The Dunn County News from Menomonie, Wisconsin (2024)

i THE DUNN COUNTY NEWS. 'MENOMONIE, WIS. PXGE SIX WeifncVdav; Tulv 1946 C2 Mrs. Siers and Stodola, KNAPP STATION The Navyfs There PiYciin Paracfc (Continued IVora Pag On) spending a week's vacation with home' folks. Mrs.1 Ingman Olson, Marlys faul Mrs, C.

E. Amundson, Buster and Billie Jean, were Bloomer visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph- Jacobson, Barbara and Vivian were.

Barron vsitoxs Saturday. t- Mrs. Ingvald Thompson called the Siers home Friday. church vtlils Sunday eveninf at 7:30.. Roy BoettcherJtV Bremerton, wiU toe guest baritone soloist.

Rqy studied voice when a I. in and Germany and is now on his way back, to England for further, study. He formerly of Menomonie and Eaji Claire and is a grandson of fMr. and Mrs. John Archer, this fity-v here with friends and Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell'and George, Uifcana, returned home Friday after a week's visit with relatives. Maurice Bliss Chicago, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs Wm.

Bliss, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morrell and children, Chippewa Falls, visited his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. A. C. Morrell the Fourth of Mrs. Margaret Trickey spent Thursday at the home of hef son, Erwiri Hartshorn, Minneapolis.

and. Mrs. Chas. Purvis and sons. Chicago, arrived Wednesday to visit his mother, Mrs.

Nellie Purvis and5 other rslatlves. Mrs. Chas, Purvis and children! will remain here for the summer. Mr; and Mrs. S.

Jfalverson visited her mother in Deer Park the Fourth of, July, 3 Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Herring arid children, Minneapolis, called Friday at' her grandmother's, Mrs. Anna Hart.

They-Vlli spend the week end visiting friends in Stanton and relatives in Menomonie. Gary co*ckeram, Menomonie, Is visiting a few days at his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wis-ner.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert visited Wm. Keyes at Luther hospital, -7 i Roy BoettcKer Sings at Baptist Church 'p? The-- public ist cordially Jrfvited to attend, the Immanuel Baptist SZfi 1 4 i I 1 Not to be outdown by the Army, here comes the Navy in the Menomonie Centennial parade. In numbers Uiey were Just as strong as the Army unit.

CJ i 1 1 1 i-Wtaf if fred Olson, Eva Voll, Mr. and Mrs Amundson, Buster and Blilie Jean and ShirleJ Stodola, Arland and Coleen Anderson, -spent at the Siers home and helped Mr. Siers celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Mac Lundequam and children visited her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. H. Chrlstopherson, Tuesday. About 40 friends and relatives met at the Martin Larson home Sunday and helped Martin celebrate his 80th birthday. Mrs.

E. Amundson, Billy Jean, DUESING INSURANCE AGENCY "Insurance to meet your needs" TELEPHONE 700 John E. Duesing Donald J. Duesing Rockf or visited at the Ing- man Olson home Monday.tV; Gerald Wirth is ill with measles. Shirley Stodola, Rockford, is visiting her mother, Mrs.

Clarence Amundson lv PINE CREEK July 10 Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence HooVer, Hillsdale, form erly of this place, a girl. Dawn Aid met in the church basem*nt Friday. Mrs.

Kenneth Steen. and Ben Rudi Several friends and relatves as sisted Eva Voll in pekbrating her birthday Sunday evening. Lunch was served and gifts left, A. pleas- tint evening was enjoyed- tWe are sorry to hear Ole, Kittle- son is not so weU again. We un derstand he suffered apbther sfrdke Friday.

I Mrs. Mel Rudi and children callr Mrs, Ingman Olson Mr, and Mrs, B. Wenz eon, Bard, and daughter, Helen, spent Friday at, the V. -Siers Muriel Chrlstopherson Adeline Olson," Milwaukee, are 100 Pennsylvania Quality Made Evan Fitter John Bliss, accompanied by Joey I vole, had a blow out on a' dirt road north of town, wrecking the car. Both boys suffered cuts and bruises.

George Suckow, Stanton, blinded by dust from a passing car, ran Into a car partially parked on the road. George was unhurt but his car was wrecked- Mr. and Mrs. Langenbrunner, St. Paul, accompanied by their niece and nephew, Dorina Mae and Bobby Levi, spent Sunday at the La-monte Jacobs home.

Mrs. Kthel Omera went to St. Paul with the Langbrunners Sunday to be -with her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Levi, who has had an operation for gallstones. Geo.

Kromroy spent the week end at the home of Kenneth Jacobs on his farm. Born to TSgt. and Mrs. John L. Ketterl at Orando, June 20, a 'daughter, Karen Lee.

Mrs. Ketterl Is the former Gladys Anderson, a former teacher here and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson. Mr.

and Mrs. Oscar Sayles, Rockton, accompanied by her brother. Bent Kruger, Ontario, visited last week at the home of their sister, Mrs. Linna Jacobs. Lloyd Gross and his mother, Mrs Sarah Gross, spent the Fourth in St.

Paul at the Harold Baker home. Harold Baker, returned with them to spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.

Samson, Clin- ton, spent Saturday here calling on friends. Paul A. Krueger, signal main-talner, suffered a heat stroke Saturday and will be unable to continue his work for a week oY so. John and Bob Mayersak, Superior, visited friends In Knapp Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. T. R. Liverson, Minneapolis, visited from Tuesday until Friday at the home of her sister, Mrs. O.

F. Scott. They attended the Menomonie Centennial, meeting many old friends. Mrs. Liverson was formerly Temperance Umbarger and taught here 35 years ago.

Mrs. Mary Gibson Is entertaining her daughter, Edna, from Milwaukee. i Mr. and Mrs. P.

E. Case and sons, Eau Claire, visited relatives here Thursday. Dr. B. J.

Heian Is on a two weeks Vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cole and Gary are spendng several days son and Loren and Leon visited at the Grant Thompson home at iEllsworth Sunday, Lowis Thompson and Isabelle Peters, -Elm wood, spent Sunday at Milt Thompson's.

PINE CREEK July 10 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bnlie Jean and Shirley Stodola were supper guests at the. Siers home Friday. Buster Eraquam spent several days as a guest of Arland Anderson.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundequam, July 4, a son. Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Lundeen, Mnneapolis, visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nesset visit ed at the Carl Anderson home Thursday. J.

Mrs. Mel Rudi and children visited Mrs. Ingman Olson Friday. Shirley Chrlstopherson Is visiting at Solon Springs this week. Mr.

and Mrs, Geo. Olson, Eugene, Leona and Adeline, Mrs. 'ingman Olson, Marlys and Paul, Al An era In human history is the life of Jesus, and Its immense Influence, for good leaves all th perversion, and superstition, has accrued almost MAKJS ICONOMY IZ. SSI i emonstratioD -r -by- Veedol has always been refined from the toughest and "oiliest" crude oil known. Through past decades it has been internationally famous as the Aristocrat of Motor Oils.

Now- as a result of wartime research its 100 Pennsylvania quality has been, made even finer. Today's Improved Veedol gives you a cleaner, smoother-running, better-protected engine because it lessens sludge deposit, reduces varnish formation and practically eliminates bearing corrosion. And today, of all times, you need extra protection for vital engine parts. Get Improved Veedol regularly. actory Kepresehtative ImiedoJ'I who spent the winter with her mother, returned home with him.

George Paul, home on leave from the visiting his parents at Wilson, was a Knapp' caller Friday. Mrs. Vera Morgan Itornspn, Alaska, and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riemert, Ladysmlth, called at the home of their aunt.

Mrs "Sred Brehm, Sunday. TN. Betty Myers spentTTuesday with friends in River Falls. Kay Sweltzer went to Minneapolis Wednesday to spend a few dys with Mr, and Mrs. R.

Poore. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F.

Cole, Rice Lake, visited over the Fourth at the J. O. Cole home. Mavis Kalkbrenner, Woodville, spent, a week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. V. Tainter. Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Steckels, Milwaukee, were Monday dinner guests "at the' home of his aunt, Mrs. Anna Hart. So. Dunn Waubeek July 10--Mrs. Gert Thines spent Sunday at the Leo Webb Jtxame.

Mrs: Clara Abbott is visiting at the Ralph Aaron home in Arlington. S. D. The Leo Webb families had a family -reunion the Fourth at the Tarrant Park in Durand. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Weber, Jr. and tSandra, were Sunday guests at the Johnnie Lindstrom, Jr. home. COMFORT Jul5 'uly 10 Mr.

and Mrs. D. 3. Manor left Monday for Ft. Wayne, to visit his sister and husband, Mr, and Mrs.

Geo. Ramm. Leon Knopps of Texas called on M. G. Thompson Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville -Johnson, Menomonie, were supper guests at Chas. Lamsons Friday. Claire Smith sold his farm to Dale Trainor.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Simanski and Suzanne and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lampman and Karen Lee of Red Wing and Mr.

and Mrs. Loh Thompson and family spent the Fourth at Garfield Thomp sons. Elwood Manor and Geo. Harsh- man spent a few days in the Da- kotas. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Morgan, j.norp, visited at E. E. Gardner's Thursday. Mrs.

Edna Gardner called on Mr. and Mrs. Burt Morgan at Rock Elm Thursday Afternoon. Betty Kraft spent the past week at Dave Manors. Mr.

and Mrs. Edwin Livesev Augusta, visited her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Ernest Thurs day afternoon. I Mr.

and Mrs. Garfield Thomp- LARGE MINNOWS WORMS OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS DEL AND OTTO'S SPORT SHOP S01 Broadway 1 1EN0M0N Saturday, July 13 nJl" LIQUOR Across from the HARRY FLOYD'S TYDOL SERVICE Third and Crescent Streets Phone 74 MILLERS TYDOL SERVICE On East Highway 12 -J a I liickingham With An. ELECTRIC WELDER to jT. Eau Claire, Wednesday. Mrs.

Oscar Dragseth, Red Wing, called Saturday at the A. R. Olson home on her return' from visiting her sister at Hillsdale. Wm. Keyes suf fered a heart 'attack and was taken to Luther hospital, Eau Claire, Monday.

His condition is' improving. Chauncey' Cole "moved to his farm home here from Menomonie recently, having sold his residence there. Mr. and Mrs. H.

Bunch came Wednesday to spend the summer at their cottage at Elk Point. A. R. Olson helped at the Jas. Palmer shop In Menomonie while they were on a two week's vacation, Mr.

and Mrs. H. J. Pope entertained Mr. and Mrs: Fred Brehm and Mr.

and Mrs. A. F. Sweltzer at their cotfitge at Elk Point on the Fourth. Mr.

and Mrs." Al Mueller and daughter, Linda, Milwaukee, are spending a two weeks vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Olson.

P. E. Case motored to Moores-yille, to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. John Perry Stuckey, who died at the age of 88 years after an eight weeks illness. His mother, Mrs.

Elizabeth Case, STO Marion Hotel Pe muddy river twaterv Uneon- trotted water can soon turn a good farm into a worthless wasteland. A11L-Chalmers has shown that contour strips and terraces can be built succesfully with your farm tractor and moldboard plow, disc plow or tiller disc In cooperation with soil conservation engineers they 'are. demonstrating tractor methods of soil savins with your regular farm equipment. The Allis-Chalmers handbook "You Have What It Takes To Contour and Terrace" tells you how it's done. Ask us for a free copy.

Phone 87-W IE RE Ale -x i lav 1 i i it i si 1 an Coronet Brandy 5th $416 Southern Comfort ...1. 5th $5.50 Calvert's Special Pint $2.22 Black Gold Pint $2.14 Also a complete line of Cordials and Wines Hours 9a.rn.to6 p. m. except Friday and Saturday 9 a. m.

to 9 p. m. Menomonie liquor Store Phone 64 WX 545 Broadway These Electric Arc Welders operate on R.E.A. and are built to lat a lifetime. Equipment inciuaeo neimei, wwuuw holder, and welding cables.

m. a Welding ARCTTORai Operatea 6a A.Cof D.C. current. Complete with 8 oopi coated carbons M' $XQ9S Any item mentioned In ihti ad in a combination offer is available to the purchaser individually and teparately at the applicable ceiling price. Is I a1; ft Model 95, VOIW, unpere nn 20 to 95.

ELECTRIC WELDER Model 145, 220 lino volts. Ampere Range 20 to 145. ELECTRIC WELDER Model 205, 220 "line volta. Ampere Range 20 to 205., for Rivcfffltifci sheds Alt Electric Arc Welden awdlabU on our Thrifty royment flan. h0jrlageB are 'vj0 11 Mm Jback Egg'Mash Scratch Feeds1 Dairy Feeds GrowinsMash Hog Balancer Calf Meal r.

Chick Mash i Pig tx. Sow Feed1 Kaga for Calves l- Fattener Mash -i'i- iDairy Balancer1 Ground Grains -v Made by us for the farmers of this territory and for sale at our retail store and at most dealers in this section. Ask for A-C FEEDS by High Quality Low Cost Best Results r.t: Records' "show that terraeng or strip cropping sloping Bwnd may Increase crp yields 20 to 30 per cent within two or three years. Substantial gains are often made the first year. Terraces prevent fertilizer from being washed out of our soil, and hold moisture for crop growth during dry season.

Morto Important still, terracing prevents your topsoil from "going down the river." The picture above shows the amount of fertile silt In a small test-tube sam- IstM NATIONAL FAtm KJ1D NOMI HOUR with Iwttl i i ii HT fi iTi flf TKe.friericl!y Store. A MCMOMONIC. WIS. 1 STEEL Steel and coal strikes have affected aupply in face of unprecedented demand. RUBBER Synthetics are in fair supply but natural rubber is on Government allocation.

LUMBER Scarce supply due to unprecedented demand and dislocation of lumber trade. MASS MILL PRODUCTS Used in Central Office switches and other telephone equipment. Supply will be short until disturbed conditions arc settled in the copper industry, permitting brass mills. to get back to full-scale production. It's a tough situation, but we aren't giving up, any more than you have given up trying to get certain scarce' items.

We're -doing the best we can 'with what we've got and hoping these disturbed conditions will end, so we can, really go full speed ahead. We in the Bell System were adding telephones at the rate of three million a year until shortages started getting worse. Now it's harder and harder for us to get materials for manufacturing and building. We arent complaining, for we are in the same boat as every one else. But we thought you might like to know the supply situation on some of the biggest items, in the telephone business.

LEAD-Thert it world shortage of lead. Even when conditions, here straighten out, it will be some time- before adequate supplies are available, COPPEIl In great demand but we will probably have' adequate supplies when the smelting, refining and fabricating plants get going. TiSTlLCS Serious shortage of cotton and synthetic yarns and fabricawith demand greatly weeding wpp At our retail store Binder Twines, standard and prime qualities, DDT sprays and powders Garden Dust and Insecticides Hylite Water Paints Poultry Remedies Cement Paints Carbola Farm 5 end GardsnSeeds; a CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING 4 1 If -1 FE.1CEC SALES 4 Menc MILLING, ENG. "First in Feeds" fWiconsi sconsm 7ISCpriSIII TELEPHONE -COMPANY f. 322 Crescent St Meaoagsigt i 1.

The Dunn County News from Menomonie, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.