I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I (2024)


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27 Mai

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (2)

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27 Mai

  • Russisch

райские кущи

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (4)

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27 Mai

  • Russisch

It is not quite correctly to say about proper translation concretely from English.

The ususal name including the word 'Eden" is 'Эдемский сад [Eden's garden], as a suitable biblical reference.
But "сад Эдема" [garden of Eden] is also quite appropriate, it sounds more usual and less solemnly.

"Райский сад" [Paradise's Garden) is rather frequent (we don't use the word 'Эдем' so much), but may also refer to life after death, heaven.
Generally, "рай" means 'heaven', bit in bibilical context may also refer to the Garden.

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (11)

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27 Mai

  • Russisch

Gosh... you're really fixated on the issue, don't ya? )))

There are two ways to translate "the Garden of Eden" into Russian, both are correct and both are used:
1) сад Эдема (noun + noun)
2) Эдемский сад (adjective + noun)

Versions with the capital C in "сад" are incorrect, though it's a minor error.
"Рай" and "райский сад" literally translate as "paradise" and "paradisiac garden", so they can be used as synonyms in a certain context.

Antwortender mit hoher Bewertung

I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (18)

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27 Mai

  • Russisch

@useritsme Maybe the word Paradise will be to your taste?

0Gefällt mir

I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (25)

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28 Mai

  • Deutsch

@ksenia_bras I'm not 'fixated' (which, according to https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/fixated?q=fixated, implies 'unreasonable').If I have a question, I need an exhaustive answer to settle the former once and for all—not only here, on hinative.com, but in principle. (By the way, I don't adhere to any of the traditional religions, thus no religious orthodoxy or bigotry on my part. And Half-truths is a dangerous thing in the long term.)1.)Case matters. For example, in English, the equivalent proper noun is not 'garden of Eden', but 'Garden of Eden', 'Garden of God' and even 'Terrestrial Paradise'.2.)Russian:Why is it, that 'Kremlin' in Russian is Московский Кремль, while 'Garden of Eden' is 'Эдемский сад' or 'сад Эдема', instead of 'Эдемский Сад' and 'Сад Эдема', respectively?I'm still not convinced a mixture of upper and lower case is grammatical here.

@ksenia_bras I'm not 'fixated' (which, according to https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/defi..., implies 'unreasonable').
If I have a question, I need an exhaustive answer to settle the former once and for all—not only here, on hinative.com, but in principle.
(By the way, I don't adhere to any of the traditional religions, thus no religious orthodoxy or bigotry on my part. And Half-truths is a dangerous thing in the long term.)

Case matters. For example, in English, the equivalent proper noun is not 'garden of Eden', but 'Garden of Eden', 'Garden of God' and even 'Terrestrial Paradise'.

Why is it, that 'Kremlin' in Russian is Московский Кремль, while 'Garden of Eden' is 'Эдемский сад' or 'сад Эдема', instead of 'Эдемский Сад' and 'Сад Эдема', respectively?

I'm still not convinced a mixture of upper and lower case is grammatical here.

0Gefällt mir


29 Mai

  • Russisch

If you're still not convinced a mixture of upper and lower case is grammatical, that's your problem. You've got the answer: сад Эдема / Эдемский сад. Stick to it.

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (33)

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etwa 13 Stunden

  • Russisch

For my mind, the best options are "Эдем" or "Райский сад" (in this context word "Райский" should be written with capital "Р" in any positions).
I think so cause "Эдем" is the concrete bible Eden, which was (is?) the garden by nature. And, as a descriptive synonym, we may use "Райский сад". (On russian all words/collocations with concrete meanings are written with capital. You also may use a collocation "Райский Сад".)

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Antwortender mit hoher Bewertung

I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (40)

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (47)

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (48)Was ist dieses Symbol?

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (49)

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I think there's essentially one solution only, and not numerous synonyms. Maybe someone can give an ultimate answer to my question. (Pay attention to case, please. I'm aware that case is of little importance in Russian generally. However, the matter in question here involves proper nouns. ) (50)

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I've been asking for some time how to best translate 'Garden of Eden' (proper noun) into Russian, and received answers like рай Рай рай́ский сад Эде́мский сад Эде́мский Сад Сад Эде́ма сад Эде́ма. These proposals are probably not equivalent at all. Also, I (2024)


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