Flush the Fat Away Vegetable Skinny Soup Recipe (2024)

Flush away fat with this superfood soup!

Flush the Fat Away Vegetable Skinny Soup Recipe (1)

I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for inspirational weight-loss foods. Sometimes it’s to kick-start a new weight-loss plan, and other times it’s my go-to meal after a weekend of indulgence. That’s where this flush the fat away vegetable soup comes in. This recipe is perfect to have in your back pocket for any occasion. It’s chock full of nutrients, and it’s perfect for detoxing. Surprisingly, unlike other detox soups I’ve had, this soup is comforting and tastes great!

Table of Contents

  • Nutritional Powerhouse Ingredients
  • Try it Out
  • Do You LOVE Soup?

All of the ingredients for this flush the fat away vegetable soup were specifically chosen for their ability to work together to get your body in tip-top shape. It’s basically a superfood soup packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Together, they aid in flushing toxins away from your body, making it a powerful tool if you’re following a detox plan. And, while it flushes those toxins, it also takes the fat with it. Talk about a safe, effective, and healthy way to make healthy lifestyle changes!

Nutritional Powerhouse Ingredients

Flush the Fat Away Vegetable Skinny Soup Recipe (2)

You’ll love the flavors of the sweet potato, spinach, garlic, carrots, and tomatoes – but we didn’t just add them in there for the way they taste. What these ingredients are doing is restoring acid-alkaline and sodium-potassium balance in the body’s organs and glands. Simultaneously, while it’s boosting up your internal organs, it’s also flushing out all the bad toxins. The end result is the perfect combination of adding nutrients and removing fat.

It’s a bonus that these superfood ingredients come together to make a really comforting treat. As I said earlier, I’ve had some detox soups that really don’t taste all that great. I actually find myself making this soup even when I’m not planning to detox – just because it tastes so good!

The beans and the sweet potatoes are nice and soft, adding sweet and earthy tones to the broth. Then, the spinach comes in with a green burst of flavor and adds a nice counterbalancing texture. Finally, the tomatoes (if you’re using them) add body to the broth and amp up the savory flavors overall. Comfort food made healthy? Yup, we pulled it off with this flush the fat away vegetable skinny soup recipe!

Try it Out

Flush the Fat Away Vegetable Skinny Soup Recipe (3)

Give this skinny soup recipe a try, and let us know what you think in the comments. We always love to hear from you – what worked and what didn’t – so drop us a line! If you have any ideas about posts you’d like to see from us in the future, let us know about that too. We’re a community at SkinnyMs, and you’re a part of that.

If you’re using this as a way to kickstart your weight loss journey, take a peek at the other resources on our website. Our clean eating approach is great because it allows you to eat a variety of your favorite foods. All the while, we aim to educate and reinforce the principles of clean, healthy eating. Check out our Clean Eating Overhaul, 30-Day Weight Loss Program.

Flush The Fat Away Vegetable Soup

This comforting soup is loaded with nutrient-rich ingredients that will detoxify and satisfy your body!

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Cook Time 8 hours hours

Total Time 8 hours hours

Yield 8 people

Serving Size 1.25 cups

Course Dinner, Lunch

Author SkinnyMs.

Flush the Fat Away Vegetable Skinny Soup Recipe (4)

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  • 1 sweet potato medium, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes
  • 3 carrots large, peeled and sliced
  • 1 celery stalk diced
  • 1 yellow onion small, diced
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • pinch of kosher or sea salt more or less to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon allspice
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 30 ounces navy beans cans, drained and rinsed (optional black beans)
  • 4 cups vegetable broth low-sodium
  • 14 1/2 ounces diced tomatoes can, no salt added, *this is an optional ingredient
  • 4 cups baby spinach loosely packed (optional 2 zucchini, sliced)
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil optional, for serving (1/2 teaspoon per serving)


  • Add all ingredients, except spinach and olive oil, to the slow cooker. Cover and cook on low 6 to 8 hours, or until the vegetables are tender. Add spinach, stir and continue cooking just until wilted, approximately 5 minutes. Serve and enjoy! (1 serving per night if doing the)

  • Tip: If you prefer a thicker soup, after 5 hours of cooking, simply remove 1 cup of soup, along with ingredients, mash ingredients with a fork, return to the slow cooker, stir and continue cooking 1 to 3 hours. When serving, drizzle a little (optional) olive oil over each bowl of soup.

  • Note: Olive oil helps the body absorb nutrients more efficiently and supports a healthy digestive system.

  • Stovetop Method: Follow the same instructions above for prep, cover, and simmer until veggies are tender, approximately 2 hours. Stir every 15 minutes to prevent sticking. Add spinach at the end of cooking time, remove from heat, cover and allow spinach to wilt before serving.


*nutrition data includes optional 1/2 teaspoon olive oil per serving and diced tomatoes

Nutrition Information

Serving: 1.25cups | Calories: 181kcal | Carbohydrates: 31g | Protein: 9g | Fat: 3g | Sodium: 603mg | Fiber: 8g | Sugar: 4g |

SmartPoints (Freestyle): 1

Keywords Plant-Based, Vegetarian

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Do You LOVE Soup?

If so, you might like to try our “Flush the Fat Away” Lentil and Vegetable Soup, next! Our Slow Cooker Sweet Potato and Kale Soup and this Instant Pot Green Detox Soup are also incredibly tasty!

Pair this Flush The Fat Away Detox Salad and Lemon Ginger Detox Drink with this soup for the ultimate detoxifying meal!

Looking for more clean, delicious recipes? Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. You’ll find your new favorite recipes delivered right to your newsfeed!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published March 19, 2013, and has been updated.

Flush the Fat Away Vegetable Skinny Soup Recipe (2024)


How often do you eat the fat flush soup? ›

Eat the soup two times a day, and a third meal that is protein-rich. Most people have a protein smoothie in the morning, then the soup for lunch and dinner.

Which soup is good to reduce belly fat? ›

5 Best Soups That Will Help To Burn Belly Fat
  • Vegetable soup. Lean protein from chicken combined with a variety of vegetables can make a satisfying and low-calorie soup that can help you feel full and satisfied.
  • Chicken and vegetable soup. ...
  • Black bean soup. ...
  • Lentil soup. ...
  • Tomato soup.
Nov 4, 2023

Do fat burning soups work? ›

Soup diets have become popular for their ability to help you shed a significant amount of weight in just 5 to 10 days. However, most of the weight lost on these diets is largely due to a loss of water rather than fat.

How much weight can you lose on a 7 day soup diet? ›

The Cabbage Soup Diet is referred to as a rapid weight loss diet. Proponents' anecdotal claims include following the diet for 7 days can lead to weight loss of up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg), which they believe can jump-start a longer-term diet plan. The diet involves eating homemade cabbage soup for every meal for 1 week.

What do you eat on a fat flush diet? ›

Fat Flush Plan
  1. Fruits and vegetables.
  2. 225 grams daily of lean meat, eggs fish and other lean protein.
  3. Flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil.
  4. Spices like mustard, cinnamon, cayenne and ginger for increasing the metabolism.
  5. “Long life co*cktail” made of 1 tsp.

Can clear soup help you lose weight? ›

While soups are undoubtedly an indispensable part of our diets when we are looking to lose weight, one should stick to the clear variant of this light and wholesome meal. Yes, instead of the regular creamy ones, go for clear, watery soups as they will help you feel full for a longer duration of time.

Can you lose weight eating vegetable soup? ›

"The concept of eating soup to lose weight has spanned decades, but experts say an all-soup diet lacks nutrients and is not sustainable. They do agree it can be smart to eat vegetable-packed soups for some meals, though, as these are filling, nutrient-dense, and low in calories."

What is souping to lose weight after 50? ›

The diet calls for having soup three to five meals a day and adding vegetables to help cleanse and detox your system. The weight loss occurs by cutting calories from fat and likely from carbohydrates.

What is the Dolly Parton diet? ›

You may have heard of something called the Dolly Parton Diet — which consists of eating cabbage soup (yes, cabbage soup!) as your main meals along with fruit and vegetables. It's also known as the TWA Stewardess Diet and, well, the Cabbage Soup Diet.

Can I eat vegetable soup every day? ›

For those wanting a more intense regime, a vegetable soup can replace two meals a day for five to seven days without any negative side effects. Although much of the weight loss will be fluid, sometimes all we need to feel leaner and healthier is a flatter stomach and a kilo or two less on the scales.

Does cabbage burn belly fat? ›

Does cabbage burn belly fat? Although cabbage is a nutritious low-calorie vegetable, many people associate it with weight loss because of the popular "cabbage soup diet". Some creative marketing has led people to believe that cabbage actually burns body fat. In fact, no food, including cabbage, burns body fat.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week? ›

To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

Why am I not losing weight on a soup diet? ›

Indeed, creamy soup is delectable. But unfortunately, this type of soup contains a hefty dose of fat. This means that you're more likely to gain weight than lose some if you're always choosing to eat creamy soup. These soups are mostly made with a roux—composed of equal parts of butter and all-purpose flour.

Can you eat instant soup everyday? ›

Many instant soups are made as health foods and are made to become a healthy part of your diet. That said, there are many instant soups that are not healthy. Some brands contain a high amount of sodium. While a pack or two of these noodles won't harm you, having them on a regular basis can have negative effects.

When should I eat soup to lose weight? ›

A study published in the journal Appetite found that when people ate a low-calorie soup (about 130 calories for women and 170 for men) before lunch, they naturally consumed about 20% fewer calories overall—but didn't feel less full. And no, not just any appetizer will do.

Are detox soups good for you? ›

Detox soup is a healthy soup packed with nutritious ingredients, like vegetables and protein. It's often eaten as a cleansing meal to remove toxins, or kickstart a diet or healthier eating lifestyle.

What does light soup do to the body? ›

It can be very beneficial for those who are on a weight-loss diet . It is rich in water and fiber that keeps you full for a longer time. Dieters recommend tomato soup as a low-calorie and low-fat diet for the body as a yummy way to lose weight.


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