Sketchy Tracker - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

SKETCHY MICRO BACTERIA 47 videos | 5 hr 36 min #

Length (minutes)

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

"Golden Staff of Moses" "Beauty and the Plumber" "Pie Genies' Bakery" "Galactic Baby" "Alpha Night Tournament" "Protest at the Caucus"

11 7 14 5 9 4

x x x x x x

"King Anthra's Axe" "Rhesus Research Revolution"

10 7

x x


Gram Positive Cocci 1.1 Staph. aureus 1.2 Staph. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus 1.3 Strep. pyogenes (GAS) 1.4 Strep. agalactiae (GBS) 1.5 Strep. pneumoniae, Strep. viridans 1.6 Enterococcus Gram Positive Bacilli 2.1 Bacillus anthracis, B. cereus 2.2 Clostridium tetani

Title Screen Memory Hook


Clostridium botulinum





Clostridium difficile

"Field Trip to the Chocolate Factory"




Clostridium perfringens

"Prive Ringen's Motorcycle Accident"




Corynebacterium diphtheriae

"Corazon de la Corrida"




Listeria monocytogenes

"Santa's List"



Gram Positive Branching Rods 3.1

Actinomyces israelii

"Israeli Soldier"





"No Card Game for Old Men"



"Noir Series"



Gram Negative Cocci 4.1 Neisseria

4.2 Neisseria meningitidis "Shocking Day on Campus" 4.3 Neisseria gonorrheae "Violinist's Last Clap" Gram Negative Bacilli - Enteric Tract 5.1 Enterobacter, Serratia, Klebsiella "Enterodactyl, Triserratiatops, and the Kleb-tailed Dinos 5.2 Salmonella "Salmon Dinner" 5.3 Shigella "She-Gorilla's Circus" 5.4 Escherichia coli "E. cola's Soda Fountain" 5.5 Yersinia pestis "Yersin's Pets" 5.6 Campylobacter jejuni "Camping Guy and the Bears" 5.7 Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnif"Colonel Cholera's Base cAMP" 5.8 Helicobacter pylori "Helicopter Pilot" 5.9 Pseudomonas "Suitors of Pseudomonas" 5.10 Proteus mirabilis "God of the Public Restroom" Gram Negative Bacilli - Respiratory Tract 6.1 Bordetella pertussis "Board and Care" 6.2 Haemophilus influenzae "Phyllis' Chocolate Covered Cherries" 6.3 Legionella "S.S. Cysteine Joins the Legion" Gram Negative Bacteria - Zoonotics 7.1 Bartonella henselae "Bart the Leopard" 7.2 Bruxella "Bruce Farms" 7.3 Francisella tularensis "Francis the Rabbit" 7.4 Pasteurella multocida "Louis Pasteur's Lab" Mycobacteria 8.1 Mycobacterium tuberculosis "Shootout at the TB Corral" 8.2 Mycobacterium leprae "The Good, the Bad, and the Lion Faced" Spirochetes 9.1 Borrelia burgdorferi "Bows and Arrows of Borrelia" 9.2 Leptospira interrogans "Surfer's Oasis" 9.3 Treponema pallidum "Pallidium Observatory" Gram Indeterminate Bacteria 10.1 Chlamydia "Pirates of Chlam Island" 10.2 Coxiella burnetii "Curly Q the Ram"

9 7

x x

8 6 7 9 8 5 6 5 20 3

x x x x x x x x x x

8 9 7

x x x

4 5 4 4

x x x x

17 9

x x

8 4 13

x x x

15 5

x x

10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7

Gardnerella vagin*lis Mycoplasma pneumoniae Rickettsia Rickettsia prowazekii Rickettsia rickettsii

"Fish Garden" "Walking on Thin Ice" "Rickettsia Tennis" "Pro Boot Camp" "Rickett's Rock Climbing Competition"

5 6 3 4 4

x x x x x

Length (minutes)

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

"Historian's Cave" "The Blast of the Cannons" "Presidio San Joaquin" "Piratas del Sur"

10 6 7 5

x x x x

"Malassezia's Italian Restaurant" "Tinea Tin Man" "Shanked by a Rose"

5 6 4

x x x

"Candid Canadians" "Asparagu Farm" "Crypt for Cryptococcus" "Mu Car Autoshop" "PCP Ping Pong"

13 11 9 6 6

x x x x x

Length (minutes)

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

FUNGI 12 videos | 1 hr 28 min # Fungi Systemic mycoses 1.1 Histoplasma capsulatum 1.2 Blastomyces dermatitidis 1.3 Coccidioides immitis 1.4 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Cutaneous mycoses 2.1 Malassezia furfur, Pityriasis versicolor 2.2 Dermatophytes 2.3 Sporothrix schenkii Opportunistic fungal infections 3.1 Candida Albicans 3.2 Aspergillus fumigatus 3.3 Cryptococcus neoformans 3.4 Mucor spp., Rhizopus spp. (mucormycetes) 3.5 Pneumocystis jirovecii

Title Screen Memory Hook

PARASITES 15 videos | 1 hr 59 min #


Title Screen Memory Hook

Protozoa, intestinal tract 1.1 Giardia lamblia "Giardia Jungle Ride" 1.2 Entamoeba histolytica "Entering the Historical Dig" 1.3 Cryptosporidium spp. "Tales From the Crypt Protozoa, CNS 2.1 Toxoplasma gondii "OH HI, IZ MAKIN SUM TOXO" 2.2 Trypanosoma brucei "Prince Bruce to the Rescue" 2.3 Naegleria fowleri "Naegleria Falls" Protozoa, blood 3.1 Trypanosoma cruzi "Cruzin' through Che's Gas" 3.2 Babesia spp. "The Vampire Babes" 3.3 Plasmodium malariae, ovale, vivax & falcipar "The Queens and Warlords of Plasmodium" 3.4 Leishmania braziliensis & donovani "Desert Mainia" Protozoa, other 4.1 Trichom*onas vagin*lis "Tricks for Money" Helminths - nematodes Enterobius vermicularis, Ancylostoma, Ascaris 5.1 lumbricoides, Strongyloides, Trichinella "Super Worms!" Dracunculus medinensis, Wuchereria spiralis 5.2 bancrofti, Onchocerca volvulus, Toxocara "Screamatodes III: Return of the Flesh Eaters" canis, Loa loa (tissue nematodes) Helminths - trematodes, cestodes 6.1 Cestodes "Cestode Country Carnival" oma mansoni,6.2 S. japonicum, S. haematobium, Clonorchis sinensis,"San Paragonimus Franschisto westermani Ocean Park"

5 8 5

x x x

10 5 6

x x x

6 7 14 6

x x x x



13 11

x x

10 11

x x

Length (minutes)

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

11 7 5 5

x x x x

VIRUSES 30 videos | 4 hr 35 min # Virus RNA (+) Sense Viruses 1.1 Picornaviridae Overview 1.2 Poliovirus (Picornaviridae) 1.3 Coxsackievirus A & B (Picornaviridae) 1.4 Rhinovirus (Picornaviridae)

Title Screen Memory Hook "Peak-orna Animal Nursery" "The Flamingo Breeding Pool" "Coxsackie co*ckatoos" "Rhino Petting Zoo

1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8

Hepatitis A virus (Picornaviridae) Norovirus/Norwalk virus (Caliciviridae) Flaviviridae overview Hepatitis C virus (Flaviviridae)

"Hungry Hungry Hep A Hippos" "Cali Sea Cruise" "Flavor Packed Flavi!" "The Hep Sea"


Eastern/Western/Venezuelan equine encephalitis Toga-toga-togavirus!"

1.10 Coronavirus (Coronaviridae) "Kingdom of SARS" 1.11 Human immunodefciency virus (Retroviridae) "One Cane to Rule them All" RNA (-) Sense Viruses 2.1 Orthoxymyxovirus "Night Shift at the Orthodontist's" 2.2 Measles virus, mumps virus, respiratory syncyti"Paranormal Mixer" 2.3 Rabies virus (Rhabdoviridae) "Rabid Wrecking Yard" 2.4 Ebolavirus, Marburgvirus (Filoviridae) "Soccer Field-o virus!" 2.5 Hantavirus, California encephalitis virus, Rift V"Paul Bunyavirus" 2.6 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (Arenaviri "Welcome to the Arenavirus" 2.7 Rotavirus, Colorado tick fever virus (Reoviridae"A Race on the Rio" DNA Viruses 3.1 HSV1, HSV2 "Hermes, the God of Herpes" 3.2 Epstein–Barr virus (Herpesviridae) "Ye Olde Epstein Bar" 3.3 Cytomegalovirus (Herpesviridae) "Cyto 'Mega-Lo' Virus" 3.4 Varicella-zoster virus (Herpesviridae) "Varicella 'Zeus'-ter Virus" 3.5 HHV-6, roseola (Herpesviridae) "A Roseola by any other name would smell as sweet" 3.6 HHV-8, Kaposi's sarcoma (Herpesviridae) "Ring around a Ka-posi" 3.7 JC polyomavirus, BK polyomavirus "Et Tu, BK?" 3.8 Human papillomavirus (Papillomaviridae) "Pilloma Bugs" 3.9 Parvovirus B19 (Parvoviridae) "Bombs Away!" 3.10 Adenovirus (Adenoviridae) "A Den-O Lions" 3.11 Smallpox virus, Cowpox virus, Molluscum conta"Pox in a Box" 3.12 Hepatitis B virus (Hepadnaviridae) "Hep B Love"

7 5 8 10

x x x x



3 16

x x

18 16 9 5 6 5 7

x x x x x x x

11 13 12 12 5 7 7 14 7 5 8 19

x x x x x x x x x x x x

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Autonomic 7 videos | 2 hr 30 min #

Drug or Class

Parasympathetics 1.1 Cholinomimetics 1.2 Cholinesterase Inhibitors 1.3 Muscarinic Antagonists Sympathetic 2.1 Sympathomimetics 2.2 Indirect Sympathomimetics 2.3 Alpha Drugs 2.4 Beta Blockers Cardiovascular and Renal 13 videos | 4 hr 10 min #

Drug or Class

Heart Failure 1.1 Digoxin, milrinone, nesiritide 1.2 ACE Inhibitors, ARBs, Aliskiren Diuretics 2.1 Acetazolamide, mannitol 2.2 Loop Diuretics 2.3 Thiazides 2.4 K+ Sparing Diuretics Anti-Hypertensives 3.1 Calcium Channel Blockers 3.2 Primary HTN and HTN-Emergency Antiarrhythmics 4.1 Class I: A-C 4.2 Class II 4.3 Class III

4.4 Class IV 4.5 Class V Blood and Inflammation 9 videos | 3 hr 32 min #

Drug or Class

Anticoagulants and Thrombolytics LWMH, Fondaparinux, Direct Thrombin Inhibitors, 1.1 Heparin, Direct Xa Inhibitors 1.2 Warfarin 1.3 Anti-Platelet Agents 1.4 Thrombolytics Dyslipidemia 2.1 Statins (HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors) 2.2 Cholestyramine, Ezetimibe 2.3 Fibrates, Niacin Anti-inflammatory 3.1 NSAIDs 3.2 Gout Drugs Smooth Muscle 5 videos | 1 hr 22 min


Drug or Class

Vasoactive 1.1 Nitrates 1.2 Triptans & Migraine 1.3 Prostaglandins, Prostacyclin, Bosentan, PDE5 Inhibitors Allergy, pulmonary 2.1 Anti-Histamines 2.2 Asthma Therapy GI and Endocrine 11 videos | 3 hr 50 min


Drug or Class

Gastrointestinal 1.1 Anti-Emetic Agents 1.2 H2 Receptor Blockers, PPIs 1.3 Laxative Agents Diabetes Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, GLP-1 agonists, DPP-4 2.1 Insulin, Inhibitors 2.2 Metformin, Thiazolidinediones, Pramlintide, SGLT2 inhibitors Thyroid, pituitary, adrenal 3.1 Propylthiouracil, Methimazole, Levothyroxine 3.2 Bisphosphonates, Raloxifene, Denosumab, Calcitonin 3.3 Teriparatide, Vitamin D, Cinacalcet, Sevelamer 3.4 Glucocorticoids Thyroid, pituitary, adrenal 4.1 ADH, DDAVP, ADH Receptor Antagonists 4.2 Growth Hormone, Mecasermin, Octreotide, Pegvisomant Neuro and Psych 17 videos | 4 hr 26 min


Drug or Class

Sedative, hypnotics 1.1 Benzodiazepines, Flumezenil 1.2 Nonbenzodiazepine Hypnotics, Melatonin, Ramelteon 1.3 Barbituates Anesthetics, analgesics 2.1 Propofol, Etomidate, Ketamine 2.2 Inhaled Anesthetics, Dantrolene 2.3 Opiates, Naloxona, Naltrexone Antidepressants, anxiolytics 3.1 SSRIs, SNRIs, Cyroheptadine 3.2 Tricyclic Antidepressants 3.3 MAO Inhibitors 3.4 Bupropion, Mirtazapine, Trazodone Mood stabilizers, antiepileptic drugs

4.1 Lithium 4.2 Valproate, Topiramate, Lamotrigine, Levetiracetam 4.3 Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Gabapentin, Tiagabine, Vigabatrin 4.4 Ethosuximide Antipsychotics, Parkinson 5.1 First Generation Antipsychotics 5.2 Second Generation Antipsychotics Entacapone, Tolcapone, Selegiline, 5.3 Levodopa/Carbidopa, Ropinirole, Pramipexole, Amantadine Antimicrobials

29 videos | 5 hr 5 min


Drug or Class

Cell wall and membrane active antibiotics 1.1 Penicillin 1.2 Nafcillin, Ocacillin, Methicillin, Dicloxacillin 1.3 Ampicillin, Amoxacillin, Piperacillin, Ticarcillin 1.4 Cephalosporins 1.5 Monobactams and Carbapenems 1.6 Vancomycin 1.7 Daptomycin Inhibitors of bacerial protein synthesis 2.1 Tetracyclines 2.2 Macrolides 2.3 Clindamycin 2.4 Chloramphenicol 2.5 Linezolid 2.6 Aminiglycosides Antimycobacterials 3.1 Tuberculosis Drugs 3.2 Leprosy Drugs Other antibiotics 4.1 Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole 4.2 Fluoroquinolones 4.3 Metronidazole Antifungals 5.1 Amphotericin, Flucytosine 5.2 Azoles

5.3 Grideofulvin, Terbafne, Echinocandins Antivirals: HIV 6.1 NRTIs 6.2 NNRTIs 6.3 Protease Inhibitors 6.4 Maraviroc, Fusion Inhibitors, Integrase Inhibitors 7.1 IFN-a, IFN-B, and IFN-y 7.2 Ribavirin, Sofosbuvir, Simeprevir Antivirals: other 8.1 Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir, Cidofovir, Foscarnet 8.2 Ganciclovir, Valganciclovir, Foscarnet, Cidofovir Antineoplastics 10 videos | 2 hr 9 min


Drug or Class

Antimetabolites 1.1 Methotrexate, Leucovorin, 5-Fluorouracil, Hydroxyurea 1.2 Azathioprine, 6-Mercaptopurine, Mycophenolate mofetil 1.3 Cladribine, Cytarabine, Gemcitabine DNA & cellular division Cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide, Bisulfan, Nitrosureas, 2.1 Carmustine, Lomustine, Streptozocin 2.2 Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Amifostine 2.3 Bleomycin, Doxorubicin, Daunorubicin 2.4 Etoposide, Teniposide, Topotecan, Irinotecan 2.5 Vincristine, Vinblastine, Pacl*taxe Kinase inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies 3.1 Imatinib, Erlotinib, Sorafenib, Sunitinib, Vemurafenib 3.2 Rituximab, Cetuximab, Bevacizumab, Alemtuzumab, Trastuzumab


Autonomic 7 videos | 2 hr 30 min Title Screen Memory Hook

Length Times Through (minutes) (Watch + Anki)

"I'd Like to Buy The World an Acetyl-Cola" "Stigmata Gravis" "Atropine in Wonderland"

16 21 20

x x

"One Epic Summer Band Camp" "Catecholamine Catch and Release" "The Phantom of the Alpha" "Brahm's LOL-laby"

30 17 22 24


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Cardiovascular and Renal 13 videos | 4 hr 10 min Title Screen Memory Hook

Length Times Through (minutes) (Watch + Anki)

"Pretty in Yellow" "The House Always Wins"

20 26


"Pro Cart Track" "Loop-de-Loop of Henle" "Distal Convoluted Tube-slide" "Salty Mineral Food Court"

24 21 20 25

"We All Scream for Calci-Yum" "High Tension on the High Seas"

21 25


"Soloist at the Heartbreak Hotel" "Beta Brass Duet" "Tres Amigos!"

24 10 12

x x x

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"Calci-Yum Quartet" "DJ Foxglove Discotheque"

9 13

x x

Blood and Inflammation 9 videos | 3 hr 32 min Title Screen Memory Hook

Length Times Through (minutes) (Watch + Anki)

"Heparin Season"


"Warfarin, What is it Good for?" "Bad News Platelets" "Warning: Bleeding Hazard"

21 29 15

"Statin Steampunks" "Twenty Thousand Lipids Under the Sea"

"Loch Niacin"

26 17 16

x x x

"NSAIDS in the Outfield" "Confessions of a Knit-wit"

34 24


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Smooth Muscle 5 videos | 1 hr 22 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length Times Through (minutes) (Watch + Anki)

"The Ballad of John Nitro" "Taking a Pounding at the Sumo Festival" "Pro Slugger Sporting Goods"

19 9 16

"A Midsummer Night's Diphenhydramine" "Fant-asthm-ic Parade!"

16 22

GI and Endocrine 11 videos | 3 hr 50 min


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Title Screen Memory Hook

Length Times Through (minutes) (Watch + Anki)

"Vomitorium" "Gastroesophageal Refund" "Relaxatives"

19 23 17

"Langerhansel and Gretel"


"Rosiglitazones are Red, Pioglitazones are Blue..."


"Iodine is Forever" "The Natural History of Osteoporosis" "PthD in Paleontology" "The Court of Sone Henge"

22 18 19 21

"Water Hazard" "Jak Stat and the Beanstalk"

19 18

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Neuro and Psych 17 videos | 4 hr 26 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length Times Through (minutes) (Watch + Anki)

"L'Eggo my Benzo!" "Catching Some Z's" "Barb Shop"

20 13 14

"You're getting sleepy...very sleepy..." "Laughing Gas" "Utopia Resort"

10 15 21

"Serotonin Sitcom" "I Want to Ride My Tricycle" "Of Mice and MAO" "March Sadness"

21 16 13 15

x x x x

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"Ski Mania" "Seize the Land" "Seize the Night" "Seize the Daydream"

12 14 19 6

"The Typical Impressionist" "The Atypical Surrealist"

20 17

"Money for Old Rope"



29 videos | 5 hr 5 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length Times Through (minutes) (Watch + Anki)

"Princess Ellen's New Hope" "The Staphylococci Strike Back" "Amped Up at the Cantina" "Revenge of the Ceph" "The Coverage is Strong with This One" "MRSA...Why did it have to be MRSA?" "Let My Chickens Go"

13 6 13 15 9 1 6

x x x x x x x

"Le Tour de Cyclines" "The Crow" "Keeping it Clean at the Anaerobix Gym" "A Splash of Gray" "Do Not Cross" "Feudal Assassins"

13 7 11 5 7 13

x x x

"The Magnificent Four" "For a Few Mycobacteria More"

17 7

"Trick or Treat, Smell my Sulfa Drugs" "A Nordic Spring" "Murder on the Metro Express"

17 12 9

"Bio 101 meets Music 101" "We're Not in Candida Anymore"

12 12


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"There's No Place Like Canada"


"Le Morte d'HIV" "The Council of Elfavir"

11 5

x x

"Lady Guinevere and the Sword in the Stone"



"Chapter IV: How HIV was Thwarted at the Gates of Camelot"



"Insert Cytocoin to Continue" "Dr. Liver-stone, I Presume?"

10 11

"You are now free to move about the Ganglia"



"Clearn Up on Aisle HHV-5"



Antineoplastics 10 videos | 2 hr 9 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length Times Through (minutes) (Watch + Anki)

"Imitation Folate" "The Hunchback of Notre DNA" "Neolithic Antineoplastics"

29 16 7

2 2 2

"Alkylating Odyssey"



"Lunch at Cisplatin's" "Doxorubicin's Locker" "Untangled" "Me Taxane, You Christine"

6 8 6 7

2 2 2 2

"Revolutionary Kinase Inhibitors" "The MAB Who Would Be King"

15 23

2 2

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

SKETCHY PATH Cardiac 14 videos | 5 hr 21 min



Ischemic Heart Disease 1.1 Myocardial Response to Ischemia 1.2

Stable Angina, Vasospastic Angina, and Acute Coronary Syndromes (UA, NSTEMI, and STEMI)

1.3 Acute Myocardial Infarction and Post-MI Timeline Heart Failure 2.1 Congestive Heart Failure: Pathophysiology 2.2 Congestive Heart Failure: Clinical Manifestations Myocardial and Pericardial Disorders 3.1 Dilated and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy 3.2 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 3.3 Myocarditis 3.4 Pericarditis and Constrictive Pericarditis Valvular Disorders 4.1

Mitral Stenosis, Acute Rheumatic Fever, and Rheumatic Heart Disease


Mitral Valve Regurgitation and Prolapse


Aortic Stenosis and Regurgitation

Congenital Heart Disease 5.1 Left-to-Right Shunts 5.2 Right-to-Left Shunts Vascular 7 videos | 2 hr 29 min



1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Vasculitides 3.1 3.2

Atherosclerosis: Pathophysiology Peripheral Artery Disease Hypertension Aortic Aneurysm Aortic Dissections Large and Medium Vessel Vasculitides Small Vessel Vasculitides Pulmonary 10 videos | 3 hr 23 min



Obstructive Lung Disease 1.1 Chronic Bronchitis 1.2 Asthma and Bronchiectasis Restrictive Lung Disease 2.1 Restrictive Lung Disease: Overview 2.2

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

2.3 Pneumoconioses 2.4 Sarcoidosis and Berylliosis Acute Lung Disorders 3.1 Pneumothorax 3.2 3.3 Lung Cancer 4.1

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Lung Carcinoma Renal 16 videos | 5 hr 19 min

# Acute Kidney Injury


1.1 Renal Function Tests and Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) 1.2 Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) 1.3 Tubulointerstitial Nephritis Glomerulonephropathy 2.1 Nephrotic Syndrome 2.2 Nephritic Syndrome Congenital and Chronic Kidney Disease 3.1 Congenital and Cystic Kidney Disease 3.2 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Urinary Tract Obstruction 4.1 Hydronephrosis and Urinary Tract Obstruction 4.2

Calcium Oxalate Stones and Calcium Phosphate Stones


Magnesium-Ammonium-Phosphate (MAP) Stones, Uric Acid Stones, and Cystine Stones

Renal Cancer 5.1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Renal Cell Carcinoma and Nephroblastoma Osmolality and Sodium Disorders Potassium Disorders Calcium Disorders Acid/Base Disorders Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) Gastrointestinal 12 videos | 3 hr 51 min



Esophageal and Gastric Disorders 1.1 Structural Esophageal Disorders and GERD 1.2 Esophageal Dysmotility and Cancer 1.3 Acute and Chronic Gastritit* and Peptic Ulcer Disease 1.4 Gastric Dysmotility and Cancer Small Bowel Disorders 2.1 Small Bowel Obstruction, Ileus, and Hernias 2.2

Carcinoid Tumor and Small Bowel Neoplasms


Intestinal Ischemia and Angiodysplasia

2.4 Congenital GI Disorders Colorectal and Anal Disorders 3.1 Large Bowel and Appendiceal Disorders 3.2 Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis 3.3 Colorectal Polyps and Cancer 3.4 Anorectal Disorders Hepatobiliary 9 videos | 3 hr 37 min



Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Disease 1.1 Lab Evaluation of Liver Injury and Hyperbilirubinemia 1.2 Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Disease 1.3 Autoimmune Biliary Tract Disorders and Cancer Liver Disease 2.1 Cirrhosis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations 2.2 Hereditary Hemochromatosis and Wilson's Disease 2.3 Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 2.4 Liver Tumors and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Pancreatic Disease 3.1

Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis


Pancreatic Cancer and Islet Cell Tumors Endocrine 18 videos | 6 hr 9 min



Hypothalamic and Pituitary Disorders 1.1 Hypothalamic and Pituitary Dysfunction: Etiologies 1.2

Hypothalamic and Pituitary Dysfunction: Clinical Manifestations

1.3 1.4

Hyperpituitarism Diabetes Insipidus and SIADH

Adrenal Disorders 2.1 Adrenal Insufficiency 2.2

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)


Adrenocortical Hyperfunction: Hyperaldosteronism and Hypercortisolism

2.4 2.5 Diabetes

Cushing's Syndrome Pheochromocytoma and Neuroblastoma


Diabetes Mellitus: Pathogenesis and Acute Clinical Manifestations


Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State (HHS)

3.3 Diabetes Mellitus: Chronic Complications Thyroid and Parathyroid 4.1 HypOthyroidism: Overview and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis 4.2 HypOthyroidism: Other Causes 4.3 HypERthyroidism: Overview and Grave's Disease 4.4 Thyroid Nodules and Cancer 4.5 Parathyroid Gland Disorders 4.6 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Reproductive and Genitourinary

15 videos | 3 hr 51 min



Uterine and Vulvovagin*l Disorders 1.1

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) and Endometriosis


Cervical Neoplasia


Vulvar and vagin*l Lesions

Reproductive Hormones and Ovarian Disorders 2.1

Reproductive Hormones Overview and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

2.2 2.3 2.4

Amenorrhea OVarian Cysts and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Neoplasms (Germ Cell and Sex Chord-Stromal Tumors)

Gestational Disorders 3.1 Hydatidiform Mole and Choriocarcinoma 3.2

Gestational Disorders


Polyhydramnios and Oligohydramnios

Breast 4.1 4.2 Male GU 5.1 5.2 5.3

Benign Breast Disorders Breast Cancer Testicular Disorders and Cancer Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostate Cancer Bladder Cancer and Penile Disorders Blood and Coagulation 12 videos | 3 hr 54 min



1.1 1.2

Microcytic Anemia: Overview and Thalassemias Iron Defciency Anemia and Anemia of Chronic Disease


Extravascular Hemolysis: Overview and RBC Membrane Defects


Intravascular Hemolysis:Overview and Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)

2.3 2.4

G6PD Defciency and Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) Sickle Cell Disease


Megaloblastic Anemia: Folate Defciency and Vitamin B12 Defciency

3.1 3.2 3.3

Quantitative Platelet Disorders Qualitative Platelet Disorders Inherited Coagulation Defects


Acquire Coagulation Defects


Acquired and Inherited Thrombosis Syndromes

Myeloid and Lymphoid 7 videos | 2 hr 7 min



Myeloid Disorders 1.1 Myeloproliferative Neoplasms & Myelodysplastic Syndromes 1.2

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) & Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

1.3 Polycythemia Lymphoid and Plasma Cell Disorders 2.1

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), Hairy Cell Leukemia & Adult T-cell Leukemia

2.2 2.3 3.4

Hodgkin Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Plasma Cell Neoplasms Immunology 8 videos | 2 hr 4 min



Autoimmune and Amyloidosis 1.1

Autoimmune Disease: Overview & Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)


Sjogren's Syndrome, Systemic Sclerosis & Mixed Connective Tissue Disease


Polymyositis & Dermatomyositis

1.4 Amyloidosis Immunodefciency 2.1 B-Cell Disorders & DiGeorge Syndrome 2.2 Combined B & T-Cell Disorders 2.3 Complement System Disorders 2.4 Phagocytic Cell Disorders

Musculoskeletal and Derm 12 videos | 2 hr 18 min



Bone 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Osteoporosis & Paget Disease of Bone Osteomalacia & Rickets Benign Bone Tumors Malignant Bone Tumors


Congenital Bone Disorders: Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Achondroplasia & Osteopetrosis




Rheumatoid Arthritis


2.3 Muscle 3.1 3.2 Dermatology

Gout & Pseudogout Muscular Dystrophies Myasthenia Gravis & Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome


Actinic Keratosis, Squamous Cell Carcinoma & Basal Cell Carcinoma


Malignant Melanoma Neurology 14 videos | 3 hr 31 min



Cerebrovascular 1.1

Epidural Hematoma, Subdural Hematoma, & Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

1.2 Ischemic & Hemorrhagic Stroke Intracranial Hypertension and Tumors 2.1

Intracranial Hypertension (ICH)

2.2 Hydrocephalus 2.3 Adult CNS Tumors 2.4 Pediatric CNS Tumors Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve 3.1

Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) & Friedreich Ataxia

3.2 Multiple Sclerosis 3.3 Guillain-Barré & Charcot-Marie-Tooth Congenital and Neurocutaneous 4.1

Neural Tube Defects, Holoprosencephaly, Chiari Malformation & Syringomyelia

4.2 Sturge-Weber & Tuberous Sclerosis 4.3 Neurofbromatosis Neurodegenerative 5.1

Alzheimer Disease & Dementia


Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Parkinson's Disease & Huntington's Disease


deos | 5 hr 21 min Length (minutes )

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

"Ischaemic Forge"



"Rupture at the Stables"



"Ischemia is Coming"



"Congestive Love Failure" "Under the CHF"

26 24


"Celtic Cardiomyopathy Games" "Hypertrophic Highlands" "Late Night at the Flaming Heart" "Heart Shaped Box"

23 19 14 20

"Scrumptious Stenosis"


"Bicuspid Base Jump"


"A Murmur is a Dream the Heart Makes"


"Congenital Cosplay" "Shojo Shunts"

25 17

Title Screen Memory Hook

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)


eos | 2 hr 29 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

"Arr-therosclerosis" "Claudicatin' it to Win it"

24 11

x x

"Thar She Blows!" "Expanding to the Danger Zone" "Breach in the Starboard Intima"

24 23 13


"Inflammation Conflagration" "Handicapillary"

28 26

x x

Length (minutes )

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)


deos | 3 hr 23 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

"Obstruction Penalty Emphysema" "Brocnhial Treehouse of Horror"

28 19

"Restrictive Victorian Fashion"


"Afternoon in the Garden of Grapes and Honeycomb"


"Dusty Docks" "Sarcoid Street Soccer"

16 21

"Pulmonary Dark Ages"


"You're gonna need a bigger vent..."


"Les Caillots"


"Small Cell Redemption"



deos | 5 hr 19 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"Think outside the BUN/Cr" "Night of the Necrotic Tubule" "I AIN't Afraid of No Ghost"

26 16 16

"The Nephrotic Wall of Wallace" "The Nephritic Wall of China"

21 33

"Congenital Kidney Carnival" "JUREAssic Park"

20 24

"Ureteral Backdraft"


"Thar's Stones in Them Thar Ureters"


"Like a Rolling Stone"


"Road Rage"


"Wet Window" "Rise of the Potassium of the Apes" "Till the Calcium Comes Home" "One ABG To Rule Them All" "I'm going to Kidneyland!"

29 11 16 31 19


deos | 3 hr 51 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"Zany Zenker's" "Dysphagia Ex Machina" "Fight Aliment Domain" "Gastric Udon-Oma"

19 20 33 16

"Ollie to Nollie to Ileus"


"Adolescent Modified Taekwondo Lizards"


"Day of the Dead Gut"


Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

"Baby, gI Was Born This Way"


"The Grand Colon" "The Battle of Bowel Run" "Invasion of the Lillipolyps" "Panama Canal"

16 16 25 14


eos | 3 hr 37 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"Trip to the Goat Farm" "Bocce Gall" "Inflammatree"

25 27 19

"Percirrhosis and Medusa" "Pumping Iron...and Copper" "House of the Reyesing Sun" "It's Alive!...It's a Live-r Tumor!"

30 20 20 30

"A Man, a Plan, an Anal Canal: Panama"


"Gilligan's Islet"


Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)


deos | 6 hr 9 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"Million Dollar Pituitary"


"Rocky Pituitary"


"Pitui-tell Me a Story" "Acqua Gialla Della Vita"

19 27

"Hollywood Hypofunction"


"Thank you Desmond, but our cortisol is in another adrenal!"


"Journey to the Center of the Cortex"


"Dark Side of the Cushion" "Central Park Sensation"

22 11

"Candy Rush"


"Sweet Smell of Victory"


"Blood, Sweets, and Tears"


"Dr. No Thyroid" "Casino Reidel" "A View to a Grave" "The Man with the Golden Nodule" "Calci-YUM Stone Creamery" "Men in Slacks"

21 18 19 19 29 12

tive and Genitourinary

deos | 3 hr 51 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"Midday in the Garden of Fibroids and Polyps"


"Koilocyte Pond"


"The Hanging Gardens of Bartholin"


"Home and GnRH"


"It's a Nice Day for a Quinceañera" "Epithelial Egg Hunt" "Ova Dyeing"

15 14 16

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

"Trophoblastic Troublemakers"


"TrophoblastAbrupt End to the High School Reunionic Troublemakers'


"Amniotic Fluid Shower"


"Fibrocystic Slip n'Slide" "Cooper and the Giant Broccoli"

17 19

"Tethered Ball" "Urgency Services" "Bladder Blunder"

15 10 11

d and Coagulation

deos | 3 hr 54 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"The Adventures of Micro Polo" "So White and the Ferrous Stores"

23 21

"In the Eye of the Spleen"




"Get Your Mix on Route 66" "Crisis on the River Sickle"

17 23

P.L.O.W. (Pale Ladies of Wrestling)


"A Bleed of Their Own" "The Great Bam-bleedo" "Rackin', Breakin, Bleedin'"

23 14 18

"Quick! Roll the DICe and fireball him!"


"Coagulasive Maneuvers"


Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

oid and Lymphoid

deos | 2 hr 7 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"Museum of Myeloid Art"


"Benday Granules"


"Polycythemic Impression"


"Lymphocytes in Training"


"Hogwarts School of Wizardry" "Burgin & Burkitt's" "Plasma Cell Playoff"

14 18 16

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)


deos | 2 hr 4 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"Adolescent Wold 3: A Rash of Bad Luck"


"A Song of Dry Eye and Sclerosis" I of II


"A Song of Dry Eye and Sclerosis" II of II


"Joan of Amyloid"


"Primary School Talent Deficiency" "New SCID on the Block" "Please Silence Your Complement" "Phage Arcade"

20 13 7 17

oskeletal and Derm

deos | 2 hr 18 min Length (minutes )

Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

"Osteoporosis afarensis" "Night at the Malacia" "Rush Oste Oma" "Oma! Oma! Oma! Oma!"

15 10 7 9

x x

1/29/2019 1/29/2019

"Game of Bones"


"Hyalin in the Rough"


"You Ain't Never Gonna Bend That Knee"


"Gouty Gris-Gris"


"Hereditary Highlands" "East Side Story"

11 15

"Sun's out, Skin's Out"


"Benjamin R.A. Fraklin"


Times Through (Watch + Anki)

Last Studied (ctrl + ;)

Title Screen Memory Hook


deos | 3 hr 31 min

Title Screen Memory Hook

Length (minutes )

"Bumper Skulls"


"Stroke of Genius"


"Around the Cranium in 80 mmHg"


"White CSF Rafting" "Astro Trek" "Wet Hot Infratentorial Summer"

15 20 14

"Go! Go! Neuro Knights!"


"Master Who" "Myelin Mischief"

14 9

"Escape from Tube City"


"South by Southwest" "Cutaneous Café"

9 7

"All the King's Beta and All the King's Tau"


"Park and Son Bank Heist"



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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 5690

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.