Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School · Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (2024)

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (1)

Technical Specification for:

Picacho Elementary School Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration

Picacho Elementary School District

Project No. 1997

February 24, 2020

Bid Set

IFB# 20-01-21

SFB# 110433133-104-003-BRG

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (2)

Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementary School District Project No. 1997

PROJECT TEAM 00 0002 -1

ARCHITECT SPS + Architects LLP 8681 East Via de Negocio Scottsdale, Arizona 85258-3330 Telephone: (480) 991-0800 Contact: Sue Peacor: [emailprotected]

OWNER Picacho Elementary School District 17865 S. Vail Rd. Picacho, AZ 85141 Contact: Allen Rogers, Superintendent Telephone: (520) 466-7942 Email: [emailprotected]



Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (3)

Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementary School District Project No. 1997



Roof Restoration

Picacho Elementary School Multi-Purpose Building (#1004) Picacho Elementary School District SFB# 110433133-1004-003-BRG



Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (4)

Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementary School District Project No. 1997




Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (5)


Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementary School District Project No. 1997


State of Arizona ) ) ss.

County of )

Title of Bid

Bid Number


The persons, corporation, or company who makes the accompanying Proposal, having first been duly sworn, disposes and says:

All materials used in the above referenced project are free of asbestos.


Subscribed and sworn before me

This day of , 20 .

Signature of Notary Public in and for

the County of

State of

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (6)

1 | P a g e

October 10, 2018 Bo Arch 20118 North 67th Avenue Ste. 300 #610 Glendale, Arizona 85308 Attn: David Bosak, Sr. Project #18-11748 Limited Asbestos Containing Material Inspection, Picacho

Elementary School, Building 1004 Roof, 17865 S. Vail Road, Picacho, Arizona 85141

Dear David: Hutzel & Associates, Inc. conducted a limited asbestos containing material (ACM) inspection at the Picacho Elementary School Building 1004 roof located at 17865 S. Vail Road, Picacho, Arizona 85141. The inspection was conducted on September 28, 2018 by Augustine Anderson, EPA Certified Building Inspector (Certificate #G8162, Expiration 02/02/19), Industrial Hygiene Consultant, under the direction of Robert L. Hutzel, CIH, CSP, Hutzel & Associates, Inc. The purpose of the inspection was to identify ACMs in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) requirements. Background Bo Arch contacted Hutzel & Associates to conduct a limited ACM inspection at the Picacho Elementary School. The Picacho Elementary School Building 1004 roof is in need of replacement. The samples were collected prior to disturbance of the roofing system. Asbestos Sampling Fifteen (15) bulk samples were collected of the roofing system from the Picacho Elementary School Building 1004 roof on September 28, 2018.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (7)

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The samples were delivered to Fiberquant Analytical Services, Inc. in Phoenix, Arizona. Fiberquant Analytical Services, Inc. is fully accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP #101031) to perform the analysis of bulk samples for asbestos using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Asbestos Sampling Results Laboratory analysis results indicate that no asbestos was detected in the sampled building materials. If any building materials that were not previously sampled are discovered during renovation, stop all activities and have the materials sampled by Hutzel & Associates EPA Certified Building Inspector and analyzed for asbestos content.

Tables and Appendices Table 1 contains the sample number, description of material, representative photograph, analysis results, NESHAP category, OSHA Class of work and condition of material sampled for asbestos. Appendix 1 contains the Fiberquant, Inc. laboratory reports for the bulk asbestos samples collected. Appendix 2 contains AHERA Building Inspector Certificate. Hutzel & Associates, Inc. has performed the tasks set forth above in a thorough and professional manner consistent with industry standards and under supervision of a certified professional. Hutzel & Associates, Inc. cannot guarantee and does not warrant that this limited assessment has revealed all adverse environmental conditions affecting the site. Hidden or changed conditions and/or activities that were not present at the time of this inspection may have a significant bearing on findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Please contact me if there are any questions regarding this survey or the results. Thank you for using Hutzel & Associates, Inc. on this project. Sincerely, Augustine Anderson, IH Consultant Robert L. Hutzel, CIH, CSP Hutzel & Associates, Inc. Hutzel & Associates, Inc.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (8)

3 | P a g e


Bo Arch – Picacho Elementary School 17865 S. Vail Road, Picacho, Arizona 85141

September 28, 2018

Sample No. Sample

Description/Location Representative Photograph

Analysis Results

NESHAP Category

OSHA Class


HA-BO-0928-01 Foam Roofing System / 3rd

Stage / Building 1004

None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-02 Foam Roofing System / 3rd

Stage / Building 1004 None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-03 Foam Roofing System / 3rd

Stage / Building 1004 None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-04 Parapet Sidewall / Gym Roof / Building 1004

None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-05 Parapet Sidewall / Gym Roof / Building 1004 None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-06 Parapet Sidewall / Gym Roof / Building 1004 None Detect N/A N/A Good

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (9)

4 | P a g e

Sample No. Sample

Description/Location Representative Photograph

Analysis Results

NESHAP Category

OSHA Class


HA-BO-0928-07 Caulk / Drip Edge / Gym

Roof / Building 1004

None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-08 Caulk / Drip Edge / Gym

Roof / Building 1004 None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-09 Caulk / Drip Edge / Gym

Roof / Building 1004 None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-10 Foam Roof System / Gym

Roof / Building 1004

None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-11 Foam Roof System / Gym

Roof / Building 1004 None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-12 Foam Roof System / Gym

Roof / Building 1004 None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-13 Caulk / Roof Penetrations

/ Gym Roof / Building 1004

None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-14 Caulk / Roof Penetrations

/ Gym Roof / Building 1004

None Detect N/A N/A Good

HA-BO-0928-15 Caulk / Roof Penetrations

/ Gym Roof / Building 1004

None Detect N/A N/A Good

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (10)

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Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (11)

Client Job: 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof PO Number:

JobNumber: 201808826

Routing Number: -

# Samples: 15


PLM The "New" Method; see below


Polarized Light Microscope (PLM) Analysis for Asbestos in Bulk Sample

Method and Analysis Information:

Each bulk sample is first dissected under a 7-30x magnification stereo-microscope. This examination is used to determine the general type of sample, how many and what type of layers it has, and initial estimates of fiber types and quantities. Second, liquid media mounts are made of each layer - such mounts may be of selected fibers (used solely for identification purposes) or may be representative of the layer as a whole (used for quantitation purposes). The mounts may be made in a synthetic Canadian balsam, one of several solvents, or in refractive index oils (media of known refractive index). Generally, a variety of different mounts are made: some optimized for fiber visibility, some optimized for fiber identification, and some optimized for fiber quantitation. The mounted slides are then examined at 50-400x magnification on a Nikon Labphot-pol microscope. Optical characteristics are used to identify each observed fiber type; the optical data are contained for each sample on its detail analysis sheet, attached.

Current EPA and NESHAP regulations designate a result of <=1 % asbestos as "negative" and >1 % asbestos as "positive". Samples containing layers that have been determined to be "positive" may have to be handled differently during a renovation or demolition than samples whose layers have been determined to be "negative."

The method of fiber identification and quantitation is the “Standard Operating Procedures for the Analysis of Asbestos in Bulk Samples using Polarized Light Microscopy”, Chapter 7 of the Quality Assurance and Management Manual. This SOP and its associated reporting have been designed to satisfy all requirements in both EPA Method 600/M4-82-020 (The Interim Method) and EPA Method 600/R-93/116 (The New Method). The Interim Method is the required method for AHERA (US EPA 40 CFR Pt. 763), but this method calls for the reporting of composited results of multi-layered samples that is no longer an acceptable reporting practice in most circ*mstances. Current EPA rules, such as NESHAP (US EPA 40 CFR Pt. 61), as well as NVLAP accreditation policies, call for separate reporting for each layer of multi-layered samples. The New Method contains the same procedures for identification and quantification of asbestos as does the Interim Method, except that multi-layered samples are reported to comply with the latest US EPA rule. Fiberquant not only reports the asbestos content of each layer of multi-layered samples separately (satisfying current EPA and NVLAP reporting requirements), but Fiberquant also reports what percentage of the sample each layer comprises. Therefore, the results may be arithmetically composited to satisfy the reporting requirements of the Interim Method. The method of fiber quantitation is an estimation technique in which the analysts quantitation is routinely calibrated by reference quantitation standards, and which has been shown to be equivalent in precision and accuracy to point counting. Friability is estimated for the purposes of deciding when to point count. Friabilities determined in the field take precedence over those determined in the laboratory. Those sample layers which are friable and estimated by the analyst to contain <= 1% asbestos are point counted using 400 points. Such point counting is required by NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Polutants, Nov. 1990) in order to rely on analytical results that are <= 1%. The coefficient of variation for the estimation quantitation technique is 100% in the range 0-5%. This means that PLM analysis is not capable of conclusively determining whether a layer containing close to 1% asbestos is actually "positive" or "negative". For this reason, Fiberquant refers to results where asbestos was detected but <= 1% as "borderline negative", and results where asbestos was >1 % but <= 2% as "borderline positive" to indicate the uncertainty in assigning a "positive" or "negative" label. In the sample summary, "ND" means that no asbestos was detected during the analysis. A "Tr" or "Trace" of asbestos reported is defined for our purposes as the detection of several asbestos fibers during the analysis; this level would be right at the limit of detection for the method. Trace is only reported on the analysis detail - in the summary a trace would be reported as <=1%. The limit of detection (the smallest % of asbestos that can be detected) varies greatly depending on the matrix in which the asbestos is found. As little as 0.001% asbestos can be detected in favorable samples, while detection in unfavorable samples may approach the detection limit of 1% stated in the method. During the analysis, the analyst, for Fiberquant identification purposes only, determines the "apparent sample type" and "apparent layer types." It must be emphasized that these types are only what is apparent. Often, different materials appear similar or identical after sampling, so the analyst may assign a type other than what was sampled.

Floor tiles present a special problem for PLM asbestos analysis. Floor tile can contain chrysotile fibers so thin that they cannot be resolved by optical methods. In such a case, we may observe a percentage of asbestos which is lower than the actual percentage, or not observe asbestos at all when some is present. For this reason, floor tiles reported as negative should be confirmed to be negative using transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis. Likewise, vermiculite insulation materials containing traces of asbestiform asbestos present a problem for routine PLM analysis - the amphiboles are sometimes present in trace amounts inhom*ogeneously distributed. For this reason, loose vermiculite samples reported as negative should be confirmed to contain no amphibole using hydroseparation techniques.

The samples were analyzed under the following ongoing quality assurance program: Blank samples are routinely analyzed to maintain contamination-free materials. Each analyst has at least a bachelor's degree in physical science, and has also completed extensive training specific to asbestos analysis for 1-3 months before being allowed to analyze client samples. Qualitative reference samples are routinely analyzed to assure that

Method: EPA 600/R-93/116Rec: 9/28/2018

Report Date: 10/2/2018 Date Analyzed: 10/2/2018

Fiberquant Internal SOP:




Office Phone: (602) 323-0222



5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

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PLM Analysis Summary: Job Number: 201808826 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof

analysts can identify asbestos and asbestos-look-alike fibers. Quantitative reference samples are routinely analyzed to calibrate and characterize the estimation procedure. Microscope alignment is checked each day. Refractive index oils are calibrated at least quarterly. At least 10% of client samples are re-analyzed from scratch by a different analyst than the original, and any discrepancies are resolved for the sample and similar sample types before the results are reported. All quality checks performed for these samples were in control except as detailed in the "Analytical Notes" below. All analysts participate in interlab round robins and proficiency testing to assure competence. Fiberquant is accredited by NVLAP (Lab code #101031) for the analysis of bulk samples for asbestos using PLM. Accreditation does not imply endorsem*nt by the EPA, any other United States governmental agency or any private agency or association. Each lab analysis refers only to the sample tested, and may not, due to the sampling process, be representative of the material sampled. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the approval of Fiberquant Analytical Services.

Job Analysis Notes:

Some results may have been calculated using client supplied data, such as volume or area sampled, for which Fiberquant assumes no liability for accuracy.

Sample Number Lab Number Apparent Sample Type * Positive Layer Yes or No

Layer Color Apparent Layer Type * Asbestos Results

Roofing2018-08826- 1HA-BO-0928-01 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranewhiteLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 2

no asbestos detectedfoamyellowLayer # 3

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 4

Roofing2018-08826- 2HA-BO-0928-02 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranewhiteLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 2

no asbestos detectedfoamyellowLayer # 3

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 4

Roofing2018-08826- 3HA-BO-0928-03 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranewhiteLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 2

no asbestos detectedfoamyellowLayer # 3

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 4

Roofing2018-08826- 4HA-BO-0928-04 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranevariousLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedmastictanLayer # 2

Roofing2018-08826- 5HA-BO-0928-05 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranevariousLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedmastictanLayer # 2

Roofing2018-08826- 6HA-BO-0928-06 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranevariousLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedmastictanLayer # 2

Adhesive/caulk2018-08826- 7HA-BO-0928-07 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedcaulkoff-whiteLayer # 1

Adhesive/caulk2018-08826- 8HA-BO-0928-08 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedcaulkoff-whiteLayer # 1

Adhesive/caulk2018-08826- 9HA-BO-0928-09 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedcaulkoff-whiteLayer # 1

Roofing2018-08826- 10HA-BO-0928-10 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranepinkLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedmembranepinkLayer # 2

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 3

no asbestos detectedfoamyellowLayer # 4

Roofing2018-08826- 11HA-BO-0928-11 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranewhiteLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 2

no asbestos detectedmasticorangeLayer # 3

no asbestos detectedfoamyellowLayer # 4

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 5

Roofing2018-08826- 12HA-BO-0928-12 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedmembranewhiteLayer # 1

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 2

no asbestos detectedfoamyellowLayer # 3

no asbestos detectedfeltblackLayer # 4

Adhesive/caulk2018-08826- 13HA-BO-0928-13 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedcaulkoff-whiteLayer # 1

Adhesive/caulk2018-08826- 14HA-BO-0928-14 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedcaulkoff-whiteLayer # 1

Adhesive/caulk2018-08826- 15HA-BO-0928-15 Positive Layer? NoSample # no asbestos detectedcaulkoff-whiteLayer # 1

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

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* Apparent Sample Types and Apparent Layer Types are as they appeared to the analyst. Since many types of materials appear similar after sampling damage, the apparent type of material may not be the actual type of material.

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

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PLM Analysis Details Job Number: 201808826 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof

2018-08826- 1HA-BO-0928-01 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

4# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extr cellulose fiber glass fiberFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded)

cellulose fiber

glass fiber

W E N N H + P

W F N N H + U


Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer foam, polymer, binder

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 7 10-20% n.d. n.d. - - -membrane white 1

2 4 n.d. 60-70% 2-5% - - -felt black 2

3 85 n.d. n.d. n.d. - - -foam yellow 3

4 4 n.d. 60-70% 2-5% - - -felt black 2

100Total % >1-2% 5-10% <=1% - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 2HA-BO-0928-02 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

4# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extr cellulose fiber glass fiberFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded)

cellulose fiber

glass fiber

W E N N H + P

W F N N H + U


Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer foam, polymer, binder

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 6 10-20% n.d. n.d. - - -membrane white 1

2 5 n.d. 60-70% 2-5% - - -felt black 2

3 85 n.d. n.d. n.d. - - -foam yellow 3

4 4 n.d. 60-70% 2-5% - - -felt black 2

100Total % >1-2% 5-10% <=1% - - -Overall %

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

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PLM Analysis Details Job Number: 201808826 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof

2018-08826- 3HA-BO-0928-03 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

4# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extr cellulose fiber glass fiberFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded)

cellulose fiber

glass fiber

W E N N H + P

W F N N H + U


Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer foam, polymer, binder

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 7 10-20% n.d. n.d. - - -membrane white 1

2 4 n.d. 60-70% 2-5% - - -felt black 2

3 85 n.d. n.d. n.d. - - -foam yellow 3

4 4 n.d. 60-70% 2-5% - - -felt black 2

100Total % >1-2% 5-10% <=1% - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 4HA-BO-0928-04 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

2# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extrFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded) W E N N H + P

Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 90 10-20% - - - - -membrane various 1

2 10 n.d. - - - - -mastic tan 1

100Total % 10-20% - - - - -Overall %

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

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PLM Analysis Details Job Number: 201808826 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof

2018-08826- 5HA-BO-0928-05 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

2# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extrFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded) W E N N H + P

Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 90 10-20% - - - - -membrane various 1

2 10 n.d. - - - - -mastic tan 1

100Total % 10-20% - - - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 6HA-BO-0928-06 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

2# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extrFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded) W E N N H + P

Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 90 10-20% - - - - -membrane various 1

2 10 n.d. - - - - -mastic tan 1

100Total % 10-20% - - - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 7HA-BO-0928-07 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018





1# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

noneFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations







Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 100 n.d. - - - - -caulk off-white 1

100Total % n.d. - - - - -Overall %

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

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PLM Analysis Details Job Number: 201808826 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof

2018-08826- 8HA-BO-0928-08 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018





1# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

noneFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations







Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 100 n.d. - - - - -caulk off-white 1

100Total % n.d. - - - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 9HA-BO-0928-09 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018





1# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

noneFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations







Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 100 n.d. - - - - -caulk off-white 1

100Total % n.d. - - - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 10HA-BO-0928-10 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

4# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extr cellulose fiber glass fiberFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded)

cellulose fiber

glass fiber

W E N N H + P

W F N N H + U


Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer foam, polymer, binder

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 7 10-20% n.d. n.d. - - -membrane pink 1

2 8 10-20% n.d. n.d. - - -membrane pink 1

3 5 n.d. 60-70% >1-2% - - -felt black 2

4 80 n.d. n.d. n.d. - - -foam yellow 3

100Total % 2-5% 2-5% <=1% - - -Overall %

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

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Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (18)

PLM Analysis Details Job Number: 201808826 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof

2018-08826- 11HA-BO-0928-11 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

5# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extr cellulose fiber glass fiberFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded)

cellulose fiber

glass fiber

W E N N H + P

W F N N H + U


Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer foam, polymer, binder

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 5 10-20% n.d. n.d. - - -membrane white 1

2 4 n.d. 60-70% >1-2% - - -felt black 2

3 2 n.d. n.d. n.d. - - -mastic orange 1

4 86 n.d. n.d. n.d. - - -foam yellow 3

5 3 n.d. 60-70% >1-2% - - -felt black 2

100Total % <=1% 2-5% <=1% - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 12HA-BO-0928-12 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018




Fibrous SolidOKAn?

4# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

synthetic fiber (extr cellulose fiber glass fiberFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations






synthetic fiber (extruded)

cellulose fiber

glass fiber

W E N N H + P

W F N N H + U


Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer foam, polymer, binder

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 5 10-20% n.d. n.d. - - -membrane white 1

2 4 n.d. 60-70% >1-2% - - -felt black 2

3 89 n.d. n.d. n.d. - - -foam yellow 3

4 2 n.d. 60-70% >1-2% - - -felt black 2

100Total % <=1% 2-5% <=1% - - -Overall %

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

Fiberquant, Inc. Page 8 of 10

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (19)

PLM Analysis Details Job Number: 201808826 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof

2018-08826- 13HA-BO-0928-13 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018





1# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

noneFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations







Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 100 n.d. - - - - -caulk off-white 1

100Total % n.d. - - - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 14HA-BO-0928-14 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018





1# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

noneFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations







Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 100 n.d. - - - - -caulk off-white 1

100Total % n.d. - - - - -Overall %

2018-08826- 15HA-BO-0928-15 9/28/2018Lab Number Sample Sampled:

MACAnalyzed By 10/2/2018





1# Layers NoPos Layer?

Apparent Smp Type

noneFiber Identification:

Sample Analytical Note

Procedure: tweased apart using forceps. Procedure: dissolution of matrix using solvent.



Color Mrph Iso Pleo Bi Elg Ext Oil Col Par Col Per RI Par RI Per

Refractive Index Determinations







Non-Fibrous Components (in approx. decreasing order): polymer, ,

Condition: acceptable


# Layer Type % Color Friability

Percents of Each Fiber

Fib 1 Fib 2 Fib 3 Fib 4 Fib 5 Fib 6

1 100 n.d. - - - - -caulk off-white 1

100Total % n.d. - - - - -Overall %

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

Fiberquant, Inc. Page 9 of 10

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (20)

PLM Analysis Details Job Number: 201808826 18-11748 Bo Arch Picacho Gym Roof

Fr=Friability: 1=very non-friable; 2= non-friable; 3=friable; 4=highly friableColors: B=black;BL=blue;BR=brown;CL=clear;G=Green;GY=gray;OR=orange;OW=off-white;PN=pink;PU=purple;R=red;TN=tan;W=white;Y=yellow;V=variousFiber Morphology: A=fine fibers/bundles, white, sinewy, flexible; B=fine fibers/bundles, w-br, straight, broomed ends; C=fine fibers/bundles, blue, straight, broomed ends; D=fine to coarse fibers, CL-B, brittle; E=coarse fibers,CL or dyed, striated; F=coarse fibers or splinters, W-BR, ribbon-like; G=lath-like or shards, low aspect ratio, may taperIso=isotropism - may be yes or no; Pleo=pleochroism - may be yes or no; Bi=birefringence - may be None, Low, Medium or HighElg=sign of elongation - may be +, - or B (both); Ext=extinction - may be Parallel, Oblique, None or Undulating; Oil=medium used to for dispersion stainingCol Par=dispersion staining colors parallel to the fiber (fiber/halo): b/w=black/white; dg/py=dark gray/pale yellow; vg/y=violet gray/yellow; db/ly=dark blue/lemon yellow; vb/g= vivid blue/gold; sb/o=sky blue/orange; pb/r=pale blue/red; gb/dr=gray blue/dark red; w/b=white/black. Col Perp=same only perpendicular to fiber.RI Par=refractive index parallel to fiber; RI Perp=refractive index perpendicular to fiber

02-Oct-18Analyst: MICHAEL A. COOK

Larry S. Pierce, Approved Accreditation Signatory


02-Oct-18Original Print Date:

5025 S. 33rd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040-2816 Phone: 602-276-6139 1-800-743-2687 FAX: 602-276-4558

Fiberquant, Inc. Page 10 of 10

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (21)

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (22)

6 | P a g e



Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (23)

7 | Pa


Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (24)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

Make sure the large, black box is highlighted by clicking inside it. Insert picture using the

toolbar above. Select Insert / Picture / From File and select the picture

Estimated Roof Age (yrs.): New 1 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 15 X 15 - 20

Life Expectancy (yrs.): X 0 - 2 X 3 - 5 6 - 8 10+ Unknown

Warranty Status: Active X Expired Void Unwarranted

Picture Summary & Findings:

PIC# Deficiency Descriptions -

Media Center

QTY PIC# Deficiency Descriptions - Stage QTY

16 Open seam 1 30,31 Membrane damage 2

17 Membrane damage 1 32 Insulation damaged at roof access 2

18 Displaced solar ballast Typ. 33,34 Incomplete membrane termination 2

19 Unprotected membrane " 35 Scupper sealants Typ.

20 Control joint sealants " 36 Control joint sealants "

37-39 CMU settling cracks (SW corner)

Project: Picacho School

Client: SPS + Architects, LLP

Bldg. Address: 17865 S Vail Rd.

City, ST Zip: Picacho, AZ 85141

Inspected By: S. Litewski, RRO

Survey Date: September 26, 2019

Roof Assembly: 60 mil Fully Adhered PVC

Total Sq. Ft.: 14, 968

Roof Mfgr.: Firestone

Structure Built: 1998

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (25)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

Picture Summary & Findings (con't):

PIC# Deficiency Descriptions -


QTY PIC# Deficiency Descriptions -



53 Membrane damage - coping 1 86 Pipe missing sealant 2

54 Membrane damage - flashing 3 87 Base flashing - HVAC 16 SF

55,56 Membrane damage - field Typ. 88 Condensate leak - HVAC 1

57 Open base flashing seam 1 89 Base flashing - Unistrut sealant 2

58 Seam - Drain sump / scupper 1 90 Roof hatch termination 1

59 Debris in drain sump Typ. 91 Gas line - Dunnage and paint Typ.

60 Open seam 1 92 Coping - Splice disengaged 1

61-70 Elastomeric coating and repairs 1500 SF 93, 94 CMU settling cracks Typ.

95 Wet insulation (top facer only) 4 SF

Make sure the large, black box is highlighted by clicking inside it. Insert picture using the

toolbar above. Select Insert / Picture / From File and select the picture

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (26)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

Facility: Picacho School

Roof Area: Media Center/Stage

Roof Plan All Conditions Must Be Field Verified!


Core Sample








SP Solar Panel





Membrane damage / temporary repair









Media Center


Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (27)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

Facility: Picacho School

Roof Area(s): Gymnasium / Kitchen & Maintenance

Roof Plan All Conditions Must Be Field Verified!










Elastomeric coating and repairs (approx. 15' x 95')

Core Sample

Membrane damage / temporary repair





e Multiple repairs

in this area SP




Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (28)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

Existing Construction System Details Media & Stage Gymnasium Kitchen/Maintenance

Deck Information

Deck Type Steel Steel Steel

Deck Slope (Structural) ≥1/4" ≥1/4" ≥1/4"

Insulation Information


Insulation/Thickness - 1

4" polyisocyanurate

w/glass facer

4" polyisocyanurate

w/glass facer

4" polyisocyanurate

w/glass facer

Insulation Attachment Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical

Existing Insulation/Thickness - 2

Insulation Attachment

Membrane Information

Existing Membrane Type – 1 60 mil PVC 60 mil PVC 60 mil PVC

Membrane Attachment Fully Adhered Fully Adhered Fully Adhered

Existing Membrane Type – 2

Membrane Attachment

Flashing Information

Parapet/vertical surface type (masonry, wood, conc., etc.)*


Parapet/vertical surface height

10-36" 50-60" 10-36"

Termination Information

Coping type (Tile/Metal/Other)

Metal Metal Metal

Flashing Termination (walls) 10" Fry 2-piece N/A 10" Fry 2-piece

Flashing Termination (curbs) Nailed NailednAILED

Drainage Information

Drains / Scuppers Both Both Both

Gutter (Internal/External) N/A N/A N/A

Ponding Areas Incidental Incidental Incidental

LEAKS Yes Yes Yes

Other Considerations: Gym and Media roofs partially obstructed by solar panels (no visible membrane protection under rack base). The membrane base flashing is terminated with a 2-piece Fry surface mounted counterflashing. *Deteriorated control joint sealants on CMU.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (29)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846


The 60 mil fully adhered PVC roof system with a ten (10) year warranty was installed in 1999.

A single layer of 4" polyisocyanurate under the membrane is mechanically attached to

structurally sloped steel decks. There are four (4) roof sections in the survey designated by

school personnel as Media Center, Stage, Gymnasium (Gym) and Kitchen / Maintenance.

The PVC membrane has performed well with minor chalking observed on all roof areas. More

than twelve (12) locations of damaged membrane were noted and included all roof areas. Several

had been temporarily repaired with sealants; however, the remainder have yet to be addressed.

Multiple temporary repairs were also observed including, pressure sensitive flashing, 3-course

elastomerics and various sealants. An area approximately 15' x 90' on the Gym roof has been

covered with an elastomeric coating. The coating covers a number of temporary membrane

repairs including trowel and gun grade sealants applied to prefabricated pipe boots altered at the

mechanical units. Minor areas of crushed insulation were felt under the walkpads at both roof

access ladders on the Stage roof...these appeared to cover no more than one or two square feet

each. Deteriorated control joint sealants were typical and settling cracks in the CMU were

documented in the SW corner of the Gym and NE corner of the Stage roofs. There appeared to

be no evidence of membrane or roof-related sheet metal damage from a hail storm that allegedly

occurred on or about October 14, 2018.

The roof drains well with only minor areas of incidental ponding noted at the terminus or gore

points of crickets and within the drain sumps. The solar panels oriented perpendicular to the

slope on the Media Center do appear to interfere with egress of water. Organic debris

accumulates upslope of the rack base...there also appears to be no sacrificial or other form of

membrane protection installed. Solar panels are oriented parallel with the slope on the Gym roof.

Perimeter sheet metal fabricated from galvanized steel is in fair condition with painted surfaces

showing signs of weathering. The membrane base flashing at CMU transitions is terminated

with the receiver of a surface-mounted counterflashing. The detail is approved by some

manufacturers, but eliminates the redundancy generally provided by a 2-piece sheet metal detail.

As a result, the counterflashing itself is cosmetic and not a functional waterproofing detail.

Sealants are also showings signs of weathering and should be addressed. CMU cracks running

under the receiver are potential areas for moisture intrusion. Drain components and rooftop

equipment (HVAC, air handling, etc.), service lines (gas) fabricated from ferrous metals are

showing signs of red rust.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (30)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

Termination of the base flashing between the surface mounted counterflashing and coping is

incomplete. That is, the membrane is completed with a sealant in lieu of the expected mechanical

attachment or other sheet metal detail. The membrane is also extended up and over the parapet

wall with no termination of the membrane under the coping metal. In addition, there is no

upturned end of the coping metal to provide an appropriate sealant detail.

All core cuts were dry. The IR scan did not identify any areas of wet insulation; however,

thermal loss was consistent at the perimeter, drains and rooftop penetrations (i.e., roof hatch,

mechanical units, intake/exhaust vents, VTR's and other pipe penetrations, etc.). Loose

membrane in the drain sumps allows air to circulate making it appear as moisture in the IR scan.

Filling all gaps in the insulation greater than 1/4" with spray foam adhesive, penetrations and all

roof-to-wall perimeter transitions is recommended to reduce potential thermal loss. Thermal

breaks in the roof assembly could be seen with the naked eye at the stress plates attaching the

single layer of 4" polyisocyanurate insulation.


With targeted repairs identified in the body of the report, 3-5 years of additional life could be

expected from all roof areas, except the Gym. For budgeting purposes, the following replacement

order is recommended: Gymnasium (Gym), Kitchen / Maintenance, Media Center and Stage .

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (31)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

Make sure the large, black box is highlighted by clicking inside it. Insert picture using the

toolbar above. Select Insert / Picture / From File and select the picture

1. Overview - Media Center

2. Overview - Media Center

Make sure the large, black box is highlighted by clicking inside it. Insert picture using the

toolbar above. Select Insert / Picture / From File and select the picture

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (32)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

3. Media Center

4. Media Center

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (33)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

5. Media Center

6. Media Center

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (34)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

7. Media Center

8. Media Center

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (35)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

9. Media Center

10. Media Center

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (36)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

11. Media Center

12. Media Center

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (37)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

13. Media Center

14. Media Center

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (38)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

15. Media Center - Core

16. Media Center - Open seam

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (39)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

17. Media Center - Membrane damage with temporary sealant repair.

18. Media Center - Displaced solar support ballast.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (40)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

19. Media Center - Debris accumulation and unprotected membrane.

20. Media Center - Deteriorated control joint sealant (typ.)

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (41)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

21. Overview - Stage

22. Overview - Stage

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (42)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

23 Overview - Stage

24. Overview - Stage

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (43)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

25. Stage

26. Stage

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (44)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

27. Stage

28. Stage

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (45)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

29. Stage - Core

30. Stage - 3" membrane tear

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (46)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

31. Stage - Membrane damage w/temporary sealant repair

32. Stage - Damaged insulation at roof access...note accumulated debris.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (47)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

33. Stage - Incomplete membrane termination and deteriorated sealants.

34. Stage - Incomplete membrane termination and deteriorated sealants.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (48)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

35. Stage - Missing scupper sealants (typ.).

36. Stage - Deteriorated control joint sealant (typ.)

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (49)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

37. Stage - CMU settling cracks (SW corner of Gym)

38. Stage - CMU settling cracks (SW corner of Gym)

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (50)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

39. Stage - CMU settling cracks (SW corner of Gym)

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (51)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

40. Overview - Gym

41. Overview - Gym

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (52)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

42. Gym - SW Corner (note elastomeric coating)

43. Gym - SW Corner

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (53)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

44. Gym - South parapet wall

45. Gym - South parapet wall

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (54)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

46. Gym - SE Corner

47. Gym - SE Corner

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (55)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

48. Gym - Drain at East parapet

49. Gym - Drain and scupper at East parapet

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (56)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

50. Gym - NE corner

51. Gym - NE corner

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (57)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

52. Gym - Core

53. Gym - Membrane damage at coping NE corner

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (58)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

54. Gym - Membrane damage near South parapet wall

55. Gym - Membrane damage at North parapet wall near fixed ladder with temporary sealant repair.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (59)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

56. Gym - Membrane damage with temporary sealant repairs (typ.)

57. Gym - Open base flashing seam [missing T-joints].

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (60)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

58. Gym - Pinch wrinkle and deteriorated seam in drain sump.

59. Gym - Debris in drain sump

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (61)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

60. Gym - Open seam

61. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (62)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

62. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

63. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (63)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

64. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

65. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

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Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

66. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

67. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

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Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

68. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

69. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

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Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

70. Gym - Elastomeric coating & repairs

71. Gym - Abandoned parapet penetration

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (67)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

72. Gym - Abandoned parapet penetrations

73. Gym - Ballasted antennae base in the SE corner

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (68)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

74. Gym - Ballasted antennae base in the SE corner

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (69)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

75. Overview - Kitchen & Maintenance

76. Overview - Kitchen & Maintenance

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Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

77. Kitchen & Maintenance

78. Kitchen & Maintenance

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Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

79. Kitchen & Maintenance

80. Kitchen & Maintenance

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Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

81. Kitchen & Maintenance

82. Kitchen & Maintenance

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Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

83. Kitchen & Maintenance

84. Kitchen & Maintenance

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (74)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

85. Kitchen & Maintenance - Core

86. Kitchen & Maintenance - Pipe missing sealant (typ.)

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (75)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

87. Kitchen & Maintenance - Deteriorated membrane base flashing at condensate leak.

88. Kitchen & Maintenance - HVAC leaking onto membrane roof system.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (76)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

89. Kitchen & Maintenance - Unistrut fastened through curb base flashing without sealants. Note also deteriorated sealant on joint of sheet metal cover.

90. Kitchen & Maintenance - Roof hatch base flashing missing termination (foam rope, etc.).

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (77)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

91. Kitchen & Maintenance - Deteriorated wood blocking and rusting gas line.

92. Kitchen & Maintenance - Unsecured sheet metal splice on coping joint.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (78)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

93. Kitchen & Maintenance - Sheet metal details and area of CMU settling cracks.

94. Kitchen & Maintenance - Sheet metal details and area of CMU settling cracks.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (79)

Field Observation Report

Southwest Building Resource

Firestone Sales Representative - AZ 2440 W. Mission Lane Suite 8 Phoenix, AZ 85021 P 623 516 8186 F 623 516 0846

Make sure the large, black boxis highlighted by

clicking inside it. Insert picture using the toolbar above. Select Insert / Picture / From

File and select the picture

95. Kitchen & Maintenance - Wet insulation (top facer only) at damaged membrane (+/- 4 square feet).

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Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementa

SUMMARY 01 1000 - 1




A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section Includes: 1. Project information. 2. Work covered by Contract Documents. 3. Work performed by Owner. 4. Owner-furnished/Contractor-installed (OFCI) products. 5. Contractor's use of site and premises. 6. Coordination with occupants. 7. Work restrictions. 8. Specification and Drawing conventions.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 5000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for limitations and procedures

governing temporary use of Owner's facilities. 2. Section 01 7300 "Execution" for coordination of Owner-installed products.


A. Work Package: A group of specifications, drawings, and schedules prepared by the design team to describe a portion of the Project Work for pricing, permitting, and construction.


A. Project Identification: Picacho Elementary School Multi-Purpose Building (#1004) Roof Restoration 1. Project Location: 17865 S. Vail Rd., Picacho, AZ 85141

B. Owner: Picacho Elementary School District 1. 17865 S. Vail Rd., Picacho, AZ 85141 2. Owner's Representative: Allen Rogers (Superintendent), office: (520) 466-2244,

[emailprotected] C. Architect: SPS+ Architects, LLP

1. 8681 E. Via de Negocio, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 2. Architect's Representative: Sue Peacor (PM), office: (480) 991-0800 X357, cell:

(703) 608-1877, [emailprotected] D. Architect's Consultants: Architect has retained the following consultant, who has

prepared designated portions of the Contract Documents: 1. Roofing Consultant: Southwest Building Resource (SWBR)

a. Joe Parenza, phone: (480) 369-1491, [emailprotected]

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SUMMARY 01 1000 - 2


A. The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. New cover board, TPO membrane, and associated roof accessories installed

over existing membrane roof at the multi-purpose building roof areas. 2. Removal and storage on-site of existing rooftop solar panel equipment. 3. Removal and relocation of existing cellular antenna. Coordinate with cellular

company: Josh Naef (Tower Engineer) at AireBeam, (520) 840-9572, [emailprotected]

4. The Contractor shall coordinate roofing manufacturer’s site visits as required to meet all warranty requirements. Prior to new coverboard installation, a manufacturer’s representative shall perform a written inspection of the roof surface to confirm that it has been prepared satisfactorily to receive specified new roof covering. After specified roofing installation has been completed, a manufacturer’s representative shall perform a final inspection, inform the contractor of any required corrections or repairs, and then prepare a written certification of the roof surface once the final product is found to be satisfactory.

5. The contractor shall coordinate with District contracted QAQC Consultant throughout the course of construction.

B. Type of Contract: 1. Project will be constructed under a single prime contract.


A. Restricted Use of Site: Contractor shall have limited use of Project site for construction operations as indicated on Drawings by the Contract limits and as indicated by requirements of this Section.

B. Limits on Use of Site: Limit use of Project site to areas within the Contract limits indicated. Do not disturb portions of Project site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated. 1. Driveways, Walkways and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving

premises clear and available to Owner, Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or for storage of materials. a. Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances by

construction operations. b. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of

materials and equipment on-site. C. Condition of Existing Building: Maintain portions of existing building affected by

construction operations in a weathertight condition throughout construction period. Repair any and all damage caused by construction operations.

D. Condition of Existing Grounds: Maintain portions of existing grounds, landscaping, and hardscaping affected by construction operations throughout construction period. Repair any and all damage caused by construction operations.


A. Full Owner Occupancy: Owner may occupy Project site and existing and adjacent buildings during portions construction period. Cooperate with Owner during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's day-to-day operations. Maintain existing exits unless otherwise indicated.


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SUMMARY 01 1000 - 3

1. Architect will prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion for each specific portion of the Work to be occupied prior to Owner acceptance of the completed Work.

2. Building is currently occupied. Certificate of Occupancy is existing and shall not change.

3. Mechanical and electrical systems shall be fully operational, and required tests and inspections shall be successfully completed prior to substantial completion.

4. Upon substantial completion, Owner will assume responsibility for maintenance and custodial service for occupied portions of Work.


A. Comply with restrictions on construction operations. 1. Comply with limitations on use of public streets, work on public streets, rights of

way, and other requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. B. On-Site Work Hours: No limit on work hours or calendar days, unless jurisdiction or

Owner requests prior to initiation of Contract. Work hours may be modified to meet Project requirements if approved by Owner and authorities having jurisdiction.

C. Existing Utility Interruptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging for temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2. Obtain Owner's written permission before proceeding with utility interruptions.

D. Noise, Vibration, Dust, and Odors: Coordinate operations that may result in high levels of noise and vibration, dust, odors, or other disruption to Owner occupancy with Owner. 1. Notify Owner not less than three working days in advance of proposed disruptive

operations. 2. Obtain Owner's written permission before proceeding with disruptive operations.

E. Smoking and Controlled Substance Restrictions: Use of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, and other controlled substances [within the existing building] [on Project site] [on Owner's property] is not permitted.

F. Employee Identification: Provide identification tags for Contractor personnel working on Project site. Require personnel to use identification tags at all times.

G. Employee Screening: All employees of the contractor including all subcontractors working on site must have a current State of Arizona Department of Public Safety Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card unless other arrangements are made in writing, prior to construction start.


A. Specification Content: The Specifications use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1. Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the

Specifications. The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase.

2. Text Color: Text used in the Specifications, including units of measure, manufacturer and product names, and other text may appear in multiple colors or underlined as part of a hyperlink; no emphasis is implied by text with these

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SUMMARY 01 1000 - 4

characteristics. 3. Hypertext: Text used in the Specifications may contain hyperlinks. Hyperlinks may

allow for access to linked information that is not residing in the Specifications. Unless otherwise indicated, linked information is not part of the Contract Documents.

4. Specification requirements are to be performed by Contractor unless specifically stated otherwise.

B. Division 00 Contracting Requirements: General provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to all Sections of the Specifications.

C. Division 01 General Requirements: Requirements of Sections in Division 01 apply to the Work of all Sections in the Specifications.

D. Drawing Coordination: Requirements for materials and products identified on Drawings are described in detail in the Specifications. One or more of the following are used on Drawings to identify materials and products: 1. Terminology: Materials and products are identified by the typical generic terms

used in the individual Specifications Sections. 2. Abbreviations: Materials and products are identified by abbreviations scheduled

on Drawings. 3. Keynoting: Materials and products are identified by reference keynotes.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)



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ALLOWANCES 01 2100 - 1



A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements governing allowances. B. Types of allowances include the following:

1. Lump-sum allowances. 2. Unit-cost allowances. 3. Quantity allowances. 4. Testing and inspecting allowances.

C. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements" for procedures governing the use of allowances

for field testing by an independent testing agency.


A. Allowance: A quantity of work or dollar amount included in the Contract, established in lieu of additional requirements, used to defer selection of actual materials and equipment to a later date when direction will be provided to Contractor. If necessary, additional requirements will be issued by Change Order.


A. Submit invoices or delivery slips to show actual quantities of materials delivered to the site for use in fulfillment of each allowance.

B. Submit time sheets and other documentation to show labor time and cost for installation of allowance items that include installation as part of the allowance.

C. Coordinate and process submittals for allowance items in same manner as for other portions of the Work.


A. Allowance shall include cost to Contractor of specific products and materials ordered by Owner or selected by Architect under allowance and shall include taxes, freight and delivery to Project site.

B. Unless otherwise indicated, Contractor’s costs for receiving and handling at Project site, labor, installation, overhead and profit, and similar costs related to products and materials ordered by Owner or selected by Architect under allowance shall be included as part of the Contract Sum and not part of the allowance.

C. Unused Materials: Return unused materials purchased under an allowance to manufacturer or supplier for credit to Owner, after installation has been completed and accepted. 1. If requested by Owner, retain and prepare unused material for storage by Owner. Deliver

unused material to Owner's storage space as directed.


A. Allowance shall include cost to Contractor of specific products and materials ordered by Owner or selected by Architect under allowance and shall include taxes, freight and delivery to Project site.

B. Unless otherwise indicated, Contractor’s costs for receiving and handling at Project site, labor,

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ALLOWANCES 01 2100 - 2

installation, overhead and profit, and similar costs related to products and materials ordered by Owner or selected by Architect under allowance shall be included as part of the Contract Sum and not part of the allowance.

C. Unused Materials: Return unused materials purchased under an allowance to manufacturer or supplier for credit to Owner, after installation has been completed and accepted. 1. If requested by Architect, retain and prepare unused material for storage by Owner.

Deliver unused material to Owner's storage space as directed.


A. Allowance shall include cost to Contractor of specific products and materials ordered by Owner or selected by Architect under allowance and shall include taxes, freight and delivery to Project site.

B. Unless otherwise indicated, Contractor’s costs for receiving and handling at Project site, labor, installation, overhead and profit, and similar costs related to products and materials ordered by Owner or selected by Architect under allowance shall be included as part of the Contract Sum and not part of the allowance.

C. Unused Materials: Return unused materials purchased under an allowance to manufacturer or supplier for credit to Owner, after installation has been completed and accepted. 1. If requested by Architect, retain and prepare unused material for storage by Owner.

Deliver unused material to Owner's storage space as directed.


A. Testing and inspecting allowances include the cost of engaging testing agencies, actual tests and inspections, and reporting results.

B. The allowance does not include incidental labor required to assist the testing agency or costs for retesting if previous tests and inspections result in failure. The cost for incidental labor to assist the testing agency shall be included in the Contract Sum.

C. Costs of testing and inspection services not specifically required by the Contract Documents are Contractor responsibilities and are not included in the allowance.

D. At Project closeout, credit unused amounts remaining in the testing and inspecting allowance to Owner by Change Order.


A. Allowance Adjustment: To adjust allowance amounts, evaluate in the monthly draws based on the difference between purchase amount and the allowance, multiplied by final assessment of work-in-place where applicable. If applicable, include reasonable allowances for cutting losses, tolerances, mixing wastes, normal product imperfections, required maintenance materials, and similar margins. 1. Include installation costs in purchase amount only where indicated as part of the

allowance. 2. If requested, prepare explanation and documentation to substantiate distribution of

overhead costs and other markups. 3. Owner reserves the right to establish the quantity of work-in-place by independent

quantity survey, measure, or count. B. Submit claims for increased costs due to a change in the scope or nature of the allowance

described in the Contract Documents, whether for the purchase order amount or Contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. 1. Do not include Contractor’s or subcontractor's indirect expense in the Change Order cost

amount unless it is clearly shown that the nature or extent of Work has changed from what could have been foreseen from information in the Contract Documents.

2. No change to Contractor’s indirect expense is permitted for selection of higher- or lower-priced materials or systems of the same scope and nature as originally indicated.

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ALLOWANCES 01 2100 - 3

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)


A. Examine products covered by an allowance promptly on delivery for damage or defects. Return damaged or defective products to manufacturer for replacement.


A. Coordinate materials and their installation for each allowance with related materials and installations to ensure that each allowance item is completely integrated and interfaced with related work.


A. Allowance No. 1: Lump sum allowance for replacement of 10% of existing galvanized metal parapet copings

B. Allowance No. 2: Lump sum allowance for replacement of 50% of existing wood nailer at parapet copings


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Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementa

UNIT PRICES 01 2200 - 1



A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for unit prices. B. Related Requirements:

1. Section 01 2100 "Allowances" for procedures for using unit prices to adjust quantity allowances.

2. Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements" for field testing by an independent testing agency.


A. Unit price is an amount incorporated into the Agreement, applicable during the duration of the Work as a price per unit of measurement for materials, equipment, or services, or a portion of the Work, added to or deducted from the Contract Sum by appropriate modification, if the scope of Work or estimated quantities of Work required by the Contract Documents are increased or decreased.


A. Unit prices include all necessary material, plus cost for delivery, installation, insurance, applicable taxes, overhead, and profit.

B. Measurement and Payment: See individual Specification Sections for work that requires establishment of unit prices. Methods of measurement and payment for unit prices are specified in those Sections.

C. Owner reserves the right to reject Contractor's measurement of work-in-place that involves use of established unit prices and to have this work measured, at Owner's expense, by an independent surveyor acceptable to Contractor.

D. List of Unit Prices: A schedule of unit prices is included in Part 3. Specification Sections referenced in the Part 3 "Schedule of Unit Prices" Article contain requirements for materials described under each unit price.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)


A. Unit Price No. 1 – Galvanized Metal Parapet Copings: 1. Description: This allowance includes material cost including coping, clips, fasteners, and

associated material, receiving, handling, installation and Contractor overhead and profit 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear foot. 3. Quantity Allowance: Coordinate unit price with allowance adjustment requirements in

Section 01 2100 "Allowances." B. Unit Price No. 2 – Wood nailer at parapets:

1. Description: This allowance includes material cost including fasteners, receiving, handling, installation and Contractor overhead and profit

2. Unit of Measurement: Linear foot. 3. Quantity Allowance: Coordinate unit price with allowance adjustment requirements in

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UNIT PRICES 01 2200 - 2

Section 01 2100 "Allowances."


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UNIT PRICES 01 2200 - 3


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Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementary School District Project No. 1997



A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for alternates.


A. Alternate: An amount proposed by bidders or the Owner and stated on the Bid Form for certain work defined in the bidding requirements that may be added to or deducted from the base bid amount if the Owner decides to accept a corresponding change either in the amount of construction to be completed or in the products, materials, equipment, systems, or installation methods described in the Contract Documents. 1. Alternates described in this Section are part of the Work only if enumerated in the

Agreement. 2. The cost or credit for each alternate is the net addition to or deduction from the Contract

Sum to incorporate alternates into the Work. No other adjustments are made to the Contract Sum.


A. Coordination: Revise or adjust affected adjacent work as necessary to completely integrate work of the alternate into Project. 1. Include, as part of each alternate, miscellaneous devices, accessory objects, and similar

items incidental to or required for a complete installation, whether or not indicated as part of alternate.

B. Execute accepted alternates under the same conditions as other Work of the Contract. C. Schedule: A Part 3 "Schedule of Alternates" Article is included at the end of this Section.

Specification Sections referenced in schedule contain requirements for materials necessary to achieve the work described under each alternate.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)



A. No alternates included.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for substitutions. B. Related Requirements:

1. Section 01 2100 "Allowances" for products selected under an allowance. 2. Section 01 6000 "Product Requirements" for requirements for submitting comparable

product submittals for products by listed manufacturers.


A. Substitutions: Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction from those required by the Contract Documents. 1. Substitutions for Cause: Changes proposed by Contractor that are required due to

changed Project conditions, such as unavailability of product, regulatory changes, or unavailability of required warranty terms.

2. Substitutions for Convenience: Changes proposed by Contractor or Owner that are not required to meet other Project requirements but may offer advantage to Contractor or Owner.


A. Substitution Requests: Submit documentation identifying product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles.

B. Substitution Request Form: Use form provided in the specs SECTION 01 6000. 1. Documentation: Show compliance with requirements for substitutions and the following,

as applicable: a. Statement indicating why specified product or fabrication, or installation method

cannot be provided, if applicable. b. Coordination of information, including a list of changes or revisions needed to other

parts of the Work and to construction performed by Owner and separate Contractors that will be necessary to accommodate proposed substitution.

c. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed substitutions with those of the Work specified. Include annotated copy of applicable Specification Section. Significant qualities may include attributes, such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, sustainable design characteristics, warranties, and specific features and requirements indicated. Indicate deviations, if any, from the Work specified.

d. Product Data, including drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation procedures.

e. Samples, where applicable or requested. f. Certificates and qualification data, where applicable or requested. g. List of similar installations for completed projects, with project names and

addresses as well as names and addresses of architects and owners.

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h. Material test reports from a qualified testing agency, indicating and interpreting test results for compliance with requirements indicated.

i. Research reports evidencing compliance with building code in effect for Project, from the applicable code organization.

j. Detailed comparison of Contractor’s construction schedule using proposed substitutions with products specified for the Work, including effect on the overall Contract Time. If specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time, include letter from manufacturer, on manufacturer's letterhead, stating date of receipt of purchase order, lack of availability, or delays in delivery.

k. Cost information, including a proposal of change, if any, in the Contract Sum. l. Contractor’s certification that proposed substitution complies with requirements in

the Contract Documents, except as indicated in substitution request, is compatible with related materials and is appropriate for applications indicated.

m. Contractor’s waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of failure of proposed substitution to produce indicated results.

2. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within 5 working days of receipt of a request for substitution. Architect will notify Contractor of acceptance or rejection of proposed substitution within 10 working days of receipt of request, or seven days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a. Forms of Acceptance: Change Order, Construction Change Directive, or

Architect's Supplemental Instructions for minor changes in the Work. b. Use product specified if Architect does not issue a decision on use of a proposed

substitution within time allocated.


A. Compatibility of Substitutions: Investigate and document compatibility of proposed substitution with related products and materials. Engage a qualified testing agency to perform compatibility tests recommended by manufacturers.


A. Coordination: Revise or adjust affected work as necessary to integrate work of the approved substitutions.


A. Substitutions for Cause: Submit requests for substitution immediately on discovery of need for change, but not later than 15 working days prior to time required for preparation and review of related submittals. 1. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor’s request for substitution when the following

conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect will return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: a. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce

indicated results. b. Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted. c. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's construction schedule. d. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of authorities having

jurisdiction. e. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work. f. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work. g. Requested substitution provides specified warranty.

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h. If requested substitution involves more than one Contractor, requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work, is uniform and consistent, is compatible with other products, and is acceptable to all Contractors involved.

B. Substitutions for Convenience: Architect will consider requests for substitution if received within 60 working days after the Notice to Proceed. Requests received after that time may be considered or rejected at discretion of Architect. 1. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor's request for substitution when the following

conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect will return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: a. Requested substitution offers Owner a substantial advantage in cost, time, energy

conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities Owner must assume. Owner's additional responsibilities may include compensation to Architect for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by Owner, and similar considerations.

b. Requested substitution does not require extensive revisions to the Contract Documents.

c. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce indicated results.

d. Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted. e. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's construction schedule. f. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of authorities having

jurisdiction. g. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work. h. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work. i. Requested substitution provides specified warranty. j. If requested substitution involves more than one Contractor, requested substitution

has been coordinated with other portions of the Work, is uniform and consistent, is compatible with other products, and is acceptable to all Contractors involved.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)



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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing Contract modifications.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 2500 "Substitution Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling

requests for substitutions made after the Contract award.


A. Architect will issue supplemental instructions authorizing minor changes in the Work, not involving adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, on AIA Document G710.


A. Client-Initiated Proposal Requests: Architect will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that may require adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised Drawings and Specifications. 1. Work Change Proposal Requests issued by Architect are not instructions either to stop

work in progress or to execute the proposed change. 2. Within time specified in Proposal Request after receipt of Proposal Request, submit a

quotation estimating cost adjustments to the Contract Sum and the Contract Time necessary to execute the change. a. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total

amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities.

b. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts.

c. Include costs of labor and supervision directly attributable to the change. d. Include an updated Contractor's construction schedule that indicates the effect of the

change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time.

e. Quotation Form: Use forms acceptable to Architect. B. Contractor-Initiated Proposals: If latent or changed conditions require modifications to the

Contract, Contractor may initiate a claim by submitting a request for a change to Architect. 1. Include a statement outlining reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the

Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time.

2. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities.

3. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts.

4. Include costs of labor and supervision directly attributable to the change.

5. Include an updated Contractor's construction schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times,

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and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time.

6. Comply with requirements in Section 01 2500 "Substitution Procedures" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for product or system specified.

7. Proposal Request Form: Use form acceptable to Architect.


A. Allowance Adjustment: See Section 01 2100 "Allowances" for administrative procedures for preparation of Change Order Proposal for adjusting the Contract Sum to reflect actual costs of allowances.


A. On Client's approval of a Work Change Proposal Request, Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures of Client and Contractor on AIA Document G701.


A. Construction Change Directive: Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA Document G714. Construction Change Directive instructs Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 1. Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of change in the Work. It

also designates method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time.

B. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a time and material basis of work required by the Construction Change Directive. 1. After completion of change, submit an itemized account and supporting data necessary

to substantiate cost and time adjustments to the Contract.


A. Work Change Directive: Architect may issue a Work Change Directive on EJCDC Document C-940. Work Change Directive instructs Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 1. Work Change Directive contains a complete description of change in the Work. It also

designates method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time.

B. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a time and material basis of work required by the Work Change Directive. 1. After completion of change, submit an itemized account and supporting data necessary

to substantiate cost and time adjustments to the Contract.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)



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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements necessary to prepare and process Applications for Payment.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 2100 "Allowances" for procedural requirements governing the handling and

processing of allowances. 2. Section 01 2600 "Contract Modification Procedures" for administrative procedures for

handling changes to the Contract. 3. Section 01 3200 "Construction Progress Documentation" for administrative requirements

governing the preparation and submittal of the Construction Manager's construction schedule.


A. Schedule of Values: A statement furnished by Construction Manager allocating portions of the Contract Sum to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Construction Manager's Applications for Payment.


A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the schedule of values with preparation of Construction Manager's construction schedule. 1. Coordinate line items in the schedule of values with items required to be indicated as

separate activities in Construction Manager's construction schedule. 2. Submit the schedule of values to Architect at earliest possible date, but no later than 5

working days before the date scheduled for submittal of initial Applications for Payment. 3. Sub schedules for Phased Work: Where the Work is separated into phases requiring

separately phased payments; provide sub schedules showing values coordinated with each phase of payment.

4. Sub schedules for Separate Elements of Work: Where the Construction Manager's construction schedule defines separate elements of the Work; provide sub schedules showing values coordinated with each element.

5. Sub schedules for Separate Design Contracts: Where the Client has retained design professionals under separate contracts who will each provide certification of payment requests, provide sub schedules showing values coordinated with the scope of each design services contract, as described in Section 01 1000 "Summary."

B. Format and Content: Use Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish line items for the schedule of values. Provide at least one-line item for each Specification Section. 1. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the schedule of values:

a. Project name and location. b. Client's name. c. Client's Project number. d. Name of Architect. e. Architect's Project number. f. Construction Manager's name and address. g. Date of submittal.

2. Arrange schedule of values consistent with format of AIA Document G703. 3. Arrange the schedule of values in tabular form, with separate columns to indicate the

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following for each item listed: a. Related Specification Section or division. b. Description of the Work. c. Name of subcontractor. d. Name of manufacturer or fabricator. e. Name of supplier. f. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value. g. Dollar value of the following, as a percentage of the Contract Sum to nearest one-

hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. Round dollar amounts to whole dollars, with total equal to Contract Sum. 1) Labor. 2) Materials. 3) Equipment.

4. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in enough detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Provide multiple line items for principal subcontract amounts in excess of five percent of the Contract Sum.

5. Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each part of the Work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipment purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. a. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site.

6. Allowances: Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each allowance. Show line-item value of unit-cost allowances, as a product of the unit cost, multiplied by measured quantity. Use information indicated in the Contract Documents to determine quantities.

7. Purchase Contracts: Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each Purchase contract. Show line-item value of Purchase contract. Indicate Client payments or deposits, if any, and balance to be paid by Construction Manager.

8. Overhead Costs, Proportional Distribution: Include total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit for each line item.

9. Overhead Costs, Separate Line Items: Show cost of temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place as separate line items.

10. Temporary Facilities: Show cost of temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place as separate line items.

11. Closeout Costs. Include separate line items under Construction Manager and principal subcontracts for Project closeout requirements in an amount totaling five percent of the Contract Sum and subcontract amount.

12. Schedule of Values Revisions: Revise the schedule of values when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum. Include at least one separate line item for each Change Order and Construction Change Directive.


A. Each Application for Payment following the initial Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments, as certified by Architect and paid for by Client.

B. Payment Application Times: The date for each progress payment is indicated in the Client/Construction Manager Agreement. The period of construction work covered by each Application for Payment is the period indicated in the Agreement.

C. Payment Application Times: Submit Application for Payment to Architect by the 25th of the month. The period covered by each Application for Payment is one month, ending on the last day of the month. 1. Submit draft copy of Application for Payment 5 days prior to due date for review by

Architect. D. Application for Payment Forms: Use AIA Document G702 and AIA Document G703as form

for Applications for Payment. 1. Other Application for Payment forms proposed by the Construction Manager may be

acceptable to Architect and Client. Submit forms for approval with initial submittal of

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schedule of values.

E. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on form. Notarize and execute by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of Construction Manager. Architect will return incomplete applications without action. 1. Entries shall match data on the schedule of values and Construction Manager's

construction schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made. 2. Include amounts for work completed following previous Application for Payment, whether

or not payment has been received. Include only amounts for work completed at time of Application for Payment.

3. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued before last day of construction period covered by application.

4. Indicate separate amounts for work being carried out under Client-requested project acceleration.

F. Stored Materials: Include in Application for Payment amounts applied for materials or equipment purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. 1. Provide certificate of insurance, evidence of transfer of title to Client, and consent of

surety to payment for stored materials. 2. Provide supporting documentation that verifies amount requested, such as paid invoices.

Match amount requested with amounts indicated on documentation; do not include overhead and profit on stored materials.

3. Provide summary documentation for stored materials indicating the following: a. Value of materials previously stored and remaining stored as of date of previous

Applications for Payment. b. Value of previously stored materials put in place after date of previous Application for

Payment and on or before date of current Application for Payment. c. Value of materials stored since date of previous Application for Payment and

remaining stored as of date of current Application for Payment. G. Transmittal: Submit 3 signed and notarized original copies of each Application for Payment to

Architect by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall include waivers of lien and similar attachments if required. 1. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate

information about application. H. Waivers of Mechanic's Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of

mechanic's lien from entities lawfully entitled to file a mechanic's lien arising out of the Contract and related to the Work covered by the payment. Subcontractor, Sub-subcontractor, and Suppliers for construction period covered by the previous application. 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for amount requested in previous application, after

deduction for retainage, on each item. 2. When an application shows completion of an item, submit conditional final or full waivers. 3. Client reserves the right to designate which entities involved in the Work must submit

waivers. 4. Submit final Application for Payment with or preceded by conditional final waivers from

every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application who is lawfully entitled to a lien.

5. Waiver Forms: Submit executed waivers of lien on forms acceptable to Client. I. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or

coincide with submittal of first Application for Payment include the following: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. Schedule of values. 3. Construction Manager's construction schedule (preliminary if not final). 4. Combined Construction Manager's construction schedule (preliminary if not final)

incorporating Work of multiple contracts, with indication of acceptance of schedule by

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each Construction Manager. 5. Products list (preliminary if not final). 6. Schedule of unit prices. 7. Submittal schedule (preliminary if not final). 8. List of Construction Manager's staff assignments. 9. List of Construction Manager's principal consultants. 10. Copies of building permits. 11. Copies of authorizations and licenses from authorities having jurisdiction for performance

of the Work. 12. Initial progress report. 13. Report of preconstruction conference. 14. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies. 15. Performance and payment bonds. 16. Data needed to acquire Client's insurance.

J. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: After Architect issues the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment showing 100 percent completion for portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. 1. Include documentation supporting claim that the Work is substantially complete and a

statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. a. Complete administrative actions, submittals, and Work preceding this application, as

described in Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures." 2. This application shall reflect Certificate(s) of Substantial Completion issued previously for

Client occupancy of designated portions of the Work. K. Final Payment Application: After completing Project closeout requirements, submit final

Application for Payment with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted, including, but not limited, to the following: 1. Evidence of completion of Project closeout requirements. 2. Certification of completion of final punch list items. 3. Insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required and proof

that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. 4. Updated final statement, accounting for final changes to the Contract Sum. 5. AIA Document G706. 6. AIA Document G706A. 7. AIA Document G707. 8. Evidence that claims have been settled. 9. Final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of

date of Substantial Completion or when Client took possession of and assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work.

10. Final liquidated damages settlement statement. 11. Proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations are paid. 12. Waivers and releases.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)



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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative provisions for coordinating construction operations on Project, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. General coordination procedures. 2. Coordination drawings. 3. RFIs. 4. Digital project management procedures. 5. Project meetings.

B. Each Subcontractor shall participate in coordination requirements. Certain areas of responsibility are assigned to a specific Contractor.

C. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 3200 “Construction Progress Documentation.” 2. Section 01 3233 "Photographic Documentation" 3. Section 01 7300 "Execution" for procedures for coordinating general installation and field-

engineering services, including establishment of benchmarks and control points. 4. Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures" for coordinating closeout of the Contract.


A. RFI: Request for Information. Request from Owner, Architect, or Contractor seeking information required by or clarifications of the Contract Documents.


A. Subcontract List: Prepare a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of the Work, including those who are to furnish products or equipment fabricated to a special design. Include the following information in tabular form: 1. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of entity performing subcontractor

supplying products. 2. Number and title of related Specification Section(s) covered by subcontract. 3. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate, covered by subcontract.

B. Key Personnel Names: Within 15 days of starting construction operations, submit a list of key personnel assignments, including superintendent and other personnel in attendance at Project site. Identify individuals and their duties and responsibilities; list addresses, cellular telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

Provide names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals assigned as alternates in the absence of individuals assigned to Project. 1. Post copies of list in Project meeting room, in field office. Keep list current at all times.


A. Coordination: Coordinate construction operations included in different Sections of the Specifications to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations included in different Sections that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results, where

installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation.

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2. Coordinate installation of different components to ensure maximum performance and

accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. 3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation.

B. Coordination of Multiple Contracts: Each subcontractor shall coordinate its construction operations with those of other subcontractors and entities to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Each subcontractor shall coordinate its own operations with operations included in different Sections that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results, where

installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation.

2. Coordinate installation of different components with other subcontractors to ensure maximum performance and accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair.

3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. C. Prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures

required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports, and list of attendees at meetings. 1. Prepare similar memoranda for Owner and separate subcontractors if coordination of

their Work is required. D. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative

procedures with other construction activities and scheduled activities of other subcontractors to avoid conflicts and to ensure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Preparation of Contractor's construction schedule. 2. Preparation of the schedule of values. 3. Installation and removal of temporary facilities and controls. 4. Delivery and processing of submittals. 5. Progress meetings. 6. Preinstallation conferences. 7. Project closeout activities. 8. Startup and adjustment of systems.


A. Coordination Drawings, General: Prepare coordination drawings according to requirements in individual Sections, and additionally where installation is not completely indicated on Shop Drawings, where limited space availability necessitates coordination, or if coordination is required to facilitate integration of products and materials fabricated or installed by more than one entity. 1. Content: Project-specific information, drawn accurately to a scale large enough to

indicate and resolve conflicts. Do not base coordination drawings on standard printed data. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Use applicable Drawings as a basis for preparation of coordination drawings. Prepare

sections, elevations, and details as needed to describe relationship of various systems and components.Retain first subparagraph below for projects requiring integrated coordination drawings showing information prepared by multiple contractors.

b. Coordinate the addition of trade-specific information to coordination drawings in a sequence that best provides for coordination of the information and resolution of

conflicts between installed components before submitting for review. c. Indicate functional and spatial relationships of components of architectural, mechanical, and electrical systems. d. Indicate space requirements for routine maintenance and for anticipated replacement of components during the life of the installation. e. Indicate required installation sequences.

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f. Indicate dimensions shown on Drawings. Specifically note dimensions that appear to be in conflict with submitted equipment and minimum clearance requirements.

Provide alternative sketches to Architect indicating proposed resolution of such conflicts. Minor dimension changes and difficult installations will not be considered changes to the Contract.

B. Coordination Drawing Process: Prepare coordination drawings in the following manner: 1. Schedule submittal and review of Fire Sprinkler, Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Shop

Drawings to make required changes prior to preparation of coordination drawings. 2. Commence routing of coordination drawing files with HVAC Installer, who will provide

drawing plan files denoting approved ductwork. HVAC Installer will locate ductwork and piping on a single layer, using orange color. Forward drawings to Plumbing Installer.

3. Plumbing Installer will locate plumbing and equipment on a single layer, using blue color. 4. Fire Sprinkler Installer will locate piping and equipment, using red color. Fire Sprinkler

Installer shall forward drawing files to Electrical Installer. 5. Electrical Installer will indicate service and feeder conduit runs and equipment in green

color. Electrical Installer shall forward drawing files to Communications and Electronic Safety and Security Installer.

6. Communications and Electronic Safety and Security Installer will indicate cable trays and cabling runs and equipment in purple color. Communications and Electronic Safety and Security Installer shall forward completed drawing files to Contractor.

7. Contractor shall perform the final coordination review. As each coordination drawing is completed, Contractor will meet with Architect to review and resolve conflicts on the coordination drawings.


A. General: Immediately on discovery of the need for additional information, clarification, or interpretation of the Contract Documents, Contractor shall prepare and submit an RFI in the form specified. 1. Architect will return without response those RFIs submitted to Architect by other entities

controlled by Contractor. 2. Coordinate and submit RFIs in a prompt manner to avoid delays in Contractor's work or

work of subcontractors. B. Content of the RFI: Include a detailed, legible description of item needing information or

interpretation and the following: 1. Project name. 2. Owner name. 3. Owner's Project number. 4. Name of Architect. 5. Architect's Project number. 6. Date. 7. Name of Contractor. 8. RFI number, numbered sequentially. 9. RFI subject. 10. Specification Section number and title and related paragraphs, as appropriate. 11. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. 12. Field dimensions and conditions, as appropriate. 13. Contractor's suggested resolution. If Contractor's suggested resolution impacts the

Contract Time or the Contract Sum, Contractor shall state impact in the RFI. 14. Contractor's signature. 15. Attachments: Include sketches, descriptions, measurements, photos, Product Data, Shop

Drawings, coordination drawings, and other information necessary to fully describe items needing interpretation. a. Include dimensions, thicknesses, structural grid references, and details of affected materials, assemblies, and attachments on attached sketches.

C. RFI Forms: Software-generated form with substantially the same content as indicated above,

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acceptable to Architect. 1. Attachments shall be electronic files in PDF format.

D. Architect's Action: Architect will review each RFI, determine action required, and respond. Allow seven days for Architect's response for each RFI. RFIs received by Architect after 1:00 p.m. will be considered as received the following working day. 1. The following Contractor-generated RFIs will be returned without action:

a. Requests for approval of submittals. b. Requests for approval of substitutions. c. Requests for approval of Contractor's means and methods. d. Requests for coordination information already indicated in the Contract Documents. e. Requests for adjustments in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum. f. Requests for interpretation of Architect's actions on submittals. g. Incomplete RFIs or inaccurately prepared RFIs.

2. Architect's action may include a request for additional information, in which case Architect's time for response will date from time of receipt by Architect of additional information.

3. Architect's action on RFIs that may result in a change to the Contract Time or the Contract Sum may be eligible for Contractor to submit Change Proposal. a. If Contractor believes the RFI response warrants change in the Contract

Time or the Contract Sum, notify Architect in writing within 5 working days of receipt of the RFI response.

E. RFI Log: Prepare, maintain, and submit a tabular log of RFIs organized by the RFI number. Submit log weekly. 1. Project name. 2. Name and address of Contractor. 3. Name and address of Architect. 4. RFI number, including RFIs that were returned without action or withdrawn. 5. RFI description. 6. Date the RFI was submitted. 7. Date Architect's response was received. 8. Identification of related Minor Change in the Work, Construction Change Directive, and

Proposal Request, as appropriate. 9. Identification of related Field Order, Work Change Directive, and Proposal Request, as

appropriate. F. On receipt of Architect's action, update the RFI log and immediately distribute the RFI response

to affected parties. Review response and notify Architect within 5 working days if Contractor disagrees with response.


A. General: Schedule and conduct meetings and conferences at Project site unless otherwise indicated. 1. Attendees: Inform participants and others involved, and individuals whose presence is

required, of date and time of each meeting. Notify Owner and Architect of scheduled meeting dates and times a minimum of 10 working days prior to meeting.

2. Agenda: Prepare the meeting agenda. Distribute the agenda to all invited attendees. 3. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting meeting will record significant discussions and

agreements achieved. Distribute the meeting minutes to everyone concerned, including Owner and Architect, within three working days of the meeting.

B. Preconstruction Conference: Architect will schedule and conduct a preconstruction conference before starting construction, at a time convenient to Owner and Architect, but no later than 10 working days after execution of the Agreement. 1. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Architect, and their consultants;

Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the conference. Participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work.

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2. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect progress, including the following: a. Tentative construction schedule. b. Critical work sequencing and long lead items. c. Designation of key personnel and their duties. d. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. e. Procedures for RFIs. f. Procedures for testing and inspecting. g. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. h. Submittal procedures. i. Preparation of Record Documents. j. Use of the premises. k. Work restrictions. l. Working hours. m. Owner's occupancy requirements. n. Responsibility for temporary facilities and controls. o. Procedures for disruptions and shutdowns. p. Construction waste management and recycling. q. Work and storage areas. r. Security. s. Progress cleaning.

3. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting meeting will record and distribute meeting minutes.

4. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Architect, and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent and sustainable design coordinator; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the conference. Participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. a. Construction waste management. b. Construction operations.

5. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting meeting will record and distribute meeting minutes.

C. Preinstallation Conferences: Conduct a preinstallation conference at Project site before each construction activity when required by other Sections and when required for coordination with other construction. 1. Attendees: Installer and representatives of manufacturers involved in or affected by the

installation and its coordination or integration with other materials and installations that have preceded or will follow, shall attend the meeting. Advise Architect and Owner of scheduled meeting dates.

2. Agenda: Review progress of other construction activities and preparations for the particular activity under consideration, including requirements for the following: a. Contract Documents. b. Options. c. Related RFIs. d. Related Change Orders. e. Purchases. f. Deliveries. g. Submittals. h. Review of mockups. i. Possible conflicts. j. Compatibility requirements. k. Time schedules. l. Weather limitations. m. Manufacturer's written instructions. n. Warranty requirements. o. Compatibility of materials. p. Acceptability of substrates.

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q. Temporary facilities and controls. r. Space and access limitations. s. Regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. t. Testing and inspecting requirements. u. Coordination with other work. v. Required performance results. w. Protection of adjacent work. x. Protection of construction and personnel.

3. Record significant conference discussions, agreements, and disagreements, including required corrective measures and actions.

4. Reporting: Distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present and to other parties requiring information.

5. Do not proceed with installation if the conference cannot be successfully concluded. Initiate whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to performance of the Work and reconvene the conference at earliest feasible date.

D. Project Closeout Conference: Schedule and conduct a project closeout conference, at a time convenient to Owner and Architect, but no later than 60 days prior to the scheduled date of Substantial Completion. 1. Conduct the conference to review requirements and responsibilities related to Project

closeout. 2. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Architect, and their consultants;

Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the meeting. Participants at the meeting shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work.

3. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect or delay Project closeout, including the following: a. Preparation of Record Documents. b. Procedures required prior to inspection for Substantial Completion and for final inspection for acceptance. c. Procedures for completing and archiving web-based Project software site data files. d. Submittal of written warranties. e. Requirements for preparing operations and maintenance data. f. Requirements for delivery of material samples, attic stock, and spare parts. g. Requirements for demonstration and training. h. Preparation of Contractor's punch list. i. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment at Substantial Completion and

for final payment. j. Submittal procedures. k. Coordination of separate contracts. l. Owner's partial occupancy requirements. m. Installation of Owner's furniture, fixtures, and equipment. n. Responsibility for removing temporary facilities and controls.

4. Minutes: Entity conducting meeting will record and distribute meeting minutes. E. Progress Meetings: Conduct progress meetings at bi-weekly intervals or as agreed to at the

Pre-Construction conference. 1. Coordinate dates of meetings with preparation of payment requests. 2. Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner and Architect, each Contractor,

subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the meeting shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work.

3. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of previous progress meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. a. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting.

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Determine whether each activity is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to Contractor's construction schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. 1) Review schedule for next period.

b. Review present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: 1) Interface requirements. 2) Sequence of operations. 3) Status of submittals. 4) Deliveries. 5) Off-site fabrication. 6) Access. 7) Site use. 8) Temporary facilities and controls. 9) Progress cleaning. 10) Quality and work standards. 11) Status of correction of deficient items. 12) Field observations. 13) Status of RFIs. 14) Status of Proposal Requests. 15) Pending changes. 16) Status of Change Orders. 17) Pending claims and disputes. 18) Documentation of information for payment requests.

4. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting the meeting will record and distribute the meeting minutes to each party present and to parties requiring information. a. Schedule Updating: Revise Contractor's construction schedule after each progress meeting, where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue

revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. F. Coordination Meetings: Conduct Project coordination meetings at weekly intervals. Project

coordination meetings are in addition to specific meetings held for other purposes, such as progress meetings and preinstallation conferences. 1. Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner and Architect, each Contractor,

subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the meetings shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work.

2. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous coordination meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. a. Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last coordination meeting. Determine whether each contract is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to combined Contractor's construction schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be

expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time.

b. Schedule Updating: Revise combined Contractor's construction schedule after each coordination meeting, where revisions to the schedule have been made or

recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with report of each meeting. c. Review present and future needs of each Contractor present, including The following:

1) Interface requirements. 2) Sequence of operations. 3) Status of submittals.

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4) Deliveries. 5) Off-site fabrication. 6) Access. 7) Site use. 8) Temporary facilities and controls. 9) Work hours. 10) Hazards and risks. 11) Progress cleaning. 12) Quality and work standards. 13) Status of RFIs. 14) Proposal Requests. 15) Change Orders. 16) Pending changes.

3. Reporting: Record meeting results and distribute copies to everyone in attendance and to others affected by decisions or actions resulting from each meeting.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)



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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following:

1. Preconstruction photographs. 2. Concealed Work photographs. 3. Periodic construction photographs. 4. Final Completion construction photographs. 5. Preconstruction video recordings. 6. Periodic construction video recordings.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures" for submitting photographic documentation as

Project Record Documents at Project closeout. 2. Section 01 7900 "Demonstration and Training" for submitting video recordings of

demonstration of equipment and training of Client's personnel. 3. Section 02 4119 "Selective Demolition" for photographic documentation before selective

demolition operations commence.

1.3 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Key Plan: Submit key plan of Project site and building with notation of vantage points marked

for location and direction of each photograph and video recording. Indicate elevation or story of construction. Include same information as corresponding photographic documentation.

B. Digital Photographs: Submit image files within three days of taking photographs. 1. Submit photos on thumb-drive. Include copy of key plan indicating each photograph's

location and direction. 2. Identification: Provide the following information with each image description:

a. Name of Project. b. Name and contact information for photographer. c. Name of Architect. d. Name of Contractor. e. Date photograph was taken. f. Description of location, vantage point, and direction. g. Unique sequential identifier keyed to accompanying key plan.


A. Digital Photographs: Provide color images in JPG format, produced by a digital camera with minimum sensor size of 12 megapixels, and at an image resolution of not less than 3200 by 2400 pixels. Use flash in low light levels or backlit conditions.

B. Digital Images: Submit digital media as originally recorded in the digital camera, without alteration, manipulation, editing, or modifications using image-editing software.

C. Metadata: Record accurate date and time from camera.

1.5 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS A. Photographer: Engage a qualified photographer to take construction photographs. B. General: Take photographs with maximum depth of field and in focus.

1. Maintain key plan with each set of construction photographs that identifies each photographic location.

C. Preconstruction Photographs: Before commencement of the Work, take photographs of

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Project site and surrounding properties, including existing items to remain during construction, from different vantage points, as directed by Architect. 1. Take photographs to show existing conditions adjacent to property before starting the

Work. 2. Take photographs of existing buildings either on or adjoining property, to accurately

record physical conditions at start of construction. 3. Take additional photographs as required to record settlement or cracking of adjacent

structures, pavements, and improvements. D. Periodic Construction Photographs: Take adequate photographs monthly coinciding with the

cutoff date associated with each Application for Payment. Select vantage points to show status of construction and progress since last photographs were taken.

E. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take adequate photographs after date of Substantial Completion for submission as Project Record Documents. Architect will inform photographer of desired vantage points.

F. Additional Photographs: Architect may request construction photographs in addition to periodic photographs specified. 1. Three days' notice will be given, where feasible. 2. In emergency situations, take additional photographs within 24 hours of request. 3. Circ*mstances that could require additional photographs include, but are not limited to,

the following: a. Immediate follow-up when on-site events result in construction damage or losses. b. Photographs shall be taken at fabrication locations away from Project site. These

photographs are not subject to unit prices or unit-cost allowances. c. Substantial Completion of a major phase or component of the Work. d. Extra record photographs at time of final acceptance.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used)


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section Includes: 1. Submittal schedule requirements. 2. Administrative and procedural requirements for submittals.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 2900 "Payment Procedures" for submitting Applications for Payment and the

schedule of values. 2. Section 01 3100 "Project Management and Coordination" for submitting coordination

drawings and subcontract list and for requirements for web-based Project software. 3. Section 01 3200 "Construction Progress Documentation" for submitting schedules and

reports, including Contractor's construction schedule. 4. Section 01 3233 "Photographic Documentation" for submitting preconstruction

photographs, periodic construction photographs, and Final Completion construction photographs.

5. Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements" for submitting test and inspection reports, and schedule of tests and inspections.

6. Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures" for submitting closeout submittals and maintenance material submittals.

7. Section 01 7823 "Operation and Maintenance Data" for submitting operation and maintenance manuals.

8. Section 01 7839 "Project Record Documents" for submitting record Drawings, record Specifications, and record Product Data.

9. Section 01 7900 "Demonstration and Training" for submitting video recordings of demonstration of equipment and training of Owner's personnel.


A. Action Submittals: Written and graphic information and physical samples that require Architect's responsive action. Action submittals are those submittals indicated in individual Specification Sections as "action submittals."

B. Informational Submittals: Written and graphic information and physical samples that do not require Architect's responsive action. Submittals may be rejected for not complying with requirements. Informational submittals are those submittals indicated in individual Specification Sections as "informational submittals."


A. Submittal Schedule: Submit, as an action submittal, a list of submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction schedule. Include time required for review, ordering, manufacturing, fabrication, and delivery when establishing dates. Include additional time required for making corrections or revisions to submittals noted by Architect and additional time for handling and reviewing submittals required by those corrections. 1. Coordinate submittal schedule with list of subcontracts, the schedule of values, and

Contractor's construction schedule. 2. Initial Submittal Schedule: Submit concurrently with startup construction schedule.

Include submittals required during the first 60 days of construction. List those submittals required to maintain orderly progress of the Work and those required early because of long lead time for manufacture or fabrication.

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3. Final Submittal Schedule: Submit concurrently with the first complete submittal of Contractor's construction schedule. a. Submit revised submittal schedule as required to reflect changes in current status

and timing for submittals. 4. Format: Arrange the following information in a tabular format:

a. Scheduled date for first submittal. b. Specification Section number and title. c. Submittal Category: Action; informational. d. Name of subcontractor. e. Description of the Work covered. f. Scheduled date for Architect's final release or approval. g. Scheduled dates for purchasing. h. Scheduled date of fabrication. i. Scheduled dates for installation. j. Activity or event number.


A. Submittal Information: Include the following information in each submittal: 1. Project name. 2. Date. 3. Name of Architect. 4. Name of Contractor. 5. Name of subcontractor. 6. Name of firm or entity that prepared submittal. 7. Names of subcontractor, manufacturer, and supplier. 8. Unique submittal number, including revision identifier. Include Specification Section

number with sequential alphanumeric identifier and alphanumeric suffix for resubmittals. 9. Category and type of submittal. 10. Submittal purpose and description. 11. Number and title of Specification Section, with paragraph number and generic name for

each of multiple items. 12. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. 13. Indication of full or partial submittal. 14. Location(s) where product is to be installed, as appropriate. 15. Other necessary identification. 16. Remarks. 17. Signature of transmitter.

B. Options: Identify options requiring selection by Architect. C. Deviations and Additional Information: On each submittal, clearly indicate deviations from

requirements in the Contract Documents, including minor variations and limitations; include relevant additional information and revisions, other than those requested by Architect on previous submittals. Indicate by highlighting on each submittal or noting on attached separate sheet.

D. Submittals: 1. Place a permanent label or title block on each submittal item for identification; include

name of firm or entity that prepared submittal. 2. Provide a space approximately 4 by 5 inches on label or beside title block to record

Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Architect. E. Electronic Submittals: Prepare submittals as PDF package, incorporating complete

information into each PDF file. Name PDF file with submittal number. F. Submittals Utilizing Web-Based Project Software: Prepare submittals as PDF files or other

format indicated by Project management software.


A. Prepare and submit submittals required by individual Specification Sections. Types of submittals are indicated in individual Specification Sections.

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1. Email: Prepare submittals as PDF package and transmit to Architect by sending via email. Include PDF transmittal form. Include information in email subject line as requested by Architect. a. Architect will return annotated file. Annotate and retain one copy of file as a digital

Project Record Document file. 2. Web-Based Project Management Software: Prepare submittals in PDF form, and upload

to web-based Project management software website. Enter required data in web-based software site to fully identify submittal.

B. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals,

and related activities that require sequential activity. 2. Submit all submittal items required for each Specification Section concurrently unless

partial submittals for portions of the Work are indicated on approved submittal schedule. 3. Submit action submittals and informational submittals required by the same Specification

Section as separate packages under separate transmittals. 4. Coordinate transmittal of submittals for related parts of the Work specified in different

Sections, so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. a. Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination

with other submittals until related submittals are received. C. Processing Time: Allow time for submittal review, including time for resubmittals, as follows.

Time for review shall commence on Architect's receipt of submittal. No extension of the Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals enough in advance of the Work to permit processing, including resubmittals. 1. Initial Review: Allow 10 working days for initial review of each submittal. Allow additional

time if coordination with subsequent submittals is required. Architect will advise Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination.

2. Intermediate Review: If intermediate submittal is necessary, process it in same manner as initial submittal.

3. Resubmittal Review: Allow 10 working days for review of each resubmittal. 4. Sequential Review: Where sequential review of submittals by Architect's consultants,

Owner, or other parties is indicated, allow 15 working days for initial review of each submittal.

5. Concurrent Consultant Review: Where the Contract Documents indicate that submittals may be transmitted simultaneously to Architect and to Architect's consultants, allow 10 working days for review of each submittal. Submittal will be returned to Architect before being returned to Contractor. a. Submit one copy of submittal to concurrent reviewer in addition to specified number

of copies to Architect. D. Resubmittals: Make resubmittals in same form and number of copies as initial submittal.

1. Note date and content of previous submittal. 2. Note date and content of revision in label or title block, and clearly indicate extent of

revision. 3. Resubmit submittals until they are marked with approval notation from Architect's action

stamp. E. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittals to manufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers,

fabricators, installers, authorities having jurisdiction, and others as necessary for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms.

F. Use for Construction: Retain complete copies of submittals on Project site. Use only final action submittals that are marked with approval notation from Architect's action stamp.


A. Product Data: Collect information into a single submittal for each element of construction and type of product or equipment.

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1. If information must be specially prepared for submittal because standard published data are unsuitable for use, submit as Shop Drawings, not as Product Data.

2. Mark each copy of each submittal to show which products and options are applicable. 3. Include the following information, as applicable:

a. Manufacturer's catalog cuts. b. Manufacturer's product specifications. c. Standard color charts. d. Statement of compliance with specified referenced standards. e. Testing by recognized testing agency. f. Application of testing agency labels and seals. g. Notation of coordination requirements. h. Availability and delivery time information.

4. For equipment, include the following in addition to the above, as applicable: a. Wiring diagrams that show factory-installed wiring. b. Printed performance curves. c. Operational range diagrams. d. Clearances required to other construction, if not indicated on accompanying Shop

Drawings. 5. Submit Product Data before Shop Drawings, and before or concurrently with Samples.

B. Shop Drawings: Prepare Project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Do not base Shop Drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data unless submittal based on Architect's digital data drawing files is otherwise permitted. 1. Preparation: Fully illustrate requirements in the Contract Documents. Include the

following information, as applicable: a. Identification of products. b. Schedules. c. Compliance with specified standards. d. Notation of coordination requirements. e. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. f. Relationship and attachment to adjoining construction clearly indicated. g. Seal and signature of professional engineer if specified.

2. Paper Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns, and similar full-size Drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches, but no larger than 30 by 42 inches. a. Two opaque (bond) copies of each submittal. Architect will return 1 copy.

C. Samples: Submit Samples for review of type, color, pattern, and texture for a check of these characteristics with other materials. 1. Transmit Samples that contain multiple, related components, such as accessories

together in one submittal package. 2. Identification: Permanently attach label on unexposed side of Samples that includes the

following: a. Project name and submittal number. b. Generic description of Sample. c. Product name and name of manufacturer. d. Sample source. e. Number and title of applicable Specification Section. f. Specification paragraph number and generic name of each item.

3. Email Transmittal: Provide PDF transmittal. Include digital image file illustrating Sample characteristics and identification information for record.

4. Web-Based Project Management Software: Prepare submittals in PDF form, and upload to web-based Project software website. Enter required data in web-based software site to fully identify submittal.

5. Paper Transmittal: Include paper transmittal, including complete submittal information indicated.

6. Disposition: Maintain sets of approved Samples at Project site, available for quality-control comparisons throughout the course of construction activity. Sample sets may be used to determine final acceptance of construction associated with each set.

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a. Samples that may be incorporated into the Work are indicated in individual

Specification Sections. Such Samples must be in an undamaged condition at time of use.

b. Samples not incorporated into the Work, or otherwise designated as Owner's property, are the property of Contractor.

7. Samples for Initial Selection: Submit manufacturer's color charts consisting of units or sections of units, showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available. a. Number of Samples: Submit one full set of available choices where color, pattern,

texture, or similar characteristics are required to be selected from manufacturer's product line. Architect will return submittal with options selected.

8. Samples for Verification: Submit full-size units or Samples of size indicated, prepared from same material to be used for the Work, cured and finished in manner specified, and physically identical with material or product proposed for use, and that show full range of color and texture variations expected. Samples include, but are not limited to, the following: partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components; small cuts or containers of materials; complete units of repetitively used materials; swatches showing color, texture, and pattern; color range sets; and components used for independent testing and inspection. a. Number of Samples: Submit two sets of Samples. Architect will mark up both

Samples and retain one as a project record Sample; remainder will be returned. 1) Submit a single Sample where assembly details, workmanship, fabrication

techniques, connections, operation, and other similar characteristics are to be demonstrated.

2) If variation in color, pattern, texture, or other characteristic is inherent in material or product represented by a Sample, submit at least two sets of paired units that show approximate limits of variations.

D. Product Schedule: As required in individual Specification Sections, prepare a written summary indicating types of products required for the Work and their intended location. Include the following information in tabular form: 1. Type of product. Include unique identifier for each product indicated in the Contract

Documents or assigned by Contractor if none is indicated. 2. Manufacturer and product name, and model number if applicable. 3. Number and name of room or space. 4. Location within room or space.

E. Qualification Data: Prepare written information that demonstrates capabilities and experience of firm or person. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, contact information of architects and owners, and other information specified.

F. Design Data: Prepare and submit written and graphic information indicating compliance with indicated performance and design criteria in individual Specification Sections. Include list of assumptions and summary of loads. Include load diagrams if applicable. Provide name and version of software, if any, used for calculations. Number each page of submittal.

G. Certificates: 1. Certificates and Certifications Submittals: Submit a statement that includes signature of

entity responsible for preparing certification. Certificates and certifications shall be signed by an officer or other individual authorized to sign documents on behalf of that entity. Provide a notarized signature where indicated.

2. Installer Certificates: Submit written statements on manufacturer's letterhead, certifying that Installer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents and, where required, is authorized by manufacturer for this specific Project.

3. Manufacturer Certificates: Submit written statements on manufacturer's letterhead, certifying that manufacturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Include evidence of manufacturing experience where required.

4. Material Certificates: Submit written statements on manufacturer's letterhead, certifying that material complies with requirements in the Contract Documents.

5. Product Certificates: Submit written statements on manufacturer's letterhead, certifying that product complies with requirements in the Contract Documents.

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6. Welding Certificates: Prepare written certification that welding procedures and personnel comply with requirements in the Contract Documents. Submit record of AWS B2.1/B2.1M on AWS forms. Include names of firms and personnel certified.

H. Test and Research Reports: 1. Compatibility Test Reports: Submit reports written by a qualified testing agency, on

testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of compatibility tests performed before installation of product. Include written recommendations for substrate preparation and primers required.

2. Field Test Reports: Submit written reports indicating and interpreting results of field tests performed either during installation of product or after product is installed in its final location, for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents.

3. Material Test Reports: Submit reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents.

4. Preconstruction Test Reports: Submit reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of tests performed before installation of product, for compliance with performance requirements in the Contract Documents.


A. Performance and Design Criteria: Where professional design services or certifications by a design professional are specifically required of Contractor by the Contract Documents, provide products and systems complying with specific performance and design criteria indicated. 1. If criteria indicated are insufficient to perform services or certification required, submit a

written request for additional information to Architect. B. Delegated-Design Services Certification: In addition to Shop Drawings, Product Data, and other

required submittals, submit digitally signed PDF file and two paper copies of certificate, signed and sealed by the responsible design professional, for each product and system specifically assigned to Contractor to be designed or certified by a design professional. 1. Indicate that products and systems comply with performance and design criteria in the

Contract Documents. Include list of codes, loads, and other factors used in performing these services.

2. Prepare delegated-design drawings in the following format: Same digital data software program, version, and operating system as original Drawings.


A. Action Submittals and Informational Submittals: Review each submittal and check for coordination with other Work of the Contract and for compliance with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field dimensions. Mark with approval stamp before submitting to Architect.

B. Contractor's Approval: Indicate Contractor's approval for each submittal with a uniform approval stamp. Include name of reviewer, date of Contractor's approval, and statement certifying that submittal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with the Contract Documents. 1. Architect will not review submittals received from Contractor that do not have Contractor's

review and approval.


A. Action Submittals: Architect will review each submittal, indicate corrections or revisions required and return. 1. PDF Submittals: Architect will indicate, via markup on each submittal, the appropriate

action, as follows: a. Insert description of each action indicated on Architect's stamp.

2. Submittals by Web-Based Project Management Software: Architect will indicate, on Project management software website, the appropriate action.

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a. Actions taken by indication on Project management software website have the following meanings: 1) Insert description of each action indicated on Architect's stamp.

B. Informational Submittals: Architect will review each submittal and will not return it, or will return it if it does not comply with requirements. Architect will forward each submittal to appropriate party.

C. Partial submittals prepared for a portion of the Work will be reviewed when use of partial submittals has received prior approval from Architect.

D. Incomplete submittals are unacceptable, will be considered nonresponsive, and will be returned for resubmittal without review.

E. Architect will return without review submittals received from sources other than Contractor. F. Submittals not required by the Contract Documents will be returned by Architect without


PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)



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A. Section includes special procedures for alteration work.


A. Alteration Work: This term includes remodeling, renovation, repair, and maintenance work performed within existing spaces or on existing surfaces as part of the Project.

B. Consolidate: To strengthen loose or deteriorated materials in place. C. Design Reference Sample: A sample that represents the Architect's prebid selection of work to

be matched; it may be existing work or work specially produced for the Project. D. Dismantle: To remove by disassembling or detaching an item from a surface, using gentle

methods and equipment to prevent damage to the item and surfaces; disposing of items unless indicated to be salvaged or reinstalled.

E. Match: To blend with adjacent construction and manifest no apparent difference in material type, species, cut, form, detail, color, grain, texture, or finish; as approved by Architect.

F. Refinish: To remove existing finishes to base material and apply new finish to match original, or as otherwise indicated.

G. Repair: To correct damage and defects, retaining existing materials, features, and finishes. This includes patching, piecing-in, splicing, consolidating, or otherwise reinforcing or upgrading materials.

H. Replace: To remove, duplicate, and reinstall entire item with new material. The original item is the pattern for creating duplicates unless otherwise indicated.

I. Replicate: To reproduce in exact detail, materials, and finish unless otherwise indicated. J. Reproduce: To fabricate a new item, accurate in detail to the original, and from either the same

or a similar material as the original, unless otherwise indicated. K. Retain: To keep existing items that are not to be removed or dismantled. L. Strip: To remove existing finish down to base material unless otherwise indicated.


A. Preliminary Conference for Alteration Work: Before starting alteration work, Architect will conduct conference at Project site. 1. Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner, Architect, and Contractor Discuss items of significance that could affect progress of alteration work, including review of

the following: a. Fire-prevention plan. b. Governing regulations. c. Areas where existing construction is to remain and the required protection. d. Hauling routes. e. Sequence of alteration work operations. f. Storage, protection, and accounting for salvaged and specially fabricated items. g. Existing conditions, staging, and structural loading limitations of areas where

materials are stored. 2. Reporting: Architect will record] conference results and distribute copies to everyone in

attendance and to others affected by decisions or actions resulting from conference.

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A. Items of interest or value to Owner that may be encountered or uncovered during the Work, regardless of whether they were previously documented, remain Owner's property.


A. Alteration Work Program: Submit 7 days before work begins. B. Fire-Prevention Plan: Submit 7 days before work begins.


A. Title X Requirement: Each firm conducting activities that disturb painted surfaces shall be a "Lead-Safe Certified Firm" according to 40 CFR 745, Subpart E, and use only workers that are trained in lead-safe work practices.

B. Alteration Work Program: Prepare a written plan for alteration work for whole Project, including each phase or process and protection of surrounding materials during operations. Show compliance with indicated methods and procedures specified in this and other Sections. Coordinate this whole-Project alteration work program with specific requirements of programs required in other alteration work Sections. 1. Dust and Noise Control: Include locations of proposed temporary dust- and noise-control

partitions and means of egress from occupied areas coordinated with continuing on-site operations and other known work in progress.

2. Debris Hauling: Include plans clearly marked to show debris hauling routes, turning radii, and locations and details of temporary protective barriers.

C. Fire-Prevention Plan: Prepare a written plan for preventing fires during the Work, including placement of fire extinguishers, fire blankets, rag buckets, and other fire-control devices during each phase or process. Coordinate plan with Owner's fire-protection equipment and requirements. Include fire-watch personnel's training, duties, and authority to enforce fire safety.

D. Safety and Health Standard: Comply with ANSI/ASSE A10.6.


A. Salvaged Materials: 1. Clean loose dirt and debris from salvaged items unless more extensive cleaning is

indicated. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning; cushion against damage during handling. Label

contents of containers. 3. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. 4. Transport items to Owner's storage area designated by Owner. 5. Protect items from damage during transport and storage.

B. Salvaged Materials for Reinstallation: 1. Repair and clean items for reuse as indicated. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning and repairing; cushion against damage during

handling. Label contents of containers. 3. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. 4. Reinstall items in locations indicated. Comply with installation requirements for new

materials and equipment unless otherwise indicated. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials to make items functional for use indicated.

C. Existing Materials to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling from construction work. Where permitted by Architect, items may be dismantled and taken to a suitable, protected storage location during construction work and reinstalled in their original locations after alteration and other construction work in the vicinity is complete.

D. Storage: Catalog and store items within a weathertight enclosure where they are protected from moisture, weather, condensation, and freezing temperatures.

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1. Identify each item for reinstallation with a nonpermanent mark to document its original location. Indicate original locations on plans, elevations, sections, or photographs by annotating the identifying marks.

2. Secure stored materials to protect from theft. 3. Control humidity so that it does not exceed 85 percent. Maintain temperatures 5 deg F (3

deg C) or more above the dew point.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS - (Not Used)


3.1 PROTECTION A. Protect persons, motor vehicles, surrounding surfaces of building, building site, plants, and

surrounding buildings from harm resulting from alteration work. 1. Use only proven protection methods, appropriate to each area and surface being

protected. 2. Provide temporary barricades, barriers, and directional signage to exclude the public from

areas where alteration work is being performed. 3. Erect temporary barriers to form and maintain fire-egress routes. 4. Erect temporary protective covers over walkways and at points of pedestrian and

vehicular entrance and exit that must remain in service during alteration work. 5. Contain dust and debris generated by alteration work, and prevent it from reaching the

public or adjacent surfaces. 6. Provide shoring, bracing, and supports as necessary. Do not overload structural

elements. 7. Protect floors and other surfaces along hauling routes from damage, wear, and staining. 8. Provide supplemental sound-control treatment to isolate demolition work from other areas

of the building. B. Temporary Protection of Materials to Remain:

1. Protect existing materials with temporary protections and construction. Do not remove existing materials unless otherwise indicated.

2. Do not attach temporary protection to existing surfaces except as indicated as part of the alteration work program.

C. Comply with each product manufacturer's written instructions for protections and precautions. Protect against adverse effects of products and procedures on people and adjacent materials, components, and vegetation.

D. Utility and Communications Services: 1. Notify Owner, Architect, authorities having jurisdiction, and entities owning or controlling

wires, conduits, pipes, and other services affected by alteration work before commencing operations.

2. Disconnect and cap pipes and services as required by authorities having jurisdiction, as required for alteration work.

3. Maintain existing services unless otherwise indicated; keep in service, and protect against damage during operations. Provide temporary services during interruptions to existing utilities.

E. Existing Drains: Prior to the start of work in an area, test drainage system to ensure that it is functioning properly. Notify Architect immediately of inadequate drainage or blockage. Do not begin work in an area until the drainage system is functioning properly.

1. Prevent solids such as adhesive or mortar residue or other debris from entering the drainage system. Clean out drains and drain lines that become sluggish or blocked by sand or other materials resulting from alteration work.

2. Protect drains from pollutants. Block drains or filter out sediments, allowing only clean water to pass.

F. Existing Roofing: Prior to the start of work in an area, install roofing protection.

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A. General: Follow fire-prevention plan and the following: 1. Comply with NFPA 241 requirements unless otherwise indicated. 2. Remove and keep area free of combustibles, including rubbish, paper, waste, and

chemicals, unless necessary for the immediate work. a. If combustible material cannot be removed, provide fire blankets to cover such

materials. B. Heat-Generating Equipment and Combustible Materials: Comply with the following procedures

while performing work with heat-generating equipment or combustible materials, including welding, torch-cutting, soldering, brazing, removing paint with heat, or other operations where open flames or implements using high heat or combustible solvents and chemicals are anticipated: 1. Obtain Owner's approval for operations involving use of open-flame or welding or other

high-heat equipment. Notify Owner at least 72 hours before each occurrence, indicating location of such work.

2. As far as practicable, restrict heat-generating equipment to shop areas or outside the building.

3. Do not perform work with heat-generating equipment in or near rooms or in areas where flammable liquids or explosive vapors are present or thought to be present. Use a combustible gas indicator test to ensure that the area is safe.

4. Use fireproof baffles to prevent flames, sparks, hot gases, or other high-temperature material from reaching surrounding combustible material.

5. Prevent the spread of sparks and particles of hot metal through open windows, doors, holes, and cracks in floors, walls, ceilings, roofs, and other openings.

6. Fire Watch: Before working with heat-generating equipment or combustible materials, station personnel to serve as a fire watch at each location where such work is performed. Fire-watch personnel shall have the authority to enforce fire safety. Station fire watch according to NFPA 51B, NFPA 241, and as follows: a. Train each fire watch in the proper operation of fire-control equipment and alarms. b. Prohibit fire-watch personnel from other work that would be a distraction from fire-

watch duties. c. Cease work with heat-generating equipment whenever fire-watch personnel are

not present. d. Have fire-watch personnel perform final fire-safety inspection each day beginning

no sooner than 30 minutes after conclusion of work in each area to detect hidden or smoldering fires and to ensure that proper fire prevention is maintained.

e. Maintain fire-watch personnel at Project site until 60 minutes <Insert time> after conclusion of daily work.

C. Fire-Control Devices: Provide and maintain fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and rag buckets for disposal of rags with combustible liquids. Maintain each as suitable for the type of fire risk in each work area. Ensure that nearby personnel and the fire-watch personnel are trained in fire-extinguisher and blanket use.

D. Sprinklers: Where sprinkler protection exists and is functional, maintain it without interruption while operations are being performed. If operations are performed close to sprinklers, shield them temporarily with guards. 1. Remove temporary guards at the end of work shifts, whenever operations are paused,

and when nearby work is complete.


A. Protect motor vehicles, surrounding surfaces of building, building site, plants, and surrounding buildings from harm or spillage resulting from applications of chemicals and adhesives.

B. Cover adjacent surfaces with protective materials that are proven to resist chemicals selected for Project unless chemicals being used will not damage adjacent surfaces as indicated in alteration work program. Use covering materials and masking agents that are waterproof and UV resistant and that will not stain or leave residue on surfaces to which they are applied. Apply protective materials according to manufacturer's written instructions. Do not apply liquid

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masking agents or adhesives to painted or porous surfaces. When no longer needed, promptly remove protective materials.

C. Do not apply chemicals during winds of sufficient force to spread them to unprotected surfaces. D. Neutralize alkaline and acid wastes and legally dispose of off Owner's property. E. Collect and dispose of runoff from chemical operations by legal means and in a manner that

prevents soil contamination, soil erosion, undermining of paving and foundations, damage to landscaping, or water penetration into building interior.


A. Record existing work before each procedure (preconstruction), and record progress during the work. Use digital preconstruction documentation [photographs] [or] [video recordings]. Comply with requirements in Section 013233 "Photographic Documentation."

B. Perform surveys of Project site as the Work progresses to detect hazards resulting from alterations.

C. Notify Architect of visible changes in the integrity of material or components whether from environmental causes including biological attack, UV degradation, freezing, or thawing or from structural defects including cracks, movement, or distortion. 1. Do not proceed with the work in question until directed by Architect.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for quality assurance and quality control.

B. Testing and inspection services are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 1. Specific quality-assurance and quality-control requirements for individual work results are

specified in their respective Specification Sections. Requirements in individual Sections may also cover production of standard products.

2. Specified tests, inspections, and related actions do not limit Contractor's other quality-assurance and quality-control procedures that facilitate compliance with the Contract Document requirements.

3. Requirements for Contractor to provide quality-assurance and quality-control services required by Architect, Owner, Commissioning Authority, or authorities having jurisdiction are not limited by provisions of this Section.

C. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 2100 "Allowances" for testing and inspection allowances.


A. Experienced: When used with an entity or individual, "experienced," unless otherwise further described, means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in nature, size, and extent to this Project; being familiar with special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.

B. Field Quality-Control Tests and Inspections: Tests and inspections that are performed on-site for installation of the Work and for completed Work.

C. Installer/Applicator/Erector: Contractor or another entity engaged by Contractor as an employee, sub Contractor, or sub-sub Contractor, to perform a particular construction operation, including installation, erection, application, assembly, and similar operations. 1. Use of trade-specific terminology in referring to a Work result does not require that

certain construction activities specified apply exclusively to specific trade(s). D. Mockups: Full-size physical assemblies that are constructed either as freestanding temporary

built elements or as part of permanent construction. Mockups are constructed to verify selections made under Sample submittals; to demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and execution; to review coordination, testing, or operation; to show interface between dissimilar materials; and to demonstrate compliance with specified installation tolerances. Mockups are not Samples. Unless otherwise indicated, approved mockups establish the standard by which the Work will be judged. 1. Integrated Exterior Mockups: Mockups of the exterior envelope constructed on-site as

indicated in-place portions of permanent construction, consisting of multiple products, assemblies, and subassemblies, with cutaways enabling inspection of concealed portions of the Work. a. Include each system, assembly, component, and part of the exterior wall [and roof]

to be constructed for the Project. Colors of components shall be those selected by the Architect for use in the Project.

2. Product Mockups: Mockups that may include multiple products, materials, or systems specified in a single Section.

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3. In-Place Mockups: Mockups constructed on-site in their actual final location as part of permanent construction.

E. Preconstruction Testing: Tests and inspections performed specifically for Project before products and materials are incorporated into the Work, to verify performance or compliance with specified criteria. Unless otherwise indicated, copies of reports of tests or inspections performed for other than the Project do not meet this definition.

F. Product Tests: Tests and inspections that are performed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) according to 29 CFR 1910.7, by a testing agency accredited according to NIST's National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), or by a testing agency qualified to conduct product testing and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, to establish product performance and compliance with specified requirements.

G. Source Quality-Control Tests and Inspections: Tests and inspections that are performed at the source (e.g., plant, mill, factory, or shop).

H. Testing Agency: An entity engaged to perform specific tests, inspections, or both. The term "testing laboratory" shall have the same meaning as the term "testing agency."

I. Quality-Assurance Services: Activities, actions, and procedures performed before and during execution of the Work, to guard against defects and deficiencies and substantiate that proposed construction will comply with requirements.

J. Quality-Control Services: Tests, inspections, procedures, and related actions during and after execution of the Work, to evaluate that actual products incorporated into the Work and completed construction comply with requirements. Contractor's quality-control services do not include contract administration activities performed by Architect.


A. Performance and Design Criteria: Where professional design services or certifications by a design professional are specifically required of Contractor by the Contract Documents, provide products and systems complying with specific performance and design criteria indicated. 1. If criteria indicated are not sufficient to perform services or certification required, submit a

written request for additional information to Architect. B. Delegated-Design Services Statement: Submit a statement signed and sealed by the

responsible design professional, for each product and system specifically assigned to Contractor to be designed or certified by a design professional, indicating that the products and systems are in compliance with performance and design criteria indicated. Include list of codes, loads, and other factors used in performing these services.


A. Conflicting Standards and Other Requirements: If compliance with two or more standards or requirements is specified and the standards or requirements establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, inform the Architect regarding the conflict and obtain clarification prior to proceeding with the Work. Refer conflicting requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to Architect for clarification before proceeding.

B. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, for the context of requirements. Refer uncertainties to Architect for a decision before proceeding.


A. Mockup Shop Drawings: For mockups. 1. Include plans, sections, elevations, and details, indicating materials and size of mockup


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2. Indicate manufacturer and model number of individual components. 3. Provide axonometric drawings for conditions difficult to illustrate in two dimensions.


A. Contractor's Quality-Control Plan: For quality-assurance and quality-control activities and responsibilities.

B. Qualification Data: For Contractor's quality-control personnel. C. Contractor's Statement of Responsibility: When required by authorities having jurisdiction,

submit copy of written statement of responsibility submitted to authorities having jurisdiction before starting work on the following systems: 1. Seismic-force-resisting system, designated seismic system, or component listed in the

Statement of Special Inspections. 2. Primary wind-force-resisting system or a wind-resisting component listed in the

Statement of Special Inspections. D. Testing Agency Qualifications: For testing agencies specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to

demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include proof of qualifications in the form of a recent report on the inspection of the testing agency by a recognized authority.

E. Schedule of Tests and Inspections: Prepare in tabular form and include the following: 1. Specification Section number and title. 2. Entity responsible for performing tests and inspections. 3. Description of test and inspection. 4. Identification of applicable standards. 5. Identification of test and inspection methods. 6. Number of tests and inspections required. 7. Time schedule or time span for tests and inspections. 8. Requirements for obtaining samples. 9. Unique characteristics of each quality-control service.

F. Reports: Prepare and submit certified written reports and documents as specified. G. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For Owner's record, submit copies of permits, licenses,

certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work.


A. Quality-Control Plan, General: Submit quality-control plan within ten days of Notice to Proceed, and not less than five days prior to preconstruction conference. Submit in format acceptable to Architect. Identify personnel, procedures, controls, instructions, tests, records, and forms to be used to carry out Contractor's quality-assurance and quality-control responsibilities and to coordinate Owner's quality-assurance and quality-control activities. Coordinate with Contractor's Construction Schedule.

B. Quality-Control Personnel Qualifications: Engage qualified personnel trained and experienced in managing and executing quality-assurance and quality-control procedures similar in nature and extent to those required for Project. 1. Project quality-control manager may also serve as Project superintendent.

C. Submittal Procedure: Describe procedures for ensuring compliance with requirements through review and management of submittal process. Indicate qualifications of personnel responsible for submittal review.

D. Testing and Inspection: In quality-control plan, include a comprehensive schedule of Work requiring testing or inspection, including the following: 1. Contractor-performed tests and inspections, including subcontractor-performed tests and

inspections. Include required tests and inspections and Contractor-elected tests and inspections. Distinguish source quality-control tests and inspections from field quality-control tests and inspections.

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2. Special inspections required by authorities having jurisdiction and indicated on the Statement of Special Inspections.

3. Owner-performed tests and inspections indicated in the Contract Documents, and including tests and inspections indicated to be performed by Commissioning Authority.

E. Continuous Inspection of Workmanship: Describe process for continuous inspection during construction to identify and correct deficiencies in workmanship in addition to testing and inspection specified. Indicate types of corrective actions to be required to bring the Work into compliance with standards of workmanship established by Contract requirements and approved mockups.

F. Monitoring and Documentation: Maintain testing and inspection reports, including log of approved and rejected results. Include Work Architect has indicated as nonconforming or defective. Indicate corrective actions taken to bring nonconforming Work into compliance with requirements. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.


A. Test and Inspection Reports: Prepare and submit certified written reports specified in other Sections. Include the following: 1. Date of issue. 2. Project title and number. 3. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of testing agency. 4. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. 5. Names of individuals making tests and inspections. 6. Description of the Work and test and inspection method. 7. Identification of product and Specification Section. 8. Complete test or inspection data. 9. Test and inspection results and an interpretation of test results. 10. Record of temperature and weather conditions at time of sample-taking and testing and

inspection. 11. Comments or professional opinion on whether tested or inspected Work complies with

the Contract Document requirements. 12. Name and signature of laboratory inspector. 13. Recommendations on retesting and reinspecting.

B. Manufacturer's Technical Representative's Field Reports: Prepare written information documenting manufacturer's technical representative's tests and inspections specified in other Sections. Include the following: 1. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of technical representative making

report. 2. Statement on condition of substrates and their acceptability for installation of product. 3. Statement that products at Project site comply with requirements. 4. Summary of installation procedures being followed, whether they comply with

requirements and, if not, what corrective action was taken. 5. Results of operational and other tests and a statement of whether observed performance

complies with requirements. 6. Statement of whether conditions, products, and installation will affect warranty. 7. Other required items indicated in individual Specification Sections.

C. Factory-Authorized Service Representative's Reports: Prepare written information documenting manufacturer's factory-authorized service representative's tests and inspections specified in other Sections. Include the following: 1. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of factory-authorized service

representative making report. 2. Statement that equipment complies with requirements. 3. Results of operational and other tests and a statement of whether observed performance

complies with requirements. 4. Statement of whether conditions, products, and installation will affect warranty.

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5. Other required items indicated in individual Specification Sections.


A. Qualifications paragraphs in this article establish the minimum qualification levels required; individual Specification Sections specify additional requirements.

B. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing products or systems similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. As applicable, procure products from manufacturers able to meet qualification requirements, warranty requirements, and technical or factory-authorized service representative requirements.

C. Fabricator Qualifications: A firm experienced in producing products similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units.

D. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in installing, erecting, applying, or assembling work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance.

E. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of the system, assembly, or product that is similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project.

F. Specialists: Certain Specification Sections require that specific construction activities shall be performed by entities who are recognized experts in those operations. Specialists shall satisfy qualification requirements indicated and shall be engaged in the activities indicated. 1. Requirements of authorities having jurisdiction shall supersede requirements for

specialists. G. Testing and Inspecting Agency Qualifications: An NRTL, an NVLAP, or an independent

agency with the experience and capability to conduct testing and inspection indicated, as documented in accordance with ASTM E329, and with additional qualifications specified in individual Sections; and, where required by authorities having jurisdiction, that is acceptable to authorities.

H. Manufacturer's Technical Representative Qualifications: An authorized representative of manufacturer who is trained and approved by manufacturer to observe and inspect installation of manufacturer's products that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project.

I. Factory-Authorized Service Representative Qualifications: An authorized representative of manufacturer who is trained and approved by manufacturer to inspect, demonstrate, repair, and perform service on installations of manufacturer's products that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project.

J. Preconstruction Testing: Where testing agency is indicated to perform preconstruction testing for compliance with specified requirements for performance and test methods, comply with the following Contractor's responsibilities, including the following: 1. Provide test specimens representative of proposed products and construction. 2. Submit specimens in a timely manner with sufficient time for testing and analyzing results

to prevent delaying the Work. 3. Provide sizes and configurations of test assemblies, mockups, and laboratory mockups to

adequately demonstrate capability of products to comply with performance requirements. 4. Build site-assembled test assemblies and mockups, using installers who will perform

same tasks for Project. 5. Build laboratory mockups at testing facility, using personnel, products, and methods of

construction indicated for the completed Work. 6. When testing is complete, remove test specimens and test assemblies,

and mockups, and laboratory mockups; do not reuse products on Project.

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7. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Submit a certified written report of each test, inspection, and similar quality-assurance service to Architect and Commissioning Authority with copy to Contractor. Interpret tests and inspections, and state in each report whether tested and inspected Work complies with or deviates from the Contract Documents.

K. Mockups: Before installing portions of the Work requiring mockups, build mockups for each form of construction and finish required to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for the completed Work: 1. Build mockups of size indicated. 2. Build mockups in location indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. 3. Notify Architect seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be

constructed. 4. Employ supervisory personnel who will oversee mockup construction. Employ workers

who will be employed to perform same tasks during the construction at Project. 5. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship. 6. Obtain Architect’s approval of mockups before starting corresponding Work, fabrication,

or construction. a. Allow seven days for initial review and each re-review of each mockup.

7. Promptly correct unsatisfactory conditions noted by Architect's preliminary review, to the satisfaction of the Architect, before completion of final mockup.

8. Approval of mockups by the Architect does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing.

9. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work.

10. Demolish and remove mockups when directed unless otherwise indicated. L. Integrated Exterior Mockups: Construct integrated exterior mockup according to approved

Shop Drawings. Coordinate installation of exterior envelope materials and products for which mockups are required in individual Specification Sections, along with supporting materials. Comply with requirements in "Mockups" Paragraph. 1. Coordinate construction of the mockup to allow observation of air barrier installation,

flashings, air barrier integration with fenestration systems, and other portions of the building air/moisture barrier and drainage assemblies, prior to installation of veneer, cladding elements, and other components that will obscure the work.

M. Laboratory Mockups: Comply with requirements of preconstruction testing and those specified in individual Specification Sections.


A. Owner Responsibilities: Where quality-control services are indicated as Owner's responsibility, Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform these services. 1. Owner will furnish Contractor with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of testing

agencies engaged and a description of types of testing and inspection they are engaged to perform.

2. Payment for these services will be made from testing and inspection allowances specified in Section 01 2100 "Allowances," as authorized by Change Orders.

3. Costs for retesting and reinspecting construction that replaces or is necessitated by Work that failed to comply with the Contract Documents will be charged to Contractor, and the Contract Sum will be adjusted by Change Order.

B. Contractor Responsibilities: Tests and inspections not explicitly assigned to Owner are Contractor's responsibility. Perform additional quality-control activities, whether specified or not, to verify and document that the Work complies with requirements. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, provide quality-control services specified and those required

by authorities having jurisdiction. Perform quality-control services required of Contractor by authorities having jurisdiction, whether specified or not.

2. Engage a qualified testing agency to perform quality-control services. a. Contractor shall not employ same entity engaged by Owner, unless agreed to in

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writing by Owner. 3. Notify testing agencies at least 48 hours in advance of time when Work that requires

testing or inspection will be performed. 4. Where quality-control services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, submit a

certified written report, in duplicate, of each quality-control service. 5. Testing and inspection requested by Contractor and not required by the Contract

Documents are Contractor's responsibility. 6. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to authorities having jurisdiction,

when they so direct. C. Retesting/Reinspecting: Regardless of whether original tests or inspections were Contractor's

responsibility, provide quality-control services, including retesting and reinspecting, for construction that replaced Work that failed to comply with the Contract Documents.

D. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Cooperate with Architect, Commissioning Authority, and Contractor in performance of duties. Provide qualified personnel to perform required tests and inspections. 1. Notify Architect, Commissioning Authority, and Contractor promptly of irregularities or

deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. 2. Determine the locations from which test samples will be taken and in which in-situ tests

are conducted. 3. Conduct and interpret tests and inspections, and state in each report whether tested and

inspected Work complies with or deviates from requirements. 4. Submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each test, inspection, and similar quality-

control service through Contractor. 5. Does not release, revoke, alter, or increase the Contract Document requirements or

approve or accept any portion of the Work. 6. Do not perform duties of Contractor.

E. Manufacturer's Field Services: Where indicated, engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-assembled components and equipment installation, including service connections. Report results in writing as specified in Section 01 3300 "Submittal Procedures."

F. Manufacturer's Technical Services: Where indicated, engage a manufacturer's technical representative to observe and inspect the Work. Manufacturer's technical representative's services include participation in preinstallation conferences, examination of substrates and conditions, verification of materials, observation of Installer activities, inspection of completed portions of the Work, and submittal of written reports.

G. Contractor's Associated Requirements and Services: Cooperate with agencies and representatives performing required tests, inspections, and similar quality-control services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notify agency sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Provide the following: 1. Access to the Work. 2. Incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate tests and inspections. 3. Adequate quantities of representative samples of materials that require testing and

inspection. Assist agency in obtaining samples. 4. Facilities for storage and field curing of test samples. 5. Delivery of samples to testing agencies. 6. Preliminary design mix proposed for use for material mixes that require control by testing

agency. 7. Security and protection for samples and for testing and inspection equipment at Project site.

H. Coordination: Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate required quality-assurance and quality-control services with a minimum of delay and to avoid necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate testing and inspection. 1. Schedule times for tests, inspections, obtaining samples, and similar activities.

I. Schedule of Tests and Inspections: Prepare a schedule of tests, inspections, and similar quality-control services required by the Contract Documents as a component of Contractor's

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quality-control plan. Coordinate and submit concurrently with Contractor's Construction Schedule. Update and submit with each Application for Payment. 1. Schedule Contents: Include tests, inspections, and quality-control services, including

Contractor- and Owner-retained services, commissioning activities, and other Project-required services paid for by other entities.

2. Distribution: Distribute schedule to Owner, Architect, Commissioning Authority Contractor, testing agencies, and each party involved in performance of portions of the Work where tests and inspections are required.


A. Special Tests and Inspections: Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to conduct special tests and inspections required by authorities having jurisdiction as the responsibility of Owner and as follows: 1. Verifying that manufacturer maintains detailed fabrication and quality-control procedures

and reviewing the completeness and adequacy of those procedures to perform the Work. 2. Notifying Architect, Commissioning Authority, and Contractor promptly of irregularities

and deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. 3. Submitting a certified written report of each test, inspection, and similar quality-control

service to Architect, and Commissioning Authority, and with copy to Contractor and to authorities having jurisdiction.

4. Submitting a final report of special tests and inspections at Substantial Completion, this includes a list of unresolved deficiencies.

5. Interpreting tests and inspections and stating in each report whether tested and inspected Work complies with or deviates from the Contract Documents.

6. Retesting and reinspecting corrected Work.


A. Test and Inspection Log: Prepare a record of tests and inspections. Include the following: 1. Date test or inspection was conducted. 2. Description of the Work tested or inspected. 3. Date test or inspection results were transmitted to Architect. 4. Identification of testing agency or special inspector conducting test or inspection.

B. Maintain log at Project site. Post changes and revisions as they occur. Provide access to test and inspection log for Architect's, Commissioning Authority's, Contractor's and authorities' having jurisdiction reference during normal working hours. 1. Submit log at Project closeout as part of Project Record Documents.


A. General: On completion of testing, inspection, sample-taking, and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes.

1. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Specification Sections or matching existing substrates and finishes. Restore patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining areas with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. Comply with the Contract Document requirements for cutting and patching in Section 01 7300 "Execution."

B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities. C. Repair and protection are Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of

responsibility for quality-control services.


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A. AGFD Provisions for Construction Projects, drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. This Section includes requirements for temporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities.


A. General: Cost or use charges for temporary facilities shall be included in the Contract Sum. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost, including, but not limited to, Architect, testing agencies and authorities having jurisdiction.


A. Site Plan: Show temporary facilities, utility hookups, staging areas, and parking areas for construction personnel.

B. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan: Develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) and show compliance with requirements of EPA Construction General Permit or authorities having jurisdiction, whichever is more stringent.

C. Fire Safety Program: Show compliance with requirements of NFPA 241 and authorities having jurisdiction. Indicate Contractor personnel responsible for management of fire prevention program.


A. Tests and Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to test and inspect each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits.

B. Electric Service: Comply with NECA, NEMA and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service to comply with NFPA 70.


A. Temporary Use of Permanent Facilities: Installer of each permanent service shall assume responsibility for operation, maintenance, and protection of each permanent service during its use as a construction facility before Client's acceptance, regardless of previously assigned responsibilities.



A. Portable Chain-Link Fencing: Minimum 2-inch, 9-gage, galvanized steel, chain-link fabric fencing; minimum 6 feet high with galvanized steel pipe posts; minimum 2-3/8-inch OD line

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posts and 2-7/8-inch OD corner and pull posts, with 1-5/8-inch OD top and bottom rails. Provide galvanized steel bases for supporting posts.


A. Common-Use Field Office of sufficient size to accommodate needs of construction personnel. Keep office clean and orderly. Furnish and equip offices as follows: 1. Provide secure storage for Project-site documents on site. 2. Drinking water and portable toilet on-site.

B. Storage and Fabrication Sheds: Provide sheds sized, furnished, and equipped to accommodate materials and equipment for construction operations. 1. Store combustible materials apart from building.


A. Fire Extinguishers: Portable, UL rated; with class and extinguishing agent as required by locations and classes of fire exposures.



A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required by progress of the Work. 1. Locate facilities to limit site disturbance as specified in Division 01 Section "Summary."

B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities.


A. General: Install temporary service or connect to existing service. 1. Arrange with utility company, Client, and existing users for time when service can be

interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. B. Water Service: Install water service and distribution piping in sizes and pressures adequate for

construction. C. Water Service: The Contractor shall provide construction water for the project and shall obtain

all applicable meters and permits. AGFD system water shall not be used by the Contractor for construction purposes.

D. Sanitary Facilities: Provide temporary toilets, wash facilities, and drinking water for use of construction personnel. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities.

E. Heating and Cooling: Provide temporary heating and cooling required by construction activities for curing or drying of completed installations or for protecting installed construction from adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Select equipment that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements being installed.

F. Electric Power Service: Provide electric power service and distribution system of sufficient size, capacity, and power characteristics required for construction operations. 1. Coordinate with serving utility provider to connect temporary service to existing on site

power source. 2. Obtain all applicable meters and permits. 3. Contractor responsible to pay for temporary power use during construction.

G. Lighting: Provide temporary lighting with local switching that provides adequate illumination for construction operations, observations, inspections, and traffic conditions. 1. Install and operate temporary lighting that fulfills security and protection requirements

without operating entire system.

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H. Telephone Service: Maintain cellular telephone service to project site Superintendent. 1. Provide superintendent with cellular telephone or portable two-way radio for use when

away from field office. 2. Provide and pay for installation of a job telephone, paying all local service charges

involved and any and all service and toll charges for long distance calls for duration of contract to the party making the call. A pay telephone is not acceptable. Cell phone is allowed.

I. Electronic Communication Service: Tablet, smart phone or laptop with internet access are acceptable. Printing may be done from the Contractor’s main office.


A. General: Comply with the following: 1. Provide construction for temporary offices, shops, and sheds located within construction

area or within 30 feet (9 m) of building lines that is noncombustible according to ASTM E 136. Comply with NFPA 241.

2. Maintain support facilities until Architect schedules Substantial Completion inspection. Remove after Substantial Completion but before Final Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Client.

B. Temporary Roads and Paved Areas: Construct and maintain temporary roads and paved areas adequate for construction operations. Locate temporary roads and paved areas as indicated on Drawings or as agreed by all parties. 1. Provide dust-control treatment that is nonpolluting and nontracking. Reapply treatment

as required to minimize dust. 2. Authorized routes will be designated by AGFD for access to the site for tradesman,

vehicles, equipment, material and supply delivery and waste disposal. No other routes are permitted.

C. Temporary Use of Permanent Roads and Paved Areas: Locate temporary roads and paved areas in same location as permanent roads and paved areas. Construct and maintain temporary roads and paved areas adequate for construction operations. Extend temporary roads and paved areas, within construction limits indicated, as necessary for construction operations. 1. Coordinate elevations of temporary roads and paved areas with permanent roads and

paved areas. 2. Prepare subgrade and install subbase and base for temporary roads and paved areas

according to Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." 3. Recondition base after temporary use, including removing contaminated material,

regrading, proofrolling, compacting, and testing. 4. Delay installation of final course of permanent hot-mix asphalt pavement until

immediately before Substantial Completion. Repair hot-mix asphalt base-course pavement before installation of final course according to Division 32 Section "Asphalt Paving."

D. Traffic Controls: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Protect existing site improvements to remain including curbs, pavement, and utilities. 2. Maintain access for fire-fighting equipment and access to fire hydrants.

E. Parking: Use designated areas of Client’s existing parking areas for construction personnel as permitted and upon approval of AGFD.

F. Dewatering Facilities and Drains: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Maintain Project site, excavations, and construction free of water. 1. Dispose of rainwater in a lawful manner that will not result in flooding Project or adjoining

properties or endanger permanent Work or temporary facilities. 2. Remove snow and ice as required to minimize accumulations.

G. Project Signs: Provide Project signs as indicated. Unauthorized signs are not permitted. 1. Temporary Signs: Provide other signs as indicated and as required to inform public and

individuals seeking entrance to Project.

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a. Provide temporary, directional signs for construction personnel and visitors. 2. Maintain and touchup signs so they are legible at all times.

H. Waste Disposal Facilities: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Construction Waste Management and Disposal."

I. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Comply with progress cleaning requirements in Division 01 Section "Execution."

J. Lifts and Hoists: Provide facilities necessary for hoisting materials and personnel. 1. Truck cranes and similar devices used for hoisting materials are considered "tools and

equipment" and not temporary facilities.


A. Protection of Existing Facilities: Protect existing vegetation, equipment, structures, utilities, and other improvements at Project site and on adjacent properties, except those indicated to be removed or altered. Repair damage to existing facilities.

B. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction as required to comply with environmental regulations and that minimize possible air, waterway, and subsoil contamination or pollution or other undesirable effects.

C. Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Provide measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil-bearing water runoff and airborne dust to undisturbed areas and to adjacent properties and walkways, according to the SWPPP or requirements of 2003 EPA Construction General Permit or authorities having jurisdiction, whichever is more stringent.

D. Stormwater Control: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Provide barriers in and around excavations and subgrade construction to prevent flooding by runoff of stormwater from heavy rains.

E. Tree and Plant Protection: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Temporary Tree and Plant Protection."

F. Tree and Plant Protection: Install temporary fencing located as indicated or outside the drip line of trees to protect vegetation from damage from construction operations. Protect tree root systems from damage, flooding, and erosion.

G. Pest Control: Engage pest-control service to recommend practices to minimize attraction and harboring of rodents, roaches, and other pests and to perform extermination and control procedures at regular intervals so Project will be free of pests and their residues at Substantial Completion. Perform control operations lawfully, using environmentally safe materials.

H. Temporary Egress: Maintain temporary egress from existing occupied facilities as indicated and as required by authorities having jurisdiction.

I. Temporary Fire Protection: Install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities of types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA 241; manage fire prevention program. 1. Prohibit smoking in construction areas. 2. Supervise welding operations, combustion-type temporary heating units, and similar

sources of fire ignition according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Develop and supervise an overall fire-prevention and -protection program for personnel

at Project site. Review needs with local fire department and establish procedures to be followed. Instruct personnel in methods and procedures. Post warnings and information.


A. Contractor's Moisture Protection Plan: Avoid trapping water in finished work. Document visible signs of mold that may appear during construction.

B. Exposed Construction Phase: Before installation of weather barriers, when materials are subject to wetting and exposure and to airborne mold spores, protect materials from water damage and keep porous and organic materials from coming into prolonged contact with concrete.

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C. Partially Enclosed Construction Phase: After installation of weather barriers but before full enclosure and conditioning of building, when installed materials are still subject to infiltration of moisture and ambient mold spores, protect as follows: 1. Do not load or install drywall or other porous materials or components, or items with high

organic content, into partially enclosed building. 2. Keep interior spaces reasonably clean and protected from water damage. 3. Discard or replace water-damaged and wet material. 4. Discard, replace, or clean stored or installed material that begins to grow mold. 5. Perform work in a sequence that allows any wet materials adequate time to dry before

enclosing the material in drywall or other interior finishes. D. Controlled Construction Phase of Construction: After completing and sealing of the building

enclosure but prior to the full operation of permanent HVAC systems, maintain as follows: 1. Control moisture and humidity inside building by maintaining effective dry-in conditions. 2. Remove materials that cannot be completely restored to their manufactured moisture

level within 48 hours.


A. Contractor, and subcontractors, must comply with Maricopa County Air Quality Department. B. County Air Quality Department requirements for dust control. C. Develop a dust control plan per MDAQ requirements. D. Secure a dust control permit from MDAQ. E. Create and maintain a daily log per MDAQ. F. Comply with all MDAQ requirements. G. Submit approved dust control plan and permit to Architect prior to the start of construction

activity on site that will disturb existing soil.


A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. To minimize waste and abuse, limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses.

B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. 1. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, cooling, humidity control,

ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of damage.

C. Temporary Facility Changeover: Do not change over from using temporary security and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion.

D. Termination and Removal: Remove each temporary facility when need for its service has ended, when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 1. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are property of Contractor.

Client reserves right to take possession of Project identification signs. 2. At Substantial Completion, repair, renovate, and clean permanent facilities used during

construction period. Comply with final cleaning requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures."


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for selection of products for use in Project; product delivery, storage, and handling; manufacturers' standard warranties on products; special warranties; and comparable products.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 1000 "Summary" for Contractor requirements related to Client-furnished

products. 2. Section 01 2100 "Allowances" for products selected under an allowance. 3. Section 01 2500 "Substitution Procedures" for requests for substitutions. 4. Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures" for submitting warranties.


A. Products: Items obtained for incorporating into the Work, whether purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similar intent. 1. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name, including make or

model number or other designation shown or listed in manufacturer's published product literature that is current as of date of the Contract Documents.

2. New Products: Items that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility. Salvaged items or items reused from other projects are not considered new products. Items that are manufactured or fabricated to include recycled content materials are considered new products, unless indicated otherwise.

3. Comparable Product: Product by named manufacturer that is demonstrated and approved through the comparable product submittal process described in Part 2 "Comparable Products" Article, to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics that equal or exceed those of specified product.

B. Basis-of-Design Product Specification: A specification in which a single manufacturer's product is named and accompanied by the words "basis-of-design product," including make or model number or other designation. Published attributes and characteristics of basis-of-design product establish salient characteristics of products. 1. Evaluation of Comparable Products: In addition to the basis-of-design product

description, product attributes and characteristics may be listed to establish the significant qualities related to type, function, in-service performance and physical properties, weight, dimension, durability, visual characteristics, and other special features and requirements for purposes of evaluating comparable products of additional manufacturers named in the specification. Manufacturer's published attributes and characteristics of basis-of-design product also establish salient characteristics of products for purposes of evaluating comparable products.

C. Subject to Compliance with Requirements: Where the phrase "Subject to compliance with requirements" introduces a product selection procedure in an individual Specification Section, provide products qualified under the specified product procedure. In the event that a named product or product by a named manufacturer does not meet the other requirements of the specifications, select another named product or product from another named manufacturer that does meet the requirements of the specifications; submit a comparable product request or substitution request, if applicable.

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D. Comparable Product Request Submittal: An action submittal requesting consideration of a

comparable product, including the following information: 1. Identification of basis-of-design product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced,

including Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 2. Data indicating compliance with the requirements specified in Part 2 "Comparable

Products" Article. E. Basis-of-Design Product Specification Submittal: An action submittal complying with

requirements in Section 01 3300 "Submittal Procedures." F. Substitution: Refer to Section 01 2500 "Substitution Procedures" for definition and limitations

on substitutions.


A. Compatibility of Options: If Contractor is given option of selecting between two or more products for use on Project, select product compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. 1. Resolution of Compatibility Disputes between Multiple Contractors:

a. Contractors are responsible for providing products and construction methods compatible with products and construction methods of other Contractors.

b. If a dispute arises between the multiple Contractors over concurrently selectable but incompatible products, Architect will determine which products shall be used.

B. Identification of Products: Except for required labels and operating data, do not attach or imprint manufacturer or product names or trademarks on exposed surfaces of products or equipment that will be exposed to view in occupied spaces or on the exterior. 1. Labels: Locate required product labels and stamps on a concealed surface, or, where

required for observation following installation, on a visually accessible surface that is not conspicuous.

2. Equipment Nameplates: Provide a permanent nameplate on each item of service- or power-operated equipment. Locate on a visually accessible but inconspicuous surface. Include information essential for operation, including the following: a. Name of product and manufacturer. b. Model and serial number. c. Capacity. d. Speed. e. Ratings.


A. Modify or adjust affected work as necessary to integrate work of approved comparable products and approved substitutions.


A. Deliver, store, and handle products, using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft and vandalism. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions.

B. Delivery and Handling: 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent

overcrowding of construction spaces. 2. Coordinate delivery with installation time to ensure minimum holding time for items that

are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses.

3. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing.

4. Inspect products on delivery to determine compliance with the Contract Documents and

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that products are undamaged and properly protected. C. Storage:

1. Provide a secure location and enclosure at Project site for storage of materials and equipment.

2. Store products to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. 3. Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project structure. 4. Store products that are subject to damage by the elements under cover in a weathertight

enclosure above ground, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation and with adequate protection from wind.

5. Protect foam plastic from exposure to sunlight, except to extent necessary for period of installation and concealment.

6. Comply with product manufacturer's written instructions for temperature, humidity, ventilation, and weather-protection requirements for storage.

7. Protect stored products from damage and liquids from freezing. 8. Provide a secure location and enclosure at Project site for storage of materials and

equipment by Client's construction forces. Coordinate location with Client.


A. Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve Contractor of obligations under requirements of the Contract Documents. 1. Manufacturer's Warranty: Written standard warranty form furnished by individual

manufacturer for a particular product and issued in the name of the Client or endorsed by manufacturer to Client.

2. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by the Contract Documents to provide specific rights for Client and issued in the name of the Client or endorsed by manufacturer to Client.

B. Special Warranties: Prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution. 1. Manufacturer's Standard Form: Modified to include Project-specific information and

properly executed. 2. Specified Form: When specified forms are included in the Project Manual, prepare a

written document, using indicated form properly executed. 3. See other Sections for specific content requirements and particular requirements for

submitting special warranties. C. Submittal Time: Comply with requirements in Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures."


A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, are new at time of installation. 1. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, fasteners, and other items

needed for a complete installation and indicated use and effect. 2. Standard Products: If available, and unless custom products or nonstandard options are

specified, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects.

3. Client reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties meeting requirements of the Contract Documents.

4. Where products are accompanied by the term "as selected," Architect will make selection.

5. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the Specifications establish salient characteristics of products.

6. Or Equal: For products specified by name and accompanied by the term "or equal," "or

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approved equal," or "or approved," comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product.

a. Submit additional documentation required by Architect in order to establish

equivalency of proposed products. Unless otherwise indicated, evaluation of "or equal" product status is by the Architect, whose determination is final.

B. Product Selection Procedures: 1. Sole Product: Where Specifications name a single manufacturer and product, provide the

named product that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. a. Sole product may be indicated by the phrase "Subject to compliance with

requirements, provide the following." 2. Sole Manufacturer/Source: Where Specifications name a single manufacturer or source,

provide a product by the named manufacturer or source that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. a. Sole manufacturer/source may be indicated by the phrase "Subject to compliance

with requirements, provide products by the following." 3. Limited List of Products: Where Specifications include a list of names of both

manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered unless otherwise indicated. a. Limited list of products may be indicated by the phrase "Subject to compliance with

requirements, provide one of the following." 4. Non-Limited List of Products: Where Specifications include a list of names of both

available manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed or an unnamed product that complies with requirements. a. Non-limited list of products is indicated by the phrase "Subject to compliance with

requirements, available products that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following."

b. Provision of an unnamed product is not considered a substitution, if the product complies with requirements.

5. Limited List of Manufacturers: Where Specifications include a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered unless otherwise indicated. a. Limited list of manufacturers is indicated by the phrase "Subject to compliance with

requirements, provide products by one of the following." 6. Non-Limited List of Manufacturers: Where Specifications include a list of available

manufacturers, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed or a product by an unnamed manufacturer that complies with requirements. a. Non-limited list of manufacturers is indicated by the phrase "Subject to compliance

with requirements, available manufacturers whose products may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following."

b. Provision of products of an unnamed manufacturer is not considered a substitution, if the product complies with requirements.

7. Basis-of-Design Product: Where Specifications name a product, or refer to a product indicated on Drawings, and include a list of manufacturers, provide the specified or indicated product or a comparable product by one of the other named manufacturers. Drawings and Specifications may additionally indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and other characteristics that are based on the product named. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product by one of the other named manufacturers. a. For approval of products by unnamed manufacturers, comply with requirements in

Section 01 2500 "Substitution Procedures" for substitutions for convenience. C. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require the phrase "match Architect's

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sample," provide a product that complies with requirements and matches Architect's sample. Architect's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches.

1. If no product available within specified category matches and complies with other specified requirements, comply with requirements in Section 01 2500 "Substitution Procedures" for proposal of product.

D. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range" or a similar phrase, select a product that complies with requirements. Architect will select color, gloss, pattern, density, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items.


A. Conditions for Consideration of Comparable Products: Architect will consider Contractor's request for comparable product when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect may return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with the following requirements: 1. Evidence that proposed product does not require revisions to the Contract Documents, is

consistent with the Contract Documents, will produce the indicated results, and is compatible with other portions of the Work.

2. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed product with those of the named basis-of-design product. Significant product qualities include attributes, such as type, function, in-service performance and physical properties, weight, dimension, durability, visual characteristics, and other specific features and requirements.

3. Evidence that proposed product provides specified warranty. 4. List of similar installations for completed projects, with project names and addresses and

names and addresses of architects and Clients, if requested. 5. Samples, if requested.

B. Architect's Action on Comparable Products Submittal: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation, as specified in Section 01 3300 "Submittal Procedures." 1. Form of Approval of Submittal: As specified in Section 01 3300 "Submittal Procedures." 2. Use product specified if Architect does not issue a decision on use of a comparable

product request within time allocated. C. Submittal Requirements, Two-Step Process: Approval by the Architect of Contractor's

request for use of comparable product is not intended to satisfy other submittal requirements. Comply with specified submittal requirements.

D. Submittal Requirements, Single-Step Process: When acceptable to Architect, incorporate specified submittal requirements of individual Specification Section in combined submittal for comparable products. Approval by the Architect of Contractor's request for use of comparable product and of individual submittal requirements will also satisfy other submittal requirements.


A. Absolutely no equipment or materials containing asbestos fibers in any form shall be installed or utilized on this project.

B. Contractor shall provide a certificate to Owner so indicating that no asbestos-containing building materials (ACBMs) have been utilized.



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8681 East Via de Negocio Scottsdale, AZ 85258-3330

PROJECT: We hereby submit for your consideration the following product, instead of the specified item, for the above project. Section Page Paragraph/Line Specified Item

Proposed Substitution:

(NOTE: Read paragraph 4.0, Substitutions, Section 00 1000, Instructions to Bidders, for additional criteria concerning prior approval for substitutions of material and equipment.) Attach complete product description, drawings, photographs, performance and test data, and other infor-mation necessary for evaluation, indicated by highlighting all comparable data between the specified item and proposed substitution. Identify specific model numbers, finishes, options, etc.

A. Will changes be required to building design (architecturally, structurally, mechanically or electrically) in order to properly install proposed substitution?

Yes _____ No _____. If Yes, explain: B. Will the undersigned pay for changes to the building design, including engineering and draw-ing costs, caused by requested substitution? Yes _____ No _____. C. List differences between proposed substitution and specified item. Specified Item Proposed Substitution D. Does substitution affect Drawing dimensions? Yes _____ No _____. If yes, explain:

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E. What effect does substitution have on other trades? F. Does the manufacturer's warranty of proposed substitution differ from that specified? Yes _____ No _____. If Yes, explain:

G. Will substitution affect progress schedule? Yes _____ No _____. If Yes, explain: H. Will substitution require more license fees or royalties than specified product? Yes _____ No _____. If Yes, explain:

I. Will maintenance and service parts be locally available for substitution? Yes No . If No, explain: J. Will substitution be compatible with all adjacent material and/or applications to or on the pro-posed substitution? Yes _____ No _____. If no, explain what material substitutions will be required to make your proposed substitution compatible: List materials that will be required to provide compatibility: K. I (We) the undersigned do hereby assume all responsibility for all provisions indicated herein and agree that, if adequate comparable information is not provided as required by Instructions to Bidders and this Form, the proposed substitution shall be subject to rejection. The undersigned understands and agrees that the substitution requested must be submitted to and be in the possession of the Architect prior to the Bid Date and Time as scheduled, to be considered, including all supporting data for the substitution. Faxed copies will not be considered. Submitted by: For Architect's Use Only: __________________________________ Accepted as Noted __________ Signature __________________________________ Not Accepted ________ Received Late ________ Firm __________________________________ By: ______________________ Date: _________ Address __________________________________ Remarks: ________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________________ Date Telephone No. END OF FORM

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EXECUTION 01 7300 - 1



A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes general administrative and procedural requirements governing execution of the Work, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Construction layout. 2. Field engineering and surveying. 3. Installation of the Work. 4. Cutting and patching. 5. Coordination of Client's portion of the Work. 6. Coordination of Client-installed products. 7. Progress cleaning. 8. Starting and adjusting. 9. Protection of installed construction.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 1000 "Summary" for coordination of Client-furnished products, Client-

performed work, Client's separate contracts, and limits on use of Project site. 2. Section 01 3300 "Submittal Procedures" for submitting surveys. 3. Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures" for submitting final property survey with Project

Record Documents, recording of Client-accepted deviations from indicated lines and levels, replacing defective work, and final cleaning.

4. Section 02 4119 "Selective Demolition" for demolition and removal of selected portions of the building.


A. Cutting: Removal of in-place construction necessary to permit installation or performance of subsequent work.

B. Patching: Fitting and repair work required to restore construction to original conditions after installation of subsequent work.


A. Cutting and Patching Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1. Prior to commencing work requiring cutting and patching, review extent of cutting and

patching anticipated and examine procedures for ensuring satisfactory result from cutting and patching work. Inform Architect of scheduled meeting. Require representatives of each entity directly concerned with cutting and patching to attend, including the following: a. Contractor's superintendent. b. Trade supervisor responsible for cutting operations. c. Trade supervisor(s) responsible for patching of each type of substrate. d. Mechanical, electrical, and utilities subcontractors' supervisors, to the extent each

trade is affected by cutting and patching operations. 2. Review areas of potential interference and conflict. Coordinate procedures and resolve

potential conflicts before proceeding. B. Layout Conference: Conduct conference at Project site.

1. Prior to establishing layout of new and existing perimeter and structural column grids, review building location requirements. Review benchmark, control point, and layout and dimension requirements. Inform Architect of scheduled meeting. Require representatives

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EXECUTION 01 7300 - 2

of each entity directly concerned with Project layout to attend, including the following: a. Contractor's superintendent. b. Professional surveyor or Professional engineer or Contractor's personnel responsible

for performing Project surveying and layout. 2. Review meanings and intent of dimensions, notes, terms, graphic symbols, and other

layout information indicated on the Drawings. 3. Review requirements for including layouts on Shop Drawings and other submittals. 4. Review areas of potential interference and conflict. Coordinate procedures and resolve

potential conflicts before proceeding.


A. Qualification Data: For professional engineer. B. Certified Surveys: Submit two copies signed by professional engineer. C. Certificates: Submit certificate signed by professional engineer, certifying that location and

elevation of improvements comply with requirements. D. Cutting and Patching Plan: Submit plan describing procedures at least 10 working days prior

to the time cutting and patching will be performed. Include the following information: 1. Extent: Describe reason for and extent of each occurrence of cutting and patching. 2. Changes to In-Place Construction: Describe anticipated results. Include changes to

structural elements and operating components as well as changes in building appearance and other significant visual elements.

3. Products: List products to be used for patching and firms or entities that will perform patching work.

4. Dates: Indicate when cutting and patching will be performed. 5. Utilities and Mechanical and Electrical Systems: List services and systems that cutting

and patching procedures will disturb or affect. List services and systems that will be relocated and those that will be temporarily out of service. Indicate length of time permanent services and systems will be disrupted. a. Include description of provisions for temporary services and systems during

interruption of permanent services and systems.


A. Final Property Survey: Submit five copies showing the Work performed and record survey data.


A. Professional Engineer Qualifications: Refer to Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements." B. Cutting and Patching: Comply with requirements for and limitations on cutting and patching of

construction elements. 1. Structural Elements: When cutting and patching structural elements, or when

encountering the need for cutting and patching of elements whose structural function is not known, notify Architect of locations and details of cutting and await directions from Architect before proceeding. Shore, brace, and support structural elements during cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity or increase deflection.

2. Operational Elements: Do not cut and patch operating elements and related components in a manner that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended or that result in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. Operational elements include the following: a. Primary operational systems and equipment. b. Fire separation assemblies. c. Air or smoke barriers. d. Fire-suppression systems. e. Plumbing piping systems. f. Mechanical systems piping and ducts.

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g. Control systems. h. Communication systems. i. Fire-detection and -alarm systems. j. Electrical wiring systems.

3. Other Construction Elements: Do not cut and patch other construction elements or components in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended, or that result in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. Other construction elements include but are not limited to the following: a. Water, moisture, or vapor barriers. b. Membranes and flashings. c. Exterior curtain-wall construction. d. Sprayed fire-resistive material. e. Equipment supports. f. Piping, ductwork, vessels, and equipment. g. Noise- and vibration-control elements and systems.

4. Visual Elements: Do not cut and patch construction in a manner that results in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch exposed construction in a manner that would, in Architect's opinion, reduce the building's aesthetic qualities. Remove and replace construction that has been cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner.

C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Obtain and maintain on-site manufacturer's written recommendations and instructions for installation of specified products and equipment.


A. Comply with requirements specified in other Sections. 1. For projects requiring compliance with sustainable design and construction practices and

procedures, use products for patching that comply with sustainable design requirements. B. In-Place Materials: Use materials for patching identical to in-place materials. For exposed

surfaces, fully use materials that visually match in-place adjacent surfaces possible. 1. If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used, use materials that, when

installed, will provide a match acceptable to Architect for the visual and functional performance of in-place materials. Use materials that are not considered hazardous.

C. Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning materials and agents recommended by manufacturer or fabricator of the surface to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that are potentially hazardous to health or property or that might damage finished surfaces.


A. Existing Conditions: The existence and location of underground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning sitework, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground utilities, mechanical and electrical systems, and other construction affecting the Work. 1. Before construction, verify the location and invert elevation at points of connection of

sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas service piping, and water-service piping; underground electrical services; and other utilities.

2. Furnish location data for work related to Project that must be performed by public utilities serving Project site.

B. Examination and Acceptance of Conditions: Before proceeding with each component of the Work, examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer or Applicator present where indicated, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. Record observations. 1. Examine roughing-in for mechanical and electrical systems to verify actual locations of

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connections before equipment and fixture installation. 2. Examine walls, floors, and roofs for suitable conditions where products and systems are

to be installed. 3. Verify compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility with existing

finishes or primers. C. Written Report: Where a written report listing conditions detrimental to performance of the

Work is required by other Sections, include the following: 1. Description of the Work, including Specification Section number and paragraph, and

Drawing sheet number and detail, where applicable. 2. List of detrimental conditions, including substrates. 3. List of unacceptable installation tolerances. 4. Recommended corrections.

D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Proceeding with the Work indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions.


A. Existing Utility Information: Furnish information to local utility and Client that is necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other utility appurtenances located in or affected by construction. Coordinate with authorities having jurisdiction.

B. Field Measurements: Take field measurements as required to fit the Work properly. Recheck measurements before installing each product. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work.

C. Space Requirements: Verify space requirements and dimensions of items shown diagrammatically on Drawings.

D. Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions: Immediately on discovery of the need for clarification of the Contract Documents, submit a request for information to Architect in accordance with requirements in Section 01 3100 "Project Management and Coordination."


A. Verification: Before proceeding to lay out the Work, verify layout information shown on Drawings, in relation to the property survey and existing benchmarks and existing conditions. If discrepancies are discovered, notify Architect promptly.

B. Engage a land surveyor or professional engineer experienced in laying out the Work, using the following accepted surveying practices: 1. Establish benchmarks and control points to set lines and levels at each story of

construction and elsewhere as needed to locate each element of Project. 2. Establish limits on use of Project site. 3. Establish dimensions within tolerances indicated. Do not scale Drawings to obtain

required dimensions. 4. Inform installers of lines and levels to which they must comply. 5. Check the location, level and plumb, of every major element as the Work progresses. 6. Notify Architect when deviations from required lines and levels exceed allowable

tolerances. 7. Close site surveys with an error of closure equal to or less than the standard established

by authorities having jurisdiction. C. Site Improvements: Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, grading, fill

and topsoil placement, utility slopes, and rim and invert elevations. D. Building Lines and Levels: Locate and lay out control lines and levels for structures, building

foundations, column grids, and floor levels, including those required for mechanical and electrical work. Transfer survey markings and elevations for use with control lines and levels. Level foundations and piers from two or more locations.

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E. Record Log: Maintain a log of layout control work. Record deviations from required lines and levels. Include beginning and ending dates and times of surveys, weather conditions, name and duty of each survey party member, and types of instruments and tapes used. Make the log available for reference by Architect.


A. Identification: Client will identify existing benchmarks, control points, and property corners. B. Reference Points: Locate existing permanent benchmarks, control points, and similar

reference points before beginning the Work. Preserve and protect permanent benchmarks and control points during construction operations. 1. Do not change or relocate existing benchmarks or control points without prior written

approval of Architect. Report lost or destroyed permanent benchmarks or control points promptly. Report the need to relocate permanent benchmarks or control points to Architect before proceeding.

2. Replace lost or destroyed permanent benchmarks and control points promptly. Base replacements on the original survey control points.

C. Benchmarks: Establish and maintain a minimum of two permanent benchmarks on Project site, referenced to data established by survey control points. Comply with authorities having jurisdiction for type and size of benchmark. 1. Record benchmark locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record

Documents. 2. Where the actual location or elevation of layout points cannot be marked, provide

temporary reference points sufficient to locate the Work. 3. Remove temporary reference points when no longer needed. Restore marked

construction to its original condition. D. Certified Survey: On completion of foundation walls, major site improvements, and other work

requiring field-engineering services, prepare a certified survey showing dimensions, locations, angles, and elevations of construction and sitework.

E. Final Property Survey: Engage a land surveyor or professional engineer to prepare a final property survey showing significant features (real property) for Project. Include on the survey a certification, signed by land surveyor or professional engineer, that principal metes, bounds, lines, and levels of Project are accurately positioned as shown on the survey. 1. Show boundary lines, monuments, streets, site improvements and utilities, existing

improvements and significant vegetation, adjoining properties, acreage, grade contours, and the distance and bearing from a site corner to a legal point.

2. Recording: At Substantial Completion, have the final property survey recorded by or with authorities having jurisdiction as the official "property survey."


A. Locate the Work and components of the Work accurately, in correct alignment and elevation, as indicated. 1. Make vertical work plumb and make horizontal work level. 2. Where space is limited, install components to maximize space available for maintenance

and ease of removal for replacement. 3. Conceal pipes, ducts, and wiring in finished areas unless otherwise indicated. 4. Maintain minimum headroom clearance of 96 inches in occupied spaces and 90 inches in

unoccupied spaces, unless otherwise indicated on Drawings. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations for installing products

in applications indicated. C. Install products at the time and under conditions that will ensure satisfactory results as judged

by Architect. Maintain conditions required for product performance until Substantial Completion.

D. Conduct construction operations, so no part of the Work is subjected to damaging operations or loading in excess of that expected during normal conditions of occupancy of type expected

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for Project. E. Sequence the Work and allow adequate clearances to accommodate movement of

construction items on-site and placement in permanent locations. F. Tools and Equipment: Select tools or equipment that minimizes production of excessive noise levels. G. Templates: Obtain and distribute to the parties involved templates for Work specified to be

factory prepared and field installed. Check Shop Drawings of other portions of the Work to confirm that adequate provisions are made for locating and installing products to comply with indicated requirements.

H. Attachment: Provide blocking and attachment plates and anchors and fasteners of adequate size and number to securely anchor each component in place, accurately located and aligned with other portions of the Work. Where size and type of attachments are not indicated, verify size and type required for load conditions with manufacturer. 1. Mounting Heights: Where mounting heights are not indicated, mount components at

heights directed by Architect. 2. Allow for building movement, including thermal expansion and contraction. 3. Coordinate installation of anchorages. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions

for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation.

I. Joints: Make joints of uniform width. Where joint locations in exposed Work are not indicated, arrange joints for the best visual effect, as judged by Architect. Fit exposed connections together to form hairline joints.

J. Repair or remove and replace damaged, defective, or nonconforming Work. 1. Comply with Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures" for repairing or removing and

replacing defective Work.


A. General: Employ skilled workers to perform cutting and patching. Proceed with cutting and patching at the earliest feasible time, and complete without delay. 1. Cut in-place construction to provide for installation of other components or performance

of other construction, and subsequently patch as required to restore surfaces to their original condition.

B. Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during installation or cutting and patching operations, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing warranties.

C. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of Work to be cut. D. Protection: Protect in-place construction during cutting and patching to prevent damage.

Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of Project that might be exposed during cutting and patching operations.

E. Adjacent Occupied Areas: Where interference with use of adjoining areas or interruption of free passage to adjoining areas is unavoidable, coordinate cutting and patching in accordance with requirements in Section 01 1000 "Summary."

F. Existing Utility Services and Mechanical/Electrical Systems: Where existing services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, bypass such services/systems before cutting to prevent interruption to occupied areas.

G. Cutting: Cut in-place construction by sawing, drilling, breaking, chipping, grinding, and similar operations, including excavation, using methods least likely to damage elements retained or adjoining construction. If possible, review proposed procedures with original Installer; comply with original Installer's written recommendations. 1. In general, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing and grinding, not

hammering and chopping. Cut holes and slots neatly to minimum size required, and with minimum disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use.

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2. Finished Surfaces: Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces. 3. Concrete and Masonry: Cut using a cutting machine, such as an abrasive saw or a

diamond-core drill. 4. Excavating and Backfilling: Comply with requirements in applicable Sections where

required by cutting and patching operations. 5. Mechanical and Electrical Services: Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be

removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter after cutting.

6. Proceed with patching after construction operations requiring cutting are complete. H. Patching: Patch construction by filling, repairing, refinishing, closing up, and similar

operations following performance of other Work. Patch with durable seams that are as invisible as practicable, as judged by Architect. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections, where applicable. 1. Inspection: Where feasible, test and inspect patched areas after completion to

demonstrate physical integrity of installation. 2. Exposed Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish

restoration into retained adjoining construction in a manner that will eliminate evidence of patching and refinishing. a. Clean piping, conduit, and similar features before applying paint or other finishing materials. b. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition.

3. Ceilings: Patch, repair, or rehang in-place ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane surface of uniform appearance.

4. Exterior Building Enclosure: Patch components in a manner that restores enclosure to a weathertight condition and ensures thermal and moisture integrity of building enclosure.

I. Cleaning: Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Remove paint, mortar, oils, putty, and similar materials from adjacent finished surfaces.


A. Site Access: Provide access to Project site for Client's construction personnel and Client's separate Contractors. 1. Provide temporary facilities required for Client-furnished, Contractor-installed and Client-

furnished, Client-installed products. 2. Refer to Section 01 1000 "Summary" for other requirements for Client-furnished,

Contractor-installed and Client-furnished, Client-installed products B. Coordination: Coordinate construction and operations of the Work with work performed by

Client's construction personnel and Client's separate Contractors. 1. Construction Schedule: Inform Client of Contractor's preferred construction schedule for

Client's portion of the Work. Adjust construction schedule based on a mutually agreeable timetable. Notify Client if changes to schedule are required due to differences in actual construction progress.

2. Preinstallation Conferences: Include Client's construction personnel and Client's separate Contractors at preinstallation conferences covering portions of the Work that are to receive Client's work. Attend preinstallation conferences conducted by Client's construction personnel if portions of the Work depend on Client's construction.


A. This article refers to regular cleaning operations conducted while construction is in progress. Requirements for final cleaning before Substantial Completion are included in Section 01 7700 “Closeout Procedures.”

B. Clean Project site and work areas daily, including common areas. Enforce requirements strictly. Dispose of materials lawfully. 1. Comply with requirements in NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste materials and debris. 2. Do not hold waste materials more than seven days during normal weather or three days if

the temperature is expected to rise above 80 deg F.

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3. Containerize hazardous and unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. Mark containers appropriately and dispose of legally, according to regulations. a. Use containers intended for holding waste materials of type to be stored.

4. Coordinate progress cleaning for joint-use areas where Contractor and other Contractors are working concurrently.

C. Site: Maintain Project site free of waste materials and debris. D. Work Areas: Clean areas where Work is in progress to the level of cleanliness necessary for

proper execution of the Work. 1. Remove liquid spills promptly. 2. Where dust would impair proper execution of the Work, broom-clean or vacuum the

entire work area, as appropriate. E. Installed Work: Keep installed work clean. Clean installed surfaces according to written

instructions of manufacturer or fabricator of product installed, using only cleaning materials specifically recommended. If specific cleaning materials are not recommended, use cleaning materials that are not hazardous to health or property and that will not damage exposed surfaces.

F. Concealed Spaces: Remove debris from concealed spaces before enclosing the space. G. Exposed Surfaces: Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to ensure freedom

from damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. H. Waste Disposal: Do not bury or burn waste materials on-site. Do not wash waste materials

down sewers or into waterways. Comply with waste disposal requirements in Section 01 5000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" and Section 01 7419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal."

I. During handling and installation, clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials already in place. Apply protective covering where required to ensure protection from damage or deterioration at Substantial Completion.

J. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects.

K. Limiting Exposures: Supervise construction operations to ensure that no part of the construction, completed or in progress, is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposure during the construction period.


A. Coordinate startup and adjusting of equipment and operating components with requirements in Section 01 9113 "General Commissioning Requirements."

B. Start equipment and operating components to confirm proper operation. Remove malfunctioning units, replace with new units, and retest.

C. Adjust equipment for proper operation. Adjust operating components for proper operation without binding.

D. Test each piece of equipment to verify proper operation. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment.

E. Manufacturer's Field Service: Comply with qualification requirements in Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements."


A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure installed Work is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion.

B. Repair Work previously completed and subsequently damaged during construction period. Repair to like-new condition.

C. Protection of Existing Items: Provide protection and ensure that existing items to remain undisturbed by construction are maintained in condition that existed at commencement of the Work.

D. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for temperature and relative humidity.

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A. Cutting, fitting and patching, including attendant excavation and backfill required to complete Work, and for:

1. Making several parts fit together properly. 2. Uncovering portions of Work to provide for installation of ill-timed Work. 3. Removing and replacing defective and non-conforming Work. 4. Removing samples of installed Work required for testing, as directed by Project

Engineer. 5. Providing routine penetrations of non-structural surfaces for installation of piping and

electrical conduit. 6. Attaching new materials to existing areas.


A. In advance of executing any cutting or alterations, submit written request to Project Manager requesting consent to proceed with cutting which affects:

1. Work of Owner or other trades. 2. Structural value or integrity of any element of Project. 3. Integrity or effectiveness of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements or

systems. 4. Efficiency, operational life, maintenance or safety of operational elements. 5. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements.

B. Include in request:

1. Identification of Project. 2. Description of affected Work. 3. Necessity for cutting, alteration or excavation. 4. Effect of Work of Owner or other trades, or structural or weatherproof integrity of

Project. 5. Description of proposed Work:

a. Scope of cutting, patching, alteration, or excavation. b. Trades which will execute Work. c. Products proposed to be used. d. Extent of refinishing to be done.

6. Alternatives to cutting and patching. 7. Cost proposal, when applicable. 8. Written permission of trades whose Work will be affected.

C. Submit written notice to Project Engineer designating time Work will be uncovered to provide

for observation. 1.03 PAYMENT FOR COSTS

A. Cost caused by ill-timed or defective Work or Work not conforming to Contract Documents, including costs for additional services of Project Engineer and Engineer to be paid by Contractor.

B. Cost of Work done on written instructions of Project Manager, with written concurrence of the

Contracting Officer, other than defective or nonconforming Work, will be paid by Owner on approval of written Change Order. Provide written cost proposals prior to proceeding with cutting and patching proposed by the Project Engineer.

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A. Provide for replacement of Work removed. Comply with Contract Documents for type of Work standards and Specification requirements for each specific product involved.


A. Inspect existing conditions of Work, including elements subject to movement or damage during cutting and patching, and excavating and backfilling. After uncovering Work, inspect conditions affecting installation of new products and verify procedures with Project Engineer.

B. Report unsatisfactory or questionable conditions in writing to Project Engineer. Do not

proceed with Work until further instructions are received. 3.02 PREPARATION

A. Provide shoring, bracing and supports as required to maintain structural integrity of Work. B. Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of Work from damage, including

elements which may be exposed by cutting and patching Work. Maintain excavations free from water.


A. Performance: 1. Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide finished installation to comply

with and match specified tolerances and finishes. 2. Execute cutting and demolition by methods which prevent damage to other Work to

provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repairs and new Work. 3. Execute excavating and backfilling by methods which prevent damage to other Work

and settlement as specified. B. Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide a finished installation to comply with

specified products, functions, tolerances and finishes as shown on Drawings and as specified.

E. Restore Work that has been cut or removed. Install new products to provide completed Work

in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents and as required to match surrounding areas and surfaces.

F. Refinish entire surfaces as necessary to provide an even, matching finish.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following:

1. Salvaging nonhazardous demolition and construction waste. 2. Recycling nonhazardous demolition and construction waste. 3. Disposing of nonhazardous demolition and construction waste.


A. Construction Waste: Building, structure, and site improvement materials and other solid waste resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. Construction waste includes packaging.

B. Demolition Waste: Building, structure, and site improvement materials resulting from demolition operations.

C. Disposal: Removal of demolition or construction waste and subsequent salvage, sale, recycling, or deposit in landfill, incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, or designated spoil areas on Owner’s property.

D. Recycle: Recovery of demolition or construction waste for subsequent processing in preparation for reuse.

E. Salvage: Recovery of demolition or construction waste and subsequent sale or reuse in another facility.

F. Salvage and Reuse: Recovery of demolition or construction waste and subsequent incorporation into the Work.

1.4 MATERIALS OWNERSHIP A. Unless otherwise indicated, demolition and construction waste becomes property of

Contractor. 1. Carefully salvage in a manner to prevent damage and promptly return to Owner.


A. Waste Management Plan: Submit plan within 5 working days of date established for commencement of the Work.

1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Waste Reduction Progress Reports: Concurrent with each Application for Payment, submit

report. Use Form CWM-7 for construction waste and Form CWM-8 for demolition waste. Include the following information: 1. Material category. 2. Generation point of waste. 3. Total quantity of waste in tons. 4. Quantity of waste salvaged, both estimated and actual in tons. 5. Quantity of waste recycled, both estimated and actual in tons. 6. Total quantity of waste recovered (salvaged plus recycled) in tons. 7. Total quantity of waste recovered (salvaged plus recycled) as a percentage of total

waste. B. Waste Reduction Calculations: Before request for Substantial Completion, submit calculated

end-of-Project rates for salvage, recycling, and disposal as a percentage of total waste generated by the Work.

C. Records of Donations: Indicate receipt and acceptance of salvageable waste donated to

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individuals and organizations. Indicate whether organization is tax exempt. D. Records of Sales: Indicate receipt and acceptance of salvageable waste sold to individuals

and organizations. Indicate whether organization is tax exempt. E. Recycling and Processing Facility Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of recyclable

waste by recycling and processing facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices.

F. Landfill and Incinerator Disposal Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of waste by landfills and incinerator facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices.

G. Qualification Data: For waste management coordinator and refrigerant recovery technician. H. Statement of Refrigerant Recovery: Signed by refrigerant recovery technician responsible for

recovering refrigerant, stating that all refrigerant that was present was recovered and that recovery was performed according to EPA regulations. Include name and address of technician and date refrigerant was recovered.

I. Refrigerant Recovery: Comply with requirements in Section 02 4119 "Selective Demolition" for refrigerant recovery submittals.

1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Waste Management Coordinator Qualifications: Experienced firm, or individual employed and

assigned by General Contractor, with a record of successful waste management coordination of projects with similar requirements. Superintendent may serve as Waste Management Coordinator.

B. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: Universal certified by EPA-approved certification program.

C. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: Comply with requirements in Section 02 4119 "Selective Demolition."

D. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with transportation and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction.

E. Waste Management Conference: Conduct conference(s) at Project site to comply with requirements in Section 01 3100 "Project Management and Coordination." Review methods and procedures related to waste management including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Review and discuss waste management plan including responsibilities of each Contractor

and waste management coordinator. 2. Review requirements for documenting quantities of each type of waste and its

disposition. 3. Review and finalize procedures for materials separation and verify availability of

containers and bins needed to avoid delays. 4. Review procedures for periodic waste collection and transportation to recycling and

disposal facilities. 5. Review waste management requirements for each trade.


A. General: Develop a waste management plan according to requirements in this Section. Plan shall consist of waste identification, waste reduction work plan, and cost/revenue analysis. Indicate quantities by weight or volume but use same units of measure throughout waste management plan.

B. Waste Identification: Indicate anticipated types and quantities of demolition, site-clearing and construction waste generated by the Work. Include estimated quantities and assumptions for estimates.

C. Waste Reduction Work Plan: List each type of waste and whether it will be salvaged, recycled, or disposed of in landfill or incinerator. 1. Salvaged Materials for Reuse: For materials that will be salvaged and reused in this

Project, describe methods for preparing salvaged materials before incorporation into the Work in compliance with Section 02 4119 "Selective Demolition."

2. Salvaged Materials for Sale: For materials that will be sold to individuals and organizations, include list of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers.

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3. Salvaged Materials for Donation: For materials that will be donated to individuals and organizations, include list of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers.

4. Recycled Materials: Include list of local receivers and processors and type of recycled materials each will accept. Include names, addresses, and telephone numbers.

5. Disposed Materials: Indicate how and where materials will be disposed of. Include name, address, and telephone number of each landfill and incinerator facility.

6. Handling and Transportation Procedures: Include method that will be used for separating recyclable waste including sizes of containers, container labeling, and designated location where materials separation will be performed.


2.1 RECYCLING RECEIVERS AND PROCESSORS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, available recycling receivers and processors

include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Local recycling receivers and processors of recyclable materials.


A. General: Achieve end-of-Project rates for salvage/recycling of 75% percent by weight of total nonhazardous solid waste generated by the Work. Practice efficient waste management in the use of materials in the course of the Work. Use all reasonable means to divert construction and demolition waste from landfills and incinerators. Facilitate recycling and salvage of materials, including the following: 1. Demolition Waste:

a. Plywood and oriented strand board. b. Wood trim. c. Structural and miscellaneous steel. d. Rough hardware. e. Roofing. f. Insulation. g. Metal studs. h. Equipment. i. Piping. j. Supports and hangers. k. Valves. l. Mechanical equipment. m. Refrigerants. n. Electrical conduit. o. Copper wiring. p. Electrical devices.

2. Construction Waste: a. Lumber. b. Wood sheet materials. c. Wood trim. d. Metals. e. Roofing. f. Insulation. g. Piping. h. Electrical conduit. i. Packaging: Regardless of salvage/recycle goal indicated in "General" Paragraph above,

salvage or recycle 100 percent of the following uncontaminated packaging materials: 1) Paper. 2) Cardboard. 3) Boxes. 4) Plastic sheet and film.

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5) Polystyrene packaging. 6) Wood crates. 7) Wood pallets. 8) Plastic pails.

j. Onsite Workers Waste: Regardless of salvage/recycle goal indicated in "General" Paragraph above, salvage or recycle 100 percent of the following construction office waste materials: 1) Paper. 2) Aluminum cans. 3) Glass containers.



A. General: Implement approved waste management plan. Provide handling, containers, storage, signage, transportation, and other items as required to implement waste management plan during the entire duration of the Contract. 1. Comply with operation, termination, and removal requirements in Section 01 5000

"Temporary Facilities and Controls." B. Waste Management Coordinator: Engage a waste management coordinator to be

responsible for implementing, monitoring, and reporting status of waste management work plan. Coordinator shall be present at Project site full time for duration of Project.

C. Training: Train workers, subcontractors, and suppliers on proper waste management procedures, as appropriate for the Work. 1. Distribute waste management plan to everyone concerned within three days of submittal

return. 2. Distribute waste management plan to entities when they first begin work on-site. Review

plan procedures and locations established for salvage, recycling, and disposal. D. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct waste management operations to ensure

minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Designate and label specific areas on Project site necessary for separating materials that

are to be salvaged and recycled. 2. Comply with Section 01 5000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for controlling dust and

dirt, environmental protection, and noise control.

3.2 SALVAGING DEMOLITION WASTE A. Comply with requirements in Section 02 4119 "Selective Demolition" for salvaging demolition

waste. B. Salvaged Items for Reuse in the Work: Salvage items for reuse and handle as follows:

1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers with label indicating

elements, date of removal, quantity, and location where removed. 3. Store items in a secure area until installation. 4. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. 5. Install salvaged items to comply with installation requirements for new materials and

equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials necessary to make items functional for use indicated.

C. Salvaged Items for Sale and Donation: Permitted on Project site. D. Salvaged Items for Owner's Use: Salvage items for Owner's use and handle as follows:

1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers with label indicating

elements, date of removal, quantity, and location where removed. 3. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. 4. Transport items to Owner's storage area designated by Owner. 5. Protect items from damage during transport and storage.

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E. Equipment: Drain tanks, piping, and fixtures. Seal openings with caps or plugs. Protect equipment from exposure to weather.

F. Electrical Devices: Separate switches, receptacles, switchgear, transformers, meters, panelboards, circuit breakers, and other devices by type.

3.3 RECYCLING DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION WASTE, GENERAL A. General: Recycle paper and beverage containers used by on-site workers. B. Recycling Incentives: Revenues, savings, rebates, tax credits, and other incentives received

for recycling waste materials shall accrue to be shared equally by Owner and Contractor. C. Preparation of Waste: Prepare and maintain recyclable waste materials according to

recycling or reuse facility requirements. Maintain materials free of dirt, adhesives, solvents, petroleum contamination, and other substances deleterious to the recycling process.

D. Procedures: Separate recyclable waste from other waste materials, trash, and debris.

Separate recyclable waste by type at Project site to the maximum extent practical according to approved construction waste management plan. 1. Provide appropriately marked containers or bins for controlling recyclable waste until

removed from Project site. Include list of acceptable and unacceptable materials at each container and bin. a. Inspect containers and bins for contamination and remove contaminated materials if found.

2. Stockpile processed materials on-site without intermixing with other materials. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust.

3. Stockpile materials away from construction area. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees.

4. Store components off the ground and protect from the weather. 5. Remove recyclable waste from Owner's property and transport to recycling receiver or

processor as often as required to prevent overfilling bins. 3.4 RECYCLING DEMOLITION WASTE

A. Wood Materials: Sort and stack members according to size, type, and length. Separate lumber, engineered wood products, panel products, and treated wood materials.

B. Metals: Separate metals by type. 1. Structural Steel: Stack members according to size, type of member, and length. 2. Remove and dispose of bolts, nuts, washers, and other rough hardware.

C. Asphalt Shingle Roofing: Separate organic and glass-fiber asphalt shingles and felts. Remove and dispose of nails, staples, and accessories.

D. Piping: Reduce piping to straight lengths and store by material and size. Separate supports, hangers, valves, sprinklers, and other components by material and size.

E. Conduit: Reduce conduit to straight lengths and store by material and size.


1. Cardboard and Boxes: Break down packaging into flat sheets. Bundle and store in a dry location.

2. Polystyrene Packaging: Separate and bag materials. 3. Pallets: As much as possible, require deliveries using pallets to remove pallets from

Project site. For pallets that remain on-site, break down pallets into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood.

4. Crates: Break down crates into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood.

B. Wood Materials: 1. Clean Cut-Offs of Lumber: Grind or chip into small pieces. 2. Clean Sawdust: Bag sawdust that does not contain painted or treated wood.

C. Paint: Seal containers and store by type.

3.6 DISPOSAL OF WASTE A. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged or recycled, remove waste materials

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from Project site and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Except as otherwise specified, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of

accumulate on-site. 2. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces

and areas. B. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged or recycled, remove waste materials

and legally dispose of at designated spoil areas on Owner’s property. C. Burning: Do not burn waste materials.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for Contract closeout, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Substantial Completion procedures. 2. Final completion procedures. 3. Warranties. 4. Final cleaning.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 2900 "Payment Procedures" for requirements for Applications for Payment for

Substantial Completion and Final Completion. 2. Section 01 3233 "Photographic Documentation" for submitting Final Completion

construction photographic documentation. 3. Section 01 7823 "Operation and Maintenance Data" for additional operation and

maintenance manual requirements. 4. Section 01 7839 "Project Record Documents" for submitting Record Drawings, Record

Specifications, and Record Product Data. 5. Section 01 7900 "Demonstration and Training" for requirements to train the Owner's

maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain products, equipment, and systems.


A. List of Incomplete Items: Construction Manager-prepared list of items to be completed or corrected, prepared for the Architect's use prior to Architect's inspection, to determine if the Work is substantially complete.


A. Product Data: For each type of cleaning agent. B. Construction Manager's List of Incomplete Items: Initial submittal at Substantial Completion. C. Certified List of Incomplete Items: Final submittal at Final Completion.


A. Certificates of Release: From authorities having jurisdiction. B. Certificate of Insurance: For continuing coverage. C. Field Report: For pest-control inspection.


A. Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: For maintenance material submittal items required by other Sections.


A. Construction Manager's List of Incomplete Items: Prepare and submit a list of items to be completed and corrected (Construction Manager's "punch list"), indicating the value of each item on the list and reasons why the Work is incomplete.

B. Submittals Prior to Substantial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of 10 working days prior to requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request.

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1. Certificates of Release: Obtain and submit releases from authorities having jurisdiction, permitting Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases.

2. Submit closeout submittals specified in other Division 01 Sections, including Project Record Documents, operation and maintenance manuals, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information.

3. Submit closeout submittals specified in individual Sections, including specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance service agreements, final certifications, and similar documents.

4. Submit maintenance material submittals specified in individual Sections, including tools, spare parts, extra materials, and similar items, and deliver to location designated by Architect. Label with manufacturer's name and model number. a. Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: Prepare and submit schedule of

maintenance material submittal items, including name and quantity of each item and name and number of related Specification Section. Obtain Architect's signature for receipt of submittals.

5. Submit testing, adjusting, and balancing records. 6. Submit changeover information related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and

maintenance. C. Procedures Prior to Substantial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of 10 working

days prior to requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request. 1. Advise Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements. 2. Make final changeover of permanent locks and deliver keys to Owner. Advise Owner's

personnel of changeover in security provisions. 3. Complete startup and testing of systems and equipment. 4. Perform preventive maintenance on equipment used prior to Substantial Completion. 5. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products,

equipment, and systems. Submit demonstration and training video recordings specified in Section 01 7900 "Demonstration and Training."

6. Participate with Owner in conducting inspection and walkthrough with local emergency responders.

7. Terminate and remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements.

8. Complete final cleaning requirements. 9. Touch up paint and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes to eliminate

visual defects. D. Inspection: Submit a written request for inspection to determine Substantial Completion a

minimum of 10 working days prior to date the Work will be completed and ready for final inspection and tests. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Construction Manager of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion after inspection or will notify Construction Manager of items, either on Construction Manager's list or additional items identified by Architect, that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is

completed or corrected. 2. Results of completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for Final Completion.


A. Submittals Prior to Final Completion: Before requesting final inspection for determining Final Completion, complete the following: 1. Submit a final Application for Payment in accordance with Section 01 2900 "Payment

Procedures." 2. Certified List of Incomplete Items: Submit certified copy of Architect's Substantial

Completion inspection list of items to be completed or corrected (punch list), endorsed and dated by Architect. Certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance.

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3. Certificate of Insurance: Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements.

4. Submit pest-control final inspection report. 5. Submit Final Completion photographic documentation.

B. Inspection: Submit a written request for final inspection to determine acceptance a minimum of 10 days prior to date the Work will be completed and ready for final inspection and tests. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Construction Manager of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare a final Certificate for Payment after inspection or will notify Construction Manager of construction that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is

completed or corrected.


A. Organization of List: Include name and identification of each space and area affected by construction operations for incomplete items and items needing correction including, if necessary, areas disturbed by Construction Manager that are outside the limits of construction. 1. Organize list of spaces in sequential order, starting with exterior areas first and

proceeding from lowest floor to highest floor, listed by room or space number. 2. Organize items applying to each space by major element, including categories for

ceilings, individual walls, floors, equipment, and building systems. 3. Include the following information at the top of each page:

a. Project name. b. Date. c. Name of Architect. d. Name of Construction Manager. e. Page number.

4. Submit list of incomplete items in the following format: a. MS Excel Electronic File: Architect will return annotated file. b. Web-Based Project Software Upload: Utilize software feature for creating and

updating list of incomplete items (punch list).


A. Time of Submittal: Submit written warranties on request of Architect for designated portions of the Work where warranties are indicated to commence on dates other than date of Substantial Completion, or when delay in submittal of warranties might limit Owner's rights under warranty.

B. Partial Occupancy: Submit properly executed warranties within 10 working days of completion of designated portions of the Work that are completed and occupied or used by Owner during construction period by separate agreement with Construction Manager.

C. Organize warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of Project Manual.

D. Warranty Electronic File: Provide warranties and bonds in PDF format. Assemble complete warranty and bond submittal package into a single electronic PDF file with bookmarks enabling navigation to each item. Provide bookmarked table of contents at beginning of document. 1. Submit on digital media acceptable to Architect by email to Architect.


A. Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning materials and agents recommended by manufacturer or fabricator of the surface to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that are potentially hazardous to health or property or that might damage finished surfaces.

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A. General: Perform final cleaning. Conduct cleaning and waste-removal operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal and local environmental and antipollution regulations.

B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to condition expected in an average commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification

of Substantial Completion for entire Project or for a designated portion of Project: a. Clean Project site of rubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. b. Sweep paved areas broom clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other

foreign deposits. c. Rake grounds that are not planted, mulched, or paved to a smooth, even-textured

surface. d. Remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus material from Project site. e. Remove snow and ice to provide safe access to building. f. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dirt-free condition,

free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Avoid disturbing natural weathering of exterior surfaces. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition.

g. Remove debris and surface dust from limited-access spaces, including roofs, plenums, shafts, trenches, equipment vaults, manholes, attics, and similar spaces.

h. Clean flooring, removing debris, dirt, and staining; clean according to manufacturer's recommendations.

i. Vacuum and mop concrete. j. Vacuum carpet and similar soft surfaces, removing debris and excess nap; clean

according to manufacturer's recommendations if visible soil or stains remain. k. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows.

Remove glazing compounds and other noticeable, vision-obscuring materials. Polish mirrors and glass, taking care not to scratch surfaces.

l. Remove labels that are not permanent. m. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment and similar equipment.

Remove excess lubrication, paint and mortar droppings, and other foreign substances.

n. Replace disposable air filters and clean permanent air filters. Clean exposed surfaces of diffusers, registers, and grills.

o. Clean ducts, blowers, and coils. 1) Clean HVAC system in compliance with NADCA ACR. Section 23 0130.52

"Existing HVAC Air-Distribution System Cleaning." Provide written report on completion of cleaning.

p. Clean luminaires, lamps, globes, and reflectors to function with full efficiency. q. Clean strainers. r. Leave Project clean and ready for occupancy.

C. Pest Control: Comply with pest control requirements in Section 01 5000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." Prepare written report.

D. Construction Waste Disposal: Comply with waste-disposal requirements in Section 01 5000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls “and Section 01 7419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal."


A. Complete repair and restoration operations required by Section 01 7300 "Execution" before requesting inspection for determination of Substantial Completion.


A. Maintain on site one set of the following record documents; record actual revisions to the Work: 1. Drawings.

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2. Specifications. 3. Addenda. 4. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. 5. Reviewed shop drawings, product data, and samples. 6. Manufacturer's instruction for assembly, installation, and adjusting.

B. Ensure entries are complete and accurate, enabling future reference by Owner. C. Store record documents separate from documents used for construction. D. Record information concurrent with construction progress. E. Specifications: Legibly mark and record at each product section description of actual products

installed, including the following: 1. Manufacturer's name and product model and number. 2. Product substitutions or alternates utilized. 3. Changes made by Addenda and modifications.

F. Record Drawings and Shop Drawings: Legibly mark each item to record actual construction including: 1. Measured depths of foundations in relation to finish first floor datum. 2. Measured horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances,

referenced to permanent surface improvements. 3. Measured locations of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction,

referenced to visible and accessible features of the Work. 4. Field changes of dimension and detail. 5. Details not on original Contract drawings.

3.4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Source Data: For each product or system, list names, addresses and telephone numbers of

Subcontractors and suppliers, including local source of supplies and replacement parts. B. Product Data: Mark each sheet to clearly identify specific products and component parts, and

data applicable to installation. Delete inapplicable information. C. Drawings: Supplement product data to illustrate relations of component parts of equipment and

systems, to show control and flow diagrams. Do not use Project Record Documents as maintenance drawings.

D. Typed Text: As required to supplement product data. Provide logical sequence of instructions for each procedure, incorporating manufacturer's instructions.


1. Product data, with catalog number, size, composition, and color and texture designations. 2. Information for re-ordering custom manufactured products.

B. Instructions for Care and Maintenance: Manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental cleaning agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance.

C. Moisture protection and weather-exposed products: Include product data listing applicable reference standards, chemical composition, and details of installation. Provide recommendations for inspections, maintenance, and repair.

D. Additional information as specified in individual product specification sections. E. Where additional instructions are required, beyond the manufacturer's standard printed

instructions, have instructions prepared by personnel experienced in the operation and maintenance of the specific products.


1. Description of unit or system, and component parts.

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2. Identify function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. 3. Include performance curves, with engineering data and tests. 4. Complete nomenclature and model number of replaceable parts.

B. Where additional instructions are required, beyond the manufacturer's standard printed instructions, have instructions prepared by personnel experienced in the operation and maintenance of the specific products.

C. Panelboard Circuit Directories: Provide electrical service characteristics, controls, and communications; typed.

D. Include color coded wiring diagrams as installed. E. Operating Procedures: Include start-up, break-in, and routine normal operating instructions and

sequences. Include regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and emergency instructions. Include summer, winter, and any special operating instructions.

F. Maintenance Requirements: Include routine procedures and guide for preventative maintenance and trouble shooting; disassembly, repair, and reassembly instructions; and alignment, adjusting, balancing, and checking instructions.

G. Provide servicing and lubrication schedule, and list of lubricants required. H. Include manufacturer's printed operation and maintenance instructions. I. Include sequence of operation by controls manufacturer. J. Provide original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings, and diagrams

required for maintenance. K. Provide control diagrams by controls manufacturer as installed. L. Provide Contractor's coordination drawings, with color coded piping diagrams as installed. M. Provide charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve, keyed to flow and

control diagrams. N. Provide list of original manufacturer's spare parts, current prices, and recommended quantities

to be maintained in storage. O. Include test and balancing reports. P. Additional Requirements: As specified in individual product specification sections.


A. Contractor shall provide "As-Built" Documents made from the Course of Construction Record Drawings which shall clearly show all differences between Contract work as drawn and as installed as well as work added to Contract which is not shown on Contract drawings.

B. "As-Builts" Documents shall incorporate all deviations and differences in both concealed work and exposed work. The "As-Builts" shall reflect the exact manner in which the final project has been constructed including all site work and off-site work.

C. Electronic Drawings: Upon completion of the Project work, The Architect will furnish the contractor the electronic drawing (CAD Files) of the project. The Contractor must show all of the architect and owner initiated changes. The Contractor is to obtain the services of an architect or computer aided drafter and transfer the information from the Course of Construction Record Drawings to these CAD files.

D. Contractor shall submit the "As-Built" CAD files to Architect for review and resubmit corrections as requested. The Architect shall be the sole judge of acceptability of these drawings. After the Architect has finally accepted the adequacy of the final CAD files, he will then return them to the contractor. The contractor will have one (1) set of reproducible mylars of the "As-Built" Drawings made from these CAD files, four (4) sets of prints of the "As-Built" Drawings and one (1) set of compact disks of the "As-Built" Drawings which shall be turned over to the owner.

E. Submit with transmittal letter containing Date, Project Title, Contractor's Name and Address, Sub-contractors' Names and Addresses, List of Documents and Signature of Contractor. Receipt and approval of "As-Built" Documents is a prerequisite for final payment.


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A. Submit (3) copies and (1) digital version, as designated in specific sections. Provide a separate volume for each system, with a table of contents clearly identifying contents.

B. Assemble operation and maintenance data into durable manuals for Owner's personnel use, with data arranged in the same sequence as, and identified by, the specification sections.

C. Where systems involve more than one specification section, provide separate tabbed divider for each system.

D. Binders: Commercial quality, 8-1/2 by 11 inch three D side ring binders with durable plastic covers; 2 inch maximum ring size. When multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent groupings.

E. Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS; identify title of Project; identify subject matter of contents.

F. Project Directory: Title and address of Project; names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Architect, Consultants,Contractorand subcontractors, with names of responsible parties.

G. Tables of Contents: List every item separated by a divider, using the same identification as on the divider tab; where multiple volumes are required, include all volumes Tables of Contents in each volume, with the current volume clearly identified.

H. Dividers: Provide tabbed dividers for each separate product and system; identify the contents on the divider tab; immediately following the divider tab include a description of product and major component parts of equipment.

I. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or typewritten data on 20 pound paper.

J. Drawings: Provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text; fold larger drawings to size of text pages.

K. Arrangement of Contents: Organize each volume in parts as follows:

1. Project Directory.

2. Table of Contents, of all volumes, and of this volume.

3. Operation and Maintenance Data: Arranged by system, then by product category.

a. Source data.

b. Product data, shop drawings, and other submittals.

c. Operation and maintenance data.

d. Field quality control data.

e. Photocopies of warranties and bonds.

4. Design Data: To allow for addition of design data furnished by Architect or others, provide a tab labeled "Design Data" and provide a binder large enough to allow for insertion of at least 20 pages of typed text.


A. Obtain warranties and bonds, executed in duplicate by responsible Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers, within 10 days after completion of the applicable item of work. Except for items put into use with Owner's permission, leave date of beginning of time of warranty until Date of Substantial completion is determined.

B. Verify that documents are in proper form, contain full information, and are notarized.

C. Co-execute submittals when required.

D. Retain warranties and bonds until time specified for submittal.

E. Include originals of each in operation and maintenance manuals, indexed separately on Table of Contents.

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F. Manual: Bind in commercial quality 8-1/2 by 11 inch three D side ring binders with durable plastic covers.

G. Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title WARRANTIES AND BONDS, with title of Project; name, address and telephone number of Contractor and equipment supplier; and name of responsible company principal.

H. Table of Contents: Neatly typed, in the sequence of the Table of Contents of the Project Manual, with each item identified with the number and title of the specification section in which specified, and the name of product or work item.

I. Separate each warranty or bond with index tab sheets keyed to the Table of Contents listing. Provide full information, using separate typed sheets as necessary. List Subcontractor, supplier, and manufacturer, with name, address, and telephone number of responsible principal.


A. Contractor to deliver to Owner specified quantities of spare parts, extra material in quantities as specified in each Section, in addition to that used for construction of Work, as a requisite for final payment and shall provide Architect with an Owner-signed receipt for all such materials indicating the date received and actual inventory quantities received.


A. Contractor shall provide to Owner, as part of the close out package, a signed certificate or letter stating that no asbestos-containing building materials (ACBMs) have been knowingly installed or provided in any form within this project.

B. Contractor shall provide to Owner, as part of close out package, a signed certificate or letter stating that no lead bearing building materials have been knowingly installed within domestic drinking water systems and/or products containing lead, have been installed within public contact areas.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for preparing operation and maintenance manuals, including the following: 1. Operation and maintenance documentation directory manuals. 2. Systems and equipment operation manuals. 3. Systems and equipment maintenance manuals. 4. Product maintenance manuals.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 3300 "Submittal Procedures" for submitting copies of submittals for operation

and maintenance manuals.


A. System: An organized collection of parts, equipment, or subsystems united by regular interaction.

B. Subsystem: A portion of a system with characteristics similar to a system.


A. Submit operation and maintenance manuals indicated. Provide content for each manual as specified in individual Specification Sections, and as reviewed and approved at the time of Section submittals. Submit reviewed manual content formatted and organized as required by this Section. 1. Architect will comment on whether content of operation and maintenance submittals is

acceptable. 2. Where applicable, clarify and update reviewed manual content to correspond to revisions

and field conditions. B. Format: Submit operation and maintenance manuals in the following format:

1. Submit on digital media acceptable to Architect by uploading to web-based project software site and by email to Architect. Enable reviewer comments on draft submittals.

C. Initial Manual Submittal: Submit draft copy of each manual at least 30 business days before commencing demonstration and training. Architect will comment on whether general scope and content of manual are acceptable.

D. Final Manual Submittal: Submit each manual in final form prior to requesting inspection for Substantial Completion and at least 10 business days before commencing demonstration and training. Architect and Commissioning Authority will return copy with comments. 1. Correct or revise each manual to comply with Architect's comments. Submit copies of

each corrected manual within 10 business days of receipt of Architect’s and Commissioning Authority's comments and prior to commencing demonstration and training.

E. Comply with Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures" for schedule for submitting operation and maintenance documentation.


A. Manuals, Electronic Files: Submit manuals in the form of a multiple file composite electronic PDF file for each manual type required. 1. Electronic Files: Use electronic files prepared by manufacturer where available. Where

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scanning of paper documents is required, configure scanned file for minimum readable file size.

2. File Names and Bookmarks: Bookmark individual documents based on file names. Name document files to correspond to system, subsystem, and equipment names used in manual directory and table of contents. Group documents for each system and subsystem into individual composite bookmarked files, then create composite manual, so that resulting bookmarks reflect the system, subsystem, and equipment names in a readily navigated file tree. Configure electronic manual to display bookmark panel on opening file.


A. Product Maintenance Manual: Assemble a complete set of maintenance data indicating care and maintenance of each product, material, and finish incorporated into the Work.

B. Content: Organize manual into a separate section for each product, material, and finish. Include source information, product information, maintenance procedures, repair materials and sources, and warranties and bonds, as described below.

C. Source Information: List each product included in manual, identified by product name and arranged to match manual's table of contents. For each product, list name, address, and telephone number of Installer or supplier and maintenance service agent, and cross-reference Specification Section number and title in Project Manual and drawing or schedule designation or identifier where applicable.

D. Product Information: Include the following, as applicable: 1. Product name and model number. 2. Manufacturer's name. 3. Color, pattern, and texture. 4. Material and chemical composition. 5. Reordering information for specially manufactured products.

E. Maintenance Procedures: Include manufacturer's written recommendations and the following: 1. Inspection procedures. 2. Types of cleaning agents to be used and methods of cleaning. 3. List of cleaning agents and methods of cleaning detrimental to product. 4. Schedule for routine cleaning and maintenance. 5. Repair instructions.

F. Repair Materials and Sources: Include lists of materials and local sources of materials and related services.

G. Warranties and Bonds: Include copies of warranties and bonds and lists of circ*mstances and conditions that would affect validity of warranties or bonds. 1. Include procedures to follow and required notifications for warranty claims.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)



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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for Project Record Documents, including the following: 1. Record Drawings. 2. Record specifications. 3. Record Product Data. 4. Miscellaneous record submittals.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 7700 "Closeout Procedures" for general closeout procedures. 2. Section 01 7823 "Operation and Maintenance Data" for operation and maintenance

manual requirements.


A. Record Drawings: Comply with the following: 1. Number of Copies: Submit one set of marked-up record prints. 2. Number of Copies: Submit copies of Record Drawings as follows:

a. Initial Submittal: 1) Submit one paper-copy set of marked-up record prints. 2) Submit PDF electronic files of scanned record prints. 3) Submit Record Digital Data Files. 4) Architect will indicate whether general scope of changes, additional information

recorded, and quality of drafting are acceptable. b. Final Submittal:

1) Submit two paper-copy set(s) of marked-up record prints. 2) Submit two PDF electronic files of scanned Record Prints. 3) Submit Record Digital Data Files. 4) Plot each drawing file, whether or not changes and additional information were

recorded. B. Record Specifications: Submit annotated PDF electronic files and one paper copy of Project's

Specifications, including addenda and Contract modifications. C. Record Product Data: Submit [annotated PDF electronic files and directories and one paper

copy of each submittal. 1. Where record Product Data are required as part of operation and maintenance manuals,

submit duplicate marked-up Product Data as a component of manual. D. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: See other Specification Sections for miscellaneous record-

keeping requirements and submittals in connection with various construction activities. Submit annotated PDF electronic files and directories and one paper copy of each submittal.

E. Reports: Submit written report indicating items incorporated into Project Record Documents concurrent with progress of the Work, including revisions, concealed conditions, field changes, product selections, and other notations incorporated.


A. Record Prints: Maintain one set of marked-up paper copies of the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings, incorporating new and revised drawings as modifications are issued. 1. Preparation: Mark record prints to show the actual installation, where installation varies

from that shown originally. Require individual or entity who obtained record data, whether individual or entity is Installer, sub Contractor, or similar entity, to provide information for

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preparation of corresponding marked-up record prints. a. Give particular attention to information on concealed elements that would be difficult to

identify or measure and record later. b. Accurately record information in an acceptable drawing technique. c. Record data as soon as possible after obtaining it. d. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. e. Cross-reference record prints to corresponding photographic documentation.

2. Content: Types of items requiring marking include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Dimensional changes to Drawings. b. Revisions to details shown on Drawings. c. Revisions to routing of piping and conduits. d. Revisions to electrical circuitry. e. Actual equipment locations. f. Duct size and routing. g. Locations of concealed internal utilities. h. Changes made by Change Order or Construction Change Directive. i. Changes made following Architect's written orders. j. Details not on the original Contract Drawings. k. Field records for variable and concealed conditions. l. Record information on the Work that is shown only schematically.

3. Mark the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings completely and accurately. Use personnel proficient at recording graphic information in production of marked-up record prints.

4. Mark record prints with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories of the Work at same location.

5. Mark important additional information that was either shown schematically or omitted from original Drawings.

6. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, alternate numbers, Change Order numbers, and similar identification, where applicable.

B. Record Digital Data Files: Immediately before inspection for Certificate of Substantial Completion, review marked-up record prints with Architect. When authorized, prepare a full set of corrected digital data files of the Contract Drawings, as follows: 1. Format: Annotated PDF electronic file with comment function enabled. 2. Incorporate changes and additional information previously marked on record prints. Delete,

redraw, and add details and notations where applicable. 3. Refer instances of uncertainty to Architect for resolution. 4. Remove ALL Architect and Engineer stamps from all record drawings, sketches and specs. 5. Architect will furnish Contractor with one set of digital data files of the Contract Drawings

for use in recording information. a. See Section 01 3100 "Project Management and Coordination" for requirements related

to use of Architect's digital data files. b. Architect will provide data file layer information. Record markups in separate layers.

C. Format: Identify and date each Record Drawing; include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWING" in a prominent location. 1. Record Prints: Organize record prints into manageable sets. Bind each set with durable

paper cover sheets. Include identification on cover sheets. 2. Format: Annotated PDF electronic file with comment function enabled. 3. Record Digital Data Files: Organize digital data information into separate electronic files

that correspond to each sheet of the Contract Drawings. Name each file with the sheet identification. Include identification in each digital data file.

4. Identification: As follows: a. Project name. b. Date. c. Designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS." d. Name of Architect. e. Name of Contractor.


A. Preparation: Mark Specifications to indicate the actual product installation, where installation

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varies from that indicated in Specifications, addenda, and Contract modifications.

1. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later.

2. Mark copy with the proprietary name and model number of products, materials, and equipment furnished, including substitutions and product options selected.

3. Record the name of manufacturer, supplier, Installer, and other information necessary to provide a record of selections made.

4. For each principal product, indicate whether Record Product Data has been submitted in operation and maintenance manuals instead of submitted as Record Product Data.

5. Note related Change Orders, Record Product Data, and Record Drawings where applicable.

B. Format: Submit record specifications as [annotated PDF electronic file] [paper copy] [scanned PDF electronic file(s) of marked-up paper copy of Specifications].


A. Recording: Maintain one copy of each submittal during the construction period for Project Record Document purposes. Post changes and revisions to Project Record Documents as they occur; do not wait until end of Project.

B. Preparation: Mark Product Data to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies substantially from that indicated in Product Data submittal. 1. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot

be readily identified and recorded later. 2. Include significant changes in the product delivered to Project site and changes in

manufacturer's written instructions for installation. 3. Note related Change Orders, Record Specifications, and Record Drawings where

applicable. C. Format: Submit Record Product Data as [annotated PDF electronic file] [paper copy] [scanned

PDF electronic file(s) of marked-up paper copy of Product Data]. 1. Include Record Product Data directory organized by Specification Section number and title,

electronically linked to each item of Record Product Data.


A. Assemble miscellaneous records required by other Specification Sections for miscellaneous record keeping and submittal in connection with actual performance of the Work. Bind or file miscellaneous records and identify each, ready for continued use and reference.

B. Format: Submit miscellaneous record submittals as [PDF electronic file] [paper copy] [scanned PDF electronic file(s) of marked-up miscellaneous record submittals]. 1. Include miscellaneous record submittals directory organized by Specification Section

number and title, electronically linked to each item of miscellaneous record submittals.


A. Maintenance of Record Documents: Store Record Documents in the field office apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use Project Record Documents for construction purposes. Maintain Record Documents in good order and in a clean, dry, legible condition, protected from deterioration and loss. Provide access to Project Record Documents for Architect's reference during normal working hours.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for instructing Owner's

personnel, including the following: 1. Instruction in operation and maintenance of systems, finishes, and equipment. 2. Demonstration and training video recordings.

1.3 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Instruction Program: Submit outline of instructional program for demonstration and training,

including a list of training modules and a schedule of proposed dates, times, length of instruction time, and instructors' names for each training module. Include learning objective and outline for each training module. 1. Indicate proposed training modules using manufacturer-produced demonstration and

training video recordings for systems, equipment, and products in lieu of video recording of live instructional module.

B. Attendance Record: For each training module, submit list of participants and length of instruction time.

C. Evaluations: For each participant and for each training module, submit results and documentation of performance-based test.

1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Demonstration and Training Video Recordings: Submit two copies within 5 working days of

end of each training module. 1. Identification: On each copy, provide an applied label with the following information:

a. Name of Project. b. Name of Architect. c. Name of Contractor. d. Date of video recording.

2. Transcript: Prepared and bound in format matching operation and maintenance manuals. Mark appropriate identification on front and spine of each binder. Include a cover sheet with same label information as the corresponding video recording. Include name of Project and date of video recording on each page.

3. Transcript: Prepared in PDF electronic format. Include a cover sheet with same label information as the corresponding video recording and a table of contents with links to corresponding training components. Include name of Project and date of video recording on each page.

4. At completion of training, submit complete training manuals for Owner's use prepared in same paper and PDF file format required for operation and maintenance manuals specified in Section 01 7823 "Operation and Maintenance Data.


A. Facilitator Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in training or educating maintenance personnel in a training program similar in content and extent to that indicated for this Project, and whose work has resulted in training or education with a record of successful learning performance.

B. Instructor Qualifications: A factory-authorized service representative, complying with requirements in Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements," experienced in operation and maintenance procedures and training.

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C. Pre-instruction Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Section 01 3100 "Project Management and Coordination." Review methods and procedures related to demonstration and training including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Inspect and discuss locations and other facilities required for instruction. 2. Review and finalize instruction schedule and verify availability of educational materials,

instructors' personnel, audiovisual equipment, and facilities needed to avoid delays. 3. Review required content of instruction. 4. For instruction that must occur outside, review weather and forecasted weather

conditions and procedures to follow if conditions are unfavorable.

1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate instruction schedule with Owner's operations. Adjust schedule as required to

minimize disrupting Owner's operations and to ensure availability of Owner's personnel. B. Coordinate instructors, including providing notification of dates, times, length of instruction

time, and course content. C. Coordinate content of training modules with content of approved emergency, operation, and

maintenance manuals. Do not submit instruction program until operation and maintenance data have been reviewed and approved by Architect.

1.7 INSTRUCTION PROGRAM A. Program Structure: Develop an instruction program that includes individual training modules for

each system and for equipment not part of a system, as required by individual Specification Sections.

B. Training Modules: Develop a learning objective and teaching outline for each module. Include a description of specific skills and knowledge that participant is expected to master. For each module, include instruction for the following as applicable to the system, equipment, or component: 1. Basis of System Design, Operational Requirements, and Criteria: Include the following:

a. System, subsystem, and equipment descriptions. b. Performance and design criteria if Contractor is delegated design responsibility. c. Operating standards. d. Regulatory requirements. e. Equipment function. f. Operating characteristics. g. Limiting conditions. h. Performance curves.

2. Documentation: Review the following items in detail: a. Emergency manuals. b. Systems and equipment operation manuals. c. Systems and equipment maintenance manuals. d. Product maintenance manuals. e. Project Record Documents. f. Identification systems. g. Warranties and bonds. h. Maintenance service agreements and similar continuing commitments.

3. Troubleshooting: Include the following: a. Diagnostic instructions. b. Test and inspection procedures.

4. Maintenance: Include the following: a. Inspection procedures. b. Types of cleaning agents to be used and methods of cleaning. c. List of cleaning agents and methods of cleaning detrimental to product. d. Procedures for routine cleaning. e. Procedures for preventive maintenance. f. Procedures for routine maintenance. g. Instruction on use of special tools.

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5. Repairs: Include the following: a. Diagnosis instructions. b. Repair instructions. c. Disassembly; component removal, repair, and replacement; and reassembly instructions. d. Instructions for identifying parts and components. e. Review of spare parts needed for operation and maintenance.

1.8 PREPARATION A. Assemble educational materials necessary for instruction, including documentation and

training module. Assemble training modules into a training manual organized in coordination with requirements in Section 01 7823 "Operation and Maintenance Data."

B. Set up instructional equipment at instruction location.

1.9 INSTRUCTION A. Facilitator: Engage a qualified facilitator to prepare instruction program and training modules,

to coordinate instructors, and to coordinate between Contractor and Owner for number of participants, instruction times, and location.

B. Scheduling: Provide instruction at mutually agreed-on times. For equipment that requires seasonal operation, provide similar instruction at start of each season. 1. Schedule training with Owner, through Architect with at least 5 working days' advance notice.

C. Training Location and Reference Material: Conduct training on-site in the completed and fully operational facility using the actual product in-place. Conduct training using final operation and maintenance data submittals.

D. Evaluation: At conclusion of each training module, assess and document each participant's mastery of module by use of a demonstration performance-based test.

E. Cleanup: Collect used and leftover educational materials and give to Owner. Remove instructional equipment. Restore systems and equipment to condition existing before initial training use.

1.10 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING VIDEO RECORDINGS A. Digital Video Recordings: Provide high-resolution, digital video in MPEG format, produced by

a digital camera with minimum sensor resolution of 12 megapixels and capable of recording in full HD mode with vibration reduction technology. 1. Submit video recordings on CD-ROM or thumb drive. 2. File Hierarchy: Organize folder structure and file locations according to Project Manual

table of contents. Provide complete screen-based menu. 3. File Names: Utilize file names based on name of equipment generally described in video

segment, as identified in Project specifications. 4. Contractor and Installer Contact File: Using appropriate software, create a file for

inclusion that describes the following for each Contractor involved on the Project, arranged according to Project Manual table of contents: a. Name of Contractor/Installer. b. Business address. c. Business phone number. d. Point of contact. e. Email address.




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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY: Any conflicts between information contained in the specs and the other contract documents, first immediately bring this to the attention of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work and the information in the other contract documents shall govern.

A. Section Includes: 1. Demolition and removal of selected buildings or structure. 2. Demolition and removal of selected site elements. 3. Salvage of existing items to be reused or recycled.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 1000 "Summary" for restrictions on use of the premises, Owner-occupancy

requirements, and phasing requirements. 2. Section 01 7300 "Execution" for cutting and patching procedures.


A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and dispose of them off-site unless indicated to be salvaged or reinstalled.

B. Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing construction, in a manner to prevent damage.

C. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, in a manner to prevent damage, prepare for reuse, and reinstall where indicated.

D. Existing to Remain: Leave existing items that are not to be removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be salvaged or reinstalled.

E. Dismantle: To remove by disassembling or detaching an item from a surface, using gentle methods and equipment to prevent damage to the item and surfaces; disposing of items unless indicated to be salvaged or reinstalled.


A. Unless otherwise indicated, demolition waste becomes property of Contractor. B. Items of interest or value to Owner that may be uncovered during demolition remain the

property of Owner. 1. Carefully salvage in a manner to prevent damage and promptly return to Owner.


A. Pre-demolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1. Inspect and discuss condition of construction to be selectively demolished. 2. Review structural load limitations of existing structure. 3. Review and finalize selective demolition schedule and verify availability of materials,

demolition personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays.

4. Review requirements of work performed by other trades that rely on substrates exposed by selective demolition operations.

5. Review areas where existing construction is to remain and requires protection.

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A. Qualification Data: For refrigerant recovery technician. B. Engineering Survey: Submit engineering survey of condition of building.

C. Proposed Protection Measures: Submit report, including Drawings, that indicates the

measures proposed for protecting individuals and property, for environmental protection, for dust control and, for noise control. Indicate proposed locations and construction of barriers.

D. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate the following: 1. Detailed sequence of selective demolition and removal work, with starting and ending

dates for each activity. Ensure Owner’s on-site operations are uninterrupted. 2. Interruption of utility services. Indicate how long utility services will be interrupted. 3. Coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. 4. Coordination of Owner's continuing occupancy of portions of existing building and of

Owner's partial occupancy of completed Work. E. Pre-demolition Photographs or Video: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction,

including finish surfaces that might be misconstrued as damage caused by demolition operations. Comply with Section 01 3233 "Photographic Documentation." Submit before Work begins.

F. Statement of Refrigerant Recovery: Signed by refrigerant recovery technician responsible for recovering refrigerant, stating that all refrigerant that was present was recovered and that recovery was performed according to EPA regulations. Include name and address of technician and date refrigerant was recovered.

G. Warranties: Documentation indicating that existing warranties are still in effect after completion of selective demolition.


A. Inventory: Submit a list of items that have been removed and salvaged.


A. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: Certified by an EPA-approved certification program.


A. Owner will occupy portions of building immediately adjacent to selective demolition area. Conduct selective demolition so Owner's operations will not be disrupted.

B. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by Owner as far as practical.

C. Notify Architect of discrepancies between existing conditions and Drawings before proceeding with selective demolition.

D. Hazardous Materials: It is not expected that hazardous materials will be encountered in the Work. 1. If suspected hazardous materials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify

Architect and Owner. Hazardous materials will be removed by Owner under a separate contract.

E. Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. 1. Maintain fire-protection facilities in service during selective demolition operations.


A. Arrange selective demolition schedule so as not to interfere with Owner's operations.

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A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction.

B. Standards: Comply with ASSE A10.6 and NFPA 241.


A. Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped before starting selective demolition operations.

B. Review Project Record Documents of existing construction or other existing condition and hazardous material information provided by Owner. Owner does not guarantee that existing conditions are same as those indicated in Project Record Documents.

C. Perform an engineering survey of condition of building to determine whether removing any element might result in structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of structure or adjacent structures during selective building demolition operations. 1. Perform surveys as the Work progresses to detect hazards resulting from selective

demolition activities. D. Steel Tendons: Locate tensioned steel tendons and include recommendations for de-

tensioning. E. Verify that hazardous materials have been remediated before proceeding with building

demolition operations. F. Survey of Existing Conditions: Record existing conditions by use of measured drawings,

preconstruction photographs or video. 1. Comply with requirements specified in Section 01 3233 "Photographic Documentation." 2. Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and salvaged. Provide

photographs or video of conditions that might be misconstrued as damage caused by salvage operations.

3. Before selective demolition or removal of existing building elements that will be reproduced or duplicated in final Work, make permanent record of measurements, materials, and construction details required to make exact reproduction.


A. Refrigerant: Before starting demolition, remove refrigerant from mechanical equipment according to 40 CFR 82 and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction.


A. Existing Services/Systems to Remain: Maintain services/systems indicated to remain and protect them against damage.

B. Existing Services/Systems to Be Removed, Relocated, or Abandoned: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off utility services and mechanical/electrical systems serving areas to be selectively demolished. 1. Owner will arrange to shut off indicated services/systems when requested by Contractor. 2. Arrange to shut off utilities with utility companies. 3. If services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, provide

temporary services/systems that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of services/systems to other parts of building.

4. Disconnect, demolish, and remove fire-suppression systems, plumbing, and HVAC systems, equipment, and components indicated on Drawings to be removed.

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a. Piping to Be Removed: Remove portion of piping indicated to be removed and cap or plug remaining piping with same or compatible piping material.

b. Piping to Be Abandoned in Place: Drain piping and cap or plug piping with same or compatible piping material and leave in place.

c. Equipment to Be Removed: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment. d. Equipment to Be Removed and Reinstalled: Disconnect and cap services and

remove, clean, and store equipment; when appropriate, reinstall, reconnect, and make equipment operational.

e. Equipment to Be Removed and Salvaged: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment and deliver to Owner.

f. Ducts to Be Removed: Remove portion of ducts indicated to be removed and plug remaining ducts with same or compatible ductwork material.

g. Ducts to Be Abandoned in Place: Cap or plug ducts with same or compatible ductwork material and leave in place.


A. Temporary Protection: Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. 1. Provide protection to ensure safe passage of people around selective demolition area

and to and from occupied portions of building. 2. Provide temporary weather protection, during interval between selective demolition of

existing construction on exterior surfaces and new construction, to prevent water leakage and damage to structure and interior areas.

3. Protect walls, ceilings, floors, and other existing finish work that are to remain or that are exposed during selective demolition operations.

4. Cover and protect furniture, furnishings, and equipment that have not been removed. 5. Comply with requirements for temporary enclosures, dust control, heating, and cooling

specified in Section 01 5000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." B. Temporary Shoring: Design, provide, and maintain shoring, bracing, and structural supports

as required to preserve stability and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of construction and finishes to remain, and to prevent unexpected or uncontrolled movement or collapse of construction being demolished. 1. Strengthen or add new supports when required during progress of selective demolition.

C. Remove temporary barricades and protections where hazards no longer exist.


A. General: Demolish and remove existing construction only to the extent required by new construction and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: 1. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use

cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. Use hand tools or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping. Temporarily cover openings to remain.

2. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces.

3. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain portable fire-suppression devices during flame-cutting operations.

4. Maintain fire watch during and for at least two hours after flame-cutting operations. 5. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches.

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6. Remove decayed, vermin-infested, or otherwise dangerous or unsuitable materials and promptly dispose of off-site.

7. Remove structural framing members and lower to ground by method suitable to avoid free fall and to prevent ground impact or dust generation.

8. Locate selective demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing.

9. Dispose of demolished items and materials promptly. Comply with requirements in Section 01 7419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal."

B. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities.

C. Removed and Salvaged Items: 1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers. 3. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. 4. Transport items to Owner's storage area designated by Owner. 5. Protect items from damage during transport and storage.

D. Removed and Reinstalled Items: 1. Clean and repair items to functional condition adequate for intended reuse. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning and repairing. Identify contents of containers. 3. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. 4. Reinstall items in locations indicated. Comply with installation requirements for new

materials and equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials necessary to make item functional for use indicated.

E. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Architect, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete.


A. Remove demolition waste materials from Project site and dispose of them in an EPA-approved construction and demolition waste landfill acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and recycle or dispose of them according to Section 01 7419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal." 1. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. 2. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces

and areas. 3. Remove debris from elevated portions of building by chute, hoist, or other device that will

convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. 4. Comply with requirements specified in Section 01 7419 "Construction Waste

Management and Disposal." B. Burning: Do not burn demolished materials.


A. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before selective demolition operations began.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY: Any conflicts between information contained in the specs and the contract documents, first immediately bring this to the attention of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work and the information in the contract documents shall govern. A. Section Includes:

1. Loose bearing and leveling plates for applications where they are not specified in other Sections.

2. Steel framing and supports for mechanical and electrical equipment. B. Products furnished, but not installed, under this Section include the following:

1. Anchor bolts, steel pipe sleeves, slotted-channel inserts, and wedge-type inserts indicated to be built into unit masonry.

2. Steel weld plates and angles for casting into concrete for applications where they are not specified in other Sections.


A. Coordinate selection of shop primers with topcoats to be applied over them. Comply with paint and coating manufacturers' written instructions to ensure that shop primers and topcoats are compatible with one another.

B. Coordinate installation of metal fabrications that are anchored to or that receive other work. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation.


A. Product Data: For the following: 1. Fasteners. 2. Shop primers. 3. Shrinkage-resisting grout. 4. Slotted channel framing.

B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details.Include plans, elevations, sections, and details of metal fabrications and their connections. Show anchorage and accessory items. Provide Shop Drawings for the following: 1. Steel framing and supports for mechanical and electrical equipment.


A. Mill Certificates: Signed by stainless steel manufacturers, certifying that products furnished comply with requirements.

B. Welding certificates. C. Paint Compatibility Certificates: From manufacturers of topcoats applied over shop primers,

certifying that shop primers are compatible with topcoats. D. Research Reports: For post-installed anchors.


A. Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and personnel in accordance with the following: 1. AWS D1.1/D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel." 2. AWS D1.2/D1.2M, "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum." 3. AWS D1.6/D1.6M, "Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel."

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A. Field Measurements: Verify actual locations of other construction contiguous with metal fabrications by field measurements before fabrication.


A. Delegated Design: Engage a qualified professional engineer, as defined in Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements," to design steel ladders.

B. Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements from ambient and surface temperature changes acting on exterior metal fabrications by preventing buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects.


A. Metal Surfaces, General: Provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces unless otherwise indicated. For metal fabrications exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials without seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or blemishes.

B. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A36/A36M. C. Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate: ASTM A240/A240M or ASTM A666, Type 304 and

Type 316L. Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes: ASTM A276/A276M, Type 304 and Type 316L.


A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, provide Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel fasteners for exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B633 or ASTM F1941/F1941M, Class Fe/Zn 5, at exterior walls. Select fasteners for type, grade, and class required. 1. Provide stainless steel fasteners for fastening aluminum, stainless steel or nickel silver. 2. Provide bronze fasteners for fastening bronze.

B. Steel Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon-head bolts, ASTM A307, Grade A; with hex nuts, ASTM A563; and, where indicated, flat washers. "High-Strength Bolts, Nuts, and Washers" Paragraph below specifies weathering steel bolts and nuts.

C. High-Strength Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM F3125/F3125M, Grade A325, Type 3, heavy-hex steel structural bolts; ASTM A563, Grade DH3, heavy-hex carbon-steel nuts; and where indicated, flat washers. Retain first option in "Stainless Steel Bolts and Nuts" Paragraph below for use with Type 304; second option for use with Type 316L.

D. Stainless Steel Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon-head annealed stainless steel bolts, ASTM F593; with hex nuts, ASTM F594; and, where indicated, flat washers; Alloy Group 1.

E. Anchor Bolts: ASTM F1554, Grade 36, of dimensions indicated; with nuts, ASTM A563; and, where indicated, flat washers. 1. Hot-dip galvanize or provide mechanically deposited, zinc coating where item being

fastened is indicated to be galvanized. F. Anchors, General: Capable of sustaining, without failure, a load equal to six times the load

imposed when installed in unit masonry, as determined by testing in accordance with ASTM E488/E488M, conducted by a qualified independent testing agency.

G. Post-Installed Anchors: Torque-controlled expansion anchors. 1. Material for Interior Locations: Carbon-steel components zinc plated to comply with

ASTM B633 or ASTM F1941/F1941M, Class Fe/Zn 5, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Material for Exterior Locations and Where Stainless Steel Is Indicated: Alloy Group 1

stainless steel bolts, ASTM F593, and nuts, ASTM F594.

H. Slotted-Channel Inserts: Cold-formed, hot-dip galvanized-steel box channels (struts) complying with MFMA-4, at downspout leaders as shown on the plans. Provide with temporary filler and tee-head bolts, complete with washers and nuts, all zinc-plated to comply with ASTM B633, Class Fe/Zn 5, as needed for fastening to inserts.

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A. Shop Primers: Provide primers that comply with Section 09 9113 "Exterior Painting."

B. Universal Shop Primer: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal modified-alkyd primer complying with MPI#79 and compatible with topcoat. 1. Use primer containing pigments that make it easily distinguishable from zinc-rich primer.

C. Water-Based Primer: Emulsion type, anticorrosive primer for mildly corrosive environments that is resistant to flash rusting when applied to cleaned steel, complying with MPI#107 and compatible with topcoat.

D. Epoxy Zinc-Rich Primer: Complying with MPI#20 and compatible with topcoat. E. Shop Primer for Galvanized Steel: Primer formulated for exterior use over zinc-coated metal

and compatible with finish paint systems indicated. F. Galvanizing Repair Paint: High-zinc-dust-content paint complying with SSPC-Paint 20 and

compatible with paints specified to be used over it. G. Shrinkage-Resistant Grout: Factory-packaged, nonmetallic, nonstaining, noncorrosive,

nongaseous grout complying with ASTM C1107/C1107M. Provide grout specifically recommended by manufacturer for exterior applications.


A. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in the shop to greatest extent possible. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation.

B. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces.

C. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work.

D. Form exposed work with accurate angles and surfaces and straight edges. E. Weld corners and seams continuously to comply with the following:

1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals.

2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no

roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent surface.

F. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners or welds where possible. Where exposed fasteners are required, use Phillips flat-head (countersunk) fasteners unless otherwise indicated. Locate joints where least conspicuous.

G. Fabricate seams and other connections that are exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate.

H. Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap metal fabrications as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws, and similar items.

I. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Space anchoring devices to secure metal fabrications rigidly in place and to support indicated loads.


A. General: Provide steel framing and supports not specified in other Sections as needed to complete the Work.

B. Fabricate units from steel shapes, plates, and bars of welded construction unless otherwise indicated. Fabricate to sizes, shapes, and profiles indicated and as necessary to receive adjacent construction. 1. Fabricate units from slotted channel framing where indicated. 2. Furnish inserts for units installed after concrete is placed.

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C. Fabricate steel girders for wood frame construction from continuous steel shapes of sizes indicated. 1. Provide bearing plates welded to beams where indicated. 2. Drill or punch girders and plates for field-bolted connections where indicated.

D. Fabricate steel pipe columns for supporting wood frame construction from steel pipe with steel baseplates and top plates as indicated. Drill or punch baseplates and top plates for anchor and connection bolts and weld to pipe with fillet welds all around. Make welds the same size as pipe wall thickness unless otherwise indicated. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate from Schedule 40 steel pipe. 2. Unless otherwise indicated, provide 1/2-inch baseplates with four 5/8-inch anchor bolts

and 1/4-inch top plates. E. Galvanize miscellaneous framing and supports where indicated. F. Prime miscellaneous framing and supports with zinc-rich primer where indicated.


A. Finish metal fabrications after assembly. B. Finish exposed surfaces to remove tool and die marks and stretch lines, and to blend into

surrounding surface.


A. Galvanizing: Hot-dip galvanize items as indicated to comply with ASTM A153/A153M for steel and iron hardware and with ASTM A123/A123M for other steel and iron products. 1. Do not quench or apply post galvanizing treatments that might interfere with paint

adhesion. B. Preparation for Shop Priming Galvanized Items: After galvanizing, thoroughly clean

galvanized surfaces of grease, dirt, oil, flux, and other foreign matter, and treat with metallic phosphate process.

C. Shop prime iron and steel items not indicated to be galvanized unless they are to be embedded in concrete, sprayed-on fireproofing, or masonry, or unless otherwise indicated. 1. Shop prime with universal shop primer.

D. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare surfaces to comply with SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning." requirements indicated below: 1. Exterior Items: SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." 2. Items Indicated to Receive Zinc-Rich Primer: SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial

Blast Cleaning." 3. Other Steel Items: SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning." 4. Galvanized-Steel Items: SSPC-SP 16, "Brush-off Blast Cleaning of Coated and Uncoated

Galvanized Steel, Stainless Steels, and Non-Ferrous Metals." E. Shop Priming: Apply shop primer to comply with SSPC-PA 1, "Paint Application Specification

No. 1: Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel," for shop painting. 1. Stripe paint corners, crevices, bolts, welds, and sharp edges.


A. As-Fabricated Finish: AA-M12. B. Clear Anodic Finish: AAMA 611, Class I, AA-M12C22A41.


A. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; with edges and surfaces level, plumb, true, and free of rack; and measured from established lines and levels.

B. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections that are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of exterior units that have been hot-dip

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galvanized after fabrication and are for bolted or screwed field connections. C. Field Welding: Comply with the following requirements:

1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals.

2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no

roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent surface.

D. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where metal fabrications are required to be fastened to in-place construction. Provide threaded fasteners for use with concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through bolts, lag screws, wood screws, and other connectors.

E. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete, masonry, or similar construction.

F. Corrosion Protection: Coat concealed surfaces of aluminum that come into contact with grout, concrete, masonry, wood, or dissimilar metals with the following: 1. Cast Aluminum: Heavy coat of bituminous paint. 2. Extruded Aluminum: Two coats of clear lacquer.


A. Touchup Painting: 1. Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas.

Paint uncoated and abraded areas with same material as used for shop painting to comply with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-painted surfaces. a. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum 2.0-mil dry film thickness.

2. Cleaning and touchup painting of field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint are specified in Section 09 9113 "Exterior Painting." .

B. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing to comply with ASTM A780/A780M.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY: Any conflicts between information contained in the specs and the other contract documents, first immediately bring this to the attention of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work and the information in the other contract documents shall govern.

A. Section Includes: 1. Framing with dimension lumber. 2. Rooftop equipment bases and support curbs. 3. Wood blocking, cants, and nailers. 4. Wood furring 5. Wood sleepers.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 06 1600 "Sheathing" for sheathing replacement.


A. Boards or Strips: Lumber of less than 2 inches nominal size in least dimension. B. Dimension Lumber: Lumber of 2 inches nominal or greater size but less than 5 inches

nominal size in least dimension.


A. Product Data: For each type of process and factory-fabricated product. Indicate component materials and dimensions and include construction and application details. 1. Include data for wood-preservative treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and

certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Indicate type of preservative used and net amount of preservative retained.

2. Include data for fire-retardant treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Include physical properties of treated materials based on testing by a qualified independent testing agency.

3. For fire-retardant treatments, include physical properties of treated lumber both before and after exposure to elevated temperatures, based on testing by a qualified independent testing agency according to ASTM D5664.

4. For products receiving a waterborne treatment, include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to levels specified before shipment to Project site.


A. Evaluation Reports: For the following, from ICC-ES: 1. Preservative-treated wood. 2. Fire-retardant-treated wood. 3. Power-driven fasteners. 4. Post-installed anchors. 5. Metal framing anchors.


A. Testing Agency Qualifications: For testing agency providing classification marking for fire-retardant-treated material, an inspection agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that periodically performs inspections to verify that the material bearing the classification

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marking is representative of the material tested.


A. Stack lumber flat with spacers beneath and between each bundle to provide air circulation. Protect lumber from weather by covering with waterproof sheeting, securely anchored. Provide for air circulation around stacks and under coverings.


A. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and applicable rules of grading agencies indicated. If no grading agency is indicated, provide lumber that complies with the applicable rules of any rules-writing agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review. Provide lumber graded by an agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review to inspect and grade lumber under the rules indicated. 1. Factory mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of grading agency. 2. For exposed lumber indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, mark grade stamp on

end or back of each piece or omit grade stamp and provide certificates of grade compliance issued by grading agency.

3. Dress lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. B. Maximum Moisture Content of Lumber: 15 percent for 2-inch nominal thickness or less.


A. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process: AWPA U1; Use Category UC2 for interior construction not in contact with ground, Use Category UC3b for exterior construction not in contact with ground, and Use Category UC4a for items in contact with ground. 1. Preservative Chemicals: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and containing no

arsenic or chromium. Do not use inorganic boron (SBX) for sill plates. 2. For exposed items indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, chemical formulations

shall not require incising, contain colorants, bleed through, or otherwise adversely affect finishes.

B. Kiln-dry lumber after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent. Do not use material that is warped or does not comply with requirements for untreated material.

C. Mark lumber with treatment quality mark of an inspection agency approved by the ALSC Board of Review. 1. For exposed lumber indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, mark end or back of

each piece or omit marking and provide certificates of treatment compliance issued by inspection agency.

D. Application: Treat items indicated on Drawings, and the following: 1. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar

members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing. 2. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry

or concrete.


A. General: Where fire-retardant-treated materials are indicated, materials shall comply with requirements in this article, that are acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and with fire-test-response characteristics specified as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated by a qualified testing agency.

B. Fire-Retardant-Treated Lumber and Plywood by Pressure Process: Products with a flame-spread index of 25 or less when tested according to ASTM E84, and with no evidence of significant progressive combustion when the test is extended an additional 20 minutes, and with the flame front not extending more than 10.5 feet beyond the centerline of the burners at any time during the test. 1. Treatment shall not promote corrosion of metal fasteners.

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2. Exterior Type: Treated materials shall comply with requirements specified above for fire-retardant-treated lumber and plywood by pressure process after being subjected to accelerated weathering according to ASTM D2898. Use for exterior locations and where indicated.

3. Interior Type A: Treated materials shall have a moisture content of 28 percent or less when tested according to ASTM D3201 at 92 percent relative humidity. Use where exterior type is not indicated.

4. Design Value Adjustment Factors: Treated lumber shall be tested according to ASTM D5664, and design value adjustment factors shall be calculated according to ASTM D6841.

C. Kiln-dry lumber after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 15 percent. D. Identify fire-retardant-treated wood with appropriate classification marking of qualified testing

agency. E. Application: Treat items indicated on Drawings, and the following:

1. Framing for raised platforms. 2. Concealed blocking. 3. Roof framing and blocking. 4. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, and similar members in

connection with roofing.


A. Other Framing: Construction or No. 2 1. Western woods; WCLIB or WWPA.


A. General: Provide miscellaneous lumber indicated and lumber for support or attachment of other construction, including the following: 1. Blocking. 2. Nailers. 3. Rooftop equipment bases and support curbs. 4. Cants. 5. Furring. 6. Grounds.

B. Dimension Lumber Items: Construction or No. 2. 1. Western woods; WCLIB or WWPA.

C. Concealed Boards: 15 percent maximum moisture content of the following species and grades: 1. Western woods, Construction or No. 2 Common; WCLIB or WWPA.

D. For blocking not used for attachment of other construction, Utility, Stud, or No. 3 grade lumber of any species may be used provided that it is cut and selected to eliminate defects that will interfere with its attachment and purpose.

E. For blocking and nailers used for attachment of other construction, select and cut lumber to eliminate knots and other defects that will interfere with attachment of other work.

F. For furring strips for installing plywood or hardboard paneling, select boards with no knots capable of producing bent-over nails and damage to paneling.


A. General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this article for material and manufacture. 1. Where carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, pressure-preservative treated,

or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners with hot-dip zinc coating complying with ASTM A153/A153M.

B. Nails, Brads, and Staples: ASTM F1667.

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C. Screws for Fastening to Metal Framing: ASTM C1002, length as recommended by screw manufacturer for material being fastened.

D. Power-Driven Fasteners: Fastener systems with an evaluation report acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, based on ICC-ES AC70.

E. Post-Installed Anchors: Fastener systems with an evaluation report acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, based on ICC-ES AC01, ICC-ES AC58, ICC-ES AC193 or ICC-ES AC308 as appropriate for the substrate. 1. Material: Carbon-steel components, zinc plated to comply with ASTM B633,

Class Fe/Zn 5. 2. Material: Stainless steel with bolts and nuts complying with ASTM F593 and ASTM F594,

Alloy Group 1 or 2.


A. Galvanized-Steel Sheet: Hot-dip, zinc-coated steel sheet complying with ASTM A653/A653M, G60 coating designation. 1. Use for interior locations unless otherwise indicated.

B. Hot-Dip, Heavy-Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A653/A653M; Structural Steel (SS), high-strength low-alloy steel Type A (HSLAS Type A), or high-strength low-alloy steel Type B (HSLAS Type B); G185 coating designation; and not less than 0.036 inch thick. 1. Use for wood-preservative-treated lumber and where indicated. 2. Use for exterior locations and where indicated.


A. Adhesives for Gluing Furring and Sleepers to Concrete or Masonry: Formulation complying with ASTM D3498 that is approved for use indicated by adhesive manufacturer.

B. Flexible Flashing: Composite, self-adhesive, flashing product consisting of a pliable, butyl rubber or rubberized-asphalt compound, bonded to a high-density polyethylene film, aluminum foil, or spunbonded polyolefin to produce an overall thickness of not less than 0.025 inch.


A. Framing Standard: Comply with AF&PA's WCD 1, "Details for Conventional Wood Frame Construction," unless otherwise indicated.

B. Set carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fitted. Fit carpentry accurately to other construction. Locate furring, nailers, blocking, grounds, and similar supports to comply with requirements for attaching other construction.

C. Install metal framing anchors to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Install fasteners through each fastener hole.

D. Do not splice structural members between supports unless otherwise indicated. E. Provide blocking and framing as indicated and as required to support facing materials,

fixtures, specialty items, and trim. 1. Provide metal clips for fastening gypsum board or lath at corners and intersections where

framing or blocking does not provide a surface for fastening edges of panels. Space clips not more than 16 inches o.c.

F. Provide fire blocking in furred spaces, stud spaces, and other concealed cavities as indicated and as follows: 1. Fire block furred spaces of walls, at each floor level, at ceiling, and at not more than 96

inches o.c. with solid wood blocking or noncombustible materials accurately fitted to close furred spaces.

2. Fire block concealed spaces of wood-framed walls and partitions at each floor level, at ceiling line of top story, and at not more than 96 inches o.c. Where fire blocking is not

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inherent in framing system used, provide closely fitted solid wood blocks of same width as framing members and 2-inch nominal thickness.

3. Fire block concealed spaces between floor sleepers with same material as sleepers to limit concealed spaces to not more than 100 sq. ft. and to solidly fill space below partitions.

4. Fire block concealed spaces behind combustible cornices and exterior trim at not more than 20 feet o.c.

G. Sort and select lumber so that natural characteristics do not interfere with installation or with fastening other materials to lumber. Do not use materials with defects that interfere with function of member or pieces that are too small to use with minimum number of joints or optimum joint arrangement.

H. Comply with AWPA M4 for applying field treatment to cut surfaces of preservative-treated lumber. 1. Use inorganic boron for items that are continuously protected from liquid water. 2. Use copper naphthenate for items not continuously protected from liquid water.

I. Where wood-preservative-treated lumber is installed adjacent to metal decking, install continuous flexible flashing separator between wood and metal decking.

J. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying with the following: 1. Table 2304.9.1, "Fastening Schedule," in ICC's International Building Code. 2. Table R602.3(1), "Fastener Schedule for Structural Members," and Table R602.3(2),

"Alternate Attachments," in ICC's International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings.

3. ICC-ES evaluation report for fastener. K. Use steel common nails unless otherwise indicated. Select fasteners of size that will not fully

penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting wood. Drive nails snug but do not countersink nail heads unless otherwise indicated.


A. Install where indicated and where required for screeding or attaching other work. Form to shapes indicated and cut as required for true line and level of attached work. Coordinate locations with other work involved.

B. Attach items to substrates to support applied loading. Recess bolts and nuts flush with surfaces unless otherwise indicated.

C. Provide permanent grounds of dressed, pressure-preservative-treated, key-beveled lumber not less than 1-1/2 inches wide and of thickness required to bring face of ground to exact thickness of finish material. Remove temporary grounds when no longer required.


A. Install level and plumb with closure strips at edges and openings. Shim with wood as required for tolerance of finish work.

B. Furring to Receive Plywood or Hardboard Paneling: Install 1-by-3-inch nominal-size furring horizontally at 24 inches o.c.


A. Protect wood that has been treated with inorganic boron (SBX) from weather. If, despite protection, inorganic boron-treated wood becomes wet, apply EPA-registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA-registered label.

B. Protect miscellaneous rough carpentry from weather. If, despite protection, miscellaneous rough carpentry becomes wet, apply EPA-registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA-registered label.


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SHEATHING 06 1600 - 1



A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY: Any conflicts between information contained in the specs and the other contract documents, first immediately bring this to the attention of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work and the information in the other contract documents shall govern.

A. Section Includes: 1. Roof sheathing. 2. Equipment platforms

B. Related Requirements: 1. 06 1053 " Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry" for Equipment platforms.


A. Product Data: For each type of process and factory-fabricated product. Indicate component materials and dimensions and include construction and application details.


A. Qualification Data: For Installer. including list of ABAA-certified installers and supervisors employed by Installer, who work on Project.

B. Field quality-control reports.


A. Installer Qualifications: An entity that employs installers and supervisors who are trained and approved by manufacturer of roof sheathing. 1. Installer shall be licensed by ABAA according to ABAA's Quality Assurance Program and

shall employ ABAA-certified installers and supervisors on Project.


A. Stack panels flat with spacers beneath and between each bundle to provide air circulation. Protect sheathing from weather by covering with waterproof sheeting, securely anchored. Provide for air circulation around stacks and under coverings.


A. Plywood Sheathing: Diaphragm values as shown on the plans. 1. Span Rating: As shown on plans. 2. Nominal Thickness: As shown on plans. 3. If retaining "Oriented-Strand-Board Sheathing" Paragraph below, retain one of two

options. Structural I provides increased racking resistance. See the Evaluations for information about durability classifications of oriented strand board.

B. Oriented-Strand-Board Sheathing: Diaphragm values as shown on the plans. 1. Span Rating: As shown on plans. 2. Nominal Thickness: As shown on plans.


A. General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this article for material and manufacture.

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SHEATHING 06 1600 - 2

1. For roof, parapet and wall sheathing provide fasteners with hot-dip zinc coating complying with ASTM A153/A153M.

B. Nails, Brads, and Staples: ASTM F1667. C. Power-Driven Fasteners: Fastener systems with an evaluation report acceptable to

authorities having jurisdiction, based on ICC-ES AC70. D. Screws for Fastening Sheathing to Wood Framing: ASTM C1002.


A. Adhesives for Field Gluing Panels to Wood Framing: Formulation complying with APA AFG-01 that is approved for use with type of construction panel indicated by manufacturers of both adhesives and panels.


A. Do not use materials with defects that impair quality of sheathing or pieces that are too small to use with minimum number of joints or optimum joint arrangement. Arrange joints so that pieces do not span between fewer than three support members.

B. Cut panels at penetrations, edges, and other obstructions of work; fit tightly against abutting construction unless otherwise indicated.

C. Securely attach to substrate by fastening as indicated, complying with the following: 1. Table 2304.9.1, "Fastening Schedule," in the ICC's International Building Code. 2. Table R602.3(1), "Fastener Schedule for Structural Members," and Table R602.3(2),

"Alternate Attachments," in the ICC's International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings.

3. ICC-ES evaluation report for fastener. D. Use common wire nails unless otherwise indicated. Select fasteners of size that will not fully

penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections. Install fasteners without splitting wood.

E. Coordinate equipment platform and roof sheathing installation with flashing and joint-sealant installation so these materials are installed in sequence and manner that prevent exterior moisture from passing through completed assembly.

F. Do not bridge building expansion joints; cut and space edges of panels to match spacing of structural support elements.

G. Coordinate sheathing installation with installation of materials installed over sheathing so sheathing is not exposed to precipitation or left exposed at end of the workday when rain is forecast.


A. General: Comply with applicable recommendations in APA Form No. E30, "Engineered Wood Construction Guide," for types of structural-use panels and applications indicated.

B. Fastening Methods: Fasten panels as indicated below: 1. Wall and Roof Sheathing:

a. Nail or staple to wood framing. Apply a continuous bead of glue to framing members at edges of wall sheathing panels.

b. Screw to cold-formed metal framing. c. Space panels 1/8 inch apart at edges and ends.


A. Comply with GA-253 and with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Fasten gypsum sheathing to wood framing with nails or screws. 2. Fasten gypsum sheathing to cold-formed metal framing with screws. 3. Install panels with a 3/8-inch gap where non-load-bearing construction abuts structural elements.

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SHEATHING 06 1600 - 3

4. Install panels with a 1/4-inch gap where they abut masonry or similar materials that might retain moisture, to prevent wicking.

B. Apply fasteners so heads bear tightly against face of sheathing, but do not cut into facing. C. Horizontal Installation: Install sheathing with V-grooved edge down and tongue edge up.

Interlock tongue with groove to bring long edges in contact with edges of adjacent panels without forcing. Abut ends over centers of studs, and stagger end joints of adjacent panels not less than one stud spacing. Attach at perimeter and within field of panel to each stud. 1. Space fasteners approximately 8 inches o.c. and set back a minimum of 3/8 inch from

edges and ends of panels. D. Vertical Installation: Install vertical edges centered over studs. Abut ends and edges with

those of adjacent panels. Attach at perimeter and within field of panel to each stud. 1. Space fasteners approximately 8 inches o.c. and set back a minimum of 3/8 inch from

edges and ends of panels. E. Seal sheathing joints according to sheathing manufacturer's written instructions.

1. Apply elastomeric sealant to joints and fasteners and trowel flat. Apply sufficient amount of sealant to completely cover joints and fasteners after troweling. Seal other penetrations and openings.


A. ABAA Quality Assurance Program: Perform examinations, preparation, installation, testing, and inspections under ABAA's Quality Assurance Program.


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A. Section Includes: Fiberglass-mat faced gypsum roof boards for application directly under roof membrane systems.


A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM C209 Standard Test Method for Cell. Fiber Insulating Board 2. ASTM C473 Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel Products. 3. ASTM C1177 Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as

Sheathing. 4. ASTM D3273 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of

Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber. 5. ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 6. ASTM E96 Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. 7. ASTM E108 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings 8. ASTM E136 Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at

750 C. 9. ASTM E661 Standard Test Method for Performance of Wood and Wood-Based Floor and

Roof Sheathing Under Concentrated Static and Impact Loads. B. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): UL 790 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings. 1.03 SUBMITTALS

A. Product Data and Installation Instructions: Submit manufacturer’s product data including installation instructions and substrate preparation recommendations

B. Sample warranty: Submit a sample warranty identifying the terms and conditions of the warranty as herein specified.


A. Inspection: Where applicable, allow for Testing Agency inspection and moisture testing and reporting prior to installation of roof boards.

B. Install roof board in mock-up as specified in Section 01 4000 Mock-Ups. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING

A. All components used in roofing systems, including fiberglass-mat faced gypsum Roof Boards,

shall be protected from exposure to moisture before, during and after installation. B. Remove any plastic packaging from roof boards immediately upon receipt of delivery. Failure to

remove plastic packaging may result in entrapment of condensation or moisture, which may cause application problems that are not the responsibility of manufacturer

C. Any protective, plastic factory packaging that is used to wrap roof boards for shipment is intended to provide temporary protection from moisture exposure during transit only and is not intended to provide protection during storage after delivery.

D. Roof boards stored outside shall be stored level and off the ground and protected by a waterproof covering. Provide means for air circulation around and under stored bundles of Roof Boards. Use adequate supports to keep the bundles flat, level and dry.

E. Care should also be taken during installation to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the system. Roof boards shall be covered the same day as installed. Avoid application of roof boards during rain, heavy fog and any other conditions that may deposit moisture on the surface,

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and avoid the overuse of non-vented, direct-fired heaters during winter months.


A. Application standards where applicable are in accordance with design assembly specifics, system manufacturer requirements and the manufacturer’s Technical Guide.

B. Do not install Prime Roof Board that is moisture damaged. Indications that panels are moisture damaged include, but not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape.

C. Installed Prime Roof Boards shall be dry, with free moisture content of less than 1% using a moisture meter that has been set to the gypsum scale, before applying adhesive, asphalt or membrane.

D. All components used in roofing systems, including Roof Boards, shall be protected from exposure to moisture before, during and after installation.

PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FIBERGLASS-MAT FACED GYPSUM ROOF BOARDS: A. Fiberglass Mat Faced Gypsum Roof Board: 1. Thickness: 1/4 inch. 2. Width: 4 feet. 3. Length: 8 feet. 4. Weight:1.2 lb/sq. ft. 5. Surfacing: Fiberglass Mat. 6. Flexural Strength, Parallel (ASTM C473): 40 lbf, minimum. 7. Permeance (ASTM E96): Greater than 50 perms.

8. R-Value (ASTM C518): 0.28. 9. Water Absorption (ASTM C473): Less than 10 percent of weight. 10. Surface Water Absorption (ASTM C473): Nominal 2.5 grams. 11. Compressive Strength (Applicable Sections of ASTM C472): Nominal 900 pounds per

square inch. 12. Flame Spread/ Smoke Development (ASTM E84): Not more than 0 Flame Spread, 0

Smoke Development 13. Combustibility (ASTM E136): Noncombustible 14. Fire resistance rating (UL 790 and ASTM E108): Class A 15. Mold Resistance (ASTM D3273): Scored a 10

B. Contractor can submit alternate manufacturer and product to the Architect for review per the criteria in Section 01 6000 Product Requirements.



A Apply only as many roof boards as can be covered by a roof membrane system in the same day.

B Board edges and ends shall be butted tightly together; do not gap edges or ends. C. Adhesive Installation over plywood sheathing plates as prescribed by roofing manufacture

under Single-Ply Roofing Systems:

1. Stagger roof board end and edge joints minimum 12" over plywood sheathing panels. 2. Stagger roof board end and edge joints minimum 6".

3. Adhere plates boards over installed insulation using adhesive as recommended by roofing system manufacturer’s product data.

4. Apply overall pressure to ensure full adhesion. Do not slide into place.

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3.02 PROTECTION A. Protect roof board installations from damage and deterioration until the date of Substantial



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A. Furnish and install elastomeric sheet roofing system, including: 1. Roofing manufacturer's requirements for the specified warranty. 2. Preparation of roofing substrates. 3. Wood nailers for roofing attachment. 4. Cover boards. 5. Elastomeric membrane roofing. 6. Metal roof edging and copings. 7. Butyl Coping Underlayment. 8. Flashings. 9. Walkway pads. 10. Other roofing-related items specified or indicated on the drawings or otherwise necessary to

provide a complete weatherproof roofing system.

B. Disposal of demolition debris and construction waste is the responsibility of Contractor. Perform disposal in manner complying with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.

C. Comply with the published recommendations and instructions of the roofing membrane manufacturer.

D. Commencement of work by the Contractor shall constitute acknowledgement by the Contractor that this specification can be satisfactorily executed, under the project conditions and with all necessary prerequisites for warranty acceptance by roofing membrane manufacturer. Any modification of the Contract Sum will be made in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract Documents stated elsewhere.

1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 06 10 00 - Rough Carpentry: Wood nailers associated with roofing and roof insulation.

B. Section 07 62 00 - Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim: Formed metal flashing and trim items associated with roofing.

C. Section 07 71 00 - Roof Specialties: Manufactured copings, fascias, gravel stops, and other flashing-related items.

D. Section 07 72 00 - Roof Accessories: Roof hatches, vents, and manufactured curbs.

E. Section 22 10 06 - Plumbing Specialties: Roof drains

1.03 REFERENCES A. Referenced Standards: These standards form part of this specification only to the extent they are

referenced as specification requirements. 1. ASTM C177 - Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal

Transmission Properties by Means of the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus; 2010.

2. ASTM C 1177/C 1177M - Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as

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Sheathing; 2004. 3. ASTM C1549 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance Near Ambient

Temperature Using a Portable Solar Reflectometer; 2009. 4. ASTM D638 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics; 2010. 5. ASTM D1004 - Standard Test Method for Tear Resistance (Graves Tear) of Plastic Film and

Sheeting; 2009. 6. ASTM D1079 - Standard Terminology Relating to Roofing and Waterproofing; 2013. 7. ASTM D3273 - Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of

Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber; 2012. 8. ASTM D6878/D6878M - Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Polyolefin Based Sheet

Roofing; 2011a. 9. FM DS 1-28 - Wind Design; Factory Mutual System; 2007. 10. FM DS 1-29 - Roof Deck Securement and Above-Deck Roof Components; Factory Mutual

System; 2006. 11. PS 1 - Structural Plywood; 2009. 12. PS 20 - American Softwood Lumber Standard; 2010. 13. SPRI ES-1 - Wind Design Standard for Edge Systems Used with Low Slope Roofing Systems;

2003. (ANSI/SPRI ES-1)

1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data:

1. Provide membrane manufacturer's printed data sufficient to show that all components of roofing system, including insulation and fasteners, comply with the specified requirements and with the membrane manufacturer's requirements and recommendations for the system type specified; include data for each product used in conjunction with roofing membrane.

2. Where UL or FM requirements are specified, provide documentation that shows that the roofing system to be installed is UL-Classified or FM-approved, as applicable; include data itemizing the components of the classified or approved system.

3. Installation Instructions: Provide manufacturer's instructions to installer, marked up to show exactly how all components will be installed; where instructions allow installation options, clearly indicate which option will be used.

B. Shop Drawings: Provide:

1. The roof membrane manufacturer's standard details customized for this project for all relevant conditions, including flashings, base tie-ins, roof edges, terminations, expansion joints, penetrations, and drains.

2. For tapered insulation, provide project-specific layout and dimensions for each board.

C. Pre-Installation Notice: Copy to show that manufacturer's required Pre-Installation Notice (PIN) has been accepted and approved by the manufacturer.

D. Executed Warranty.

E. Specimen Warranty: Submit prior to starting work.

F. Samples: Submit samples of each product to be used.

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1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Roofing installer shall have the following:

1. Current licensed roofing contractor in good standing.

2. At least ten years experience in installing specified system.

3. Capability to provide payment and performance bond to building owner.

B. Pre-Installation Conference: Before start of roofing work, Contractor shall hold a meeting to discuss the proper installation of materials and requirements to achieve the warranty.

1. Require attendance with all parties directly influencing the quality of roofing work or affected by the performance of roofing work.

2. Notify Architect well in advance of meeting.


A. Deliver products in manufacturer's original containers, dry and undamaged, with seals and labels intact and legible.

B. Store materials clear of ground and moisture with weather protective covering.

C. Keep combustible materials away from ignition sources.


A. Comply with all warranty procedures required by manufacturer, including notifications, scheduling, and inspections.

B. Warranty: 20 year (NDL) Limited Warranty covering membrane, roof insulation, and membrane accessories.

Limit of Liability: No dollar limitation.

1. Scope of Coverage: Repair leaks in the roofing system caused by: a. Ordinary wear and tear of the elements. b. Manufacturing defect in materials. c. Defective workmanship used to install these materials. d. Damage due to winds up to 55 mph.


2.01 BASIS OF DESIGN: A. Roofing systems may be acceptable provided the roofing system meets all materials and warranty

conditions outlined in this specification and the manufacturer meets the following qualifications: a. Specializing in manufacturing the roofing system to be provided. b. Minimum ten years of experience manufacturing the roofing system to be provided. c. Able to provide a no dollar limit, single source roof system warranty that is backed by

corporate assets in excess of one billion dollars. d. ISO 9002 certified. e. Able to provide polyisocyanurate insulation that is produced in own facilities.

B. Manufacturer of Insulation and Cover Boards: Same manufacturer as roof membrane. C. Manufacturer of Metal Roof Edging: Same manufacturer as roof membrane.

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1. Metal roof edging products by other manufacturers are not acceptable. 2. Field- or shop-fabricated metal roof edgings are not acceptable.


A. Roofing System: 1. Membrane: Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) single-ply membrane. 2. Thickness: As specified elsewhere 3. Membrane Attachment: Adhered. 4. Slope: If deck is sloped but not enough; provide additional slope of 1/4 inch per foot (1:48) by

means of tapered insulation. 5. Comply with applicable local building code requirements. 6. Provide assembly having Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Class A Fire Hazard


A. Cover Board: Gypsum-Based Cover Board: 1. Thickness: 0.25 inch (6.4mm). 2. R-Value: negligible. 3. Attachment: Mechanical through fastening.

B. Crickets and Saddles: Tapered insulation of same type as specified for top layer; slope as indicated.

2.03 TPO MEMBRANE MATERIALS A. Roofing Membrane: Flexible, heat weldable sheet composed of thermoplastic polyolefin polymer

and ethylene propylene rubber; complying with ASTM D6878, with polyester weft inserted reinforcement and the following additional characteristics:

a. Thickness: 0.080 inch (2.03 mm) plus/minus 10 percent, with coating thickness over reinforcement of 0.030 inch (0.76 mm) plus/minus 10 percent.

b. Puncture Resistance: 415 lbf (1868 N), minimum, when tested in accordance FTM 101C Method 2031.

c. Solar Reflectance: 0.79 minimum, when tested in accordance with ASTM C1549. d. Color: White.

B. Membrane Fasteners (supplemental, where required): Type and size as required by roof membrane manufacturer for roofing system and warranty to be provided; use only fasteners furnished by roof membrane manufacturer.

C. Bonding Adhesive: formulated for compatibility with TPO membrane and wide variety of substrate materials, including masonry, wood, gypsum, and insulation facings.

D. Curb and Parapet Flashing: Same material as membrane, with encapsulated edge which eliminates need for seam sealing the flashing-to-roof splice; precut to 18 inches (457 mm) wide.

E. Formable Flashing: Non-reinforced, flexible, heat weldable sheet, composed of thermoplastic polyolefin polymer and ethylene propylene rubber.

a. Thickness: 0.060 inch (1.52 mm) plus/minus 10 percent. b. Tensile Strength: 1550 psi (10.7 MPa), minimum, when tested in accordance with ASTM

D638 after heat aging. c. Elongation at Break: 650 percent, minimum, when tested in accordance with ASTM D638

after heat aging. d. Tearing Strength: 12 lbf (53 N), minimum, when tested in accordance with ASTM D1004

after heat aging.

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e. Color: White. F. Tape Flashing: 5-1/2 inch (140 mm) nominal wide TPO membrane laminated to cured rubber

polymer seaming tape, overall thickness 0.065 inch (1.6 mm) nominal G. Pourable Sealer: Two-part polyurethane, two-color for reliable mixing H. Seam Plates: Steel with barbs and Galvalume coating; corrosion-resistance complying with FM

4470. I. Termination Bars: Aluminum bars with integral caulk ledge; 1.3 inches (33 mm) wide by 0.10 inch

(2.5 mm) thick. J. Cut Edge Sealant: Synthetic rubber-based, for use where membrane reinforcement is exposed K. General Purpose Sealant: EPDM-based, one-part, white, general purpose sealant L. Molded Flashing Accessories: Unreinforced TPO membrane pre-molded to suit a variety of

flashing details, including pipe boots, inside corners, outside corners, etc M. Roof Walkway Pads: Non-reinforced TPO walkway pads, 0.130 inch (3 mm) by 30 inches (760

mm) by 40 feet (12.19 m) long with patterned traffic bearing surface


A. Gypsum-Based Cover Board: Non-combustible, water resistant gypsum core with embedded glass mat facers, complying with ASTM C 1177/C 1177M, and with the following additional characteristics:

a. Size: 48 inches (1220 mm) by 96 inches (2440 mm), nominal. b. Exception: Board to be attached using adhesive or asphalt may be no larger than 48

inches (1220 mm) by 48 inches (1220 mm), nominal. c. Thickness: 0.25 inch (6.4mm). d. Surface Water Absorption: 2.5 g, maximum, when tested in accordance with ASTM C

473. e. Spanning Capability: Recommended by manufacturer for following minimum flute spans: f. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread of 0, smoke developed of 0, when tested

in accordance with ASTM E 84. g. Combustibility: Non-combustible, when tested in accordance with ASTM E 136. h. Factory Mutual approved for use with FM 1-60 and 1-90 rated roofing assemblies. i. Mold Growth Resistance: Zero growth, when tested in accordance with ASTM D 3273 for

minimum of 4 weeks.

B. Insulation Fasteners: Type and size as required by roof membrane manufacturer for roofing system and warranty to be provided; use only fasteners furnished by roof membrane manufacturer.

2.05 METAL ACCESSORIES A. Parapet Copings: Formed metal coping with galvanized steel anchor/support cleats for capping

any parapet wall; watertight, maintenance free, without exposed fasteners; butt type joints with concealed splice plates; mechanically fastened as indicated. 1. Wind Performance:

a. At least the minimum required when tested in accordance with ANSI/SPRI ES-1 Test Method RE-3, current edition.

b. Provide product listed in current Factory Mutual Research Corporation Approval Guide with at least FM 1-90 rating.

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2. Description: Coping sections allowed to expand and contract freely while locked in place on anchor cleats by mechanical pressure from hardened stainless steel springs factory attached to anchor cleats; 8 inch (200 mm) wide splice plates with factory applied dual non-curing sealant strips capable of providing watertight seal.

3. Material and Finish: 24 gage, 0.024 inch (0.06 mm) thick galvanized steel, painted to match existing, with matching concealed joint splice plates.

4. Dimensions: a. Wall Width: As indicated on the drawings. b. Piece Length: Minimum 144 inches (3650 mm). c. Curved Application: Factory fabricated in true radius.

5. Anchor/Support Cleats: 20 gage, 0.036 inch (0.9 mm) thick pre-punched galvanized cleat with 12 inch (305 mm) wide stainless steel spring mechanically locked to cleat at 72 inches (1820 mm) on center.

6. Special Shaped Components: Provide factory-fabricated pieces necessary for complete installation, including miters, corners, intersections, curves, pier caps, and end caps; minimum 14 inch (355 mm) long legs on corner, intersection, and end pieces.

7. Fasteners: Factory-furnished; electrolytically compatible; minimum pull out resistance of 240 pounds (109 kg) for actual substrate used; no exposed fasteners.

2.06 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Wood Nailers: PS 20 dimension lumber, Structural Grade No. 2 or better Southern Pine,

Douglas Fir; or PS 1, APA Exterior Grade plywood; pressure preservative treated. 1. Width: 3-1/2 inches (90 mm), nominal minimum, or as wide as the nailing flange of the roof

accessory to be attached to it. 2. Thickness: Same as thickness of roof insulation.


3.01 GENERAL A. Install roofing, insulation, flashings, and accessories in accordance with roofing manufacturer's

published instructions and recommendations for the specified roofing system. Where manufacturer provides no instructions or recommendations, follow good roofing practices and industry standards. Comply with federal, state, and local regulations.

B. Obtain all relevant instructions and maintain copies at project site for duration of installation period. C. Do not start work until Pre-Installation Notice has been submitted to manufacturer as notification

that this project requires a manufacturer's warranty. D. Perform work using competent and properly equipped personnel. E. Temporary closures, which ensure that moisture does not damage any completed section of the

new roofing system, are the responsibility of the applicator. Completion of flashings, terminations, and temporary closures shall be completed as required to provide a watertight condition.

F. Install roofing membrane only when surfaces are clean, dry, smooth and free of snow or ice; do not apply roofing membrane during inclement weather or when ambient conditions will not allow proper application; consult manufacturer for recommended procedures during cold weather. Do not work with sealants and adhesives when material temperature is outside the range of 60 to 80 degrees F (15 to 25 degrees C).

G. Protect adjacent construction, property, vehicles, and persons from damage related to roofing work; repair or restore damage caused by roofing work.

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1. Protect from spills and overspray from bitumen, adhesives, sealants and coatings. 2. Particularly protect metal, glass, plastic, and painted surfaces from bitumen, adhesives, and

sealants within the range of wind-borne overspray. 3. Protect finished areas of the roofing system from roofing related work traffic and traffic by

other trades. H. Until ready for use, keep materials in their original containers as labeled by the manufacturer. I. Consult membrane manufacturer's instructions, container labels, and Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

for specific safety instructions. Keep all adhesives, sealants, primers and cleaning materials away from all sources of ignition.

3.02 EXAMINATION A. Examine roof deck to determine that it is sufficiently rigid to support installers and their mechanical

equipment and that deflection will not strain or rupture roof components or deform deck. B. Verify that surfaces and site conditions are ready to receive work. Correct defects in the substrate

before commencing with roofing work. C. Examine roof substrate to verify that it is properly sloped to drains. D. Verify that the specifications and drawing details are workable and not in conflict with the roofing

manufacturer's recommendations and instructions; start of work constitutes acceptable of project conditions and requirements.

3.03 PREPARATION A. Take appropriate measures to ensure that fumes from adhesive solvents are not drawn into the

building through air intakes. B. Prior to proceeding, prepare roof surface so that it is clean, dry, and smooth, and free of sharp

edges, fins, roughened surfaces, loose or foreign materials, oil, grease and other materials that may damage the membrane.

C. Fill all surface voids in the immediate substrate that are greater than 1/4 inch (6 mm) wide with fill material acceptable insulation to membrane manufacturer.

D. Seal, grout, or tape deck joints, where needed, to prevent seepage of foreign materials into building.

3.04 COVER BOARD INSTALLATION A. Install cover board in configuration and with attachment method(s) specified in PART 2, under

Roofing System. B. Install cover board in a manner that will not compromise the vapor retarder integrity. C. Install only as much material as can be covered with the completed roofing system before the end

of the day's work or before the onset of inclement weather. D. Lay roof cover board in courses parallel to roof edges. E. Neatly and tightly fit cover board to all penetrations, projections, and nailers, with gaps not greater

than 1/4 inch (6 mm). Fill gaps greater than 1/4 inch (6 mm) with acceptable insulation. Do not leave the roofing membrane unsupported over a space greater than 1/4 inch (6 mm).

F. Mechanical Fastening: Using specified fasteners and insulation plates engage fasteners through insulation into deck to depth and in pattern required by Factory Mutual for FM Class specified in PART 2 and membrane manufacturer, whichever is more stringent.

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3.05 SINGLE-PLY MEMBRANE INSTALLATION A. Beginning at low point of roof, place membrane without stretching over substrate and allow to

relax at least 30 minutes before attachment or splicing; in colder weather allow for longer relax time.

B. Lay out the membrane pieces so that field and flashing splices are installed to shed water.

C. Adhered Membrane: Bond membrane sheet to substrate using membrane manufacturer's recommended bonding material, application rate, and procedures.

D. Edge Securement: Secure membrane at all locations where membrane terminates or goes through an angle change greater than 2 in 12 inches (1:6 ) using mechanically fastened reinforced perimeter fastening strips, plates, or metal edging as indicated or as recommended by roofing manufacturer. 1. Exceptions: Round pipe penetrations less than 18 inches (460 mm) in diameter and square

penetrations less than 4 inches (200 mm) square.

E. Metal edging is not merely decorative; ensure anchorage of membrane as intended by roofing manufacturer.

3.06 FLASHING AND ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION A. Install flashings, including laps, splices, joints, bonding, adhesion, and attachment, as required by

membrane manufacturer's recommendations and details. B. Metal Accessories: Install metal edgings, gravel stops, and copings in locations indicated on the

drawings, with horizontal leg of edge member over membrane and flashing over metal onto membrane. 1. Follow roofing manufacturer's instructions. 2. Remove protective plastic surface film immediately before installation. 3. Install water block sealant under the membrane anchorage leg. 4. Flash with manufacturer's recommended flashing sheet unless otherwise indicated. 5. Where single application of flashing will not completely cover the metal flange, install

additional piece of flashing to cover the metal edge. 6. If the roof edge includes a gravel stop and sealant is not applied between the laps in the metal

edging, install an additional piece of self-adhesive flashing membrane over the metal lap to the top of the gravel stop; apply seam edge treatment at the intersections of the two flashing sections.

7. When the roof slope is greater than 1:12, apply seam edge treatment along the back edge of the flashing.

C. Scuppers: Set in sealant and secure to structure; flash as recommended by manufacturer. D. Roofing Expansion Joints: Install as shown on drawings and as recommended by roofing

manufacturer. E. Flashing at Walls, Curbs, and Other Vertical and Sloped Surfaces: Install weathertight flashing at

all walls, curbs, parapets, curbs, skylights, and other vertical and sloped surfaces that the roofing membrane abuts to; extend flashing at least 8 inches (200 mm) high above membrane surface. 1. Use the longest practical flashing pieces. 2. Evaluate the substrate and overlay and adjust installation procedure in accordance with

membrane manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Complete the splice between flashing and the main roof sheet with specified splice adhesive

before adhering flashing to the vertical surface. 4. Provide termination directly to the vertical substrate as shown on roof drawings.

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F. Roof Drains: 1. Taper insulation around drain to provide smooth transition from roof surface to drain. Use

specified pre-manufactured tapered insulation with facer or suitable bonding surface to achieve slope; slope not to exceed manufacturer's recommendations.

2. Position membrane, then cut a hole for roof drain to allow 1/2 to 3/4 inch (12 to 19 mm) of membrane to extend inside clamping ring past drain bolts.

3. Make round holes in membrane to align with clamping bolts; do not cut membrane back to bolt holes.

4. Apply sealant on top of drain bowl where clamping ring seats below the membrane 5. Install roof drain clamping ring and clamping bolts; tighten clamping bolts to achieve constant

compression. G. Flashing at Penetrations: Flash all penetrations passing through the membrane; make flashing

seals directly to the penetration. H. Pipes, Round Supports, and Similar Items: Flash with specified pre-molded pipe flashings

wherever practical; otherwise use specified self-curing elastomeric flashing. I. Pipe Clusters and Unusual Shaped Penetrations: Provide penetration pocket at least 2 inches (50

mm) deep, with at least 1 inch (25 mm) clearance from penetration, sloped to shed water. J. Structural Steel Tubing: If corner radii are greater than 1/4 inch (6 mm) and longest side of tube

does not exceed 12 inches (305 mm), flash as for pipes; otherwise, provide a standard curb with flashing.

3.07 FINISHING AND WALKWAY INSTALLATION A. Install walkways at access points to the roof, around rooftop equipment that may require

maintenance, and where indicated on the drawings. B. Walkway Pads: Adhere to the roofing membrane, spacing each pad at minimum of 1.0 inch (25

mm) and maximum of 3.0 inches (75 mm) from each other to allow for drainage. 1. If installation of walkway pads over field fabricated splices or within 6 inches (150 mm) of a

splice edge cannot be avoided, adhere another layer of flashing over the splice and extending beyond the walkway pad a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) on either side.

2. Prime the membrane, remove the release paper on the pad, press in place, and walk on pad to ensure proper adhesion.

3.08 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection by Manufacturer: Provide final inspection of the roofing system by a Technical

Representative employed by roofing system manufacturer specifically to inspect installation for warranty purposes (i.e. not a sales person).

B. Perform all corrections necessary for issuance of warranty.

3.09 CLEANING A. Clean all contaminants generated by roofing work from building and surrounding areas, including

bitumen, adhesives, sealants, and coatings. B. Repair or replace building components and finished surfaces damaged or defaced due to the work

of this section; comply with recommendations of manufacturers of components and surfaces. C. Remove leftover materials, trash, debris, equipment from project site and surrounding areas.

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3.10 PROTECTION A. Where construction traffic must continue over finished roof membrane, provide durable protection

and replace or repair damaged roofing to original condition.


Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (207)

Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementa




A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY: Any conflicts between information contained in the specs and the other contract documents, first immediately bring this to the attention of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work and the information in the other contract documents shall govern.

A. Section Includes: 1. Manufactured reglets with counterflashing. 2. Formed roof-drainage sheet metal fabrications. 3. Formed low-slope roof sheet metal fabrications. 4. Formed wall sheet metal fabrications. 5. Formed equipment support flashing. 6. Formed overhead-piping safety pans.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 06 1053 "Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry" for wood nailers, curbs, and blocking. 2. Section 07 7100 "Roof Specialties" for manufactured copings, roof-edge specialties, roof-

edge drainage systems, reglets, and counterflashings. 3. Section 07 7200 "Roof Accessories" for set-on-type curbs, equipment supports, vents,

and other manufactured roof accessory units.


A. Coordinate sheet metal flashing and trim layout and seams with sizes and locations of penetrations to be flashed, and joints and seams in adjacent materials.

B. Coordinate sheet metal flashing and trim installation with adjoining roofing and wall materials, joints, and seams to provide leakproof, secure, and noncorrosive installation.


A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1. Review construction schedule. Verify availability of materials, Installer's personnel,

equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. 2. Review special roof details, roof drainage, roof-penetration flashing, equipment curbs,

and condition of other construction that affect sheet metal flashing and trim. 3. Review requirements for insurance and certificates if applicable. 4. Review sheet metal flashing observation and repair procedures after flashing installation.


A. Product Data: For each of the following 1. Underlayment materials. 2. Elastomeric sealant. 3. Butyl sealant. 4. Epoxy seam sealer.

B. Shop Drawings: For sheet metal flashing and trim. 1. Include plans, elevations, sections, and attachment details. 2. Detail fabrication and installation layouts, expansion-joint locations, and keyed details.

Distinguish between shop- and field-assembled Work. 3. Include identification of material, thickness, weight, and finish for each item and location

in Project.

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4. Include details for forming, including profiles, shapes, seams, and dimensions. 5. Include details for joining, supporting, and securing, including layout and spacing of

fasteners, cleats, clips, and other attachments. Include pattern of seams. 6. Include details of termination points and assemblies. 7. Include details of expansion joints and expansion-joint covers, including showing

direction of expansion and contraction from fixed points. 8. Include details of roof-penetration flashing. 9. Include details of edge conditions, including eaves, ridges, valleys, rakes, crickets,

flashings, and counterflashings. 10. Include details of special conditions. 11. Include details of connections to adjoining work. 12. Detail formed flashing and trim at scale of not less than 1-1/2 inches per 12 inches.

C. Samples: For each exposed product and for each color and texture specified, 12 inches long by actual width.

D. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of sheet metal and accessory indicated with factory-applied finishes.

E. Samples for Verification: For each type of exposed finish. 1. Sheet Metal Flashing: 12 inches long by actual width of unit, including finished seam and

in required profile. Include fasteners, cleats, clips, closures, and other attachments. 2. Trim, Metal Closures, Expansion Joints, Joint Intersections, and Miscellaneous

Fabrications: 12 inches long and in required profile. Include fasteners and other exposed accessories.

3. Unit-Type Accessories and Miscellaneous Materials: Full-size Sample. 4. Anodized Aluminum Samples: Samples to show full range to be expected for each color



A. Qualification Data: For fabricator. B. Product Certificates: For each type of coping and roof edge flashing that is

ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 tested and FM Approvals approved. C. Product Test Reports: For each product, for tests performed by a qualified testing agency. D. Evaluation Reports: For copings and roof edge flashing, from an agency acceptable to authority

having jurisdiction showing compliance with ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1. E. Sample Warranty: For special warranty.


A. Maintenance Data: For sheet metal flashing and trim, and its accessories, to include in maintenance manuals.

B. Special warranty.


A. Fabricator Qualifications: Employs skilled workers who custom fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim similar to that required for this Project and whose products have a record of successful in-service performance. 1. For copings and roof edge flashings that are ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 tested and

FM Approvals approved, shop shall be listed as able to fabricate required details as tested and approved.

B. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under Sample submittals, to demonstrate aesthetic effects, and to set quality standards for fabrication and installation. 1. Build mockup of typical roof edge fascia, fascia trim and apron flashing, approximately 10

feet long, including supporting construction cleats, seams, attachments, underlayment, and accessories.

2. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Owner specifically approves such deviations in writing.

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3. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion.


A. Do not store sheet metal flashing and trim materials in contact with other materials that might cause staining, denting, or other surface damage. 1. Store sheet metal flashing and trim materials away from uncured concrete and masonry. 2. Protect stored sheet metal flashing and trim from contact with water.

B. Protect strippable protective covering on sheet metal flashing and trim from exposure to sunlight and high humidity, except to extent necessary for period of sheet metal flashing and trim installation.


A. Special Warranty on Finishes: Manufacturer agrees to repair finish or replace sheet metal flashing and trim that shows evidence of deterioration of factory-applied finishes within specified warranty period. 1. Exposed Panel Finish: Deterioration includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a. Color fading more than 5 Delta E units when tested in accordance with ASTM D2244. b. Chalking in excess of a No. 8 rating when tested in accordance with ASTM D4214. c. Cracking, checking, peeling, or failure of paint to adhere to bare metal.

2. Finish Warranty Period: 10 years from date of Substantial Completion.


A. Sheet metal flashing and trim assemblies, including cleats, anchors, and fasteners, shall withstand wind loads, structural movement, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure due to defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction. Completed sheet metal flashing and trim shall not rattle, leak, or loosen, and shall remain watertight.

B. Sheet Metal Standard for Flashing and Trim: Comply with NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing Manual: Architectural Metal Flashing, Condensation and Air Leakage Control, and Reroofing" and SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" requirements for dimensions and profiles shown unless more stringent requirements are indicated.

C. Sheet Metal Standard for Copper: Comply with CDA's "Copper in Architecture Handbook." Conform to dimensions and profiles shown unless more stringent requirements are indicated.

D. SPRI Wind Design Standard: Manufacture and install copings and roof edge flashings tested in accordance with ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 and capable of resisting the following design pressure: 1. Design Pressure: As indicated on Drawings.

E. FM Approvals Listing: Manufacture and install copings, roof edge flashings that are listed in FM Approvals' "RoofNav" and approved for windstorm classification. Identify materials with name of fabricator and design approved by FM Approvals.

F. Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements from ambient and surface temperature changes to prevent buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of joint sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Base calculations on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. 1. Temperature Change: 120 deg F, ambient; 180 deg F, material surfaces.


A. Protect mechanical and other finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying strippable, temporary protective film before shipping.


A. Provide materials and types of fasteners, solder, protective coatings, sealants, and other

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miscellaneous items as required for complete sheet metal flashing and trim installation and as recommended by manufacturer of primary sheet metal or manufactured item unless otherwise indicated.

B. Fasteners: Wood screws, annular threaded nails, self-tapping screws, self-locking rivets and bolts, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads and recommended by manufacturer of primary sheet metal or manufactured item. 1. General: Blind fasteners or self-drilling screws, gasketed, with hex-washer head.

a. Exposed Fasteners: Heads matching color of sheet metal using plastic caps or factory-applied coating. Provide metal-backed EPDM or PVC sealing washers under heads of exposed fasteners bearing on weather side of metal.

b. Blind Fasteners: High-strength aluminum or stainless-steel rivets suitable for metal being fastened.

c. Spikes and Ferrules: Same material as gutter; with spike with ferrule matching internal gutter width.

C. Sealant Tape: Pressure-sensitive, 100 percent solids, polyisobutylene compound sealant tape with release-paper backing. Provide permanently elastic, nonsag, nontoxic, nonstaining tape 1/2 inch wide and 1/8 inch thick.

D. Elastomeric Sealant: ASTM C920, elastomeric polyurethane, polysulfide and silicone polymer sealant; of type, grade, class, and use classifications required to seal joints in sheet metal flashing and trim and remain watertight.

E. Butyl Sealant: ASTM C1311, single-component, solvent-release butyl rubber sealant; polyisobutylene plasticized; heavy bodied for hooked-type expansion joints with limited movement.

F. Epoxy Seam Sealer: Two-part, noncorrosive, aluminum seam-cementing compound, recommended by aluminum manufacturer for exterior nonmoving joints, including riveted joints.

G. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt emulsion in accordance with ASTM D1187/D1187M. H. Asphalt Roofing Cement: ASTM D4586, asbestos free, of consistency required for application. I. Reglets: Units of type, material, and profile required, formed to provide secure interlocking of

separate reglet and counterflashing pieces, and compatible with flashing indicated with factory-mitered and -welded corners and junctions and with interlocking counterflashing on exterior face, of same metal as reglet. 1. Source Limitations: Obtain reglets from single source from single manufacturer. 2. Material: Stainless steel, 0.0188 inch thick, Copper, 16 oz./sq. ft., Aluminum, 0.024 inch

thick and Galvanized steel, 0.022 inch thick. 3. Surface-Mounted Type: Provide with slotted holes for fastening to substrate, with

neoprene or other suitable weatherproofing washers, and with channel for sealant at top edge.

4. Stucco Type: Provide with upturned fastening flange and extension leg of length to match thickness of applied finish materials.

5. Concrete Type: Provide temporary closure tape to keep reglet free of concrete materials, special fasteners for attaching reglet to concrete forms, and guides to ensure alignment of reglet section ends.

6. Masonry Type: Provide with offset top flange for embedment in masonry mortar joint. 7. Accessories:

a. Flexible-Flashing Retainer: Provide resilient plastic or rubber accessory to secure flexible flashing in reglet where clearance does not permit use of standard metal counterflashing or where Drawings show reglet without metal counterflashing.

b. Counterflashing Wind-Restraint Clips: Provide clips to be installed before counterflashing to prevent wind uplift of counterflashing's lower edge.

8. Finish: Mill.


A. Custom fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with details indicated and recommendations in cited sheet metal standard that apply to design, dimensions, geometry, metal thickness, and other characteristics of item required. 1. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim in shop to greatest extent possible.

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2. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim in thickness or weight needed to comply with performance requirements, but not less than that specified for each application and metal.

3. Verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered and obtain field measurements for accurate fit before shop fabrication.

4. Form sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates without excessive oil-canning, buckling, and tool marks; true to line, levels, and slopes; and with exposed edges folded back to form hems.

5. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible. Do not use exposed fasteners on faces exposed to view.

B. Fabrication Tolerances: 1. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim that is capable of installation to a tolerance of 1/4

inch in 20 feet on slope and location lines indicated on Drawings and within 1/8-inch offset of adjoining faces and of alignment of matching profiles.

2. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim that is capable of installation to tolerances specified.

C. Expansion Provisions: Form metal for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. 1. Form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch deep, filled

with butyl sealant concealed within joints. 2. Use lapped expansion joints only where indicated on Drawings.

D. Sealant Joints: Where movable, nonexpansion-type joints are required, form metal in accordance with cited sheet metal standard to provide for proper installation of elastomeric sealant.

E. Fabricate cleats and attachment devices from same material as accessory being anchored or from compatible, noncorrosive metal.

F. Fabricate cleats and attachment devices of sizes as recommended by cited sheet metal standard and by FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49 for application, but not less than thickness of metal being secured.

G. Seams: 1. Fabricate nonmoving seams with flat-lock seams. Tin edges to be seamed, form seams,

and solder. 2. Fabricate nonmoving seams with flat-lock seams. Form seams and seal with elastomeric

sealant unless otherwise recommended by sealant manufacturer for intended use. Rivet joints where necessary for strength.

H. Do not use graphite pencils to mark metal surfaces.


A. Hanging Gutters: 1. Fabricate to cross section required, complete with end pieces, outlet tubes, and other

accessories as required. 2. Fabricate in minimum 96-inch-long sections. 3. Furnish flat-stock gutter brackets and flat-stock gutter spacers and straps fabricated from

same metal as gutters, of size recommended by cited sheet metal standard, but with thickness not less than twice the gutter thickness.

4. Fabricate expansion joints, expansion-joint covers, gutter bead reinforcing bars, and gutter accessories from same metal as gutters.

5. Gutter Profile: As shown on plans in accordance with cited sheet metal standard. 6. Expansion Joints: Lap type. 7. Accessories: Continuous, removable leaf screen with sheet metal frame and hardware

cloth screen, wire-ball downspout strainer and valley baffles. B. Downspouts: Fabricate rectangular, open-face downspouts to dimensions indicated on

Drawings, complete with mitered elbows. Furnish with metal hangers from same material as downspouts and anchors. 1. Manufactured Hanger Style: Fig. 1-34A in accordance with SMACNA's "Architectural

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Sheet Metal Manual." 2. Fabricate from the following materials:

a. Galvanized Steel: 0.022 inch thick. C. Parapet Scuppers: Fabricate scuppers to dimensions required, with closure flange trim to

exterior, 4-inch-wide wall flanges to interior, and base extending 4 inches beyond cant or tapered strip into field of roof. Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.028 inch thick.

D. Conductor Heads: Fabricate conductor heads with flanged back and stiffened top edge and of dimensions and shape required, complete with outlet tubes. Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.028 inch thick.


A. Roof Edge Flashing Gravel Stop and Fascia Cap: Fabricate in minimum 96-inch-long, but not exceeding 12-foot-long sections. Furnish with 6-inch-wide, joint cover plates. Shop fabricate interior and exterior corners. 1. Joint Style: Overlapped, 4 inches wide. 2. Fabricate with scuppers spaced as shown on plans apart, to dimensions required with 4-

inch-wide flanges and base extending 4 inches beyond cant or tapered strip into field of roof. Fasten gravel guard angles to base of scupper.

3. Fabricate from the following materials: a. Galvanized Steel: 0.028 inch thick.

B. Copings: Fabricate in minimum 96-inch-long, but not exceeding 12-foot-long, sections. Fabricate joint plates of same thickness as copings. Furnish with continuous cleats to support edge of external leg and drill elongated holes for fasteners on interior leg. Miter corners, fasten and seal solder or weld watertight. 1. Coping Profile: Fig. 3-4A in accordance with SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal

Manual." 2. Joint Style: Butted with expansion space and 6-inch-wide, concealed backup plate. 3. Fabricate from the following materials:

a. Galvanized Steel: 0.040 inch thick. C. Roof and Roof-to-Wall Transition, Roof-to-Roof Edge-Flashing, (Gravel-Stop) Transition Roof-

to-Roof Edge-Flashing (Gravel-Stop) and Fascia-Cap Transition, Expansion-Joint Cover: Shop fabricate interior and exterior corners. Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.034 inch thick.

D. Base Flashing: Shop fabricate interior and exterior corners. Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.028 inch thick.

E. Counterflashing: Shop fabricate interior and exterior corners. Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.022 inch thick.

F. Flashing Receivers: Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.022 inch thick.

G. Roof-Penetration Flashing: Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.028 inch thick.


A. Equipment Support Flashing: Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.028 inch thick.

B. Overhead-Piping Safety Pans: Fabricate from the following materials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.040 inch thick.

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A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, substrate, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. 1. Verify compliance with requirements for installation tolerances of substrates. 2. Verify that substrate is sound, dry, smooth, clean, sloped for drainage, and securely

anchored. 3. Verify that air- or water-resistant barriers have been installed over sheathing or backing

substrate to prevent air infiltration or water penetration. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. Felt Underlayment: Install felt underlayment, wrinkle free, using adhesive to minimize use of mechanical fasteners under sheet metal flashing and trim. 1. Install in shingle fashion to shed water. 2. Lap joints not less than 2 inches.

B. Synthetic Underlayment: Install synthetic underlayment, wrinkle free, in accordance with manufacturers' written instructions, and using adhesive where possible to minimize use of mechanical fasteners under sheet metal. 1. Lap horizontal joints not less than 4 inches. 2. Lap end joints not less than 12 inches.

C. Self-Adhering, High-Temperature Sheet Underlayment: 1. Install self-adhering, high-temperature sheet underlayment; wrinkle free. 2. Prime substrate if recommended by underlayment manufacturer. 3. Comply with temperature restrictions of underlayment manufacturer for installation; use

primer for installing underlayment at low temperatures. 4. Apply in shingle fashion to shed water, with end laps of not less than 6 inches staggered

24 inches between courses. 5. Overlap side edges not less than 3-1/2 inches. Roll laps and edges with roller. 6. Roll laps and edges with roller. 7. Cover underlayment within 14 days.

D. Install slip sheet, wrinkle free, over underlayment before installing sheet metal flashing and trim. 1. Install in shingle fashion to shed water. 2. Lapp joints not less than 4 inches.


A. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with details indicated and recommendations of cited sheet metal standard that apply to installation characteristics required unless otherwise indicated on Drawings. 1. Install fasteners, solder, protective coatings, separators, sealants, and other

miscellaneous items as required to complete sheet metal flashing and trim system. 2. Install sheet metal flashing and trim true to line, levels, and slopes. Provide uniform, neat

seams with minimum exposure of solder, welds and sealant. 3. Anchor sheet metal flashing and trim and other components of the Work securely in

place, with provisions for thermal and structural movement. 4. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates and to result in watertight performance. 5. Install continuous cleats with fasteners spaced not more than 12 inches o.c. 6. Space individual cleats not more than 12 inches apart. Attach each cleat with at least two

fasteners. Bend tabs over fasteners. 7. Install exposed sheet metal flashing and trim with limited oil-canning, and free of buckling

and tool marks. 8. Do not field cut sheet metal flashing and trim by torch.

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9. Do not use graphite pencils to mark metal surfaces. B. Metal Protection: Where dissimilar metals contact each other, or where metal contacts

pressure-treated wood or other corrosive substrates, protect against galvanic action or corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating or by other permanent separation as recommended by sheet metal manufacturer or cited sheet metal standard. 1. Underlayment: Where installing sheet metal flashing and trim directly on cementitious or

wood substrates, install underlayment and cover with slip sheet. C. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim.

1. Space movement joints at maximum of 10 feet with no joints within 24 inches of corner or intersection.

2. Form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch deep, filled with sealant concealed within joints.

3. Use lapped expansion joints only where indicated on Drawings. D. Fasteners: Use fastener sizes that penetrate [wood blocking or sheathing not less than 1-1/4

inches for nails and not less than 3/4 inch for wood screws, substrate not less than recommended by fastener manufacturer to achieve maximum pull-out resistance.

E. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible in exposed work and locate to minimize possibility of leakage. Cover and seal fasteners and anchors as required for a tight installation.

F. Seal joints as required for watertight construction. 1. Use sealant-filled joints unless otherwise indicated.

a. Embed hooked flanges of joint members not less than 1 inch into sealant. b. Form joints to completely conceal sealant. c. When ambient temperature at time of installation is between 40 and 70 deg F, set

joint members for 50 percent movement each way. d. Adjust setting proportionately for installation at higher ambient temperatures.

1) Do not install sealant-type joints at temperatures below 40 deg F. 2. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requirements in Section 07 9200 "Joint

Sealants." G. Soldered Joints: Clean surfaces to be soldered, removing oils and foreign matter.

1. Pretin edges of sheets with solder to width of 1-1/2 inches; however, reduce pretinning where pretinned surface would show in completed Work.

2. Do not solder metallic-coated steel and aluminum sheet. 3. Do not use torches for soldering. 4. Heat surfaces to receive solder, and flow solder into joint.

a. Fill joint completely. b. Completely remove flux and spatter from exposed surfaces.


A. Install sheet metal roof-drainage items to produce complete roof-drainage system in accordance with cited sheet metal standard unless otherwise indicated. Coordinate installation of roof perimeter flashing with installation of roof-drainage system.

B. Hanging Gutters: 1. Join sections with riveted and soldered joints or joints sealed with sealant. 2. Provide for thermal expansion. 3. Attach gutters at eave or fascia to firmly anchor them in position. 4. Provide end closures and seal watertight with sealant. 5. Slope to downspouts. 6. Fasten gutter spacers to front and back of gutter. 7. Anchor and loosely lock back edge of gutter to continuous cleat, eave or apron flashing. 8. Anchor back of gutter that extends onto roof deck with cleats spaced not more than 24

inches apart. 9. Anchor gutter with gutter brackets spaced not more than 24 inches apart to roof deck

unless otherwise indicated, and loosely lock to front gutter bead.

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10. Install gutter with expansion joints at locations indicated on Drawings, but not exceeding, 50 feet apart. Install expansion-joint caps.

11. Install continuous gutter screens on gutters with noncorrosive fasteners, removable for cleaning gutters.

C. Downspouts: 1. Join sections with 1-1/2-inch telescoping joints. 2. Provide hangers with fasteners designed to hold downspouts securely to walls. 3. Locate hangers at top and bottom and at approximately 60 inches o.c. 4. Provide elbows at base of downspout to direct water away from building. 5. Connect downspouts to underground drainage system.

D. Conductor Heads: Anchor securely to wall, with elevation of conductor head rim at minimum of 1 inch below scupper or gutter discharge.

E. Expansion-Joint Covers: Install expansion-joint covers at locations and of configuration indicated on Drawings. Lap joints minimum of 4 inches in direction of water flow.


A. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with performance requirements sheet metal manufacturer's written installation instructions, and cited sheet metal standard. 1. Provide concealed fasteners where possible, and set units true to line, levels, and slopes. 2. Install work with laps, joints, and seams that are permanently watertight and weather

resistant. B. Roof Edge Flashing:

1. Install roof edge flashings in accordance with ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1. 2. Anchor to resist uplift and outward forces in accordance with recommendations in cited

sheet metal standard unless otherwise indicated. Interlock bottom edge of roof edge flashing with continuous cleat anchored to substrate at staggered 3-inch centers.

3. Anchor to resist uplift and outward forces in accordance with recommendations in FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49 for FM Approvals' listing for required windstorm classification.

C. Copings: 1. Install roof edge flashings in accordance with ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1. 2. Anchor to resist uplift and outward forces in accordance with recommendations in cited

sheet metal standard unless otherwise indicated. a. Interlock exterior bottom edge of coping with continuous cleat anchored to substrate

at 16-inch centers. b. Anchor interior leg of coping with washers and screw fasteners through slotted holes

at 24-inch centers. 3. Anchor to resist uplift and outward forces in accordance with recommendations in FM

Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49 for specified FM Approvals' listing for required windstorm classification.

D. Pipe or Post Counterflashing: Install counterflashing umbrella with close-fitting collar with top edge flared for elastomeric sealant, extending minimum of 4 inches over base flashing. Install stainless steel draw band and tighten.

E. Counterflashing: Coordinate installation of counterflashing with installation of base flashing. 1. Insert counterflashing in reglets or receivers and fit tightly to base flashing. 2. Extend counterflashing 4 inches over base flashing. 3. Lap counterflashing joints minimum of 4 inches. 4. Secure in waterproof manner by means of snap-in installation and sealant or lead

wedges and sealant, interlocking folded seam or blind rivets and sealant or anchor and washer spaced at 12 inches o.c. along perimeter and 6 inches o.c. at corners areas unless otherwise indicated.

F. Roof-Penetration Flashing: Coordinate installation of roof-penetration flashing with installation of roofing and other items penetrating roof. Seal with elastomeric or butyl sealant and clamp flashing to pipes that penetrate roof.

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A. Install sheet metal wall flashing to intercept and exclude penetrating moisture in accordance with cited sheet metal standard unless otherwise indicated. Coordinate installation of wall flashing with installation of wall-opening components such as windows, doors, and louvers.

B. Opening Flashings in Frame Construction: Install continuous head, sill, jamb, and similar flashings to extend 4 inches beyond wall openings.

C. Reglets: Installation of reglets is specified in Section 03 3000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete" and Section 04 2000 "Unit Masonry."


A. Equipment Support Flashing: 1. Coordinate installation of equipment support flashing with installation of roofing and

equipment. 2. Weld or seal flashing with elastomeric sealant to equipment support member.

B. Overhead-Piping Safety Pans: 1. Suspend pans from structure above, independent of other overhead items such as

equipment, piping, and conduit, unless otherwise indicated on Drawings. 2. Pipe and install drain line to plumbing waste or drainage system.


A. Installation Tolerances: Shim and align sheet metal flashing and trim within installed tolerance of 1/4 inch in 20 feet on slope and location lines indicated on Drawings and within 1/8-inch offset of adjoining faces and of alignment of matching profiles.


A. Clean exposed metal surfaces of substances that interfere with uniform oxidation and weathering.

B. Clean and neutralize flux materials. Clean off excess solder. C. Clean off excess sealants.


A. Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films as sheet metal flashing and trim

are installed unless otherwise indicated in manufacturer’s written installation instructions. B. On completion of sheet metal flashing and trim installation, remove unused materials and clean

finished surfaces as recommended in writing by sheet metal flashing and trim manufacturer. C. Maintain sheet metal flashing and trim in clean condition during construction. D. Replace sheet metal flashing and trim that have been damaged or that have deteriorated

beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures, as determined by Architect.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY: Any conflicts between information contained in the specs and the other contract documents, first immediately bring this to the attention of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work and the information in the other contract documents shall govern.

A. Section Includes: 1. Copings. 2. Roof-edge specialties. 3. Reglets and counterflashings.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 06 1053 "Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry" for wood nailers, curbs, and blocking. 2. Section 07 6200 "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim" for custom- and site-fabricated sheet

metal flashing and trim. 3. Section 07 7200 "Roof Accessories" for set-on-type curbs, equipment supports, roof

hatches, vents, and other manufactured roof accessory units. 4. Section 07 9200 "Joint Sealants" for field-applied sealants between roof specialties and

adjacent materials. C. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site.

1. Meet with Owner, Architect, Owner's insurer if applicable, roofing-system testing and inspecting agency representative, roofing Installer, roofing-system manufacturer's representative, Installer, structural-support Installer, and installers whose work interfaces with or affects roof specialties, including installers of roofing materials and accessories.

2. Examine substrate conditions for compliance with requirements, including flatness and attachment to structural members.

3. Review special roof details, roof drainage, and condition of other construction that will affect roof specialties.


A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components

and profiles, and finishes. B. Shop Drawings: For roof specialties.

1. Include plans, elevations, expansion-joint locations, keyed details, and attachments to other work. Distinguish between plant- and field-assembled work.

2. Include details for expansion and contraction; locations of expansion joints, including direction of expansion and contraction.

3. Indicate profile and pattern of seams and layout of fasteners, cleats, clips, and other attachments.

4. Detail termination points and assemblies, including fixed points. 5. Include details of special conditions.

C. Samples: For each type of roof specialty and for each color and texture specified. D. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of roof specialty indicated with factory-applied

color finishes. E. Samples for Verification:

1. Include Samples of each type of roof specialty to verify finish and color selection, in manufacturer's standard sizes.

2. Include copings, roof-edge specialties, roof-edge drainage systems, reglets and counterflashings made from 12-inch lengths of full-size components in specified material, and including fasteners, cover joints, accessories, and attachments.

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A. Qualification Data: For manufacturer. B. Product Certificates: For each type of roof specialty. C. Product Test Reports: For copings and roof-edge flashings, for tests performed by a qualified

testing agency. D. Sample Warranty: For manufacturer's special warranty.


A. Maintenance Data: For roofing specialties to include in maintenance manuals.


A. Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer offering products meeting requirements that are FM Approvals listed for specified class and SPRI ES-1 tested to specified design pressure.

B. Source Limitations: Obtain roof specialties approved by manufacturer providing roofing-system warranty.

C. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under Sample submittals, to demonstrate aesthetic effects, and set quality standards for fabrication and installation. 1. Build mockup of typical roof edge as shown on Drawings. 2. Build mockup of typical roof edge as part of Integrated Exterior Mockup specified in

Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements" 3. Build mockup of typical roof edge, including fascia, gutter, and downspout, approximately

10 feet long, including supporting construction, seams, attachments, and accessories. 4. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract

Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing.

5. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion.


A. Do not store roof specialties in contact with other materials that might cause staining, denting, or other surface damage. Store roof specialties away from uncured concrete and masonry.

B. Protect strippable protective covering on roof specialties from exposure to sunlight and high humidity, except to extent necessary for the period of roof-specialty installation.


A. Field Measurements: Verify profiles and tolerances of roof-specialty substrates by field measurements before fabrication, and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings.

B. Coordination: Coordinate roof specialties with flashing, trim, and construction of parapets, roof deck, roof and wall panels, and other adjoining work to provide a leakproof, secure, and noncorrosive installation.


A. Roofing-System Warranty: Roof specialties are included in warranty provisions in Section 07 4523 Thermoplastic-Polyolefin Roofing."

B. Special Warranty on Painted Finishes: Manufacturer agrees to repair finish or replace roof specialties that show evidence of deterioration of factory-applied finishes within specified warranty period. 1. Fluoropolymer Finish: Deterioration includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a. Color fading more than 5 Delta E units when tested according to ASTM D2244. b. Chalking in excess of a No. 8 rating when tested according to ASTM D4214. c. Cracking, checking, peeling, or failure of paint to adhere to bare metal.

2. Finish Warranty Period: 20 years from date of Substantial Completion.

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A. General Performance: Roof specialties shall withstand exposure to weather and resist thermally induced movement without failure, rattling, leaking, or fastener disengagement due to defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction.

B. FM Approvals' Listing: Manufacture and install copings and roof-edge specialties that are listed in FM Approvals' "RoofNav" and approved for windstorm classification. Identify materials with FM Approvals' markings.

C. SPRI Wind Design Standard: Manufacture and install copings and roof-edge specialties tested according to SPRI ES-1 and capable of resisting the following design pressures: 1. Design Pressure: As indicated on Drawings.

D. Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements from ambient and surface temperature changes to prevent buckling, opening of joints, hole elongation, overstressing of components, failure of joint sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Provide clips that resist rotation and avoid shear stress as a result of thermal movements. Base calculations on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. 1. Temperature Change (Range): ambient; 180 deg F, material surfaces.


A. Metal Copings: Manufactured coping system consisting of metal coping cap in section lengths not exceeding 12 feet concealed anchorage; with corner units, end cap units, and concealed splice plates with finish matching coping caps. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers

offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. ATAS International, Inc. b. Berridge Manufacturing Company. c. Castle Metal Products. d. Drexel Metals.

2. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet Coping Caps: Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel, nominal 0.028-inch thickness. a. Surface: Smooth, flat finish. b. Finish: As shown on drawings. c. Color: As shown on drawings.


A. Canted Roof-Edge Fascia: Manufactured, two-piece, roof-edge fascia consisting of compression-clamped metal fascia cover in section lengths not exceeding 12 feet and a continuous formed galvanized-steel sheet cant, 0.028 inch thick, minimum, with extended vertical leg terminating in a drip-edge cleat. Provide matching corner units. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers

offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. ATAS International, Inc. b. Berridge Manufacturing Company. c. Castle Metal Products.

2. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet Fascia Covers: Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel, nominal 0.028-inch thickness . a. Surface: Smooth, flat finish. b. Finish: As shown on drawings. c. Color: As shown on drawings.


A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

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products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Berridge Manufacturing Company. 2. Castle Metal Products. 3. Drexel Metals. 4. Fry Reglet Corporation.

B. Reglets: Manufactured units formed to provide secure interlocking of separate reglet and counterflashing pieces, from the following exposed metal: 1. Zinc-Coated Steel: Nominal 0.028-inch thickness. 2. Corners: Factory mitered and continuously welded, mechanically clinched and sealed

watertight. 3. Surface-Mounted Type: Provide reglets with slotted holes for fastening to substrate, with

neoprene or other suitable weatherproofing washers, and with channel for sealant at top edge.

C. Counterflashings: Manufactured units of heights to overlap top edges of base flashings by 4 inches and in lengths not exceeding 12 feet designed to snap into reglets and compress against base flashings with joints lapped, from the following exposed metal: 1. Zinc-Coated Steel: Nominal 0.028-inch thickness.

D. Accessories: 1. Flexible-Flashing Retainer: Provide resilient plastic or rubber accessory to secure flexible

flashing in reglet where clearance does not permit use of standard metal counterflashing or where reglet is provided separate from metal counterflashing.

2. Counterflashing Wind-Restraint Clips: Provide clips to be installed before counterflashing to prevent wind uplift of counterflashing lower edge.

E. Zinc-Coated Steel Finish:


A. Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Sheet: ASTM A653/A653M, G90 coating designation.


A. Self-Adhering, High-Temperature Sheet: Minimum 30 to 40 mils thick, consisting of slip-resisting polyethylene-film top surface laminated to layer of butyl or SBS-modified asphalt adhesive, with release-paper backing; cold applied. Provide primer when recommended by underlayment manufacturer. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers

offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but not limited to the following: a. Carlisle WIP Products; a brand of Carlisle Construction Materials. b. Henry Company. c. Metal-Fab Manufacturing, a Drexel Metals Company. d. Owens Corning.

2. Thermal Stability: ASTM D1970/D1970M; stable after testing at 240 deg F. 3. Low-Temperature Flexibility: ASTM D1970/D1970M; passes after testing at minus 20 deg F.

B. Felt: ASTM D226/D226M, Type II (No. 30), asphalt-saturated organic felt, nonperforated. C. Slip Sheet: Rosin-sized building paper, 3-lb/100 sq. ft. minimum.


A. Fasteners: Manufacturer's recommended fasteners, suitable for application and designed to meet performance requirements. Furnish the following unless otherwise indicated: 1. Exposed Penetrating Fasteners: Gasketed screws with hex washer heads matching color

of sheet metal. 2. Fasteners for Copper Sheet: Copper, hardware bronze, or passivated Series 300

stainless steel. 3. Fasteners for Aluminum: Aluminum or Series 300 stainless steel. 4. Fasteners for Stainless Steel Sheet: Series 300 stainless steel. 5. Fasteners for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Sheet: Series 300 stainless steel or hot-dip

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zinc-coated steel according to ASTM A153/A153M or ASTM F2329. B. Elastomeric Sealant: ASTM C920, elastomeric polyurethane polymer sealant of type, grade,

class, and use classifications required by roofing-specialty manufacturer for each application. C. Butyl Sealant: ASTM C1311, single-component, solvent-release butyl rubber sealant;

polyisobutylene plasticized; heavy bodied for hooked-type joints with limited movement. D. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt emulsion complying with ASTM D1187/D1187M. E. Asphalt Roofing Cement: ASTM D4586, asbestos free, of consistency required for

application. F. Solder for Copper: ASTM B32, lead-free solder.


A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes.

B. Protect mechanical and painted finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping.

C. Appearance of Finished Work: Noticeable variations in same piece are unacceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast.

D. Coil-Coated Galvanized-Steel Sheet Finishes: 1. High-Performance Organic Finish: Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal

surfaces to comply with ASTM A755/A755M and coating and resin manufacturers' written instructions.


A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, to verify actual locations, dimensions, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work.

B. Examine walls, roof edges, and parapets for suitable conditions for roof specialties. C. Verify that substrate is sound, dry, smooth, clean, sloped for drainage where applicable, and

securely anchored. D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. Self-Adhering Sheet Underlayment: Apply primer if required by manufacturer. Comply with temperature restrictions of underlayment manufacturer for installation. Apply wrinkle free, in shingle fashion to shed water, and with end laps of not less than 6 inches staggered 24 inches between courses. Overlap side edges not less than 3-1/2 inches. Roll laps with roller. Cover underlayment within 14 days. 1. Apply continuously under copings roof-edge specialties and reglets and counterflashings. 2. Coordinate application of self-adhering sheet underlayment under roof specialties with

requirements for continuity with adjacent air barrier materials. B. Felt Underlayment: Install with adhesive for temporary anchorage to minimize use of

mechanical fasteners under roof specialties. Apply in shingle fashion to shed water, with lapped joints of not less than 2 inches.

C. Slip Sheet: Install with tape or adhesive for temporary anchorage to minimize use of mechanical fasteners under roof specialties. Apply in shingle fashion to shed water, with lapped joints of not less than 2 inches.


A. Install roof specialties according to manufacturer's written instructions. Anchor roof specialties securely in place, with provisions for thermal and structural movement. Use fasteners, solder, protective coatings, separators, underlayments, sealants, and other miscellaneous items as required to complete roof-specialty systems. 1. Install roof specialties level, plumb, true to line and elevation; with limited oil-canning and

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without warping, jogs in alignment, buckling, or tool marks. 2. Provide uniform, neat seams with minimum exposure of solder and sealant. 3. Install roof specialties to fit substrates and to result in weathertight performance. Verify

shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered before manufacture. 4. Torch cutting of roof specialties is not permitted. 5. Do not use graphite pencils to mark metal surfaces.

B. Metal Protection: Protect metals against galvanic action by separating dissimilar metals from contact with each other or with corrosive substrates by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating or by other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer. 1. Bed flanges in thick coat of asphalt roofing cement where required by manufacturers of

roof specialties for waterproof performance. C. Expansion Provisions: Allow for thermal expansion of exposed roof specialties.

1. Space movement joints at a maximum of 12 feet with no joints within 18 inches of corners or intersections unless otherwise indicated on Drawings.

2. When ambient temperature at time of installation is between 40 and 70 deg F, set joint members for 50 percent movement each way. Adjust setting proportionately for installation at higher ambient temperatures.

D. Fastener Sizes: Use fasteners of sizes that penetrate substrate not less than recommended by fastener manufacturer to achieve maximum pull-out resistance.

E. Seal concealed joints with butyl sealant as required by roofing-specialty manufacturer. F. Seal joints as required for weathertight construction. Place sealant to be completely

concealed in joint. Do not install sealants at temperatures below 40 deg F. G. Soldered Joints: Clean surfaces to be soldered, removing oils and foreign matter. Pre-tin

edges of sheets to be soldered to a width of 1-1/2 inches; however, reduce pre-tinning where pre-tinned surface would show in completed Work. Tin edges of uncoated copper sheets using solder for copper. Do not use torches for soldering. Heat surfaces to receive solder and flow solder into joint. Fill joint completely. Completely remove flux and spatter from exposed surfaces.


A. Install cleats, anchor plates, and other anchoring and attachment accessories and devices with concealed fasteners.

B. Anchor copings with manufacturer's required devices, fasteners, and fastener spacing to meet performance requirements. 1. Interlock face and back leg drip edges of snap-on coping cap into cleated anchor plates

anchored to substrate at 30-inch centers. 2. Interlock face-leg drip edge into continuous cleat anchored to substrate at 24-inch

centers. 3. Anchor back leg of coping with screw fasteners and elastomeric washers at 24-inch



A. Install cleats, cants, and other anchoring and attachment accessories and devices with concealed fasteners.

B. Anchor roof edgings with manufacturer's required devices, fasteners, and fastener spacing to meet performance requirements.


A. Install components to produce a complete roof-edge drainage system according to manufacturer's written instructions. Coordinate installation of roof perimeter flashing with installation of roof-edge drainage system.

B. Gutters: Join and seal gutter lengths. Allow for thermal expansion. Attach gutters to firmly anchored gutter supports spaced not more than 24 inches apart. Attach ends with rivets and seal with sealant to make watertight. Slope to downspouts. 1. Install gutter with expansion joints at locations indicated but not exceeding 50 feet apart.

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Install expansion-joint caps. 2. Install continuous leaf guards on gutters with noncorrosive fasteners, hinged to swing

open for cleaning gutters. C. Downspouts: Join sections with manufacturer's standard telescoping joints. Provide hangers

with fasteners designed to hold downspouts securely to walls and 1 inch away from walls; locate fasteners at top and bottom and at approximately 60 inches o.c. 1. Provide elbows at base of downspouts at grade to direct water away from building. 2. Connect downspouts to underground drainage system indicated.

D. Conductor Heads: Anchor securely to wall with elevation of conductor top edge 1 inch below gutter discharge.


A. Coordinate installation of reglets and counterflashings with installation of base flashings. B. Embedded Reglets: See Section 04 2000 "Unit Masonry" for installation of reglets. C. Surface-Mounted Reglets: Install reglets to receive flashings where flashing without

embedded reglets is indicated on Drawings. Install at height so that inserted counterflashings overlap 4 inches over top edge of base flashings.

D. Counterflashings: Insert counterflashings into reglets or other indicated receivers; ensure that counterflashings overlap 4 inches over top edge of base flashings. Lap counterflashing joints a minimum of 4 inches and bed with butyl sealant. Fit counterflashings tightly to base flashings.


A. Clean exposed metal surfaces of substances that interfere with uniform oxidation and weathering.

B. Clean and neutralize flux materials. Clean off excess solder and sealants. C. Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films as roof specialties are installed.

On completion of installation, clean finished surfaces, including removing unused fasteners, metal filings, pop rivet stems, and pieces of flashing. Maintain roof specialties in a clean condition during construction.

D. Replace roof specialties that have been damaged or that cannot be successfully repaired by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 SUMMARY: Any conflicts between information contained in the specs and the other contract documents, first immediately bring this to the attention of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work and the information in the other contract documents shall govern.

A. Section Includes: 1. Roof curbs. 2. Equipment supports. 3. Heat and smoke vents. 4. Gravity ventilators. 5. Pipe and duct supports. 6. Pipe portals. 7. Preformed flashing sleeves.

B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 07 6200 "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim" for shop- and field-formed metal flashing,

roof-drainage systems, roof expansion-joint covers, and miscellaneous sheet metal trim and accessories.

2. Section 07 7100 "Roof Specialties" for manufactured fasciae, copings, gravel stops, gutters and downspouts, and counterflashing.


A. Coordinate layout and installation of roof accessories with roofing membrane and base flashing and interfacing and adjoining construction to provide a leakproof, weathertight, secure, and noncorrosive installation.

B. Coordinate dimensions with rough-in information or Shop Drawings of equipment to be supported.


A. Product Data: For each type of roof accessory. 1. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components

and profiles, and finishes. B. Shop Drawings: For roof accessories.

1. Include plans, elevations, keyed details, and attachments to other work. Indicate dimensions, loadings, and special conditions. Distinguish between plant- and field-assembled work.

C. Samples: For each exposed product and for each color and texture specified, prepared on Samples of size to adequately show color.

D. Delegated-Design Submittal: For roof curbs and equipment supports indicated to comply with performance requirements and design criteria, including analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. 1. Detail mounting, securing, and flashing of roof-mounted items to roof structure. Indicate

coordinating requirements with roof membrane system. 2. Wind-Restraint Details: Detail fabrication and attachment of wind restraints. Show

anchorage details and indicate quantity, diameter, and depth of penetration of anchors.


A. Coordination Drawings: Roof plans, drawn to scale, and coordinating penetrations and roof-mounted items. Show the following:

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1. Size and location of roof accessories specified in this Section. 2. Method of attaching roof accessories to roof or building structure. 3. Other roof-mounted items including mechanical and electrical equipment, ductwork, piping,

and conduit. 4. Required clearances.

B. Sample Warranties: For manufacturer's special warranties.


A. Operation and Maintenance Data: For roof accessories to include in operation and maintenance manuals.


A. Special Warranty on Painted Finishes: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair finishes or replace roof accessories that show evidence of deterioration of factory-applied finishes within specified warranty period. 1. Fluoropolymer Finish: Deterioration includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a. Color fading more than 5 Delta E units when tested according to ASTM D2244. b. Chalking in excess of a No. 8 rating when tested according to ASTM D4214. c. Cracking, checking, peeling, or failure of paint to adhere to bare metal.

2. Finish Warranty Period: 10 years from date of Substantial Completion.


A. General Performance: Roof accessories shall withstand exposure to weather and resist thermally induced movement without failure, rattling, leaking, or fastener disengagement due to defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction.

B. Delegated Design: Engage a qualified professional engineer, as defined in Section 01 4000 "Quality Requirements," to design roof curbs and equipment supports to comply with wind performance requirements, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer, using performance requirements and design criteria indicated.

C. Wind-Restraint Performance: As indicated on Drawings.


A. Roof Curbs: Internally reinforced roof-curb units capable of supporting superimposed live and dead loads, including equipment loads and other construction indicated on Drawings, bearing continuously on roof structure, and capable of meeting performance requirements; with welded or mechanically fastened and sealed corner joints, straight sides and integrally formed deck-mounting flange at perimeter bottom.

B. Size: Coordinate dimensions with roughing-in information or Shop Drawings of equipment to be supported.

C. Supported Load Capacity: Coordinate load capacity with information on Shop Drawings of equipment to be supported.

D. Material: Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet, 0.079 inch thick. 1. Finish: Mill phosphatized. 2. Color: As shown on plans.

E. Construction: 1. Curb Profile: Profile as indicated on Drawings compatible with roofing system. 2. On ribbed or fluted metal roofs, form deck-mounting flange at perimeter bottom to conform

to roof profile. 3. Fabricate curbs to minimum height of 8 inches above roofing surface unless otherwise

indicated. 4. Top Surface: Level top of curb, with roof slope accommodated by sloping deck-mounting

flange or by use of leveler frame.

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5. Sloping Roofs: Where roof slope exceeds 1:48, fabricate curb with perimeter curb height tapered to accommodate roof slope so that top surface of perimeter curb is level. Equip unit with water diverter or cricket on side that obstructs water flow.

6. Insulation: Factory insulated with 1-1/2-inch thick glass-fiber board insulation. 7. Liner: Same material as curb, of manufacturer's standard thickness and finish. 8. Nailer: Factory-installed wood nailer, continuous around curb perimeter. 9. Wind Restraint Straps and Base Flange Attachment: Provide wind restraint straps, welded

strap connectors, and base flange attachment to roof structure at perimeter of curb, of size and spacing required to meet wind uplift requirements.

10. Platform Cap: Where portion of roof curb is not covered by equipment, provide weathertight platform cap formed from 3/4-inch-thick plywood covered with metal sheet of same type, thickness, and finish as required for curb.

11. Metal Counterflashing: Manufacturer's standard, removable, fabricated of same metal and finish as curb.

12. Security Grille: Provide where indicated. 13. Damper Tray: Provide damper tray or shelf with opening of size indicated.


A. Equipment Supports: Internally reinforced perimeter metal equipment supports capable of supporting superimposed live and dead loads between structural supports, including equipment loads and other construction indicated on Drawings, spanning between structural supports; capable of meeting performance requirements; with welded corner joints, stepped integral metal cant raised the thickness of roof insulation, and integrally formed structure-mounting flange at bottom.

B. Size: Coordinate dimensions with roughing-in information or Shop Drawings of equipment to be supported.

C. Supported Load Capacity: Coordinate load capacity with information on Shop Drawings of equipment to be supported.

D. Material: Zinc-coated (galvanized steel sheet, 0.079 inch thick. 1. Finish: Mill phosphatized. 2. Color: As shown on drawings.

E. Construction: 1. Curb Profile: Profile as indicated on Drawings compatible with roofing system. 2. Insulation: Factory insulated with 1-1/2-inch thick glass-fiber board insulation. 3. Liner: Same material as equipment support, of manufacturer's standard thickness and

finish. 4. Nailer: Factory-installed continuous wood nailers, continuous around support perimeter. 5. Wind Restraint Straps and Base Flange Attachment: Provide wind restraint straps, welded

strap connectors, and base flange attachment to roof structure at perimeter of curb of size and spacing required to meet wind uplift requirements.

6. Platform Cap: Where portion of equipment support is not covered by equipment, provide weathertight platform cap formed from 3/4-inch-thick plywood covered with metal sheet of same type, thickness, and finish as required for curb.

7. Metal Counterflashing: Manufacturer's standard, removable, fabricated of same metal and finish as equipment support.

8. On ribbed or fluted metal roofs, form deck-mounting flange at perimeter bottom to conform to roof profile.

9. Fabricate equipment supports to minimum height of 8 inches above roofing surface unless otherwise indicated.

10. Sloping Roofs: Where roof slope exceeds 1:48, fabricate each support with height to accommodate roof slope so that tops of supports are level with each other. Equip supports with water diverters or crickets on sides that obstruct water flow.

11. Security Grille: Provide where indicated on Drawings.

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A. Hatch-Type Heat and Smoke Vents: Manufacturer's standard, with single-walled insulated curbs, welded or mechanically fastened and sealed corner joints, integral condensation gutter, and cap flashing. Fabricate with insulated double-walled lid and continuous weathertight perimeter lid gaskets, and equip with automatic self-lifting mechanisms and UL-listed fire-suppression system. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Babco*ck-Davis. b. BILCO Company (The). c. Milcor; Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc.

2. Type and Size: Single-leaf lid, size as indicated on Drawings. 3. Loads: Minimum 40-lbf/sq. ft. external live load and 30-lbf/sq. ft. internal uplift load.

a. When release is actuated, lid shall open against 10-lbf/sq. ft. snow or wind load and lock in position.

4. Heat and Smoke Vent Standard: Provide units that have been tested and listed to comply with UL 793 and are FM Approved.

5. Curb, Framing, and Lid Material: Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet. a. Thickness: 0.079 inch.

1. Finish: As shown on the plans. a. Color: As shown on the drawings. b. Curb, Framing, and Lid Material: Aluminum sheet. c. Thickness: 0.079 inch. d. Finish: As shown on drawings. e. Color: As shown non drawings.

2. Construction: a. Insulation: 1-inch-thick, polyisocyanurate board.

1) R-Value: 12.0 according to ASTM C1363. b. Nailer: Factory-installed wood nailer continuous around hatch perimeter. c. Hatch Lid: Opaque, insulated, and double walled, with manufacturer's standard metal

liner of same material and finish as outer metal lid. d. Hatch Lid: Glazed, insulated, and double walled, with manufacturer's standard metal

liner of same material and finish as outer metal lid. e. Exterior Curb Liner: Manufacturer's standard, of same material and finish as metal

curb. f. Fabricate curbs to minimum height of 8 inches above roofing surface unless otherwise

indicated. g. Sloping Roofs: Where slope or roof deck exceeds 1:48, fabricate curb with perimeter

curb height that is tapered to accommodate roof slope so that top surfaces of perimeter curb are level. Equip hatch with water diverter or cricket on side that obstructs water flow.

h. Security Grille: Provide where indicated on Drawings. 3. Hardware: Manufacturer's standard corrosion resistant; with hinges, hold-open devices,

and independent manual-release devices for inside and outside operation of lids. B. Dropout-Type Heat and Smoke Vents: Manufacturer's standard, gravity operated and

automatic; with single-walled insulated curbs and frame, welded or mechanically fastened and sealed corner joints, integral condensation gutter, cap flashing, and heat-sensitive dome glazing that will deform and drop out of vent opening according to heat and smoke vent standard indicated. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Babco*ck-Davis. b. BILCO Company (The). c. Milcor; Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc.

2. Type and Size: Single-leaf lid, size as indicated on Drawings.

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3. Loads: Minimum 40-lbf/sq. ft. external live load and 30-lbf/sq. ft. internal uplift load. a. When release is actuated, lid shall open against 10-lbf/sq. ft. snow or wind load and

lock in position. 4. Heat and Smoke Vent Standard: Provide units that have been tested and listed to comply

with UL 793 and are FM Approved. 5. Curb, Framing, and Lid Material: Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet.

a. Thickness: 0.079 inch. 6. Finish: As shown on the plans.

a. Color: As shown on the drawings. b. Curb, Framing, and Lid Material: Aluminum sheet. c. Thickness: 0.079 inch. d. Finish: As shown on drawings. e. Color: As shown non drawings.

7. Construction: a. Insulation: Manufacturer's standard. b. Nailer: Factory-installed wood nailer continuous around hatch perimeter. c. Exterior Curb Liner: Manufacturer's standard, of same material and finish as metal

curb. d. Fabricate curbs to minimum height of 8 inches above roofing surface unless otherwise

indicated. e. Sloping Roofs: Sloping Roofs: Where slope or roof deck exceeds 1:48, fabricate curb

with perimeter curb height that is tapered to accommodate roof slope so that top surfaces of perimeter curb are level. Equip hatch with water diverter or cricket on side that obstructs water flow.

f. Fall Protection Safety Structure: Manufacturer's standard meeting impact load requirements of 29 CFR 1910.23 and authorities having jurisdiction, equipped with hail protection galvanized steel wire mesh screen, and manually openable from exterior without special tools.

8. Hardware: Manufacturer's standard, corrosion resistant; with hinges, hold-open devices, and independent manual-release devices for inside and outside operation of lids.


A. Low-Profile, Cylindrical-Style Gravity Ventilators: Manufacturer's standard, fabricated as indicated, with manufacturer's standard welded or sealed mechanical joints. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Babco*ck-Davis. b. BILCO Company (The). c. Milcor; Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc.

2. Construction: Integral base flange, vent cylinder, cylinder bird screen, and rain cap hood. 3. Dimensions: As indicated on Drawings. 4. Configuration: As indicated on Drawings. 5. Insect Screens: Manufacturer's standard mesh with rewireable frame. 6. Security Grille: Provide where indicated on Drawings. 7. Vent Cylinder, Base Flange, and Rain-Cap Hood Material: Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel

sheet, of manufacturer's standard thickness. 8. Finish: As shown on the plans.

B. Louvered Penthouse-Style Gravity Ventilators: Manufacturer's standard, fabricated as indicated, with manufacturer's standard welded or sealed mechanical joints. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Babco*ck-Davis. b. BILCO Company (The). c. Milcor; Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc.

2. Construction: Integral frame with base flange, weathertight cap and weatherproof sidewall

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louvers. 3. Dimensions: As indicated on Drawings. 4. Configuration: As indicated on Drawings 5. Insect Screens: Manufacturer's standard mesh with rewireable frame. 6. Security Grille: Provide where indicated on Drawings. 7. Frame, Base Flange, Cap, and Louver Material: Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet, of

manufacturer's standard thickness. 8. Finish: As shown on the plans..

C. Turbine-Style Gravity Ventilators: Manufacturer's standard, fabricated as indicated, with manufacturer's standard welded or sealed mechanical joints: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Babco*ck-Davis. b. BILCO Company (The). c. Milcor; Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc.

2. Provide integral weathertight base cap, outlet duct, and rotating louvered turbine. 3. Throat Size and Height: As indicated on Drawings. 4. Configuration: As indicated on Drawings. 5. Insect Screens: Manufacturer's standard mesh with rewireable frame. 6. Security Grille: Provide where indicated on Drawings. 7. Weathertight Base Cap, Outlet Duct, and Turbine Material Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel

sheet, of manufacturer's standard thickness. 8. Finish: As shown on plans.


A. Fixed-Height Cradle-Type Pipe Supports: Polycarbonate pipe stand accommodating up to 1-1/2-inch-diameter pipe or conduit; with provision for pipe retainer and with manufacturer's support pad or deck plate as recommended for penetration-free installation over roof membrane type; as required for quantity of pipe runs and sizes.

B. Fixed-Height Roller-Bearing Pipe Supports: Polycarbonate pipe stand with polycarbonate roller carrying assembly accommodating up to 7-inch-diameter pipe or conduit; with provision for pipe retainer and with manufacturer's support pad or deck plate as recommended for penetration-free installation over roof membrane type; as required for quantity of pipe runs and sizes.

C. Adjustable-Height Roller-Bearing Pipe Supports: Polycarbonate pipe stand base, pipe support, and roller housing, with stainless steel threaded rod designed for adjusting support height, accommodating up to 18 inch diameter pipe or conduit; with provision for pipe retainer and with manufacturer's support pad or deck plate as recommended for penetration-free installation over roof membrane type; as required for quantity of pipe runs and sizes

D. Adjustable-Height Structure-Mounted Pipe Supports: Extruded-aluminum tube, filled with urethane insulation; 2 inches in diameter; accommodating up to 7-inch-diameter pipe or conduit, with provision for pipe retainer; with aluminum baseplate, EPDM base seal, manufacturer's recommended hardware for mounting to structure or structural roof deck as indicated, stainless steel roller and retainer, and extruded-aluminum carrier assemblies; as required for quantity of pipe runs and sizes.

E. Curb-Mounted Pipe Supports: Galvanized steel support with welded or mechanically fastened and sealed corner joints, straight sides and integrally formed deck-mounting flange at perimeter bottom; with adjustable-height roller-bearing pipe support accommodating up to 20-inch-diameter pipe or conduit and with provision for pipe retainer; as required for quantity of pipe runs and sizes. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following:

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a. MIRO Industries. b. Pate Company (The). c. PHP Systems/Design. d. Thaler Metal Industries Ltd.

F. Duct Supports: Extruded-aluminum, urethane-insulated supports, 2 inches in diameter; with manufacturer's recommended hardware for mounting to structure or structural roof deck. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. MIRO Industries. b. Pate Company (The). c. PHP Systems/Design. d. Thaler Metal Industries Ltd.

2. Finish: As shown on the plans.


A. Curb-Mounted Pipe Portal: Insulated roof-curb units with welded or mechanically fastened and sealed corner joints, straight sides, and integrally formed deck-mounting flange at perimeter bottom; with weathertight curb cover with single or multiple collared openings and pressure-sealed conically shaped EPDM protective rubber caps sized for piping indicated, with stainless steel snaplock swivel clamps. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Roof Products and Systems (RPS); a division of Hart & Cooley, Inc.

B. Flashing Pipe Portal: Formed aluminum membrane-mounting flashing flange and sleeve with collared opening and pressure-sealed conically shaped EPDM protective rubber cap sized for piping indicated, with stainless steel snaplock swivel clamps. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Roof Products and Systems (RPS); a division of Hart & Cooley, Inc.


A. Exhaust Vent Flashing: Double-walled metal flashing sleeve or boot, insulation filled, with integral deck flange, 12 inches high, with removable metal hood and slotted metal collar. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Custom Solution Roof and Metal Products. b. Menzies Metal Products. c. Thaler Metal Industries Ltd.

2. Metal: Aluminum sheet, 0.063 inch thick. 3. Diameter: As indicated on Drawings. 4. Finish: Manufacturer's standard.

B. Vent Stack Flashing: Metal flashing sleeve, uninsulated, with integral deck flange. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: a. Custom Solution Roof and Metal Products. b. Menzies Metal Products. c. Milcor; Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc. d. Thaler Metal Industries Ltd.

2. Metal: Aluminum sheet, 0.063 inch thick. 3. Height: 7 inches. 4. Diameter: As indicated on Drawings. 5. Finish: As shown on drawings..

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A. Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Sheet: ASTM A653/A653M, G90 coating designation. 1. Mill-Phosphatized Finish: Manufacturer's standard for field painting.

B. Steel Shapes: ASTM A36/A36M, hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A123/A123M unless otherwise indicated.

C. Steel Tube: ASTM A500/A500M, round tube. D. Galvanized-Steel Tube: ASTM A500/A500M, round tube, hot-dip galvanized according to

ASTM A123/A123M. E. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53/A53M, galvanized.


A. Provide materials and types of fasteners, protective coatings, sealants, and other miscellaneous items required by manufacturer for a complete installation.


A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes.

B. Appearance of Finished Work: Noticeable variations in same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast.


A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, to verify actual locations, dimensions, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work.

B. Verify that substrate is sound, dry, smooth, clean, sloped for drainage, and securely anchored. C. Verify dimensions of roof openings for roof accessories. D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. Install roof accessories according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Install roof accessories level; plumb; true to line and elevation; and without warping, jogs in

alignment, buckling, or tool marks. 2. Anchor roof accessories securely in place so they are capable of resisting indicated loads. 3. Use fasteners, separators, sealants, and other miscellaneous items as required to

complete installation of roof accessories and fit them to substrates. 4. Install roof accessories to resist exposure to weather without failing, rattling, leaking, or

loosening of fasteners and seals. B. Metal Protection: Protect metals against galvanic action by separating dissimilar metals from

contact with each other or with corrosive substrates by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating or by other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer. 1. Coat concealed side of uncoated aluminum roof accessories with bituminous coating

where in contact with wood, ferrous metal, or cementitious construction. 2. Underlayment: Where installing roof accessories directly on cementitious or wood

substrates, install a course of underlayment and cover with manufacturer's recommended slip sheet.

3. Bed flanges in thick coat of asphalt roofing cement where required by manufacturers of roof accessories for waterproof performance.

C. Roof Curb Installation: Install each roof curb so top surface is level. D. Equipment Support Installation: Install equipment supports so top surfaces are level with each

other. 1. Install heat and smoke vent so top perimeter surfaces are level. 2. Install and test heat and smoke vents and their components for proper operation according

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to NFPA 204. E. Gravity Ventilator Installation: Verify that gravity ventilators operate properly and have

unrestricted airflow. Clean, lubricate, and adjust operating mechanisms. F. Pipe Support Installation: Comply with MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-89. Install supports and

attachments as required to properly support piping. Arrange for grouping of parallel runs of horizontal piping, and support together. 1. Pipes of Various Sizes: Space supports for smallest pipe size or install intermediate

supports for smaller diameter pipes as specified for individual pipe hangers. G. Preformed Flashing-Sleeve and Flashing Pipe Portal Installation: Secure flashing sleeve to roof

membrane according to flashing-sleeve manufacturer's written instructions; flash sleeve flange to surrounding roof membrane according to roof membrane manufacturer's instructions.


A. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing according to ASTM A780/A780M.

B. Touch up factory-primed surfaces with compatible primer ready for field painting according to Section 09 9113 "Exterior Painting."

C. Clean exposed surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions. D. Clean off excess sealants. E. Replace roof accessories that have been damaged or that cannot be successfully repaired by

finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures.


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JOINT SEALERS 07 9200 - 1


A. Sealants and joint backing. B. Pre-compressed foam sealers.


A. ASTM C920 - Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants; 2011. B. ASTM C1193 - Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants; 2011a.


A. Maintain temperature and humidity recommended by the sealant manufacturer during and after installation.


A. Gunnable and Pourable Sealants: 1. Commercial grade sealants with 10 year manufacturer’s warranty.


A. Sealants and Primers - General: Provide products having volatile organic compound (VOC) content as specified in Section 01 6116.

B. General Purpose Exterior Sealant: Urethane; ASTM C920, Grade NS, Class 50, Uses M, G, and A; single component. 1. Color: To be selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard range. 2. Product: Stampede manufactured by Sherwin-Williams Company. 3. Applications: Use for:

a. Control, expansion, and soft joints in masonry. b. Joints between concrete and other materials. c. Joints between metal frames and other materials. d. Other exterior joints for which no other sealant is indicated.

4. Urethane Products: a. Commercial grade sealants with 10 year manufacturer’s warranty.


A. Primer: Non-staining type, recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application. B. Joint Cleaner: Non-corrosive and non-staining type, recommended by sealant

manufacturer; compatible with joint forming materials. C. Joint Backing: Round foam rod compatible with sealant; ASTM D 1667, closed cell PVC;

oversized 30 to 50 percent larger than joint width. D. Bond Breaker: Pressure sensitive tape recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit



A. Verify that substrate surfaces are ready to receive work. B. Verify that joint backing and release tapes are compatible with sealant.

3.2 PREPARATION A. Remove loose materials and foreign matter that could impair adhesion of sealant. B. Clean and prime joints in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Perform preparation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and ASTM C1193.

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JOINT SEALERS 07 9200 - 2

D. Protect elements surrounding the work of this section from damage or disfigurement.

3.3 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with sealant manufacturer's requirements for preparation of

surfaces and material installation instructions. B. Arrange for tests to take place with joint-sealant manufacturer's technical representative

present. a. Test Method: Test joint sealants according to Method A, Field-Applied Sealant Joint

Hand Pull Tab, in Appendix X1.1 in ASTM C1193 or Method A, Tail Procedure, in ASTM C1521. 1) For joints with dissimilar substrates, verify adhesion to each substrate

separately; extend cut along one side, verifying adhesion to opposite side. Repeat procedure for opposite side.

2) Report whether sealant failed to adhere to joint substrates or tore cohesively. Include data on pull distance used to test each kind of product and joint substrate. For sealants that fail adhesively, retest until satisfactory adhesion is obtained.

3) Evaluation of Preconstruction Field-Adhesion-Test Results: Sealants not evidencing adhesive failure from testing, in absence of other indications of noncompliance with requirements, will be considered satisfactory. Do not use sealants that fail to adhere to joint substrates during testing.

C. Measure joint dimensions and size joint backers to achieve width-to-depth ratio, neck dimension, and surface bond area as recommended by manufacturer, except where specific dimensions are indicated.

D. Install bond breaker where joint backing is not used. E. Install sealant free of air pockets, foreign embedded matter, ridges, and sags. F. Apply sealant within recommended application temperature ranges. Consult manufacturer

when sealant cannot be applied within these temperature ranges. G. Tool joints concave.

3.4 CLEANING A. Clean adjacent soiled surfaces.

3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect sealants until cured.


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A. Exterior paint and coatings systems including surface preparation.


A. Section 07 6200 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim for the priming and painting of galvanized metal and not anodized or coated aluminum flashing and trim.

B. Section 07 7100 "Roof Specialties" for the priming and painting of sheet metal gutters and downspouts, equipment supports, roof vents and other manufactured roof accessory units.


A. Material Safety Data Sheets / Environmental Data Sheets: Per manufacturer's MSDS/EDS for specific VOCs (calculated per 40 CFR 59.406). VOCs may vary by base and sheen.


A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 0050 - Administrative Requirements. B. Product Data: For each paint system indicated, including.

1. Product characteristics. 2. Surface preparation instructions and recommendations. 3. Primer requirements and finish specification. 4. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 5. Application methods. 6. Cautions for storage, handling and installation.

C. Selection Samples: Submit a complete set of color chips that represent the full range of manufacturer's products, colors and sheens available.

D. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, submit samples that represent actual product, color, and sheen.


A. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in applying paints and coatings similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in applications with a record of successful in-service performance.

B. Paint exposed surfaces. If a color of finish, or a surface is not specifically mentioned, Architect will select from standard products, colors and sheens available.

C. Do not paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, and labels unless indicated.

D. Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship. 1. Finish surfaces for verification of products, colors and sheens. 2. Finish area designated by Architect. 3. Provide samples that designate primer and finish coats. 4. Do not proceed with remaining work until the Architect approves the mock-up. 5. Provide (2) locations identified with Architect/Owner. Minimum area to be 10’ wide x

10’ High.


A. Delivery: Deliver manufacturer's unopened containers to the work site. Packaging shall bear the manufacturer's name, label, and the following list of information.

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1. Product name, and type (description). 2. Application and use instructions. 3. Surface preparation. 4. VOC content. 5. Environmental handling. 6. Batch date. 7. Color number.

B. Storage: Store and dispose of solvent-based materials, and materials used with solvent-based materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction.

C. Store materials in an area that is within the acceptable temperature range, per manufacturer's instructions. Protect from freezing.

D. Handling: Maintain a clean, dry storage area, to prevent contamination or damage to the coatings.


A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits.

B. Follow manufacturer's recommended procedures for producing best results, including testing of substrates, moisture in substrates, and humidity and temperature limitations.


A. Furnish extra paint materials from the same production run as the materials applied and in the quantities described below. Package with protective covering for storage and identify with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to Owner.

B. Furnish Owner with an additional one percent of each material and color, but not less than 1 gal (3.8 l) or 1 case, as appropriate.


A. Contractor to provide maintenance coatings manual similar to Sherwin-Williams Custodian, which is to include products used, colors and areas used on job, care and cleaning of coatings, basic touch-up guide, data and safety pages.


A. Manufacturer of material shall provide a 10 year waterproofing warranty for concrete and masonry substrates as long as the substrate, application and removal methods meet their guidelines per data page. Rilem tube testing to be conducted at owner or architect’s request. Site visits to be provided by manufacturer during each phase of installation to ensure guidelines are met. Subsequent annual Rilem tube testing may be required per manufacturer warranties.

B. Contractor to provide a 10-year labor warranty.



A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Submit for architect’s approval.


A. Exterior Paints and Coatings: 1. Masonry: Concrete masonry units, cinder or concrete block. 2. Metal: Aluminum, galvanized steel. 3. Metal: Miscellaneous iron, ornamental iron, ferrous metal.

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A. Paints and Coatings. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, provide factory-mixed coatings. When required, mix

coatings to correct consistency in accordance with manufacturer's instructions before application. Do not reduce, thin, or dilute coatings or add materials to coatings unless such procedure is specifically described in manufacturer's product instructions.

2. For opaque finishes, tint each coat including primer coat and intermediate coats, one-half shade lighter than succeeding coat, with final finish coat as base color. Or follow manufactures product instructions for optimal color conformance.

3. Coatings for exterior cementitious and CMU surfaces must have documentation showing that it has passed ASTM D6904-3 and DFT or WFT used in the testing.

B. Primers: Where the manufacturer offers options on primers for a particular substrate, use primer categorized as "best" by the manufacturer. Primers to be used on any bare surface.

C. Coating Application Accessories: Provide all primers, sealers, cleaning agents, cleaning cloths, sanding materials, and clean-up materials required, per manufacturer's specifications.

D. Color: Paint colors to match existing, and as selected. Provide draw-downs of each color and sheen as selected by architect for review and approval.


A. MASONRY: Concrete Masonry Units (CMU)- Cinder or Concrete Block. 1. Acrylic System:

a. Flat Finish: 1) Prime Coat: Heavy Duty Block Filler, In accordance with manufacturers

specifications to pass ASTM D6904-3 2) First Coat: Acrylic Latex Coating, In accordance with manufacturers

specifications to pass ASTM D6904-3 3) Second Coat: same as first coat.

B. METAL: Aluminum, Galvanized. 1. Latex Systems:

1) Prime Coat: Industrial Universal Primer. 2) First Coat: Industrial High Performance Acrylic Semi-Gloss (Coverage

125 to 225 sf / gal, 7.1 to 12.8 wet, 3.2 to 5.8 dry). 3) Second Coat: same as first coat.

C. METAL: Misc. Iron, Structural Iron and Steel, Ferrous Metal. 1. Latex Systems:

a. Semi-Gloss Finish: 1) Prime Coat: Industrial Universal Primer. 2) First Coat: Industrial High Performance Acrylic Semi-Gloss (Coverage

125 to 225 sf / gal, 7.1 to 12.8 wet, 3.2 to 5.8 dry). 3) Second Coat: same as first coat.



A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared; notify Architect of unsatisfactory conditions before proceeding. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding.

B. Proceed with work only after conditions have been corrected and approved by all parties, otherwise application of coatings will be considered as an acceptance of surface conditions.

C. Previously Painted Surfaces: Verify that existing painted surfaces do not contain lead based paints, notify Architect immediately if lead based paints are encountered.

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A. General: Surfaces shall be dry and in sound condition. Remove oil, dust, dirt, loose rust, peeling paint or other contamination to ensure good adhesion. 1. Remove mildew before painting by washing with a solution of 1 part liquid household

bleach and 3 parts of warm water. Apply the solution and scrub the mildewed area. Allow the solution to remain on the surface for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow the surface to dry a minimum of 48 hours before painting. Wear protective glasses or goggles, waterproof gloves, and protective clothing. Quickly wash off any of the mixture that comes in contact with your skin. Do not add detergents or ammonia to the bleach/water solution.

2. Remove items including but not limited to thermostats, electrical outlets, switch covers and similar items prior to painting. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved.

3. No exterior painting should be done immediately after a rain, during foggy weather, when rain is predicted, or when the temperature is below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C), unless products are designed specifically for these conditions. On large expanses of metal siding, the air, surface and material temperatures must be 50 degrees F (10 degrees F) or higher to use low temperature products.

4. Exterior block/stucco is to be first power washed using the minimum of 3,000 PSI. Protect all adjacent surfaces from staining during power washing.

B. Aluminum: Remove all oil, grease, dirt, oxide and other foreign material by cleaning per SSPC-SP1, Solvent Cleaning.

C. Block (Cinder and Concrete): Remove all loose mortar and foreign material. Surface must be free of laitance, concrete dust, dirt, form release agents, moisture curing membranes, loose cement, and hardeners. Concrete and mortar must be cured at least 30 days at 75 degrees F (24 degrees C). The pH of the surface should be between 6 and 9, unless the products are designed to be used in high pH environments. On tilt-up and poured-in-place concrete, commercial detergents and abrasive blasting may be necessary to prepare the surface. Fill bug holes, air pockets, and other voids with a cement patching compound.

D. Galvanized Metal: Clean per SSPC-SP1 using detergent and water or a degreasing cleaner to remove greases and oils. Apply a test area, priming as required. Allow the coating to dry at least one week before testing. If adhesion is poor, Brush Blast per SSPC-SP7 is necessary to remove these treatments.

E. Steel: Structural, Plate, And Similar Items: Should be cleaned by one or more of the surface preparations described below. These methods are used throughout the world for describing methods for cleaning structural steel. Visual standards are available through the Society of Protective Coatings. A brief description of these standards together with numbers by which they can be specified follow. 1. Solvent Cleaning, SSPC-SP1: Solvent cleaning is a method for removing all visible oil,

grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and other soluble contaminants. Solvent cleaning does not remove rust or mill scale. Change rags and cleaning solution frequently so that deposits of oil and grease are not spread over additional areas in the cleaning process. Be sure to allow adequate ventilation.

2. Hand Tool Cleaning, SSPC-SP2: Hand Tool Cleaning removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, and other detrimental foreign matter. It is not intended that adherent mill scale, rust, and paint be removed by this process. Beforehand tool cleaning, remove visible oil, grease, soluble welding residues, and salts by the methods outlined in SSPC-SP1.

3. Power Tool Cleaning, SSPC-SP3: Power Tool Cleaning removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, and other detrimental foreign matter. It is not intended that adherent mill scale, rust, and paint be removed by this process. Before power tool cleaning, remove visible oil, grease, soluble welding residues, and salts by the methods outlined in SSPC-SP1.

4. White Metal Blast Cleaning, SSPC-SP5 or NACE 1: A White Metal Blast Cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter.

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Before blast cleaning, visible deposits of oil or grease shall be removed by any of the methods specified in SSPC-SP1 or other agreed upon methods.

5. Commercial Blast Cleaning, SSPC-SP6 or NACE 3: A Commercial Blast Cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter, except for staining. Staining shall be limited to no more than 33 percent of each square inch of surface area and may consist of light shadows, slight streaks, or minor discoloration caused by stains of rust, stains of mill scale, or stains of previously applied paint. Before blast cleaning, visible deposits of oil or grease shall be removed by any of the methods specified in SSPC-SP1 or other agreed upon methods.

6. Brush-Off Blast Cleaning, SSPC-SP7 or NACE 4: A Brush-Off Blast Cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, loose mill scale, loose rust, and loose paint. Tightly adherent mill scale, rust, and paint may remain on the surface. Before blast cleaning, visible deposits of oil or grease shall be removed by any of the methods specified in SSPC-SP 1 or other agreed upon methods.

7. Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal, SSPC-SP11: Metallic surfaces that are prepared according to this specification, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxide corrosion products, and other foreign matter. Slight residues of rust and paint may be left in the lower portions of pits if the original surface is pitted. Prior to power tool surface preparation, remove visible deposits of oil or grease by any of the methods specified in SSPC-SP1, Solvent Cleaning, or other agreed upon methods.

8. Near-White Blast Cleaning, SSPC-SP10 or NACE 2: A Near White Blast Cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter, except for staining. Staining shall be limited to no more than 5 percent of each square inch of surface area and may consist of light shadows, slight streaks, or minor discoloration caused by stains of rust, stains of mill scale, or stains of previously applied paint. Before blast cleaning, visible deposits of oil or grease shall be removed by any of the methods specified in SSPC-SP1 or other agreed upon methods.

9. High- and Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting for Steel and Other Hard Materials: SSPC-SP12 or NACE 5: This standard provides requirements for the use of high- and ultra-high pressure water jetting to achieve various degrees of surface cleanliness. This standard is limited in scope to the use of water only without the addition of solid particles in the stream.

10. Water Blasting, SSPC-SP12/NACE No. 5: Removal of oil grease dirt, loose rust, loose mill scale, and loose paint by water at pressures of 2,000 to 2,500 psi at a flow of 4 to 14 gallons per minute.


A. Apply all coatings and materials with the manufacturer's specifications in mind. Mix and thin coatings according to manufacturer's recommendations.

B. Do not apply to wet or damp surfaces. Wait at least 30 days before applying to new concrete or masonry. Or follow manufacturer's procedures to apply appropriate coatings prior to 30 days. Test new concrete for moisture content. Wait until wood is fully dry after rain or morning fog or dew.

C. Apply coatings using methods recommended by manufacturer. D. Uniformly apply coatings without runs, drips, or sags, without brush marks, and with

consistent sheen. E. Apply coatings at spreading rate required to achieve the manufacturers recommended dry

film thickness in accordance with waterproofing system per data page. F. Regardless of number of coats specified, apply as many coats as necessary for complete

hide, and uniform appearance. G. Inspection: The coated surface must be inspected and approved by the Architect just prior to

the application of each coat.

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (240)

Picacho Elementary MP Building Roof Restoration SPS+ Architects, LLP Picacho Elementa



A. Protect finished coatings from damage until completion of project. B. Touch-up damaged coatings after substantial up or repair of damaged coatings. Repair any

defects that will hinder the performance of the coatings completion, following manufacturer's recommendation for touch


Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School· Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (241)

Technical Specification for: Picacho Elementary School · Multi-purpose Building Roof Restoration . Picacho - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.