Make a Semaglutide Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Henry Meds (2024)

Learn about Semaglutide and how to develop your Semaglutide diet plan.

Compounded Semaglutide has gained popularity lately thanks to its efficiency in reducing weight and controlling obesity. Research shows that Semaglutide can help achieve 9.6 % to 17.4% total body weight reduction within 68 weeks of medication.¹

However, if you are taking compounded Semaglutide for weight loss, you need to combine it with an appropriate low-calorie diet to achieve optimum results. Crafting a Semaglutide diet plan is an excellent strategy that can help you make healthier food choices and eating habits. But how can you go about it?

This guide covers everything you need to know about designing a perfect Semaglutide diet plan for yourself so you can build healthier eating habits and take control of your weight loss journey.

What Is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a medication used to help manage Type-2 Diabetes. It belongs to a class of drugs called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. These medications work by mimicking the actions of the GLP-1 hormone, which assists in the regulation of blood sugar levels in the treatment of Type-2 Diabetes (T2D).²

The FDA has approved Semaglutide as a weight management treatment in addition to its use for diabetes.³ It helps in weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing appetite.

Semaglutide is typically administered at a relatively high dosage for weight loss. The usual dose for weight reduction is 0.25mg to 2.4 milligrams of subcutaneous self-injection once a week.⁴ A healthcare professional determines the dosage for specific individuals to achieve a balance between clinically significant weight loss while minimizing the side effects.

When coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise, Semaglutide can help you with your weight reduction efforts.⁴

Benefits of Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Anti-obesity medication Semaglutide 2.4 mg weekly subcutaneous injection has been proven to help patients lose weight. Coupled with a low-calorie diet and physical activity, Semaglutide medication can help patients lose significant weight after six months.¹

Make a Semaglutide Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Henry Meds (1)

One of the core benefits of Semaglutide for weight loss is its ability to suppress your appetite and sustain feelings of fullness. By imitating the actions of the GLP-1 hormone, Semaglutide targets the brain cells that regulate appetite, helping reduce feelings of hunger and craving.

Semaglutide also slows down the process through which food leaves your stomach, creating a feeling of fullness for a longer time. The feeling of satiety reduces your overall caloric intake, leading to considerable weight loss over time.

Semaglutide has also been proven to improve insulin sensitivity, which benefits individuals with Type-2 Diabetes and other weight-related health complications. By enhancing the body's response to insulin, Semaglutide helps control blood sugar levels and promotes better glucose management.

Weight loss can profoundly impact overall health, reducing the risk of obesity and associated conditions like hypertension and diabetes.³

It's important to note that Semaglutide should always be used with a prescription under the guidance of a healthcare expert and in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise routine. However, the potential benefits of weight loss make Semaglutide an exciting option for those looking to shed extra pounds.

Key Considerations for Designing a Semaglutide Diet Plan

When it comes to designing a Semaglutide diet plan, here are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

Work Closely with Your Healthcare Provider

Experienced healthcare providers have the required expertise and knowledge to guide you through the process and ensure that the Semaglutide diet plan suits your health needs. Your healthcare provider can closely monitor your progress, adjust your dosage when necessary, and provide support and guidance.⁵

Focus on Creating a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

For the best outcome, you should incorporate various foods from all food groups, including low GI whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. A balanced diet supplies your body with the required nutrients for optimal health and weight loss.⁵

Make a Semaglutide Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Henry Meds (2)

Ensure Portion Control

The allure of food may tempt you to eat a little more than necessary. Control your portions using measuring cups or a food scale to measure your servings accurately. It is easy to underestimate portion sizes, leading to excess calorie intake. Being mindful of the size of your portion helps you to control your calorie intake and facilitate weight loss.⁵

Stay Consistent and Committed

Consistency is vital if you want to achieve and maintain weight loss. Stick to your plan, even on weekends or special occasions, and prioritize healthy choices. It may be helpful to track your progress and keep a food diary to stay accountable and motivated.

How to Incorporate the Right Foods into Your Semaglutide Diet Plan

Before creating your Semaglutide diet plan, you need to understand the foods that best support your health and manage diabetes. Remember that dietary advice requires an individualized approach based on a person's age, metabolic profile, and food habits. Consult with a healthcare professional regarding what's most appropriate for your health and dietary needs.

Optimally, here is how to incorporate the right foods into your diet:

Consider Nutrient-Rich Foods

Considering nutrient-rich foods means filling your plate with plenty of fruits and vegetables. These colorful options are packed with vital minerals, vitamins, and fiber that can support your overall health and help regulate weight. Fresh fruits and vegetables are important sources of phytochemicals, such as flavonoids, that increase insulin secretion and reduce insulin resistance, providing some benefits in obesity and diabetes.⁶

Eat Healthy Fats

Healthy fats can provide satiety and help with glucose resistance for T2D and obesity. Avoid trans-fatty acids. Consume less than 7% to 9% energy from saturated fatty acids only. If possible, replace saturated fatty acids with polyunsaturated fats mixed with omega 3 and omega 6-rich foods.⁶

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Sources of healthy fats include olive oil, avocado, walnuts, canola oil, and peanut butter. Avoid foods made from milk but with low calcium and high fat content, like butter, cream, and cream cheese.

Prioritize Lean Proteins

High protein intake with calorie-reduced diets leads to significant weight loss for people with diabetes. However, the source of the proteins matters. Animal proteins have adverse effects on T2D compared to plant proteins. Wherever possible, it's advisable to replace animal proteins with plant proteins.⁶

If you must consume animal proteins, choose lean meat and poultry options like 93% lean ground beef, skinless chicken breasts, and pork loin. Omega-3 seafood options such as trout, salmon, and anchovies should become part of your diet. These foods improve systemic insulin resistance, providing benefits for obesity and diabetes.⁶

Consider Whole Grains

Whole grain foods tend to have low glycemic index values. This means they result in lower glucose levels after meals, reducing insulin demand. High insulin levels from foods such as refined carbohydrates are known to promote obesity by enhancing appetite and altering adipose tissue physiology. Additionally, the fiber content in whole grains also helps with satiety by influencing the secretion of gut hormones.⁶

Adipose tissue is what we commonly call body fat, the fatty connective tissue found underneath the skin, on our organs, and even in our bones. Refined carbohydrates can change our body composition, increasing body fat and causing chronic inflammation.⁷

Consuming whole-grain foods improves measures of glycemia in T2D patients and leads to reduced weight loss in the longer term. Examples of low-GI whole grains include:

A Sample Semaglutide Meal Plan

To help you start your Semaglutide diet plan, we've put together a sample meal plan that incorporates nutrient-rich foods and promotes diabetes management. Remember, this is just a starting point, and working with your healthcare provider to tailor the plan to your needs is important. Here is a sample meal plan to start you off:


Start your day off right with a nutritious and filling meal. You can try a spinach and mushroom omelet with a side of whole wheat toast. This protein-rich breakfast will keep you energized throughout the morning.

You can also toast a slice of whole-grain bread and top it with mashed avocado. This makes a protein-packed and fiber-rich breakfast option. For added flavor, you can sprinkle some salt and pepper.

Make a Semaglutide Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Henry Meds (4)


Try a quinoa and vegetable salad for a satisfying and healthy lunch. Cook 1/2 cup of quinoa and combine it with chopped cucumber, cherry tomatoes, diced bell peppers, and a handful of fresh parsley. Add a little olive oil and lemon juice for flavor.


Veggie sticks with homemade ranch or sliced cucumber with hummus are excellent snack options that are low in calories and rich in proteins, healthy fats, and vitamins.


End your day with a delicious and nutritious dinner. Try a grilled chicken breast with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli. You can flavor the chicken breast with pepper or your favorite herbs.

Practical Tips for Sticking to Your Diet Plan

Sticking to any diet plan can be challenging, but with a few practical tips, you can make it easier to stick to your Semaglutide diet plan. Here are some tips to help you stay consistent and positive throughout your Semaglutide diet plan journey.

Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals

Progress takes time, and it's appropriate to start small. Rapid weight loss is unsustainable and can even be detrimental to your health. Work towards a steady and gradual weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week. This approach is more realistic and sustainable in the long run.⁸

Make Your Meals Enjoyable

Find ways to make your meals enjoyable. Experiment with new recipes and flavors to keep your taste buds excited. You can also get creative with herbs, spices, and healthy sauces to add flavor without adding excess calories. By making your meals a fun daily activity, you will stay motivated and satisfied throughout your weight loss journey.

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Plan and Prepare

Prior planning for your meals ahead of time helps you make healthy choices and avoid compulsive eating. Set aside time each week to plan your meals and make a grocery list. Prepare your meals in advance to have healthy options readily available when hunger strikes. This will help you resist the temptation of unhealthy takeout or convenience foods.⁹

Find Support

Surrounding yourself with people who understand and support your journey can make a big difference. They can offer advice, motivation, and accountability. You can become a member of a weight loss support group, seek the guidance of a registered dietitian, or talk to a health coach.

Celebrate Your Progress

Give yourself a treat for reaching milestones and achieving your goals. Treat yourself to non-food rewards such as a new workout outfit, a spa day, or a weekend getaway. Recognize and celebrate your hard work and dedication to your weight loss journey.⁹

Types of Food to Avoid on a Semaglutide Diet Plan

While there are many delicious healthy foods you can enjoy on a Semaglutide diet plan, there are also several foods you should avoid. These foods can hinder your results and even reverse them. Some examples of unhealthy foods to avoid while on Semaglutide include:

Sugary Foods and Drinks

Sugary foods and beverages with any type of added sugar (whether diet or regular) can make the body release excessively high amounts of insulin.¹⁰ Regularly consuming them also increases weight gain and inflammation, which works directly against Semaglutide treatment.¹¹

Some examples of sugary foods and drinks to avoid include:¹¹

  • Soda

  • Sports drinks

  • Energy drinks

  • Vitamin water drinks

  • Sweetened teas and juices

  • Desserts

Refined Grains

Refined grains cause rapid blood sugar spikes, which make the body convert sugar into fat that accumulates around your abdominal organs.¹² That’s why they’re linked to an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes, along with refined meat.¹³

Some examples of refined grains you should avoid include:¹⁴

  • White flour and flour products

  • White rice

  • White pasta

  • Refined breakfast cereal

  • Honey

  • Molasses

  • Syrups

  • Brown and white sugar

  • Desserts

  • Soda

  • Candy

Fatty Foods

Foods high in fat like fried foods can hinder insulin production, so you should get 30% or less of your calories from fat per day.¹⁵ Depending on the composition of the cooking oils, they can be high in saturated fats and trans-fatty acids.¹⁶ It’s best to avoid them as much as possible and consume less than 7-9% of your daily energy intake from saturated fats.⁵

If you’re on Semaglutide or with any other GLP-1 RA treatment, you’re advised to eat slowly with smaller portions, stop eating when you reach satiety, and avoid high-fat foods.¹⁷ While research data on the prevention and treatment of digestive disturbances like nausea and vomiting are limited, these are the current recommended steps to minimize digestive discomfort.

Examples include:

  • Full-fat dairy

  • Fatty cuts of meat like regular ground beef and bacon

  • Oil

  • Deep-fried foods

  • Fatty foods

  • Greasy foods

  • Butter

  • Shortening

Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle Beyond Diet

Embracing a healthy lifestyle goes beyond just following a diet and exercise routine. It's about taking care of your mind, body, and soul. While crafting the perfect Semaglutide diet plan is vital for managing your weight, other aspects of your life can significantly impact your overall well-being.

To continue living a healthy life, you should:

Prioritize Getting Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for proper hormone regulation, metabolism, and overall physical and mental health.

For adults, experts recommend 7-9 hours of quality sleep each day.¹⁸ You must establish a relaxing bedtime routine and create a sleep-friendly environment by making your bedroom comfortable, cool, dark, and quiet.¹⁹

Manage Stress Levels and Practice Self-Care

Stress increases the hormone cortisol, which can influence your appetite, make you overeat, and cause your body to store fat.²⁰

Find healthy coping mechanisms such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in relaxation techniques, or pursuing hobbies that bring you joy. Taking time for yourself to do things you enjoy and that bring you relaxation is essential. Such things can include taking a bubble bath, reading a book, practicing yoga, or simply spending time outdoors in nature.

Exercise Regularly

Physical exercise is suitable for both mental and physical health. According to the American Heart Association, you should set aside 150 minutes weekly for moderate-intensity physical exercise or at least 75 minutes weekly for vigorous physical activity. You can combine both if possible.²¹

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Stay Socially Connected

Social connections and a support system significantly affect your overall health. For example, studies show that people with strong social relationships have better cardiovascular and brain health outcomes than those experiencing loneliness. Further social bonds are connected to improved eating habits, reduced stress, and improved sleep. All of these factors impact your weight reduction efforts.²²

Semaglutide Diet Plan FAQs

How Much Protein Should I Eat while on Semaglutide?

The standard recommended amount of dietary protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight (BW) per day. Semaglutide is meant to be taken as a long-term medication, so you can follow the daily guidelines for long-term consumption for building strength and routine exercise: 1.0 g/kg BW with minimal physical activity, 1.3 g/kg BW with moderate physical activity, and 1.6 g/kg BW with intense physical activity.²³

How Much Weight Can You Lose on Semaglutide in 3 Months?

Clinical trials show that the majority of obese and overweight people on Semaglutide treatment for weight loss experience an average weight loss of 5.9%, or about 15 pounds. Some may also have a weight loss of 10% or more, which equals about 30 pounds.²⁴

What Is the BMI Cutoff for Semaglutide?

Semaglutide injections are meant to treat overweight individuals with a BMI greater than 27 kg/m2 if they have a weight-associated condition, such as Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. It also treats obesity in individuals with a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater.²⁵

Enhance Your Semaglutide Treatment Today

Semaglutide has proven to be an effective prescription drug in treating obesity and reducing weight. However, it would be best to pair it with a healthy diet plan. Crafting a Semaglutide diet plan goes a long way in promoting healthy eating habits for optimal results while under Semaglutide prescription.

Are you ready to start your weight reduction journey but need to know how to go about it? With Henry Meds GLP-1 weight management program, you can get all the professional assistance you need with compounded Semaglutide. Talk to Henry today and get started on your weight loss journey.

Please note: Henry Meds does not offer Ozempic® or Wegovy® or Rybelsus®, which are only available from the Novo Nordisk company. Compounded Semaglutide is a patient-specific medication created in a state Board of Pharmacy or FDA-licensed compounding facility per a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional. Compounded drugs are required to exclusively use ingredients from FDA-licensed facilities, and test sterile compounds for potency, sterility, and purity. While compounded drugs are legal they do not undergo pre-market approval from the FDA as they are not made in large batches for the public, compounds are made based on specific orders from a medical professional. Because of that the dose, route of administration, safety, and efficacy may differ from commercially available, brand-name, drugs. Henry Meds exclusively works with licensed sterile compounding pharmacies in the United States.

To help you trust the information we provide, every article written by Henry relies on peer-reviewed studies and medically-reviewed facts. We ensure that data, ideas, and figures cited are reliable, current, and accurate. Our team of medical reviewers aims to help you cut through the noise with clear and authoritative primary and secondary sources.

Nothing in this article is intended to be prescriptive or medical advice. Talk to your doctor before starting a new diet and exercise plan. Information presented is about our medically supervised weight management programs and is not an advertisem*nt for a specific drug.

Make a Semaglutide Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Henry Meds (2024)


Is Henry Meds legit for semaglutide? ›

At Henry Meds, Oral Semaglutide is compounded. This means that the medications are made in facilities that are licensed by the FDA or by the state Boards of Pharmacy and are tailored to the needs of the patient.

What is the best diet plan while taking semaglutide? ›

The recommended diet for patients on semaglutide is similar to the suggestions for a healthy diet in general: lots of non-starchy vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fat sources. High-fat foods, especially those with unhealthy fats like fried foods and ice cream, should be limited.

Can I lose 20 pounds in a month with semaglutide? ›

So with each higher dose, we should continue to see more and more weight loss. Remember that this is the average weight loss. We did have patients who lost a moderate amount but we also had patients losing over 15 pounds and even over 20 pounds in the first month!

How much does Henry Meds weight loss cost? ›

$59 per month. Telehealth appointments with your provider and medication management are all included in the price of your monthly subscription plan.

Why is Henry Meds so cheap? ›

Because Henry Meds doesn't work with insurance companies and uses compounded medications, they can offer obesity prescriptions at flat monthly rates for a fraction of the cost.

Is Henry semaglutide FDA-approved? ›

Semaglutide is FDA-approved and marketed under the brand name Ozempic® for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and under the brand name Wegovy® for the treatment of obesity.

How long does it take to lose 50 pounds on semaglutide? ›

"Within about two weeks, I had already lost a few pounds," Schorr said. "Everyone was like, 'Oh, you already are looking like you're losing weight in just the first few days.'" Schorr said she lost 50 pounds over the course of 11 months.

Can you lose weight in 4 weeks on semaglutide? ›

You may start losing weight on semaglutide in the first four weeks of treatment, but it might take several months to get the full effects. While this may vary from person to person, other factors, such as food and activity, might influence the rate of weight loss.

Does semaglutide get rid of belly fat? ›

Semaglutide injections can significantly decrease many patients' overall body weight and abdominal fat. A recent study showed that semaglutide weight loss is effective in many areas, especially the stomach, and can help patients lose belly fat.

What medication do the Kardashians take to lose weight? ›

But overweight patients aren't the only ones shedding pounds while on the drug. Celebrities have admitted to using semaglutide to slim down, and many insiders say the mega-rich's obsession with the drug is an open secret. Jimmy Kimmel even joked about Hollywood's Ozempic craze in his opening remarks at the Oscars.

Does Henry Meds require lab work? ›

Henry is designed to be more than a telehealth platform, but still simple for our clients. You can start treatment in three easy-steps. 1) Complete a medical intake and (if necessary) have lab work done to verify a medical need for treatment.

What is the $1000 weight loss drug? ›

Eli Lilly makes two drugs, in the same GLP-1 class of medications as the Novo Nordisk medications, though it also includes a second active ingredient. Both Mounjaro, for diabetes, and Zepbound, which is the same medication for weight loss, retail for about $1,000.

Is generic semaglutide legit? ›

Patients should be aware that some products sold as 'semaglutide' may not contain the same active ingredient as FDA-approved semaglutide products and may be the salt formulations. Products containing these salts, such as semaglutide sodium and semaglutide acetate, have not been shown to be safe and effective.

Is Henry Meds accredited? ›

Henry Meds exclusively works with licensed compounding pharmacies that source active pharmaceutical ingredients from FDA-registered sources. Everything Included: Patients meet licensed providers online to get prescribed at a time and place that works for them, eliminating the hassle of in-person visits.

What is the best site for semaglutide? ›

The efficacy of semaglutide injections hinges on the careful selection of the injection site. Preferred locations for subcutaneous injections include the stomach, thigh, or the back of the upper arm. Each of these regions provides an ideal subcutaneous fat layer, facilitating optimal absorption of the medication.

Which semaglutide is most effective? ›

The review found that people who took 2.4 milligrams (mg) of semaglutide lost more weight than those who took 1 mg of semaglutide. Semaglutide is the active drug in both Wegovy and Ozempic. The typical maintenance dose of Wegovy is 2.4 mg. The typical maintenance dose of Ozempic is 1 mg (maximum 2 mg).


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