Potatoes Saute in Garlic and Cilantro - Batata ma3 Kizbra Recipe (2024)

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Last Updated on June 6, 2022

Potatoes Saute in Garlic and Cilantro Recipe

People from my mother’s home village in Lebanon, Bakarkasha, are nicknamed “Batata” which is the Arabic word for “Potatoes.” Apparently, they are known for their love for potatoes, and their many different ways of enjoying this food staple. Just the other day mom reminded me of this fact when she threw at me yet another potato recipe, and this time around it’s sauteed with cilantro and garlic.

“Potatoes in Garlic and Cilantro” serves as a delicious appetizer and is quite simple to make. I got it right the first time around.

If you are health conscious and would like to avoid frying the potatoes, you may also bake them as long as you get them to a nice crispy texture (perhaps just dazzle a few droplets of oil on them prior to baking them). We prefer the fried version, but I fried them using organic coconut oil which can sustain high temperatures.


Do potatoes and cilantro go together?

Yes, both of them have a good combo.

Can you saute potatoes without boiling them first?

The answer is no, you don’t need boil before you fry them.

Potatoes Saute in Garlic and Cilantro

A delicious Lebanese Appetizer Made With Potatoes and Cilantro.

5 from 3 votes

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Servings 4


  • 4 large potatoes
  • 1 bunch green cilantro or 1/2 cup dried cilantro leaves
  • 5-8 large fresh garlic cloves crushed
  • 1 lemon juiced
  • 3 table spoons of olive oil
  • A dash of salt


  • Slice the potatoes into small cubes of about 3/4 inch with a thickness of about 1/2 inch. Fry them in oil until they are golden/crispy (or alternatively bake them in the oven until they're crispy). Salt them lightly.

  • Meanwhile rinse the cilantro leaves then discard the stems, and chop the leaves very finely. Lay the leaves on a paper towel for a few minutes to dry the water from them.

  • In a deep frying pan, add the crushed garlic then saute it on medium heat in the 3 tablespoons of olive oil just for a couple of minutes. You want the garlic to stay a bit raw, not fully cooked, or otherwise if you overcook the garlic it looses its flavor.

  • Add a tiny pinch of salt, then add the chopped cilantro and the lemon juice to the garlic and saute/mix them well for a minute or two.

  • Finally add the fried potatoes to the pot, mix it well with the saute and cook it for 3-5 more minutes while stirring, and you're done.

  • BONUS: If you love spicy food, finely chop a bit of green jalapeno or Serrano peppers and add them during the cilantro saute

  • Serve hot or cold as an appetizer.

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

15 Responses to Potatoes Saute in Garlic and Cilantro – Batata ma3 Kizbra Recipe

  • Rebecca

    I’ve made this recipe dozens of times. The recipe I found calls for three pounds of potatoes, only three cloves of minced garlic, one bunch of cilantro, a quarter cup of olive oil, and salt to taste when finished. You cook the cilantro and garlic in the oil for a minute or two, then add the diced/cubed potatoes to the skillet and cook until golden brown. Sprinkle salt over potatoes just before serving. I always get compliments from everyone when I make this dish.


  • Yves

    Could you tell me how to prepare 1 liter if the saisoning


  • Amar

    Made this recipe just now. I baked my potatoes instead of frying. Ya allaahhhh I love this recipe. My grandma makes it for me all the time but I decided to try it on my own. Thank you for sharing 🙂


  • joseph

    Potatoes Saute in Garlic and Cilantro - Batata ma3 Kizbra Recipe (7)
    Best appetizer there is! Just as a tip, my mom used to put a little bit of paprika with this. it really enhances the flavor


  • Benoit

    Potatoes Saute in Garlic and Cilantro - Batata ma3 Kizbra Recipe (8)
    Delicious! I used peanut oil and russet potatoes and this turned out amazing! What kind of potatoe would traditionally be used? Lovely lovely blog btw. Thank you.


    • Edgard

      Thank you Benoit and I’m glad you liked the potatoes recipe. I think most types of potatoes would do well in this recipe there is no specific one to recommend.


  • N

    any other substitute for Cilantro? Also, can u tell me the ingredients used in all spice which I have found in most of the Lebanese recipes. Thanks!


    • Edgard

      This is a tough one because this recipe’s base flavors revolves around Cilantro. As for the 7-spices you could use equal proportions of Allspice, Black Pepper, White Pepper, Cinnamon, Ground Cloves, Ground Nutmeg, and Coriander. https://www.mamaslebanesekitchen.com/pantry/


  • John

    Potatoes Saute in Garlic and Cilantro - Batata ma3 Kizbra Recipe (9)
    Beautiful recipes I love the creative mix of garlic and cilantro. Thank you!!


    • Edgard

      You’re welcome John. If you like meat, you can try to sautee beef stew chunks with garlic/cilantro and 7-spices (or pepper).. GOOD stuff!!


  • miriam

    hi again..round potatoes cored and stuffed with mincemeat/ maybe fried then stwed in tomato broth


  • miriam

    yum..what would this be fried in tradionally? and any chance on a batata mahshi recipe from Mama?


    • Edgard

      Hi Miriam – any traditional Lebanese frying is always done with olive oil as that has been the staple oil for the country. What is the Batata Mahshi dish like can you describe it pls? There may be a few versions of it.


  • Heba @ midEATS

    Looks absolutely delicious! I love potatoes. I try not to eat them TOO much, because they’re starchy, but that still results in about a 1x per week potato-rich meal. Thanks for giving me an idea for this week’s potato meal 😉


  • sare

    Mama, ıt’s great.My mouth is watering.
    I love your garlic sause but ıt’ll be made at the weekend for me.


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Potatoes Saute in Garlic and Cilantro - Batata ma3 Kizbra Recipe (2024)


What is a Kezbara? ›

Dried powdered coriander spice.

How to make sautee potatoes? ›

Heat the oils together in a very large non-stick frying pan. Add the potatoes in a single layer if there is room, and cook for 10-15 mins, tuning them frequently with a fish slice until they are golden and crispy. Sprinkle with the rosemary and Maldon Sea Salt Flakes, then serve.

What is Kezebra? ›

* Kezebra: A Lebanese secret also known as coriander.

What is the use of cilantro? ›

It is commonly eaten as a food or used as a spice. Cilantro can also be used as a medicine. Cilantro is used for cancer, measles, toothache, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. In foods, cilantro is used as a flavoring agent.

Can you sauté potatoes without boiling them first? ›

It takes about 20 minutes for the potatoes to be tender (which is about the same amount of time it would take for the water to come up to a boil and for the potatoes to cook in it, therefore there's no need to incorporate boiling into the process).

Should I boil potatoes before frying? ›

This allows for some of the starch to cook off, while also adding a big dose of flavor thanks to the salted water. Not to mention, it speeds up meal prep. Simply parboil a big batch of cut potatoes over the weekend and fry in batches during the week.

Should you soak potatoes before sautéing? ›

First, get the starch off! Rinsing or soaking the potatoes for an hour (or, even better, overnight) will remove some of the starch from the surface and prevent the sugars from browning before the potatoes are cooked.

What does it mean to sauté potatoes? ›

Sautéing is a form of cooking that involves cooking food quickly in a small amount of fat or oil. When it comes to cooking potatoes, many people don't realize that sautéing them is a great cooking option, along with roasting, frying, steaming, and all the other ways you can cook potatoes.

What are the two methods of sauteing or pan frying potatoes? ›

Potatoes can be sautéed or pan-fried by two method: tossing and still-frying. The tossing method is used to cook relatively small pieces of potatoes in a small amount of fat. The potatoes are tossed using the pan's sloped sides so that they brown evenly on all sides.

Do you put seasoning before or after cooking potatoes? ›

It is best to season the potatoes before or during cooking, rather than after they have finished cooking. When you season the potatoes before or during cooking, the salt and other spices can penetrate the potatoes and enhance their flavor throughout. This can help to create a more even flavor throughout the potatoes.


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