Star Wars: Episode VII: Twilight of the Final Force (2024)

Combo between myself and Sinrebirth

Darth Cocytus, Fyarr, Abeloth, and others.

IC:The Prison
60 years prior

The Akkadese Maelstrom, the Maw Cluster, the Whorls of Xo, the Curse of Qalydon, the Heresiarch Observatory, the Twin Eyes of Koroo...

Whatever name you ascribed to this region of space, the black holes were an anomaly that almost all acknowledged was unnatural. The chances of black holes acting like this were so astronomical, even in cartographic numbers, and the orbits of planets, disposition of stars and the unlikeness of hyperlanes were mathematical miracles themselves. The equations that allowed life to exist on a planet were already hypothetical, and in all eras terraforming was an expensive and difficult task.

So the Maw Cluster was theoretically, hypothetically, and practically impossible.

And yet, here it was.

Many had died scouting it, and so very few had tried.

A few daring smugglers skirted the black holes to reduce the length of the Kessel Run, but at this point in time, Han Solo had yet been born, and his legendary feat was decades away.

But of course, a handful of people in this timeline knew the truth of the Maw. Ancient, ancient people.

Recently, that number has increased by one.

Fresh off murdering Darth Plagueis and his ascension to Prime Minister of Kamino, but not yet Senator of the world. The applications to join the Senate were due, but for now, loose ends had to be resolved.

The Maw was one such loose end.

Everything was going smoothly. Darth Plagueis has been eliminated and his assets claimed by the new Sith Order. With but a few strings pulled, Cocytus has "won" the election and risen to become Prime Minister Afen Te of Kamino. Kamino was soon to join the Galactic Republic.

A stepping stone to the Chancellorship and eventually the title of Galactic Sith Emperor.

All was going as he could have possibly hoped for.

However, there were still loose ends for the Dark Lord of the Sith to tie up in order to ensure his takeover of the Galaxy and wider Omniverse. The Changes to the timeline were becoming far too great, and the Father's warnings did not go unheeded.

That The Mother, Abeloth, was soon to awaken upon the Galaxy.

For all his travels, Darth Cocytus, much to his surprise, hasn't seen a black hole, let alone so many at once. Thus, at first sight, he was quite at awe and impressed with the technology that created this region of space.

The Sith Lord came alone, his ship skirting the Cluster like a tiny speck among black carnivorous mouths that led to the void.

Darth Alecto stayed behind on Kamino, administering the Government in his stead, as determined to be practical in the Rule of Two in case something were to happen to her Master on his most dangerous quest.

Abeloth's planet came into view.

Cocytus unsheathed a dagger from his side.

A very special dagger.

Given to him by The Father before he came here.

The one thing in the Universe that could possibly kill Abeloth, permanently, once and for all…

Two black holes seemed to orient like eyes, showing a path between the Chasm of Absolute Perfection, as the Father had called it.

In there, he said, past other isolated regions inside the Maw Cluster, places where, a timeline away, the Maw Installation and Maw Colony had separately existed, was a planet formerly named Vitae.

In orbit was a Celestial weapon, a miniaturized version of Centerpoint Station. It kept the cluster together, maintained by the distant Centerpoint, in the Corellian System. With the Force, Cocytus would have little issue passing through the gap and arriving...

Illusionary spiders would crawl all over him, of course, and a tentacle of longing sought to find him...

... a diffuse Force presence existed upon the space station and a veritable and monstrous hunger on the planet's surface.

With enough ease to be considered child's play, the Sith Kaminoan passed by the monstrous jaws that lead to oblivion.

Cocytus eyed the small ancient space station that orbited the world before him, recalling the description and history given to him by the celestial Father. A wonder in his mind on how such structures, scattered and abandoned, have long survived the void of space for such countless millennia. What providence of the Force itself to keep them intact and near functioning, the kaminoan thought as he drove his ship through the gap between the pair of black holes.

A moment of fear, or rather, lacking true arachnophobia, fearful surprise, briefly claimed Cocytus's heart at the sudden sight of spiders crawling around him. However, with a deep breath, as fear became anger and anger became hate, he saw through the illusion, seeing it for what it was. Ignoring both the spiders and the searching tentacle, Cocytus eyed the Planet that was once called Vitae and the small station that orbited it.

Feeling a presence aboard the space station, the Dark Lord of the Sith veered his ship towards the vessel, wondering if whoever, or whatever, presided upon it was friend or foe.

Cocytus would not take any chances…

The creature below will be dealt with soon enough…

The ship came to a hangar with a variety of other vessels, clearly abandoned. Some were antiques, too; a SoroSuub Conqueror was incredibly modern, a Seinar Infiltrator design which should never have been here, a positively ancient Fury-class Sith assault ship...

There were skulls, too, and carapaces.

T-shaped for the former, and insectile for the latter.

Deeper into the station, down the corridors that led from the yawning hangar doors -

A purple, suffused light.

Seeing modern ships among the many, many ancient ships confirmed Cocytus's suspicion that he wasn't the only recent visitor to this station. Nor that he was first Sith Lord, much to his dismay at the possibility of yet another rival in his quest for absolute power.

The skulls weren't very welcoming either, but those didn't bother him, except for the fact that they numbered the many, many previous prior visitors.

Walking down the corridors beyond the hanger, Cocytus's hand remained close to his lightsaber for a swift draw as he approached the purple light…

The first thing that hit Darth Cocytus was the smell.

It was decay.


There were some three dozen individuals of different species floating in the room, near to the ceiling, and to the purple light -

Their eyes were all closed, and they were all... meditating?

Meditating to death?

Taken aback by what he saw, Cocytus stared almost memorized at the meditating and decaying beings that surrounded the purple light. Was the light feeding upon their life force and physical bodies? The Sith Lord wondered. Were they here willingly? Or by the will of some other machination?

Whatever the case, the stench of rot and decay was overwhelming and made such questions, despite his curiosity, not worth answering.

The meditating aliens didn't seem to notice him.

So, taking the chance, Cocytus began to back away from the purple light room and turn back to where he came from…

One of them awoke, looked over curiously, and began to float down.

He had Jedi robes on, a Gotal, and he spread his hands.

"Welcome to enlightenment."

Of course, it wouldn't be that easy.

Cocytus made an inaudible sigh as he rolled his eyes at the cliche of it all and turned around.

A Jedi?

His hand remained subtly close to his lightsaber hilt.

"And pray tell what could be more enlightening than the Force, Jedi?"

“I’ve not been a Jedi for at least a year,” the Gotal said warmly. “Here I am a Mind Walker. With the others. Potentium. Heresiarch. Gray Paladin. Disciple of Twilight. Even Sith.” A lazy gesture.

“Here we come together and see the true Force, beyond the shadows.” The Jedi - former Jedi - nodded. “Come, you should see it. We can take you to many places. Even your future.”

Cocytus had yet to sense any real danger from the Gotai but remained hesitant. Still, unlike most other Sith, violence was a last resort for him. Time and place.

He thought for a brief moment at the offer. One part of his mind has already considered the former jedi to be insane. The other, however, was quite curious at the notion of 'The True Force, beyond the shadows' and seeing the possible future.

"As long as I wouldn't have to stay for long, I wouldn't mind a glimpse." The Kaminoan answered carefully, "As Sith myself, the future is mine to conquer and shape into my own image. To achieve that end, I have come to slay the Mortis creature down on the planet below. You won't have any problem with that, would you?"

"She is immaterial to the Shadows. They existed before her, and after her," he said, chuckling. "But are you not a... Baneite, I gather? Rule of Two? I wonder how there is a Sith here."

He looked up, but many of those present were emaciated, and visual cues would not tell Cocytus anything.

"I shall take you Beyond the Shadows, and we can see which of my compatriots are a threat to you..."

He indicated the floor.

"Sit, prepare yourself. Repeat after me."

There is no life; there is only the Force.

"The Banenite Sith Dynasty is no more." Darth Cocytus replied simply, "My new Sith Dynasty has filled in the power vacuum."

He looked up at the other meditating beings. Their decayed bodies were a reminder of caution for the kaminoan. The last thing he wants is to end up like them.

Cocytus noticed the floor and sat down in a meditative position. He stared at the gotai before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

"There is no life. There is only the Force."

Pretty close to his view of things, but a Sith would put it differently.

There is no life. There is only Power.

Suddenly, he and the Gotal were standing on a beach.

The waters seemed deep, deep, and they were swaddled in mist.

"Lord Cocytus, welcome," said the Gotal, who the Kaminoan would instantly know was named Fyarr.

If anything, their forms appeared clearer than they had a moment ago. Or perhaps it was the contrast.

Cocytus blinked at the sudden change of scenery and looked around, even down towards the deep abyss of the ocean.

Must be part of the ritual. The kaminoan decided to play along.

He looked at the gotai.

"Fyarr..." Cocytus greeted with a nod, his ego taking in the title of Lord, before he blinked again and muttered to himself, "How do we know each other's names?"

He brushed it aside as simply part of what was going on.

"So now what, Fyarr?"

"Why, Beyond the Shadows, we know our true selves, not hidden by crude matter," Fyarr smiled, delighted to be paraphrasing Yoda.

"So now it's up to you. We have all the time in the world, quite literally. The Force nourishes us directly because we are not impeding the flow with our flesh." He held up his hands to the alien sky and stretched. "But don't fall into the water. The Depths of Eternity are just that."


It was a voice, with a gurgling quality.

From the water, just beneath, peering through...

Was his first Kaminoan apprentice.

"Right..." Cocytus nodded at the Gotai's explanation, "Of course."

He bit his lips slightly as he looked up at the alien sky above him. Again, the idea of becoming rotted and decayed like the others.

"Well, I don't have all the time in the world." The kaminoan pointed out to Fyarr, "Aside from being a planetary leader, I have my own agendas to carry out, which are on a very strict time table…"

His eyes shifted behind him towards the ocean depths upon hearing a familiar voice.


No. She was back on Kamino.

Cocytus turned around fully and glared.

"Darth Styx?"

Heeding the Gotai's warning about the ocean, he glanced at Fyarr.

"What is the meaning of this? A trick?"

"Not a trick, no, she's here, which means she's dead." A vague gesture. "Beyond the Shadows cares not for time and place, when or how. It only reflects you, and Styx, she is known to you, clearly."

"Master?" Styx had risen to the surface, all but, when he said her name. "Are you dead too?”

Cocytus's face darkened, and his eyes glowed in a cold anger at Fyarr's explanation.



The least he'd expected from Styx was to carry on the Sith torch without him and grow in power.

Did she ultimately prove to be... weak?

He turned to his former apprentice.

"Not dead, but merely visiting." Cocytus answered, staring at Styx, "What happened to you?"

"What I had hoped would happen to you," she said, glib. "I sought my own way, working for Darth Insipid. He sent me into the fray as his agent and spy, promised to find the Rule of Two anew with me as his apprentice... and then Darth Krayt found me. He killed me after he wrung every secret from me he could."

A sniff.


But at herself.

Darth Insipid?!

Upon hearing that wretched name, Darth Cocytus hissed in cold bitter rage and insane hatred.

Will that cursed thorn in his side ever cease to be?!

Such anger was tempered into a disappointed glare at Styx.

"Then indeed you have proven yourself to be foolish as well as weak to fall for Insipid's deceit." He stated in declaration, "A failure on my part to train you properly and a mistake I will not ever make again with your replacement."

"So you say, but you're here, and he knew better than to mess with the Mother of Mortis."

"One of the Mothers," came another voice in the next sparkling reflection. There was another face, this one human. "Hello, traitor."

It was Palpatine himself.

Cocytus hissed momentarily upon hearing a most unwelcome voice, but when he saw Palpatine, it became a smirk.

"Traitor? Hmph." He dismissed the accusation, "Traitor implies that I was ever on your side, which I was not."

"Regardless, unlike Insipid, I have special backing to deal with the Mother and have come prepared to finish her once and for all."

“Special backing?” The teenage Palpatine chuckled. “So you’re a high ranked pawn on someone else’s board?”

Fyarr coughed. “We shouldn’t dally. Did you want to see the Pool of Knowledge or the Font of Power?”

"More like the backing of people who share common interests with me." Cocytus simply stated, "No matter. They themselves will be gone not too far in the future."

He glanced at the gotai. Fyarr was right. Time is moving, as always.

The answer to the question was obvious.

"The Font of Power, thank you."

The very nexus of the Dark Side of the Force.

They were suddenly there.

A courtyard.

A pool, with mist rising up, with a font of water pouring in.

The mist, this time, was steam.


Fyarr indicated it. "Drink from it, and all you regret will not come to pass."

Eyes floated under the surface.

The kaminoan blinked and looked at his new surroundings and found the heat to be a little much for his liking.

And a feeling that he was being watched.

Then Darth Cocytus stared at the font and, with glowing eyes, looked to Fyarr with an inquisitive thought.

"If I were to drink from this, would I be like him?" He asked, "Would I become like The Son?"

To be like that of The Ones in power and majesty.

Something that he would very much desire.

“Once upon a time," Fyarr replied, "maybe."

"But now, you'd be more. Those waters may have given succor to the Son millennia ago, but they have soothed something far more powerful long since." He indicated them again, and their writhing eyes. "Come, bathe. We have all the time in the world."

Darth Cocytus gave an expression of curiosity to Fyarr's response and looked back at the font.

More than The Ones?


But, alas, bathe?


He merely needs to drink.

The kaminoan knelt down before the waters and cupped his hands into its depths.

With but the briefest of hesitation before a possible point of no return, he drank from The Font of Power.

The water burned.

It burned and burned and burned.

A female laugh rippled through the grove.

Cocytus stopped drinking as it burned his hands and burned his tongue and his throat.

That laugh.

He drew the blade of Mortis from his hand.


Don’t stop, she said. Those waters serve Chaos. You should, too. The Force seized upon him, tried to tilt the water back into his mouth -

Cocytus gritted his teeth in seething rage, unyielding hatred at the fact that he once again fell prey to another's ploy.

No. He will not drink anymore.

Even as the Force itself seized his body to force him to drink from the font, the Sith Lord resisted with every fiber of his being.

Every ounce of his power and will.

He will not drink.

"I serve no one but myself, Abeloth!"

The pressure vanished.

Fyarr lifted a hand to his ear. “Abeloth? I don’t hear anything. Just your ranting.” A shrug, and the former Jedi looked around.

“Did you want to see the Pool of Knowledge instead?”

Cocytus blinked and looked around with a sigh of relief before staring at Fyorr.

"When I began drinking from the Font, the waters burned, and I heard a female voice laughing." He spoke to the Gotai, explaining his experience, "She said that the waters serve chaos and that I should too."

"What do you make of that?" The kaminoan asked before scoffing, "Hmph. I serve no will except my own.”

"I know little of the Mistress," Fyarr said with a shrug. "I merely percolate in the Beyond Shadows. Learn. Be. Reach transcendence while my mortal form releases its tether of my immortal coil." As if a hierophant, he held his hands to the purplish sky in reverence. "I heard the Calling, as all did here, as you undoubtedly did, though you may deny it."

He looked back. "You're answering the Call in your own way."

Lowering his arms, he indicated. "So. Pool of Knowledge? Your future will be evident there."

"Hmph.” Cocytus scoffed as he listened to the former jedi, “I am already following my own calling.” His eyes glowed with ambition. “The reshaping of reality into the Image of the Sith.”

Or rather his image.

He took a breath.

“Very well. Take me to the Pool of Knowledge, with the hope of fewer inconveniences.”

His trust of this place, and the Gotai, was at an all time low.

The former Jedi smiled drily. "Fewer, undoubtedly. More potent, maybe."

A shimmer of their surroundings, and they were there.

Again, that acrid mist arose. Hot. Poisonous fumes in the air.

But the waters were still.


"The Pool shows the Throne. You look within, and through."

A twinkle to his eyes.

"Bathe, if you wish. As I say, we have all the time in the universe.”

Darth Cocytus glanced around him.

For a nexus of the "Light" side of the Force, the Pool of Knowledge and its surroundings were just as unpleasant as the Font of Power.

Perhaps this world is corrupted?

Clearly, Abeloth's doing, if that is the case.

The kaminoan gave the Gotai an odd look.

What's with the suggestion of bathing in such waters?

Nonetheless, Cocytus learned better from the experience with the Font of Power than to touch such waters.

Instead, he merely stood above the waters, his glowing gaze staring into the reflection of himself…

There was a Throne.

Upon it sat a woman, resplendent in white. A red-haired Hapan monarch.

No, now a woman in black, yellow eyes, laughing in Palpatine's voice.

Then, a man in Yuuzhan Vong armor with mismatch eyes of cybernetic blue and molten golden-red.

Then a Kaminoan, tall, regal, but their features were masked beneath their black robes. Such was the depth of the shadows of their hood that the elongated neck could be mistaken to that of a Quermian.

Then, a faceless Black Coat.
Then, Ike, of all annoyances.

Then the Father, looking regal but tired.

It was in flux.

Seven in all, but it cycled between them all.

The Gotal stepped behind Cocytus and gave him the lightest nudge with the Force, just to suggest that he was there. "You can decide which will happen, with the power in those waters. Instead of dejarik, or chance, you would be God. Even with all your power, how do you compare to the Almighty?”

Darth Cocytus stared at the vision.

A single throne.

Upon which sat seven possibilities that fluxed before his eyes. Some more infuriating than others to Kaminoan Sith.

That insufferable Ike.

The cursed Black Coat.

And of course, to no one's surprise, yet another Palpatine variant.

Each passing of the cycle only stoked Cocytus's rage further before his attention was only slightly broken by the gotai.

He listened to Fyarr's voice carefully, and his eyes glowed in limitless ambition.

A devious smirk cracked along his face in thought.

Yes... To raise himself, and therefore his very Sith Order, above the Gods themselves, to make time, space and matter mere clay within their palms, has been his grandest of desires... and now he was closer than ever before to achieve such an aim.

Alas, however, his cautious skeptical side got the better hold of him than his megalomania, and thus Cocytus gave the Gotai a look.

"And pray tell how would I gain such power?" The kaminoan asked, "How will these waters give me the power you speak of?"

He already had an inkling of what Fyarr was going to say…

"By making you a Celestial, of course," he said, oozing intrigue. "You would become a God, after all."

"The woman bathed in them, when they were Light, and drank from the Font, when it was Dark. It made her, as you well know."

His eyes narrowed in thought before a most terrible grin grew upon his face. Yes. Exactly. A Celestial. Be among the true Supreme beings in the Galaxy!

A concern came to him, however, as he remembered the first time he drank from the Font when Abeloth sought to take over him.

To make him a servant of Chaos.

"I still will have to deal with The Mother, of course." He realized. "She has clearly corrupted this place and must be purged."

A thought occurred.

"Must I bathe? Or merely swim?"

A set of eyes appeared in the water, and Fyarr could barely contained his excitement. He absently shooed them to close. "You'll need to be submerged to allow the essence of the water to transfer to you.”

Frowning, Cocytus caught Fyarr's body, and his eyes narrowed in thought, hesitation and doubt.

The kaminoan remembered, then, all the times someone's promise of easy absolute power turned near fatal for him. Even the aid of the Mortis Ones came with the condition of helping them with their own goal.

Some questions first would be better.

"And what tell will be in it for you, may I ask?" He inquired darkly while standing to his full height. "Ever since we got here, you have urged me to bathe in these two waters and merely drinking from the Font of Power proved most unpleasant."

His eyes glared in a glow at the gotai.

"Even as a former Jedi, why would you claim to help a Sith achieve their ambitions of absolute power?" Cocytus asked, "What is your ambition in it?”

"I merely want to see the future carried out," he soothed, trying to regulate his body language. "The Mother, she has gifts, yes, but she expects loyalty -"

A tentacle whipped out, lightning fast, and removed his head.

Suddenly, she stood there.


A massive Force wave sought to shove Cocytus into the inky water -

The Mother.

Cocytus blinked before his face twisted into a hideous sneer.

Of course.

It was just as the Kaminoan Sith suspected.

With feet planted firmly, Cocytus immediately got into a defiant combative pose as he stood before the mad goddess. A force bubble grew around him as the Kaminoan summoned his full might to withstand The Mother's Force blast.

“I am loyal to no one but myself!” Cocytus declared with a determined glare, “And I am certainly not going to become your slave!”

Abeloth ignored that he weathered the initial attack and launched herself bodily at him -

Tentacles ensnared his scarred neck, sought to bind his arms, to try and force tentacles pulsating with ichor down his throat -

Her weight, atop his upper body and let alone her Force strength, sought to push him and to the ground, to pin him -

Cocytus grunted in pain as he felt himself pinned to the ground by The Mother's full weight, gagging as he felt the tentacle jammed down his throat.

A mere smirk cracked along his tentacle stuffed face and took advantage of the opportunity that he now had.

His hand went to his side as discreetly as possible till he snatched the Dagger of Mortis. Gripping the blade tightly, and hoping, oh how Cocytus hoped, he sought to stab the one thing that could possibly even hurt her into Abeloth's side.

Abeloth screamed in a hundred voices.

Male, female, every variety and spectrum of gender and species and era. A massive Force push would shove Cocytus away, either holding the Dagger or not, but it would be out of her side.

Abeloth tumbled to the ground, her tentacles withdrawing back into fingers, as she dragged herself back towards the Pool. Clearly she needed to bathe; to heal-

Her unholy features retreated back into her face, and she was merely a woman, some kind of Diathim, maybe - an angel of Iego?

Darth Cocytus gave out a relieved breath at both the tentacles leaving his throat and at the untold screams of Abeloth.

The Dagger of Mortis worked. It actually worked.

Before he could celebrate with another, finishing stabbing, however, Cocytus found himself shoved aside by her powerful Force push.

Scrambling back to his feet, blade still in hand, the kaminoan blinked and stared as the horrid demon was now in the form of a quite aesthetically beautiful woman.

Her true, original form, perhaps?

Whatever the case, stoked with a certain bloodlust, Cocytus wasn't going to let Abeloth get away so easily.

Gripping at the Mortis Dagger, Cocytus sprinted toward Abeloth, tackling her to the ground as he began stabbing her repeatedly in the chest.

A scream.

Screams and screams and screams.

But only one voice.



The realm collapsed, and Cocytus was back in his true body.

Hands were around his throat.

Feyr's hands -

The other Mind Walkers were divided; some sat crying, some were actually dead, too little of their light left to animate them -

Half a dozen of various species and Force traditions were heading to Cocytus, one had a blaster, one a knife, one, a disheveled human a lightsaber, crimson bladed -

Another dozen were running from the room, some screaming, some mute, all panicked -

Pandemonium -

Darth Cocytus's eyes snapped open in a rage at the hands around his throat. He would effortlessly shove them all away with his Force Power before jumping onto his feet. A lightsaber was summoned to his hand, and he ignited its crimson blade.

Fyarr's treachery had signed the death warrant for the whole of the station.

"Trick me into becoming a slave of Abeloth, would you?" Cocytus sneered coldly with glowing golden eyes as he charged into the crowd for a massacre.

The blade removed heads and arms, and the massacre prompted those four or so sitting there wailing to attack - and die.

More ran.

But there were now alarms keening across the station.


Suddenly, the air became more charged, as if the miniature Centerpoint was activating, increasing gravity -

Cocytus was snapped out of his Dark Side-fuled bloodlust by the Station's blaring alarms.

Sealing cluster?

That doesn't sound good.

His survival instincts were above his vengeful savagery, and so he sought his escape from the station while he still could.

Even as he felt gravity increase around him, Cocytus made a break for it to his ship, calling upon the Force to increase his speed as he sprinted down the halls towards the hanger.

Death followed him, for any who crossed his path.

But in short order Cocytus was back in his ship, while the other survivors tried to get ancient ships to function again.

His sensors would tell him that the miniature Centerpoint was increasing the gravity pressure on the black hole cluster, apparently trying to seal them all inside. It gave a countdown; how long they had to escape.

Darth Cocytus gave the scanners a look for but a brief moment only to see the danger. Time was too much of the essence for any longer than necessary. He would ready the ship as fast as possible and take off at top speed and more so with the Force.

At the barest margins, he made it.

The Maw Cluster sealed, and, eventually, consumed itself.

With Abeloth truly dead, the Centerpoint simply destroyed the contents of the Maw to keep the artefacts there out of the wrong hands.

In an instant, the black hole cluster was gone.

Leaving him in his victory.

Darth Cocytus breathed as he escaped the destruction of the Maw behind him.

A feeling of victory over a very God that he devoured and savored.

He looked to the Dagger of Mortis and was very tempted to keep it for himself.

Alas, Cocytus felt compelled to return it as promised, if only to keep the coming demise of the Ones in place as a safe measure.

Only then would he reclaim such power to kill a God...

Tag: @Sinrebirth

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Star Wars: Episode VII: Twilight of the Final Force (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.