and North Korea (from when they were our allies).

Sk"Oh that's a good idea!" South Korea said smiling,

J"But maybe later, she is probably baking or asleep by now"

Sk"Good call"

The two girls then left, they were the last ones so they didn't have to say their goodbyes. The two left and played some smash bros until Japan fell asleep on South Korea, South Korea then grabbed a nearby blanket and put it over her sleeping Girlfriend and soon fell asleep on the couch as well.


Finally some SK x Japan! Over sixteen chapters in this book and we are just now getting some SouthPan.

I hope you enjoyed these last two chapter's, they may seem a little lazy but thats probably because it's 2am where I am right now and I had Taco bell for dinner. But oh well,

872 words

Chapter 19: Sunday

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

America ran to the park, he was five minute's late. He was supposed to meet Russia there for a meeting. He looked around and soon spotted the Russian, he ran up to him and said,

A"Didn't mean to make you wait! Hope you could forgive me!" he said quickly. Russia smiled, but he made sure America didn't notice,

R"You're forgiven, we can start now, да?" he said coldly, he has to act tough so no-one would take advantage. America nodded his head and they start walking down the concrete, it seemee oddly familiar to America.

As the two walk down the path Russia asks questions and America answers them,

R"One last question," Russia said,

A"Alright, ask away" America said nervously, he seemed a little paranoid. Probably because of the dream he had a day prior,

R"Who did you kill that day?" He asked, America looked a little surprised but he promised to answer all the question's Russia asked him.

A"His name is Venezuela, you might've heard of him at some point." America said, most of the joy in his voice disappeared when he said that. He didn't like to think about his victim's because it reminds him of how horrible of a person he is,

R"Wasn't he an ally of Albion?" He said confused, he assumed that Venezuela might've betrayed the company but America's answer was different,

A"He was. He just lost his purpose in the comapny" America said, he tried to not look at Russia when he said that.

R"What do you mean 'lost his purpose'?" He said looking at America,

A"He wasn't useful to the company anymore. His purpose to the company was lost" America replied, he picked up his pace a bit. He seemed to be uncomfortable,

R"Why wasn't he useful?"

A"Can we talk about something else?" he sighed, he didn't want to talk about this. While it is a buisness meeting he can't reveal too much for Russia's saftey.

R"Sure". The two walked down the winding path answering questions or asking the questions, soon it turned into talking about their lives outside of work.

A"What's your favorite color?" he said randomly, he then tripped and fell backward but Russia caught him before he reached the floor, unfortunately his sunglasses fell off his face exposing his eyes. America blushed, Russia had caught him with his arm, it was in a dip-like position after dancing. Russia smirked,

R"I think we should do this more often~" he teased, this only made Americas face grow redder. Russia chuckled and tilted America back on his feet,

A"Uh- your favorite color...?" America said nervously, Russia looked America stright in the eyes. He stared for a bit before he said

R"Purple, Light purple" he said half-smiling, he looked back at America's eyes. For some reason he was in a trance, stuck looking at America's eyes.

They were light purple with a gold ring, they were beautiful. To Russia at least,

A"What? You've been staring at me for the past few minuet's,"

R"Oh. Sorry it's just your eyes..." he said looking at America's eyes again,

A"Oh... I know, I'll put my sunglasses back on..." he said picking up his sunglasses before Russia grabbed them and said,

R"Don't put them on, I like your eyes" he said smiling at America, he blushed in return.

R"What's your favorite color?"

A"Amber, I find it a beautiful mix of red, orange and yellow." he said, he put his sunglasses on his head.

The two continued to walk down the path, they were talking about random things until they reached the end of the park. There were a few restaurants around the area but America spotted an ice cream shop,

A"Do you like ice cream?"

R"да, but not a lot"

America smiled and grabbed Russia's hand and dragged him to the ice cream shop,

?"Hello what may you like?" The woman said smiling,

A"Strawberry please!" he said happily, he obviously liked ice cream. Russis chuckled a bit at the smaller country's behaviour,

R"Vanilla." he said to the cashier, she nodded and scooped his ice cream.

Russia pulled out his wallet but America pulled his out quicker, so America ended up paying. The two left the shop, America happily ate his ice cream, while Russia stared at the American.

●•{Time skip}•● (after Russia and America get drinks)

R"Hey America..." he said, a bit nervous


R"We should meet up again, but as friends, not as coworker's" he said a bit hopefully,

A"I would love to!" America smiled and blushed a bit but his happiness was gone once he saw Soviet,

S"When are you going to tell him? If you really love him you wouldn't let him fall inlove with a lie, would you?" he said, staring straight at America. His cold black eyes seemed to swallow America whole. America simply nodded and turned to Russia,

A"I have something to tell you..." he said, his voice was sad and nervous. He glanced at Soviet who just stood there and watched,


A"You Father is uhm- Soviet Union, correct?" his tone was pure nervousness, he knew this couldn't end well. I mean the universe itself told America that it would end badly,

R"да, why?" he said, he was getting a little suspicious of America.

A"He died right...?" He couldn't even make eye contact with Russia, he looked at the floor and occasionally looked at Soviet.

R"да. What is this about?" he got a feeling, a good or bad one he couldn't tell.

A"I- I know who uh... Killed him" He knew he couldn't turn back now,

R"Really?! Tell me! I've been waiting years for an opportunity to kill them!" He said excitedly. America's heart sank, he knew Russia would hate him, he knew Russia would try to kill him. America's stomach turned uncomfortably, he could feel himself tearing up. He quickly took a deep breath and said,

A"I did." he said he looked over to Soviet who nodded in approval, a different country appeared next to America. It was Syria,

Sy"I guess I don't need to torment you afterall." he said, he then walked to another country, Venezuela, he nodded at America as a sign of goodluck.

R"What?" he said confused, maybe he heard wrong.

A"I did. I killed your Father...." America went silent, tears started to form in his eyes this time he couldn't get rid of them. The tears threatened to fall as Russia spoke again,

R"I don't belive it... Why..." he started to tear up aswell, he doesn't know why. Maybe because his friend, no. His best friend betrayed him, he caused the pain and suffering he went through.

A"I didn't have a choice, I was ordered to by Britain..." he tried his best to hold his composure but he was quickly failing,

R"So if Britain ordered you to kill ke you would?!" he said accusingly,

'This is what you get for thinking you could ever get a friend.' that's what went through Russia's mind in the moment. He awaited an answer from America,

A"I-.... Don't know....." he said, he was choking on his words, a few tears were falling down his cheek.

R"What do you mean you don't know! You already killed one of your friend's who's to say you wont kill me!" He said angrily, he didn't like seeing America cry but in the moment he felt like America deserved it

A"Because I love you Russia!" America yelled, tears were streaming down his face. He didn't think through on what he said, he didn't mean to say that. It just slipped out, America looked at Russia who was shocked,

A"I know you can never forgive me for what I did, and I dont expect you to return my feeling's. I just needed it off my chest, and im sorry." he said as calmly as he could,

R"Sorry's not going to bring him back" he said coldly,

A"I know-"

R"Goodbye America." America felt more tears escape his eyes, he straightened his posture and said,

A"Goodbye Russia. It was nice knowing you..." he said then walked away, when he was far away he started to run.

He ran to his car and drove to the woods, he doesn't even know if it's near his house. But he doesn't care, he just wants it all to be over.

《America's POV》

I drove to a random part of the forest, I was crying the whole way. Everything was blurry amd I felt a little sick, I mean I know did the right thing, it just doesn't feel right. I recline my seat and I laid down, I stayed like that crying for who knows how long. After I regained my composure I drove home, I parked my car and entered the building. I went straight to the fridge and grabbed a 24-pack of alcohol, I don't know what kind, I just saw the number 24 and grabbed it. I put down the 24-pack and I entered my bathroom, I opened up the cabinet. There was an array of un-prescribed medicine, I don't know what kind, I just hope it works.

I grab eight bottles of pills and find my emergency cigarettes, I don't smoke often but it relives a lot of stress. I then decide to do something I haven't done sense I was a kid, I grabbed a razor and put it on the floor. I put on my sunglasses, I don't want to see a ghost right now. I grabbed a beer and opened it, I then grab a random number of pills and swallow. It hurt a bit, that might be because there are so many but oh well. I deserve it anyway. I grab a cigarette and light it, I inhale and exhale, there is a big grey cloud that disappears in less then two seconds. I drank the rest of the beer, and then my head starts to hurt. Looks like the pills are working.

I then grab the razor, I lift up my shirt and pull my pant down a bit and start cutting my hip. I remember the pain and adrenaline I felt when I did this, why did I stop? I deserved it afterall.

Useless, Pathetic, Heartless, Crybaby, Manipulator, Killer, Murderer, Cold, Machine, Fake Personality, Fake Friend, Friend Killer, Serial Killer, Bastard Child,

A tiny voice whispered to me. I knew what this person is saying and it's completely true, I do murder my friends. Take a look at the accident those were my friends, my family! And I let them die, I am the reason they died. I cut myself with the razor again, and again, and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again, and again, and again,and again,and again, and again, and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again, and again, and again,and again,and again,and again, and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again, and again, and again,and again,and again,and again, and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again,and again, and again, and again,and again,and again,

Soon my whole lower body was showered with cuts and blood, my razor had bit's of my skin and blood on it. My lower body hurt like hell. But I deserve more. I managed to get up and I grab salt from the kitchen and I return to my bloody bathroom, I sit down and I sprinkle the salt over the cuts. It burned, a lot but that's good. I deserve it. I opened another beer and poured it on the cuts, it burned like hell, I wanted to scream in pain but I won't allow myself to do that.

I sat there, in my own pool of blood and pain for a while. I don't feel like getting up, I don't think I can get up. My head feels a bit light, my vision is going blurry, I take off my sunglasses and see Venezuela, Syria, Soviet and Confederate surroinding me. Three of them were smiling, but Venezuela wasn't, he looked worried? Sad? Disappointed? I can't tell then the world went black.


So alot happened this chapter, and most if not all of it was bad.

I apologise for this chapter sense this is backtracking on the character's relationship, (Russia and America's friendship).

Also smoking is not good! Along with: Taking unprescribed medicine. Cutting yourself. Smoking. Putting salt and/or alcohol on a open wound.

And I do know that 'most people' write them as cutting themselves on the wrist but that isn't a good way because someone could easily find out. But on the hips no-one should find out. I know this from personal experience. (But really dont harm urself)

Hope ya'll have enjoyed this book so far and I hope you continue reading!♡

2055 words

Chapter 20: Mixed Feeling's

Chapter Text

《Russia's POV》

After America walks away I walk to my car, I get in and drive home. How could he like me? No. That's not what im supposed to ask, How could he kill Father? I sigh and continue driving, Should I kill America? Yes, he killed dad! But he didn't know at the time. So? Maybe he wouldn't have done it. He killed one of his friends, you really think him being my dad would change anything? He said he loved you, so yes, it would change America's mind. Well it's too late now. Do you hate him? Yes. Are you sure? Yes. Think about him, his smile, his laugh, you like none of it? I hate him, of course I don't like any of it. I don't think you hate him. You're me, and if I say I hate him then I hate him. Think about every moment you had with him, none of it was pleasant? None of it. Okay then, sit in a pool of your own rejection but you don't hate him, just think about it more.

Why am I arguing with myself? I obviously hate America and that's the end of it. But do I hate him? Why would I not hate him? I mean his laugh is cute, his smile is aswell. The way he got so exited over a simple ice cream, No. Stop thinking about him! You hate him and that's the end of it!

I arrive home and I see my sibling's asleep on the couch, normally I would smile but I can't bring myself to do it. Instead I go get a blanket and cover them with it, I then go to my room and change out of my formal clothing and get changed into some shorts, I didn't bother to get a shirt. I then plopped down on my bed, I soon fall asleep.

Im walking down a street and I spot someone, America. I decide to follow him sense I might get the chance to kill him, he takes a right. I follow close behind him, he then stops walking and turns around, he doesn't seem surprised that im here.

A"Get it over with" He said coldly, but I swear I heard a bit of hopefulness in his voice. He then reached his holster and threw me a gun,

A"If you want it to be painless go for the head. If you want it to hurt go for the stomach area." He straightened his posture and took off his sunglasses, he then smiled a bit. Why is he smiling? I don't know you're asking me?!

I raised the gun and pointed it to his head, I knew how to shoot a gun but for some reason I couldn't pull the trigger. I look at the safety, it's off, I check the ammo, it's full. The gun is ready to be used, I just can't use it. I lower the gun and look at it closely, nothing is wrong with it it's perfectly normal. America starts to laugh, I feel my face getting hot again, that laugh. It's as sweet as honey and as innocent as a child, I want to hear it more. But you can't. Why not? Because that's America's laugh, and you said you hated him right? Oh... Right.

R" Why are you laughing?! Is this a joke to you?!" I said in a serious tone,

A"Im laughing because you haven't fired," he started to walk up to me, I raised the gun in defence. He walked up to me and he stopped once the gun was pressed against his skin,

A"Do it. Kill me." he said looking into my eyes, I felt my face growing hotter. There was a weird feeling in my stomach, I tried to pull the trigger but I couldn't. I then moved the gun so that it was facing the sky, I managed to pull the trigger and it went off, I then moved it back to America and I started to pull the trigger but I couldn't do it completely.

Why? Why can't I kill him? He killed Dad, he deserves this! Then why can't I do it?! Because you love him. What? You can't kill him because you feel something for him, your face getting hot, the feeling in your stomach. That's love. No. Nonononono, I can't love him he killed Dad! But yet, you do. Go to his grave and talk to him, he might send you a sign.

I sigh and put the gun down and look America in the eyes, his beautiful purple eyes, the golden ring around it. They fit him so perfectly, he was beautiful, all of him. His hair, his clothes, his eyes, even his height. I then found myself hugging him, he didn't hug back for a few seconds but he did eventually. I pulled out from the hug, I looked at America, there was a strand of hair in his face. I put my hand on his face and pushed it out of the way, my hand rested on his cheek. He was smiling, so was I. What am I doing? This isn't a good idea, but this feels good. It feels right.

I lean closer to America, I move my other hand to his waist. We make eye contact before our lips touched, he put his hands around my neck and leaned into the kiss. We parted for air when he said,

A"I love you"

R"I... Love you too.

Chapter 21: Asking

Chapter Text

《Russia's POV》

I jolted awake, it was a dream? Why did it have to be a dream?! But did I really say that? I love him? My face grew warm, I thought about America's laugh, my face grew hotter, his smile, his hair, his clothes, his personality. All of it I love. But he still killed Dad, y'know what for once im going to listen to this voice in my head and im going to go to Dad's grave.

I get up and get dressed, Belarus is asleep while Ukraine is making coffee,

U"Goodmorning Russ, going some where?"

R"Yeah, I might not be back for a while!" I said and I ran to my car and drove as fast as I could to the graveyard.

I searched around for the name 'Soviet Union' and I spot it near the back, I run up to it and say,

R"Hey dad, it's me... Russia I came here to ask you something. I know you might not respond but I feel like I need to ask anyway." I said a bit nervous, I guess I should tell him im gay while im here. I mean I think im gay, I've never felt attraction to girls and America is a boy and I love him so, im pretty sure im gay.

R"So im Gay... For the man who killed you..." This sounds so wrong for me to say,

R"And I came here to ask you if it's alright..." What am I doing, he can't even see me let alone hear me...

?"Its alright, as long as it makes you happy..." Someone said next to me, I turn my head to look at them and I see my Dad.

R"Wh- How?!" I said confused,


R"That's vague"

S"But son really, if he makes you happy then go for it." He said smiling

R"Thanks Dad!" I said and hugged him, it was weird sense I could touch him but I couldn't feel him at the same time.

S"But I would hurry if I were you" he said hugginng back,


S"He's almost dead,"

R"WHAT! WHERE?!" I yelled I grabbed my car keys and unlocked the car, I was getting ready to bolt to the car.

S"His house, but you don't know where it is. I'll come along and give you instructions." He said, I then bolted to the car, as soon as I sat down I drove away. I didn't get to put a seatbelt on, My dad instucted me the whole way there. He told me to stop driving because the trees were to big for a car to pass through, I ran until I spotted a wooden house. I ran inside, he told me end of the hallway there is a bedroom, it's in that bathroom.

I run to the end of the hallway to find America laying in a pool of his own blood, there were pills, a razor and beer surrounding him. I put my hand on America's neck to check for a pulse, I sighed in relief as I felt a pulse I picked him up.

R"Should I take him to a hospital?" I looked to my dad worriedly, he shook his head 'No' when I remembered one of America's brother's is a doctor! Canada, I think. But I don't have his number,

R"Do you know America's password?"


I typed in the numbers and the phone unlocked, I went to contact's and called Canada.


R"America needs help but im not a doctor," I said urgently,

C"Im on my way."

I hanged up the call and kept a hand on America's neck to make sure he had a pulse. I waited for five minuet's until Canada arrived, he had a breifcase with him. He studied America for a few minuet's until he grabbed something out of his briefcase.

●•{Time skip}•●

Canada said goodbye to me and said that I made the right decision of calling him instead of the hospital. I asked why and all I got was him chuckling and leaving.

I turned to America who was opening his eyes, Canada said he was going to be weak and he would need help for a while, so I decided to stay with him until he's better.

A"R-Russia wh-at are you d-doing here?" he said, he had to breathe for air in between sentences.

R"Im going to take care of you, not as in kill you but nurse you back to health" I said reassuringly. I don't think now is the best time to tell him I love him,

A"W-Why?" he said trying to get up but failing

R"I talked with my dad, he said he wouldn't want me to hate you because of him." That was a lie and I knew it, but I can't tell him I love him yet. It should be later when he has enough strength,

A"O-oh.. Okay t-then" he said, he looked behind me. Soviet was there

R"Can you see him?" He nodded his head

R"Do you want to watch something?" I asked

A"y-yeah" he said, but then he looked to see that he was on his bed and he opened his mouth but before he could say anything I picked him up and carried him to the couch. He didn't look at me the whole time, probably because he was embarassed.

A"Thanks..." I set him down on the couch and grabbed the remote and a blanket.

A"Ever watch Hamilton?" he said looking at me, I shook my head. He then nodded and went to disne+ and put on Hamilton, it was two hours and forty minuet's.

●•{Time skip}•●

America fell asleep before the movie ended but I didn't mind, it was a good movie. All the song's were good and the dancing was outstanding. America was laying on my shoulder, he looked so cute when he was sleeping. I kissed his forehead and leaned my had against his. I soon fell asleep aswell.


Russia finally knows his feeling's for America! Took him long enough.

I know this story is a little fast paced but Im trying.

We are getting closer to a confession!

If you haven't watched Hamilton go watch it. It is a long movie but all the songs and the dancing is really cool, especially because if they mess up they can't fix it sense it was a live movie.

Hope you continue reading! Have a lovely day/night ♡

1029 words

Chapter 22: A day with you

Chapter Text

《America's POV》

I woke up on the couch, I heard a noise from the kitchen. I look in that direction and see a ushanka, must be Soviet. Wait no, Russia is staying here. Is he waiting to kill me? Or does he want a fight? I have no idea, I tried to move my legs but they wouldn't move. I think Russia noticed me struggling sense he said,

R"It's no use, the pills you took трахал with your system. Your weak, you need to heal." he said, he didn't even look in my direction as he spoke.

A"Why do you care? If you want to kill me do it now." I said firmly, I don't want to play a game. I just want to get it over with,

R"I already told you I don't want to kill you. Im not going to kill you" he said reassuringly. Why was he being so nice?

A"Why are you being so nice?" I said suspiciously,

R"Do you not remember last night?" he said, he finally looked at me. Those beautiful amber eyes met mine, I felt myself staring at them for a bit before I responded,

A"No, how did I get to the couch?"

R"I carried you,"

A"What." I felt my face grow hotter. He carried me? Oh god this is so embarrassing,

R"You looked stoned and you tried to walk but you couldn't so I helped you," he said, he flipped something in a pan. Pretty sure it was a pancake but I couldn't be sure,

A"Oh... Well thank you"

R"No problem, звездное сияние" He said happily. Something weird was going on, One. He was being extremely nice to me, Two. He gave me a nickname that he knows I can't understand.

A"What is that name you gave me?" I said confused

R"Oh, nothing. You like pancakes?" He said turning his head to look at me, I nodded my head and he put two pancakes on two plates,

R"Syrup or butter"

A"Syrup" He brought the plate over and sat it down next to me, he went back and got a glass of orange juice.

A"Thanks..." I said avoiding eye contact, we both ate the breakfast in silence. An akward one at that, until he broke the silence,

R"Do you actually like me?" he said looking at me. Y'know what, I think I prefer the akward silence.

A"Uhm, I mean, yeah. But it doesn't matter much anyway, you're gonna kill me soon." He opened his mouth to protest but my phone rang,


B"Why aren't you at work?!" Britain said annoyed, I forgot that today was monday aka the most busiest day of the week.

A"Felt sick, didn't want to spread it to coworker's" I replied nonchalantly, Russia looked at me. I think he was asking who, I muted myself and said "Britain" he nodded his head.

B"You have to work! You have a job to do!"

A"It's just paperwork, i'll work overtime" I sighed and pinched my nose bridge.

B"No! You have a job to do!" he emphasised on job, I knew I got hired to kill someone.



A"Come again?"

B"Poland. He was going through our files, kill Germany aswell."

A"Why Germany?" I said, I tried to not sound shocked and I think I masked it well.

B"Who do you think gave him access to the files?"

A"Oh... Right"

B"You'll do it, right?" Is he trying to taunt me?

A"Yeah. I'll do it..." I was going to hang up when he said,

B"Im not too far from Germany so I can meet you at a plce and you can kill them." He said then hang up.

R"Who?" he said in a serious tone,

A"Poland and Germany." I said, I masked my voice in a cold demeanor and my face was expressionless.

R"Нет, you won't." he looked at me, he clearly believed I couldn't kill them. How foolish is this man? I tried to get up, my legs felt like jelly but work comes first. I manage to stand and walk, I pat my sides and I feel a pistol. Good enough.

R"You aren't-"

A"I killed Venezuela, what makes you think I wouldn't kill them?" I interrupted him, I didn't look at him. Mostly because he is the only one who could convince me to not kill them, I pick up my sunglasses and leave.

Britain texted me a location, I felt cold. I took off my sunglasses and look beside me, Venezuela was there,

V"Are you really going to do it?" I nodded my head.

V"I thought you would learn" he sighed and disappeared, another one appeared. She was a black and white country with an eye patch, I know her as Prussia.

P"America, dear you need to revolt against Britain, I know you don't want to kill these people. I know you didn't want to kill me, but you have to revolt. Or else you'll be stuck in his game for the rest of your life." She said to me. She filled the role of my Mother sense my real one died.

A"You mean the rest of his life. Im much younger than him, I should outlive him by at least Thirty years." I said smirking a bit, she chuckled in return.

I arrived at the destinaton, Poland, Germany and Britain were waiting inside. I sigh and leave the car,

P"Follow your heart" she said, she smiled warmly and left.

I walked to the building, I open the doors and walk down the hallway. I spot Poland, Germany and Britain talking. I walk up to them,

G"Hey America!" Germany said waving to me, I felt a pang of sadness flow over me. I waved back, I then raise my gun. I turn off the safety and aim. I pull the trigger there was a thud. The sound echoed, someone gasped.

I just killed someone I've known most of my life.


Another chapter!!

I don't see much of Female Prussia and I want so see more of her so yeah!

I plan to make more chapters on Russia's POV sense I don't write much on his POV, so future chapters will be about Russia.

Hope you're having a lovely day/night! ♡♡

990 words

Chapter 23: Thought's

Chapter Text

《Russia's POV》

I was getting up to go after America when I felt something cold on my shoulder, I look and see my Dad shaking his head.

R"But I have to-" I started before he interrupted me,

S"Don't, he needs to choose for himself."

I sigh and nod, in the meantime I go to America's room. He wouldn't mind, right? I walk to the end of the hallway and open the door, The room was a navy color and he had a white bed. I look at the nightsand next to his bed, there was a book labeled 'Memories'. I pick it up, Don't open it, it's his private stuff! But he wouldn't mind, He obviously doesn't trust you! He thought you were there to kill him this morning! He said he loves me, so he should forgive me. Your taking advantage of him, love also means respecting their boundaries! Yeah... I guess you right...

I argued with myself before I decided to not read the book, I put it back in it's place and explore a bit more. I find photos of America with some people I don't know,

One was a Black and white woman with a bird design on the left of her flag, she wasn't much taller than America. America seemed to be a teenager while the Woman was an adult, his mother perhaps?

Another photo of him shaking hands with a Woman, but this time she was a white flag with yellow spades. I think that is Kingdom of France if I remember history class correctly,

My eyes scan the wall more, there were two more photos of him shaking hands. One with Spain and the other with Netherlands, there was a photo of him and Morocco sitting on a beach. It looked like they were friends, and pretty close ones at that.

I felt a weird sense of hatred as I thought that last sentence, it was weird but so are emotions so I just shook it off. I look around a bit more and decide to explore the rest of the house and not just his room, I left his room and walked down the hallway. There was a room on the left, I opened it, it was an office. I don't know why America would have an office all the work he does is top secret they wouldn't allow him to takes the files and leave anyway. I shut the door and continue walking, the kitchen has an island with bar stools but other than that it looks like a normal kitchen. The living room has a giant TV and has curtains around the windows, there were a few side tables that had lamps on them, but other than that it was pretty empty. There's another room next to the kitchen, I open the door to see it's completely empty. Maybe it was for storage? Maybe he had a roomate? I don't know, I'll ask him once he gets back.

I sigh as I felt a wave of sadness wash over me, while Poland wasn't the best coworker he was a good friend. Why did I listen to Dad? I should have stopped America from going. I glance at my car keys, I look around to see if I could spot Father. He wasn't here, I grabbed my keys and bolted out the door. I find my car until I realize. I don't know where there meeting. ебать!

I get of my car to see a smilng Soviet standing infront of me,

S"I told you to not go" he said nonchalantly,

R"да but-"

S"I understand, you want to save your friends but America has to do it."

R"What if he doesn't?"

S"Then we wait until next time" he said calmly,

R"So it's a never ending cycle unless America breaks it? Thats Бред сивой кобылы!" I said angrily, It's wrong to do that! Especially if you're not telling them!

Dad continues to smile and he walk back into the woods, I decide to follow. As we walk through the woods I felt a wave of cold hit me, It reminded me of home.

S"You like the cold here?" He said, he continued to walk

R"да, reminds me of home" Russia admitted, not many places felt like home due to them being too hot. But here reminds me of home, it's not extremely cold like it is at home but it's cold enough.

S"Makes sense, We're in Alaska, it's America's Russian climate. soon to be child aswell" Soviet muttered the last part thinking I didn't hear it but I did. I felt my face getting warmer as I thought about it, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. As we reached the house, I looked at the flowers surrounding the house. The beautiful roses complemented the wood of the cabin, it was a medium size cabin, it wasn't large but it wasn't small.

I entered the cabin, Soviet disappeared again. I sat on the couch, I decided to finish the Hamilton movie. It was a good movie, not my favorite but it was good.


I return from being absent, writer's block is no laughing matter.

I hope you liked this chapter, I guess it was more of a filler chapter than plot chapter but I think it was good.

Anyways it's currently 12:58 am so I might write more chapter's but idk yet.

Have a good day/night! ♡♡♡

884 words

Chapter 24: Aftermath

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

There was a loud thud, someone hit the floor. Germany gasped,

G"A-America? Wh- why...." Germany sttudered out, he had a shocked expression on his face. He didn't look scared but more shocked at America's actions. Poland had a smile plastered on his face, he seemed amused at Germany's reaction.

America paid no attention to the two of them, he was just staring at Britain's body. It was laying there in a pool of his own blood, America wasn't scared he was just... shocked.

He didn't mean to shoot Britain, he was aiming for Poland. They were inside so the wind didn't change trajectory, America's mind was racing. How could he miss? He always hit's his target. Maybe he wasn't aiming correctly, he just didn't understand how he could miss. America felt cold, he walked out of the building and into an alleyway next to the building. He took off his glasses and looked beside him, it was Prussia.

P"Maybe you missed because you didn't want to kill him" she said bluntly, she looked at him and sighed.

A"It doesn't matter if I don't want to kill him, I was ordered to."

P"I get that your hurt but-"

A"Im not hurt." he said firmly

P"America do not bullsh*t me right now. I know you and Russia had a disagreement but he is trying to redeem your trust," Prussia said slightly annoyed she knew that America was trying to distract himself from his emotions or the truth. America kept his cold expression and said,

A"I have to finish the job." he said walking back to the front of the building, before Prussia responded,


A"What?" he said turning around to face Prussia,

P"No-one is making you, Britain is no longer in charge. You are."

America thought about it for a moment. He did kill Britain and he's the next of kin, meaning he owns the company. Meaning he can choose to deny a job, he doesn't have to kill Poland and Germany anymore. America felt a smile form across his face,

A"Yeah.... you're right" he said happily, he put on his glasses and went inside the building to find Germany and Poland still there,

P"Glad ya finally did it" Poland said, amused.

G"Why did you bring us?" Germany said skeptically,

A"My job was to kill you both but I found an opportunity and I took it" America replied, a grin on his face. He told Germany and Poland they could leave if they wanted, they both left.

America decided to do his own clean up job, he hasn't done one in a while but he remembers the important things. 1, clean all prints 2, clean all blood 3, get rid of the body in a isolated area or burn it 4, get an alibi 5, get rid of security camera footage.

He did all of those steps exept one, the body. America already rapped up the body in saran wrap and cleaned all blood but he didn't know where to hide it, normally the clean up crew has a located spot. He thought about calling the comapny, No. His company, but he decided against it, he would call a company meeting under Britain's name and declare that he is the new leader.

America didn't want to put the body in his car but he had no choice, he put the body in the back and drove towards his house. When he arrived at the area he decided to go to the spot where it happened. The accident. He went over there, there was burnt grass, dirt and trees surrounding the area. Makes sense, there was a fire afterall. He walked farther until he came to a house, or it was a house. Now it was burnt wood, there used to be ash but the wind blew it away. He moved some pieces of the wood until he found a group of skeleton's, he felt a wave of sadness and guilt flow over him as he looked at the remains of his friends. He then unwrapped Britains body, he propped the body against a burned wood piece. He went over to his car and opened the gas lid, he put his tie into the gas and pulled it out. It was dripping in gasoline, he walked over to Britain and wringed out the gas. He threw the tie onto Britain and grabbed the lighter from his pocket, he used his hair tie to put pressure on the lighter so it would always be lit until it broke or ran out of gas.

He then threw the lighter onto Britain and watched as his body was engulfed in the flames. He smiled as he watched, this is revenge. For his people. For all the friends he killed. For everything Britain did to him.

America continued to smile when the fire went out, he saw the chared remains of what used to be his Father. He felt cold, really cold. He decided to take off his sunglasses, he saw them. All the people who died here, all his friends.

A young woman approached America. America was frozen in place, he is seeing his Mother.

A"M-Mom?!" America said confused but happy, he tried to hug her but his hands went right through her. He forgot that she was a ghost,

NA"Hello Dear," she said, smiling warmly. She knew what her son became but she didn't care, after all these years of watching over him she can finally talk to him again.

A"Mom I know what im doing is wrong but-" America tried to speak but his Mother signed for him to not,

NA"I know what you're doing. I know what you did. I know what you did to your friends, and Family." she said nodding towards Confederate. America felt a little sad as he looked at his brother, he remembered the night it went down.


A"Confederate we don't have to fight-" America tried to reason with Confederate, he didn't want to fight his brother but he might have to.

C"I DON'T CARE! SLAVES GIVE US MONEY! THEY GO WITH THEIR FREEDOM THEY GO WITH OUR MONEY!" Confederate yelled. He hated his brother, at any given moment he would make fun of him, anger him, make him look crazy, do anything to annoy him.

A"But we declared independence due to freedom! We declared independence under the impression that all men are created equal!" America tried to not raise his voice but his patience was running thin.

C"WHO GIVES A f*ck?!" Confederate said, he slammed his hands onto the table.

A"Calm down-" America said slightly annoyed

C"NO! f*ck YOU AND YOUR 'UNION' I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS!" Confederate said, he grabbed a knife and launched it at America's head. Luckily America dodged in time,

A"THE f*ck IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" America yelled. He couldn't belive his own brother tried to kill him!

C"IM JUST TRYING TO KILL YOUR STUPID ASS!" Confederate yelled angrily, he picked up another knife

A"IM NOT STUPID!" America yelled back, he was clearly angry. Confederate wasn't usually scared of America but for some reason Confederate got scared when he looked at America. His face had pure hatred on it, usually Confederate was the one who had that face but this time it was America.

C"BULLsh*t! YOU KILLED MOM AND EVERYONE ELSE!" Confederate yelled. He knew that would break America, but only for a limited amount of time do he had to act fast.

America froze. He thought Confederate knew to not bring up that subject, but he knew he was right. It was all his fault, he might not have killed them with his hands but he lead other's hands to kill them. Just then America spotted a shiny object flying towards him, he looked at Confederate who no longer had the knife in his hand. Time seemed to slow down,

Should I dodge? Should I catch it? Should I let it happen? America thought, he didn't know what to do. He's seen so much death it's more like a memory than a fear, he had seen so much of it he started to ask himself questions. When is it going to get me? In my sleep or seven feet ahead of me? If I see it coming do I run or let be?

His time ran out, the knife hit him above his eye on the left side. There was a trail of blood falling down his face, his head was pounding. He looked to his brother who had a smirk on his face. It only made America angry. He wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. He grabbed the knife out of his head and launched it to Confederate.

Confederate wasn't expecting the knife to come back to him so he couldn't dodge it. The knife cut through the air and settled in the throat of Confederate which ended up killing him. America's eyes widened in shock, he didn't mean to kill him it just happened.

America managed to find his way to the bathroom, he grabbed the bandages and wrapped it around his head. He knew that wouldn't heal the wound but it would have to do until he could get Canada.

《End of Flashback》

NA"America, you aren't responsible for our death's. It was an accident that wasn't your fault" she said reassuringly. Confederate just nodded, America was confused by that action. Does that mean he and America are cool now? Does it mean respect? Does it mean Confederate doesn't blame America for their Mother's death? America decided to ask later, he looked at all of his friends. They all nodded at him, waved or smiled, some did all three or a combination of two.

A"Why couldn't I see you all?" He as he realized that fact.

NA"Because you didn't kill us. Britain did. And now he's dead, we've been haunting him for years now. But now we can rest knowing that he's dead and can't harm anyone else." She said glancing at Britain's dead body.

A"Wait, that means I won't be able to see you all again?!" He said urgently. He didn't want to let them go so soon, he just saw them again, he wanted to catch up.

NA"We can stay as long as we like but now that our pourpose is filled we can onky stay for five more years" she said slightly sad but also happy sense Britain was finally dead.

A"Can you please stay? Even if it's for a bit. Just please stay..." he said, a tear formed in the corner of his eye. He managed to keep the tear in his eye,

NA"Of course I'll stay! But we are on a time limit" she said smiling warmly to her son,

?"I'll stay for a bit! I missed our gossips!" a girl said,

???"Same here!" three more people said. And soon all of them agreed to stay for a bit.

America smiled and thanked them all, they all disappeared. Exept for one, Confederate.


Another chapter!! Im honestly proud of this chapter! I tried to put lore into this chapter and I think I did well.

Did anyone get my Hamilton reference? I was listening to the music as I was writing this chapter

1829 words

Chapter 25: The conversation

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

Confederate just stood there, staring at America. And America did the same,

A"Aren't you going to leave." he said coldly, he didn't want to deal with Confederate's shenanigans today.

C"No. I want to talk" He said not breaking eye contact. America kept his distance, last time the two were completely alone knives were thrown.

A"Go on," He said skeptically, he didn't trust Confederate. But could you blame him? The man lodged a knife into his skull!

C"I want to apologise for throwing the knife at you" America's eyes widened,

A"Come again?"

C"I said, Im sorry for throwing the knife at you." he said slightly annoyed

A"Wow... Ok then... I forgive you..." he said slighly confused, he was still processing what his Brother said to him.

C"Im not forgiving you for killing Mother. I don't blame you completely but you did lead him right to us," he said crossing his arms.

A"I thank you for not blaming me completely," he said honestly, he was still a bit surprised at Confederate's words but he enjoyed being able to talk to his Brother without arguing.

C"Whatever..." he said then disappeared, leaving America alone with chared remains and in the middle of a forest. He looked back to Britain's remains and smiled, he regretted not burning him alive. Oh well, too late now.

America decided to walk back to his house, it was less than a mile away (about 1 kilometer for the non-americans) he walked into the woods and walked for a bit until he found a path. He walked on the path until he saw a yellowish light, he looked at his house. Russia was still there, he was cooking dinner for the two of them. America felt a bit guilty for treating Russia poorly but it's the past now.

He walked up to the back door and entered, he saw Russia cooking on the stove. It smells delicious America thought when he entered the house.

A"Smells good," he commented as he walked behind Russia

R"Thanks" Russia responded,

A"Im sorry for earlier, I was being a jerk" America admitted, he hoped Russia wasn't too mad at him

R"Нет, you were being cautious not being a jerk." Russia said reassuringly,

A"Well thanks for cooking," he said taking off his shoes,

R"Нет problem! It's already done," he said grabbing two plates and putting them on the table.

A"What is it?" America said curiously, it was probably a Russian dish sense he hasn't seen it before.

R"Stroganoff" he said smiling at America and motioned for him to sit, America then took a seat next to Russia. America grabbed his fork and began eating it, it tasted good. Russia was a bit surprised, he half expected America to ask if it was poisoned but he was glad that he didn't question it.

A"This is so good Ruski!" America said looking at his food with a surprised and happy tone. Meanwhile Russia was thinking of what America said, 'Ruski' is that my nickname? Russia thought, he felt a little warm as he thought about the nickname.

After the two finished eating Russia made small talk. They talked about what kind of coffee they perfer, who's their best friend, most embarrassing incident, favorite song, that kind of stuff. The two bonded through the night until America wanted to head off to bed, make's sense, he had an eventful day. America waved bye to Russia, until he realized Russia doesn't have a place to sleep

A"Hey, where are you going to sleep?" America said as he was thinking of an idea,

R"The couch." he said bluntly, America sighed and looked at his bed. It was a king size, enough for two people

A"Come on," he said tiredly

R"What?" he said genuinely confused

A"If you want to sleep on a bed get over here" he said walking away from the door and plopping himself onto the bed, he heard footsteps and someone sit on the opposite side of the bed.

R"Thank you" he said a little akwardly,

A"No problem, but you should check up on your siblings. You haven't been home in a while" he said getting under the covers, Russia nodded and texted his siblings

Russia'Hey guys, im staying at America's for a bit so don't worry about me.'


Belarus'Gay ass'



Kazakhstan'Idk Japan's getting to me'


Kazakhstan'Oh shut up Miss Canada!'


Ukraine'Bitch wanna catch these hands?'

Kazakhstan'Try me bitch. I'll beat you flower crown ass in a millisecond'

Estonia'He did not.'

Ukraine'Sister team up?'

Kazakhstan'No! That's cheating!'

Ukraine'IDGAF MOTHERf*ckER! I'LL f*ck YOUR DAD!'

Ukraine'Wait- No, that's not what I meant-'

Estonia'Caught 4k'


Kazakhstan'Lol, you f*cked up'


Russia turned off his phone and sighed at his sibling's shenanigans. He put the phone on the nightstand next to his side of the bed and laid down under the covers aswell.

The two fell asleep with their backs to each other. The two drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


780 words

Chapter 26: Again.

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

The sun shone through the window illuminating the boy's faces, they were intertwined with America in Russia's arms. Russia woke up twenty minuet's ago but he didn't dare move, he didn't want to wake America up and he also enjoyed having America in his arms. America shuffled a bit but ended up snuggling closer to the Russian, which made Russia look redder than his Father.

Okay, your crush is laying in your arms and cuddiling with you. That's normal, right? Oh god this is akward Russia thought as he was laying there. He looked at America, he looked so cute and peaceful, he didn't dare ruin it.

After a bit America woke up, Russia panicked so he pretended he was asleep. America looked at Russia sleepily, he snuggled back with Russia. Until he realized, 'snuggled back with Russia'. He was with Russia, in bed. He looked baxk upto the Russian, still sleeping. America put his hand on Russia's face, he admired how the light from the sun illuminated the features of the Russian. America realized that Russia didn't have his hat on, he looked at the fluffy hair, he resisted the urge to pat Russia's head. America caressed Russia's cheek with his thumb, America had to admit. He looked hot, America felt his face flush he then got up from the bed, leaving him and Russia to be a bit sad. America leaned in and kissed Russia on the forehead,

A"I know you're awake dummy" he said laughing lightly and walked to the kitchen.

He made breakfast but for two, he enjoyed having company. Especially sense it was Russia, he heard footsteps behind him. He looked behind him to see Russia with his hat on,

R"Good morning" he said, his accent was so strong that America took a while to figure out what he said, but he felt a shiver down his spine when Russia spoke with the accent, it was a weird attraction he had towards Russia.

A"Morning," he said softly, he felt arms wrap around him. He also felt the chin rest on his head, America's face went red as Russia hugged him. But he wasn't going to complain, he was enjoying it.

America finished their food and the two ate breakfast, they made small talk as they ate until Russia asked

R"What's the empty room for?" he said pointing to the room next to the kitchen, America shrugged,

A"I don't know, I just put it there. I think I built it for guests but I never invited anyone here so it went unused." He said looking at the room, he was telling the half truth. He did build it for someone and they never came so it did go unused but he built it for a child. Just incase he decides to get one, or make one, he would have room for the kid.

A"I could set it up so you could sleep there" America suggested, he didn't want to but he didn't know if Russia liked him, and he didn't want to put Russia in a situation he didn't want to be in.

R"да.... I guess...." he said, he was obviously disappointed.

A"How long ya staying? No pressure! I don't really have anything to do, I got off work for a bit" America said smiling at Russia. But Russia frowned a bit, he thought that America killed Poland and Germany.

R"I don't know, it's nice being away from my siblings but I know I can't stay here for long."

A"I mean you could.." America mumbled under his breath,


A"What? I didn't say anything" he lied,

R"How'd you get the days off?" Russia asked,

A"Uhh... Well... You see... I uh- Killed Britain... So I own the company now..." he said a bit nervous, he didn't know why he was nervous but he was.

R"So Poland and Germany are still alive!" Russia said hapily,

A"Yeah, I couldn't do it." America said, another half truth. He couldn't do it but he made it sound like he aimed for Britain but he aimed for Poland.

The two watched TV and talked for a while, they decided to spend the day together.

●•{Time skip}•●

It was now around 1 and the two bought ice cream and were headed to the park. The two found a bench and sat down, they talked for a bit until Russia decided to ask now,



R"I-" he sighed, it was a lot easier to say this in his head than in person.

R"I love you..." he said, he knew that America liked him. He doesn't know if he still does, he looked at America. He was shocked but he quickly snapped out of it,

A"I love you too" He said, looking at Russia.

Russia leaned forward, America did the same. Soon their lips met, it was a mixture of flavors but it was enjoyed by the both of them. They parted and looked at one another,

A"Does that mean were dating?" he said leaning on Russia's shoulder,

R"да, it does." he smiled and kissed America's head, both of them were red. But it was peaceful and nice, a breeze tickled their noses as the two sat there basking in the peaceful silence. The two enjoyed the company the other gave, after sitting there for a bit they got up and went for a walk. America held onto Russia's arm as they walked, he was happy. He then considered the extra room, maybe, he thought. He looked back at Russia and blushed thinking about it, they haven't even been a couple for Thirty-minutes yet and he was fantasizing about a family with this man.

The two spent the rest of the day together, the two of them were happy. They finally got with the person they loved, they should enjoy the peace while it's there. A whole new war is about to commence



I hoped you liked this chapter! The story is no where near the end so I hope you stick around.

I know this might be fast but again, first book. And it's also 1am so im also a bit tired, but I can't sleep so I decided to write another chapter.

Hope you're having a wonderful day/night!!♡♡

1011 words

Chapter 27: Watcher

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

?"So? You have a visual?" a voice said through a walkie talkie. The person holding it was hiding in the bushes watching the two countries,

??"Yeah, and you're not going to belive it." he said smirking. He was forming a plan in his head, one to kill America. Now he knew who America cared for, he knows America's weakness.

?"Well tell me," the voice said a bit annoyed.

??"America's got himself a boyfriend~" He said smirking. She hoped out of the bushes and ran to her car when she got a call from her boss

???"China?" A woman asked,

Ch"Yes?" she replied backing out of the parking spot.

???"What do you mean by America has a boyfriend?" She asked curiously,

Ch"He's dating Russia. And yes im sure, unless they kiss each-other on the lips as friends" she said slyly. She was amused with this information, she now had leverage against America. How was she going to exploit it? She was still thinking,

???"Oh.... I thought he was straight. Nevermind that, how can we use this information against him?" The woman asked

Ch"You're the boss you tell me"

???"Im not the boss, im the bosses sister." she said annoyed, she made this mistake quite often.

Ch"Same difference" she said nonchalantly

???"Not really... But nevermind. I have to go, I would recommend telling my sister, in person, about the information" she said then hang up.

'Can't tell the damn difference between them.' China thought. She always got Iran and Iraq mixed up, she was 90% sure he was talking to Iraq on the phone.

She arrived at the company in Fifteen-minutes, she walked throught the doors and went into Iran's office.

I"What is it? Be quick." She said visibly annoyed at China's presence.

Ch"I have information on Britain's son." she said trying to suppress a smirk.

I"Which one?" she said glancing at China before resuming her work,

Ch"America-" she was cut off by Iran.

I"Tell me." She demanded

Ch"He has a boyfriend, we can use this to our advantage by kidnapping him." China suggested,

I"Good job. You can either get a bonus on this weeks paycheck or get three days off." she said sternly


I"Alright, you may leave now" she said writing down a note.

China nodded and left the room, she was always so professional. She needs to lighten up from time to time, of-course he could never tell her that out of fear for her own life. She went back to his office and grabbed a document titled: America. He opened it and wrote under 'known facts', he wrote

Has a boyfriend named Russia, he is the leader of the Slavic gang. He seems to be following in his Father's footsteps, he apparently forgave America for killing his Father. Why? We don't know. Russia is tall, standing at over 6ft tall so it will be difficult to harm him or kidnap him. We would have to slip something into his food or drink while he's not looking in order to capture him.

She closed the document and put it back. She sighed and sat down, she remembered being friends with America. It was for a mission, she was to gain intelligence on Albion but she ended up becoming friends with America, he told Iran that she didn't want to spy on America and Albion anymore, she would be happy to go back to killing people. That was until Iran threatened to kill America if she didn't continue to spy on him and the company. So China agreed, she had a small crush on America. Of-course those feelings are gone now. She and America have one thing in common, they both agree that caring for someone on a personal level was dangerous. And America was about to experience pain for having Russia in his life, China was sent to negotiate with the Slav's but she failed to top America's deal. Which was weird, America normally looses his cool when talking with people, one wrong word then he would snap. He could keep his professional composure for a limited amount of time before it would slowly crumble, America was also a snarky person when he wants to be.

China was about to be fired when Iran gave her one last chance. She told her to spy on America, she agreed. She sent balloons around America until America got suspicious and shot them down, she tried tracking and listening devices but America had a bug detector. She tried following America home but she would loose America on the way, because China, unlike America has common sense when it comes to driving. That was until she found America and Russia at a park together, she decided to investigate so she followed them. He found out two things, 1. America likes Russia, 2. Russia knows America killed his Father.

That was good for China to hear, he could use that information against America. It was obvious that America and Russia were dating, so she was a bit confused when she remembered that America told Russia he killed his Father. But China got an idea, what if I turn Russia into a spy? What if I get Russia on our side? She thought. If I get Russia riled up about America killing his Father maybe he would switch sides? China smiled at the thought, she never disliked America but she was a bit of a sad*st so she enjoyed people in pain. And this was the perfect way to put America in pain.

She wrote down the idea so he wouldn't forget it, she then texted North Korea.

China 'Want to help bring America down?'


China sadism kink confirmed?

Hope y'all liked this chapter!

Happy August everyone!! This is my birthday month so I might not post 23-24,

This month I also go back to school so I might not be able to update everyday like I have been but I will try to!

Hope you have a wonderful day/night!!♡♡

967 words

Chapter 28: Plans

Chapter Text


I just want to say that I changed something from last chapter. I decided to make China a girl instead of a boy so if you re-read last chapter it will have She/her instead of he/him. Sorry for the change-up!


《Third person POV》

China smiled as he saw three dots appear on the screen,

North Korea 'Why wouldn't I want to put that brat in pain?'

China 'Good point.'

The two continued to text one another about taking down America. China decided the two should meet up in person, North Korea agreed. They made a time and place and both said goodbye sense North Korea had to go spy on his brother.




America woke up and found Russia downstairs making breakfast,

R"Good morning, звездное сияние" he said smiling at the American.

A"Morning Russ" he said yawning. He didn't understand why he was waking up so late, until he checked the clock. 6:18am. He looked back at Russia and back at the clock.

America wasn't waking up late, Russia was waking up earlier.

A"What time did you get up?" he said looking at the tall Russian.

R"Thirty-minutes to an hour ago. Why?" he said moving the spatula around the pan, he was making scrambled eggs.

A"Becuase that's so early! And you don't have a boss so you don't need to be in the office by a specific time" he whined and huged Russia from behind him. Russia only smiled and continued cooking, he didn't mind listening to America whine or complain. Although he would find it annoying, he also found it cute.

R"Well I need to wake up before you so I can make you breakfast," Russia replied clamly. He kept his voice down sense his boyfriend still seemed a bit tired.

A"Wait.... You woke up early, for me?" America said taking his arms away from Russia and looking at him

R"да, why wouldn't I?" He smiled to the smaller country.

America felt his cheeks warm up. He found that insanely cute and thoughtful of Russia, he walked up to Russia and kissed him.

A"Thank you," America said smiling at his boyfriend.

A"But you shouldn't do that for me"

R"Why not? Do you not like it?"

A"No! I mean I do! I love it! But you shouldn't wake up early because of me. And also it's cold in there and you're hot!" America said pointing at the bedroom. He thought through his words 'and you're hot!', America felt his face go red as he scrambled for words.

A"Wait- no! That's not what I meant! I mean hot as in temperature wise, but you are hot don't get me wrong. But- ugh, there's no use. You know what I meant" America sighed after he finished, he looked at Russia who had a sh*t-eating grin on his face. America just smiled and kissed Russia again.

R"Go sit down alright, звездное сияние" he said nodding towards a chair.

A"What?" America said as he heard the name. America knew some Russian but not fluently enough to decipher what the Russian said.

R"You'll find out soon enough звездное сияние" he chuckled lightly seeing the confusion on America's face. America squinted his eyes and went to the table and sat down. He felt like a king, being severed meals. But he was also sleeping with the person who is serving his meals.

Russia came into the room holding two plates, he out the plates on the table and grabbed two glasses filled with apple juice. The two ate and enjoyed the silence. It wasn't akward, it was comfortable, peaceful. Perfect for a new couple.

The two finished eating when America spoke,

A"Can I... Show you something?" he said, he looked a bit nervous but also exited. Russia nodded his head, he felt America's hand wrap around his wrist and drag him outside. America started running down a path, Russia was being jerked along until he started running, he was a bit shocked at America's strength. He looked at America, he didn't look string nor intimidating but Russia knew the truth. America was ruthless, strong, smart, independent, intimidating not to mention hot.

America slowed down as the two approached the end of the forest, America parted the tree leaves and stepped out of the way so Russis could see.

There was a flower field with a single oak tree in the middle, it was surronded by the forest. It seemed out of place, everywhere else there were trees and some flowers accompanied by moss, while here there was a singular tree and multiple flowers and no moss. There was a river flowing through the middle of the clearing, Russia stepped forward and out of the forest. America walk in front of Russia and smiled, he then continued forward walking closer to the tree. Russia followed close behind, his eyes traveling around the area, soon his eyes traveled back to America.

Russia looked at America, his hair was down and messy yet he still looked good, he was wearing a hoodie, his hoodie and some shorts. He blushed as he looked at America's lower half, he found America to be extremely attractive. He then found himself fantasizing as he stared at America.

America climed the tree breaking Russia's thoughts, he soon followed America up the tree. America was crawling to the edge of a branch and he patted the are next to him to signal Russia over. Russia's face was bright red, he was right behind America when he was crawling to the edge. Why is he so god damn hot?! Russia thought looking at America. He soon regained his composure and looked emotionless, he would rather look emotionless than look like a tomato.

The two sat in the tree for a bit, admiring the sunrise and all the colors. The sky was a beautiful gradient of orange and blue, the trees and flowers made it look magical. The sound of the water was calming to them, America was leaning on Russia's shoulder. Russia looked at America and smiled, he laid his head on top of America's and enjoyed the veiw.


I might not update often through 3-6 because me and my family are going on a small vacation before school starts. So it might be difficult to update but i'll try my best!

Have a wonderful day/night!!♡♡

1021 words

Chapter 29: The star duo (Flashback)

Chapter Text


So this whole chapter is what happened between America and China


《Third person POV》

A young Man and Woman were sitting in an office, one was red and tall. The other was tall, but not taller than the red country. The smaller country had stars on his face aswell as thirteen stripes of red and white.

?"Do you have the document's?" The taller one asked

??"Yes, do you have the money?" The smaller one replied, the other nodded his head and held out a briefcase. The smaller one did aswell,

?"Names China." she said sternly, she was sent to meet this boy due to her job. She had to spy on him and the company he works for, in return a large sum of money would be paid.

??"America." the smaller one said extending his hand for the Woman to shake. She looked at his hand and hesitated but shook it in the end.

Ch "You aren't very loyal if you're giving me this information for so little." She said eyeing America up and down. She was trying to insult him, push his buttons, she wanted to know why this man was feared all over the world. Sure, she'd heard story's but she never saw the difference between her and America.

A"Heh... Well this company doesn't pay much," he said as calmly as he could. He was annoyed at what the Woman was getting at, he was sent there by his company to spy on her and her company.

Ch"So you're doing this because you're poor?" She said with a mix of innocence and amusem*nt in her voice.

A"Excuse me?!" America looked at the Woman in anger, not that she could see his eyes due to his sunglasses. America was losing his composure and quickly too, he shouldn't have taken this job. He wanted to try something new sense his whole life was paperwork, kill, paperwork, kill.

China smiled a bit, she was getting close.

Ch"Is that why no-one can find your house? You don't have one?" She smirked as she saw America's façade crumble into pieces,

A"Excuse me Bitch? I am not against killing a Woman!" He said threateningly to the Woman as she smiled

Ch"I know, I heared about JE." she replied slyly. She was amused by America's answer, it's rare that she found something amusing. Especially someone, most people in this business are the same. Mean, intimidating, rude, strong, emotionless, but America's different. He actually showed his true colors and didn't bother to hide it after one insult, that would be useful to know in a fight with him.

A"She decided to f*ck around and find out. I have no regrets," America said confidently. He had a smile on his face as he reminisced about JE's death, she injured South Korea and America had to defend his teammate so he put explosives on her house. The moment she opened the door there was a explosion. The back of the house disappeared, then another one went off blowing up the front of the house and blowing her body further away. America smiled, he saw every moment of it. He was on the neighbor's roof and jumped into a tree and then onto the grass, he ran to find JE's body. Once he did he dragged her back to the house and ler her burn in the flames.

Ch"Why didn't you just shoot her?" China said in a monotone voice but in reality she was curious, she was never told the reason and she couldn't find the time in her schedule to investigate.

A"She hurt someone that I care about." America replied quickly. He didn't want to give away anything, he was a good actor but he knew that China was observing his every move. One slip up is all it takes.

Ch"Very well then. Care for a drink?" She said looking at a bar. She was trying to get him drunk so he could reveal information.

A"Sure..." America said skeptically, he knew what she was trying to do. But maybe he could get her drunk instead.

The two walked into the bar,

Ch"Baijiu, please."


The two chatted for a while, the both of them tipsy at this point. China completely forgot why she wanted to come here but she was having fun so she didn't think about it too much. America didn't forget but he loved whiskey so he drank a lot of it, and if she forgot he doesn't want to remind her sense he would definitely let something slip.

Ch"What is your most embarrassing memory?" She said looking at the American. He was drinking another whiskey,

A"I wouldn't say this is embarrassing but it was definitely akward." he said putting down his drink and rubbing the back of his neck.

A"One day my class was going to a museum so we had to get on a bus. Well me and this girl Japan got seated together, I didn't mind much sense she was normally quiet. About half way through the trip I had to pee, like really bad. But we were on a bus, there's no toilet's. I held it in as long as I could but I ended up pissing myself. Luckily I had a jacket so I tied it around my waist, it covered the front to the point you wouldn't see it unless you worked for it. Soon the bus ride ends and Japan gets up and so do I, she turns around to pickup her bag and I guess she saw the dark blue spot on the spot I was just sitting on. She looks at me, then back at the spot. She then giggles and that soon turns into a laugh, I was confused as f*ck but I laughed too sense she obviously knew I pissed myself but she didn't care. She didn't seem disgusted either. After that we introduced ourselves and became best friends after that." America said chuckling and holding back a laugh, his face was red from embarrassment. He realized he just told someone he pissed himself, great.

China was laughing, she didn't laugh often. She looked at America,

'He really is something special'


I meant to release this yesterday but oh well, I forgot.

I made this chapter so you guys(or gals, or non-binary pals) could better understand China and America's relationship. The next few chapters might be centred around them.

1040 words

Chapter 30: The second meet-up (FB)

Chapter Text


FB = Flash Back


《China's POV》

I walk down the hallway to Iran's office, it's a wooden door with gold accent's to it. I opened the door and I saw her sitting in her office chair doing paper work. This girl really needs a vacation. I approach her and she lifts her head, she looks a bit cute, in an innocent way of course. She was wearing a hijab, it covered most of her hair but you could still see that her hair is in a high bun with two strands infront. She was wearing a simple black suit, she did look hot, but of-course I can't say that for safety reasons.

I"What." she said firmly

Ch"I have a report on Britain's son"

I"Go ahead" she said almost immediately. Jesus, how much does she hate this dude?

Ch"He's immature, he also seems easy to manipulate" I said honestly, if he's willing to go get drinks with someone who is mostly a stranger he most likely is easy to manipulate.

I"Find a weakness and exploit it. Understand?" I nodded, she motioned for me to leave. I walked out of her office and into my own, I sat down and made a file titled: America I grabbed a pen and started to write.

After a while I got a notification from Iran,

Iran 'You have another meeting with America in a week. This time you'll be giving him information, meet me at ****** at 5 o'clock and i'll give you the information.'

China '👍

I put away my phone and put away the file. I decided to go home until the meeting with Iran

I then went outside to my car and drove home. It was a modern house with white and black accent's to it. I opened the door to my house and I was met with a lavender sent, I took off my shoes and took out my ponytail.

?"Welcome back bitch." someone said sharply as I was walking to the living room

Ch"Hello 混蛋" I said greeting my brother, Taiwan.

We had a rocky relationship ever sense he found out I was using him, and I don't regret it, he was useful and gave me the information I needed. He never talks to me unless if it's to insult me, he doesn't even tell me where he's going. And It's not like I care, but he's still my brother. He's the only thing I have sense mom and dad died.

Ch"I'll be leaving at 4:45, I have a meeting to go to." I told my brother as I walked to the other sids of the couch and sat down.

T"Why the f*ck would I care?! If you don't come back I would throw a party!" he said glaring at me while he was flipping through the options. His words hurt a bit, but what did I expect. He hates me.

Ch"Watch your mouth! You live in my house, I could kick you out whenever I want! You're at my mercy! You are my puppet, I can talk to you and hit you if I feel like it. You. Are. My. Puppet. Don't forget your place." I said annoyed. He was getting more on my nerves lately, I get that I used him but he doesn't have to be so rude!

He looked at me, a bit scared. He then tossed the remote at me and went upstairs, such a wuss. I watched TV and checked the time, 4:40. I got up and got ready, I fixed my hair and put on my shoes. I walked over to the stairs and yelled,

Ch"IM LEAVING!" I walked back to the door and left.


Im back! This chapter was a bit lazy but I tried.

Thank you all for over 300 views!!♡

You all mean a lot to me and I thank you all for reading this, I know it's not the best but Im trying to get better!

Have a lovely evening/day! (Can I say, you look stunning today. Oh, who am I kidding you look stunning every day. ♡) ♡♡♡

692 words

Chapter 31: Meeting with Iran

Chapter Text

Im writing this on my phone so I apologize for any misspellings

<{Third person POV}>

China went to her car and drove to the meeting spot, it was a secluded area. There we're lots of trash and rats in the street but there was one building that stood out. It had a white marbel outside with flowers and stones surrounding it, it looked very high-quality in an area like this. China walked into the building to find a receptionist there,

?"Hello! How may I help you?" The receptionist asked

Ch"Im here too see Iran, is she here?" China said looking around to spot her boss but it was no use, she couldn't find her.

?"Take a left down the hall there" the receptionist pointed down a dimly lit hallway. China nodded and said thank you then went to the hallway.

'Bit much for a simple meeting,' China thought as she walked down the hall, at the very end there was a door. China guessed that's where Iran was so she let herself in,

I"Your late." She said, a hint of annoyance in her voice

Ch"Im not late, im on time," China said a bit confused

I"If Your early your on time, if your on time then your late." She stated as she drank some coffee,

Ch"Im sorry ma'am, it won't happen again." She said a hint of annoyance in her voice,

I"It better not. And don't talk to me like that," She said glaring at the other

'Okay mom,' China thought at she took a seat across from Iran.

I"The documents I am going to give you aren't fakes, reason being we need to gain trust. And these are people who have fulfilled their duty here and are no longer of use." She said taking another sip of her coffee,

Ch"And why are you telling me this?" China said a bit confused

I"I want you to help him, as in kill your ex-coworkers along with America." She said as she re-adjusted her glasses, China nodded in return.

Ch"But what is so scary about this guy? He actually seems nice, he also acts childish! I can't see why he's so feared!" China complained, and she was telling the truth. She only met America once, and only saw one side of him. How was she supposed to know why everyone is scared by him.

I"That's why he's going with you, so you can see how dangerous he is so you won't underestimate him. And while he act's like a child normally, people can be two-faced, even have a façade. He's a good actor, if he wants you to believe he is childish you will believe it. I know, I fell for that same act with his Father." Iran said, hatred present as she spoke about America, but venom seemed to drip when she spoke of America's father.

'God, what did this guy do to her?' China thought as she heard her bosses voice.

Ch"With all do respect ma'am, you are sort-of complimenting America...." She said nervously, she re-thought her words and regretted saying that.

I"I know, but when it comes to America there isn't much you could insult him about. He's good at his job, ever heard of USSR? Also known as Soviet or Soviet Union?" She said raising an eyebrow to the other woman.

Ch"No... Why?" China said genuinely confused on what Iran was talking about.

I"Precisely." Iran said taking another sip of her coffee.

Ch"Could you please tell me about them? It might be a topic he talks about next meeting" China lied, she just wanted to know about this Soviet guy and why she hadn't heard about him before now.

I"America killed him." Iran said bluntly

China was annoyed, Iran told her this when she asked about JE and what happened to her.

Ch" But how?" She said trying to sound nice

I"America went at him with an axe, it put cracks in his head. I don't think it killed him instantly but it did eventually." She said coldly. There seemed to be no emotion in her words, not even of hatred or satisfaction.

Ch"What about JE?" She said curiously

I"Put two bombs in her house, moment she opened the door BANG" She said smiling a bit, to her it was funny.

Ch"And if he's so good how do you know about them?" China said confident that she found a reason to insult America,

I"America never told me how he killed them, all he did was send their bodies to me. I don't know if he struck Soviet with an axe but it's most likely. The news said that a young woman's house left her gas stove on and it caused an explosion, but I had JE's bones meaning that America caused an explosion." Iran said smiling a bit. She found what America did to be amusing, sending the dead bodies of her employee's. Iran actually sent America a thank-you letter for killing Soviet, he lost his use anyway.

China found the fact America sent Iran the dead bodies psychotic. She understood why he was feared everywhere, he's a f*cking psychopath! China soon felt uncomfortable, she imagined if she was next. Being sent to her bosses door step with a knife through the chest, just thinking about it made her skin crawl.

I"Well I must be going. You can take sometime off, I know what America did can scare people to quit." She said standing up and walking toward the door. She opened it and motioned China to follow. China stood up and left.

The two walked out to the parking lot,

Ch"Bye," she said waving to Iran but she wasn't there. She looked around the parking lot but couldn't spot her, she felt a little uneasy about that. She walked to her car and got in, she decided to get Chinese food and bring it home.

This chapter is a bit on JE and Soviet, I think im going to make a chapter on JE and Soviet's death.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a wonderful day/night!!❤

{1043 words}

Chapter 32: Death of the Japanese Empire

Chapter Text

{Third Person POV}

South Korea laid there, a pool of blood was around her head. She was beaten badly, there were cuts allover her, on her face, on her arms, on her stomach and legs. And there was another woman, she stood there with a bloody katana, she was smiling psychotically as she looked at her victim. She wasn't sure if she killed South Korea but it didn't matter, she would die due to blood loss any minuet now. The woman turned around and started to walk away from the unconscious girl on the floor, until she heard ringing from behind her. She turned around to see South on her phone, she was calling someone, JE could barely see the caller ID but once she did she knew it wasn't good, it said 'America'.

SK"J... E...." The girl managed to say before she fainted onto the floor. America hang up as soon as he knew the situation, JE is trying to kill South Korea.

JE struck the woman again for good measure. She then left the house and got into her car, she smiled as she drove. Most people kill for the money, JE kills purely for enjoyment. She loves the rush of adrenaline every time, for her it never gets old. She arrived at a bar.

She entered the bar and almost immediately spotted Third Reich,

JE"Hello Reich!" She said sitting next to him,

TR"Hello there JE, kill someone again?" He said drinking another bottle of booze

JE"Sure did! She did put up a fight tho, I'll giver her that." She said truthfully. South Korea blocked some of her attacks, but in the end it wasn't enough.

The two continued to talk while drinking alcohol, soon JE was tipsy and Reich was completely drunk. JE decided to take Reich back to his house.

{Time skip}

JE left Reich's house and was heading to her car when she spotted a figure next to it, she soon recognized him as America.

A"NSX Acura, like your style" he said looking at the woman's car

A"I also like your way of fighting, just not when it's one of my allies." America said turning around to face the Japanese woman.

JE"Fighting? Did I not kill her?" She said a bit rhetorically, she knew once America was involved there was a small chance South Korea would have actually died but there was still a chance.

A"No.... Although I think you already know that." He said calmly, which was very uncharacteristic of him.

JE"Well, what do you want?"

A"lots of things but, I thought I would challenge you to a duel" America said, a smirk forming on his face. He held up an object that shined in the moonlight, JE smiled as she realized America was holding a katana.

JE smiled and pulled out her katana and charged at the American, America simply doged the attack and swung his katana towards JE. He managed to graze her leg but no actual damage, JE smiled and swung her katana around grazing America's stomach. America began to smile as well.
The two continued to fight, occasionally grazing or cutting the other.
Soon they got tired, both were panting continuously and their swings became more careless as they continued.

A"M-maybe we sould stop" he said panting, he put his hands on his knees and crouched a bit.

JE"Y-yeah... You're better than I thought..." She said looking at America, she was also crouching and had her hands on her knees. America sighed and walked off to his own car, JE entered her car and blasted the AC.

After a while JE left, she looked for America's car but it was no where to be found. She shrugged it off and left, after a bit of driving she arrived at her house. She locked her car and went up to her door, she pulled out the keys and unlocked the door. She opened it and was thrown back as a loud bang echoed in her head, soon another loud bang was heard and she was thrown into the house across the street, she died on impact, the bricks around her had crimson red spatter on them. The house was on fire as America watches from the roof smiling, he was enjoying every moment of it. America jumped down from the roof and into a tree then hw landed on the floor, there wasn't even a scratch on him. He ran over to JE's body and picked it up, he carried the body back to the burning house and threw her body in there. He stood back and waited for a moment, he watched the flames grow and he saw ashes fly into the sky. America found the whole thing quite beautiful, of course this reminded him of the accident but he ignored that memory and focused on the future.
After a bit he went to where he threw JE's body, soon he found the body. It wasn't much of a body as it was bones with melted flesh. America made sure to pick up every last piece of JE's remains, he had a plan for the remains.
He put them all into a box, he made sure the skull was on top. He also found her katana and put that on top of the box so Iran would know it's JE, he also put 'from: Star's on it so Iran would know he's the one who killed her. He looked at the flames once more, he smiled again and drove off to Iran's house.
America found Iran's house due to him spying on her and following her. He thought about going to her house with a shotgun to get it done quick but he decided against that. Mostly because he had a plan and he needed Iran, alive, in order for it to work.
Soon he arrived at Iran's house, he put the box on her doorstep and pounded on the door as well as ringing the doorbell. He soon heard footsteps so ran to his car and left, he didn't wait to see Iran's reaction because he already knew she would smile and maybe chuckle a bit and take the box inside.
Which Iran did exactly that.

I tried to not describe it too gory sense it might make some people not read this chapter, I still tried to make it gory tho.

Thank you all for the reads and votes on this book it means a lot to me❤

Have a wonderful day/night!!❤

1101 words

Chapter 33: The death of Soviet Union

Chapter Text

{Third person POV}

There were loud foot steps as a large man walked down the hall, he was a handsome country. He was red with a yellow sickle in the corner, but he wasn't the only thing that was red. His clothes we're drenched in a crimson liquid, the smell he knew all too well. There was a hammer in his hand, the top of it covered in blood and feathers.
Behind him a white and red country laid there, his wings were smashed and feathers were scattered everywhere. On the country's head there was a line of blood, it was dripping down his face. Although it didn't matter much, he was already dead.
Third Reich stood behind the unconscious country on the floor, he was smiling. You could see his sharp teeth, it would off put anyone, which only made Reich enjoy having them more. Soon Reich decided to leave, he didn't bother with the body. He knew he would just call someone and it would be taken care of.

America sat in his office, bored. So he decided to call Poland, it rang for a bit before it went to voicemail. Weird. Poland always picks up his phone, so America tried again. Again, no response. America knew something was up so he called France, she lived near Poland, not close but near enough for her to get there the quickest. So he texted France, she agreed.

When she arrived there, the only thing she saw was blood. And lots of it. She ran down the hallway only to find Poland nowhere in sight. She looked in all the rooms but, no Poland. As she was walking down the hallway she saw another door, it was labeled 'Basem*nt'. She opened the door and went down the stairs to find a pool of blood and a dead Poland. She immediately called America and told him that Poland was dead. America said she could leave and he thanked her for the help. France hung up and sighed, she liked Poland. He was like her son, or more specifically he was more like America, her son. She left and saw America arrive,

F"He's in the basem*nt" France said as she passed America, he nodded in return.

America entered the house and went directly to the basem*nt, there he saw Poland on the floor. He sighed as he saw Poland, he felt a bit uneasy seeing his friend dead on the floor. But he reminded himself that it was just another dead body.

America decided to investigate, he found scratch marks all over the place. So it seemed like a struggle, but there were also defensive wounds on Poland so he put up a fight. There also seemed to be an axe mark in the middle of Poland's head, the cause of death no doubt.

America continued to search, he then examined Poland's wings. It was smashed by something, it was flat and definitely metal. Almost like a hammer. America found a bit of furr on Poland's wing, which is definitely not his. Mostly because wings have feathers, not furr. No one America knew had furr, except for one. Soviet. While he didn't have furr his hat did. And America couldn't think of anyone else who could have done this. Soviet probably killed Poland because he found out he wasn't loyal to his gang, but instead loyal to America.

But in the corner America spotted something, a symbol. A Swastika. America now knowing Poland's attackers decided to leave and plan the disappearance of the two countries.

America grinned as he was looking at a sheet of paper labled 'hait'éego'. (It's Navajo for plan). America wrote it in the Navajo language so anyone who looks at it won't be able to read it or translate it. He would go to Reich's house first sense he and Germany were friends, random visits would be often.

He grabbed his keys and left, as he was driving a song on the radio came on. 'Oh oh oh, oh here we go. Walkin' talkin' like you know,' He smiled and turned up the radio. After a while he started to sing along,

"I want your pretty little psycho, pretty little, pretty little, pretty little psycho!" he sang, he liked this song for some reason. Maybe because he related to it a bit, he was probably a psycho because of his job, and he was definitely pretty.

Once he arrived at the house he made sure his weapons didn't show, he didn't want Reich to see them and run away or possibly grab his own weapon. America knocked on the door and waited a bit, no response.... He knocked again, no response. Maybe he saw America and got scared?

America decided on kicking down the door, which he did successfully. Once he got inside no-one was there, but Reich's car was still in the drive way.

America walked down the hall and checked every room, soon he found the bedroom where he saw droplets of blood. He followed the droplets and found a dead Reich laying in a pool of his own blood with a gun next to him, America checked Reich's head and saw a bullet hole. America was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to kill Reich but at least he was dead. He looked around for a letter and he eventually found one, it read:

'To who-ever finds this, I know you probably don't care that I died, infact I think you are probably celebrating. Makes sense, I have done many things, most of which were bad, but one thing I did was kill someone who is an ally of the Star-Spangled-bitch. And instead of dying to his hand, i'll die to my own. -Third Reich'

America went to the living room and looked for some paper, which he found eventually. He grabbed a pen that was in his pocket and wrote:

'Dear Germany, I found your Father dead in his bedroom. It appears to be self-inflicted but I decided to not investigate further, that I will leave to you. If you decide to investigate is also up to you, I don't care, I came here to kill him anyway. Anyways, congratulations on your loss. -Stars'

America then put the paper on the shoe rack so Germany would see it, America then left the house and started the drive over to Soviet's house. His GPS said it would take an hour to two hours to get there, America scoffed.

A"Two hours, yeah i'll take that bet." he said slamming his foot on the pedal, his car then zoomed down the road. His speed was climbing, 30 mph, 60 mph, 180 mph, 240 mph. Soon he was going over 300 mph, normally you can't go this fast in a car but America took engineering in high-school. And while that didn't do much with cars, it did provide some intellect of moving objects, robots for example. That's how he was able to make a mini rocket for a science fair, he got first place of course. America created his own kind of engine that cooled itself down and could go around 500 mph until it'll overheat.

America was almost at Soviet's house when another song came on 'Ding dong I know you can hear me, open a door, I only wanna play a little~' America chuckled lightly, he thought this was a bit ironic, but it did fit the situation he was going to be in.

America arrived at the house as the song ended, he only took 30min to get to Soviet's house,

A"Two hours my ass" he muttered under his breath walking to the front of Soviet's house, he had his hands in his pockets due to the cold. It's been awhile sense he had been there, probably forgot how cold it was. He shivered as he waited for Soviet to open the door, but instead he heard the back door open and close, then repeated noises of snow being crushed. Like someone was walking, no, running. America sighed,

A"We're really doing this" he muttered before grabbing his pistol and running to the back of the house following the footprints of the large Russian.

The snow began to fall, making it a bit colder, in turn, making America's mission harder for him to execute. America continued after the Russian, he cursed under his breath as waves of coldness washed over him, he continued running but he was shivering the whole time. He lost sight of Soviet, mostly because the snowfall was slowly turning into a blizzard.

He cursed, loudly. He didn't care if Soviet spotted him, at this point he was going to die due to hypothermia. He heard footsteps from behind him, America raised his pistol slowly. He didn't want Soviet to know he located him. There was one last crunch of snow, then America turned around and pistol whipped Soviet in the Adam's apple. Soviet's shotgun fell out of his hands as he was holding his throat and choking, America smiled and kicked the shotgun away from Soviet. He then shot the Slav two times, one in each knee. Soviet fell to the floor with a thud, America pistol whipped him again but this time in the head, effectively knocking Soveit out.

《Soviet's POV》

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head, I looked around me. I was in my house? Last I remember was being pistol whipped by America. Oh ебать, I was pistol whipped by America, and I am now in my house. ебать, ебать, ебать! Im трахал. Why? What did I d- oh.... That's right... I killed Poland.... His ally.

Welp, im dead. I lived a horrible life. Except for my children, they actually made it better. Not my 'wife', damn Шлюха.

I then hear the door open, I look up to see America. Big surprise. He smiles at me creepily, he then spoke:

A"Well, you might be wondering why you're here. Well that's because you killed Poland, although he'll be fine with time. And also because you're a Slavic piece of sh*t." he says grinning and chuckling at his last statement, I roll my eyes. This bastard has a mental illness.

A"I am a bastard child, so that word doesn't work on me." he says, Im confused, how the ебать does he know what im thinking?

A"Because you're predictable," he says smugly. He then reaches toward his face, he then takes off his sunglasses. His eyes were light purple and gold, they were... Ugly as hell. I can see why he hides them. Maybe his eyes don't look bad, it's just his face. Нет, everything he has looks horrible, he even made democracy look bad.

A"f*ck you. Y'know China looked attractive until I met you, you made the color's red and yellow look like sh*t. Everytime I look at you I get an eye sore" He said offendedly, I didn't even mean to press his buttons this time and I did. So immature for such a job, I then feel a sharp pain in my knee. I looked to see America holding a hammer in his hand, he smiled at me. It sent a wave of uneasiness and also a wave of pain through my body as he continued to hit my knee, soon he started on the other knee. I was in a lot of pain, but I can't show that to America, that'll boost his ego. I already know im dying today but im not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me beg for mercy

Soviet was tied to a chair, his knees were throbbing in pain. America grinned in amusem*nt as he saw Soviet struggle to hide his pain. America then put down the hammer and grabbed the axe on the table, he smiled as he saw Soviet's eyes widen.

A"I know you only used a hammer but your friend, Third Reich, used the axe. And seeing that he killed himself, I didn't get to torture him. So you're also getting his half of torture." He said smugly walking closer to Soviet.

Soviet was now a bit scared, he would never admit it but he was. America was now infront of the Slav, he had a crazy smile on his face as he raised the axe and sliced into Soviet's leg. It wasn't a clean cut but it got the leg off.

Soviet was in an immense amount of pain, he got a bit lightheaded as his breathing hitched. He wanted to cry,

A"Aww... Is the feared Soviet about to cry~" he said teasingly. He knew that Soviet was in pain, but that was good. That was revenge for Poland.

Soviet fought the urge to cry, but he soon found tears that threatened to fall as he was loosing even more blood. A tear fell down his cheek, he found America smiling creepily at him.
Damn psycho, Soviet thought as he looked at the American infront of him.

America raised the axe again and it landed right next to Soviet's dick. Soviet squirmed when he saw where the axe had landed, he really didn't want to be a unic. He may have fifteen kids but that doesn't mean he was done, although he had a strong feeling that he wasn't going to get out of this alive. America grinned at Soviet's response to the action, he raised the axe from the chair and just held it in his hands. He was likely planning his next action, Soviet took advantage of this by breaking his thumb which made the ropes loosen. Soviet slid one of his hands out of the restraints, he held back a smile as he was getting ready for an attack.

It was like predator hunting predator, waiting for the perfect time to strike. America swung the axe again but Soviet grabbed it and wrenched it out of the Americans hands and threw it to the floor. Soviet put his arm around America's neck and grabbed the rope that was attached to his wrist, he began to choke America, America was failing to escape the Communists grasp but he soon kicked his foot up and hit the Slav's groin. Soviet buckled a bit and America took advantage and punched Soviet in the Adams apple, Soviet began to choke America grabbed the axe from the floor and swung it into Soviet's head. There was a splatter of blood and brain membrane, America's face was covered in blood and brain. He gagged a bit, he may have been killing for 10+ years but that doesn't mean he's a cannibal. There was a loud thud as Soviet landed on the floor.

America pouted as he saw Soviet's body, he didn't get to torture him enough. He sighed and walked away before remembering that Soviet had kids, so he called a special number on his phone.


A"Hey it's Stars.."

?"Oh sh*t, you're working"

A"Yeah, but I need your help on a clean-up"

?"Alright then, also thanks for the note on the table."

A"No problem"

?"Come over later, I'll throw a party! In order to celebrate Third's death!"

A"Alright then, 7?

?"Good with me!"

The other person said then hang up, America then left the house and fought his way through the raging snow storm. He eventually made it to his car but his car was snowed in, he cursed under his breath as he moved the snow away to find the door. Once he did he wrenched the door open and dove inside, he slammed the door and started his car, he decided to wait until the storm calmed down and his car warmed up.

After his car was warmed up he began to drive out of there, he normally enjoyed the cold, seeing as he lived in Alaska. But the Slavic cold was another story, it was below freezing and the snow storms there are merciless.

Once he arrived home he lit some firewood and sat down next to the fire, he soon laid down, the warmth of the fire engulfing him. He soon fell asleep on the floor.

Another chapter! Yay!! Took me long enough, anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter!

2718 words

Chapter 34: Welcome back~

Chapter Text


This picks up at the chapter 'Plans'


《Third person POV》

America was driving back home with Russia in the passenger seat, he was holding onto the grab handle in the car. His other hand was on the arn rest next to him, he looked over at America who was smiling innocently. Russia also saw that America wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and the speed America was going at it only took a bump in the road for America to bang his head. Russia didn't want to see his boyfriends head split open.

R"Hey Ame," Russia said turning his head to look at America

A"Hmn?" he said, his gaze shifting to Russia.

R"Why aren't you wearing a seatbelt?"

A"Adrenaline." America said bluntly, looking back at the road "sh*t-" he said turning the wheel 360°, just barely dodging a tree.

Russia had a shocked expression on his face, he felt his heart race, he turned to America and opened his mouth,

R"Drive. Safely. Please." he said threateningly, he noticed America blushing....? He just shrugged it off, he probably saw wrong, it is 8:47pm.

Once they arrived at the house America went and got dressed into his sleepwear which was a shirt and boxers. Russia was a bit shocked but he was also glad to see that America was comfortable in their relationship, Russia changed into some shorts and went with no shirt, he wanted to see America's reaction. Once he stepped out of the room he saw America staring at him, a pink tint visible across his face. Once he noticed Russia knew he was staring he looked away blushing.

A"W-Would you like to watch a movie?" America said trying to change the subject, Russia smiled and nodded.

The two sat on the couch, close to the other but not touching. America flipped through the movie options and suggested a few movies,

R"What's 'The notebook'?" Russia said curiously, normally he didn't use his television. He would just use his phone or read a book.

A"It's a uh.... Interesting movie... Do you wanna watch it?" America said co*cking his head to the left a bit. Russia just smiled and nodded.

Halfway through the movie Russia felt a weight on his arm, he looked to his side and saw America, asleep. He smiled and blushed a bit before he moved his arm so it wraped around America, his hand rested on America's hip. He kissed America on the forehead,

R"я люблю тебя, моя звезда" he said lovingly to America. Russia laid his head ontop of America's, thinking he was asleep. But America was infact, awake. While he couldn't understand what Russia was saying he could guess he was saying 'I love you'. America smiled and pecked Russia on the cheek and said,

A"Love you too Ruski," he said smiling and and rested his head in the corner of Russia's neck.

《Smut warning》

America then kissed Russia on his neck, he was shocked at the sudden action but he did feel pleasure. America continued to leave kisses on Russia's neck in return he got a few groans from Russia. America then started to suck on Russia's neck in some places, leaving behind marks Russia groaned, encouraging America to continue. America worked his way down Russia's neck, he then began to kiss Russia's chest. Russia flinched a bit but America continued, he kissed lower and lower to the point where Russia's buckle was blocking America. America looked at Russia, he slowly nodded. America unbuckled the belt and pulled Russia's shorts off, the only fabric that was keeping America from Russia's dick was the boxers. America began to rub Russia's crotch, he got a groan in return, America smiled and pushed his hand down harder. Russia groaned a bit louder, America felt satisfied so he put his fingers in Russia's boxers. His eyes widened a bit as he realized how severely underestimated how big Russia was, Russia noticed and chuckled a bit. America regained his previous composure and moved his hand up and down Russia's length, Russia groaned a bit, America went faster, Russia groaned louder.

America then sat on the floor and licked the tip, Russia lightly moaned but he used his hand to stop himself. America smiled in amusem*nt and slowly put Russia's length in his mouth, licking circles around it, he soon put all of Russia's length in, he fought the urge to gag. America then bobbed his head up and down Russia's length, moving faster each time. Russia grabbed America by the hair and forced him down his length, America gagged a bit but he continued until Russia stopped forcing America down. He looked up to find Russia completely flustered, but he weirdly had a look of determination on his face, next thing America knew he was being picked up and brought to the bedroom. He expected to be put onto the bed, instead he was pinned to the wall.

A"Russ what are yo-" he said but was cut of from Russia roughly kissing him. Russia moved one of his hands down America's body and slowly lifted America's shirt off, America wasn't used to this type of treatment in the bedroom, normally he would be the one pinning somebody else to the wall. But he wasn't going to complain, he liked the new treatment. Russia moved his lips down America's neck, he appeared to be looking for a spot. Russia then played with the hem of America's boxers until he slid them off of America, Russia stopped kissing America's neck and moved back to his mouth. Russia lined up America, he looked at America for consent, America nodded. Russia entered America, with America's saliva working as a lubricant. America moaned as waves of pain and pleasure flowed through his body, Russia slowly entered his whole length into America. Which only made America moan more, soon Russia was pounding into America hard. America was a moaning mess and he felt his length throb from the lack of attention, America moved his hand to help but Russia quickky slammed into America even harder causing America to arch his back and moan very loudly, Russia keaned into America's ear and said "Im the only one who can pleasure you, darling~" he said in a low tone, his accent rang throgh America's ears causing a shiver down his spine. But his length still throbbed, he didn't want to beg but he might have to if Russia won't help.

A"R-Russiah~ c-ould you p-please ah~" America said moaning as he spoke, he never felt this level of pleasure and pain before but he didn't regret it.

R"Beg for it Шлюха~" he said seductively making sure his accent was thick, America shivered at the nickname, he knew what it meant. Soviet had called him that a lot of times, never did he think it would be a turn-on.

A"P-please~" America said suppressing a moan

R"Who are you asking?~" Russia said smirking, his tactics seemed to be working. Guess all the books and movies weren't for nothing.

A"Russiah~" he said saliva dripping from his mouth, Russia smirked and moved a hand to America's length and moved his hand up and down, America groaned sense his pain was easing away. Russia picked up the pace and hit America's prostate which made him yell and moan very very loudly, he even began to moan Russia's name telling him to not stop. America felt a knot in his stomach and he came over his and Russia's stomach, but Russia wasn't done. He continued to jerk off America and abused America's prostate as he slammed into him harder than he ever did, America was panting and moaning from pleasure, but it was slowly turning into pain the longer it went on for. But if anything that made America crave it more, Russia felt a knot in his stomach and came into America which earned him another moan followed by multiple pants, some were his own.

He smiled as he looked at America, a hot mess under him. He felt accomplished, he wasn't even tired. He could go for a round two but it looked like America couldn't, at least for tonight. So Russia carried him into the bathroom and ran a bath for him and America, he helped clean America. Mostly due to the fact he wanted to touch his dear a bit more. But once he was finished he gave America some underwear and gently laid him down into the bed, he soon joined his boyfriend in bed. He smiled as America cuddled into him and wraped his legs around Russia's, Russia kissed America on the lips and said,

R"я люблю тебя, моя звезда, я люблю тебя...

"Я обещаю, что никогда не оставлю тебя"


Another chapter, and smut?! Yeah... I've been trying to find the right chapter for smut so here you go! I also apologise for the Russian, im not fluent, I use google translate.

Idk if I want to do mpreg or not, like the comment if you do or don't want mpreg.

And no, im not going to tell you what Russia is saying,(just copy and paste in google translate) mostly because I don't remember what he said and im too lazy to translate it again, just pray that someone in the comments translates it.

Have a wonderful day/night♡♡

1519 words

Chapter 35: Morning after

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

America woke up, he felt a pain in his lower back as he recalled the previous night's events. America blushed as he remembered the night, he also realized that Russia wasn't in bed. He sat up, much to his body's dismay, he sighed and stood up. He felt a bit lightheaded but quickly stabled himself and began to walk, his breathing hitched as he felt the pain in his ass. It was a price he would be willing to pay if he could relive last night's events.

America made his way downstairs and saw Russia cooking breakfast, he noticed that Russia always got up early and seemed to be making breakfast for him every day. America smiled as he saw Russia, a wave of comfort and familiarity washed over him as he hugged the Russian from behind.

R"Goodmorning звездное сияние~" he said smiling at America's presence.

A"Morning Ruski~" he said rolling the R, he was trying to come up with a nickname for Russia but everything Russia would understand. He pouted a bit but kissed Russia on the cheek and sat down on the couch as he waited for Russia.

Once Russia finished he brought the food to the couch and placed the plates on the coffee taboe as he went back to the kitchen for drinks, America waited until Russia returned then he began to eat. America hummed a bit as he ate the food, it was delicious. It consisted of sunny-side up eggs, bacon and an apple, there was orange juice for a drink. Russia smiled as he saw his boyfriend eat his food contently, he found the boy to be cute when he was happy. Especially when he was under him, No. Russia thought as he immediately looked back at his food and keeping his eyes there, be loved America, he loved last night, but he doesn't want to get an erection while eating breakfast. America noticed that Russia was staring and then looked away, Pfft- is Ruski having thought's about me? Aww he's so cute~. America thought in a teasing manner.

A"About last night..." America said vaguely, he wanted to talk about it, to do it again but he didn't want to push Russia into something he didn't want to do.

R"Oh, ehm.... How's your back..?" he said a bit confused but also concerned, he did rail America last night. Pretty hard too.

A"It's fine, hurts a bit but I can manage" he said smiling to himself, he found this conversation to be amusing. Russia nodded and went back to eating.

A"Could we uh... Do it again.?" he said a bit hopeful that he wasn't pushing any boundaries. Russia perked up at the thought,

R"да! Tonight?" he said eagerly, he wanted it to happen again. To see America a moaning mess under him as he railed him repeatedly, he would do anything to feel that pleasure again.

A"Woah, calm down, not tonight. My ass does hurt, it needs a bit of time" he said a bit shocked at the Russian's reaction to the question of doing it again. But America knew he wasn't much better, he loved the feeling of being railed and the shivers Russia gave him with his hypnotizing accent. Russia nodded, you could tell he was a bit disappointed but he also understood. His hips were a bit sore from all the movement.

After the two finished eating they put their plates away and get changed and brush their teeth. America headed downstairs and looked out the window for a bit, he didn't know why he liked the out doors so much, maybe sense he lived in the middle of the woods his whole life. He then heard Russia come downstairs, happy. America had to admit, it took a little getting used to seeing Russia express so much emotion instead of being monotond. America then felt a bit sick, he looked back at Russia, he appeared to be just fine. America walked over to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet, he couldn't understand why until he put the situation together.

'Im pregnant'


I decided mpreg, idk why but It's too late now. Man, I f*cking hate school. The only class I enjoy is Social Studies, otherwise im sleeping in the back.

In class today one of my friends said "Africa's a country". Me and him argued for about five minute's until I told him "Africa is a continent! South Africa is a country!" we might not be friends after that.

Anyways, how was your day? I hope it was good and if it wasn't then I hope tomorrow will be better!! Have a ✨fabulous✨ day/night!!♡♡♡♡

763 words

Chapter 36: To the market!

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

After America threw up he panicked a bit, 'Pregnant? Oh god, we didn't use protection! What would Russia think? Would he leave? Would he stay?' America's mind was racing, 'What about my job?! It's not safe! I mean I am my own boss but, it's still not safe! Even after birth it won't be safe! I'll have to quit my job, but then Russia would be suspicious, am I even ready to be a parent?' more thought's rushed into America's brain.

R"Америка? Are you alright?" he said standing outside the bathroom door.

A"Yeah im fine Ruski, thanks for asking" he said trying to calm his voice, which he successfully did. 'Alright America, you don't know if you're pregnant, it's just a suspicion.' America thought to himself. He opened the bathroom door and bumped into Russia,

A"Oh- sorry-" he said, subconsciously putting a hand on the back of his neck, Russia could sense something was wrong but he wasn't going to mention it. America would tell him, right?

R"Im going to work now, just wanted to say bye" he said kissing America's cheek, America smiled and kissed him back.

Russia left the house while America grabbed a purse, he was wearing a women's sweatshirt due to him having a more female-like shape. He was also wearing sweatpants. The sweatshirt was white and the sweatshirt was black, which had the word 'NATO' in a small print. His sweatshirt was one with an American flag in black and white. He smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror. He liked to dressed gender-fluidly, he knew it was a bit weird, The worlds most feared man likes to cross-dress, imagine if a journalist got their hands on that info. He did his hair up in a loose bun, he was trying to make himself unidentifiable. If word got out that he was buying pregnancy tests then there would be a lot more danger. He went for more feminine sunglasses. He also noticed that his hair was turning blonde, he blushed and smiled as he knew the reason why.

He left the house and went to the market, he went around the store getting ehat he needed at home, milk, cereal, ice cream, hot dogs, etc. He then made it to the fertility isle, he went down to the pregnancy tests. He heard footsteps next to him,

?"First time?" a woman said, she looked to be about Thirty years old.

A"Yeah... Don't know which ones best," he said chuckling nervously, putting a hand on the back of his neck.

?"Thought so, anyways I suggest these" she said pointing to a brand, America nodded and grabbed the box

A"Thank you," he said smiling and began walking away but he spotted someone entering the store, China.

America swore under his breath and practically ran to the casheir on the other side of the store. He paid and speed-walked out of the store, not daring to look back. If China saw his face it would be over, she would know he might be having a kid. She would also know that America has a lover.

America arrived at his house and went straight to his bathroom he opened the box and read the directions, 'Use after ten days of convenience'. America sighed, he wouldn't be able to take a valid test if he took it now. But he whished he knew that before he bought it, now he has to hide it from Russia. Great. America groaned and placed the box under the bed, he hoped that would be a good enough place for the time being. America sat down when his phone rang:

J"Hey Ame! Not coming to work today?" she said typing. Her leg had fully healed at this point, she was just waiting for a mission opening.

A"Yeah... Something came up.' he said nervously, he sighed, knowing what he was about to do was stupid.

A"I think Im pregnant."

J".... Come again...." she said not beliveing the words she heard.

A"I think im pregnant..?" he re-stated.

J"Im going to be an Aunt?" she said, America heard a tone of hopefullness in her voice.

A"Most likely, nothing is confirme-" he was cut off from squealing, he had to move his phone away from his ear.

The two continued to talk, baby names, boy or girl, etc. Until Japan finally asked

J"What was Russia's response?" she said eagerly

A"uhhh..... Well, you see..." he began before Japan caught on,

J"You didn't tell him?! What!" she practically yelled into the phone xausing some of her co-workers to glare at her as they walked by.

A"I just found out! And I don't want to tell him im pregnant and it turns out im not!" he said defensively, he was lying and he knew it. He was just scared that Russia aould leave him.

After a while the two stopped arguing and they both said their goodbyes before they hang up, America leaned back and sighed, Japan on the other hand went to her contact with SK. She was going to type when she thought about it, 'America told me first he hasn't even told Russia yet, so that probably means he's not comfortable with the word going around yet. Or maybe he is comfortable? No, if I was pregnant I wouldn't want America to tell people. I would want to tell them myself, at my own pace!' she thought, despite common belief's Japan was actually quite smart. She could solve puzzle's quicker than America, so that was saying something, she is also very gifted in quick math. Infact she's double accelerated in math, along with Taiwan.


Another chapter~ yay! ˘◡˘

So yea, uhm idk what this chapter was, another filler ig. But anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!! The reason why I made Japan and Taiwan double accelerated is because if you look up 'The smartest countries' Japan and Taiwan will be the top answers (for google at least, and I trust google with every fiber of my being.)

Hope y'all have a wonderful day/night!!♡♡♡

(You look wondeful today, did you do something different? No? Oh, well you look stunning everyday. And most importantly, dont forget to Slay all day!♡)

1009 words

Chapter 37: Results

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

America stood in the bathroom, pacing. On the bathroom sink there was two pregnancy tests, the instructions said to wait about two minutes. After a bit he finally got enough courage to look at the tests, Positive. America wasn't exactly surprised but he wasn't expecting it either. America exhaled, he was feeling a mix of sadness and happiness. He didn't know how to tell Russia, much less on how he would react.

America threw the tests in the trash he put some toilet paper ontop so Russia wouldn't see it. He walked out the bathroom and plopped down on the bed, he grabbed his phone. He was going to dial Russia and tell him but America coward last minute and opened France instead. His finger slipped and he accidentally called France, he wasn't going to tell her it was a mis-click, he hadn't talked to her sense the meeting with the Slav's. And, she was his Mother after all.

F "America?"

A "Hey Mom..." he said nervously, he knew he was going to have to tell her.

F "Hello dear, something wrong? I already know about Britain, must I say congratulations"

A "But, Britain was your husband..?" he said confused, last time he checked they had a good marriage.

F "Dear, you of all people know that Britain is a piece of Merde. He mentally abused me, but I kept quiet so you and your siblings would have a less messed-up life." she stated. America wasn't surprised, Britain was a piece of work.

A "Oh, im sorry I never noticed." America said truthfully, he did feel a bit bad for not noticing.

F "It's alright dear, no one else did either." She said nonchalantly, she learned to forgive people for not noticing. Afterall, she was a famous actor.

A "Well I want to tell you something,.."

F "Go ahead dear,"

A "Im pregnant..."

F "Im a grandmother?!" she said exitedly

A "Yeah...."

There was a long pause...

F "How dare you. I helped raise you, and you make me a grandmother at Forty!" she said half-jokingly, America lightly chuckled at his mother's response. He was happy that she wasn't upset about it, and he was also thankful that she wasn't upset about him dating someone without telling her, and also being fine with him being gay.

F "Who's is it??" She asked gleefully, she already knew the answer but wanted to hear it to confirm.

A "Well... It's Russia's...." His voice spiked a bit as he said Russia's name, whether that was due to nervousness or remembering what happened that night, he couldn't tell.

F "Thought so." She said then hang up, leaving America to be confused. But then he felt cold, he instinctively put his hand to his face but he found no sunglasses on his face. So he just turned his head and was facing a smiling Prussia.

A"Hello mom," he said sitting up.

P"Hello dear," she said, her smile wider than ever. But, there was something a bit mischievous about the smile.

A"So, you heard?" He sighed, of course she heard.

P"Yes, but I heard it." She put an emphasis on 'heard'. America's eyes widened as he realized what she meant.

A"Oh god! Im so sorry!" He said panicking. Prussia was suppressing a laugh as she watched America lose his mind.

P"Don't worry dear, next time I'll wear ear plugs." She said a bit uncomfortably.

A"Why would you need ear plugs?" He said co*cking his head to the side a bit.

P"It's not like you were trying to be quiet." She said in a nonchalant way.

America just sighed and fell back onto the soft and comfy surface. He knew Prussia probably heard a lot, if not all of what happened.

Prussia smiled and vanished. America just laid there until he eventually drifted off to sleep.

Another chapter~

Happy late B'day Napoleon!
I swear, this dude Napoleon was a total badass. He fought in 4+ wars and he won, single handedly. But he was French, but we can just skip over that.

(Sorry-not-sorry to all the French people, pls don't take too much hate.)

Fun fact: Minecraft gets their Panda sounds from real life Pandas! (So just imagine how they get the Panda death sound!)

Another Fun fact: Me and Ukraine share the same B'day! (Different years but same day and month)

Anyways, you look absolutely lovely today.

Im sorry, words can't due you justice, you're to, beautiful, majestic, handsome, wonderful for words to describe.

You're all beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!❤

775 words

Chapter 38: The art of deceiving

Chapter Text

·{Third Person POV}·

Russia was sitting at his desk when the door opened,

K"Hey bro- I mean boss, some girl is here to see you. Says she wants to join," Russia nodded, so Kazakhstan moved away from the door and let a girl enter. She was red with a few stars in the corner.

Ch"Hello Russia!" She said energetically leaving the Russian to be confused.

R"Hello? Why ar-" he was cut off by the girl,

Ch"You've grown so much! Aww you look so much like your Father" she continued on

R"Who are you." He said skeptically,

Ch"You don't remember me?" She said, she seemed a bit hurt by that.

R"Het...?" He said truthfully, he doesn't remember seeing this girl, ever.

Ch"Well it has been a while, anyways im Eurasia Union! But EEU for short!" She said extending her hand for Russia to shake.

Russia was still confused but shook her hand.

Ch"Anyways in simple terms, im your Aunt!" She said happily.

As the two continued to talk Russia got more convinced that this girl was in fact his Aunt. She knew every thing about him, what he looked like before, all of his siblings, his mother, she even told him about Soviet when he was a kid! Russia was happy knowing that he had someone alive to talk to about his family. But of course he wouldn't show it, only a stone face was shown.

R"But, shouldn't your flag change?" He said

Ch"Oh yea! It already is, see?" She said showing the man her hands and her neck, her hands were completely white and her neck had white dots.
Russia nodded, to signify that he understood.

After a while the girl left sense she "Don't want to get in your way". She smiled as she left, but that smile quickly turned into a smirk. She had just deceived the number one mafia gang.

This girl, as you know, isn't EEU. She's China. Disguised as EEU, or rather her turning into EEU. When she first met Soviet she knew they looked alike a bit. Both red countries with a gold symbol in the corner. Today she used that to her advantage. She studied the Slavic family for two weeks now and had learned everything about them. From the youngest to oldest, each of their birthdays, what they looked like when they were born and even stuff about Soviet.

Her whole plan was to get Russia to believe that she was his Aunt, soon enough she would be disguised as the complete figure of EEU. She texted North Korea that phase one was complete.

Hello! Sorry for the short chapter but Im writing this before I have to go to school so I can't write much more.

Have a wonderful day/night!

Even if 99% of the population finds you ugly over a million people still find you attractive❤

490 words

Chapter 39: Preparing for phase two

Chapter Text

·{Third person POV}·

Nk"No." Said sharply as he turned his head away from China.

Ch"But You have to for the mission!" She complained. North Korea was going to pose as the uncle, meaning him and China had to pretend to be a couple. The first step was holding hands but North was acting like she was trying to kiss him.

Ch"Don't be such a baby!" She sighed. Obviously she wasn't getting anywhere. She looked at the clock, 8:30pm. Late enough to go drinking at a bar.

Ch"Wanna got to a bar?" She said to the red and blue country.

North Korea shrugged and said "Sure". And so the two headed off to a bar.

//Time skip\\

The two sat at two bar stools right next to each other. They occasionally talked but they mostly sat in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, more of a comfortable silence.

North Korea eventually got bored so he faced to turn to China, except she wasn't there. He got up to go find her, it's never a good idea to get drunk alone. He eventuality found her, on the dance floor. He smiled as he saw her dance, it wasn't everyday that you got to see a spy, dancing, drunk on god knows what, and not having a care in the world. North Korea felt his face warm up a bit, probably the alcohol.

North made his way to China, he slowly started to dance. He was generally enjoying his time here, with China. Normally he would have left by now, but something about China made him stay.

China quickly noticed North Korea next to her, she smiled as she saw him begin to dance. She was glad he felt comfortable enough to dance around her. She felt her face heat up but blamed it on the alcohol.

The two continued to dance until a more physical song came on and she saw North leave the stage, she followed close behind. She took her seat next to North again, she smiled dreamily as she stared at North. She had drank a lot of alcohol by now but that didn't stop her from ordering another.

Nk"Having fun?" He said ordering his own drink. China just nodded as she sipped on another glass of baijiu.

Then a more slow song came on, it was a weird choice for a bar but Chiba seized this opportunity to ask "Wanna dance?" She said, already standing up and extended a hand for North to take. He, reluctantly, took her hand as they made their way to the dance floor.

China placed a hand on North Korea's shoulder and he placed a hand on her waist, despite the height difference. Soon they put one foot to the left and glided across the floor. Their eyes never parted, not even for a second. The continued to glide across the floor, the lights illuminating their faces as they moved. The music filled their ears but they weren't paying attention to all their surroundings, just each other. Soon the song ended and, to China's surprise, North Korea ended the dance by dipping her.

The people around them clapped and cheered, it was almost amazing how some where able to do that, seeing as how much alcohol they had consumed.

China smiled and felt her face warm up, although she was still looking into North Korea's eyes. North Korea felt the same, he felt trapped in her gaze but he didn't mind, not at all.

A figure from the shadows emerged and was giving the DJ what seemed to be Fifty bucks. The figure looked at the two in the middle, they sighed happily and returned back to the shadows.

Iran was glad to see her ship in progress...


Another chapter!! But istg homework will be the death of me.

Hope you are having a wonderful day/night!❤

A song about you: Just the way you are -Bruno Mars

Remember you are all beautiful no matter what❤❤

672 words

Chapter 40: Not a chapter

Chapter Text


I just wanted to say thank you all so much for all the support, the votes, views etc. It means so much to me.

I started this book un-knowing that it would get 700+ views and I am so un believably thankful for that. And I know that this won't be the best CountryHumans book you read, or even the best RusAme book, but you all make me feel so happy when I see my ranking so high up, or when I see 10+ engaged readers, or 20+ votes.

I feel that this is something that can't be put at the end of a chapter. At least for me it can't, I am just so grateful and happy that some of y'all enjoy my book and I hope you continue to read.

I love you all so much (in a platonic way) and thank you for all of this and keeping my spirits high.

Have a marvelous day/night❤

"You are all so very beautiful in ways that sometimes you might not be able to comprehend just how beautiful you are, which, in turn, causes self doubt. But self doubt is something your not, but if you pay more attention to who you are and then you will understand just how beautiful you are."- Invallid (author)❤

Chapter 41: Phase two

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

China and North Korea met up again so they could rehearse again, at least that's what they said. In truth, both of them wanted to see the other again.

North Korea had agreed to hold her hand, for the mission of course. At least that's what he told himself. He also helped China disguise herself as EEU sense she couldn't see her face. He also heard China speak with a slavic accent which made his face go a very light pink. After a while him and China left to go speak with Russia.

●•{Time skip}•●

China and North arrived at the front of Russia's office. They looked at eachother and nodded, then China opened her hand for North to hold. He held her hand and opened the door for her. To their surprise America was there, sitting across from Russia's desk. Ameria immediately took the file that was on the desk and hid it, China squinted her eyes suspecting that the file was something vital. To Albion or the Slav's she couldn't tell but she knew she wanted to see that file.

R"EEU, its nice to see you again. Although a knock would be appriciated." he said sternly, eyeing the other man. He glanced at America who seemed confused so Russia spoke again, "America, this is my aunt EEU and..." he said looking at the other man.

NK"North Korea, EEU's husband" he said turning his head to face the girl, he looked lovingly into her eyes. Even China believed it for a second until she remembered North Korea is a con man, lying is his life.

A"Oh hey! Im America, a buisness partner of Russia." he said extending his hand for EEU to shake which she did. He then turned to North and they shook hands aswell.

R"Sit down, America you may leave if you want."

A"No, if its all right." Russia nodded and motioned for China and North to sit down. Russia glanced at America, who nodded.

R"EEU, this is America. My boyfriend." he said a bit nervous. His family wasn't exactly known for being the most supportive people of LGBT+. China noticed that America put a hand over his stomach, as if he were holding it. 'Maybe he has a stomach ace?' China thought as she glanced at America. Whatever it was, America's stomach was bothering him, and that's all she needed to know.

●•{Time skip}•●

After the group was done meeting they all said their goodbyes.

A"Could I speak with EEU for a second.... Alone?" he said swiftly getting out of his chair. China could feel America's eyes burn a hole into her skin as she got up.

After everyone left the room America spoke,

A"Good to see you again. China." he said the woman's name with venom his his voice.

Ch"Ch-China..? I think you got me confused with someone else-" she began before America cut her off.

A"Don't even lie to me, it's no use. Although you probably know that by now." He said annoyed. China sighed,

Ch"What gave me away?"

A"you never stopped glancing at me. At first I thought it was because your son was dating me, another guy. But when you took note that I put my hand over my stomach I knew it was you." he said taking off his sunglasses.

Ch"Guess I need a pair of sunglasses." she said part jokingly.

A"I would be careful. You hurt Russia," he took a step toward China.

A"And you will regret falling for North Korea. You will regret hurting Russia. You will regret it all" He said then walked out, leaving China in the room by herself before she decided to leave aswell.


Hey everyone, its been a while. I've been procrastinating this chapter for two days now so it lacks motivation but its another chaper, right?

Happy late birthday to Ukraine!

Have a magical day/night!♡♡♡♡

626 words

Chapter 42: Conversation

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

America and Russia were in the car driving home from the brief meeting with 'EEU' and her 'husband'. America kept glancing over at Russia, 'How is this guy a Gang leader and my Boyfriend but he believes this act'

R"What is it?" he said looking out the window not looking at America.


R"Is it about China and why she's dressing as EEU?"

A"So you knew?"

R"да, She was the one who asked me to form an alliance with Persia. Although she had a mask and sunglasses on, she also had black hair."

A"Were you going to tell me?"

R"Нет. You haven't been doing many missions sense you took office, wanted to see if your skills were still sharp."

It's true, America hasn't killed anyone after he found out he was pregnant. He was scared someone may get the upper-hand and shoot him in the stomach, or killing him. He still hasn't told Russia that he's pregnant.

A"Thanks. I guess..." he mumbled the last part under his breath.

R"Anything else?" he said looking at America.

America immediately felt a wave of nervousness flow over him. It was like his parent's got a call from school. America felt a little sweaty, he took a deep sigh.

A"No. Why?" 'sh*t' was the first thing he thought as the words exited his mouth. He wanted to tell Russia, he really did. But would the car be the right place to tell him? Maybe he's just procrastinating. Either way, it was obvious America wasn't going to tell him now.

R"Just wondering," he said looking out of the window again. He felt a little saddened by this, he was now positive that America was hiding something. He sighed shallowly and hoped that America would tell him soon.

America unlocked the door and Russia followed behind, entering the house. America went into the bedroom and changed. He looked at himself in the mirror, he looked, bloated. But instead of frowning he was smiling, he knew it was the baby. He was just happy knowing that it was growing at the normal rate. He also sighed knowing that Russia would notice sooner or later.

America walked into the living room to find Russia on the couch, flipping through TV channels. America sighed and sat down next to Russia.

'What do I say? Hey im preganant, its yours..? No! We dont even live together! Wait.. We. Dont. Live. Together. Fuuuckkkk. Im having a baby and we aren't even serious enough to move in together, oh god. I mean we basically live together, minus Russia's clothes, Russia's hat's, Russia's bathroom supplies, Russia's sleepwear. The list goes on. Maybe i'll ask him to move in with me, if he says yes then i'll tell him.... A week or two after he completely moves in. Yeah, that's a plan I definitely won't procrastinate on.'

A"Hey Russ," he said looking over at Russia who looked at him in response.

A"I have a question..." he said putting a hand on the back of his neck. Russia nodded in response.

A"W-*sigh* Would you like to move in... Like.... Officially?" he said glancing from Russia to the TV back to Russia then to the TV. Russia smiled happily, his Star was just nervous about asking him to move in. How cute.

R"oh звездный свет, of course i'll move in with you~" he said pecking America on the forehead. America smiled and sighed of relief, but now he had to tell Russia more than ever.


Oh wow, another chapter so soon?! Its a miracle!

Honestly I just feel guilty for not updating for a couple of days so im trying to make up for it.

Will America ever tell Russia he's pregnant? Probably not.

Have a wonderful day/night my lovely readers♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

616 words

Chapter 43: Packing

Chapter Text

·{Third Person POV}·

Russia woke up early that morning so he could return to his old home. He made sure to be quiet so he didn't wake up his siblings. He loaded all of his things into his car and wrote a note for his siblings that read:

'Дорогие братья и сестры, я уезжаю жить в Америку. Как вы все знаете, он мой парень. Возможно, в ближайшие несколько дней меня не будет, потому что я распаковываю вещи и обживаюсь в новом помещении. Беларусь будет у власти до моего возвращения.
-Твой брат, Россия.'

He smiled and walked away from his old house. He looked back and reminisced in all the memories he had there. Although, he wasn't sad about moving. He was happy, America made him happy. And moving in with America, officially, would mean spending more time together.

Russia agreed to move in with America sense his house was hidden. Unlike Russia's which almost everyone knew the location of. He also agreed that America's house was safer due to this reason, although Russia never thought America was thoughtful about safety seeing how he drives and what his job is. Russia found it a bit odd but the more he thought about it made sense. America probably wants to sleep without being on high-alert all the time.

Russia found America's house after searching for it. It was going to take a while before he would be used to the location of the house but he was willing to learn it if it meant staying with America.

He entered the house, America gave him a key, and smiled as he saw his boyfriend sleepily walk across the hallway to the living room. He went back outside to his car and in-loaded his baggage, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw America pick up a suitcase with ease. Russia was always shocked when he saw America's strength, it reminded him that America could probably fold him in a fight if he wanted.

Russia shut the door behind him and put the suitcases in their shared room. He hung up some clothes and put away the folded ones in drawers. He put his bathroom supplies in the bathroom and put his hats in the nightstand drawers.

He walked out of the room to find America on the couch. The American smiled sleepily as he saw his boyfriend. Russia smiled and gave America a kiss on the forehead.

The two sat on the couch watching a movie. Russia didn't know what movie sense he was watching his American with admiration. And America had fallen asleep.

Getting back on track for an everyday update!!

If you want the translation on the letter I put the translation in the comments.

Have a glorious day/night!❤

465 words

Chapter 44: Telling him the news

Chapter Text

°·{Third Person}·°

America and Russia were sitting down eating breakfast when Russia suddenly spoke.

R"The extra room was for someone right?" He asked glancing at America,

A"Yeah, why?" He asked a bit confused by the Russians question.

R"Who was the room for?"

A"I thought I already told you mi oso, I didn't have a person in mind." He said taking another bite of his food.

R" 'mi oso'? What does that mean?" He said generally confused.

A"You have a nickname for me so I made one for you" he said smugly as he took another bite of the eggs.

R"Fair enough" he said before taking a bite of his food.

R"I know you're lying about the room, you did have something, or someone, in mind when you built it." He said firmly

A"Okay okay! I'll tell you but don't look into it too much, please?" Russia nodded in response.

A"I first built it for a child. I wanted to have a kid but with my job it was too dangerous."

R" 'wanted does that mean you dont want a kid anymore?" He said a bit curiously and a bit disappointed.

A"I mean, im open to having a kid. I would just have to quit my job and find a more stable one. Or just not have a job in general."

R"So you're okay with having a kid?"

A"Yeah.... You..?" He said nervously

R"I would love to have a kid! Imagine a mini-me, or you, walking around the house, around the world!" He said happily, maybe him and America could have a child one day.

America felt a pang of happiness as he heard those words 'I would love to have a kid'. America felt a load of weight be lifted off his chest. Maybe he should tell Russia now?

A"Hey osito?" America said before he could stop the words coming out of his mouth.

R"Hm?" He hummed as he looked up to America.

A"*sigh* Im uh.... pregnant...." He mumbled the last word.

R"What was that? Couldn't hear you love,"

A"Pregnant." America managed to get the word out clearly.


A"Im pregnant," he said letting a smile form on his face. He closed his eyes as he was afraid to see Russia's reaction.

America felt two arms wrap around him, he opened his wyes to see Russia hugging him, tightly.

R"When did you find out?"

A"A few weeks ago..." Russia pulled out of the hug,

R"AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME?!" he said slightly loudly causing America to flinch.

A"W-well yea.... I didn't know your reaction" Russia sighed in response and hugged America again.

R"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"

A"No, it takes a few months for the gender to be revealed."

R"I need to get supplies for the room, I need paint, a crib, toys-" Russia got cut off by America who kissed him.

A"Its all right dear, we'll figure it out. We always do."

Bro help, I have homework due tomorrow at eight am. And I have no idea on how to do it.

It's only me second week at school and im already behind on homework. Great.

Anyways, you are going to have a wonderful day full of smiles!❤

Also thanks for over 900 views!

572 words

Chapter 45: Suspicion

Chapter Text

°·{Third Person}·°

China knocked on the door,

?"Who." A breathless voice answered from behind the door.

Ch"Auntie!" She said enthusiastically. China was still playing the part as EEU, mostly because she still needed information.

Russia sighed, "Come in," he said with fake enthusiasm. America had an annoyed look on his face as he got off Russia's lap. America sat down in the chair with a pout, he wanted to continue his make-out session with Russia. Instead he would have to be in the same room as a narcissistic lying bitch.

China entered the room and immediately noticed America.
'God, these two are always together! How am I supposed to get information when America is always right next to him!' China mentally complained as she sat down in the other chair.

America wasn't focusing on what the two were discussing, all he did was glare at China and think about murdering her.

'No, Its too dangerous. She is a strong woman, she could get the upper hand. But, I could kill her after birth. But if I die.... Nah, who am I kidding. She couldn't kill me.' America thought to himself. The urge to kill China increased with each time he saw her.

After China finally left seeing that she wasn't going to get a single drop of information out of the two of them.

America followed her with his eyes out the door. He then turned to Russia and smiled. He got up and sat in Russia's lap once again,

A"Now, where were we~?" He said kissing Russia passionately.

Russia smirked and pinned America to the table. America turned bright red, Russia began to kiss his lovers neck before America stopped him.

A"Lets not get carried away, I don't know what sex would do to the baby" he said smiling a bit. Russia nodded disappointingly and picked up America and placed him back in his lap.
America smiled and rested his head on his boyfriends shoulder.

China smiled as she put away her headphones. Before she left she put a listening device under the desk so she could get some information but she never imagined that she would find out that America was pregnant.

This is a short chapter, again.
Im having a writers block again so most chapters will probably be short and nit very action-packed. I apologize in the mean-time.

Have a glorious day!!❤❤❤❤

404 words

Chapter 46: Dilemma

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

China was at home and in her basem*nt. She had photos of America scattered all over the place, she also had his file. She smiled to herself as she wrote:

'America and his boyfriend, Russia, are having a child together.'

It's not a long statement but it held very powerful information. China walked over to the phone and called Iran,

I "Make it quick."

Ch "dont be so rude, anyways, I have valuable information on America." she said smugly, soon enough she'll get a raise.

I "Do tell"

Ch "America's pregnant."

Iran hang up the phone almost immediately leaving China to be confused. But she didn't think about it too much, Iran probably needs quiet in order to think properly.

China went upstairs to see Taiwan eating,

Ch"You made something?"


Ch"Cool, can't wait!" Taiwan slightly chuckled at this but continued eating.

China entered the kitchen to find dirty dishes, she looked around a bit before she came to the conclusion that Taiwan didn't make her any food.

Ch"Listen here you brat!" she said stomping her way towards Taiwan. He rolled his eyes knowing his sister was about to throw a temper-tantrum.




Canada and Ukraine were sitting in an office exchanging files on a target when Ukraine spoke,

U"So you dating anyone~?" she said not making eye contact with the Canadian man infront of her. Canada was caught off guard by the sudden question but he managed to say "No".

U"Any specific type?" she said popping the 'p' in 'type'. Canada shook his head and responded with,

C"No, I mean, does them treating me nicely count as a type?" he said nervously. His face started to feel a bit warm.

U"I guess it can, what about gender?"

C"I dont really care, as long as they treat me good."

U"So you're Pan?"

C"Uhm.... Yes..?" he said his voice cracking from the nervousness. He couldn't tell why he was nervous but he was definitely uncomfortable.

U"Oh, thats nice!"

Then fell an akward silence between the two before Ukraine spoke again,

U"Would you- uh.. Like to go out with me..?" she said hopefully as she looked up to see Canada's face. Canada was completely shocked. Him and Ukraine have been hanging out together a lot but he never thought it was because she liked him. Canada tried to pin-point a moment when she was dropping hints, then it all came crashing down on him. She liked him sense the beginning.


U"Theres a new ice cream shop in town, wanna try it?" Ukraine said as she cheerfully walked by Canada's side.

C"Sure, sounds fun!"

And so the two walked into the ice cream shop and ordered their favorites, Strawberry and Chocolate. The two walked in the park for a bit until they finished their ice creams, then Ukraine noticed some ice cream on the side of Canada's lips. Ukraine moved infront of Canada and wiped the side of his mouth, she looked into his eyes and slowly inched closer to his face.

C"Uhhh...... Ukraine... Are you okay...???" he said backing away a bit. Ukraine immediately went red and removed her hand from Canada's face,

U"There was some ice cream on your face...." she said blushing madly.



U"I love this song! Come on, lets dance!" she said grabbing Canada's hand and dragging him out onto the dance floor.

As the two danced together Canada had mixed emotions about his current situation. He liked dancing but for some reason he felt a bit uncomfortable. He blamed it on the alcohol. Canada looked into the crowd and spotted a beautiful young woman, her flag was green, white and red. She had a design in the middle of her flag but Canada was too far away to tell what design. But then again, Canada ready knew this woman, she was Mexico. He caught himself starring at the young woman until she noticed him and waved. Canada felt his heart leap, although he didn't know why. How much alcohol did he drink?

Ukraine looked at Canada and saw that he wasn't looking at her, she looked to where he was looking and immediately knew who he was looking at. Mexico. That girl has been trying to get with Canada for too long now! It was obvious that Canada and Ukraine were falling inlove, right? Ukraine shook her head. 'Of course Canada is inlove with me, otherwise he would've told me to go away at the meeting' she reassured herself. She opened her eyes but couldn't find Canada, she then look at Mexico who was talking with Canada. A visible blush on Mexico. Ukraine growled and made her way towards the two.

U"Thought you abandoned me for a sec, Can!" she said keeping the annoyance out of her voice. Mexico glared at the girl,

C"Oh sorry Ukraine! I thought you saw me leave, please forgive me,"

U"It's okay, just don't do it again. wouldn't want to get raped."

C"Why would you have gotten r worded?" he said genuinely confused.

U"Because I dont have a strong man like you to protect me~" she said putting a hand on Canada's abs. Mexico just scoffed in annoyance. Canada was blushing madly due to embarrassment.



●•.End of flashbacks.•●

Canada mentally slapped himself for being so blind. He did like Ukraine, but not in the way she was implying. The more Canada thought about it he realized he doesnt even know what love feels like. He knows what platonic love feels like aswell as family love but, romantic love, he's never felt that.

C"U...Ukraine, can I- uh... Think about it..?" he said a bit skeptically. He wanted to reject her but not hurt her feelings so he would need to consult someone.

U"Sure! Take all the time you need!" she sais cheerfully as she got up from the table and left.

'great... Now you have to break a girls heart... Fun....' Canada thought sarcastically. He soon left aswell and headed south from his current location.


※※Time skip※※

Canada knocked on the door and a young woman answered.

M"Que?" she said answering the door.

C"I need your advice," he said bluntly. Mexico nodded and opened the door wider and moved to the side a biy letting Canada pass through. She shut the door softly.

Canada walked over to the couch and sat down, Mexico could see something was wrong but she couldn't tell what.

M"Want anything to drink?" she said looking at the kitchen,

C"No, but thanks for asking" he said politely.

She nodded and sat down next to Canada on the couch.

M"So whats bothering you?" she said, a bit of worry present in her voice.

C"Ukraine asked me out..." he said nervously. Mexico felt her heart sank, she had liked Canada for a while now but if Ukraine is what makes him happy she would help him. Mexico opened her mouth but Canada spoke first,

C"I don't know how to reject her and still be friends with her afterwards..."

M"You should've gone to your brother, he actually has experience in this field." she said half jokingly. But it was true, Japan had a crush on America back in middle school but America rejected her but the two of them remained close friends.

C"But I feel like that would be weird sense he's dating her brother..."

M"Good point."

M"I would just tell her that the feeling isn't neutral and that I love her as a friend, not a lover."

C"But its not that simple," he tried to protest until Mexico continued

M"It is. If you don't like her then tell her that! If she actually loves you then she'll respect your wishes and move on!" she argued. Canada thought over Mexico's words, in a way she was right.

M"And don't feel pressured into saying something you don't want to, okay?" she said putting her hand on Canada's face and moving his face towards her.

C"Yeah, I wont" he said looking into Mexico's eyes. Canada felt oddly comfortable with Mexico's touch.

The two stayed like that until Canada inched his face forward, Mexico did the same. Soon their noses were touching, then, Mexico closed the gap between them, letting their lips meet. Canada closed his eyes as he felt Mexico's soft lips on his.

Soon Mexico parted for air, a string of saliva connecting the two. Canada had a red tint across his face, along with Mexico who turned her head away from Canada.

Canada's lips felt weird after the parting, like they were missing something they just gained.

M"I-Im sorry-" she was cut off by Canada kissing her again. She quickly kissed back, her heart was pounding and her mind was racing but she didn't mind.

Canada broke this kiss and just admired Mexico's body. He wanted nothing more than to explore it, but he wasn't going to do that so soon. They weren't even official yet.


So I decided on CanMex, next chapter will have smut.

Canada is relatively innocent so he won't get sex jokes but he still knows how to do the deed. But he is a bit vanilla when it comes to sex so it won't be like China and North. (foreshadowing)

1477 words

Chapter 47: Hot night

Chapter Text

Canada went in for another kiss which Mexico happily returned. Mexico's hands started traveling Canada's chest, he didnt mind though, he thought that Mexico's touch felt nice. Mexico's hand went under Canada's shirt put she quickly pulled her hand out, Canada broke the kiss and grabbed Mexico's hand he slowly put it back under his shirt and nodded. Mexico lifted up Canada's shirt so it was just his bare chest, she blushed at the sight. Canada's hands began to travel Mexico's torso, his hands eventually reached her bra which she nodded and he took off her bra. Mexico slightly shivered as her chest was exposed, she was also a bit embarrassed. Canada kissed Mexico again as his hand went closer to her chest. Canada moved his fingers over Mexico's breasts and she let out a whine of pleasure. Mexico broke the kiss due to lack of air, Canada began to kiss Mexico's neck and work his way down, he eventually reached Mexico's breasts which he looked up at her for approval, which she nodded 'yes'. Canada began to lap his tounge around Mexico's nipple, she moaned in pleasure.

Canada worked his hands down to Mexico's pants and began to take them off, Mexico moved her hands to Canada's belt and started to un-buckle them but she suddenly stopped.

C"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly. He wondered if he took it too far.

M"W-What if you get me- yknow... Pregnant...." she said nervously

C"We dont have to go that far, we can stay how we are right now." Canada offered. In truth Canada couldn't tell if Mexico liked him or it was a one-night stand.

M"N-no..." she said putting her shirt back on, Canada got off the top of her and put his shirt on aswell. While he did want it to go further he didn't want to force Mexico into something she doesn't want to do. Just then Canada felt himself get pushed into the back of the couch, he then realized that Mexico was infront of him, un-buckling his belt.

Once Canada's boxers were exposed Mexico looked up at Canada, who was blushing madly but nodded his head. Mexico smiled and removed the cloth. She immediately began to jerk Canada off, Canada groaned in pleasure. Mexico grinned a bit as she put the tip into her mouth. She began to lap the tip in her mouth before moving down Canada's manhood. He was big, Mexico knew he would hurt if they did go all the way but then again, she would probably like it. Canada continued to groan, he slowly moved his hips with Mexico's movement.

C"M-Mexico... I, Im gonn-" Canada tried to say before he felt himself being jerked off again as he let out his seed. Mexico got up from her knees and panted a bit. Canada waddled off to the bathroom so he could clean up, he came back out with his pants on.

M"Soo, what are we? what was that?"

C"I uhm- friends with benefits..? Honestly I have no idea what we are." he said truthfully. Mexico just nodded.

C"W-would you like to go on a date?" he said blushing a bit.

M"Uh... Yeah, Sure! Where, when?" Mexico was cut off guard by the sudden question but was pleased.

C"****** around eight," Mexico nodded gleefully.

Then there was an akward silence in the room, the two of them trying to forget what happed a few moments ago. Canada was trying to think of a way to reject Ukraine but remain friends, he'll probably ask his brother.

C"Soo, Im gonna go-" he said pointing at the door and leaving. He was blushing uncontrollably in his car, he couldn't believe he just did that. Especially with Mexico! Truth is, he always fancied Mexico but he didn't know what he was feeling. And he didn't know how to express it, he would have told Mexico but he would always chicken-out.

He put the car in drive and headed to his brother's. Maybe he could help his situation, although Russia won't be too happy about the rejection.


This was a short smut chapter, but I mean, Canada has to take her out to dinner first. Then he can f*ck her.

Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter! Love you and hope you have a wonderful day!!♥♥♡♡

702 words

Chapter 48: Advice

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《Third person POV》

Canada arrived at America's house and let himself in, America would know its him.

A"So, how'd it go with Ukraine?" Canada was startled for a second before he thought of a response.

C"It went aswell as you'd imagine."

A"Russia wont be happy," America scoffed.

C"You knew?"

A"Im dating her brother, of-course I knew."

C"Makes sense."

A"Anyways, you f*ck someone?" he said looking at his brother.

C"Uhhhh... what."

A"Do want me to explain?"

C"no. And anyways you're wrong, I just got a bit of head," he said walking to the couch.

A"Nice." he said as he put up a fist, Canada chuckled and fist-bumped America.

C"Anyways, I need help on rejecting Ukraine... I still wanna be friends with her and Mexico wasn't much help,"


R"f*ck you both." he growled then left the kitchen.

C"He was here the whole time..?" he gulped

A"Don't worry, she might be his sister but I said no kisses if he hurt you." he said smugly.


C"Anyways, I still need help"

A"Well, I said that I was gay. She understood and seemed a bit pleased with my answer, it was creepy."

C"But im not gay,"

A"Yeah... Thats why you're in a bad situation," Canada sighed heavily. He was going to have to wing-it.

A"You'll be fine, as long as you stay with who you love you'll be okay." he said sincerely.

●•{Time skip}•●

Ukraine waited at the park for Canada, he said he wanted to talk. She was really hoping he would accept. Even if he rejected her she would still try to win his heart, no matter what. Just then she heard footsteps approach her, she looked up to see Canada smiling akwardly at her.

U"Hey!" she said gleefully

C"Hey... Look you're an amazing friend and I hope we can continue this friendship but, I don't want to be your boyfriend...."

Ukraine felt her heart sink. She nodded slowly, holding back tears. Of-course she suspected it, who asks for time to think about it and actually accepts. But it felt different coming from Canada himself.

C"But someone else will, on day. I promise you that," he smiled and patted her shoulder and left.

He wanted to talk more, he doesn't know if they are still friends but he wanted to save the akwardness for later.

Canada sighed as he got in his car. But he smiled once he remembered his date with Mexico. He drove home and got changed, he was debating whether to wear his hat ot slick back his hair. He decided the hat, afterall, he didn't want Mexico to feel underdressed. He was wearing a wine red suit, he decided to put his hair in a low ponytail that was similar to his brother.

He drove to Mexico's house and knocked on the door, he was holding a rose he plucked from the bushes infront of his house. Mexico opened the door, she was wearing a crimson red dress and her hair was loose. Canada just stared at her for a bit, her hair framed her face perfectly, the lighting behind her illuminated her face in all the right places. Canada found her looking similar to a goddess. He snapped out of it and put the rise in Mexico's hair, she smiled and looked away, a pink tint on her cheeks. He smiled in return,

C"We should get going," he said nodding towards his car.

M"Yeah... We should.." she said smiling.

Canada reached out his hand for her to take, which she did. He then saw that she was wearing gloves, they too were a crimson red. Mexico took his hand and they headed off to Canada's car

I"Fifty bucks bitch." Italy said smugly, Spain, reluctantly, pulled out his wallet and took out a fifty dollar bill. But he didn't give the money to Italy instead a smirk formed across his face.

S"How about I make you moan like a whor*?~" he whispered seductively into Italy's ear. Italy froze in his spot, he was turning redder by the second. 'How can someone be this seductive?' Italy said internally. Spain chuckled and picked Italy up, Italy paid no attention to this sense he was still processing the words that were whispered.

Spain opened the back door to his car and laid Italy down in th back-seat. Italy had snapped out of it by this point but he knew there was no avoiding what they were about to do, although he wouldn't stop what's coming even if he could.


Spain smiled as he looked at the country under him. He leaned closer and kissed Italy passionately, his hands traveled down to Italy's waist while Italy's were already taking Spain's shirt off.

S"Eager aren't we?" he whispered. It sent chills down Italy's spine.

Spain then removed Italy's shirt and removed his own shirt. He then kissed Italy's neck, bitng and licking the area a few times. Italy lightly moaned in return. Spain began to remove Italy's pants, which Italy responded by taking Spain's pants off. Spain kissed Italy roughly as he began to jerk Italy off, Italy moaned and grabbed onto Spain's back. Spain removed his boxers and teased Italy's entrance by running his tip around Italy's entrance. Italy moaned again, Spain smirked and grabbed a condom out from the middle container in his car. He put the condom on himself and lined himself up, he leaned forward and kissed Italy. He then entered slowly entered Italy, he then picked up pace. Italy gasped and moaned louder, the faster Spain went the more Italy moaned. Italy was growing weaker with each thrust, but he loved it. Italy felt his prostate being hit, he moaned very loudly and desperately, Spain felt his heart skip a beat as he heard that sound escape Italy's lips, he wanted to hear that sound again.Spain felt a knot in his stomach and slowed down as he came inside the condom, he pulled out and leaned against the back-seat. Italy panted and moaned lightly, his legs felt like gelatin. Spain smiled and pecked Italy on the lips.


This chapter was lazily written, especially the smut. But I think y'all deserve a full smut scene sense the last chapter had a brief smut scene.

I hope y'all enjoying my book so far, I know the main plot isn't getting a lot of attention but im trying. Writer's block is so annoying.

Anyways have a wonderful day/night!!♥♥♡♡ And remember you are enough!!♥♥♡♡

1058 words

Chapter 49: Ultra sound

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

It's been a few months,(3 months to be exact) and America was going to get an ultrasound. In all reality he should've gone sooner but he wanted to make a bet on a boy or girl. He bet girl, but he would still be happy with a boy.

Russia was driving, he didn't want to let America drive, not while he's pregnant or when their child is in the car.

The two of them arrive at the doctor's, it was filled with white marbel flooring and modern lights. America thought white would be a wierd color choice for a hospital but he wasn't going to say anything. They went into the room where America changed into the clothes the hospital gave him,

A"They shouldn't call these clothes, it's more of an apron." Russia chuckled lightly and kissed America on the head, he smiled and went over to the seat. He and Russia waited a bit before a nurse entered the room,

?"Hello, America, right?" he nodded in response.

?"Nice to meet you," the lady said extending a hand which America shook

?"In order to do this correctly im going to apply this ointment on your stomach so the machine can glide over your stomach without getting caught on your skin, it will be cold for a bit. Is that alright?"

America just nodded

The nurse put the ointment on America stomach which he agrred, was pretty cold. Russia was next to America holding his hand and moving his thumb across America's fingers.

The nurse set up the machine and left. Soon a doctor entered and she sat down next to America,

?"Hello, Im doctor Johnson it's nice to meet you..."


?"Well its nice to meet you, and is this your first time?"


?"Alrighty, ready to get started?" America nodded eagerly.

The doctor held a small machine in her hands, it looked similar to the scanner at a grocery store. Soon a black and white video appeared on the screen, the doctor moved the machine around a bit before she found where they were.

?"Congratulations on your twins!" she said enthusiastically

America and Russia looked shocked, but happy. America looked at Russia who grinned a big grin. America could tell Russia had never been happier.

?"Would you like to know the genders?" America looked back at Russia who nodded.

A"Yes, we would,"

?"It's a boy and a girl!"

The doctor smiled and continued,

?"Everything with them seems to be okay, you can go change and get back home. Safe travles," She said then left.

America got changed quickly and he and Russia left to go to the mall, they had lots of shopping to do.


This whole chapter was based on a scene I watched from a movie, so I have no idea what is actually done in an ultrasound and how long it takes to tell the gender of a baby.

But I hope you enjoyed this short chapter, and will continue on. I know the chapters are short and slow but I haven't decided on how im going to end it.

RIP to the Queen of England, absolute badass queen♥♥♡♡

Have a lovely morning/night!!💝💝♥♥♡♡

512 words

Chapter 50: Calm before

Chapter Text

《Third person POV》

America and Russia smiled as they looked at the baby's room. The walls were painted a goldish color, they both agreed that is was a gender-neutral color. There were glow-in-the dark stars on the ceiling. There was also two crib mobiles, they were plantes and stars. They also bought some baby toys aswell as picture frames for future memories.

They shut the door and went to the kitchen. Russia told America to go sit down and relax, which he gladly agrees to. America sits down and grabs the remote and scrolls through the movie options, he chooses Moana.

Russia smiled as he put the beef stroganoff in two bowls, he made sure to add extra vegetables so it would be a more healthy meal. He also put wine and oragnge juice in sperate cups, he would normally drink a alcoholic drink to just tease America.

He brought the food over to America and sighed,

R"Moana, really?" he said unamused and his accent being shown.

A"Yep!" he said popping the 'p'. Russia chuckled lightly and sighed he sat down and handed a bowl to America, he nodded happily but his smile faded as he noticed Russia's drink.

A"Really..?" he whined looking longingly at the alcohol as if it were Russia. Russia smiled smugly and took a long sip infront of America. America just stared in disbelief, offended aswell. He missed alcohol with a passion but he would choose his baby over alcohol in a heart-beat.

They ate and watched the movie America fell asleep on Russia's shoulder around the Ninety minute mark. Russia laid his head on America's and watched the movie before he turned off the TV and carried America to bed.

China decided to go home for the night, she wasn't learning anything from watching those two. So she got up from the rose bush with a few quiet "oww" as she got out the bush, she walked to her car and got a text from North Korea

NK 'Wanna come over for drinks again?'

CH 'Sure'

She smiled and put her phone away.

She drove over to North Korea's house and knocked on the door. He opened the door with an un-buttoned shirt and holding a beer and looked absolutely zooted. China blushed as she saw North Korea's bare chest bjt she quickly brushed it off as she stepped inside. She picked up a beer and began to drink it.

About thirty minutes later the two of them were drunk, but still had their conscious. North Korea suddenly spoke:

NK"You dating anyone?"

China was surpised by the sudden question but answered, "No, why? You wanna date me?~" she said teasingly and leaning forward toward North Korea. North Korea smirked and leaned forward and said:

NK"Maybe~" He said before connecting their lips. China's eyes widened but she didn't pull back, instead she opened her mouth and North slipped his tounge in. China easily dominated the male, North tried to surpress a moan but he failed and a light moan escaped his lips. China smiled into the kiss and continued to explore North Korea's mouth. North Korea was happy being dominated. It turned him on a bit.

China broke the kiss and looked into North Korea's eyes,

Ch"I-I don't think we should..... you're drunk" she said a bit sadly but she knew it was reasonable. North Korea rolled his eyes,

NK"So? I have a box of condoms in my room, you wont get pregnant."

Ch"Oh god... f*ck it. Lets go," she said getting up and pulling North Korea infront of her. He smiled and lead her to his bedroom, he pulled out a drawer and grabbed a condom. China smiled and pinned North under her, he didn't mind and he pulled China close to him and kissed her passionately. She started to take off North's shirt and North Korea put his hands under her shirt and un-buckled her bra. He also began to take China's shirt off.

Once they were both undressed China rubbed her hand on North Korea's thigh, he moaned lightly in return.

America turned away from the window almost immediately, he whished he could unsee that. America sighed and walked a mile away from China's house and over to his motorcycle, he put on his helmet and began driving back home. He knew it was dangerous riding a motorcycle, but so was letting China follow him. But he knew he needed the upper hand against her, but now they were more level, they both had lovers.

They both had weaknesses.


So no smut this chapter, I actually think China and North Korea wont have smut in the whole book. Im more focusing on the 'war' arc of the story now, so there might not be any more smut beyond this point.

Anyways hope you continue reading!!♥

Have a fantastically wonderful day/night!!!♥♥♥♡♡♡

793 words

Chapter 51: Abandon your plan and follow mine

Chapter Text

22years ago today thousand's of people lost their lives in a terror*st attack. Sending love to all those families who lost someone♥


《Third Person POV》

When China woke up in North Korea's bed she sighed and got up, she picked up her clothes. She kissed North's head and left silently. She drove back to her home, but then she got a text from her boss, Iran:

I 'I want you to get all of Persia and it's allies ready, were going to launch a full on attack on Albion.'

Ch ' but what about my plan as EEU?'

I 'Abandon it.'

Ch 'But why?'

I 'Is it your company?'

Ch 'No..'

I 'Your main target is America. I want him dead by the end of this 'war''

Ch 'Understood.'

China changed her direction and headed towards her office. She was confused on the sudden attack on Albion but it still made sense. America is in a vulnerable situation because of his pregnancy, but it still didn't make sense to China. She was supposed to get information on America but now she has to kill him, why the sudden change in plans? Alas, China won't be able to have answers to her question's.

Once she arrived at the office she called a meeting of all the higher-ups. She then walked into a large conference room with about 20 chairs, but only 5 of them would be filled. She smiled as she walked to the head chair, that's where Iran would normally sit but she left China in-charge after she went MIA. China did get an earful from Iraq, but she didn't care, she was in-charge for the time being. Why was she left in-charge you may ask, well, no-one knows. Iran just wrote a letter and left it in her office, a maid found it and brought it to the main desk. Once China got the news she did wonder why she was in-charge but she didn't care that much, all that mattered was that she was in-charge of Persia.

She sat down and waited, less than three minutes later Iraq shows up. Then Spain, Pakistan, Afghanistan then Mexico.

After they all sat down Spain looked at his colleagues, but his eyes widened as he saw Mexico, 'Is she a spy too? She has to be.' Spain shook his head and looked back at China. Mexico noticed Spain staring at her but she kept a calm face, she needed to be calm for this plan to work.

Ch"You all may be wondering why I called you all here," she stood up and spoke loudly.

Ch"Well Iran has given me a command to launch an attack on Albion. She also said leave America unharmed and well by the end of this war." she said smugly. She knew that America was supposed to be dead by the end but, why let someone else take the glory? If anyone is good enough to kill America, it's her.

Ch"I want you all to tell your underling's to be prepared for battle, no, a war." she said smirking then motioned for them to leave.

Spain was freaking out, it's all so sudden. But he knows one thing, He has to warn America. If he doesn't America and the children might die. They need to get to safety. But one thing at a time, he looked around for Mexico. He soon located her and ran up to her,

S"Hey-" she put her hand over his mouth and lead him to a room,

M"Can't have you saying something stupid out there," she said removing her hand from his mouth. He noded in understanding.

S"What are you doing here?"


Spain was happy with that answer but Mexico was being vague. He turned around and asked her again,

S"Working for who?"

M"You already know that answer silly" she said chuckling lightly. But Spain was growing suspicious,

S"Answer the damn question."

M"America," she said laughing. Spain really thought she was working for China. Spain just sighed in relief but he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, he looked down and saw blood trickle down his shirt. He fell to the floor with a thud, he was still breathing but very shallowly.

M"To answer your question, I work for Iran. Persia you could say," she whispered smugly into Spains ear,

M"I mean, how do you think China found out where America's house is, hmn?" she said then chuckled. She raised the gun to Spain's head and fired, brain matter and blood splattered everywhere. But Mexico didn't mind, now no-one would tell America about the up-coming war. Now she could finally get revenge.


RIP Spain.

I am also going to release a new book soon, it's called:

'Strongest of us all' its a RusAme story but with Female America so the relationship will be straight.

792 words

Chapter 52: Soon

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

°•●{Time skip 7 months}●•°

America looked at himself in the mirror, 'only three weeks left' he thought to himself. He exited the bathroom and went into the living-room to see Russia putting away his plate,

R"Hope you don't mind that I ate without you" he said turning his head to face America.

A"I don't mind, I get that you're busy." Russia smiled and kissed America on the cheek as a goodbye. America said goodbye and went down the hallway into his home office. He sat down and got a call from Canada.

C "America you need to help me!" Canada said with urgency and panick in his voice.

A "What happened?!"

C "They took Mexico!"

A "Who is 'they'?"

C "Persia!"

America froze, did Iran find out? No. She couldn't have.

A "Alright, I'll do what I can."

C "Thank you so much!" He said then hang up.

America just sighed heavily and grabbed the office phone and dialed Persia's number,

? "Hello this is Persia, how may I help you?"

A "It's Stars, you know who I want to speak to." The line was switched and a girl answered.

Ch "Hey, Bitch" she said happily.

A " Why did you take her?"

Ch "Who? Canada's girlfriend?" she said teasingly before she continued.

Ch "Although, I would appriciate if we were to meet in person"

A "So you can kill me? I don't think so."

M "America, please agree... She has a g-gun on my head. She's going to kill m-me!" She said between sobs. America sighed and responded,

A "Fine, Where and when?"

Ch "Switzerland's house."

A "When"

Ch "0200" then she hung up.


I know this is a very short chapter but it's still a chapter.

But the 'war' is going to commence in the next few chapters so yay...?

Anyways have a wonderful and glorious day/night♥♥♡♡

295 words

Chapter 53: Back in the field

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

America got up and went to his car, was he actually going to do this? It was obvious he had gained weight, seeing that he has twins. But he wanted his brother to be happy, and if that meant he had to go get her, he would. He made sure he had four guns with him, he couldn't risk anything. Switzerland is known to be neutral throughout the whole world, if you needed a place to sort-out problems Switzerland's house is the place to do it. Unless if you want a duel but those tend to be quite painful.

But he remembered, 0200, that's 2:00am. It's only 11:43, he had plenty of time to think of a plan. But he thought that Spain should have told him if they planned to take Mexico, so he texted Italy:

A 'Hey Italy'

I 'Yeah'

A 'Have you seen or heard from Spain recently?'

I 'No... Have you?'

A 'No,'

America thought for a moment, 'How did Persia find Mexico's house? Did Persia find out that Spain betrayed them?' Then it clicked, someone is leaking information to Persia. But who? And why? But right now that didn't matter, all that mattered was finding the leak and getting rid of it. Permanently.

It seemed like America was going to be back in the field.

Chapter 54: Could I trust you?

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

America got in his car but he realized, he has no leads. He's working from a hypothesis, he could be paranoid. China found his house so maybe she found Mexico's aswell, but what if China didn't find America's house? What if someone told her. So that meant he has some suspects, the people who know the location of his house:

Canada, New Zealand, Australia, France, Japan, Mexico and Russia. While he seriously doubted Russia was the traitor he couldn't leave anything up to chance.

So America went to the one person he knew he could trust, Taiwan. While he and Taiwan had rarely interacted it was clear the both had a hatred towards China. And if he needed to trust someone it would have to be someone who hated China. He knew she wasn't at home due to the fact she has a hostage and that he installed cameras and audio recorders in her house.

He arrived at her house and knocked on the door. It was a while until Taiwan answered,

T "America?"

Chapter 55: Could I trust you?

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

Taiwan stepped aside and America entered the house. The scent of Lavender hit him almost immediately but he ignored it,

T "How much did you eat?" he said looking at America's stomach.

A "Don't tell China, but im pregnant." he sighed,

T "Oh well, come, sit down!" he said walking over to the living room where America thankfully sat down.

T "Why are you here?"

A "You dislike China, right?"

T "that's a nice way of putting it, but yeah"

A"Can I trust you?"

T "Depends in what you're asking."

A "Has China mentioned anyone's name recently?"

T "Uh, she mentioned the name Span. No, Spin, I don't remember clearly but it started with an S."

A "Spain?"

T "Yes! That was his name!"

A "Anyone else?"

T "Some dude called 'NK' and this one girl named Mexico"

A "What did she say about Mexico?"

T "That her and China were going to take down the leader of this place called Albion, but otherwise she hasn't mentioned her name again. But what do you need to trust me for?"

A "Don't tell China I was here, or that I even spoke to you. And could you keep me updated, so if she says anyone else's name you could let me know?"

Taiwan thought for a moment,

T "Alright, but everytime I give you info I get a thousand"

A "350."

T "850"

A "500."

T "550"

A "Deal."

The two of them shook hands and America got up to leave but Taiwan stopped him,

T "Why do you need me anyway?"

A "Your sister is planning on killing me"

T "WHY?!"

A "The man who got me pregnant is the same man that she loves,"

T "Man she is even more f*cked up than I remember. Anyways, once this is done do you mind if I move out? Guatemala agreed to be roommates with me,"

A"Yeah, that's completely fine. I'll tell you once I have the information I need, then I'll make sure your sister won't be able to find you"

Taiwan nodded. And with that America left with a new prime suspect, Mexico.


So this is sort-of a three parter, but not really. .

And I would like to say thank you sm for all the votes amd for 1K views♥

Anyways I hope you had a wonderful day/night!!♥♥♡♡

371 words

Chapter 56: What Canada know?

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

America had suspicions that China had a crush on Russia but he could never confirm nor deny it. But after he saw what China and North Korea did, he highly doubted China liked Russia, anymore at least.

But now that he had Mexico as his main suspect he decided to go to Canada's house, seeing as how they're dating. Then he would go to Cuba's house, her and Mexico have been close friends for years. Even when America and Cuba broke up Mexico stayed by Cuba's side, and America respected that.

So he was driving to Canada's house, he grabbed his glasses and put them on. Canada could always tell when America was lying or when he was nervous so he decided it would be best to hide his emotions entirely.

He knocked on Canada's door and it quickly opened,

C "Any news?" He said urgently. America shook his head,

C "Well come in..." He said disappointingly.

America stepped inside and smelt the sweet scent of maple and cinnamon. It was a friendly scent, but America couldn't focus on that right now. He was trying to identify a leak, not play catch-up with his brother.

A "I actually came here to talk about Mexico,"

C "About what?"

A "Has she mentioned anyone by the name of China?"

C "No, why?"

A "I think that's the person who took her. No, it was her, I heard her talk."

C "What does she look like?"

A "Red, looks fairly young, attractive, long hair, tall, she also has a yellow design in the corner of her flag."

C "No, never seen her," he sighed. Although, he wasn't worried about Mexico sense his brother was looking for her but now he was doubting America's abilities. He knew America was amazing at his job when he did field work but, it has been a while.

America continued to ask questions about Mexico's personal life and Canada answered as much as he could.

A "Well, thanks for answering my questions, i'll be taking my leave now." He said as he got up, he grunted a bit. His back was hurting from carrying the weight but he didn't mind.

After he left Canada sighed heavily, he didn't like lying, much less to his family but he needed to. And Canada made Mexico promise that America wouldn't get hurt, so he agreed.

To make Mexico happy.


Another chapter~

I feel like I need to make a longer chapter, but oh well. Not this chapter.

A fight broke out in my cafeteria today, it was wild. People screaming "FIGHT!" and others standing on chairs. One of my teachers ran to the other side of the cafeteria to break-up the fight.

Anyways have a marvelously spectacular day/night!!❤❤❤

447 words

Chapter 57: Visiting Cuba

Chapter Text

{[Third person POV]}

America drove his way to Cuba's house. He sighed knowing that Cuba wasn't going to tell him anything without being forced to. After all, he did leave her.

He knocked on the door to see Cuba wearing a dress, she was smiling until she saw who knocked.

C "What do you want." she said, hatred seeping from her voice.

A "I have questions about Mexico,"

C "Leave her in the middle of dinner?" she said bitterly.

A "No, just let me in. Please?"

Cuba slammed the door in his face. America sighed, he should've expected this. The way he left Cuba was a horrible way.


A "You ready?" he said through a door where Cuba was putting on makeup.

C "One second!" she said putting away her mascara and grabbing her curling iron.

A "So thirty more minutes?" he said sighing

Cuba just chuckled and began to curl her hair.

C "What time is the appointment?"

A "9:30pm"

C "I thought you said 8?"

A "Because I know that you would take an hour to get ready."

Cuba giggled as she continued curling her hair.

Cuba finished her hair and put on some red lipstick. She exited the room to find America right next to the door, he looked over at her and smiled. She was wearing a poppy red dress with a blue purse. America was wearing a black suit, which Cuba found odd. America never wore those, they were always navy or a wine red.

A "Ready now?"

C "Yup!"

The two made their way towards the car, holding hands as they sat down in the car. The two arrived at the restaurant, and America gave his keys to the valet. He and Cuba held hands as they entered the restaurant, Cuba smiling widely and America faintly smiling.

They sat down at their table and ordered wine. The two lovers ate lobster and steak while making small talk. Cuba noticed that America was nervous, but thought nothing of it.

C "So, what's your idea of having kids?" She said taking a sip of wine.

A "Oh no, I don't want them. I mean, maybe later on but not right now." He said fidgeting. It was obvious he was lying but Cuba was on her 5th glass of wine.

C "Oh, that's alright. I don't want any children, at the moment at least." She said in understanding. They were a young couple, she was 21 and America was 23, so she understood being too young for children.

The two spent the next few minutes in an unsettling silence until America spoke:

A "I'm going to the bathroom," he said getting up and leaving the table, not making eye contact as he said that and left.

Cuba waited for a bit, until it became thirty minutes, then it turned into an hour. Cuba was confused and made her way to the bathrooms, a man with a light blue line and light blue stars on his face, he also had a white line going horizontally across his face.

? "What are you doing?"

C "I'm trying to find my boyfriend, is he in there?"

? "No, I was the only one in there. Think he left you here,"

Cuba's heart sank. Did America really leave her? No. He wouldn't do that. Would he?

C "Maybe you missed him, do you mind checking again?" she said desperately. The man sighed and nodded, it was obvious the guy left her, but he felt some sympathy for her.

The man exited the bathroom once more shaking his head. Cuba felt herself tearing up, how could America just leave her here? what did she do wrong? She began to cry. The man just looked puzzled and lost but decided to stay and comfort the girl. He might get in trouble with his boss for not taking more orders but at the moment he wanted to help this girl.

? "Hey, it's alright... do you have a ride home?" Cuba shook her head.

? "After i'm done with my shift I can drive you home, if you want" Cuba nodded. The man took her to the back of the restaurant and brought her to the lounge and sat her down.

? "Just stay here for the time being, I'll come get you once my shift is over, alright?"

C "Y-yeah... thanks...." she said through tears.

[Flashback ends]

America knocked again. No answer. He waited a bit before he sighed and said "I know about your son-" The door abruptly opened and Cuba pulled him inside.

C "How the f*ck do you know about my son?!" She said angrily

A "Calm down! I just wanna talk about Mexico," he said calmly.

C "If you ever touch him-"

A "I won't, if you help me."

C "Fine. What do you want to know?"

A "Has she mentioned anyone by the name of China?"

Cuba thought for a moment, "No, she hasn't. But she did mention someone named Spain and how he was getting suspicious of her,"

A "How was he getting suspicious?"

Cuba giggled as America fell to the floor with a thud.

C "Took you long enough, Ukraine"


Finally! A long chapter!!!! Took me long enough!

Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!❤❤❤

843 words

Chapter 58: Kidnapped

Chapter Text

《America's POV》

Ugh, what hit me in my head? Wait. Did I fall on my stomach? I hope not, what if I killed my kids? No. You can't cry, not right now. So my hands and calves are tied with, rope? It's definitely not duct-tape. I have a sack over my head and it feels like duct-tape is covering my mouth. This is just great.

So obviously Cuba is on Mexico's, or should I say, Persia's side. Did I hear Cuba say 'Ukraine" after I got hit? This makes no sense, why would Ukraine be in on this? Is it because my brother rejected her? Either way I definitely heard her name. I still have a meeting with China later, although I imagine i'll be seeing her soon.

The more I think about it, why did Mexico tell Cuba about her working for Persia but not Canada? Is it because he's my brother? No. He lied to me. That wasn't urgency in his voice, it was nervousness. So that's even better, my best-friend and brother betrayed me. It also sounds like my boyfriend's sister also betrayed me. What did I do wrong? Was I rude to them? Didn't pay enough? I honestly have no clue. But it looks like I have to follow my previous strategy, Trust no one. But that doesn't matter much now, all I need to focus on is getting out of these restraints and getting out of here.

I hear the door open then a flash of light comes across my eyes, it looks like Mexico is sitting in front of me, although it could be China.

? "America~" I can recognize that annoying ass voice anywhere. China.

Ch "See clearly now?" I roll my eyes.

Ch "Oh, silly me" She said ripping off the duct-tape. Ow, that hurt.

Ch "Anyways, you will be talking a lot during this, session, so drink up." She said putting a water bottle up to my lips. I keep my mouth shut, I don't trust her. I never will.

Ch "It's not poisoned," She said water falling some into her mouth and swallowing. She asked for a refill and put it up to my lips again. I, reluctantly, drank seven sips of it. She smiled and put the water down and sat across from me. She's being awfully nice about this, too nice.

The two sat in silence staring at each other before China spoke:

Ch "So I know you figured out that Mexico isn't your ally?" I nodded.

Ch "Who did you visit?"

A "Cuba."

Ch "And?"

A "I only went to Cuba."

She looked at me before looking at a guard in the corner. I smiled to myself, she can't tell if i'm lying or not. Damn amateur.

Ch "Whatever. Do you even know what is happening to your men?"

A "No, why?" She chuckled.

Ch "We didn't kidnap you to harm you. We kidnapped you so we can launch a full on attack on Albion. In fact, why don't we check on.... Vietnam!" she said clicking a button on a remote. When did she grab the remote?

The screen flickered and a red country with a big yellow star appeared on the screen, it looks like he was holding someone. But who? Is that white and black hair? wait.... is that Japan..?

The screen zoomed out to show Japan being in a choke hold with her leg being broken. She looked like she was getting progressively weaker. South Korea was in the background trying to make her way to Japan but was getting pulled back by her brother.

A "Why?" I said weakly

Ch "To see you in pain. Why else?"

A "No. Your boss told you to do this. You're just a little puppet doing what your puppeteer tells you to do." I said rudely. My goal is to anger her, once she's angry she'll act irrationally. Once she acts irrationally she'll lose her wits, then i'll be able to escape. I can see her eye twitch.

Ch "Kill her." she said putting a finger to her ear. I looked back at the TV to see Vietnam look at the screen and slowly nod, he began to twist his hand to the right. But he suddenly stops and lets Japan go. I can't tell what he's saying but I managed to mouth out, 'Sorry'. I look over and see a livid China. I hide my laughter as she yells at the guards to go kill Vietnam. I feel my eyes go heavy and my limbs feel a bit numb. This is weird, like really weird.

China manages to calm herself down and looks back at me. She smirks, why the hell is she smirking? My head feels light, my legs feel numb. My arms feel weak. I feel weak

{{{{{{MENTIONS OF RAPE}}}}}}


Ch "Everyone can go home for the day. I can handle him myself" She says. As soon as everyone leaves she comes up to me and puts her hand up my shirt. I begin to scream mentally, I try to move my limbs but nothing works. All of them are weak.

What was in that drink?


Another chapter?! And it's a decent length?! It's a miracle!!

But I would like to add that China does rape America completely, I just don't want to write it. For obvious reasons.

Anyways I hope you have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening!❤❤

881 words

Chapter 59: Escape

Chapter Text

{{America POV}}

I am still sitting in a chair, my body feels naked and I feel like sh*t. I try to open my eyes but they won't open, i try to move my arms, legs, anything. But they're all too weak. I also have a horrible headache, but what about my kids? I don't think China did anything to them but I can't tell. Did she drug the drink? But how, she drank some and was completely fine. Wait, she asked for a refill. She knew that I would think it's poisoned so she prepared some extra water that was drugged.

How does the drug affect my kids? Negatively, most likely. I just hope they're okay. This is like the worst time to be pregnant. But oh well, I just need an escape plan. But a plan might not work, since my limbs aren't working. I try to open my eyes again, it strains my face muscles but i'm able to open them half-way. So it does look like i'm naked, but it looks like my clothes are on the floor. Might be able to grab them once I get out of these restraints. So I am able to move, it just hurts like hell, better than not moving I guess. So the rope is around my calves, is she stupid? The calves are the largest area on legs, if I move the rope down it will easily fall to the floor. The rope around my wrists doesn't feel too tight. I can probably just break a thumb and get out. This has to be her first time kidnapping someone, cause no-one can be this bad.

So, with much force and willpower, I move my legs in an up-down- motion. I can feel the rope scratching my skin, but my legs feel like they're going to give out, don't pay attention to the feeling, just do it. I feel the rope fall off my legs and I hear it hit the floor, now time for the harder part. Breaking a thumb.

I move one hand to the other, I place a finger on my thumb and begin to push. I take a deep breath and push, with all the power I have, there was a loud crack as my thumb broke. It stings, but I can't pay attention to that. I slide my hand out of the restraints and feel weak. I got out of the restraints but i wasted all my strength on getting out that I have none left to escape the building, or get dressed for that matter.

I sit still for about Five minutes, maybe Ten, before I move my knees forward. I hit the floor but not completely sense my hands are on the floor. I push myself up and grab my shirt. It burns my arms to put them up-high but I would rather die than run down the street naked. I also grab my boxers and put them on. I lay down for a bit. That was a work-out, but it shouldn't have been. Is this because I haven't been training for a while or is it the after effect of the drug? One-way or another, i'm weak.

I get my pants and put them on, I sigh heavily and stand up. I obviously don't have my guns, which isn't normally a problem, i'm trained in hand-to-hand combat. But my current state isn't strong, I feel like i'm going to collapse just by standing up.

I head to the door, my legs already screaming at me to sit down. I open the door, the coast is clear. Which is weird, did they expect me to be too weak to move? I mean, they aren't completely wrong, if they ran at me I would be defenseless.

I turn the corner and see two guards, luckily I don't think they saw me. The only thing I have is the element of surprise, I need to use that strategically. I peek over the corner, It looks like all they have are stun-guns. Guess she told the truth when she said 'We didn't kidnap you to harm you'. I look at my surroundings, there is a water fountain and a uniform room. Perfect.

{{Third Person POV}}

America grabbed a uniform and slipped it over his clothing. He put some of the water in his gun holster, for some reason they only took his guns, but not their holsters. America then limped his way to the corner. He knew he had to sell the part, so he needed to fake an injury. He rested on the wall for a bit before he turned the corner quickly.

A "HE'S ESCAPED!" America yelled, disguising his voice with a Russian accent. It wasn't perfect by any means but it was good enough to pass.

The two guards looked at each other before they reached for their stun-guns,

A "HE GRABBED MY STUN-GUN AND SHOT MY LEG, HE HAS A WEAPON!" He said while he limped toward the two guards, they seemed fairly young, early Twenties maybe late Teens.

?"*I thought we were the only ones on duty,*" One whispered to the other, the other guard nodded and said, "*Me too*".

America couldn't hear them but he was able to read some of the words from the guy's lips,

A "I was going home when he ambushed me! I had no time to react!" He said, not yelling this time. He was close enough to not yell anymore. The guards exchanged a look, the older one nodded and they walked up to America. The guards couldn't see hos face, the uniform is an all-black outfit with a hat, mask and sunglasses so they couldn't be identified. And that is exactly what America wanted.

America moved his hand to his holster and carefully moved it closer to the guards. Once the guards were in range he splashed the water onto their stun-guns, nothing happened.

The guards looked at each other, confused. America knew this would happen, so he fired the trigger on the stun-gun and a spark of electricity was fired. It malfunctioned due to the water, the spark caught fire for a moment and burned a scar into the guards side. America quickly did the same to the other guard's stun-gun. The two guards yelped in pain, rendering them unable to fight, or stop America from leaving.

America sprinted to the front door of the building, he smelled the fresh air. He never thought he would love the smell of air before now.

America scanned his surroundings, he didn't recognize any of it. He sighed, there was a forest to the left. It looks like he's going to go sleep outside, unless he can find a phone and call Russia. Although America doubted he would be available, he might be fighting Persia.

America made it to a large tree and began to climb it, he made sure to not squish his stomach too much. He made it to a thick branch and sat there. He took off the uniform and ripped it in half. He then tied one half across his chest and the other half across his legs, it should keep him in place for the night.

He sighed heavily and relaxed. At that moment a wave of soreness and tiredness hit him, his muscles were screaming at him. He didn't mind, he was too tired to care. And he was going to have a lot to do tomorrow. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Man, I'm doing good with all these long chapters!

But I would like to say Thank you for all the support! I have over 1K reads and 200+ votes, it really does mean a lot to me, tysm❤❤❤❤

Have a wonderful day/night❤❤❤

1287 words

Chapter 60: Apologies (not a chapter)

Chapter Text

So this is an Apology for not updating recently, as I said in my bio I mostly update on Wattpad.

But right now you have all the chapter's that are in Wattpad so you are all caught up, and i'm really sorry for not updating!!

Hope you have a wonderful day/night!!♥♥♡♡♡


Chapter 61: Called help

Chapter Text

[[Third Person POV]]

America woke up with his legs and back sore, he opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. It was still dark out and he had no way of telling the time, but he wasn't going to fall asleep again so he untied the ripped uniform and tied the pieces around his waist, he might need them later.

He climbed down the tree slowly and carefully. He was also worried sense he hasn't eaten anything in the last 10+ hours, he didn't want this children to starve. But he would worry about food once he finds Japan, he wants to call Russia but if his sister is working with Persia then so could he. Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are the only people who hate China more than anything, and they wouldn't side with her even if it meant they would die. America still had to be careful, China might not know he escaped. He highly doubted it, but there's always hope.

America made it back to the town and began walking around, everything was in Chinese. Which he doesn't speak much of. There were barely any cars or people outside, which worked in America's favor because it was easier to spot someone following him.

'China found out, great.' America thought bitterly, surprise is the only way he can fight in this war and survive.

America turned at random corners until he formed a circle, the person followed him close behind. That gave America confirmation that the person was following him. But America still had no idea where he was going, he's never been in this area before. He needed to find a way to contact someone. There was a young man on the phone a few feet in front of him, America sighed as he knew this could end badly but if he didn't get someone to pick him up it could end worse.

America walked by the man and grabbed the phone from his hands, said "Sorry" in Chinese then hung up. The man was confused for a moment before he began yelling at America. America ignored the man and dialed Japan, she answered:

J "Hello?"

A "Hey, need you to pick me up, I'll explain once you arrive. Check the caller's location, i'm near that location. Thanks,"

J "Wait-"

America hung up and tossed the phone back to the yelling man. The person following America was now extremely close to him, America did the first thing he thought to do, run.

So America ran down the street as fast as he could.

Japan was confused, why did America just call her? She sighed and checked the location, Why was he in China's homeland? 'America would never go to China's homeland willingly.' So Japan went to her car and sped off. She learned a few tricks from America so she would get there in about 15-20min.

Meanwhile America turned a corner and jumped inside the dumpster. It was disgusting but he would rather be in the dumpster than be captured by this guy. America looked beside him to see Prussia floating next to him.

P "Japan is on her way, she's driving like you so she'll be here shortly"

America nodded, Prussia faded for a minute before she returned next to America.

P "He's gone,"

America sighed shallowly and got out of the dumpster and headed back to where he called Japan. He sat down on the curb and waited. Eventually Japan arrived and picked him up. He would have a lot of explaining to do.


So apparently the US lost an F-35, which is one of the most advanced stealth air crafts to ever exist. The pilot ejected from the aircraft but the plane kept going. The last seen place of it was in South Carolina.

Although I feel this is a better situation than when the US lost 6 nuclear weapons.

But anyways, have a wonderful day/night!!❤❤❤❤

641 words

Chapter 62: Explain, Now.

Chapter Text

[[Third Person]]

America and Japan rode in the car in silence until Japan spoke out:

J "Why are you here? How did you get here? Why did you call me?" She said confused before she stopped and sighed,

J "What happened," she said a lot more calmly than before.

A "I got kidnapped, China kidnapped me to be more specific. And i'm sorry I couldn't help you from Vietnam"

J "It doesn't matter much, he let me go. But he also told me that Persia is planning a full-out attack on Albion,"

A "Wasn't that a full-out attack? You and SK were attacked"

J "No, it was just me and SK. Vietnam said the whole company would be involved, although I don't completely trust him."

A "You can trust him. China looked way too angry to be faking."

Japan nodded,

J "So, the kids alright?"

A "I hope so, I don't think China did any..." America trailed off as he imagines what China would have done to him. He didn't want to imagine it, but he couldn't stop himself. He felt his breathing hitch, he could no longer hear the car or Japan. The world around him felt like it was slowly leaving, he felt apart from the whole world. The only thing he could hear was his breathing. The only thing he could think of was what China had done to him. The images of her on-top of him clouded his mind, he felt his eyes become blurry. It took him a moment to realize that he was crying. He could hear China's voice in his ears: "Everyone can go home for the day. I can handle him myself" that sentence repeated itself in his head. He moved his hands to his head, he began pushing his hands against the sides of his head. The sentence began to fade, someone pulled his hands away from his head the images in his head were slowly beginning to fade. He felt like he was reconnecting with the world. He could hear the car, and the woman next to him resting a hand on his shoulders and saying his name: "America, America," the voice repeated, America slowly opened his eyes to see Japan on his left and his Mother on his right. The two of them had one hand on a shoulder.

J "America, are you alright?" she said worriedly. America just now noticed that Japan had pulled over. America slowly nodded and composed himself. Japan looked skeptical but she was only two minutes from her house where she can properly comfort America. But she decided against it, America needed her right now so she would be there for him.

Japan unbuckled her seat-belt so she could face him better. She looked at America for a moment before she spoke:

J "Do you wanna talk?" America shook his head, he did want to talk about it. Just not right now.

J "Do you wanna hug?" she said almost sarcastically before she felt America's hands wrap around her shoulders. She patted America's back and hugged him as well.

The two stayed like that before America pulled back and sat down and mumbled:

A "You can drive to where you were going" he whispered. Japan nodded and buckled herself before she drove off. America's mother was still next to him,

L "Do you wanna talk about it with me?" His mother said, he nodded before he spoke in a foreign language.

A "As you know I was kidnapped. But what I didn't mention is that.... Ch-China.. uhm... she uhhh...." he felt himself beginning to tear up again.

L "Take your time," she said sweetly as she put a hand on his shoulder. He nodded and continued,

A "Ch-China she.. she... she drugged me.... then... s-she raped me..." he continued in the foreign lanuage.

His mother had a frown on her face as she hugged America, she wondered how people can do this to a person and feel no remorse. America hugged her back.

Japan was making glances at America, who was now hugging, air? She didn't ask, America was obviously going through something so she would let him go through it at his own pace. But she couldn't help but wonder, 'Why did America call me and not Russia?'


So I am considering playing football, but I am a girl so my family is telling me it's not a good idea to play because I may get hurt. My parents said that I could only play kicker, which i'm okay with since I get to play. But they said they wouldn't want me playing due to the locker situation. But I don't think they understand that there is a girls locker-room as well. But I was wondering if anyone had ever played football or knows someone who did/does, if not then that's alright.

Anyways, sorry for ranting for a bit. Hope you have an amazing day/night ♥♥♡♡

802 words

Chapter 63: At Japan's house

Chapter Text

[[Third person]]

Japan and America arrived at her house. She opened the door and stepped aside so America could enter.

America sat down on the couch while Japan headed to her kitchen to make some green tea.

J "Want any?"

A "No thanks,"

Japan nodded and heated up the water ans waited a bit before she turned around to face America,

J "What language were you speaking?"

A "What do you mean?"

J "In the car, you were mumbling something in a different language."

A "Oh... well... it was the Unami language.."

J "Don't think i've heard of it before"

A "Well it's not commonly known, anymore at least" he mumbled the last part.

J "Also what were you mumbling about? What were you hugging? Did you see a ghost?"

A "I wan't mumbling about anything important, I was hugging my mother, I saw my mother."

J "Still can't believe you can see ghosts,"

A "Do you want to say hello to your mother?"

J "God no. Imagine what she would say to me, 'HoW dArE yOu BeCoMe FrIeNdS wItH tHe MaN wHo MuRdErEd Me'" she said imitating her mother's voice.

The two of them chuckled but then there was a scream. Japan looked to see the steam exit the kettle. She poured the hot water into the mug and brought the mug to the coffee table. She would have to wait about two minutes before the flavor would settle.

J "Oh! Why did you call me and not Russia?" she asked curiously.

A "Ukraine."

J "What do you mean 'Ukraine'"

A "She's working with Persia, I can't risk Russia also working with Persia and kidnapping me again." he said grabbing the mug and taking a sip of it.

J "that was my- never mind" she said under her breath. She got up to go make another one.

J "But you have his kid, also, hasn't he made it obvious that he loves you?"

A "Well yea but-"

J "No buts! You need to learn to trust people! I get that you're in a difficult position but it should be Russia who you're trusting the most!" Japan complained. Deep down America knew she was right, he needed to put more trust into Russia.

J "I'm calling him tomorrow morning to let him know you're here. You can call him first, you know my password." She said grabbing her mug and heading to her game room. America sighed as he took another sip of Japan's first cup of tea.

It was now 10:00 in the evening and America lay wide awake in the guest room of Japan's house. He looked beside him, he sighed, wishing Russia was here. He thought back to what Japan said 'it should be Russia who you're trusting the most!'. He knew she was right. But he couldn't help but feel uneasy. What if it was an act? He did kill his father, and Russia generally didn't react. Maybe this was his revenge? Or was this just Ukraine taking revenge since Canada rejected her? America sighed. He was tired but his mind was full of too many questions.

He got up and headed to Japan's room. He found his way to the night-stand and took her phone. He tip-toed out of the room and dialed Russia's number. It rang for a bit before a tired and accented voice answered:

R "Da?"

A "Hey osito," he said somewhat nervously.

R "America?!" the voice sounded happy and relieved.

A "Yes, yes, it's me"

R "Where have you been? Are you alright? Do you need me to pick you up?" America sighed, 'So many questions today'

A "I'm at Japan's house. I'll tell you the whole story tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know i'm okay, but don't call or text anyone else, alright?"

R "Da but, why?"

A "I'll explain that later, love you Russki"

R "Love you too моя звезда"


Also sorry for not updating, I just lost motivation for this chapter and I didn't want to write a bad chapter. Anyways, love ya'll hope you continue reading!!❤

678 words

Chapter 64: Home

Chapter Text

[[Third Person POV]]]

America slept a bit more comfortable knowing he would be seeing his boyfriend soon. It's only been a day but he felt like he couldn't live without him.

America woke up to the feeling of being nudged,

? "America, America," A voice whispered to him as he slowly opened his eyes.

R "Good morning моя звезда~" Russia said playfully kissing the tired American. America weakly smiled as he sat up and leaned his head against Russia's chest. Russia smiled and ran his fingers through America's hair. America snuggled into Russia's chest even more, he felt soothed by the Russian's actions.

R "моя звезда, we should get going. Japan and South Korea are in the kitchen and I don't want to hear anything." Russia said, his accent thick. America felt a shiver down his spine as Russia spoke. It seemed America would never get over Russia's seductive yet calming accent.

Russia sighed then smiled. He picked America up bridal-style and headed out of the room to the front door. A loud clattering noise came from the kitchen before giggling then a kissing noise started. Russia closed the door and put America in the passenger seat.

He was glad he didn't hear anything else from the Japanese woman's kitchen. He looked over at America who was once again asleep. He smiled and drove back to their home.

It took them a while to return since Russia drove responsibly. America was half awake by now, but he was starving. Having tea for dinner wasn't the best option he made.

Once they entered the house America sighed. He loved the smell of oak and the comforting yellow light.

R "Missed this place, didn't you?"

A "Yeah..."

America walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see some beef stroganoff left over,

A "Is it alright if I-" he was cut off by Russia's lips meeting his. America was shocked at the gesture but returned it none the less.

Russia broke the kiss and nodded. America was a bit flustered but he still heated up his food. Russia hugged America from behind,

A "Being clingy today aren't we?" America said teasingly

Russia just grunted and kissed America's neck. Which earned him light groans from America, then a beeping noise came along. Russia and America looked at the microwave, but it wasn't finished. America's eyes widened but before he could react there was a loud boom and an eruption of warm colors consumed the house.

America and Russia were not too far from one another. America was conscious while Russia wasn't. America had to hope that Russia was just knocked out and not dead.

America grunted as he crawled to Russia. He checked for a pulse, which, with a sigh of relief, was there. Russia was still alive.

America didn't need to think twice to know who did this. China.


I would like to say this is all improvised.

I really am making China the most unlikable character aren't I?

Anyways have a lovely day/night!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

489 words

Chapter 65: Hospital

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

America grabbed Russia's phone and unlocked it. America was going to type in Canada's number but he remembered that Canada, in some way, was involved. So he dialed 9-1-1 instead.

After 18 minutes the ambulance finally arrived. They put America and Russia on stretchers and loaded them into the ambulance.

Once they arrived at the hospital he and Russia were separated, he tried to protest but his voice refused to work.

America saw a doctor walk in and begin talking, but to America it sounded like the guy was mumbling. All he heard was "Surgery". America's mind was racing, 'was it that bad? Am I going to die? What about my kids?' America's eyes widened but he quickly squinted again, the light in the hospital was really bright, to him at least. So he was wheeled away into the surgery room, he was given anesthesia, that was the last thing he remembered before he blacked out.

Russia on the other hand, was put into the emergency room. He slowly regained consciousness but he was frozen in place. His body hurt all over. He felt a semi-cold substance being placed on the burns. After a few seconds the substance began to burn, a lot. He was mentally screaming. He felt his arm get poked, then a sticky substance get placed on his arm as well. He guessed that it was an IV bag, meaning that his current situation was bad. He began to worry about America, but he soon got distracted as he felt himself not breathing. Apparently the people around him noticed this and he felt himself get dragged away. He felt a mask go over his mouth, he then lost consciousness.

America woke up, feeling like his stomach was a lot lighter. He slowly opened his eyes, the light in the hospital was really bright for a second before it dimmed. He looked down, his eyes widened as he realized that he had gotten a C-Section. He looked beside him to see two cribs, with two babies inside. He smiled, his children were fine, they were alive and, hopefully, well. But a pang of sadness hit him as he didn't see Russia anywhere, not even a sign he was there. America attempted to move his arm to call the nurse but there was an IV insertion in his arm.

Russia felt extremely drowsy when he awoke. He looked around and didn't see America, but he did see a tube in his throat. His face hurt and felt a burning-cold sensation all over his body. He wanted to groan but couldn't because his throat felt a bit closed. He heard the door open and a nurse stepped in,

? "Hello, How are you?"

Russia couldn't respond.

? "Oh, raise your left hand for no/bad and raise your right for yes/good"

Russia raised both hands

? "Fine?"

Right hand raised.

? "Well, you're going to survive. You might have some burn scars and some nerves will be dulled but you will make a full recovery."

Russia raised his right hand.

? "The man you came here with, America, do you know him?"

Russia quickly raised his right hand.

? "You're the Father, correct?"

Right hand

? "We had to preform a emergency C-Section but the babies are healthy and in good shape. That are a little lighter than they should be, but they should grow up like two regular children."

Russia mentally sighed, his kids were okay. But what about America?

?? "CODE BLUE!" A different nurse yelled into the hallway. The nurse ran out of the room, Russia managed to hear "America". He felt his blood run cold.

America watched as the nurse checked-up on his kids. He saw her eyes widen as she yelled "CODE BLUE!". America's eyes widened as he saw his daughter get taken away. He wanted to cry but he didn't have enough strength to.

The nurse returned, with the baby. America sighed in relief.

The nurse went into Russia's room,

? "You heard the code blue?"

Right hand.

? "Well don't worry, your daughter flat-lined but she's fine now."

Russia felt his heart skip a beat. Everything is fine. His children, and America seem to be fine.


I thought about keeping the baby flat-line, but luckily for ya'll I felt nice today.

Don't worry, there will still be major character death when the war begins.

709 words

Chapter 66: Where can we go?

Chapter Text

[[Third person POV]]

After three days Russia was able to move his hands and legs much like before the explosion. America would visit him everyday carrying his children. Once Russia was well enough he held his daughter and son, he wanted to cry. He's never been this happy, well, with the exception of America.

But Russia was still wondering where they would live. America was going to be discharged later that day, Russia still had to stay due to his burns and the children were also staying because they were delivered early and the hospital wanted to make sure that the kids would be fine.

R "Where are we going to go?" Russia asked looking at America.

America thought for a second.

A "I dunno, maybe Japan...? I mean, I know she likes kids but there's only one spare bedroom there."

R "Of course it's Japan..." Russia mumbled under his breath.

A "Hm?"

R "Is there anywhere else?" Russia tried to not sound annoyed but he fail miserably.

A "Is my osito jealous~" America purred

Russia grumbled and looked away. America lightly laughed before he continued,

A "I'm afraid that's our only option as of now." He sighed.

R "What about her and South?"

A "What?"

R "When I came to pick you up her and South where uhm... y'know.."

A "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about" He said innocently. In his mind he knew what he was doing, but he wanted to see how Russia would respond.

R "Female x Female" Russia said, he made sure to enunciate the 'x' as he spoke. America held back a laughed before saying "oh". Russia actually thought America was this clueless but he quickly realized what America was doing.

R "Jerk"

America just laughed in response. Russia felt himself be mesmerized by the American's laughter.

America picked up his phone and called Japan,

J "Hey America, you alright?" She said a bit worriedly

A "Yep, but i'm afraid me and Russ don't have a place to live," He said feeling a bit guilty

J "You can live here until the rent is due," She sighed

A "Thanks! But me and Russ can pay our half of the rent,"

J "Oh, sorry I didn't specify, I'm moving in with South Korea" Happiness prone in her voice

A "Congratulations girl!" America said happy for his friend.

A "You gonna pop the question?" He said teasingly,

J "NO- no, we just moved in together! I don't even have a ring!" America rolled his eyes before he said thank-you and hang up.

R "So?"

A "We can live at Japan's for the time being. And you won't have to worry about her and SK. She is moving in with South Korea so it's just us in the house."

Russia sighed. 'Thank God'


Short chapter! Sorry it's just that motivation and sleep aren't here for me right now. And i'm just generally feeling like sh*t. Anyways have a wonderful day/night!!!! Luv you all!!!

475 words

Chapter 67: You saved me, so I helped you

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

America left the hospital before Russia. So America went to Japan's house to move what was left of his and Russia's belongings.

Russia was still in the hospital but he only had a day left, the plan was that when Russia left the hospital he would take the kids with him.

A "I really thank you for this, Japan" He said putting some photos on the table.

J "Oh it's no problem, you saved me after all" She said thankfully.

A "I don't think that counts as saving you, I just stopped you from making a deathly mistake."

J "Sureeee" she said dragging the word.

J "But in all seriousness, without you I would be dead."

{{{Flash back}}} TW : Suicide and Murder

It was after school on a monday, it was already dark outside. She didn't eat dinner tonight, she wasn't allowed to. Her mother on the other hand, was sound asleep in her room with a full stomach. Japan's face looked drained of emotion. Her eyes dull and filled with pain and regret. She wanted to help. But all she did was make it worse. But she couldn't stand there as Thailand hurt her mother.

Ever since that day Japan has been drained of energy and looked numb. When emotion on her face was shown it was pain and regret, nobody knew what happened to her. Except for America, he knew because she broke down and told him. She told him every detail.

Japan tried to forget, she tried to forgive herself. But she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried. She couldn't forgive or forget. She picked up some, fun, habits. Which led her to this moment. The moment where she could end it all.

Her hair moved in the breeze as she looked over the edge. She closed her eyes as the wind caressed her face. A tear ran down her cheek. She was going to do it. She just couldn't live with herself. She felt a weight be lifted off her chest, she could finally forget. She doesn't have to deal with the pain the other felt, the screams of her mother, the screaming of Thailand, the blood on her hands, the blood on the floor. All of it, she could finally forget it all. She can forget her mother and what she did to her.

Funny to think that all of this started with one person. Otherwise Japan would be a normal 13 year old girl, only having to worry about grades and homework. Not getting away with murder.

She took a deep breath before she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned around to see America.

J "A-Ame?!" She said confused and shocked

America didn't say anything. All he did was hug her. Japan was confused, and for the moment, she forgot about what she did.

America sat her down,

A "Why?" Was all he could say, he felt the tears begin to prick at his eyes.

J "I-I-I" she stuttered, she couldn't string a sentence together. What was she supposed to say? What could she say?

America just hugged her again,

A "Don't ever do that again, you scared the sh*t out of me." He whispered into Japan's ear. Both of them began to cry. Japan felt a weird feeling rise in her stomach, her chest suddenly felt heavy once more, but in a good way. She didn't feel pain or regret in that moment. Just happy.

{{{Flash back ends}}}

J "So it's really the least I could do." She said handing America the keys to her previous house. She was ready to move on from the past, so she had to let go of the house she was raised in, where she and her mother lived, where she did something she never thought she could do.

She was ready to let go.


Been a while since I updated, sorry for the wait.

The ending might not have made sense but oh well.

This is an off-topic chapter but idk what to write next so im just writing any good idea that comes to mind.

Anyways, I thank you all for reading this far and being patient with me♡

685 words

Chapter 68: Uh oh...

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

Russia was able to leave a day later, he also brought the kids with him. It took them a while to get adjusted to the new house, but they did eventually. The kids are doing surprisingly well, seeing as how one almost died the day prior.

America and Russia came up with baby names, they argued for a bit on the boy's name but they agreed on one.

The boy would be named Alaska, the girl Moscow.

Moscow is named after Russia's childhood home, and Alaska where America lived.

Three days have passed since the explosion, America has had some hearing problems and Russia can't do the dishes without wearing gloves, but they are overall okay.

Russia has to apply a ointment every night as well as some anti-burn cream whenever he gets wet. He has to be careful around water, one drop of it and his skin would feel like it was a-flame again.

America can't listen to music for more than 20 hours per week, if he wants to keep his hearing. At first it was easy but for the time being he wasn't worried about music, he was more worried about what happens now. They had a house but, no money. Of-course America was loaded but savings wont last him forever. He also suspected that China was aware that the bomb she had planted worked, so she could be waiting for a good time to strike.

America knew that time would run out, but he didn't know how quickly. He sighed, he just wanted a normal life with his family. But instead he was in the middle of a battle that could start at any time, a loaded gun waiting for someone to pull the trigger.

Russia was setting the table, America settled the twins into their seats and prepared them for eating. It was obvious that Moscow perfered Russia over America, whenever it was feeding time Moscow would refuse to eat unless Russia gave her the food. When it was time to sleep Moscow would cry until Russia came over to put her asleep. America was, of course, a bit hurt by it but he wasn't going to complain much. Anything could happen, he didn't want to think China would stoop that low but, he wouldn't put anything against her.

As the family was eating at the dinner table America suddenly spoke:

A "I think i'm goin out to get a job tomorrow," he said looking at Russia

R "Is that really a good idea?"

A "We can't live on savings forever, Russia"

R "I know, but with China after us.."

The room was quiet. The kids were already asleep in their cribs, sleeping peacefully.

The next morning America left early for any job openings, but they all declined him. Mostly because everyone knew who he was and they didn't want to get involved with that world.

As America was walking down the street his phone rang, it was Russia.

A "Hey, osito"

I "Hey, America." a sly voice answered, definitely not Russia's.

A "Who is this?!"

I "Who's been MIA this whole war?"

A "Iran."

I "Well, return home and your kid lives. Stay out they die. Along with Russia."

She said then hang up. America quickly gets in a taxi and gets home. Nothing looks wierd from outside.

When America got inside everything looked normal, he checked the bedroom. Russia was asleep, the kids were also asleep. America checked their pulses, all alive. So why did he get that call? There was a click behind him.

He turned around with his hands up, he should've seen this coming. Iran stood behind him with a pistol aimed at his head. Iran flicked the gun to the hallway. America nodded and walked out of the bedroom and into the living room.


Hello again! I know i've been silent for the past few days and I apologise for that. But I have a feeling i'm going to be updating less sense school's going to be my main priority (I got grounded for a 87%).

But I thank you all for being patient with me and my updates and I hope you all stick around!!♡♡♡

PS: (I say Ravens over Steelers) I'm not a super-fan of either teams but the statistics are going for the Ravens. Although, a Steelers win against the Ravens would be cool.

711 words

Chapter 69: Gun point

Chapter Text

{{Third Person POV}}

America stood facing Iran, who was holding a gun to his head.

A "How did you find me?" He said aggravatingly

I "Wow, time outside the job has affected you this much, has it? Well, it's not exactly like you were trying to hide. And if you were, why would you move into your best friend's home? It's the first place anyone would check! Well, besides Russia's house of-course but as you know Ukraine would inform us if you arrived. "

America thought about it, and he knew Iran was right. How could he be so stupid? He was disappointed in himself for not seeing the obvious flaw in living here.

A "Well, you going to blow this house up as well?"

I "No. Why would-"

A "Why?"

I "Do you want me to blow this place up?"

A "No, but why wouldn't you? It's the reasonable thing to do."

Iran didn't respond, she only glanced at the bedroom and quickly went back to America. 'Does she have a thing for Russia-' Then it clicked, Iran felt sympathy. But for who? Russia? Him? Or his kids.

Iran does have one weakness we are aware of, seeing as how she is in her thirties she made some decisions back then which inevitably led to pregnancy.

A "So she has a kid?"

B "Yes. We don't know who they are or where they are, but we know they exist."

So that's why Iran was feeling sympathy, she felt bad for the kids. Kids were her weakness. But then why even explode America in the first place then? Then America thought about it more, China was the one who planted the bomb. China could be acting on her own. All America had to do was play his cards right.

I "Why would I want to? What makes you think I would?"

A "Well my house didn't explode on a gas leak. It was your people, China specifically, who planted it."

America saw Iran grow annoyed.

I "Doesn't matter. You're not pregnant anymore"

A "But we want the same thing, no?"

I "What-"

A "We want to live with our kids. Make memories with them, not fight a war."

I "they don't know me anyway..." She mumbled. Realizing she was dropping her guard she raised the gun to America's head, again.

A "But we can change that, if you just walk away, you can go back to your kid. or kids. But it's not too late to see them." He reassured her. Inching closer

I "No. I know what you're doing. Step back" She said, a click sounded as she removed the safety.

A "You went to go see them, right? That's why you weren't here." he said taking another step towards her.

I "No."

There was a loud bang.

Russia jolted awake, and so did the children. Russia wanted to quiet them down but he knew that sound all too well.

He ran into the living room to see America bleeding out on the floor. Iran is nowhere to be seen. Russia was a bit more calm, after America's attempted suicide he learned some medical procedures. Healing a gunshot was one of them.

In about an hour America was bandaged up and sitting in the tub, washing all the blood off. He felt lightheaded when he tried to get out. Russia gave him water and helped him get out of the tub and change.

Russia put the kids to sleep and fed them. America was thankful, but he also found it a bit amusing. Russia being the house-husband, he never saw Russia in that role but America had to admit, Russia was fulfilling that role pretty well.

Iran ran out of the house and quickly hid. She did feel a tad guilty, maybe America was right. She should quit and take care of her kids. But... she had a legacy to fulfill, she can't quit. Especially since she shot America in the shoulder instead of the head. Like she planned. She was growing soft. She needed to change that.

She left knowing what she had to do.


So its 9:00 rn, and there's Thursday night football.

It's the Chicago bears vs Washington Commanders. I'm saying the Bears win.

Chapter 69

Anyways, have a wonderful day/night♡♡♡

689 words

Chapter 70: Sister's

Chapter Text

{{Third Person POV}}

Iran arrived at her company. Being greeted at the door, she made her way to her office. As she sat down she opened a drawer and grabbed the pistol. She checked the ammunition on the gun, fully loaded. She grabbed the gun and placed it on her lap. She pressed a number on the company phone:

Iq "Yes Boss?"

I "Come to my office. Take your time." Iran said. She sighed heavily, did she want to do this? No. Of-course she didn't. It was her sister after all. The person she grew up with, the person who cared for her after their parents'disappearance. But it was just business. Iraq should know that this job could cost her her life.

Iran clicked the gun before Iraq entered the room.

Iq "You wanted to see me?" She said happily

I "Yes," Iran said solemnly. She looked at her sister's happy face. But deep down Iran knew she had to. To keep Persia above the other's.

[Flash back]

? "Remember Iran, you'll take over my company once I die. So you need to become strong and cold for me, okay?" The man said holding Iran, his daughter, hand.

I "I will! I'll make you happy!"

? "But your mommy doesn't like you taking over my company. She wants Iraq to take over the company. But you won't let that happen, right?"

Iran nodded as she happily grabbed the ice cream her father had bought for her.

[Flash back ends]

Iran sighed heavily as she thought: 'I'm sorry dad...'

(If you don't understand, Iraq owns the company. Iran is just the face.)

Iq "Well? What is it?"

I "I don't want to hurt America. He said he'd quit and never interfere with this line of work ever again as long as we leave him and his family." She said looking at her sister.

Iq "You've grown soft." She said, her face loosing the smile.

I "He has a family..."

Iq "Like you. You both are weak and pathetic excuses of assassins." She said putting her hand inside her jacket.

Iq "I thought you were fine with killing America. Family or none. I mean, I knew you had a weakness but just think about how much he harmed this company. Father's company. He killed Soviet, JE and many more. All of them were valuable workers, all of them killed by him. Iran, were the good guys. Plus, the kid has Russia as their dad. They'll be fine." She said removing her hand from under her jacket.

I "I know he did. That's why I hated him. But, do the kids deserve to grow up with one parent?"

Iq "I couldn't care less about his kids. They mean nothing to me. In fact, you just gave me an idea~" She said turning around and heading to the door.

There was a loud bang. Iraq fell to the floor. The room now stained with her sister's blood. Iran felt a surge of guilt and pain go over her. She just killed her sister. Her own blood. But there wasn't much to change that now.

China came through the door. She looked around to see if her boss was still alive. She spotted Iraq holding a gun. China looked down, her eyes widened as she saw Iraq on the floor. Dead.

Iran got up and walked past China,

I "Clean it up. I want it spotless." She said trying to sound emotionless but there was an obvious voice crack as she said those words.

China nodded. As soon as Iran shut the door China flipped Iraq. China let a tear trail down her face. She liked Iraq, and Iraq liked her.

While it had only been a month since her hookup with North Korea, and her torture with America, her and Iraq were deeply in love. China knew that she would never see her love again. And it pained her to know that, but, now she needed revenge. And she knew, deep in her gut, it was America's fault.


Wow, uhm. I guess China x Iraq is the ship for China. I actually had an idea for China and Iran to get together but China and Iraq makes for a better plot. I get that the ship was just introduced this chapter but this book isn't thought out. I'm just writing what comes to mind.

Anyways have a lovely day/night!!!!!

714 words

Chapter 71: Truce

Chapter Text

It was around midnight when America got home. He's been working at McDonald's for the past few days, it wasn't a lot of money but it would suffice. When he got home a lamp flickered on,

A "What are you dong here?!" he said angrily reaching for his pistol,

I "I just want to talk." she said calmly

A "You shot me!" he retaliated

I "We both know it wasn't fatal. Now please hear me out,"

A "Fine."

The tension in the room was almost unbearable, the two countries stared at each-other with hatred, but with no intention of harming the other.

I " I want a truce,"

A "What..?" America said extremely confused. Less than a day ago she came to his house and shot him, the next day she proposes a truce.

I "I realized what you said was true, this fight, this battle, it's all useless. I mean, I know we won't ever be friends, and I prefer it that way, but you and I have families now. You haven't dealt with your company during this whole war. I mean, didn't Japan take your place?"

America nodded.

I "So i'm proposing a truce, my company won't harm you if your company doesn't harm me." She said standing up and walking to America.

A "Truce." He said extending his hand for her to shake. She shook his hand and the two of them smiled. They could finally live the life they couldn't, they can walk on the streets without being afraid of snipers, visit family without being followed.

Iran walked out of the house and got into her car. Instead of driving to her house, she drove to her kids house.

America sighed. He texted Japan saying:

Stars "Made a truce with Iran. Meaning you can't follow her or try to kill her anymore. Anyways, how's living with SK? Any upcoming children I should know about????"

He put away his phone, he knew she wasn't going to respond this late. Especially since she has a girlfriend, responding to late-night texts isn't a good idea.

America went to bed, cuddling close to Russia. He could finally have a normal life, without killing. Although, America didn't mind the killing part, he just didn't like killing his friends.

America closed his eyes and fell asleep, everything was going to be normal... right?


Short chapter.

I'm trying to keep a schedule with updates, every two days. But I have a feeling that it might not work.

I noticed that there's more author's notes in this chapter then there is actual plot. Oh well. See ya in the next chapter!!

499 words

Chapter 72: It's not over yet

Chapter Text

《China POV》

I woke up on my desk, paper's all around me. I look up a bit and see her, in a beautiful frame, her hair down and flowing in the wind. Why did it hurt so much? I knew this was dangerous, having a relationship, but... She was just, ugh. She's everything. She was funny, beautiful, scary, smart, everything perfect. Tears trailed down my cheek, the pain in my chest was unbearable. And there was only one person to blame, America. That damn bastard has been ruining my life ever since I met him.

I got up from my chair and walked to the door in my office. I opened it and it led to my investigation wall. There were red strings everywhere, starting at photos of people and going to other people or red strings leading to random places. I looked at the one who has wronged me the most, America.

The string attached to America led to everyone else on the board. He knew everyone. He had ties with everyone. Everyone was under his finger. But not anymore. With my plan America will have no connections with anyone, he will die and I will rise to power. This so called 'Dangerous man' was about to be 'Dead man'.

I picked up some red string, I wrapped it around the thumbtack on America's photo and ran the string to Iran's photo. The two now had a truce, the two now had good connections.

I sighed. America should be dead by now, that was the plan I had. But plans change, either way America will be dead by the end of this. Even if it means me dying as well.

I walked out of the building and to my own car. I know that this is impulsive and could end very badly for me but I don't care. I want revenge. I want him dead. And I want to be the one to kill him.

I drive to McDonald's, the one where America works. I parked my car in a back alleyway and locked-picked the door. I quietly opened it and closed it, I made sure to lock the door before I climbed into the ventilation system. I got comfortable, well, as comfortable as you can get inside a vent.

It was early morning when the first employee arrived. I stayed still, one movement and then I would be found. And then I see him, America. This is my chance.

When America was right below me I dropped out of the vent and landed onto him. He pushed me off and sighed, Does he think this is funny?

A "Nope. Just tired." He said as if reading my mind. He got up and swung his left arm at me, I easily caught it. But then he kicked me in my stomach with his leg, I crouched over before regainnig composure.

Ch "You done playing MoMmY yet? Just face it America, this is your life, your death. You can't quit because someone will always be right there trying to kill you." I stated. But honestly, America looked like sh*t. His hair was a bit more un-tidy than usual. He could barely keep his eyes open. This isn't a fair fight, he's too weak. But why should I care? I came here to kill him. And that's what im going to do.

I kicked him in his leg and he fell on a knee for a moment. I swung my other leg and he sleepily caught it. It didn't even look like he was trying, Is this what parent-hood looks like?

A "While you may be right about someone always trying to kill me, and missing the adrenaline, I would still choose to have a family. You should try it sometime,"

Ch "I would have had a family if you didn't kill her!" I yelled angrily. The rush of anger flowed over me as I kicked him again. He backed up, barely missing my foot.

A "What are you talking about?"

Ch "Iraq! You killed her! I- I " I felt tears form in my eyes as I reminisced in her memory.

A "I didn't kill Iraq, I didn't even kill Iran"

Ch "YOU SHOULD'VE KILLED IRAN!" I yelled. Tears streaming down my face.

A "But wasn't she your boss?"

Ch "Shut up. Just shut up. You took the woman I love. She was going to be my fiancee, or at least I hoped she'd say yes. But i'll never know because of you."

I raised a gun and fired.


I return!! I know I haven't posted in almost a week but I didn't know what to write. I was debating on writing a Chapter on China's grief or China's revenge. I decided on revenge.

I feel like America has a tendency to get shot

Oh well, I apologise for not updating sooner. Like I said earlier, I didn't plan the plot of this book so everything is basically random things I thought might work.

Anyways, have an amazingly wonderfull day and remember to love yourselves!!♥♥♡♡

828 words

Chapter 73

Chapter Text

《Third Person POV》

America fell to the floor with a thud. A pool of blood formed around his body. China smiled at the sight. America was finally dead. At last.

She raised the gun again and shot him 3 more times to make sure he was dead. There were sirens blaring outside the place, she didn't even notice them until now. She didn't even notice the employees in a corner, some were on the phone with, China assumed to be, 911.

She looked out the window to see the police already swarming the place. She thought about going back into the vents, but that might not be a good idea since there is gas leaking out of the vent. China quickly backed away from the vent, but there seemed to be vents everywhere. China was stuck, she might have killed America but she most definitely will go to jail for it. Maybe she could kill the witnesses? No. Then she would have to shoot herself, she didn't want to do that. So, she just waited for the police to arrest her. The more China thought about it the more she realized that America was sort-of her passion. The whole reason she became an assassin was because she wanted to surpass America and become the greatest assassin known to man. But now that she did that, what's next? She completed her whole purpose, so what's the point?

Then it clicked, America took her family, so why not take his?

China searched for a way to escape but the police caught her and apprehended her before she could work out a game plan.

China was put in the back of a police car and she was driven to the police station where she was interrogated, accused of America's murder as well as many other murders they could now put her away for. She was also rightly accused of raping America, due to DNA evidence at multiple scenes, audio from those scenes, and witnesses who were trying to cut a deal. It seemed that everyone China knew had turned on her to get out of this easily. In short, China was sentenced to life in prison with no chance at parole.

But China could careless, all she thought about was killing America's family. North Korea visited her a bit, and when she told him the plans for America's family North called her a psycho and left. Maybe she was losing it, hell, she knew she was losing it but who cares? No one really cares for her anymore, she scared North away, Iraq is dead, her and Taiwan aren't close. So who cares if she commits another crime?

But massacring a family is going to take planning, and it would be difficult planning this in a prison but it was the better option. She could either have all the time she needs without being detected, or, She could break out and have police searching for her 24/7.

It certainly was going to be fun.


Uhm, I realized... There are only 4 chapters left.... Also, the author's notes might not be at the end of some upcoming chapters because they might be really emotional.

So I would like to say thank you all for reading this book, it has honestly been a journey for me and I really enjoy doing this so the first few chapter's of the next book will be released in a few days.

If you want to read my next book here's the title:

Strongest of us all ||CountryHumans||RusAme||Female America||

Chapter 74: Update (NOT A CHAPTER)

Chapter Text

This isn't a chapter but Im writing this because Im going to do some "What if?" chapters. "What if?" chapters is when a fan can comment an idea, for example:

"What if Mexico never betrayed America?"

Then I could write that idea.

This is just a thank you for reading my book.
Credits will be given to the people who suggested the idea.

There will be suggestions on Wattpad and Ao3.

So you can comment some ideas!!

Anyways have an amazingly awesome day!!♡♡

Chapter 75: Prison

Chapter Text

China sat alone in her jail cell, she had no idea what time it was, and she didn't care. It had been Five years since China was arrested. She's had five years to plan her revenge. Of course, it would be hard, escaping. But she has already mapped out seven possible exits, this place isn't that secure.

She wondered how Persia was doing. It didn't have an heir when China left, so did they elect a new leader or are they just running around without a leader? For once, China was stumped. She honestly had no idea.

But that was for her to worry about later, right now she was about to get released for lunch. During that time she will be hand-cuffed, which is normally not a problem, but she's also ankle-cuffed. That is what makes this a tad more difficult, but you don't spend five years planning to let something this little stop you. It was simple really, almost idiotic. China grimaced as she reminded herself of America, doing idiotic things, but yet it worked out in the end. Or at least, she hoped would work out at the end.

Her jail cell door was unlocked and opened, a guard told her time for lunch. So she got up went to the door, got cuffed then began walking, along with some other inmates who were also cuffed.

China glanced down at her shoes, then to the people around her. The goal was to get the restraints off before a guard noticed. She would also have to make it look like she tripped otherwise the guards may get suspicious. China hated how powerless she was in here, of course she bribed some guards, snitched on other inmates to get in the guard's good graces, but nothing worked. She even tried to seduce a guard but failed and got put into solitary for a day. With one meal, might I add.

China sighed then she very discreetly kicked the back of her shoe. That one movement caused her to trip completely, as she fell she moved her hands forward and out, like anyone would if they fell. She also realized that a shoe wasn't on her foot, that wasn't planned but it could work out in her favor. China began to lock-pick the ankle-cuff until she heard boots. Inmates weren't allowed boots, only guards were. She looked up, almost nervously, but only saw a guard throw her the shoe. China grabbed it and put the shoe back on, the guard had already left by then. So China continued to lock-pick until she became free of the bottom restraints.

? "Why were you on the floor for so long?!" A guard yelled at her in the face. China remained calm and seemed un-phased by the sudden outburst.

C "My shoe fell off as I tripped, I was putting it back on" She said smoothly and began walking away. China felt a wave of relief wash over her. God was she lucky that the guard didn't look down at her shoes. Because then he would notice that she had no ankle-restraints.

Part one of the plan was complete. One less thing to worry about. But now she needs to get a weapon. There were plastic knives in the kitchen but those things break easier than a dry spaghetti noodle. She could always make a shiv, which is what she ended up doing. They were allowed some outdoor time if they were well-mannered inmates. Of course China would sometimes get to go outside, which would be a huge mistake from the guards. Outside there aren't any rocks, the guards got rid of them all. At least, that's what the guards thought. But China knew that no matter how hard anyone tries, there will be at least one rock. Or the person might forget an area, either way if you looked for a rock, you would find one.

China finally found a big enough rock. She snuck it into her jumpsuit and went back inside. Sharpening a rock isn't easy, but if you do kitchen duty you can use a knife sharpener. But one problem is that it's under 24/7 surveillance from the guards. But when you live your life as an assassin, you learn to hide things. So it was fairly easy for her to sharpen the rock as well as the knife.

So China had a weapon, and was missing leg restraints.

An emergency exit door was just around the corner, if she were to escape, that would be the exit to do it. But one problem, it's key-card activated. China could bypass it, but that could take a few minutes, but China only had a few seconds. So imagine China's delight when she found out a guard was sleeping on the job. So she opened her cell door and took the key-card, that was this morning. The guy probably didn't notice that the thing was gone, and even if he did and reported it stolen, it could take a day for the key-card to be cancelled.

But if China could open her jail cell door whenever she wanted, why didn't she escape at night? China thought exactly that. But after a little bit of planning she realized, that wasn't the best plan of action. You see, at night is when the prison is on highest alert. China has stayed up past midnight looking out the window and seeing guards patrolling the outskirts of the prison, there was even a bright white light shining everywhere. Escaping at night was too risky for China's liking.

So China slowly made her way to the right of the line, slowly getting closer to the door. She glanced around her, guards were behind her and in front. But they weren't close enough, China swiped the key-card and bolted out the door. An emergency alarm started blaring, that wasn't a part of the plan. Now the whole building will be coming after her, but it's too late to turn back now.

China ran as fast as she could, she could hear guns being fired at her. One barely missed her head.

China was stopped short at the gate. It had barbed wire at the top and the whole thing was electrically charged. But her dear old friend sleeping guard's key-card will come in handy once more.

She ran into the small cubicle where a guard was, surprisingly there was no emergency alarm in this cubicle. But that only works in China's favor. She walks up behind the guy, puts her hand on the guys head and neck, then she turns it to the left very quickly. A loud snap echoed across the small cubicle, China swiped the card and saw the gates begin to open. She ran out the gate, cops hurrying behind her. Some already put out a BOLO for her.

China smiled as she felt fresh air in her lungs, the wind caressed her face as she continued running. Man, how she missed the real world. But that wasn't the thing she was focused on. She was more focused on the fact she was about to have the most fun she'd ever had.

China arrived at an abandoned looking shack. It looked old, it was made out of wood and the windows were broken. There was snow on the roof and inside the shack, there was snow on the floor as well. China was in a former country's territory, one that she knew all too well. One known as the Soviet Union.

It wasn't much of a home, but a place to sleep was a place to sleep. So, China found some blankets and covered the windows. She curled up on the floor with a blanket, she shivered a bit. She closed her eyes and thought of tomorrow. The first day of her freedom. The first day of fun.

Chapter 76: Commiting crimes against America

Chapter Text

{{[[FLASHBACK 1 YEAR, China was still in prison]]}}

It was sunset on a Sunday, Russia and many others had gathered that day to honor the life of America. Russia had an emotionless face but his eyes said it all. Tears were streaming down his face. Canada was crying hysterically, Ukraine comforting him. Australia and New Zealand were also crying badly. But not as much as France. She was on her knees crying into the palms of her hands, saying that she was sorry for not helping him financially. Italy attempted to comfort France but he ended up crying as well. Poland was sitting on a bench, Germany next to him. Poland wasn't crying but you could see that he was hurt, Germany only cried a few tears as he tried to comfort Poland. Mexico was standing off in the side-lines, she didn't seem hurt. She was mad, SHE should've killed America. Not China! But there's not much she can do to change that now.

Russia felt his heart being broken, it was like he was alone. All over again. The one person he let in caused so much happiness, but so much pain. The only thing left of America is his kids. Russia swore that he would never let them get hurt. He would protect them with his life.

B "Hey, You doing alright?" Belarus said as she put a hand on Russia's shoulder. Russia nodded solemnly.

B "If you ever need to talk to someone, just know i'm here. Okay?" Russia nodded and Belarus left.

U "Canada, you need to calm down" Ukraine tried to comfort her crush, but to no avail.

C "Why would you care?! You tried to kill him!" Canada whisper-shouted at Ukraine.

U "I didn't have a choice, Mexico threatened to kill my family, my friends.... you..."

Canada stopped talking. The only thing you could hear from him was quiet sobs.

C "Wh-why would Mexico d-do that?"

U "You didn't know? She works for Persia, as an inside spy."

At that Canada felt an immense pain in his chest. The person he was dating, the person he fell in love with, was planning to kill his brother. He felt his body shake, he found a nearby bench and sat on it. Still crying, but it got worse the more he thought about it.

Ukraine sat next to him and said, "I think you need this time on your own,' she said getting up but she felt someone grab her hand. She looked back at Canada,

C "Don't go. Please."

Ukraine sat back down and patted Canada's back.

America floated behind his brother. His expression was a mix of offended and Proud. America didn't like the fact that Canada was trying to score at his funeral but America can always appreciate a devoted person. But America shifted his attention to Russia. America flew over there and hugged Russia, he knew Russia couldn't feel it but America hoped it might help Russia a bit. America then goes to France, and hugs her as well. He goes over to Poland and Germany. He smiles but that is quickly replaced with a frown, TWO couples were doing lovey-dovey things at HIS funeral. Seemed like a bunch of Bull sh*t on America's behalf.

Russia spent that whole night crying in his lonely, cold bed. The babies seemed to sense something wrong, they cried along with Russia that night.

{{{[[[BACK TO PRESENT]]]}}}

China woke up, feeling cold and un-rested. But she sighed and got up, the police were already looking for her so she knew if she was going to do this it better be quick. She got up and made it to a restaurant close by. It wasn't an expensive place, which was good but there were many police officers around. And her being in bright orange with black letters along her back doesn't help her situation. But that didn't stop her from entering and stealing some wallets, watches, phones and some money from the tip jar. She managed to steal a car key, so she stepped out and clicked the button. Two beeps were heard, she headed to the car and opened it. She sighed as she put her hands on the steering wheel. How long has it been since she's been in a car? Does she even remember how to drive? That means she has to be extra careful, all it takes is one minor slip-up and someone asks her for ID, then she gets returned to prison.

But she still turned the key and started the car. She sighed and stepped on the gas, the car moved forward and she moved the wheel. The car moved right and went faster, China smiled. Memories began flowing into her mind, slowly bur surely she began to remember the basics of driving.

She got on the road and headed to Persia. It was the one place she remembered clearly. How could she not? It was her life. Before America ruined it.

Once China arrived she parked the car and saw the building, it looked fully functional. She could even spot some people in the windows. She took a moment to ogle the building, memories flowing in. She then sighed and walked to the building. She wasn't worried about being killed, why would she? She was one of the highest prioritized people. Someone must recognize her.

She opened the door and looked around. The receptionist at the desk looked up and said:

"Welcome! I don't believe i've seen you here before, are you new?"

China looked around before realizing the receptionist was talking to her.

Ch "Uhm, I guess you could say that..."

"So then you must be here for the boss! He's right through this door," She pointed to the end of the hallway.

China smiled and began walking to the end of the hallway. But she wasn't smiling happily, but annoyed. A man is running Persia. A. MAN. This was a company built on women, the three bosses were women. Iraq, Iran, China. But then they go and hire a man? It was just something China found annoying.

China opened the door,

"You didn't learn to knock?"

Ch "Sorry, But are you the boss?"

"Yes, why?"

Ch "Well i'm China! It's nice to meet you!" She said extending her hand to the man. He was a black, red and green country with a white symbol in the middle. He didn't look that attractive, or that put-together.

"Afghanistan. Why are you telling me your name?"

China smiled, but on the inside she was scowling. How did he not know her? If everyone knew America, why shouldn't they know the person who killed him?!

Ch "I used to work with the old bosses. Iran, Iraq. I used to be the boss for a bit before I got caught. But I was wondering if I could resume work here?"

A "If you got caught you obviously aren't that good."

China was holding back from punching the man.

Ch "You are right, I let my emotions get the best of me. But with all due respect, I have over 400 kills for this company. I have done over 200 under-cover cases, I have spied on 30 or more people. For. This. Company."

Afghanistan looked at her, unimpressed. He generally didn't seem to care.

China sat down in the chair across from him. She smiled and continued talking, her hand slowly crept to the desk.

Ch "So you see, I would like to work here again. Even if it's as a low-life- I mean, a uh... receptionist. As long as I get to work in this company I will be fine." She said, her hand had reached the table and Afghanistan didn't seem to notice. She pressed a button and a small cabinet opened near her foot. It luckily didn't make any noise.

Ch "And working here all these years I know a lot, about killing, kidnapping, torturing, robbing, lying and things about this Company that even you might not know. So forgive me but," She opened the cabinet, which revealed a gun. She grabbed the gun and clicked it.

Ch "But I can't have you ruining this for me." She said, raising the gun and firing immediately. Blood spattered on the wall. The chair had some blood, but the chair itself was red.

China smiled and sat down in her chair. The chair that was rightfully hers.

The only thing she could think was,

''I'm back.''

China woke up in the chair. She didn't bother to change or find a home. She put her foot on the floor and she felt something slippery. She looked down to see the man she killed, she didn't even bother to remember his name. The stench was growing but it was bearable. China stepped out and walked down the hallway. She looked at the receptionist and walked up to her.

Ch "Tell the workers that a new person is in power. China. Also, clean up the body in the room." She said then walked off. But before she left she made a detour to the weapons room. She grabbed a pump shotgun and smiled. This might not be smart, but. She's been blinded by rage for too long. She gaslighted herself into thinking it was America's fault. Her intelligence was long gone.

She got into the car and drove to Japan, she knew it was a long shot but some locals might know what happened. That's what she hoped for at least.

Once she arrived she knew that Russia no longer lived there. For one, the roses were replaced by another type of flower. And there wasn't an American flag anywhere in sight.

So she knocked on the door of the neighbors. An old lady answered, that was perfect for China. Older people tend to be more prone to manipulation.

Ch "Excuse me ma'am but i'm trying to find the people who used to live in that house?" she pointed to the house. The old lady nodded and responded with:

"Yes, I believe they moved to Russia. But I could be wrong,"

Ch "Thank you for your help, it's deeply appreciated." She said then bowed down a bit. The lady smiled and shut the door.

China arrived in Moscow a day later. She knew they would be living in Moscow since that was where Russia would feel most comfortable.

But finding the new house would take a bit. But she knew to look for red roses, and possibly an American flag.

So China asked around, asking if anyone saw their CountryHuman. Some said yes, but they didn't know where he lived. So she gave up and decided to buy a laptop with some stolen money. On the laptop she couldn't do everything, but she could use a filter to find any locations with red roses and an American flag. And less than a minute later she got a hit, a house with red rose bushes and an American flag. What solidified China's suspicion was an Alaska and Moscow flag next to the American one. She smiled an copied down the address. She quickly put in the GPS coordinates and began driving, estimated 30 minutes quickly became an estimated 15.

Once she arrived she made sure the gun was in proper shape. She double-checked her ammunition and smiled. Today was the day that America would suffer after death.

China knocked on the door, a little girl answered.

"Hi," She said shyly. She was red with a little horse on her face.

Ch "Hello, is you dad home?"

Ch "Well I knew your mommy" China saw the small child begin to smile widely.

"Come in! Papa's asleep right now but he'd be fine with you coming in!"

China smiled as the little girl led her into the house. China found this quite niave of the child, letting a stranger into their house, but ghe child only looked to be about five.

There was a little boy sitting on the couch, watching some telenovela.

"Who is this?" the child on the couch said looking at China.

"Someone who knows mommy!" The little girl responded happily.

Ch "Oh im sorry, I forgot something in my car, can I go grab it?" she said sweetly.

"Yeah! The door will be unlocked!" the little girl responded.

China smiled and left. She opened the car and pulled out the gun, she looked at it and thought,

'Am I really going to do this? They're just kids. But they're America's kids.'

China shrugged off her final thoughts of sanity and she loaded the gun and walked back. The gun was behind her, her goal was to kill two kids with one bullet. It would be difficult but escaping from prison was easy, and she had also done this before. Granted they were adults, but it doesn't change the fact they're all the same species.

The little girl was in the kitchen, grabbing a cookie. But the boy was no where to be seen. There goes her plan. But she did bring 5+ ammo just in case. It had been awhile.

China walked up behind the girl. China brought the gun to the girl's head and fired. She didn't even hesitate. The girl had no time to react before she was killed, at least it was quick and painless.

China heard foot steps come to the kitchen,

"Moscow! Moscow are you alr-" It was the little boy. He looked at the remains of his sister and screamed for his dad. China raised the gun and was going to fire before the gun was launched out of her hands by the boy. Chian scoffed, of course Russia taught them self defense. The only difference was that the girl, Moscow, was naive, while the boy was smart.

The gun clattered to the floor and Russia came running into the kitchen and picked up the gun. China scanned the room and saw a kitchen knife, she grabbed it then the boy.

The knife was to the boys throat, one swift move and he would be dead. But Russia wasn't going to let that happen, he launched forward, which caught China by surprise. China, Russia and Alaska all fell to the floor. Russia pulled Alaska away from China and grabbed the gun. Russia aimed and fired.

After the loud bang of the gun it was silent. Alaska didn't move, Russia didn't move, and neither did China.

Russia broke the silence with a long sigh. It only now dawned on him that the earlier gunshot had hit the target. Russia looked to his daughter, who was emotionless and her head was half-blown off. Her chest not moving.

Russia felt tears prick at his eyes, he couldn't save her. He failed.... Alaska hugged his dad and began to cry. Russia hugged back and also cried.

Let's just say it was a long and silent night in the Russian family.


Sorry for not updating and killing off Moscow, but the end of the story is near.

But the art piece is one of the reasons why I hadn't updated. It took longer than I would like to admit. Especially because it was a simple drawing.

But again, updates are all over the place. Mostly because my math and social studies teachers keep assigning tests😭😭 Like idgaf about finding 'x'! And I swear we covered the Civil War in elementary school! (But war is still fun to learn about)

Anyways, today if my friends birthday so happy birthday Z!

Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!♥♥♡♡♡(Thanks for being patient!)

25557 words

Chapter 77: Therapy

Chapter Text

Russia held Alaska's hand as they approached a modern-looking building. Alaska looked nervous and he was looking around anxiously. Russia did his best to comfort his kid, but no matter what he did Alaska's seemed off.

But that's what witnessing a murder is like, you can never look at humanity again. You can never be comfortable with the world around you. You'd be too anxious to make friends, even if they seemed nice. Thats what the lady acted like, nice.

Poor Alaska, he'd grow up without a mother and a sister. Granted, he never met his mother but all of his former friends had moms.

Russia had noticed Alaska acting on edge, he tried to talk to his son but to no avail. So he decided to book a therapist for his son. Russia hoped Alaska could re-kindle some friendships.

Russia seemed like he was fine, but in all reality he was seconds from a break-down. The love of his life died as well as his only daughter. Russia didn't know how he was standing upright, no tears on his face. Russia just felt tired. He felt that the whole world was againt him.

He felt that he should give up.

But he wouldn't do that. Not to his son, who has lost everything before the age of ten. He wasn't going to let Alaska feel alone and abandoned.

If Russia couldn't stay alive for himself, he would do it for his son.

When they reached the room there was a man sitting on a couch. He looked to be 35-40 years old. Brown hair framing his face. He smiled and told Alaska to sit down. Alaska looked back at his dad, who smiled and nodded. He gave Alaska a nudge on his back. Alaska sat down, looking very uncomfortable.

"Would you rather stand?" the man said softly.

Alaska nodded.

"You can stand, be where you are most comfortable"

Alaska walked to the door and stood next to it. Alaska loomed around the room, Russia knew that this meant Alaska was seeing if there was any 'suspicious activity' in the room. Russia sighed, he looked worried. What parent wouldn't be? What parent would want their child to witnesses a murder at the age of 5?

R "That's what im worried about, he never looks comfortable anywhere. He is always scanning the room, and is far away from people."

The therapist nodded. He scribbled down something and began to speak.

(Im no therapist, and Idk how a 5 year old speaks so Ima time skip.)

Once the two left Alaska was still anxious, but Russia knew this would take time. When Russia witnessed his dad killing someone he wasn't exactly okay after. But the killing only continued for Russia, so over time, he got used to the violence, the blood and the screams of the victims.

Russia held Alaska's hand as they walked. Alaska still attentive to his surroundings. Russia thought of things to cheer Alaska up, although he doubted anything would cheer up the poor boy. But an idea came up in Russia's head,

R "Do you want to go see Tokyo and Seoul?" Alaska looked up, nodded and smiled. Russia smiled and the two walked over to the car.

Once they arrived at South and Japan's place Alaska looked the happiest he's been in a while. Russia was glad to see that Alaska would still be friends with them. Maybe that's because the four knew eachother for 4 years now. They've known eachother as far as their memories could go. Japan also told many stories about America, which gained Alaska's attention quite often. She would talk about the mission they went on, the birthdays and how Alaska should be proud to have America as a mother.

Russia knocked on thier door,

J "Hey Russ, here to drop him off?" Japan said exitedly

Russia loomed at Alaska, who was already gone and playing with the other kids.

R "Yeah, I'll be in the car if he needs me. And thanks for taking care of him,"

J "No problem! I understand, I have two kids and I have three people helping me take care of them." she said smiling.

J "It was also nice seeing you again!" she said waving. Russia smiled and waved back.

Russia opened the car door and sat down.

It was like a giant tidal wave crashing down. Tears were pouring down Russia's face as he embraced the pain and guilt. He should've saved his daughter, he should've saved America. But he didn't, he let America go off on his own when he should've been there to protect America. He should've been awake when China arrived, but he wasn't. He was a horrible father. And he knew it. Like father like son.

Russia sat in the car, drowning in a pool of guilt and tears. The pain almost overwhelming, but he had to stay strong for Alaska. He couldn't let another loved one down, literally and figuratively.

Russia stopped crying after 20 minutes, his eyes red from crying. But he didn't care, not right now. If anything he felt a tad better, maybe he needed to cry. He had boxed his emotions for so long, he just needed to catchup with his emotions.


Another chapter and someone doesn't die, its a miracle!!

But im trying to wrap this up happily and quickly because I already posted my new book, Strongest of us all. And I also have a 'What if' book solely dedicated to your 'what if' ideas. So go check those out!

Anyways y'all look amazing, love y'all and take care♡♡♡♡

Chapter 78: Epilogue

Chapter Text

----------•●{Five years later}●•-----------

R "Alaska, you're going to be late for school!" Russia yelled upstairs to his son. He was starting fifth grade today and his dad didn't want him being late.

Al "One second!" The boy yelled back, he had a light russian accent to his voice but it wasn't overwhelming. He grabbed the ushanka from his bedside table and ran down stairs. He sat down at the table as his father put a bowl of cereal on the table. Alaska gratefully smiled and said,

Al "Thank you!"

Before he began to eat his food. Russia smiled and sat down with his own bowl of cereal. The two of them ate, occasionally making small talk. Once Alaska finished he put his bowl and spoon in the sink. Despite him being ten years old he was already 5'4. Which was still short compared to his parent's but he was still tall for his age.

Russia went to Alaska's bookbag and made sure he had everything he needed. Once he made sure everything was ready Russia picked up the bookbag and placed near the front door. He looked at the wall, it had photos scattered around it. Most of which had America in them. He smiled as he reminisced the times he had with America. How he missed him dearly.

Al "Daddy, what was Papa like?" Alaska asked as he looked at the photos on the wall.

R "Well he was, smart, strong, handsome, charming, stubborn and kind. You're very similar to him, you both share an eye," he said pointing at his left eye. Alaska smiled, he had complete heterochromia. Meaning one eye was a completely different color than the other.

Alaska's left eye was light purple with a golden ring and pupil. It was identical to America's. Meanwhile the right eye was amber, but it had a golden pupil instead of a black pupil.

Russia suspected that was the cause of Alaska's nightmares when he was 4, he would always be crying that there was a red person in his room. Russia couldn't tell if it was his father or China. But one day it stopped. Alaska said something about a pretty man keeping him safe while he slept. Russia knew at once it was America, but he would let America tell Alaska that himself.

R "We better get going," Russia said as he turned to Alaska.

Russia was caught off-guard as he felt two arms wrap around him. He smiled and hugged Alaska back,

Al "I love you"

R "Love you too"

R "Love you too"


Assassin's Love~||RusAme||CountryHumans|| - Invalllid - CountryHumans [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.