What Video Game Would You Like To See Get a Remake? (2024)

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prog rocker

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  • #41

Arylett Charnoa said:

[And neither company seems too interested in these ancient games, sadly.]

Well, Xenogears had DLC music in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, so I guess it isn't completely forgotten.


Sappho's Friend

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  • #42

Lylian said:

Harvest Moon- A Wonderful Life/ Another Wonderful Life or Magical Melody. Those were a few of my first games in the series (besides FoMT) and my other favourites. I want to visit Forget-Me-Not Valley again.

A Wonderful Life and Another Wonderful Life are the only Harvest Moon games I've ever played, and I really liked them. Sadly, I never got to purchase either of them. I would love to see a rerelease at least.

Poke Dragon

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  • #43

Now that Pokemon Diamond and Pearl got remakes, I want to see at least a combined remake of Pokemon Black and White. It could be just Pokemon Gray, it could be a combination of Black and Black 2/White and White 2, whatever it is, I just want the remake to have both Reshiram and Zekrom available for the player to catch without trading. That would give Pokemon the freedom to finally make a complete Kyurem form that the player can restore.

Tactician Karina

Sprigatito Fan

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  • #44

My brother and I were going through his game collection a couple days ago, and we came across Bloody Roar 1 and 2. I remember the both of us and our dad would play it every once in a while and it was quite fun; and after replaying the first one again I'd say I'd definitely like to see a remake of the first Bloody Roar (or at least a revival of the series). Plus it would be nice to play a newer game from the series instead of going back to Smash, SF, DoA, Tekken, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, Under Night In-Birth, etc. every time.

prog rocker

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  • #45

Bloody Roar is something I would like to see again, but considering Konami owns the franchise now, I don't know how probable is that.


Gone again for who knows how long. :/

Scorbunny Fan

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  • #46

Golden Sun. It was such an adventure to play, the characters were endearing and the story was invigorating. It can even be incorporated into one big game instead of two games. Just imagine the open world aspect.


go on, go on

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  • #47

Paper Mario, the original Nintendo 64 title. Yes, it can still be played on Wii U Virtual Console, but I would really love to see it remade on Nintendo Switch - giving it the nice updated art style of newer Paper Mario games like Color Splash and Origami King, while keeping its original battle system with some quality of life improvements to modernize it.

(I haven't played The Thousand-Year Door, but visually I feel it's aged really well and still looks great to this day, so in my opinion a remake would be a little less necessary in its case.)


Long Body

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  • #48

I was talking about this with my brother the other day. Since Tales of Vesperia got a release on the Switch, we wouldn't mind seeing Tales of Symphonia get a full HD remake. It's one of my brother's all-time favorites and even if they have to recast the English voices, they could also fix up things like keeping audio in the skits (something which was removed when the game was released worldwide and why the music gets quieter during them).

Plus, come 2023, it will have been 20 years since the game came out.

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Ongo Gablogian, the art collector

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  • #49

The Warriors back from 2005, a beat em up based on the movie of the same name. I'm unsure if its in many of the people's age range on this forum, but I loved this game a lot and would love to see an up to date remake / remaster. I am surely biased because of the film being one of my (if not my complete) favourites.

Ocarina of Time: I know, I know, we've had a few editions of this game. But my love for BOTW just makes me wonder what this game would be like in such an enviroment, even Gohma, the first boss in an engine like BOTW would be insane to think about and try out, considering growing up with the game as a child my guess is I would have assumed the graphics were insane, and ahead of their time (As they were), but as i've grown older and become more cynical of games, a graphical upheavel would be good, but at the same time I adore the graphics, and mostly would be thinking about the possibilities of the expanded engine, over the graphics.


Manic Cat Girl

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  • #50

Personas 1 & 2.

I know we had updated ports brought to the PSP but that wasn't enough for me. I needs a proper HD remake with graphics and full voice acting and whatnot. Just leave the gameplay as it was, I don't need those garbage Social-Links included.

It does feel less likely now that P5 came out and recycled P2's plot super hard, but I can still dream!

prog rocker

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  • #51

Timaeus said:

I know we had updated ports brought to the PSP but that wasn't enough for me. I needs a proper HD remake with graphics and full voice acting and whatnot. Just leave the gameplay as it was, I don't need those garbage Social-Links included.

Well, the PSP games were more like retranslations, or more exactly a retranslation and a half (why did they leave Eternal Punishment out?), so all you mentioned would be a boon.

Tactician Karina

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  • #52

SandwichSamurai said:

I've never played Fire Emblem, but Smash's Fire Emblem content has sparked some interest. Before anybody tells me I can play Three Houses, I wish to play as older characters first.

The first three FE games Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Gaiden, and Mystery of the Emblem have remakes. Shadow Dragon (DS), Shadows of Valentia (3DS), and New Mystery of the Emblem (DS, Japan only though you can just import); so if you want to play some of the older games (and not the originals as they are) those are your best choices. Apparently IS (edit: double checked it was Echoes director that wants to remake it, but still) has interest in remaking Binding Blade (Roy's game), so if that ends up true then there's another possible game for you to try out.

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Manic Cat Girl

Nemona FanJust Nemona...Grookey FanFuecoco Fan

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  • #53

prog rocker said:

(why did they leave Eternal Punishment out?),

Low sales of Innocent Sin from what I heard. Not that it mattered to me since I just imported and played EP in JPN instead.


The #1 Deerling Fan!

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  • #54

Tactician Karina said:

The first three FE games Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Gaiden, and Mystery of the Emblem have remakes. Shadow Dragon (DS), Shadows of Valentia (3DS), and New Mystery of the Emblem (DS, Japan only though you can just import); so if you want to play some of the older games (and not the originals as they are) those are your best choices. Apparently IS (edit: double checked it was Echoes director that wants to remake it, but still) has interest in remaking Binding Blade (Roy's game), so if that ends up true then there's another possible game for you to try out.

I know there's quite a few people that want Genealogy to get a remake, since that game never got localized at all in any form.

Tactician Karina

Sprigatito Fan

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  • #55

Juliko said:

I know there's quite a few people that want Genealogy to get a remake, since that game never got localized at all in any form.

Oh yes I know, that was actually my first post itt. I personally want a Genealogy and Thracia 776 remakes first before Binding Blade since those two are my top favorite FE games map, character, and lore wise (alongside PoR and RD), and with 4 generally being the JP fanbase's favorite FE game I can see it hopefully getting the remake treatment next. Though Roy as a Lord is also popular over there compared to most western fans, so it can go either way really.


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  • #56

The masterpiece that is Cory in the House on the Nintendo DS. It needs a Switch port, at the very minimum.


>:| 4 8 15 16 23 42

Grookey FanFuecoco Fan

May 26, 2020
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  • #57

Star Wars: Republic Commando. I know this probably sounds really stupid: but I mainly try to avoid games with bad graphics. And Republic Commando is awesome and I think they DICE could make a good remake of it.

EDIT: Already exists OOPS.

EDIT 2: Only on PS4 and it's extremely underwhelming. So I still want an actual remake or SWRC.

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Bolt Strike

Bringing the Thunder

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  • #58

I like remakes better when they actually add new content to modernize the experience instead of being glorified copy/paste jobs with marginally improved graphics (good examples of this are the Pokemon remakes, Metroid remakes, and Super Mario 64 DS). I want to play the games as if they were made today, not how they were made back in the day with an HD coat of paint. With that in mind I'm going to list not only which games I want, but also what I want changed:

-Add in newer mechanics from Samus Returns and Dread such as the Melee Counter, Dash Melee, and Slide.
-Add in Aeion abilities (most likely they'll want to replace Speed Booster with Phase Drift and remove Shinesparking because they want to avoid sequence breaking which is unfortunate, but I think they'll keep all 4 from Samus Returns which would be an overall improvement IMO).
-Add in more power ups (I'll have a better idea of which ones to add after Dread comes out and we see the full list of new power ups, but right now Spider Magnet would be a good addition).
-Perhaps shuffle some of the powerups around. Super Missile and Power Bomb feel like they're obtained earlier than they should be and the Spring Ball feels like it's obtained way too late. Maybe move Power Bombs to Maridia, or have you backtrack to where they originally were after first visiting Maridia and getting another ability, and maybe Super Missile could either replace the Power Bombs or be obtained in a new area at about that point in the game.
-Overhaul Maridia's design. Maridia is way too linear and the only real mission there is to defeat Draygon and get the Gravity Suit. Add more branching paths that have you go around the area collecting powerups before you can take on Draygon, and make the overall design more mazelike (I had an idea where they could make part or all of the area a maze of pipes). Also move Botwoon to one of those branching paths and have you defeat it to get one of the new powerups instead of randomly fighting it and getting nothing on the way to fight Draygon.

-Add in a lock-on move of some kind to make it easier to fight enemies
-Allow you to revisit Gourmet Submarine Castle after beating it (maybe let you surface up from the Japan Sea and find the Submarine has crashed there)
-Remove the point of no return from Gorgeous Music Castle. Maybe post game Kyushu falls back down to Japan and you can access it normally by walking from Gateway Viewpoint?

-Implement 4 player Co-Op allowing you to play as Waddle Dee, Adeline, and King Dedede in all levels.
-Add in Leaf and Water as copy abilities and implement new combo abilities with them.

-3 more full areas are added as well as extra Shines. There are now 180 Shines and 360 Blue Coins.
-Allow you to stay in the level even after collecting a Shine Sprite, after completing an episode it will simply send you back to the beginning of the level instead of kicking you back to Delfino Plaza (similar to the story related Power Moons in Odyssey). Once you are done with the level, you may take a corresponding Portal, Pipe, or Cannon back to Delfino Plaza.
-Additionally, you may freely exit the park and go back to the beach in Pinna Park and the hotel to go back to the beach or the casino to go back to the hotel in Sirena Beach.
-Once an area has been unlocked (i.e. Bianco Hills, Ricco Harbor, etc.), you can swim to it from anywhere on the map instead of needing to use a portal. Boxes have now been added to the areas that are missing them.
-The Turbo Nozzle and Rocket Nozzle boxes in areas are now tied to unlocking them from Shadow Mario, not by them unlocking in a particular episode.
-You no longer need to complete Episode 7 of every area to unlock Corona Mountain and complete the game. Now you simply need to complete at least 1 Episode in every area and collect 60 Shines.
-You can pay the younger Raccoon in the boat shop 25 coins to give you a hint to where a Blue Coin can be found and in what episode.
-After completing the game you get the ability to switch between F.L.U.D.D. nozzles without a box. You can use this in Delfino Airstrip to climb on top of the tower where a final challenge has been added much like Grandmaster Galaxy/World 8-Crown/Champion Road/Darker Side of the Moon. This is a "Secret" level, where you must do a platforming challenge without F.L.U.D.D. and then after completing the first challenge, you may return with F.L.U.D.D. to collect Red Coins within a time limit.

-Abilities from Prime 2 and 3 have been added to flesh out some of the areas.

  • When you first visit Magmoor Caverns, you cannot progress through Monitor Tunnel. Instead you must navigate through the Triclops tunnels in Triclops Pit and follow a new path around to Monitor Station from where Storage Cavern was. On the way, you collect the Grapple Lasso, and once you do, Monitor Tunnel becomes a shortcut to Monitor Station.
  • After collecting the Ice Beam, before you go back to Phendrana you must revisit Magmoor Cavern and obtain the Seeker Launcher. Perhaps for this one, you can fight a boss against a large Magmoor or something?
  • New missions on Phazon Mines are added, one for the Grapple Voltage (before you get the Power Bombs), and one for the Screw Attack (before you fight the Omega Pirate).

-Scans are no longer missable. Regular enemies will continue to appear in at least some area of the game. As for bosses, Samus' ship has a new training simulator feature, allowing you to rematch bosses you have previously defeated.
-The Grapple Swing now fires from Samus' other arm as in Prime 2 and 3, allowing you to shoot while swinging.
-Landing Sites return from Prime 3 as a fast travel mechanic. There are new Landing Sites in the following areas:

  • Replacing Save Station 2 in Chozo Ruins, near Gathering Hall.
  • In the new section where you find the Grapple Lasso in Magmoor Caverns.
  • Near Quarantine Cave in Phendrana Drifts.
  • Replacing Save Station Mines A in Phazon Mines.

-The Grapple Swing and Grapple Voltage are again added from Metroid Prime 3 and new missions are added to obtain them.

  • After obtaining the Light Beam, you need to go back to Command Center in the Light World and use the Light Beam to reach the upper level of Central Mining Station to access the Vigilance Class Turrets. Now instead of a Beam Ammo Expansion, there is a portal to Battleground in the Dark World (you must reach it this way the first time instead of from Doomed Entry in the Dark World). Ridley follows you into Battleground and you fight him, but he soon becomes possessed by the Ing and becomes Dark Ridley. You then obtain the Grapple Lasso once defeated. The Dark Agon Temple keys have also been shuffled around to accommodate this change, Dark Agon Key 2 is now in Ing Cache 4 and now requires the Light Beam to enter. Dark Agon Key 3 is in Doomed Entry and can be obtained just after defeating Dark Ridley by using the Grapple Lasso.
  • The Darkling Sporb in Undertemple is no longer the Power Bomb Guardian and there are multiple of them near each Bomb slot. Once the puzzle is completed, you receive the Grapple Voltage instead of the Power Bombs. The Power Bomb Guardian is in Ing Hive and you need the Grapple Voltage to get to it. Now, you must go to Hive Dynamo Access and use the Grapple Voltage to depower the barrier to Hive Gyro Chamber. Once inside, you find the the Hive Gyro is gone and you drop down to the bottom of the room and fight the new Power Bomb Guardian which is a Darkling Rezbit. Once defeated, you can use the Power Bombs to raise the Hive Gyro and obtain Ing Hive Key 2.

-As in Prime 1's remake, no scan is missable and you can use the training simulator on Samus' ship to rematch bosses.
-Sky Temple Key 1 is moved from Battleground to Duelling Range.
-Sky Temple Key 9 is no longer in Accursed Lake. Instead, now you must go through Accursed Lake and follow a new path through the Dark World equivalent of the Splinter Hives you traveled through in the beginning of the game (the GF base with all of the Dark Troopers). Sky Temple Key 9 is now found in the Dark World equivalent of Hive Chamber A, in the room where you fight the Dark Missile Trooper.
-The gate in Mining Plaza/Duelling Range leading to Transit Station/Dark Transit Station can now be opened via a Spinner just outside of the portal in Mining Plaza, creating a shortcut.

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Geek of the Games

Scorbunny FanFuecoco Fan

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  • #59

Not so much a game but a series. I'd love to see the Breath of Fire series get remade/remastered. It's an underrated gem of a series that deserves more love, especially from Capcom themselves. Even if it's only gets the Trials of Mana treatment (same story, massively upscaled graphics/mechanics) that'd still be better than having such an underrated series rot away in the early gen consoles and I'd be perfectly fine with that. I'd love to see Ryu and his various dragon forms (and in some cases, programmed correctly) in 3D, and see other characters like the various Ninas, Rei, and Deis remodeled into more modern graphics. I mean, if Trials of Mana got that treatment (not that I'm complaining, as I love Trials of Mana), then Breath of Fire should get some of that remake/remaster love, too. Maybe even have another studio do it, as Capcom seems to be perfectly content to let it rot while milking other game series dry. It would also help give it more exposure, as it was a rather obscure series back in the day. Heck, it could even go the soon-to-be Dragon Quest 3 remake route and I'd still buy it. Anything to give such an underrated series a chance to shine, as it's such a diamond in the rough.

prog rocker

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  • #60

Also, give it an actual translation. From what I remember, BoF II had a lot of issues.

What Video Game Would You Like To See Get a Remake? (2024)


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