Tri-Weekly Commonwealth from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)

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THE COMMONWEALTH Published by A HODGES A CO( RAJJBLORT RIDAY AUGUST 24 i860 for President JOHN BELL 07 TENNESSEE or Vice President EVERETT MASSACHUSETTS Under this head find a long article inTuesday's Yeoman commencing as follows: is fresh iu the recollection of all that in the canvass of 1859 the Democratic and Opposition parties of Kentucky occupied substantially the same position upon the question of slavery in the territories Both repudiated the squatter sovereignty doctrines ol Douglas and both favored Congressional protection to slavery in the territories should a necessity thereforever Xow it is titt only not fresh in our recol lection but we most emphatically deny that the Democratic party of Kentucky indorsed the doctrineof protection to slavery at the time indicated by the Yeoman Wecouldfill twen ty papers of twenty times the size of the Com monwealth with articles from Kentucky Demo cratic papers written to prove that the doc trine of protection to slavery in the Territo ries was in 1859 both undemocratic and highly injurious to the rights of the South Of course we cannot reproduce all the argu ments put forth by the Democratic press to show what true Democratic doctrine was at that time It will be conceded by its edi tor at least that the Yeoman was a good Democratic paper during that canvass and the State organ of the party in Kentucky We shall therefore in our reply to the edi tor of the Yeoman confine ourself to quota tions from his own columnsduringtheperiod relerrcd to If out of hie own mouth we do not convict him of the grossest inconsisten cy ever fastened upon a political editor we will acknowledge our ignorance of that word und surrender the point The March 19 1859 publishes an extract from the Cincinnati Enquirer of the following purport: "A Kentucky Democrat informs us that the Cynthiana Age when it asks that Con gress shall intervene to protect slavery in the Territories does not represent the sentiment of the parly in the State" Ac To which the Yeoman responds as follows: believe the above statement of a tucky to be the general senti ment of the party in this State upon the question of Congressional interference in be half of slavery in the Territories" Ac In reply to an article in the Louisville Journal the editor of the eornan of March 24 1859 used the following (The italics ate ours:) think it bad policy in the South the weaker party in this slavery contest to ask Congress to interfere in any way with the in stitution of slavery in the territories or to ad mit that it has the right to do so We deny that the institution depends for its existence in the National territories upon Congressional action and the converse of this proposition would yield everything to the north Slave ry should be and can be protected in the Ter ritories by the judicial and executive branch es of thegover nment and this is all the south can hope to obtain Once admit that the extension of slavery depends on the action of Congress or that Congress has a right to regulate it and we are landed back to where we commenced forty years ago and the Cerce battle against the damnable dogmas of the Missouri restriction and the Wilmot Proviso will have to be fought over Kansas Nebraska meas ures and the Dred Scott decision are of no avail" That is what we call a very fair specimen oi sovereingty" and precisely such as the editor of the Yeoman repudiates now In the earlypart of the canvass of 1859 the Louisville 7ownaf and rankfort Yeoman were engaged in discussing the doctrine of Congressional protection to slavery in the Territories The editor of the Yeoman in his paper of March 29 1859 takes occasion to further define his position and that of hie party on that question He says: "Our position is briefly this: Adhering to the Dred Scott decision we hold that slave ry exists in the Territories under the eder al Constitution and that the ederal Judici ary and Executive have power to protect slave property and it is manifestly their duty to do so We hold further that any act of a Terri torial Legislature prohibitory of or un friendly to the existence of slavery is mani festly unconstitutional and mav and should be declared void by the ederal Judiciary upon whom backed by the Executive and not upon Congress the duty devolvcsof setting aside or vetoing improper legislation in the Territories And lastly IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GREAT PRINCIPLE POPULAR SOVEREINGTY as contained in the Kansas Nebraska bill passed by Congress and ap proved time and again by the pceple we hold that Congress should not interfere with slavery in the States or Territories for or against it THIS IS THE POSITION ASSUMED IN THE CINCINNATI PLATORM" This precisely the doctrine now held by Judge Douglas and the doctrine which was indorsed by the Democratic party in Ken tucky up to the nomination of Mr' Breck inridge by the Disunion Convention The only difference now between the views of Mr Breckinridge and those of Mr Douglas is that the former contends that in the event of unfriendly legislation by a Territorial Legislature Congress should interfere to pro tect the rights of the slave holder while Mr Douglas contends that the matter should be referred to tile Supreme Court and not to Congress Be it right or wrong all must admit that Mr Douglas stands upon what was the Democratic platform as late as March 29 1859 But lef us follow' the editor of the Yeoman a little further In hie paper of April 9th 1859 the editor in speaking of the uetioii of the Democratic Convention of Tennessee says will be seen that the view taken by the Tennessee Democracy of the question of protection of slave property in the Territo ries is precisely similar to the position as sumed and contended for by us They look for protection of slavery and the rights of slaveholders to the ederal constitution and to the action of the ederal judiciary and do not ask the interference of Congress This is a legitimate construction of the Dred Scott decision and the best position for the South to assume LET THE DEMOCRACY KENTUCKY STAND BY IT OR UPON IT THE INTEGRITY THE DEMO CRATIC PARTY THE UNION CAN BEST BE PRESERVED" Again in the Yeoman of April 26 1859 in treating this question the editor saps we cannot see how Democrats who have toiled through long years of difficulty and strife against Northern free soilism in its various phases to secure Southern rights by the establishment of the Compromise measures of 1850 and the passage of the Kansas act containing the principle of non intervention can with any show of consis tency turn round nd ask that Congress shall interfere in behalf of slavery in the Territories that slavery agitation 'shall he re opened in Congress and that those in the North who have stood by us so nobly throughout the whole contest to secure us against the mischiefs of Congressional inter vention shall be toll! that we were not in earnest that the whole scheme of non in tervention was a swindle and cheat" We see either nor can we a hut has opened the eyes of the editur the 5 'toman since he penned the foregoing para graph Space compels us to content ourself with one more evidence that the Democratic par ty ot Kentucky was not for protection to slavery in the Territories in the canvass of 1859 ask attention to the following editorial which appeared iu the rankfort Yeoman of April 28th 1859: Com rer sioniil The sth of January Convention It is not generally known that the State Democratic Convention which met in this city on the 8th of January la had before it the question of Congressional intervention for the protection of slavery in the Territo ries and took action thereon Such however is the fact Hon 11 Rust the State Senator from Greenup and a delegate from that county offered in Convention a resolu tion as an amendment to the report of the committee on Resolutions which takes strong ground in favor of Congressional in tervention This resolution a copy of which is before us was laid upon the table by an almost unanimous vote and the action of the Convention although the resolution might have been presented out of the regu lar order of business must be regarded as significant of the sentiments of the Kentucky Democracy upon this question We mention this striking incident in the proceedings of the Convention for the benefit of such Kentucky editors as now seek to force the party into a position inconsistent with its platform by ad vocating Congressional intervention notwith standing the fact that they themselves were delegates to the Convention and participa ted and acquieced in its action when resolution was tabled They should have shown themselves in favor of intervention when the assembled Democracy of the State were in council und if they desired it to be engrailed upon the creed of the party should have then and there urged the adoption of Rust's or some other resolution embodying the like principle But they were either mum or voted with the majority to lay the whole subject upon the table! Whilst we are entirely willing to concede to every member of our party the right to his private opinion upon this question we at the same timedenytherightof any one to insist upon his peculiar view as an article of party faitlt In adopting the Cincinnati platform the Kentucky Democracy pledged their faith to the principle of non intervention by Congress upon the subject of slavery in State or Territory and in tabling resolution with per haps not more than three dissenting voices out of the hundreds present they gave still more unmistakable evidences of their hostil ity to thia new fangled dogma of tion" Did the Democratic party of Kentucky in the canvass of 1859 favor Congressional protection to slavery in the Territories? Let the reader decide 9 ijomix do you believe that the present Congress would interfere for the benefit of slavery in the Territories it had the power? YeuMas do you believe that the election of Lincoln would be a sufficient cause for the dissolution of this Union? YeoMax were you not opposed to the doc trine of Congressional protection to slavery in the Territories in the canvass of 1859? did not the Democratic party in State Convention in 1859 action" on the subject oi Congressional protection to slavery in the Territories and reject the doc trine? Yeomas why were you not for protection to slavery in the Territories by Congress when we had a Congress favorable to the in stitution ROMAS hold up your head look bold like a sheep and answer all these questions egorically" or otherwise As a jiattku on The Cincinnati Gazette of Wednesday publishes a large por tion of Mr speech at Memphis We are looking for our neighbor of the Yeo man 'to publish it' next Since he lost his consistency there is no telling what he will not do Give us speech neighbor The Gazette does not circulate much in this section and you ought to help it out a little to pay off old debts if nothing more iSWe continue in this number the speech of Mr Dixon Whilewe dissent from many of the positions taken by him we give publicity to his opinions because he ha no organ in this section and because we believe that the friends of judge Douglas should have a fair show JUiy Had Mr friends iu Kentucky possessed shrewdness commensur" ate with their ambition and self esteem they never would have suffered their favorite to have been so ruthlessly slaughtered in such an early stage of the contest But their greenness is as evident a their presumption is ridiculous The Central Committee im agined itself the entire Democratic party Upon the death of Mr Revill these sapient guardians of Kentucky Democracy called a Convention to nominate hie successor There was no occasion for such a step The usages of the Democratic party did not re quire it A gentleman whose qualifications were admitted by themselves who had been recommended by a large numberof counties who was the second choice of the largest Democratic Convention ever held in Ken tucky then held the office by appointment of the Appellate Court But the Central Committee did not like the incumbent and a convention was called not so much to nominate an Appellate Clerk as to defeat Col Bolling A convention was called and it assembled in this city on the 18th of July It was remarkable as an assemblage of Ken tucky fire eaters It was a red nosed red faced red haired and red eyed concern It was a regular salamander Its members looked as though they dieted on fire exclu sively and drank aqua fortis juleps Thev were restless anxious and fidgety They looked with distrust upon every one who did not sing penna to John Breckinridge Bell und Douglas were voted Abolitionists and the friends of either were pronounced no true friends of South" South" was the burden of their song Thev had as sembled to preserve South" and demol ish her enemies "The South" was in danger and this tire eating convention had come to its rescue It was prepared tor any and nil emergencies It stalked about town with flashing from its eyes Thunder gathering on its ready to kill the first drotted" sheep that should jump over the fence to bite South" Well the Convention assembled and in it zeal tor South" it forgot the interest of Mr Breckinridge With its "inexorable logic" it pitched into Douglas into Harney into Bob Richardson into Diek Bolling mid into things generally It defeated Bolling also Breckinridge It nominated MeClartv but it elected Combs After this first great achievement of Dem ocratic managers no one will be surprised that the Democratic Central Committee ex pect to carry Kentucky for Mr Breckin ridge in November Yanccyite papers are making great fuss over what they term base political lie" that Breckinridge was going to withdraw from the canvass We take any of that polite epithet to ourself We never gave currency to the rumor because we never believed it He had too much trouble to get the nomination ail obtained it by too great a sacrifice to withdraw now Besides such step on hie part is totally unnecessary The people will attend to that little matter for him The friends of Breckinridge in the South keep themselves unprofitably busy in defend ing their candidate from the assaults of their Bell Douglas opponents This puts them at fl disadvantage and prevents their making any effective inroads upon their enemy's forces Cincinnati Gazette It seems that the chief Black Republican organ in Ohio is dissatisfied with the tactics of its allies in the South The bolting organs in the South have ever been characterized by more zeal than discretion The Gazelet must have patience with them Lunch at the Capital Hotel Gittes Tittle Sort Our friend Jas Watson yesterday received by the Louisville train a monster green sea turtle forwarded from New Orleans by his old friend Sam Phil beck To day this delicious monster of the deep will make his first appearance before a rankfurt audience in thecharacter of turtle soup Performance to commence at the Bar room of the Capital Hotel at precisely 10 o'clock A ree list suspended Handsome Our friends John Harlan and William II Wadsworth were serenaded at the Broadway Hotel Lex ington on Wednesday night They were called out and made speeches in which our informant says they acquitted them selves in their usual happy style Yaxcev Coming Saint Yancey of the is making a pilgrim age north It is amusing to notice how adroitly he pitches his tune in unison with the latitude where ho happens to the southern mind" When he speaks in Kentucky he will be a good Union man Mark that He takes the Mr Breckinridge at the "earnest of some of his dis ciples has consented to take the stump in vindication of himself and his party Extremis malls extrema remedial A Navsdatixo All those little Breckinridge editors who were so furious over the rumor that their candidate was about to take the stump had better com mence eating their at once because they have it to do worshipers of Saint Yancey say he has a voice like a mocking bird We don't know about his voice but he certainly has a great variety of songs flyE Van Winkle end Timoleon Cra vens spoke at Lexington on Our correspondent says that Vanwinkle completely demolished the Cavens" 11 A ItlllliD On Tuesday morning Aug 21 at Jefferson male Academy Middletown Ky by Kov Itichnrd Deering Mr James Walker to Miss Assa Biivsu eldest daughter of Bev George Brush At the Burnett House in Cincinnati on tho 20th inst by the Bev Mr Wilson Mr Jons A Crockett of this county to Miss Lvov orsythe of Moreer county 0 I OR SALT RIVH1R ALL persons indebted to SOLOMON WEILER (A Sonneberg Agent) are requested to oome forward immediately and settle up as he is desir ous of closing up his business as soon ns possible Tho stock of Clothing on hand ill be sold at Cost until the first week in November next at which time the house will be closed as the pro prietor expects to emigrate to tho head waters of Salt River SOLOMON WEILER A SoN'XEBrna Agent and Salesman 1 Com'th Building Bt Clair St Aug 21 ISGO WANTED I WISH to rent a good Dwellisc Hocse cither in North or South rankfort Apply to me at tho Office GRANT GREEN Aug 24 tw2t II Select English and Classical School This school will continue at his residence in South rankfurt liegin Second Wednesday In September and continue forty weeks Tuition $50 one half in advance remainder first of ebruary No deduction for absence or fir entering few days after session begins Number uf pupils will posi tively be limited tn thirty five A few boarders not exceeding ten will be taken in my family at a cost of $200 each Thi pays fur tuition board Judging fuel uU lights Vo extrue A good moral character must be maintained by pupilst and neglect of or indifterence to prescrib ed duties cannot and will not be tolerated A care ful and honet grade of recitation will bo kept and sent to parents No pupil will be advanced in studies until prepared Aug twlm TnuTncru Briely The Charles ton (S C) Mercury a leading disunion sheet and good authority on that side thus speaks of the Bolters Convention: truth is the Seceding Convention at Baltimore was a Southern Sectional Convention It represented the rights of the South and was controlled by Southern power" The Mercury supports Breckinridge and Lane New ashioned Shooting We are requested by Gen West to state that he has some five and six shooters an improvement on revolvers which he invites gentlemen to call and examine at his office They are sent to him for sale and will be sold at lower prices than such article are usually valued at Those in ward of such articles are invited to call and buy Our armory is already amply supplied and our cannon battery will be erected and guns unlimbered whenever occasion requires lectuk Declines Dr Keen one of the North Carolina Electors has written a letter declining tn serve on the Breckin ridge ticket regarding Douglas and Johnson as the regular nominees Von: or Letcher County McClarty 271 Combs 82 Hopkins 22 11 Peters 354 Jas Simpson 7U The Kcxiccicy lection Huw it Vifweu Tn show our readers huw the election in Kentucky Lm been received we find room for tho fullowing joyful outporingof gratification from that able and uneumprumi ing Vnin paper the Richmond (Va) time ten thousand cheers for Kentucky' final resting place of tho gallant flurry of the est ij till true to the Constitution and the Union! Noblo patriotic loyal brave Kentucky repudiates and spurns her own recreant son John Breckinridge 1 Kentucky the home of Breck inridge declares against Breckinridge and the Yancey Disunionisu by arousing and unexpect ed majority of from rive to ten 23 CoinMiiwealth All hail to old Ken tucky the land of the and bloody the borne of the peerless and immortal Chy! Treason tlourhheth not there! Yanceyism gath ereth no laurels there! All hail to the Constitu tion and tho forever! All hail to the ever brightening prospect of Boll andKverott What a lesson hns been taught tho nc'cc oii ni ta and disunioiihtw by the glorious result in Ken tucky! One year ago Kentucky guve upwind eight thousand mnjonly in tho bemoenuie candi date for Governor! On Monday ht she gave to the gnllant and eloquent a life long Wing and devoted Union man majority of from rtvi TO tlx thuiis'md lius notwithstanding inridge theYaneev candidate for ihe rnwidenev is her own son long cherished and often highiv honored ly her Kentucky true to her ancient lou of the Union and to her ancient renown turns her hack upon discards repudiates and spurns him The Kentucky election is the key to the re sult of the Presidential contest in And in view of it this fact stands out clearly and Breckinridge is not in tho he will not carry a single State in the Union except perhaps South Carolina the breath uutof him is dead very let (he omnibus that brings no passenger convey him away and let him be buried decently arewell pour Breckinridge a long farewell to all your greatness! You became the tool of Yancey and the Disunion ista aud behold you now lie stiff and cold deep down under the ground! May your confederates and sympathisers take warning from vour ruelan cholyfMeJ The Richmoni air We had the plea uro of attending tho fair of tho Madison County Agri cultural Society at Richmond Ky which com menced on the 14th inst Tho attendance was guud und the exhibition of hnrsea cattle jack and mule ttuck agricultural products domestic manufactures was large and in quantity not inferior to the exhibitions of any of the associa tions we have attended elsewhere Tho hospital ity uf the citizens of Madison was extended to visitors with a lavish hand Wo would return uur thanks to the officers of the society and other gentlemen for kind attentions shown to us We wish this new association the abundant success which their energy mid enlightened enterprise en titles them to How they Drop Tho Evening Slur und Columbus Espoiitor furmor advocates uf Breck inridge nro now for Doughs Hurrah for Missis sippi! She too will pronounce iigatnt rebellion anddisunioQ1 Clay is advertised to speak in Marshall Ill the 23th inst Mr Lincoln is supposed to have eaid to him me Cassius or 1 Tho Kentucky 1 oau aays that the quotation attributed to it denouncing ns no Democrats those who oppose non intervention was not original with itaelf but copied from the Jxtiquirtr Tho scrape you are in then comes from stealing from without giving uh credit Senes yuu right Cinnmiuh' Enquirer SPECIAL NOTICES A CARD The Bubscriber a practical Chemist and manu facturer of Chemical Preparations rench Cos metics ine Perfumes Ac for the past seventeen years now offers (free of charge) to all who de sire it the receipt and directions for making a eimple Vegctalle Balm that will in from two to eight days remove Pimples Blotches Tun reeklce Sallowness and nil impurities end rough ness of the Skin leaving the same as Nature in tend it should elrnr mouth and beautiful This is no humbug or catchpenny affair and those who titink it such will please not notice the ad vertisem*nt Those desiring tho Receipe with full instructions directions aud advice will please call on or address (with return postage) JAS MARSHALL Practical Chemist Vo 32 City Buildings June 11 3m New York MILLINERY AND ANCY MRS LYONS Sitiut Clair Street rankfort Ky lias just revolved and opened a full and largo assortment of ashionable all and Winter Milli nery Goods The now stock embraces Cloaks Points Bon nets ItibbouH Head dresses Caps ic Ac all of tho latest styles and fadiioiis send to Louisville or Lexington when you can get wliat you want equally as elegant and far cheaper at Imine Call and see Mrs LYONS hO'Al Agent for WHEELER A WIL Unrivaled Sowing Machines Oct 14 1 459 MRS An experienced Nurse and I'emale Physician has a soothing Syrup fMr children teething which greatly facilitator the proceae of teething by aof tening the gumsand reducing all inflammation will allay all pain and is sure to regulate the bowels Depend upon it mothers it will give rcet to youraelvci and relief and health to your in fants Perfectly safe in all caae i See advertlee inent in another column Jiiilii I860 ly Liberia all Expedition from Kentucky Uh ihu 2 th ot October I860 emigrants going to Liberia from Kentucky will leave tho State to embark on the i jftil from Baltimore on tke 1 oj Application for parage will lu made the subscriber directed to Irankfurt ky Tho pa sae and months sup port in Lilcsiu hill ho pii'h! uut of the State ap nqritiiu for nil uf th free black living in Kvtihii ky Yvho pi in ific expedition ALEX Ktiitildky Stitc Culunization Noc tefy in the State will confer a favor Lv publishing this notice ROOMS Having determined not i Heil ih Man ion property fur the present I desire to rent the Rooms in the first story of the building They will be tented on very reasonable by tfia month Application can be made to A IV Brown at the Commonwealth Oflkv or to Thus Page May 21 I860 A HODGES II WHITTINGHAM a PEiiioniCAL agent ltAXKUltT KENTUCK Continues tu furnish American and oreign Week lies Mothlius and Quarterlies on the best terms Advance Sheets received from twenty four Pub lishers Back numbers supplied to complete sets Nov 24 1858 THE 1ST AND 2D VOLUMES or THE A II Sewed and bound ith Muslin Buck and Stiff Paper Covers can bo had at this office at $1 per volume A HODGES A CO Aug 10 1800 AMff JOHN is authorized to collect all claims duo mo in tho County of rank lin and City of rankfort 1 hare also placed in Mr hands many notes due uu by peraona living in and out of the State of Kentucky A HODGES COLLEGE HARRODSBURG KY ubuvodetuimined to reorganize our School for Yolno Ladies and hereafter to concentrate our labors within tho limits of few select we feel impelled tu do for uveral reasons: 1 We cannot without the erection of a mam moth establishment accommodate the snnuallv increasing patronage of the school This we feel unwilling at present to undertake 2 We desire to make our course of study more varied extensive and thorough to devote more attention to the healthful development of mind and heart nod Ihe formation of character 3 We desire to relieve ourselves of the dhtnict ing annoyances of a multitude nnd at the sumo limo to surround our students with tho more gen ial influence of home lite Wo have soino regard also to the enlightened opinions of an advancing fige which cull for a higher purer and more cul tivating regime for our daughter 4 We uro not satisfied merely to ovekser our school Ave wish to bring each pupil at all times under our own immediate eye and personal influ ence wish to render our own labor more pro ductive by bringing our experience and skill to hoar directly upon every member of our class 5 In fine though large public schools have their advantages yet we feel us educators and as Chris tians that it would bo bettor for humanity and more acceptable to God to educate well than to neutralize our influence by attempting tu educate MANY Ve propose therefore to limit our classes after the present term which expired in June to one half the pretent number While this is a great sacrifice in pecuniary view wo hopo that the increased good wo may effect may secure for ua a greater re ward in tho gratitude of our pupils and in ap probation that comes from God We particularly request that all applications for admission be made early session commences Sep tember 17th or particulars address A JNO AUG WILLIAMS Aug 22 1860 wXtwl llarrodeburg Ky NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS VT0TICE is that we will rigidly JLx inforce the law against all persons who trea on our lands by passing through the same caving down our fences pillaging our crops and fruit cutting tree or hunting and fishing on our farms GILLISPIE EMILY SCEARCE THOS 8 PAGE 1 ruuklih county August 13 1860 COVE MILL OR SALE SITUATED miles North of rankfor on the Owenton turnpike road or particulars apply to STEELE August tf rankfort Ky GENERAL ORDERS NO HEADQUARTERS KENTUCKY STATE GUARD Louisville July 18 18du I By directiuu of the Commander in Cbief an encampment uf all the Commissioned officers of the Kentucky State Guard will be held at Louis ville beginning on Thursday the 23rd August next and continuing for six days II The officers will report in pursun to the In spector General at the encampment near Louh rille by 12 un the 23rd August when they will be organized temporarily into Infantry companies III Each officer will bring with him a musket and equipments two blankets or other bedding and a copy of Hardee's Tactics If practicable the officers of each company are desired to bring with them a tent for their own use IS Camp equipage or other sufficient accom modations will be provided for such officers may not have supplied themselves with tents It is hoped that sufficient funds will be pro cured to relievo the officers of all expends fur their subsistence during the encampment but should such not be the case arrangements will be made hy tho stuff fur messing the officers in tho mut economical manner VI The encampment is designed to initiate a systematic instruction of the State Guard In the Infantry Tactics and the principles of military discipline It will combine theoretical with prac tical instruction The necessity of introducing uniformity in the mode of instruction nt the be ginning of the organization will be apparent to every officer The Inspector general therefore hopes to seo a full attendance un their part at this camp of instruction for officers Their at tendance is duty which they owe to themselves ami to the men who have placed them in the po sitions which they hold II Every officer who is unable tu be present at the encampment will report to his immediate commander the reasons of his inability to attend and those commanders will report the sufficiency or insufficiency of the reasons through their bat talion cammandor if in an organized battalion to the Inspector General No light reason will relieve an officer fur non attendance VIII The first encampment of the Kentucky State Guard will be known as BUCKER bpector General Official: unk Tyron Asiufant Quarto nnatler General and Acting At titant I ntpector General Aug 13 td UNIVERSITY NASHVILLE MLDICAL DEPARTMENT THE COURSE LECTURES for 1800 til will commence on tho 1st Monday of October next and continue five months The Introductory as usual will he delivered on the first Monday in November Thomas Jennings Prufeor of Anat omy and Physiology Berrien Lindsley Proft4ur of Chem istry and Pharmacy inston Professor uf Materia Medion and Medical Jurisprudence A JI Buchanan Professor of Surgical Anatomy and Physiology John Watson Profossur of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children Paul 1 Eve Professor of Principles und Practice uf Surgery Bowling Professor of Institutes and Practice of Medicine illiam Briggs Adjunct Professor and Demonstrator of Anatomy The Anatomical Rooms will be opened for stu dents on the fir Monday in October (tho 1st) The Tennessee Statu Hospital under the direc tion of the aculty is open to the Class free ut charge A Clinique has been established in connection with the University at which operations aru per formed and cases prescribed for aud lectured upon in the presence uf the class Amount of ees for Lectures is $105 Matricula tion fee (paid unco only) $5 Practical Anatomy SIU Graduation ee $25 Good boarding can bo procured for $3 to $4 per week ur further information or Catalogue ap ply BOWLING MD Dean of ihe aculty Nashville Tenn Aug 4w SCHOOL English the Ancient Classics and the Mathematics WILL resume its sessions iu South rankfurt Ky on the first of October and continue in opera tion forty weeks STThis School has been oonducted for twen ty years in the same place by tho same touch er with increasing reputation TTbis School nas sont various pupils di rect into the Junior Clasd of Yale with oaso and honor firiNTo THIS Mchool scholars of high fund ing from the Junior and Senior Clawed of Colleges in the State und out of tho State arc now appli cants for admission this bcuooL a former tuduut who has attended various other institutions of learning iu this country and now writes from tho halls of Cambridge University in England that he hm lound teaching uf equal excellence no where t'he Boarders will ho accommodated for tho present in neighboring families especially in Mr Thomas Theobald's moit favorable situation Terms from $3 to $3 50 pur week Charge for tuition $30 iu advance or $35 payable at the end of the session secured by note with one good name No deduction fur uLmnu save that of the teacher August 3 ISfiO wAtwtf PURE CATAWBA BRANDY ipH merit of i tilly pure Brandy for medicinal I ue has long been felt and the opportunity to procure such an article must be regarded as a public good PURE CATAWBA BRANDY excels the choicest imported Brandy in purity and richness of flavor: and wherever it has been introduced it has invariably met the most unqualified favor and extensive sale The following celebrated chemists have analyzed it and certify to its perfect purity Dr A A Hnys Dr Nichols and Prof Jackson of Boston Dr Jas Childers Dr Hiram Cux Chemical Inspector of Ohio Cincinnati and other Chemists North and South Special attention of Physicians called to the artHe or sale hy IL AVERILL Sole Agent August 13 1860 3m rankfort Ky COMMITTED TO JAIL OX (bo 4th inst aj a runaway slave a negro man calling himself JAMES MONROE When arrested lie had in his possession a pa: da ted December 2d 1858 in ranklin County State of Kentucky which he claims was given to him by Wm Snead of Danville Ky who he says holds liis free papers He is a dark mulatto or copper color aged about 28 years five feet two inches high weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds stout built has a full black eye a email scar on his forehead and several on his back whieh have the appearance of whip marks He had on when arrested a light colored coat and pantaloons blue cloth cap and shoes very much worn Tho own er of said negro man is hereby notified to oome forward prove property and pay charges or be will be dealt with according to law MILLER rankfort Aug 15 1860 tf Household and Kitchen urniture at Private Sale INTENDING to quit housekeeping I offer at PRIVATE SALE at my residence on Lewis street opposite the residence of Mrs Evans near tho Baptist church all of my louiehold and Kitchen urniture Embracing a great variety of articles too numer ous to mention in an advertisem*nt All persons in want of furniture will do well to call and exam ine mine ANN PAGE rankfort Aug 15 tf Ti i I.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.