just add some friction - Chapter 2 - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Chapter Text

• · ♢ · •

Jungkook grins, a small delightful smile on his lips as his friend approaches him on the sidewalk.

Jimin’s silently trudging over, a hoodie thrown over his head covering half of his face.

“How nice of you to join me.”

It’s a sarcastic tease, but Jungkook nudges his friend playfully, turning around to continue walking down the path.

It’s a bright day. The sounds of pattering students and chirping fill the air around them.

Jimin huffs. “Well, you seem cheerful today.”

He lifts his head to give the younger a little side-eye—a quick check of sorts—before facing forward.

“You feeling better?”

Jungkook beams, a little skip to his step.

“A lot.”

Jimin lifts an eyebrow. “Got f*cked good?”

He trips in his steps, cheeks burning bright as his friend continues walking ahead.

He catches up with a jog just to shove the boy from behind roughly, hearing a little ‘oof’ upon impact but Jimin barely falters.

He sputters, “That is not—”

Jimin whips his head around with a glare.

Jungkook only rolls his eyes, bottom lip jutting out. “Okay, well,” crosses his arms, “yes, I did. So what?”

There’s a disgusted sound, but he notices the older boy’s shoulders loosen slightly.

“I told you it’d help. So, who did you choose?”

A pause.

Jimin’s steps slow down.


He looks over, and Jungkook’s chest is puffed in a false sense of dominance. Perhaps because he can already sense the incoming scolding. It comes.

“Of course you’d ignore everything I told you.” Jimin grits through his teeth, and the younger omega hunches over again.

He parts his lips, but his friend lashes out sharply and frustratingly, “I can’t believe you couldn’t even listen to one thing! Couldn’t even keep yourself in check for—”

“We’re mates,” Jungkook blurts, head dipped.

Jimin reels back.

He blinks at Jungkook, who curls inward with a faint pink over the tips of his ears.

They remain silent for a moment, until his hyung’s mouth lifts at the corners by a small fraction. He doesn’t miss it.

“You’re sure?”

Jungkook nods.

Slowly, Jimin continues down the path. Jungkook trails beside him, hands digging into the pockets of his hoodie.

“sh*t,” the elder breathes. “So, you really couldn’t keep yourself in check.”

The younger shakes his head. “I tried.”

“Yeah.” Jimin nods understandingly. There isn’t much more to be said with all things considered. If it were any other alpha, Jungkook would be able to hold himself back even if it were during his heat.

A mating bond, however, is far too magnetizing to ignore.

The older looks over at his friend past the shadow of his hoodie, noticing the flush on Jungkook’s cheeks as he watches the concrete, lost in thought.

Jungkook has always been the overly-romantic type. Perhaps he should have guessed this silly little tale would make sense after all.

His chest warms.

“Sooo,” Jimin drawls, shoving his hands in his pockets, and Jungkook looks over. “You’re not gonna tell me the details?”

The boy’s face grows hotter when Jimin knocks at his side, but his body jolts with excitement. “Mm, I mean…”

The wind blows over his hair when he lifts his head, recalls the occurrence vividly as he gazes into the distance. “At first, I had him come over just to drop something off for me to eat. Even though I know I could’ve called you. But, y’know, I wanted to smell him and feel a little better, even if it was just a second.”

Jimin’s face softens, but he nods.

“And when he came, I took the food and told him he could go, but he just—walked in. Then he went to my kitchen to make me tea, then he started to take care of me and I—” Jungkook huffs, mumbling, “I asked him to help me with my heat.”

There’s a barked-out laugh.

“Can’t believe it,” Jimin says, a little baffled as the laughs quiet down, “Pretty boy human-turned-alpha. Your mate. I guess I should’ve seen it coming.”

Jungkook sighs dreamily at that.

“Mhm, me too.” His eyes sparkle up at the sky. “He caught my eye since the day I saw him, hyung.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Jimin scoffs, “He looked all fairy-tale prince and butterflies holding open the front door, how could I ever forget?”

There’s a faint bite to it, but Jungkook doesn’t take any heed to it. Because then, he smiles. “I’m happy for you.”

The younger bites at a grin, giddiness filling the expanse of his lungs as he breathes in.


It’s gotten easier to breathe since Taehyung took care of him. Even if his heat hasn’t fully subsided, he’s sedated enough to spend a day with his friend.

The past couple of days before that hadn’t been even remotely similar; Jungkook couldn’t even lift himself out of bed without getting off at least twice to rid the ache in his body.

With Taehyung, however, the ache is rather heavenly.

This morning he'd been woken by a pleasant smell. Not just the scent of the woods, but the scent of fresh eggs and toast. He’d shot out of the blanket in pure excitement.

But Taehyung, sprawled out dutifully at his side, only tugged him back down and into the curl of his arms. He was practically whining when Jungkook tried to shimmy away.

“Come back,” he drawled, a grumbled churn of a morning voice and Jungkook’s face blew prettily crimson. “Just five minutes.”

“You made me breakfast?”

The alpha hummed, digging his face into Jungkook’s thigh. “But you can eat it later, just—”

He grappled under his thigh, pulling it rough enough for the boy to fall back onto the mattress with a yelp. A strong arm tugged at his waist to press him against a hard chest.

Taehyung grinned against his collarbones when Jungkook’s arms curled around him, body lightly shaking with laughter. “Okay, you big baby.”

He shoved his nose in the man’s hair. “One would think you’re the one in heat.”

Taehyung’s face lifted.

“Oh- Are you,” his eyebrows creased in concern as he examined the omega’s face, “Are you feeling better?”

Jungkook smiled.

“You tell me,” his voice was gentle. “What do you think, do I feel better?”

Taehyung’s face twisted into puzzlement, then his eyebrows loosened in realization. He shut his eyes, pausing for a moment.

“I think you’re okay. I feel like— you’re okay.”

The omega’s chest burst with warmth as Taehyung fluttered his eyes open. Not the unbearable warmth that had consumed him the past week without a moment of breath—but the warmth that he felt throughout the night with a sweet, caring alpha cradling him in his arms, treating him as if he were a royal.

“I am,” he assured, a gentle whisper as they made soft eye contact.

He pressed a kiss to the mole on his nose. “I feel so good.”

Then another kiss to the top of his lip.

“So happy.”

Another at the corner.

And Taehyung cupped his jaw, pulling him in.

They kissed sweetly and so so softly. Jungkook melted like ice against his chest. A calming purr resounded at the back of his head, and Taehyung responded with a soothing vibration of hums.

Heats that were spent like this—alongside a trustworthy, considerate alpha—could become the most blissful days of an omega’s life. He’d certainly felt that way as he was kissed preciously.

“Hyung,” he breathed hotly in the small space between them, “breakfast.”

“Mm,” Taehyung sucked in his top lip, and the omega’s breath hitched. “You know I can smell you, baby.”

Jungkook’s cheeks burned a bright pink.

He lifted his leg and threw it over Taehyung’s waist, shoving their hips together. A whimper spilled from his lips that the alpha devoured easily into his mouth, dragging a hand downwards to knead at plump flesh.

Jungkook mewled as he felt the pad of gentle fingers over the wet patch of his shorts.

His brain was beginning to fuzz again, he tugged at Taehyung’s shirt and heaved a breath when his pheromones spiked. The breaths became short puffs, and his fingers grappled at anything he could reach, curling and uncurling.

The alpha’s scent is released quickly.

Taehyung slipped a hand under the omega’s shorts, pressing a palm to his bare hip to have their skin come in contact.

Jungkook slowly took air into his lungs, felt safe to allow his mind to fall into a daze, grinning by the time he slipped.

“Gonna f*ck me now?”

Taehyung laughed, squeezing his palm.

“But breakfast.”

A roll of eyes and a tug of clothing later, Jungkook was already all over him.

And then, half-naked.

“And we f*cked.”

Jimin chokes on his food, slamming a fist to his chest.

They receive a couple of concerned looks from the table behind them. Jungkook throws a hand over his mouth to stifle laughter, their plates of scones rattling through the coffee shop as Jimin reaches for a glass.

The older omega settles finally, gulping down heaps of water with tears in his eyes.

“Was that necessary?” He wheezes.

“Well, you wanted to know the details.”

Jungkook shrugs. “I mean, it was you who told me I needed a hot-bod alpha to f*ck me so silly I’ll forget how to breathe—”

Jimin groans loudly, dipping his head back.

“Ugh, shut up.” He throws an arm over his eyes, “I know this is a whole I-told-you-so moment, but try not to be too much of an unbearable brat today, I’m tired .”

The younger parts his lips to shoot a quick retort, but his jaw slacks when his eyes peek at something hidden beneath Jimin’s hood.

“What—” He reaches over swiftly, grasping at the hood and shoving it off, causing the older to squeak out a shocked noise and tug it right back over his head.

They pause. Blink at each other a couple of times.

Jimin winces as he sees the sparkle of mischief in Jungkook’s eyes.

“Kook, don’t—”

Oh my god, you bitch! You were hiding that from me!?”

His lips part in a scandalous gasp. “Stop, is it that serious? Who is it? Jimin, you can’t hide him from me forever—”

“Shut it!” Jimin makes a strangled noise, pressing his hands over his face. “It’s nothing, it’s just a stupid hickey. Get over—”

Jungkook leans over the table to poke a finger at his chest. “ You don’t do one-night stands.” He crosses his arms and shakes his head. “And I know very well that you don’t just take anyone to bed.”

Jimin purses his lips, fiddling with the hem of his hoodie.

“I didn’t say he was just anyone.”

The younger omega can’t help the squeal erupting from the back of his throat. “At least tell me his name. What’s his sub-gender? I know betas aren’t your type but—”

“He’s,” the elder interrupts, then sighs.

Licks his lips. And blinks, slowly.

“He doesn’t have one.”

Jungkook doesn’t make a sound.

Jimin looks up at him, eyebrows furrowed.

He scoffs. “Nothing?”

The younger omega presses his mouth to a thin line and shakes his head.

The elder crosses his arms, lifting an eyebrow. “Okay,” he drawls, confusedly, as if fully expecting any sort of tease.

Jungkook remains passive, eyes staring attentively. So he continues.

“Well, he’s a bartender. We met at the bar like a couple of weeks ago and—”

A quick, high-pitched sound.

Jimin glares at Jungkook, but the boy is completely still.

“And,” he says, skepticallly as he watches the lack of expression, “I found out he was human, and I kinda stepped back. But then, I dunno.” He gruffs, picking at a tissue.

“He smiled at me, and I saw his dimples. Then he gave me a drink on the house. So, I guess I gave him my number, and—”

Jungkook bursts out laughing.

“The,” he squeals out, huffing and pointing, “the absolute irony—”

Jimin tosses the rest of his water on him.

• · ♢ · •

Jungkook throws his head back, eyebrows creased.

He wraps his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders tightly, hands gripping at brunette strands while suppressing heady sounds over his bitten lip.

“Mmn, there—there, hyung,” he keens as the alpha’s fingers delve deeper. Hears a low growl press against the shell of his ear when he sucks them in.

He can barely breathe.

Taehyung’s pheromones are heavy in the living room, so much so that every time he takes a breath, a soft click resounds in his mind that tugs him deeper and deeper into a fuzzy ecstasy with no bottom ground.

He’s floating in a thick cloud of fog. And it’s a needier headspace than usual.

Jungkook had walked into the kitchen mere moments before, a hand over his stomach and face flushed in dark pink. The alpha had just been mindlessly making them lunch, leaving the boy in the bedroom to have a proper nap after a tiring day out with his friend.

He’d heard a soft, quiet voice calling, “hyungie,” whipped around to reach him before Jungkook could even lean his drooping weight against anything other than Taehyung’s body.

He was worried at first. So far, Jungkook’s heat was going pretty well. Perhaps the long day out brought his energy to a lower percentage, and the heat latched onto that weak opportunity.

No biggie. Taehyung read about the ups and downs of a heat. He was prepared.

Until Jungkook’s mouth latched onto his scent-gland.

He clenched his jaw, shifting on his legs and gripping tightly at the boy’s hips—trying not to act on the wet and sloppy suckles to his neck. Or act upon the sudden floral scent washing his lungs, similar to a fresh breeze.

Was prepared, until Jungkook was curling his body around him to tug him into the living room, and begging, pleading, to be f*cked in very specific ways.

Ways that had him blowing red, blinking away the hints of the same colour that threatened to bore behind his eyelids—until Jungkook sat him down on the couch and straddled his lap.

“F-f*ck me, now— f*ck me. Need hyung—“

He was frantic. Taehyung’s hands soothed over his skin.

“Shh, hush, calm down, baby. You know hyung will. I will just have to prep you.”

He shook his head, whimpering and grinding down against Taehyung’s crotch. The alpha dipped his head back against the leather, poking a tongue through his cheek as the omega’s hot mouth easily fit over the same point on his neck again. The suckles were weak, but the occasional brush of teeth had him jolting.

“Kook, baby.” His shaky hands pulled off his glasses, setting them aside.

“Baby.” He breathed, palms fitting over a petite waist. (Built just for him, Taehyung likes to think).

But Jungkook hadn’t stopped. Kept grinding and mouthing everywhere like he was planning to push Taehyung to a f*cking edge. Like he wanted to be tossed and used for pent-up frustration—and frankly, that idea was doing little to help the heat growing in the man’s gut.

So, naturally, he was tossed.

Thrown against the couch, stripped, and spread apart.

Taehyung, at this moment, has grown similarly feverish as Jungkook.

Dizzy and restless, but not in the same way as the omega.

Because he is zeroed in on him and only him, no other distractions impede his mind than the need to please and pleasure the needy omega that begs for him so achingly.

And, for a moment he wonders what he’d be doing right now if he hadn’t met Jungkook. If the prettiest boy he’s ever seen hadn’t found him at all interesting, but instead as invisible as every other person. If he’d be having lunch alone on the bus on his way to the library, instead of making fresh ramen for two. If his head would be tucked in a billion books rather than the sweet neck of the beautiful omega.

Taehyung realizes he prefers the splash of pinks and blues in his new life, rather than the dull loneliness of not knowing Jeon Jungkook. How could he miss a sight this unordinary? How much more of his life was he hiding behind his curated lens?

He hopes Jungkook will keep showing him.

The mark on his scent-gland secretes the aroma of their pheromones mixed. He wants to paint the same kind of mark on the omega’s skin— all over his skin. Each one, a gratitude for painting Taehyung in more ways than one.

He sometimes wishes he’d met the boy earlier, or perhaps was even slightly as experienced as Jungkook. He could have provided more comfort, more relief for the omega, if only he’d known more.

The thought quickly leaves his mind as Jungkook clenches down on his fingers, sucking them to the knuckle, and whines.

So mouthy today.

God, Kook. Okay, let me—“

He gently slides out his fingers. The sound of a belt tinkling resounds in the room, making the omega increasingly squirmish.

“Jungkook, you need to- I can’t move if you—“

The boy grapples at him, pulling roughly, and shoving his face into his neck, and Taehyung tries to pull free but is dragged right back down.

It’s when he feels a heat curling around his clothed length, that he slips.

Growls lowly, wrapping a tight grip around the boy’s wrist before pinning it over his head.

“Listen, omega.”

Jungkook freezes at the husky tone.

His eyes blink in a hint of blue that sparks weakly underneath the blazing red behind Taehyung’s irises. The alpha is unapologetic with the grip, but despite it being loose enough to pull out, the omega remains still beneath him.

He gurgles a couple of quiet sounds behind his throat, before going completely silent.

He listens.

Taehyung’s gut kicks.

He loosens the grip a little, baring his teeth when Jungkook attempts to reach for him again. But then settles when Taehyung reaches for his belt.

“I know how desperate you are, baby. f*ck, I can even smell your slick from here. But you need to relax.”

Jungkook’s eyes are boring into the way the alpha unbuckles the belt with one hand, having gotten used to it in the past couple of days of continuous f*cking. He moans when the veiny co*ck is sprung out of the slacks, feeling his desire climb again before the grip around his wrist tightens by a fraction.

“Listen.” It’s repeated.

And Jungkook is good, so he does.

Taehyung’s voice is loud in the omega’s ears.

Grunts and heady rumbles that only have him arching his back, spreading his legs to pour out more slick.

And he gets f*cked deeper at each thrust. Drowns in the effects of each drive, being split open by a hot co*ck over and over while his scent gland is toyed with. The alpha tugs and tugs at it with his teasing mouth, the patch of skin becoming swollen from the abuse.

Taehyung’s mouth is relentless, sinful, and playful—shifting his hips to f*ck Jungkook at a new angle every so often, and into oblivion as he devours the expanse of his skin. Wanting to taste and bite and consume every inch.

He’s taking control.

Jungkook lets him, easily. Lays his free hand beside his head, unmoving, while the other remains pinned.

Because it’s Taehyung. It’s the man he trusts, wholeheartedly.

Grins, even as the alpha grumbles another sound in his ear. This time, with words.


And, sh*t. Hell is right.

Jungkook’s back lifts off the mattress. “Hyung—“

“f*cking hell.”

Taehyung’s hips slow down.

The omega’s chest heaves with a breath, he looks up at the man who’s just as breathless, eyebrows pinched and eyes squeezed shut. As if in deep contemplation.

“Is— Are you okay?” Jungkook’s voice is filled with concern. His mind is still fuzzy, and he can’t keep the girthy co*ck stuffed inside him out of his head, but he manages a waft of comforting pheromones.

But the tension ebbed in Taehyung’s face remains.

“I’m fine,” he breathes, “I just. I don’t know what’s—“

His eyelids flutter open, Jungkook’s wide doe ones looking up at him. He trails his gaze down to where they’re connected.

And his eyes blow wide.

“W-What is that?”

He sputters, and Jungkook's eyes shift down.

The omega lets out a deep, strangled, obnoxiously needy sound from the back of his throat— moulding with the croon of his wolf beneath his skin as his head is thrown back.

Taehyung snaps his head back up to him, hooded eyes darkening by a fraction, and Jungkook takes a couple of deep breaths. He tries not to rut down on the co*ck still buried in him.

The co*ck that’s steadily starting to grow and threatens to stretch him out wide where it swells at the base.

Tries to shut his eyes, and simmer down the pestering omega genes begging him to take whatever is given.

“Knot,” Jungkook whimpers.

“It's your knot.”

Taehyung heaves.


His fingers curl tighter around Jungkook’s wrist, before loosening again.

“What does it—” He gulps, blinking, “What does it mean?”

The omega bites his lip.

“It means your, uh. Your body… is preparing to breed.”

Jungkook’s eyes are glossy as he looks up at Taehyung. The alpha has to compose the fervent boiling of his blood, clenching his jaw as he breathes steadily out his nose.

“But, you can’t—“

“No. I'm a boy, so I can’t,” Jungkook assures.

Then whispers ever-so-quietly, “But, I am an omega.”

Taehyung watches as he gnaws his lip, the height of his cheekbones burning familiarly.

“I’m meant to take it.”

He squeezes his eyes shut.

Taehyung’s gut keeps pulsing with an ever-lasting ache, hips dreading the halt of movement as his co*ck twitches in the tightness. He feels a hot clench at that, grits his teeth.

“H-Have you taken one before?”

A pause.

Jungkook shakes his head.

The spike of pleasure kicks his dick up again, feels a squeeze in response—and a small noise.

He groans deeply, head falling to Jungkook’s shoulder as he curses under his breath.

“It won’t stop growing.”

A subtle rut downwards, and Taehyung’s meeting it easily. He angles his co*ck upwards, stopping the movement before it can catch over the thickened swell. He chews at the inside of his cheek as a distraction, because the increased pressure in his gut refuses to subside the more his base grows.

“I can’t,” he shakes his head, “I don’t want to hurt you, Jungkook. You’ve never taken one before and I’m, I’m just not—“

“We won’t.”

The omega’s hand curls gently around Taehyung’s wrist.

“We don’t have to.”

Jungkook’s dealt with many alphas in the past, even those who hadn’t been helping with his heat but still couldn’t keep their knots down. Many of them had proven to him how useless an alpha’s co*ck can be with or without it.

Besides, it’s probably not the best idea to attach himself by knot with a newly presented alpha, especially during his heat.

“Okay,” Taehyung nods, “but how is it supposed to— Oh.”

The omega tilts his hips down, driving the fat co*ck as deep as it goes before reaching the base. He tightens before the knot can catch over his rim, and slides back up slowly so Taehyung still feels every inch of him.

It’s scalding.

Ah— can-can help.” Jungkook’s breath is raggedy. Taehyung follows his hips with short thrusts, fingers squeezing tightly over the armrest of the couch.

But the boy is swiftly flipping over.


He lays on his stomach, hips angled upwards.

Taehyung’s hands fall to them, feeling his co*ck slide inevitably deeper as Jungkook presses against him.

The boy spreads his legs, tipping back expertly with an arch to his back and engulfing as much as possible without taking the swell of it.

“I’ll m-make it go away.”


Taehyung rumbles under his chest at the clear sight of Jungkook’s leaking hole, spread and fluttering tightly. His gut curls every time it clenches, and he feels the curdling warmth suckle around him. Kneads at the plump flesh of his ass, chest feeling delighted at the realization of a sweet, pink, stuttering omega presenting himself to him.

They haven’t f*cked like this before.

His alpha is enjoying it a little too much.

Alongside the delighted feeling, something odd, prideful and possessive flutters through him. He hates how nice it feels. It’s new.

Is this what being an alpha feels like?

Jungkook starts moving his hips, placing his elbows on the couch to aid in thrusting back. His knees are spread as much as possible, dips his back a little further.

A spark ignites in his lower belly when the tip prods against it from the inside.

“Oh, god . You’re even bigger , f-f*cking sh*t.”

His cheek is pressed to the leather, spilling out delicate sounds over it every time he juts his hips back, over and over.

His eyes widen when Taehyung’s hands tighten on his hips, and he drills forward.

Quickens the pace of his thrusts, keeping him still by the fingers digging into his sides and the boy chokes into a wail.

He shoves his face into his palms on the armrest of the couch, mewling as he’s f*cked roughly from behind—slick pours out of him in heaps to create loud wet smacks against his ass.

He feels a heat over his back, it takes him a moment to realize Taehyung’s front is pressing against him. He preens when little grunts and growls filter through his hazy mind—sinking into a foggy space.

Whines and mewls grow louder in the humid living room.

Taehyung’s fingers trail down his thigh, the act is tender despite the lurid way he’s grinding his hips.

And Jungkook’s body relaxes.

Until the knot almost slides into him.

His vision goes blurry, a pool of hotness swimming in his stomach. His body goes completely slack for the alpha to grasp and thrust roughly into. Tears form in his fluttering eyes, dizzy.

A faint smile presses over the shell of his ear.

“sh*t, yeah,” a deep sound curdles. “You could take it.”

Jungkook sees white.

His body tightens as he spills all over the leather, painting it a shade of white. It matches the pearly slick dribbling down the back of his thighs, another glob of it wetting his perineum. Doesn’t register his mouth parted, crying out in lewd pitches that fuel the fire building in Taehyung’s stomach.

The alpha halts his movements at the last couple of seconds, breathing out and gritting his teeth to stop himself from shoving the whole knot into the slumped omega beneath him.

Quickly, he pulls his pulsing co*ck out, spurting large loads over Jungkook’s ass, watching as the strings decorate all over. He licks his lip when the boy’s hole flutters upon feeling the dripping wetness.

A single exhale of breath, and they both fall to the couch.

Taehyung falls behind him, back pressing against the leather with the back of Jungkook’s neck near his mouth. He wraps a comforting arm around him, smiles when he feels a subtle shift closer.

He presses his lips to his nape gently when the heavy breathing subsides.

“You okay?”

He doesn’t see the giddy smile plastered on the omega’s face.

But he receives a nod, and a soft ‘so good’, so it isn’t hard to imagine.

• · ♢ · •

“You know, Jimin used to be completely against me dating a human.”

Jungkook pops a curly fry into his mouth—grins mischievously as his friend groans from the other side of the table.

The four of them hadn’t ordered more than two boxes of curly fries and some ketchup, seeing as the hangout was a last-minute rushed get-together because Jungkook’s heat had finally settled—and he was heavily eager to meet Jimin’s new boyfriend.

He sent him a quick text asking to meet. It was curtly rejected. Then again with a bribe for free food, to which Jimin eventually obliged.

Now they find themselves at the first fast food place Jungkook could think of, with an apology for the sudden invitation and a promise of their next meet-up being much more refined.

The man across from him—the older, burly human— laughs aloud at Jungkook’s comment. And it’s hearty. Confident. Jungkook watches as he looks over at a flushed Jimin, a bright dimpled smile on his lips as he settles his arm behind him on the seats.

“Oh really?” Namjoon chips, and Jimin’s horrified face falls into his hands. “Because he was all over me at the club, even after he realized I’m not a wolf.”

Jungkook stifles a laugh over the back of his palm, earning a glare from his non-threatening friend.

He reaches for Taehyung’s arm without hesitation, hands enveloping his bicep as he turns to him with a warm smile. Taehyung effortlessly moulds against him, gazing down through his frames with a lift of his lips that feels twice as gentle. Jungkook wishes he could frame the sight. (Perhaps he will one day).

“Y’know, I liked you for months before we first met.”

Taehyung arches a brow, a faint blush tinted at the tips of his ears. “You did?”

Jungkook nods, eyelashes fluttering—a gentle scent of sandalwood puffs over his nose and he finds that it’s becoming his favourite thing.

“And you didn’t say anything?”

The boy pouts.

“Well, you never noticed me staring at you in almost every class.”

Taehyung jolts, sputtering, “You were staring at me?”

“Mhm. But you were too occupied with the professor to notice me.”

There’s a couple of snickers from across the table, Taehyung flusters as Jungkook sips at his drink.

He smacks his lips. “Besides, I was too nervous to approach you as an omega.”

“That’s absurd,” Taehyung breathes, brushing a hand through his hair. “And I thought I was being pranked when you were flirting with me.”

Jungkook’s chuckles bubble out of him. He presses his cheek to Taehyung’s shoulder and shakes his head. “We’re both idiots, I guess.”

Jimin hums, affirming. It’s almost too quiet to hear over the chittering restaurant. Jungkook hears it, glowers at him.

Then, “That’s why you’re made for each other.”

He’s gentle with his words, and the younger’s expression grows soft.

Jimin continues, fiddling with one of the fries in the baskets before him. “Which is also how you changed my mind.”

The way he shifts closer to Namjoon is subtle, but Jungkook notices.

“Taehyung makes you happy, human or not human.”

His knowing smile is mirrored from across the table. They miss the way a certain alpha’s cheeks burn.

“Oh?” Namjoon’s gaze sweeps over, “Is Taehyung human? I could’ve sworn his eyes looked a little red.”

Taehyung laughs nervously when his eyes meet Namjoon’s. He scratches the back of his head and avoids the gaze, as if he were trying to hide that fact. “Uh, I was? I guess.”

“May I ask why?” The human leans closer, unable to contain his curiosity. And Taehyung purses his lips.

Eventually, he nods.

He explains the unfortunate situation to the human, who listens intently.

Jungkook observes their exchange with a slight tilt of his head.

Taehyung’s back is straight, his elbow resting respectfully on the table as he engages in conversation—a trait Jungkook rarely sees in alphas, especially when speaking to non-wolves.

Despite Taehyung’s new subgender, his kindness is the one thing that hasn’t changed about him.

After the story, the two fall into the flow of casual conversation, eventually discovering common interests like art and anime (which Jungkook finds particularly endearing). Taehyung seems to be enjoying himself, the tenseness on his shoulders begins to loosen as they talk, and he’s beginning to respond to Namjoon with enthusiasm.

A pleasant flicker of warmth dances in Jungkook’s chest.

He grins, subtly looking over to the other side.

Namjoon, as he realizes, is very intelligent. And attentive .

He could tell that Jimin was an omega, even in the darkness of the bar they first met at, and it hadn’t irked him in the slightest. It’s no wonder Jimin fell for him so quickly; Namjoon checks off all green flag boxes. He’s a keeper, through and through.

Jimin seems to feel the same about Taehyung, lips tugging every time the alpha answers his questions with something he would deem satisfactory, even if it were just a question about his day. He passes.

Jungkook kicks under the table discreetly, causing his friend to jolt and grit his teeth. He mouths an ow, which the younger ignores to instead wiggle his eyebrows—initiating a sort of silent conversation.

Wow, what a hunk you’ve got there. Seems to like you a lot.

He gestures to the arm wrapped around his shoulder, and Jimin rolls his eyes.

Oh, shut up. Just look at how smitten you two are.

Jimin’s eyes drift to Jungkook’s hands splayed over Taehyung’s arm in a possessive grip— and suddenly, the heat on his right thigh grows hot at the comprehension of the alpha’s hand still curling around it. Because neither of them has moved from the position since the start of the conversation.

The idea of it makes him smile shyly.

Jimin smiles back.

And his eyes drift back over to Namjoon.

Like a magnet, Jungkook thinks with a growing grin.

• · ♢ · •

“Let me take it.”

Taehyung’s hand stops halfway in the air, still gripping the pan of a flipped omelet. He spins his head around to the figure leaning languidly against the counter beside him.

“Hm?” He settles the pan back down on the stove. “You wanna cook?”

Jungkook nibbles down at his lip, shaking his head. And Taehyung’s eyebrows pinch, confused.


His mouth shuts when the omega’s gaze drops down to his crotch.

A sizzling feeling begins to curdle in his lower gut.

“Jungkook,” he warns gently, throat bobbing in a gulp.

Taehyung blinks, and their distance is gone. Jungkook’s fingers hook over the waistband of his pants, breathing out hotly against his lips while pushing him away from the stove.

“Hyung,” the boy whines, eyes sparkling a pretty blue over long lashes. Taehyung gulps. “I’ve been waiting since that double date. And you look way too sexy when you're cooking.”

He noses under his jaw, “Please let me take it.”

The alpha’s eyes snap shut.

“D-Don’t beg.” He shivers when Jungkook’s mouth latches to the side of his neck, hands falling to his waist. “It’s too early.”

The omega’s fingers run up his chest, wrapping his arms around his shoulders to press against him completely. “It’s not. My heat’s over, hyung. I can take you.”

Then, pressing his soft lips against Taehyung’s ear, “I’m meant to take you.”

The alpha grumbles lowly.

He quickly reaches behind the boy, twisting at a knob on the stove to make sure it’s completely off—before dragging him to the hallway leading to the bedroom.

“f*ck, Jungkook.”

“f*ck, hyung,” the boy moans greedily, tugging at Taehyung’s hair to roughly mould their lips together. It’s difficult as he’s constantly bounced up the mattress, sharp smacks against his ass pushing him upwards by the alpha’s thighs only.

The co*ck stuffs in and out of him at an easy pace, because he allows himself to be spread open—allows his entire mind to drift into a hazy bliss and his entire body to melt, relaxing all the tension in his muscles.

He needs to take it.

Taehyung puffs small noises between their lips, digging his fingertips into Jungkook’s waist. From the sight of his arched eyebrows, the stutter in his canting hips, and—god—the way his co*ck is gracefully filling and stretching him out, the omega can tell his knot is already starting to form.

His throat gets caught on a mewl, and Taehyung slams their lips together to eat it up.

Keeps kissing him, despite Jungkook’s lungs starting to burn—feels a hand curl over the side of his neck to keep him in place. Another hand finds a perfect fit over his hipbone for the same reason, and Jungkook can’t even scream when he feels the start of a swell forcing itself through his rim.

He throws his head back, taking one deep breath of air to allow the desperate sound to escape his lips. A dribble of spit falls down his cheek from the corner of his lips, similar to the dripping wetness all around his lower body and drenched in the sheets—and the engorgement of Taehyung’s co*ck drags him right out of numbness.

f*ck. A knot feels far different than a normal co*ck.

And it isn’t just the thickness of the base that has him restless and reeling in place.

It’s the feeling it gives him.

Like the deepest kind of scalding heat; the purest form of desire.

His lips part to take his second breath, but the hair on the back of his head is cradled by a large hand, only for his mouth to be completely enveloped again.

And he realizes Taehyung’s in the same state.

The man doesn’t give him a second to come back to his senses. He steals him into this inevitable depth, urging his entire body to fall back and settle through sweet kisses all over his mouth, and around his face.

So careful. So sweet.

And Jungkook falls.

The knot fits itself completely inside.

Taehyung growls, stuffing his face in Jungkook’s neck. The omega pitches the highest whines from the back of his throat, clenching around the fat knot and curling limp arms as tight as his weak body allows him—anywhere he can.

He feels the flutter of kisses running up his neck, leaving a hot one over his soft spot before travelling up to his ear.

“So good, baby,” Taehyung’s voice is low, drawled and sweet as he grinds up against him.

“Taking me so good, such a good boy.”

Jungkook’s heart swells.

His stomach begins bubbling with familiar heat. He dribbles sounds past his lips, unsure of what’s coming out but hoping to formulate anything. Taehyung catches it, running his gentle fingers through his sweaty hair and kissing at his earlobe.

“Go ahead, my love.”

And before Jungkook can register the words, his stomach snaps.

His back arches off the bed, c*ms in short spurts over his stomach, dripping down like a faucet over his red co*ck. Paints Taehyung’s stomach too as he angles his hips in a certain direction.

Jungkook watches in awe as the alpha’s eyebrows pinch in pleasure, before threading and melting into bliss, looking down at the boy with such tenderness that he could almost forget the stream of hot liquid gradually filling inside of him.

But his stomach begins to bulge with it, and Taehyung’s eyes travel down just to watch it fill up.

“sh*t.” Jungkook’s eyes flutter, smiling.

When they’re done, he feels himself being flipped over gently.

Taehyung rests his back on the mattress and tucks the omega against his chest.

They stay still for a bit. Jungkook’s back rises and falls in gentle breathing, but Taehyung can tell that he’s awake, because he shifts on top of him every so often.

Taehyung’s base remains swollen, and it’s an odd feeling.

When he f*cked Jungkook with it, he expected to have a little trouble. He expected that he’d have to adjust himself more, or maybe get the omega to relax his body.

But he let himself take over, and everything had happened so smoothly. Almost as if it were inherited in Taehyung’s very instincts to take care of Jungkook. To do the very most to ensure he’s completely sedated by the end of it all.

He smooths a finger down the omega’s back, grinning softly when he feels goosebumps arise at the touch.

Any reaction the boy might give to him makes an ease settle in his chest.

Jungkook is his omega after all.

“I’m guessing,” he rasps after a moment, and the omega shivers at the low tone, “I’m not supposed to move until this goes down?”

Jungkook lifts his head, chin placed on his chest. A devastating pout forms on his lips. “Y-You wanna move?”

Taehyung recognizes the headspace. He’s done an incredible amount of research on it, and they’ve had millions of conversations about it in the past. He expected it to reach its peak after Jungkook took his first knot.

Still, his stomach feathers with warmth and elation at the realization.

Because Jungkook trusts him, even in his most vulnerable state.

Taehyung quickly leans forward to press a soft kiss to his forehead, and the omega’s eyelids flutter. When he pulls back, it’s with a gentle smile as he pushes a couple of blond strands away from Jungkook’s eyes.

“Of course not, my love. I just wanted to make sure.” He kisses at his shut eyelids. The omega presses his cheek back against his chest. “I won’t go anywhere.”

Taehyung heaves a breath, melting back into the sheets when the freshness of saffron reaches his nose.

There’s a pause.

“M’ your love?” Jungkook’s soft voice questions.

His eyes blow wide.


He hadn’t realized he said it out loud.


Taehyung’s throat goes dry, and nerves begin to rattle in his chest alongside his pulsing heart.

Jungkook lets out a sound, lifting his head as if having felt something. He leans close and brushes their noses together, and Taehyung’s brain fuzzes with a light static when the saffron fills his lungs again

“You’re mine too,” the boy confesses, easily. Calmly, and with a dopey smile on his lips that tells Taehyung he’s more than happy about it.

Then, the alpha settles, ignoring the way his entire body shoots with electricity—just an ecstatic feeling, he’s sure.

Shortly after, his knot goes down.

He doesn’t pull out until Jungkook wiggles in his arms, whining about feeling sticky and gross. He chuckles, gently pulling himself out with a wince and placing the boy onto the mattress. After a moment more of composing himself, he lifts from the bed, stretches a few times, and slides his arms under Jungkook to lift him.

His own stamina shocks him. He thanks the moon gods for giving him these alpha genes because he’s sure he wouldn’t have the strength to tend to the omega properly without them.

Taehyung smiles giddily as he lathers the soap over Jungkook’s back, biting down at his lip every time the boy’s muscles shift, or he lets out a sound of relief when his skin is pressed hard enough.

He leans close to kiss the shell of his ear, the light sound of the shower fading behind him.

“So pretty.”

And Jungkook flushes more, if possible, from head to toe.

Looks even prettier with it.

He steals Taehyung’s heart completely, however, by the next words that mumble past his lips.

“I love you.”

• · ♢ · •

When Jungkook enters the classroom, this time he’s fully prepared for whatever sight he might see.

Doesn’t even flinch when he takes in the heady omega pheromones, and doesn’t even think twice when he sees Taehyung conversing with one of them. Just smiles gently, and hops down the steps of the lecture hall.

As he finally makes it to the small crowd, he shoves his backpack down on the floor beside Taehyung’s feet, startling the omega standing in front of him.

Yeah, maybe he expected it. But it doesn’t mean he has to be nice about it.

Jungkook plops himself down into the seat beside Taehyung, placing his books down on the desk in front of them—maybe even opening them up, just for the show of it.

There’s a pause, omegas shifting around uncomfortably, a lot of their conversations dying out.

And, when Taehyung’s hand curls over a rip in Jungkook’s jeans, a couple begin to shuffle away.

The omega pulls out his lipgloss, smearing the wand over his bottom lip before popping it. This time, he shifts his gaze over Taehyung’s shoulder, making eye contact with the omega seated on the other side of him for a single second.

But Taehyung only watches him attentively. (And maybe a little fearfully).

“Hyung, do you think this gloss smells good?”

He grips gently at the alpha’s chin and leans close, enough that his breath flutters over the tip of Taehyung’s nose, placing a hand over the one still holding his thigh.

The man’s eyes widen, and he quickly blurts out.

“Yes,” he nods quickly, as if finding the answer to a riddle. “Smells good.”

Jungkook grins. It’s saffron-scented.

The omega beside Taehyung dips their head, face fitted into their textbook.

And Jungkook’s smile beams. It might be etched a little dark around the edges.

“I think so too.”

Every time they come to class, it starts to matter less and less to Jungkook, what the others see in Taehyung.

Because he’s aware that they’ll never be as besotted as he is over Kim Taehyung, and they will never consume Kim Taehyung the way he does. And he knows they’re not the ones taking his knot almost every night.

And they’re not the ones to whom Kim Taehyung confesses his love daily.

Jungkook’s shoved against the side of a shelf, the entire thing rattling enough to spill some paint cans. Some white paint splatters over the both of them, but they just giggle into another kiss, ignoring the mess.

They always clean it up afterwards. They’re both a little too anxious to leave the mess for the kind old janitor to deal with. Just because they raid his storage closet every so often, doesn’t mean he has to bear the brunt of their passionate (and sometimes horny) endeavours.

The omega lets out a sweet sigh when Taehyung’s mouth presses kisses down his neck. He dips his head back, even when it seems he’s about to stop—because he’s realized how much Taehyung loves leaving his marks there. They’ve never escaped a makeout session without the alpha leaving at least a couple of marks on his neck or tugging at his scent gland with his teeth.

Ah, Taehyung—” Jungkook’s hands run through Taehyung’s hair when he nibbles at the tender skin. “Gentle, gent—Oh.”

He cants his hips forward when the man’s lips wrap around the skin to suck. Quickly forming a mark over the gland, making his insides churn at the implications of leaving a hickey in that spot.

He wonders, just for a moment, what it would feel like if Taehyung’s canines dug into there—

The closet door creaks open, a peak of light illuminating the area. Jungkook panics, tugging the alpha off of him by his hair.

Taehyung doesn’t move, remains tucked dutifully into his neck.

“H-Hyung, the do —Ah— the door—”

But before he can get all the words out, a short old man is staggering into the room, and Jungkook’s anxiety rises as he reaches over to the light switch and—


Taehyung freezes.

Slowly, he leans back and.

Mr. Han, the kind old janitor, is standing right there, staring at them wrapped around each other like high school teenagers, covered in blotches of white paint.

Taehyung feels an odd flicker of deja vu in the back of his mind.

They pull away quickly, clearing their throats and straightening their clothing as Mr. Han squints his eyes at them. Jungkook fiddles with his fingers.

“Uh, we’re really sorry, sir. We won’t—”

He stammers when Mr. Han’s laughter suddenly filters through the room. It’s a very sweet sound, and Jungkook just hopes it’s not his way of being condescending. It seems that Taehyung feels the same as his entire body goes rigid.

And then, when they finally see the warm smile on his face, both of their shoulders droop.

“Don’t worry about it, I won’t tell on you two.” His voice is a little shaky with age, rough around the edges, but he grins, setting down the utensils in his hands on the shelf beside him. “You two just reminded me of my past.”

The two wolves look over at each other, before turning back to the old man.

“Your past?” Taehyung questions.

“Yes,” he says, nodding as he stares at the floor in reminiscence, “You reminded me of my mate, rest her soul.”

Jungkook’s heart squeezes, and he juts his lips out in a pout. Taehyung looks down between them when the boy grips his hand tightly.

“We spent a lot of wonderful moments together. But I always wish I’d had her for longer.” The janitor grabs a cleaning spray on the shelf opposite to him, Taehyung and Jungkook are heavily attentive to his words.

“I almost wish I would have marked her sooner,” he laughs, “A mating bond is far too difficult to ignore, isn’t it?”

They turn their heads to each other again, eyes locked.

“Yeah,” Jungkook breathes with a smile.

• · ♢ · •

Taehyung slides out another painting from the corner of his shelf. He can’t help the smile that plays on his lips as he peels off the paper cover of it.

It’s a painting of his favourite constellation, Orion.

For some odd reason, Taehyung had never felt right enough to put it up. Orion is a hunter constellation, it’s always shone far too bright to be fit for Taehyung’s blandness.

Or so he believed. His eyes trail over to the other side of the room where a certain pretty omega is placing a couple of action figures on the shelf attached to his wall.

His chest blooms.

Jungkook has always seen something in him that Taehyung never did. Jungkook had liked boring old human Taehyung before he had even become strong alpha Taehyung. And liked him then too. And then loved him.

Before he realizes it, he’s suddenly behind the boy, wrapping his arms around his waist. Jungkook’s laugh is melodic, he wants it to be set as his phone alarm. He could see to that one day.

“Hi, hyung.” The boy turns around, sliding his arms around Taehyung’s shoulder like it’s easy. And domestic.

And his smile is so so pretty.

“Hi, my love.” Jungkook’s face burns pink, and he’s prettier, if possible.

At that moment, Taehyung notices the items scattered around the room. The stuffie Jungkook won for him at a carnival, the bunny socks lying on the floor, the blue blanket that he still doesn’t know the origin of, and dozens of other little pieces of the omega that’s moulded into his little life as if it all belonged there in the first place.

The janitor's voice rings clear in his head.


“Mm?” Jungkook tilts his head, and Taehyung dives in immediately to kiss him, because he doesn’t have to think twice about it. It’s tender, and the boy falls pliant in his hold. He pulls back with a light breath, and Jungkook flutters his lashes at him.

“Jungkook, I—” He bites down at his lip, eyes fitting to the side.

The pad of his thumb subconsciously presses at the juncture of Jungkook’s neck. Right over his tender scent gland.

The omega sighs shakily at the touch. His fingers brush over Taehyung’s wrist to hold it gently, but not to move it away.

“Hyung,” he whispers, “is this about what Mr. Han said?” His voice is soft, not laden with any ill intent. Taehyung gazes at his doe-eyes, trying not to fall into them despite having done so many times before.

“I-I was just wondering,” he stutters, reaching a hand up to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “but I don’t want you to feel pressured. We don’t have to—”


Jungkook’s arms wrap tighter around him. He presses his lips together.

The boy looks into his eyes intently. “You know what mating means, right?”

Taehyung’s eyes flutter.

He recalls everything he read, paragraphs upon paragraphs which explained nothing but the sheer importance of a mating bond—and his stomach begins to course with subtle warmth as he steps a little closer.

He nods. “Means our wolves will bind.” He curls a hand around Jungkook’s neck, brushing his thumb over his nape. He keeps pressing forward until the boy takes a couple of steps back.

“Means I belong to you and you, to me.”

The omega heaves a breath as his back is pressed to the wall behind him. His chin is held up gently, and Taehyung looks down at him with such blatant teetering adoration he notices Jungkook’s knees grow weak from the abundance of it.

“Means forever.”

The corner of his lips tug.

“That’s right.”

Jungkook presses his nose against Taehyung’s, blinking until he meets his gaze.

“Do you want that?” He asks, careful. “With me?”

And Taehyung nods far too quickly.

The boy’s nose crinkles before he bursts into delightful giggles, biting down at his lip.

He’s completely and utterly gone for the pretty nerd boy.

Taehyung’s hands are careful around his waist, fingers brushing against a patch of exposed skin. Jungkook’s entire body shivers from it.

“If you want it, of course?”

“I do,” Jungkook responds, far too quickly.

Taehyung grins.

They don’t say much after that.

Don’t have to, because Jungkook just tucks himself into Taehyung’s neck and Taehyung’s arms are holding him like he doesn’t ever plan on letting go—and they stay like that.

Until Jungkook fills the silence with his cheekiness.

“You know,” he remarks, laughter in his tone, “We kinda have to be f*cking for us to—”

He’s lifted from the floor with a yelp.

He falters before his hands find the expanse of Taehyung’s shoulders.

The man grins up at him when their eyes meet, fingers curled under his thighs squeezing gently.

Jungkook blinks at his giddiness. He reflects it with his own.

“Come then,” Taehyung whispers, low.

Their smiles press together, melting into one.

“Let me make you mine forever.”

just add some friction - Chapter 2 - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.