Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (2024)

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We’re serving up a ridiculously addictive 6-Ingredient Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe today. Bold zesty flavor, with a spring fever mindset!

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (1)
Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (2)
Welcome deviled egg lovers, one and all!

I’ve got a fantastic jazzed-up deviled egg recipe for you today. A fabulous transitional winter-to-spring recipe.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (3)

This time every year,I start to get antsy for warm weather. We’ve had our snowballs fights, and made our snowmen. We’ve sippedendless mugs of hot cocoa, and sat by the crackling fire on chilly evenings.

All wonderful things, mind you. Yet… Been there done that.

I’m over winter in the worst way.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (4)

So I start making recipes that remind me of spring, incorporating available winter ingredients with spring concepts… Like deviled eggs.

Deviled eggs always make me think of spring and summer picnics. Warm gentle breezes. Blankets in the grass. Flip flops. Sigh…

I decidedto make a deviled egg recipe to ease me through the next 6 weeks of cold weather. One that was a great fit for current game day parties, yet with just a glimpse of spring.Introducing my Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (5)

I started by scooping the egg yolks into a food processor. Then I added cream cheese, cayenne pepper sauce, and a packet ofHidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dips Mix.

The cream cheese offers rich stability to the filling, while the cayenne pepper sauce andHidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dips Mix addsbold flavors of herbs and spice.

It’s amazing how much zippy flavor one little packet can provide!

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (6)

Just puree for a few seconds until the egg mixture is smooth.Then pipe the filling into the empty egg whites, like so.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (7)

To complete theBuffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe, sprinkle the top of each egg with a bit of crumbled blue cheese and thin slices of celery.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (8)

These dazzling deviled eggs arelittle bites of textural euphoria. Soft and silky with a pop of crunch on top.

Combine that with the zesty ranch dip and buffalo sauce flavors, and you have a power-packed snack that is sure to please!

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (9)

Looking for more zesty recipe ideas for your upcoming Super Bowl party?

Hidden Valley®has a cool new tool called Dip Genius to help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (10)

To use Dip Genius, simply pick a regional category. You can choose from Italy, Greece, Mexico, the Southwest, or let Dip Genius surprise you.

Then select the recipe attribute that best fits your mood: Hearty, Crunchy, Hot, Melty, or Fresh.

Dip Genius will then offer you the ranch dip that best suites you.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (11)

There are somany great options for your upcoming Super Bowl party. Make sure to check out Dip Genius this week to help you plan a fabulous spread!

Also, find more inspired ranchy recipes on your favorite social media site by searching #RanchEverything.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (12)

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (13)

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Prep Time: 15 minutes minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes minutes

Easy Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe with only 6 ingredients and TONS of flavor. This simple deviled egg recipe takes just a few minutes to make.

Servings: 48 deviled eggs


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  • Peel thehardboiled eggs and cut them in half, lengthwise. Remove the yolks and place them in a food processor. Lay the whites on a large platter, flat side up.

  • Add the cream cheese, cayenne pepper sauce, and Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dips Mix to the food processor. Cover and puree until the mixture is very smooth. Then scoop the filling into a piping bag with a large tip (or a plastic bag with the corner snipped off) and pipe mounds of filling into the center of each egg white.

  • Garnish the top of each deviled egg with a little crumbled blue cheese and sliced celery. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Can be made up to 3 days ahead.


Calories: 53kcal, Carbohydrates: 1g, Protein: 4g, Fat: 4g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 97mg, Sodium: 188mg, Potassium: 50mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 1g, Vitamin A: 170IU, Vitamin C: 0.1mg, Calcium: 25mg, Iron: 0.3mg

Course: Appetizer

Cuisine: American

Author: Sommer Collier

Making this recipe?Follow us on Instagram and tag @ASpicyPerspective so we can share what you’re cooking!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Hidden Valley. The opinions and text are all mine.

This site contains affiliate links, if you make a purchase through them, we receive a small commission.

Buffalo Ranch Deviled Eggs Recipe (2024)


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