Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (2024)

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ThisFresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipeis a natural air freshener that will make your home smell wonderful! It’s a perfect finishing touch after spring cleaning your home, plus we’re sharing favorite products for a kitchen refresh.

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (1)

Disclosure: OXO sent me complimentary products for consideration for this post. This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience.We receive a commission if purchases are made through our links to retailers.Click here to read our full disclosure policy.

When I was a kid, I remember deep cleaning frenzies with my mom and siblings. They weren’t your usual day-to-day cleaning, but rather a timewhen the entire house was cleaned like there was no tomorrow. Of course, I didn’t enjoy the cleaning process at all.But even as a kid, I absolutely loved the finished result. It was always comforting and satisfying to walk around the house with everythingclean and fresh.

One thing that my mom did on occasion — after a good house cleaning — was to throw together a simmering stovetop potpourri. It made the house smell amazing! It wasn’t complicated – it consisted of just boiling water with some cinnamon sticks, simmered on the stove. As a teenager, my main chore was cleaning the kitchen and I continued tomake stovetop potpourris on occasion after cleaning the kitchen. It was the finishing touch on a job well done.

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (2)

With springtime well underway and summer right around the corner, I’ve been doing a lot of my own deep cleaning frenzies around the house. The kitchen has been getting a lot of my attention especially. Without a doubt, it’s the most used room in our home and it has been in clear need of a pick-me-up! I’ve been decluttering, doing deep cleanings on the refrigerator and oven, cleaning up the pantry, and refreshing my kitchen sink area — both on top and underneath.

My friends at OXO sent me a bunch of goodies for giving the kitchen a spring refresh. You all know that I’m a huge fan of OXO products, so with spring cleaning underway, this was perfect timing.

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (3)

One of the favorite items they sent was thisOXO Small Sink Mat. We have a small sink so this smaller size fits ours well, but there is anOXO Large Sink Matif you have a bigger sink. I’ve always liked the idea of having a sink mat but haven’t found a style I love. This one is a perfect fit for our kitchen! Just having it makes me want to keep the sink empty and clean. And I like how it helps to prevent our glasses and plates from getting broken or chipped.

Replacing our sponges and cleaningcloths were a must during the kitchen refresh. We started using theOXO Palm Brushright away and have found it to be a great little scrubber for our dishes and bakeware. Comfortable in your hand too.

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (4)

I’m so excited about the next item we added to our kitchen: theOXO Sink Organizer with Flip-Down Sponge Holder. I really like having a designated place for our sponges. It also has enough room for a pump soap, sink stopper, or we can even place the Palm Scrubber on it.

We also received several ofMethod’s 2018 Spring Collectioncleaning products. Love the gorgeous metallic look they have and the way they add instant style to the kitchen.

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (5)

One of the biggest jobs in our kitchen was cleaning out the pantry. There was some very expired food that needed to be tossed, plus some spills that were never fully cleaned up. This was also a great chance to check for non-expired foods that we aren’t going to use and that we can donate to a local food pantry.

Once a full decluttering and cleaning was done in the pantry, there was space to add anOXO 16″ Turntable. LOVE. THIS. THING. We’re now using this to keep key items that we use daily in easy reach. It turns smoothly making it quick to grab peanut butter, honey, cooking spray.

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (6)

We did a deep clean on our stove/oven and our refrigerator too. The refrigerator was easy since we have been doing a good job of cleaning up messes as we go. There’s something to be said about getting a new fridge that you’re completely in love with — it inspires you to keep it clean!

Be sure to check out our post: .

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe

An inexpensive and natural way to freshen the air in your home is with a stovetop potpourri. There are many different ways to make one, but our favorite is a Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri. You will only need a few things: sliced lemons, rosemary sprigs, vanilla extract, and water (pluscinnamon sticks if you’re using them).

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (7)

All of this is placed in a saucepan and simmered on your stove, which releases the fragrant scent into your home. It’s my favorite thing to do after (or during) a deep clean on our house. It’s also great to do before guests arrive for a party or get-together.

Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (8)

Here is the full “recipe” and instructions for making your own Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri. If you like this post, we’ve love for you to share it on Facebook with your family and friends or pin on Pinterest.


Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe

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2 quarts of water
1 lemon, sliced
2 fresh rosemary sprigs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Optional: 2 cinnamon sticks


1. Add all of the ingredients to a large saucepan.

2. Place the pan under medium/high heat on the stovetop until it begins to boil. Reduce heat to low and allow it to simmer. (Be sure to replenish the water as it evaporates).


–Cinnamon sticks are great to use when making this stovetop potpourri in thefall or winter.

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Fresh Lemon and Rosemary Stovetop Potpourri Recipe (2024)


How to make your house smell good with fresh rosemary? ›

In a simmer pot add lemon, rosemary and vanilla - let simmer for 20-30 minutes. This smells your entire home for hours! Perfect for guests or showings!

What to boil with lemon to make a house smell good? ›

Bring a large saucepan or pot of water to simmer. Add a handful of chopped fresh rosemary, one teaspoon of vanilla extract and one sliced lemon to the water. Enhance with a few drops of lemon and/or rosemary essential oils if you have them. Let simmer very slowly until your home is infused with scent.

Is rosemary good for potpourri? ›

Rosemary – is an excellent addition to your potpourri blend. It has a strong scent that can last for years, and a pleasant herbal “piney” scent that blends with many other herbs and anchors them. Sage – adds a smokey scent to your potpourri blend. The leaves also retain their fragrance for a long time.

How long can you leave potpourri on the stove? ›

Your stove top holiday potpourri will last 3 to 5 days. Holiday Stove Top Potpourri is totally natural, toxin free, and will last several days. Fill your simmer pot with water and add the ingredients. Keep an eye on the pot and add more water as needed.

How do you use fresh rosemary for fragrance? ›

Place the rosemary and alcohol in a large screw top mason jar and set the jar in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the jar vigorously each day. After 2 weeks, remove the lid and place a piece of cheesecloth over the jar and strain the rosemary tincture into a spray bottle.

How can I make my house smell nice all the time? ›

Tips to make your house smell good:
  1. Display fragrant plants.
  2. Use scented candles and diffusers.
  3. Get rid of any unpleasant smells.
  4. Ventilate your home.
  5. Make potpourri.
  6. Bake or brew something delicious.
  7. Use essential oils.

What can I boil on a stove air freshener? ›

Turn on the heat and fill your pot with ingredients like cinnamon sticks, apple peels, orange rinds, cloves, apple juice, vanilla, anise, and nutmeg, and in no time at all this stovetop potpourri will have your home smelling like you've been baking all day.

How long to boil lemons to get rid of smell? ›

Make a lemon steam to neutralize pungent odors. Simply cut a lemon in half, add it to a pot of boiling water, and let it simmer for ten minutes. Or if you have leftover lemon peels or bits from your cooking, you can boil those too! For even more odor elimination, sprinkle a tablespoon or so of baking soda in the water.

When should you not use rosemary? ›

Because higher doses of rosemary may cause miscarriage, pregnant and nursing women should not take rosemary as a supplement. But it is safe to eat as a spice in food. People with high blood pressure, ulcers, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis should not take rosemary.

What does boiling rosemary do for home? ›

Rosemary tea is rich in flavonoids, terpenes and phenolic acid, all which contain antioxidant properties. It can provide health benefits like promoting hair growth, improving digestive health, and relieving headaches and fatigue.

How do you use fresh rosemary in the house? ›

Here are seven surprising ways to put your rosemary to use.
  1. DIY Rosemary essential oil. Rosemary essential oil can be used to add fragrance around your home, bath, or to add to homemade natural cleaners. ...
  2. Natural deodorant. ...
  3. DIY mouthwash. ...
  4. Control Pests. ...
  5. Rosemary potpourri. ...
  6. All-purpose cleaner. ...
  7. Holiday wreath.
Aug 11, 2021

Can you use dried rosemary in stovetop potpourri? ›

You can fill a mason jar with the potpourri and add a gift tag for a spring gift. This Lemon and Rosemary Simmering Stove Top Potpourri is a blend of warm vanilla, dried herbs, and a fresh lemon. I absolutely love this mixture of ingredients for the spring time.

Does stovetop potpourri really work? ›

In addition to filling any space with a warm and inviting aroma, simmering potpourri on the stove can also help to humidify the dry winter air. Plus, it's just a fun thing to do when you're stuck inside — before you know it you'll be curled up by the fire with a good book and a cup of tea.

How to make your house smell good with lemons? ›

If you have any unwanted odors in your home, lemon can help you mask them until you figure out the source. To do so, simmer a half dozen lemon slices and a handful of cloves in a pan of water. The mixture will leave the air lemony fresh.

How do you make rosemary spray with fresh rosemary? ›

  1. Cut or buy some rosemary. ...
  2. Put the sprigs in the pot along with the water and bring to a boil. ...
  3. Remove your concoction from the fire and let it steep. ...
  4. Strain the mix and pour it into the spray bottle.
Dec 4, 2022

How do you clean your house with rosemary? ›

In a one quart jar, combine rosemary, lemon peels, water and vinegar. Allow to rest 10-14 days in a cool location to allow oils to infuse. Strain lemon peels and rosemary and transfer liquid to a spray bottle for use. If desired, lemon peels and rosemary may be placed directly inside the spray bottle.

How do you use fresh herbs as an air freshener? ›

Using herbs to freshen the air is an alternative to artificial air fresheners, which might contain chemicals like phthalates and dichlorobenzene. You can make potpourris, put herbal sachets in drawers, grow herbs on your windowsill, simmer herbs on your stovetop or burn herbs in your fireplace.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.