The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

THE OWENSBORO MESSENGER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 194517 1 COURT NEWS NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS OFFERED 1 WANTED TOBACCO TO STRIP, avoid the rush and cold weather. See Higgs at 5th and Triplett, Hayes Freight Line, or call 127. Real Estate For Sale 1 FOR SALE 16 ROOM FRAME DWELL-ing, two baths and luinace. C'hw In on St. Ann stTrt Phone I ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 ATTENTION FARMERS Cynamid plant bed weed killer now available.

We have Balboa rye, common rye and Oklahoma alfalfa. Crimson clover ond vetch. THET. J. TURLEY CO.

Incorporated Notice To Advertisers WANT AD RATES AU Want Ad business Is cash. Ads ordered oy telephone are accepted from parties listed In the telephone or city directory on memorandum charge only. IN RETURN FOR THIS COURTESY THE ADVERTISER IS EXPECTED TO REMIT PROMPTLY. One Threa Bix Tim Times Times 1 to 25 .50 $1.20 82.00 23 to 50 $2.40 $4.00 51 to 75 91.50 $3.60 This newspaper Is responsible for oniy one Incorrect Insertioa AU cancellations must be phoned in before 6 p. m.

General Foods General Meters Goodrich (B. Greyhound Ccrp. Illinois Central Int. Harvester Int. Nickel Cm Kennecott Cop.

lAs. fz Mvers "E'' Lortllard Louisv. G. E. Louis v.

iz Nash. IarUn (G. Co. Montao.n. Ward Nat.

BLiCjit No. Am. Aviation Nor. Pacific Ohio Oil Packard Motor Param. Penney (J.

Penn. R. Peosi-Cola Philip Mcrrls Phillips Pet Procter 6c Gem. Pullman Pure Oil A Air Reduction 4.3 Al. Chem.

Dye 131, American Can 107 Am. Car Fdv 60' Am. Rolling MiU 24a Am. Tel. ic Tel 1S2 Am.

Tobacco 8(t3r. Anaconda 37-. T. S. F.

92-E Aviation Ccrp Ba-nsdall Oil Bend 5S'. Beth. Steel 1 Bo: Airplane Bnrjs Ctu. 57 Carrsler Corp 124' 2 Cori-Cola 132 CoiuabU G. Si E.

93r Cora Products 63-t Curtiss-WrLg i 6" Douglas Aircraft 51 DuPont Do ISS El. Auto 63 Cicr.eral Electric 43T xxNo sate anade. I OWENSBORO MA3KJBT Produce: Reported cy ani At Oroe-singer. Fresh unsalted hides. Sal0c, salted cured.

10la wild glneng, tamZ.Ha Mayapple. 810o lb. OWENSBORO GRAIN MARKET (Quotations by Onensooro Milling Co.) Wheat: No. 2. sacked.

$1.63, bu.k, $1.70. Barley, 83c. OWENSBORO SOV3tA.N MARKET Soybeans: 1944 crop, yellow. No. 1 and Bo.

2. $2.10. Dlus cmiliag: No. i nd No. 2.

1 80 plus LOUISVILLE PRODl'CE Louisville. Ky. W3) Louisville dealers buying prices averaged by members of the Louisville Mercantile Exchange follow: Eggs Current receipts. 55 lbs. up, 39.3d: extra.

44.50; standards. 40.30; small eggs. 30c. Broilers. 2 lbs.

up. 25.00; hens, ail sizes. 23.01; leghorn hens, 20.00; old roosters. 13.00: stags, 20.50;, 8 lbs. up.

15.00: guineas, each (young) 30c. I old) 40c. Young torns, 12 lbs. up. 34 90: young hens, 8 lbs.

up. 34.90; No. 2 turkeys, 25c; old ton-j, 32.90: eld hens. 32.90 Creamery butter (wholesale and jobbers) selling price in Louisville First grade. 4034c pound OPA best prices.

Butterfat First grade 47c; second grade, 44c. LOUISVILLE LIVESTOCK LoulsvUie. i.i (USDA) Cattle. 1.000: demand centering on cows and bulls; highly competitive trade on cows: common and medium beef kind strong to 251 higher at S9.C0 12.00: Kood heifer type lacking; canncr pnd cutter 25c to 50c higher; mostiy S3.00' 8 50; sausage bulTs fully steady; mostly (9.00 a 12.00; light boneing individual ranging down to 5 very little on teers and consisting largely of light weight, gradinz low good down: truck lot low good 8C9-lh. mixed yearling odd hrad good to S15 50; most bids and sales weak to 25c lower than close Wednesday and 25c to 50c lower for week to date: numerous bids straight frrass kinds SI.

00 lower; few sales common and medium mostly NOTICE Notice Is hereby given to the public that upon the 19th day of September. 1945, O. P. Riley filed in the office of the undersigned, application for a permit to operate a road-house at his place of, business, in Maceo, which application will be passed on by the County Court of Daviess County at the regular County Court Day after the expiration of thirty days from date of the filing of the aforesaid application. This September 19.

1945. KATHERINE GRIFFIN. County Court Clerk, Daviess County. Kentucky. By E.

J. Calhoon. D. C. BIRK MOTOR Republic Rcvrolds Too.

Ssars Kccbuck Socouy-Vacuujii So'east Greyh. L. Sou. Pacific Southern Ry Scerry Corp Stand. OU Ind Stand.

OU N. J. Texas Co Timken-Det. Axle a Union Carbide Union Pacllic United Aircraft U. S.

F.ubber U. S. Stcrl West. Unln Tel. Westing.

Elec Woolworth (F. 27', .139 16i 2 5iTa 43J4 23- 63 So'i S33 1 78 iSi 35 43 .126 32 521, C37. 59' CLOSE N. Y. CURB 'Ashland O.

UT Cities Service Humble Oil 19 Prnnroad 73 Stand. Oil Ky 12.50; very little early action on choice "WO-lb. replacements: strict, end calves late Wednesday Ji4 75; medium 770-lb. feeder steers $1285. 500; active; fully steady, top S17.50 freeiv; most, good and choice vcalers SIS.GC'S 17.50; common and medium 15.53; most culls SS.OUc 11.50: few weighty butcher calves to il4.c-0: mostly S14.00 down.

Kogs, 400: active; good and choice barrows and gflis 140 lbs. up most sows S14.1X). Sheep. 1.CO0; moderately active: fully steady; strictly gcod and choice ewe and wether lambs if usual weights tl4.5- 14.75; top S14.75: comparable bucks 75c to $1.00: mixed medium to choice including bucks 14.25: fat aced slaughter ewes S.00 6.50: several lots "stock ewes $12.5016.00 per bead. F.VANSVILLE LIVESTOCK (Quotations for Thursday) Evansvlile.

Ind. nVi Cattle Steady; good to choice steers. 17.50; dairy tvpe. 8.00ft 9.50: cutters, 8.0O; caiiners. S3.00- 6.50.

Calves Steady; good to choice. 15.C0 15.50: medium to good, 814.00; plain to common, 511 00 down. I Sheep and Lambs Steady to 25c higher; natives. S13.002 13.75. Hogs Step.dy: top.

514.65; bulk, pigs, $13.90 down. OWENSBORO LIVESTOCK MARKET (Quoted by Field Packing Company) (No yardage commission or weighing charges deducted.) i Quotations for Thursday) Steady, demand good; 160 lb. up. $14.35: 125-160 $13.95: 125 lbs. down.

$11. 503 12.75. Sows. 450 lbs. down, 450 lbs.

up, $13.35. Stags, 80-lb. dock. $12.75. Half fat hogs 50c to 75c under above quotations.

Calf Market Steady: strictly choice. 14'ic: choice, 13c; No. 1. 11c: No. 2.

9V-c; So. 3. 8c; cut calves, Sheep and Lambs Market steady; No. 1 lambs, lli-mic; No. 2 lambs.

9- 9'ic; No. 3 lambs. 8c down. Choice clipped sheep. 5-6c; common sheep.

down. Cattle Market steady: light steers and heifers, good to choice, something fancy up to 16c: fair to good, 10-12c; common to fair, down; heavy steers and heifers, good to choice, 14-lSc; cows, good to choice, S'i-lUic something fancy up to 12c: dairy type fat cows. T-Sc; heavy cutter cows, GW-lVtc: heavy cam-ner cows. 5L--7c; light canner cows. 5c down: good heavy bulls.

1100 lbs. up. 10- llc; light bulls. So down. Early "Weatherman Tyrantus.

Greek scientist, gave the world its first rules for weather forecasting about 300 years before the birth of Christ. He listed 80 signs of rain. 45 signs of wind, 24 signs of fair weather and seven rules for predicting weather a year ahead. COM! Answer to fmloun Puitle fficTTiAN I iNiETrnB.Ei -1 Me ANiE ITIAR o.p.e We; SiH.VL-lE Eg REP CLIFTON UOODRUM EiR'Fg EL East (Fr.) Girl's name Mountain crest Blood money Canvas shelter Deer track 43 Universal language 44 Great Lake 45 Cain's brothf 46 Tasto solo (ab.) 49 Prohibit 51 Fondle 53 Proceed 55 Nova Scotia (ab.) Hops kiln Darling In a line 4S4 73 4 C7 2i-- zi" 43 S9 27' 2 3i 27 -s 32'B 18 I I I I ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING MY MARKET 14TH-TR1P- lett. Friday, October 5th.

Largest stock fruit, vegetables, melons In city. Open 7 days week, 7 a. m. to 9 m. Rollie Roach.

fFOR SALE VARIOUS FOR SALE ONE QUICK BATTPR charger, 2 slow battery chargers, 2 parlor furnaces. 1 until air compressor. D5sR Motor Sales, 212 West First, street. Phone 804. COMBINE CANVASES BUILT ESI'EC-lally to fit all popular machines.

Heavy duty, highest quality, for longest wear. For Allis Chalmers model 40 and 60. John Deere model 11-11 A. Mr-Cormick-Deering model 42-52-S2. Sears.

Roebuck St Company, Inoor- p*rnted. FOR SALE SHOT GUNS, 12, 16, 20 gauge. Some very special guns. Call 2571-J or see at 46 Woodford Avenue. CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE FOR Rale or will trade for automobile.

709 George across street from Owensboro Canning Co. W. B. Tutum. FOR SALE, TRADE OR KENT 10-20 McCormick-Deering tractor, with 14 plows, one power hay press.

J. O. Settle. Owensboro. Kv.

FOR SALE BOY'S BICYCLE IN GOOD condition. $27.50. See at Grant Jew- er. 121 W. Second, fnone ivi FOR SALE FULL SIZE LADY'S BICY-cle.

Phone 2352-M FOR SALE TWO GOOD USED DROP head Singer sewing machines. Cheap for cash. Singer Sewing Machine Incorporated, phone 1555 FOR SALE ONE DISAPPEARING AT-tic stairway, 1 boy's bicycle. 1 child's bed and mattress. Call 3111 ARAB ODORLESS MOTHPROOF PRE-vents moth damage 2 to 5 years, regardless of frequent dry cleanings.

McAtee, Lyddsne Ray, Incorporated FOR SALE SPEED BOAT 10.0f, work benches, gasoline engines, auto parts, Austin motor. "Moose'' More-head. 212 West 1st street. Edward Long building FOR SALE 1941 ALLIS CHALMERS W. C.

tractor on rubber, two bottom 14-inch plow, International hammer mill. 4 wheel trailer on rubber, fold milking machine like new. two 9 barrel feeder slop trough. 18 month old registered Holsteih bull. Thurlow Jones.

Gentryville. R. R. One mile south Lincoln Tavern. BABY BED AND MATTRESS FOR sale, $25.00.

See at, Oelfe's Market. PLENTY OF CYANAMID FOR YOUR plant beds. Roofing, rye and feed of al1 kind. Rowland Feed Store, 1114 East 4th street FOR SALE CAR RADIO, LATHE, typewriter, ats, pipe and a other things. "Moose" Morehead, 212 West First St.

Kdwnrd long Building. Greendale Soybean OU Meal is a quality protein base for livestock and poultry feeds. It will help you balance your analysis economically. And It adds extra palatabllity plus important nutrients. OW TENSBOItO GRAIN CO.

Incorporated Soybean Oil Mill Ohio River and Center St. FALL NEEDS Molasses bucket, heating stoves and stove p'pe, utility cabinets, dippers and washpans, 2-burner electric hot pistes and heaters. Christmas toys, harness, lard cans, cream bucket nd cans, linoleums, JSveready Hot Shot Butteries, pressure cookers. R. L.

WILKEY HARDWARE CO Phone 00 Hlghwsy 60 1008 4th STOP LOOK ALWAYS FIRST WE ARE SHOWING THE NEW POST WAR HARDER FREEZ FOOD STORAGE CHEST Just what you hove been waiting for. We ore now booking orders for same. Delivery to start soon. The Griffin Electric Co. Incorporated ELECTRIC CONTRACTING AND REPAIRS Phone 2300 225 St.

Ann If your boy wears a 5, 6 or 6V2 in men's size shoe, you will save money by buying him a pair of Genuine U. S. Army Shoes Will outwear three pairs of ordinary shoes. $5.50 (Ration Stamp Required' STURDY HEAVY BUILT SMALL BOYS' SHOES Sizes 1 to 6 Plain toe ton with Panco soles and heels. $3.50 (Ration Stamp Required) ARMY AND NAVY SURPLUS STORES Main and Frederica FOR SALE 1 P.

A. System, Complete. 1 Bass Fiddle and Cover in perfect condition. L. F.

Parker's Garage Central City, Ky. COOLING FANS LAMPS IRON CORDS HOT PLATES GERMICIDAL UNITS SWANSON-NUNN ELECTRIC CO. Incorporated 1 1 8 Frederica Phone 806 FARMERS! See us, for your Bq'boa Rye, Rye Grass, Vetch and Crimson Clover Seed. Also Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead and general line of feeds. Harrolson Feed Cr Seed Store 1203 West 9th Phone 253 Tolice Court Dewey P.

Minnis, Thomas Earl Bradford and William B. Hilkes, all of whom claimed to be 17 years of age and gave Baltimore, as their home, later claiming Chattanooga, as their place of residence. vere taken in custody on vagrancy charges. The youths were ordered held until Saturday for investigation. HuiDert Harris.

17. 500 block Plum street, and Charles L. Kelly, 15, 1100 block West Fifth street, and his twin brothei-. Roy Sylvester Kelley, Negroes, were arraigned before Judge John F. Wood on charges of carrying concealed deadly weapons.

They were referred to Juvenile court. Traffic Cases Francis W. Gardner, Hotel Ow-ensboro, was fined $25 and costs on a speeding charge. Fines of $2 were given each of the following for parking violations: Is-la Pardon, 1400 block Frederica street; Steve Ccomes, Route Thomas Shacklett, 700 block East Fourth street: Frank J. Zogg, 1500 block Miller's Court: Thomas L.

Biedcn-kopf. 400 block West Ninth street: W. W. Damron. Route 1.

and Owen P. Kirkendoll, 800 block West Tenth street. Raymond Kessinger. 20, 400 block East Second street, was fined $20 and costs on a speeding charge. James Noah Vineyard.

Route 3. was fined $15 and costs on a speeding charge. Robert Truman Culver, 10C0 block Walnut street, was fined S5 and costs for failing to have a state license. Robert Preston Risley. 1000 block Cottage Drive, was fined $2 for running a stop sign.

S. Commissioner's Court Robert Dean Dearing, 18, Greenville, who is alleged to have stolen an automobile at South Bend, and was arrested at Greenviile by Police Chief Tom Davis, State Highway Officer C. B. Summers, and an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was arraigned before U. S.

Commissioner J. E. Walters by Deputy U. S. Marshal O.

A. Denton. Commissioner set his examining trial for next Monday and sent, him to the Daviess county Jail in default of $1,000 bond. Real F.staie Transfers Paul M. O'Bryan and wife, to Mrs.

Ethel D. Baker, for $4,000, house and lot in Parkdale addition. Logan E. Cummings and wife, to E. K.

Short, lot on south side of Coaage Drive. Retta G. Higgs and husband, to Homer L. York and wife, for $3,000, house and lot on Montgomery ave nue. Louis Gerteisen, and wife, to Hubert M.

Hale and wife, tract of land known as the old Cox farm, on the Henderson road. Roe Phelps and wife, to John H. Payne and wife, Lot No. 46 in Park-dale addition. Carl S.

Malone and wife, to Joseph E. Clark and wife, four lots in Griffith's Place. Marriage License Calvin Isaac Moxley. 41. Army, Askins.

to Grace Nellda Spauld-ing, 36, Cloverport. Nearly a billion people live on the lands of southeastern Asia, in about seven or eight per cent of the earth's land area. Poultry and Supplies PLENTY OF MASH FED FRYING chickens for sale at 1321 Hathaway. Phone THE FALL MARKET IS CALLING FOR lots of high grade quality egg. Kelp your hens help themselves to Purina Lay Chow or Purina Layena, a complete feed built to make big uniform quality tasty eggs.

See us for Balboa rye. Red Top and Timothy. Helmcrs Feed Supply phone 250. BIG HUSKY' CHICKS, U. S.

APPROVED Pullorum Controlled. Hatch every Monday and Thursday. Place your order now. Green River Hatchery, 502 West Main street. Phone 276.

LTrams and Bus Schedule LOUISVILLE NASHVILLE R. R. Arrivals Departures at Owensboro E. BOUND W. BOUND 3:59 a.

St. Louis and Louisville 1.36 a. 8:17 a. m. Louisville and Evansvlile 10:47 a.

m. 2:36 p. Louisville and Evansville 6:42 p. m. Dallv.


Calhoun 11:45 a. 5:35 p. m. Ui. Central City 12:25 6:25 p.

m. Ar. Greenville 12:45 p. 6:45 p. m.

NORTH BOUND Lt. Greenville 8:00 a. 2:00 p. m. Lv.

Central City 8:20 2:20 p. m. Lv. Calhoun 9:05 a. 3:05 p.

m. Ar. Owensboro 9:45 a. 2:45 p. m.

E. O. V. RAILWAY CO. OWENSBORO-EVANSVILLE Buses leave Union Bus Station at 7:25, 9:45 a.

12:45. 3:45, 6:45 p. m. 8:30 p. m.

Saturday and Sunday only. Leave Evansville Station, 15 S. Fifth street. 7:05. 9:15 a.

12:15. 3:15. 6:15 p. m. 10:05 p.

m. Saturday and Sunday OWENSBORO UNION BUS STATION Third and Daviess Phone 320 OWENSBORO-PRINCETON Lt. Owensboro at 9:05 a. 5:15 p. m.

For Sorgho. West Louisville. St. Joseph, Elba, Beech Grove, Sebree, Clay. Dixon.

Providence, Princeton. Ky. Connections In Clay for Wheatcroft. Sullivan, Sturgis. Shawneetown.

Connections in Princeton for Dawson Springs. Paducah. Murray. Eddyville. 2 NEW BUSES 2 WEBSTER CARRIERS BUS COMPANY UNION BUS STATION JONES BUS LINES New Schedule Effective August 13, 1945 NORTH BOUND AM AM AM PM PM Lv.

Fordsvllle ..5:30 6:45 10:30 1:30 4:45 Lv. Deanfield ...5:45 7:00 10:45 1:45 5:00 Lv. Whitesville. .5:55 7:10 10:55 1:55 5:10 Lv. Phllpot 6:15 7:30 11:15 2:15 5:30 Ar.

Owensboro ..6:40 7:55 11:40 2:40 5:55 SOUTH BOUND AM AM AM PM PM Lv. Owensboro .6:40 8:30 12:00 5:00 6:15 Lv. Phllpot 7:05 8:55 12:25 5:25 6:40 Lv. Whitesville .7:25 9:15 12:45 5:45 7:00 Lv. Deanfield ..7:35 9:25 12:55 5:55 7:10 Ar.

Fordsville ..7:50 9:40 1:10 6:10 7:25 Dally except Sundays. JONES BUS LINES Fordsville. Ky. Phones SB and 58 OWENSBORO, HARTFORD, BEAVER DAM, MORGANTOWN AND BOWLING GREEN. KY.

SOUTH BOUND Lt. Owensboro 8:30 a. 1:30 p. 5:00 p. m.

Lv. Hartford 9:32 a. 2:35 p. 3:54 P. m.

Lv. Beaver Dam 9:40 a. 2:47 p. 6:02 p. m.

Lv. Morgantown 10:25 a. 3:28 p. 6:55 p. m.

Ar. Bowling Green 11:20 a. m. 4:10 p. 7:55 p.

m. NORTH BOUND Lv. Bowling Green 8:10 a. 1:00 p. 5:50 p.

m. Lv. Morgantown 9:06 a. 2:00 p. m.

6:45 p. m. Lv. Beaver Dam 9:50 a. 2:40 p.

7:35 Lv. Hartford 10:00 a. 2:50 p. 7:45 p. Ar.

Owensboro 11:05 a. 3:55 p. 8:45 p. m. Leave Beaver Dam 5:15 a.

Ar. Ow ensboro 6:30 a. m. Leave Owensboro 6:00 p. Ar.

Beaver Dam 7:15 p. FUOUA BUS Colon Bus Station Owensboro Fh. 330 STOP AT GREGORY'S SERVICE STA-- tlon, 2030 Parrlsh Avenue, for service and general car and truck repair. Open from 7 a. m.

to 9 p. m. FOR BETTER HEALTH WEAR IN- dividually designed Spencer supports and breast supports. For appointment call Mrs. J.

H. Hix, 124 W. 22nd. Phone 1988-W. ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES FCRNI-ture refinishlng, bedroom suites and breakfast sets.

Anything In the line of furniture. Reasonable prices. For information call 2995-J. SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE, AVOID long waits on Saturday for a hair cut, get It at Nichols Busy Barber Shop through the week, no shaving. Stop That Shimmy And Front End Wear On Your Car Or Truck Save Tires and Gas Wheels Lined and Balanced Axle and Frame Straightening Brake Relining and Adjusting Motor Tuneup General Repairing Body Work Painting Goodrich Passenger and Truck Tires, all sixes.

Batteries and Accessories. Credit Terms Available We are official tire inspectors for both passenger and truck tires. B. F. Goodrich Stores 4th Triplett Phone 28S0 Tractor Owners Have your tractor serviced for fall season.

We do expert magneto work. Truck Owners Expert brake service on trucks ond trailers. Rebore cylinders ond broke drum lathe work. We use genuine parts and have special trained mechanics to do your service work. Feldhaus-Weller Co.

Incorporated Third and Daviess St. Owensboro, Ky. PHONE 667 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED Prompt, Sanitary Truck Service. We Pick Up Large and Small Animals. Call FARMERS TANKAGE CO.

Phone 237, Owensboro Sunday, Call 796-W Before 9 a. m. We Pay AN Phone Charges See Vanover SALES and SERVICE GARAGE 321 St. Elizabeth Phone 14 For Your RECAPPING OF TIRES You need no permit to buy these tires. Allen Vanover, Owner ond Manoger FOR SALE 3 flat Truck Beds.

One equipped for hauling acetylene cylinders. CITY TRANSFER PHONE 170 CALL 2152 FOR EXPERT REFRIGERATION SERVICE Reasonable Prices! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Tom's Refrigeration Service 221 E. Second Phone 2152 I IjOST and found I LOST THURSDAY MORNING BE-tween 1300 block Lewis and Post Office, small black change purse. Return to 1600 Lewis for reward. STRAYED FROM MY' FARM TWO miles southwest of KnottsvUle, known as the Sylvester Payne farm, seven spring calves, four heifers, three males, one white and one' light red heifer, rest red with white markings.

Reward for any information to their whereabouts. David C. Stevens, Phllpot. Route 1. REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEAD-ing to recovery of 30 hogs.

Phone 306-J. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE 25 JERSEY HEIFERS, weighing from 400 to 550 pounds, also 20 white face steers weighing from 500 to 600 pounds, 15 steers weighing from 400 to 450 pounds. J. H. Coomes, Owensboro Stock Yard, phone 221.

40 MULES AND HORSES FOR SALE or trade. 20 head just arrived, good mares 2 to 5 years old, out Hartford Road just past cemetery. Mason Sc Tucker, phone 1154. FOR SALE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN bull calf, three months old. Wanted to buy 25 tons good hay.

T. R. Ban-nlster. phone 146 day. 2357-J night.

SUBSCRIPTIONS MESSENGER OR INQUIRER CITY RATES One year in advance by carrier. $10.00 Dally only one year by 7.50 Daily se Sunday per week by c-T-rier Dally only per week by carrier. SUBURBAN EDITION RATES For towns, in Owensboro trading territory dally and Sunday, per week .20 J5 as MAIL KATES In Zones 1 2 (Within 150 miies or Owensboro) One year in advance sAOO Six months tr advance 2.75 Three months in advanc 1.75 One month in advance 65 Sunday only one year In 2.00 Sunday only six months is advance 1.23 Sunday only three months In advance .75 Sunday only one month In ad vance Beyond Zone 3 than 150 mties from Owensboro) One yeax in advance CO One month In advance Sunday only one year In 3,00 Sunday only six months in advance 1.75 Sunday oniy three months In ad- vane l.uu Sunda- only one month In advance 35 Phone Number 300 FOR SALE 91 ACRE FARM 8 WILIS lrom Owensboro. Extremely Jert.l", natural drainage, plenty of water. 3 2 bvrlev bajie.

Write or apply 21 Rugby Building 89 ACRES OF GOOD FAKMINO LAND, good 7 room house, bulldiiiRs and orchard. 10 miles east of Owensboro on Graves Lane Road Mrs. Ann Shouse. 7 ROOM HOUSE NEAR Kl N-Kl, good repair, basem*nt, gaiane. corner lot, a real bargain at Kryant Realty, 60! Ailen Phone 4 ROOM COT1 AOL WITH FIMMilD attic, nice cabinets, garage, Rood location $4,200: 4 room Iiouhr.

electricity, acre ground. $2,400. Bryant Rcal-ty, 600 Alien. Phone 112.1 FOR SALE 33 AI RES, ii ROOM Hot good barn and atablo combined, $4,500 105 acres, 3 room house, wood stable, good barn. ,6.500.

suui, one 8 room and one 4 room house, 2 good barns, on good blacktop iohcI. 108 acres with 5 room houfe, burn, and stable roinbliird, oil aood kiv1 road. 135 ncrcs. good 7 room houe, good stock barn, good tobnero burn, on good road. A vrrv fine fHrin.

112 acres, all good lerl hind, to church and school. acres wllri 7 room modern house and nstuirtl gas. Close to schools and churches, good barn and table i-omblnrd. Harralson Boslev Realty Main and Frederica, phone 4H2. FOR SALE 120 ACRES ON HK.HU A 60, 6 room house, one stock barn, on good tobacco barn.

7.3 buiv bioe. A real buy for someone. and Boslev Realty Main and Frederica. phone 4'A7. FOR SALE ONE 4 ROOM HOI M.

IN west end. Possession 10 days. Will sell on verv easy terms. One 4 apartment house, close In. A gxd lenlal investment.

One 4 apartment houe on West Main. On 3 room house In West 7th stret. One 5 room house on Parrlsh with 3 extra large lots. Harralson At Bosley Realty Main and phone AX MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE, OA furnace, first floor vacant, frjlx rooms, bath, poultry house, gaiiien. varmit.

Small acreage cm hithwnv. Wells Realty Co. Odd Fellows FARM FOR SALE 42'j ACRES WTIH six room house on highway No. 75. 4 miles from Owensboro.

See Ellis Bartlitt at TTTit SALE HOUSE OF 5 ROOM with furnace, bath, hardwood floors, cabinets, gas. porches, garage, lot. 125x250. Bargain 1620 l.eltrhrieW Road, phone yfl-IR FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 KOONf house and bath, located at li Nassau Avenue.

Write Mrs. A. R. Wempe. Tobinsport.

Ind, or ret! Cannelton. Ind FOR SALE MODERN 5 ROOM I5RUK veneer on Hubert Court Jusl "if Highway 60; possession October, $7,650.00 7 room brick veneer. Birk-head Avenue, possession r0 dnvs. 7 room frame, 115 East 12'H, St, baemer.t und furnace, now vacant. 7 room house, bwfiemer.t and furnece.

west end, $4,700, quiclt possession. 5 ears of ground on Veatch load, $3,500. 5 room bilrK veneer, Allen, close In. Weir At Lind, phO'l" 1R37-7 DESIRABLE CITY llu.nt!-SEVI Ms good farms, big and little. Some subdivision acreage GI loans glveit special attention I Excellent, business houses In good locations.

"I sell thi earth and what on it." John M. Rudv. Real Estate Ac insurance. 219 Mason BUIg phntie HOUSE IN XIV A PAH I menu for sale hv owner. 1625 Alexander Avenue, phone FOR SALE IF VOL WANT A NEW modern 5 room home, tile hath, choice neighborhood, priced right, se me at once.

Fleming Bowlds, 118 Allen. FOR SALE BY UWNF.R-MCE Ol N-try home with 52 acres ground WHl trade for city property. Phone Hab-it-2l. FOR SALE MY FARM OF 5I A( Kl.S, one mile west of Sorgho on Henderson road. Good buildings, 45 arrr Jn grasa.

Phone 1320-J. W. F. Hafen-riot fe r. FOR SALE BY OVVNEK ll ROOM, i apartment house.

Can rm used single house. Venetian blinds dovtv stairs, nice bath, automatically controlled Holland lurnnce. House ii'-w-y painted outside. La-ge lot. plenty of fruit, double garage.

Going at a sacrifice, $5,700 for quiclt fftle. Octald J. Higdon. 1705 Alexander Avenue. Phone 15(R 44 ACRES GOOD LAND, GOOD P.l ILD-lngs.

plenty of water. 3 mires bnr.eV allotment. 105 acres good lruul. good buildings, plenty of .1 hms hurley allotment. Aliin 3 60 inr diuy farm, good buildings hi am ions, plenty of water, lem-j mil ln( All located northwest Indiana.

Priced righ'. Hiibeit Bennett, owner. Pock port Ind FOR SALE BY OWNER ONE t. ROOM house, newly decorated in id" and out. close to church, school Furniture if desired.

Terms Apply 407 Bolivar GOOD FARM FOR SALE 70 acres all rjeaied except, ah" acres In timber. Mostly level mid all good productive land. House of 3 lre rooms and partly enclosed bark porch. Large barn, uirnt house, coal hoiife, 2 good wells. Thl.s farm is Mluuted about miles North of Pleasant RldKr on the Poplar Log Bridge Road, Just a short distance from the Hartford Improved road, close to the Dode Tuyiuf farm.

This la a good farm, situated in a good neighborhood and will he sold at a low price and on terms. J. R. LASWELL Cr SONS AUTOS ANT TRUCKS FOR SALE 1936 FORI 1' truck at P.A. crlllng ION Phone OR SAI.F-193i I A KI I Ol door sedan.

$250.00. within OPA. celling. Will trade lor late model car. 721 flth cal! 92W FOR SALE J92 FORD.

GOOD MOTOR, good tires, price $100 00. lfliiS Hudson sedan. $195.00. Both below celling. Can be aern at 1703 street after m.

Wanted USED CARS BODY WORK PAINTING MECHANICAL WORK MOTOR SALES 212 WEST 1st PHONE 804 FOR RENT H)K RENT 2 ROOM APARTMENT furnished, suitable for man and wife, one small babv provided yon have baby bed. Hot water at all times Apply 105 9rh FOR REN I 3 ROOM FLRNISJII apartment. 1 block of Kon-Rad. 419 E. 12th.

ROOMS I OR KF.NT FOR RENT LARGE SrvPIN'O ROOM. Apply after 6 222 W. 8th. Incorporated NOTICE! Our store will be closed for vocations until Saturday, October 1 3. For any information call 3034-W.

M. A. GORDON FURNITURE CO. Main At Locust ENJOY HEAD TURNING CHARM BY having your hair newly styled at the Beauty Box, 115 Allen street. Phone 645 for your appointment INTRODUCTORY OfrFER! NEXT three days! Padol machlnelcss wave, $6.00.

Nc-ninea machineless wave. $4.50. Steam Oil wave. $3.50. Irene Beauty Shppe, 112 Daviess, phone 1111.

TRANSPORTATION HAVE ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 PASSEN- gers to Los Angeles. California. Leaving about Oct. 15th. Write Box 3305, care Messenger-Inquirer.

FOR SALE STORE, STOCK OF goods, fixtures. In Central City. on Chestnut street, the well known Clarence Amos Store. Priced to sell. Building 25x60, 4 large living rooms in back.

A live business, come look it over. A. A. Dearmond, Central City, Kv. FOR SALE BEAUTY SHOP, LONG Established, well equipped and downtown.

Owner leaving town. Write Box 3301 rare Mrnsener-Tnqiiirpr. FOR SALE OAS COOK STOVE, STU-dio couch, chest of drawers, table ar.d chairs. See before 12 o'clock noon. 1105 W.

12th St FOR SALE APARTMENT SIZE GAS range, practically new. Phone 3019-M. FOK SALE PARLOR FURNACE, $18.09. Apply 2610 W. Cloverdnle.

FOR SALE PRE-WAR JENNY LID bed, wardrobe, vanitv dresser. For quick sale all for $65. 1507 rear Sweeney behind National Cleaners. FOR SALE WHITE ENAMEL COAL range, round dining table. 4-burner oil stove, extra kitchen table.

2 heaters, half bed with springs and mattress, 2 large size bed springs, breakfast set. cabinet radio and other items. Phone 884, Newbold, 424 West Main. FOR SALE 1 SEWING CABINET, 1 electric fan. 1 vlctrola.

large clock, set of dresser lamps. 508 Poindexter Avenue. SPECIAL! MVR-RAY BLANKETS AT $5.95. 65 rsyon, 25 cotton. 10 wool.

Size Westerfield Furniture Incorporated, 213 East Main street. WEARING APPAREL TAX FREE FUR COATS $25.00. MEN'S factory return suits. Hickey-Frecman, Hart. Schaffner Marx and other famous brandi.

$6 98 up. Odd Clothing Shop. 321 Wf'l MBln. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE AT THE NORTH CITY LIM- its cf Beaver Dam. on Highway 71, will be my new and permanent nursery location which I will open for business about Nov.

1, 1945. I will have a complete line of fruits and ornamentals. H. E. Renfrow, one 117-W.

Beaver Dam. Ky THE GEM RESTAURANT, 818 E. 4TH. Delicious home cooked meats ana vegetables, home baked pies. Open daily 6 a.

m. to 7 p. m. Sunday 7 m. to 3 p.

m. NEW ELECTROLCX CLEANERS BE-llverlng and taking orders. Call 2840-W or 3035 or write Jerry I. Berry, 140(5 Walnut street. FOR SALE Army Blankets 3Vi Lb.

Feather Pillows Tool Boxes Tarpaulins M. Wettstain Army Store 1014 East 4th St. COAL DEALERS CALL 311? OR SEE GOLDEN HEATH, 1019 W. Main street for West Louisville or Moseleyvllle coal. Lump 18c, nut 16c.

All orders filled promptly. Also general hauling or all kinds. New '45 Ford truck driven by Jeff Collins. ORDER YOUR COAL NOW Don't Be Caught With An Empty Coal Bin GEO. H.

RUDY CO. Incorporated Highway 60, West Phone 306-J JOHN W. MILLER COAL 12th and Hall Phone 2523 We deliver 25 bushels and up. PHONE 841 For Prompt Service On Your COAL NEEDS Help your country ond yourself by ordering your supply of good coal nowl JOHN McNULTY DEANFIELD COAL Come in and sign your declaration for this year's coal supply. Agent for St Bernard washed, oil treated stoker coal.

22c per bushel. ALVEY BROS. COAL CO. 431 Leichfield Rd Phone 2568 WATHEN COAL CO. Incorporated DEANFIELD COAL 727 Leitchfield Rd.

Phone 504 COAL RATIONING Has Been Ordered Sign declaration now for your fuel needs. KURZ COAL COMPANY Incorporated Phone 96 or 2579-M Roost Rd. T. Vanover Coal Yard Distributors For H. Vanover Coal Co.

Due to government rationing of cool, come in now and file your declaration for machine cut coal. 716 Seventh Phone 305 TRY OUR SKI BO Railroad Stoker Coal washed and oil Machine cut West Louisville and 8t Raphael CoaL We deliver 25 bushels and up. Day Phone 12 Nlsbt 48 O'BRYAN BROS COAL CO. Incorporated HELP WANTED MALJEHELPWANTED WANTED TWO BOYS AGE 18 TO 25, must be free to travel. Car furnished, expenses paid, usual earnings $85.00 per week.

Apply Rudd Hotel, 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. VVANXEU 2 GOOD MECHANICS FOR motor tune-up and general repair work.

Excellent opportunity to make good money. Permanent position. F. Goodrich Stores. 4th Triplett.

WANTED ROOFERS. OLD HOME-stead Roofing Incorporated. 1517 Triplet INSTRUCTIONS GET AHEAD TOMORROW By Learning Stenography Today For Appointment Call Pauline Higgins Ccmpbell OWENSBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE 506 Frederica Phone 1407-J MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TOJBUY ANTE 1 SMALL METAL BOAT about 12 feet long, in good condition. Phone 92 LET IT RAIN LET THE SUN SHINE! We buv ycur furniture and stoves any old time. Square Deal Furniture Main nnrt St.

Flizabeth. WANTED TO F.LY FIVE TO NINE room modern house, centrally located, furnace, reasonably priced, give description, location, price in reply. Write Box 3303, care Messcnger-In-quirer. CATTLE WANTED ANY AMOUNT. Write H.

M. Sanders, Route 2. Cory-don, Ky. Phone Corydon-2875. Di rect bnver for Lomsvilie firm.

WANTED BALLOON TIRE BiCY TcLF. Must be bargain. Phone 1534. WANTED TO BUY A LIGHT CAR OR truck chassis. Body condition doesn't matter.

Prefer chassis with no body. Telephone 1104. WANTED TO BUY ALFALFA HAY. Call Anglo Sweet Feed Mill, telephone 150 or W. R.

Thomas. 823. WANTED TO BUY LATE MODEL used cars. Highest prices paid. Short-Ward Service Garage, Third and Walnut streets.

Phone 11 WANTED TO BUY BUTCHER HOGS and heavy sows and stags. Evans Bros. Phone 1556. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For All Kinds of Used Furniture B-4-U SELL GIVE US A TRIAL WETTSTAIN FURNITURE STORE Otis Hoyden, Owner 1018 East 4th Phons 91 WE BUY All kinds of used furniture, stoves and household goods. Cosh paid.

O. K. FURNITURE STORE 1009 East 4th Phone 2519 WANTED Clean Cars. Cash Paid! CLEO HURST 4th Hathaway WANTED TO RENT FARM ON shares by two experienced farmers. Can furnish reference, farm must have two houses with electricity.

Write Box 3304, care Messenger-In-quirei'. WANTED TO RENT BY SETTLED couple Unfurnished apartment or house, can 3ive references. Our plac? sold to ex-service man for home. Phon 169P-W. WANTED TO RENT BY" SETTLED couple, 3 or 4 room unfurnished house or apartment.

Can give ref-erencp. Phone 1762-W. WANTED TO RENT ABOUT 200 TO 300 acre farm with 2 houses. Have own team and tools, also tractor. Write Box 3302, care Messenger-In quirer.

WANTED TO unfurnished Call RENT 1 TO 4 ROOM house or apartment. WANTED TO RENT OK LEASE Warehouse for merchandise and truck. Apply Clyde M. Hesmer, In corporated, 306 E. 20th St.

WANTED BY EX-SERVICE MAN AND wife 3 room unfurnished apartment. No children or pets. Call 2313-M. FOR SALE OR TRADE SEVERAL YOUNG MULES. 2 AND 3 year olds.

Also parlor furnace. E. B. Wilson. Stanley, phone 2553-Stanley S550 MACHINE SOUGHT TO KILL WATER HYACINTHS Baton Rouge, The East Baton Rouge Parish police jury recently appropriated partially to defray the cost of a special machine to be built here to clear water hya cinths from the State Capitol Lake The hyacinths are a nuisance, pro viding an excellent breeding place for mosquitoes.

Political Announcements FOR MAYOR The Messenger and Inquirer are authorized to announce' the candidacy of Glenn Lovern for Mayor of the City of Owensboro. subject to the action of the primary election. October 20. 1945. The Messenger and Inquirer are authorized to announce the candidacy of William T.

Young for Mayor of the City of Owensboro. subject to the action of the primary election. October 20. 1945. FOR CITY COMMISSIONER The Messenger and Inquirer are authorized to announce the candidacy of Percy T.

Beard for Commissioner of the City of Owensboro. subject to the action of the primary election. October 20. 1945. The Messenger and Inquirer are authorized to announce the candidacy of Edward C.

Akin for Commissioner of the City of Owensboro. subject to the action of the primary election. October 20. 1S45. The Messenger and Inquirer are authorized to announce the candidacy of R.

S. (Bob) Welkel for Commissioner or the City of Owensboro, subject to the action of the primary election, October 20, 1945. The Messenger and Inquirer are authorized to announce the candidacy of W. P. (Pack) Morris for Commissioner of the City of Owensboro, subject to the action of the primary election October 20.

1945. The Messenger and Inquirer are authorized to announce the candidacy r.t Fred L. Weir for Commissioner of the City of Owensboro. subject to the action of the primary election, October 20. 1945.

5TUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE 618 East 4th Owcnsboro, Ky. PHONE 1476 EXPERT TUHE-UP ELECTRICAL SERVICE By PERCY RANDOLPH EXPERT GENERAL MECHANICAL SERVICE By ALVIN LEE NORTHERN J. L. NICELY EXPERT BODY, FENDER AND PAINTING By LEE BIDWELL JOE "BILLY" GEEN Manager Novelist HORIZONTAL, 1 Pictured writer, John P. 7 Vulgar fellow 8 One (Fr.) 9 Native metal 11 Male child 12 Urban district 14 Affirmative VERTICAL 1 Male 2 Paid notie 3 Examine by questioning 4 Preposition 5 Negative 6 Arid 7 Contend 16 Fiber knots 10 Lampreys 17 Shaving tools 11 Withered 19 New Guinea 12 Symbol for port 21 Sphere of action 23 Tosses 25 Thee 26 Alleged force 27 Railroad (ab.) 28 And (Latin) 29 Measure 30 Early English (ab.) calcium 13 Year (ab.) 15 Glut 16 Negative vote 36 17 Lambent 38 18 Shrieks 40 31 Court (ab.) 33 Mother 34 Near 35 Thus 37 Fortification 39 Repasts 41 Individual 47 Decay" 43 Label 50 Spheres 51co*ckifi2 utensil 52 Tatter 54 Island off Okinawa 55 Novel 55 He Is a LZEl'1 3T 20 22 24 31 32 31 133 1 1 1 F'j I lis I 1 1 iTT.

The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.